i rare iMDn Mivfie ciub: KATMraa "A7 a n nn p nnnnnnnff n Ldd. Wi.i.v. Mi;unU ti.il down lnt suit our hudim hcttcr. Our fciitli r; oinc ft i'i I fim-t Mr 1. czrr - mi iii i.. i ii ii i..- i 13 i jr.c 1 3 ASS O fnl 1 L ill II HI C n 11 J uL rrn asii we .!! yi. ii i it U'A PIJY (;(K)1S lor the price of inferior good eke- J v. ; ::v. ; : . ti nunc var'e'v. S m with Nat and Cap, Uililxm, BOOTS AND SHOES, T t r. .....I lllntt Si.fu i.r unv rf flu mnnv filing WO Icft'lt for Voll. , T r.mic into imr Mmiv, al; prices, we nrv glad to hoc you whether you Jh ' v. to l.nv or mnj Ik- Vuiir own Judc, your judgment ii ns good n J MIDDLKBUHGH, - - PKNNA. JtV i, M K ; (f Mil if- BUY YOUK Olinnn Rllklinpo LS n trim n f CCOMUDO, IlllUUUId, IICll UVCll F; Glass, Paints,Oils, SUIZiDINO-MATIIlIlIAZj.iato., ?1 CO rfT. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, r I .iVf I I 1 T 'V O nm I T "H T T TV T 1 T-' T ) Kannlactnrer of aud dealer in Harnesses, Collars ana HORSE FURNISHING GOODS, jju-l icc of t f tl;c Peace & Coyveyaijccr. MIDDLEUUKGH, PiCNNA. l incy M illinor -AMI PKAI.FH IV- Nolioi);, Fancy CjoocI-?, Caps, Capos Coats. iviiddLebUrcH, PA. it 111 G D. FISHER. Selinserove MIJ LaundryMdJ Work Guaranteed, m, TfiAtl. JWCES ltEASOKlBLIv - Selinsrove, l'a. lit 'V .11. rir m m mm m,k f Bit' W. H BEAVER, Dealer in Groceries, Diy Goofls, Notions, Matting, Wood & Willow ware. Low I'riros iny Chief Motto. MlUDLEIJUKGM, - - l'ENNA. let Ire, to Eoois,Si AND w rnioEs. -nEAI.KK IS - STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, FRUITS & CONFECTIONERY, TOBACCO & SE6ARS- Eby's Uuilding, Selinsgrovo, Pa. T .i 'tM i if ; . HI,"!' t';' H nw :i I: t? 'i I 'II' ;JR i in. In 9.9 i-f m. I I I ,H ra JLJ iiiiiirv'.'i'.'i it1 i!' ."!:!-It J- 'X I J ET HI kl 1 I HI I Mil!. I Till 1(1 I I I ' II I I 4 r t' (iMrf ii I m ' i r . ii in TV" r IOS LIBB,E DUNKLEBERGER ISS'XJ IiSl(Jic8' aJ Children's Irfifv 1.lat8 -cancy Uooda, Jo lAff tions, Gloves, Umbrellas, uotton and Woolen lio- Biery, Mittens, Handkcr- VPt ! par oyciai attention paid to Neat-1 , mm nes8 and Taflte in trimming and Q rXl MIDDLEBl RUn, PA. & B. L. PIllS, n-nriTT i nm nun nn - SiviWA Prove Satisfactory. 11 1 y for wftfenES. m JEWELRY & SILVERWARE GO TO O. W. Erhart, SWINEFORD, PA. Bring yoar old Watches LAWYER, Rooms 6 and 7, Bank Building:, Middlcburgh, - - i'enna. 'kl M. I. POTTER, fit lonjcy-nt-Law, Justice of the Peace, I MiddLebUrgH. PA- & -. ' . .'i-. ...; ,-; .. LATEST Sf mToftfffll? CLOTHING A.NU 3-oodav Hatn, Caps, etc., at Lowest PriceH. Clothing made to order a specialty. A full line of SAMPLES ON HAND. Middleburgh, Fa. V4 J 5 i: fetV i.;. -..7' Mth 1 .1 X J IV . -xl TV REMEMBER That you can save money by having your rcjiairin tlone ly 0. 0. MOYER, Jeweler, Sollnejirovo, - - Ponna. Fine Wukli Ki'imiring a Sjtoolalty. Twenty years', cx jwrionce in New York, l'hilauYlphia ami Chicago. Gold and Silver noMering in Jewelry. Meiuling dune e(ual to city work at half the excuse. Jewelry, Sil verwear, Clocks, Watches aud Optical (hmkU at prices that will certainly suit you. LA V,J,Ln- ri " I 1 I w w V . mm ll.ij r TK m i mm m JEWELER, Pllleliirili, : : : Pa. 5 S. WEIS. Dealer in Dry Goods, Notions, Fancy Goods, Carpets, IHDQW SHADES & TABLE Call to see my Goods. SELINSGROVE, PA. warn m ' Wiri mm uuu exenunee iiieni lor new. i. - 3QZ Or"'; I