Highest of all in Leavening Strength. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. MM u VaV Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE NEW BERLIN. Tho town council ha p irpi! fin or diiuico prohibition fust ilriunj? on our Rtreiitn ami bicyclo riilinifon the paTemcntn. This i.1 a thini? that ought to havo been done Ion); a;o as certain parties drovo through town as fact an their Ikuhoh were alilo to po. It is a wonder nobody was hurt. . . .Lnst Saturday evening when the McKinlcy pnradd was in proKrens boiiio ouo drove on ono of Flunk Kline's bovs hurting the little fellow's foot ...Tim Cliiint ian I'n dciivor convention h ld itt this rlno onFiidav. Snturdur mil Suudny. proved a grand huomm. I)de':ateB from all the soci' ties in tint counties Were present. Some food work was done . . . A lock up and police force should be provided when over Home thing i going on ia town to keep peaoo on tho corners ami to keep a Kan jj of rutli.ms from insulting fhe ladies. .. .Tho Eudeavor convention brought a lurce nuinber of visitors to town.... On Sutnrdiiy i-vcning vhilt .Mr. mid .Vis. t'iiiin. Kpiuiglor of neiir town were uttciiiling conven tion Hiiiiio one t lolo u new woolen horse blanket from their buggy.... The funnel s i f i;e:.r town n com pluming tlmt tin ir chicken:! iuo yet tin g fw vT i.'l t !i- 1 1 1 1 1 . Wiiile some pIllticH In.d lifty lUid sold 11 hundred and til ill h ive lift y left. We wonder how t In-y laiiu ii-'e it ... . The Teachers' llistilul" hel l lit the ('led; t-chool win well i.l tended. TI.e topics were V.i 11 ill . 11 . sid by the tiiieiiers and the pro.num rendered by the school W:i-t :l I I v ii c.'s.-!, under the lllllll m l ineijl I' Mr. l!ei teacher, linituio know s how to il: if. (ieoij mlvlie : Never leave lloiliM on h Journey without n liottle of Chain I'fi l.MuV C.lic, ( Im'.cnt and Diarrhoea UiMiumIv. t.r sale by nil tlrugj;! -r. List of PaterAs Granted to l'i nnsylvania inventors last week. Kepoited by C. A. Snow . Co., Solicitors of Auieiicnn and foreiirn patents opposite U. S l'at ent Ollu-e, Washington, 1. C. : J. V. Abrahams, Allegheny, bending inachinu; L. D. Armstrong, L ek Haven, upparatus for lench ing; O. 1. ljriukuiiiu, Lnucastor, match icceptaclo or holder; J. 10. JJrooks, Calumet, gmuo apparatus! tl. V. Cross, l'lttston, separator; W. C. Douthett, 1'ittsburg, moans for transmittini; motion i D. Draw biiugh, Kboily'B Mill, substance for elephouo electrodes ; V. S. Essick, Heading, frameless spectacles or eye classes ; J' 15. Hutchinson, Co birnbln,' fl'itniper regulator; A. L. Le (iiiind. 1'ittbtou, conveying appa ratus ;C. E. Long, Williamsport, valve stopper, (1. . Mason, Sharon, bottle stopper ; 1'. E. McCarthy, Al leghouy, horso shoe; .1. McGiuley, Kingston, lubricator; It. McKeever, Albui tin, handle for steam valves; L. Mcrtcus Erie, lubricator; H. Jtlack, .Jr., Johiu.town, itiubi ellu ; 1). V. l'oiter, Allegheny, inech.'iuism fir lit a ti u far tin iliu' ear axles ; J. (.!. Heed, A !li',illl v, IM.-.1 liiet.d ai ticlo ; K M. Kites, I'itt liint.'. iluid om-pres-ior ; S. .-riin-'eonr, dr., I'itls Imi, tviling pi tic; J-'. . Sliarar, Vil!iam.-i"i-l, valv-; I'. M. Sharpies, West Chester, rentrifug-il Heparat or; H. 1 Sl.UUt hwail e, ( '(intesville. expansion steam trao ; .1. M. Staley, Ib.Milinu'. ear lender; N. F. St.u'tzel, Say re. badce : '. Wniruer, Keadini.', shutter Worker; 'i. I'. Weidlef, (ileiiola. ear coupling : V. II. Wcndt, Erie, folding iiiaehiuo ; 'J'. II. Wil limiM, Mt. Cirinel, miniTs safety himp;C. W. ie;;!er, Ser in lou, coal separator. GREAT SALES prove the great merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla. llood'B Sarsiiparilla sells because it accoumlishcs CREAT CURE8. ALINE. Tho meeting at tho Grace's United Evangelical church is still in pro gress, thus far only ono penitent has knelt at tho Altar of l'rayer. . . .This wholo community has been in great excitement during tho past fo.v weeks on account of tho desperado Focht who had been in tho peuiteu tary for misdemeanor but has re turned homo and has threatened to take the lives of iiiito a number of people who helped to take him cap tive.... Tho Teachers' Inslituto of Ferry township met last Thursday veiling at Morning Glory school house and proved to bo a grand suc cess. It will meet at Pleasant Gap on Thursday evening, Nov. J;th . . . . The squeal of the pigs and tho turn ing of tho sausage griudi r can be he a d almost daily. CENTREVILLE. V. C. llarttiian made unother horse-trade Fost or Keigle of Mid- dleburg was tho guest of J. C. llart lnau's on Sunday .... Fresh sausages are now on the program....!). It. Smith of Milliiiont. wa i in town on Suud iy. . . ..Mrs. J no. J. llartman und daughter Elvas and Mrs. A. Ji. Sheury were in Mid lleburgh ono day last week .... I lurry Seebold and wifo of New Ei rlin were tho guests of 1. (). Jlowersox's on Sunday.... Maurice Erdley and fa mily of Vicka burg visited 11. li. Erdley a on Sun day. .. .Mrs. Win. Jaubcnuaii of Limestone township, Union county visited S. F. Sheary'u ono day last week. FKEEBURO. i Mrs. I . J ward JSassler made a pleasant visit to Milton whfie idle met relatives and friend who kiio her a cordial reception.... Mr. Engle of iJainbndgo, Jjancaster county lias been a weloom i visitor with the family of John MJ Hoffman .... Mrs. Ephriani Yerger, acd 70 years, died at the residence of Lank. Dunkel burger in Frecburg. All her chil dren attended the funeral. Itev. O. (). Komig olliciated. .. .The Bale held by D. S. Jiover, Es'l administrator of the personal estate of Lonjaoiin Dunkleberger. deeasod, was well attended. J. Harry Shotzberger auctioneered the sde In a very satis, factory manner.. ..Ono of Judge Krown'H horses did hist Saturday. He was a valuable auiitial and it is quite h loss to hiiu....Our Sim. lay school are making preparation to celebrate tho coming Christmas An niversary.... Win. N. Dickel of J'x inos visited friends iu the loe: lity Saturday and Sunday. Ho is quite Kiiccessf ol in the Hotel busiuess mid ho ctl'ers his farm located on the road leading frtn Freeburg to Ivieamcr for sa'o. . . .Iter. Hchnable resigned the Freeburg charge to take effect Dec. IU . . .Our mnrchiiiits Jerry Charles and 11. F. II ulev have ordered tho new adjustable ami self calculating scales. They nio very convenient and a Kieat improvement on tho counter scales uow in use.. . Wo have a number of persons who are applicants for tlie por-toiiuv nt i reeburg. L hi v make knowii their desires in ( inio in onb r to secure ii tluence. . . ..Messrs. JJickel ('. are busy wit li their Mft drink e-.t.i'n'isli luent. Tney k( ep up Willi tlm times in inijirovi d machinery. The Pooplo Bollevo wlint ttiey rrrni about Hooil't VaraapkrUL-k They know K It an hoot'st medicine, and that It cures dlsca'. Tlmt : wliy you should get I'ood'i and onry Hood'. Hood's Pills cure nil liver Ilia, relieve con iilputlon and assist tllitcstton. 25o. MT. PLEASANT MILLS. Di. SniiMi will U, in IriftoflW nt tlio Ontral Hotel, ii Middleltur:l( on Motuluy. Dec. 21, fnuii 0 . in, till 9 , in. in Sclinsurovo at tlie Keyatone Hotel on Tn- day, Dec. 22, from 9 a. in. till 9 p. m. Free Consultttim. :: Thn fllnln ftnnilnl llnrlinnl Innfilnln I 1 NIC OIUIG UUUIIUI illtiUil WKM DR. W. OLIVER 5MITH, Chief Consultlnz Physician. 19 outn inira m., narrisburg, P. - A Permanent Institution for the Scientific Treatment and Cure of NERVOUS, CHRONIC AND SPECIAL DISEASES, H n.irr jTmrm nmnn, w nnoiKimiM mt (reatrM cnr knswn for wnkor. In ih bark M ad limb,, impoinicy, fam dtbilitv, nrnxMiiiw,,. UnKuor, tonfuio nf idM. palpitattoa of ih M bean, timidity. iramblinK. diron,,, ai ,i,hl or iddinr, dimm of ih, hrad, Ihrnat, bom or akin M anectinn, of tn, liver, lunn. aininac-h or bnw.lt. unn.m..l t thouxhl Mr It oo laia. A wrrk or a month may place your cm bryond th, reach of hot I Our method of treatment will tpeedUy and permanently cur the mil ob.tmat, cam, and abtolntelil rMtor perfect health. ' I, Samual Dub'o and a yoiinjt gentle. man whose name we failed to learn of McClure "iient Sunday with the former's urund parents, Jno. Kricjjli bum's. .. .A teacher's institute for Perry township wns organized with J. N lirosius, Pres., and Kupene Markley, Sec. The next yaeetinq will be held at Frvmoyer's school house ou Thursday evening next... . Messera lUdle and Bickel. two young gentlemen of Georgetown, spent Sunday at Albert Schuee's.... C. N. Brosius and Misses Alvesta Schnee nnd Klla Shudle visited in r reeburc on Sunday. . . .J. S. Shadle is delivering views in tho eastern con!) ties.... Rev. Hcbiiahle has made public hih resiirnatiou of the Lutlw eran hai Ke, t he people here, much ut'Iiko severnl of tho pwople of some other of his congregations regrtt to sen him leave. . . .Tho Middlchurgh orchestra discoursed some splendid musical the Fremont Hotel ou Mon day evening. . . .Constable Koush of this place was called noon some time ago to arrest Focht, who is creating au excitement nt McKces i Full. Focht learning of tho fact, ma le good his escape beforo Uoush's ar rival, and since as much us wokinnv, he has not been heard from ... .The applicant s for I lie post otiice thus far lire lle;,rv llaidiiitr ami Geo. F. l!ro-iiiH, l'.Hi W. If. Weudt nnd Dr. M. Ib-thiock made a business trip to Wilkesbarre thi week. ...A. F. Schneo and David Hoover are on a business trip to Ceutialia. . . . J. P. Wcndt mado a trip to Selinsgrovo 1' uday. . . .John Howell with his family expect to move to Middle burgh on Thursday. TltY IT AMI Kl i:, Whitli'vcr may lx anld alMitit the puhllciUuiig ot llt-v. Irl It. lllrkx liy IIioho who do lint fully tin .erHtund the fut'tH, there Is no di-nylng tho Iriuh that lilt piM-r und A 11111111.10 hve vonio to Hi.iy. ills Hpli'uill I journal, Woiilt and Wokkh. Ih now enterlnK Its lenlli year. lurxcly Incrtiunt d la rlrculiitlon and lu evory way lioprovid, 'until U tluht.-rvea the iinlluiuil repuutton It bus at tained, ills isvT Almunlc U now ri'ady and la by fur the flnoat and niont boaulltul he haa yet Is aut'd. It contains 1M puKi-a, Including cover (irumlcully prlniud In colors, und la tilled from tjiuk to bnclc with Juat what Is wanted tn every Hlwp. onii'o und home In America. One feature of the Almanac for 1807 la a aeries ot 19 orlKlnul, beautifully engraved slur maps, with explana tory I'liipten, which could not be bought fur le.su than tlvo dollar In any work on artronomy. An Mr. II itks bus ho correctly and fultbfully warn I'd tlin public of conVnif droughts, floods, cold wiivvh, blluiirdu, tornadoes nd cyclones, In the years pajuted, aaldo from the varied and splendid fi'uturcHof this puier and Alm.inlc, these con- Hlilt-riitloiii ulone should prompt every family 10 suliMTllie itt once for 1KI7. The Aluianlc In only Wets, a copy. W'oHi) and Woum is one dollar a yw, und a copy of the flno Alnnuilo govs us a preiulum with every yearly subscription. Write 10 WOHI) AND W'OilKS l'Ubllxllllllf CO., St. I.OUlH .Mo. I A CURE WARRANTED. EH Nenfous.,!. Constitutional M.mr Debility .a-rcpUS Blood Diteats tbeir botloei, and social dutie,, make, happy nla, Infirmity, watin (eneralill health, ,hnrt' marriage, Impoxible, di,tre,in( the action of eoed life and to diwaiina the vsriou, fnnctioaa lh heart, cauim fluih of heat, di.premon of nnd faciillie, of the afllii-ted a, tn render eilt. plrit,, eil forbodina,, cowardice, fear, dream,, en.e n period of trouble nnd aiilTerinK, receive, melancholy, tin ea.ily of company, feeling a, from 11, n ,tudinu, and aeanhinn treatment tired in the morning a, when retiring ; let th u, eradicating all blood tlon, from th ,ya? nergy, nervoune, Iremi.linj. cmlu,ion of tern, and net tire, n rational and real cure, thought,, deprroion, con,npatnn, wrahneu of i-!t';:."C i.ho,,li to?,ul " Immediately, rhrftni 1 he mo,t won.lerful .ucce,. and Ix reetored to perfect health and uwfulne... UtlrOIIIC ha. been attained in the treat. age M and phy.ical condition, the tone of your UISCBHCM derot. our apecial attention. ?! - Ia !? "nd'"7 "r' nnd throuKh year. ..f p,t,ent labor and re-arch if hAl 1 eT. a Ji lir,'r""h ' d'" ovmi "' tafalhbl. method. of health reatored to the debilitated organ,. cf turjnf involuntary diMharge,, In.idiou. . .... nervou. c Ki cauied by over -exertion, ever. nlarri3n& -IM perMi,, or young work, eicewe or vice,, and nil tho terrible i ,f i m c'"',''PlVn m"r''f; di.rder. anting from aol.tary habit, of youth, y I "kn,;" lf ' V".al c l"Oice., making life a miMrabl Power,, or any other diMi.ahfir.tior. .peed.ly . ,Dd marriage impu..ibie. relieved. He who place, himwlf under our care may confide in our honor a, gentlemen, and confidently rely on our . kill a. phyucian.. tUtHFth n rnatter how long (landing, Vis Mil I II or huw many doctor, have failed Varlflf-lft Pitllr cured by a new to cure, I, curable Iy the new tcientilic method al IbUbOID and never failing method, employed by u. Kelief pecdy and cure rapid 1 and a cur guaranteed in every ca treated. and lure. EnilAfltV flr Fit ,r""d 0 Pilo- " r.r bleeding, and all form, of a.UIIOU7 VI 119 tirely new method. lltCS rectal diieaw., a. titer,, Strinur. which nachettb leal of tbcdiMaae, and effect, Fl.tulaa cured without knife, ligature or ca. laiting cure,. tcry. ! I miner! la) bealtrt by nrel,nd,r.wh kono trl. fllela Wllei th.M. nanlh .N.. month, glvlBg poUomoas and Lwjarlens cornpoaatda, abvald apply Imrjaail lately. REMARKABLE CURES I'irfecte-d In aid eaae-s which hare) been Btecrlocted or naaklllfally treated WaTWE MAKn NO EXPERIMENTS OR FAILURES. We use no patent nostrums or "cure-alls" ; we treat each case on its own merits, and prescribe (or each separately the remedies which are required, and we have yet to fail in any case where we have promised cure. ifftre Hour,, o to a and 6 to 8. Hartie, treated by mail and evnre,,. hut where ponible. one perxttal interview I, preferred which i. free and invited. CUKAHfE CASKS i.V AKANIKKIJ. (- and correipondcnce SACK 01. Y CON H 1 'K.N 1 1 AU Treatment wnt Men re! tree from uhMrvation lo any part of the United stale,. " preierrea, rely packed M .rr.TBT.Ti.y -.1 1 FREE GIFT Of (i ivat cr Vsiluo to You Thiiu (l i or Silver. IT IN 4I SIU A WOXDr.rtt i r. fsi:. NATIO. The l'ii!fl! Ttiroiiliotit AroiiNrnl nnd r.narrr to Know lint tl.e Ottteoinr. of this 4trr Hill tc. Our Homier m Tatklnu; it Icej I tileri-Mt.' Ve take much iilt-nsiinMn iiniioiinriii'' to flio good pmialH of MiU clly mid vicinity tint a Iran purksire of I'lTiivinn i will ! uivt-n aivuy to uny of our rriiilrrs who win mi- lint nppllt'si inn for one by mall. If mHrt'snMl in our Much Interest hut nlrij Iy li.'fii iit:tuf.-ht. ! und u'vitR. ent'd by this fr.' ltstrlii'iilin. Pnruvlnim It n npty bot.ulrnl fllsiivcry th.lt hns pnni'n iiwiitti in; u iruu Ke.-iiie tor tlx' compli'lt' and pTin.tiifiil t-irt. of Kljtn-v. ;m. iter. HIimkI dinl I riimrv iiiiiui'IiIm, .mil all il:i. e.iM's Him on :ln tif wliit'li imu i tt-.n-fl fliln-r tllrwily or luillri'i'lly tuti'i':ifi;i i hcMuii nf tut' kliliicjHiunl I riniiiy oi'tiuiis. tr. Hlo I.i nN. : ni'knwi?i.i iviCnuliy siild : "Nlui-:. -I'll .IN -'iiim i t 'f iwi'im orrni ir frnin illV'iM'il MHn'.is'" Ami limvu nun li iVO lil i'li' ) il Imlov it Ht'i ly III !,,'lt il Willi I In- I'lnlhi'lit i.iyl.'i;ill In :iiriiilnliiii llml Hhi'lf lli Utilnr i h me in o i ivi nr nIu-,','Imi, nr full lo p irf'irm lln lr fillii ll'ilis In uny unv, tin- wlinli i.,hlrin In 't'n:iii'. t uiTvalo I inn! lln1 Imily ills f iM'il. Winn I In-kiilmy-i r.ill in perfnrin tin ir t tsk, I'fTi'i" iiinl tut nun manor l fair. I lo all part M'f lln' t ') iy. IVruvlan i l!l sjiivitlly hlnl I'fl. i'lu.ill.v fitrt; all ill-e im". nf Mi" Kl'llii'j-i. wiiMli'kir 'In'T in I ;iii ur ii.iui . if li'i'V iit tiir.i.'ii.' ami ili'.'p K'.llf'l tl"V IIMV il I'll.' Ilrt lli': S ilf I'lTUVlllLa f-rutliily Ii.im- i;ii' it f.ilili In H , ini'i.l, lioraiiM' I n y inn r.'lnir n' nut It, III all Imlii-st mill sir :iljlilt'i:'.iril iini'intT hv In,' im ay it pai'K airi ,re In roiiMu ( .M'U : Its trr.-nl cur iltko ft- f.'l-lH. I Tint linn. Waller Cb'aiy. ini'iiilit-riif llii- Kfli-1 turky I.i'KUl.iluri". rli.',- : It vlvi's inn uiilHiutiili'.i plenum, nuxollfltuit. to say lo y nu llml ynui trri'.it pi-riiWaint In iii: ilnutili'illy Hie lii'si Klilni'y lui'illi'iiu' t h, i,c,. flit century has f er ki en. 1 can Uullitui:. s.iv Unit ulter iiiiiiilhs nl yiilliTllnr, threu bullies nf ynur wonilerful nmllrliie eullrely cured me, ninl I take Una iiiea ,s ol eu'L"-!ilii); luy thanks lo yo'l." lr. J. It KortHon, a priiinm. ut pliysi-.-lan tif Kl.iwn, 1. T.. s.i : "I used a Kliiijl I) itlln nf ivruvlunn on Duvlil Wtttili, H7 Vfiirn nl'l, Inr Ki'iitueky Irnubln mid KliiitiiiiitilMUi III his aukli'H, ilul, ni mi.vs has c Isieil Hi mo ho was a lii.M, an I winch lu cured lilm." Mrs, Marvin Mors?, c jpru'jut, o , writes : May tiod bless von I I l"l verv L-r.iteful to ynu fur tln'Koml Hie im'ili.'iiie linn dotm mo. I tun Hlxly years olil, llml in ter t'Xpec'.ed lo lK us well us I am." Mr. J. W. Klntr. u proinlront farmer a lun vllle,, III., willed unit I' cured III tit til llrik'IH'a IHm-uiih wlili-tt tun ilm'ltiin iiriiunnneed luetir. ulile. Mrs. Niitndley. of Mielbiiru, linl., writes that hlie had tried iiiany Uis tors ami retneilleM and was aiNiiit bi irhn up In tlespalr w hen In dueod lo trv I'.Titvin mi. wlileh pminp'lv cured her. Mrs. H. U . inuler. Illle. Temi.; Mi,h Alice Kiiinscy, (ili-iilnc k, Ttliii.; Mrs. J. A. A.M'es. Jacksnii I'aik, nan r'rmiclsco, und many uilicr laities juln lit (immivhi' I-1 tho wiinibu-nil resinr al li t) and curative t-u.vlilii nil In in i m !i luny and klmlicil nilit'cnts und nil iitiicr w-rlnu.-i I rniibieit iiecull.tr lo ivaaii-ii. H col a) on until liilf to try li. All itppllcatlniis for I'ltKIC trl.il p trka:;e.i mini bu inalleil, c ire in ia paper, ue.'nmpiiti'i il Willi tilt) Inllnwliieinipnu, Jt cutlt yoi, mithinj to try il. fiUiUllv.UiwsNtivtict Ctrrccted wet-kly by our merchants. Kiitter ''!-'KH I'itt i-J cherries LJnpitti-ti " Uahjiberries OliiuliH Lard Tallow Ohlckeus per lb. i limeys Side , ; Hhoulder. Rum , .................................. 10 no 10 3 0 8 20 0 4 .0 0 7 i a' ..... 7 10 Old Wheut 83 Kye '.83 Ctrn OtltH lirati per 100 lbn. Middling " Chop Flour per bbl Sti ..15 to 20 M 70 M 3.40 Get, your letter lieitiln oml euvo lopes printed at this ollice. Wcrtlerf(iliv!Siineef"f,fiil In all Chrnnin T:- .,fe.- r :r rr""-""" imi EYE. EAE, NOSE T2R0AT LUNGS, AND NASA!, r 1A11 Kyo Opoi'ntionr Success Ailly Vevu Examination nnd Cunsultation Free to Kt i A Few TfBtimomalu vs..-. n 1 1 ,v r i'','.';,l A- n I K'V i VP n : Nn Ilnrlv lln. H Kvnltli thnn "oirn. I have only taken a bf ,,,.., and In thai lime. 1 dar.. .., ....' - dune morf fur my bcaiiu t itJin i.t.1!'' a trrent deal Is'ller. u Troielvllle. Wnydcr Co.. ft, Cutttrrli isntl HroriHiui,r Dr. Srilr,,. -' Kor r-onw years I hsvelx-nidt. fered very innrli fnun I'm ,rrh i , lost llesli c.inilliilallv,eiiavli", titer ftlil'ent ue.ni l. . Iu. .. . ' dlilVnt Ho I w.-nt to i V V" 1 much plfAml with i Ik tin; rft', vwry nnt lo know it. I r iu ,t -eX ili'iil utrtinircr ami 1 Ltmu i h, ... . " '..""tk Minbury, Norlh'd Co., I' Mr. il,. Cnssof CMtnrrl ti'urixliiyj,. Hev. J. Ii. Leister, Sw alet. p. Yours came lniw.. f ilm t rented my l.t year i.l l i. v (', the hivid. and cureil him u, r, know wlii'lhcr be ean ciip-m ', examination he will te:i ,,'i u,,. r' a man here, tlmt he i-vhiiv , ,, r thai heioillil nut l.eciin.1. I in.,'."! Unit ho has done a x'rwil dc.ii ni t , ' i...ii'..i,i,. i'i .... . Ur. Hnnl of I rearing for 3." Yt'iir;, Caiisctl ly Catiirili, and C'tiretl hy Dr. Salni. Hev. J. V. lIMcr, Hwnles, I'n, Hi plyliiK to jour Itninlrv, ss to testimonial with my nlk'tiuf tire, published hv Dr. Halm, will say, that I was under his treatment inr ten nionths for my liearliiir. It was t alurrh of the middle Ksr. ami like ourelf. could lit nr better somndays than ntliers, bear Is'tter in nolsn. Mr liearliik.' was very much liiiprnvetl bv the treat ment, and have no ilmilil. Inn t mil lie can help vim. 1. S"lm appears to Im-ihi honest man and hewlll tell) he Unlit, whether he fat. help nil or not. If I were von. I would certainly cull null .Mm. I was liuufir alllieted than vim. My hearing w-ns Iiinl In uiie ear fur iiIkiui irt years, mid In the oilier loriilKiut i!i nrv.'i tears. Ilnplni; that your licatliii; will be enlliely"ri Mtiired I re lllulll. Isaac I'b 'Moil. Ile llnrd, I'.i iH'TiU'o.. I'll. Cnso of Cn.iirrli ciin tl y )r. Salin. Kor 7 years I have lind a bad ease nf Catarrh, took cold emiiliiually and alivavs luul he;.daclu j n bad Mntniuii, as well nnd too tnar.v iicciuii pnnylntr initihlcs to inenilnn. Ilul tiow. alier ntily unhurt treatment ol lr. S.iltn. I inn almost a nciii man. Ilenrv 'I reou, iuiibury.iNort!rd Co., I'a.. Ki-bt, wih,' Isjh, After Ih" Country Doctors lmd Give en Ilii i up as Incurable, Dr. .Salui Cured Him. I iuiit I rely say that Dr. Ralin has treated me wei a'.'1 nave Improved womleriully under his skllltui lieatinent, even after our coiintrv doo tors all (fsveine un as Incurable. J.F.Wt'ldt'Uiuyvr l'axttinMUc, unydcrco., I'a., Au. U, lsvo. Corel oistooacrj, Liver and lens TroaMe Cy Dr. Salm. For more than T years I have had a bad Xtom ache. Liver and Nerve trouble, ll'-ciiine so weuk lhat I cotild'tit work anv more. Kor six and ono half years I have tried the best doctors In this county but, trot worst) and worse, but now. afier a short treatment with Dr. Halm, I am able to attend to my dully labors aifuln, put lln in a Kood day's work. Kat splendidly and have uralen irrvat ly In welifUt; I'hlllp R Knders. balmalla, NortU'd Co., I'a., Sept. v, Iwm. BOe. BOOK rKFE. The Medical Adviser," a short htstory of private dim vnitncr am n ,1 nuruU,i.. lit, .t,..u,. i - .' . ,.. ' . . . . - " w . " .. 1 ""-" vum. iiiinaniiK inurmiK". t ins uook win tie sen li)m arm lent l,,n ,,lilr.,u 1 1. I, ... , . -'au, -ii auuiwiui.Qwiun, v. irj. i ao, voiumuus, v, nuciosintr twiKvnt poslngo. stsniipoa porrectiy restored, quick, painless nnd certain cure for lmpntw, o tat speruiatorrhH losses, weak and nervous debility t also for prostrations, viirlixiclfuuri ill M,,nueM arhetliMP Inim l(n,tril... k . , ' . .. 1 that debilitates sexual functions, speedily and permanently cured. Kree eamlcaioi!trl Keen person applying for medical treatment should send or bring t to 4 ounces ot cut rl will receive a carelul chemical and microscopic examination. "mall tumors, cancers, warts, moles, et, removed without acids, knife ruin or m J .... . n,. -r i. nij,, iu or inniicieiiiiiicuiiy treaieu ana positively cured bj t tmi.1 """"" ..n.v-wi i. vuiuiiiiiniuiiiijiin iu nox IW, i;tilUfI10US, UUlO. CONSULTATION FIIEK ANO STH1CTLY CONFIDENTIAL Town. Hotel. Day. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Keb. Mar. Apr. Mir Jclt nunuury, central, wed. U a LewLsburtf, Cameron, Thur. 13 in Mlddleour.Wnshlnk't'n, Friday 11 Lewlstown, National, Saturday 111 Mr. auini c-mou'h,.,! Iler'n. ' i I J VI', 8eoreljirv: 1 uu nfitru III" n ll, 1 1111 rw ,twv month. The medicine iir sni, ...... me so much, that I ttinuiMit 11 ,.trt-..1 m renirti at present, uiii iihivcvit n further treatment he Is mr rtinviu , nit of Kcrofula iilsiut one te.tr v s, you lulxht say. from the i:rav,, tm' l-ikaI deal, but It Is true. Mm v; i.. 1.111UUU nail, vouuro uu,. i'a., July U. Keccivcil (Jreat litneSt. 1 have received irreat b';nint fr m tk months' innttmeni I have taken ir lor which I feel very irrateful. 1 1; uuiicr, uuuvr vo., i a,, AUf. 1st, 1m, T 4 8 6 U 0 10 T 37 21 21 ;'l it u ;. 8 ss sj n it; jo i: s 4 l-i 20 i Si -n it :i 8 2-30 27 27 81 11 r OHice Honrs nt liiltllebnricli. II to 3. j ll ft i r SUCH AN OPPORTUNITY AS THIS HAS NEVER : -BEEN OFFERED IN THE COUNTY. A CHANGE OF BUSINESS o THIS BONIFIDE SALE GIVES CLOTHING PUE CHASERS AN OPPOR TUNITY OF A LIPS K MM OLAMD-SLlDE-OPRieB. E GENTS cut out Hut coupon. DIKI). Nov. H, ill l-'n-fouiff, Elizabeth, witlow of tho !nto Kplniiiin Yercor, ncil 75 y nr.-, :J iaonth und 7 iluye. MARIIIKD. Trtiriml ui'iir FriMiburg, Nov. 19tli, hvJ.ev. H. (1. Suable, Saxilla O. liutley ninl K L). .Moytr. Nov. 17, by J. (). Hchoch, Cloik O. (J., John U. Slmller of Wiishiutfton township, to Maggie I'. Keiuer of MidJlecro'ik towunhip. I' pun receipt of tills eoupon fnun uny ol our . reitlur', t. n-t Iter with t lift r uauie nnd m. C' ilrM. I l,i- will rcoi'ltn by mall a paciiatfo ul Z. rcriivliina, ulisnlul '.y lieu ol all expeusu, y Address : I'kki viana Ukiiual Kkxkuv Co. 918,000 STOCK OF CLOTHING. HATS, FURNISHING GOODS, Etc. Owinj; Ut tliodcutli of Mr.F. Loob our cntiro wtock must bo sold reirurdlcss of coto: valuo :it prices which were never beforo offered to tho public jl Livy uiuu u wxbixiu vjj u.tty o ctiiu. ill UI LltJi LU uuaa- them go we have marked them down bolow the manufacturers' cqst. SUITS FOR AU our .).()() Suits nun " 7.00 " " !MH " " 10.00 " 12.00 " will be $2.00 " .'...Il 4..1J " ft.OO " 7.1H ,k 8.00 faro I l'our, i Ml lilleJul'KU, IM. This offer not itornl und'ss uccoinpatilcd tills couio:i. hy FRAZER BEST IN TUB WOULD. IMwaai-taKqualities are unsurpassed, actually catlaatsig two boxes of any other I and. No! eVffect! hy heat. I ru KT Til K KN If IN K. IVli BALK UV PEAiXUa CKMttULI.Ye AXLE GREASE Men's aui Buys- $:.00 Overcoat 4.00 5.00 ' (5.00 " 7.50 y.oo 10.00 12.00 M now !2.45 M 3.25 " 3.75 4 00 " 5.00 " 15.00 " 7.00 " H.G0 II JX. 'J? 43 AND Chilirea's Salts & Overcoats. Child's Suit for 1.50 " ' 2.00 " 2.50 " Ovorconts from .1.10 to JU" '! erv doBi'iipt.on. O O O 3?s All tl;C Icadii;y ?fcylc?. Browi), BIaCk g PCarl, Sbiff g Soft All Sliles o Reasonable Underwear, Shirts, Neckwear, Etc- This is a Boniie Sale brought on by Circumstances as Stated Above, ' trr an SUNBURY, PA.