The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 12, 1896, Image 3

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    reauiui !
nmatiRTn i!
..rheninatJtni that tie- )
H1?.?! tha blood which I
th. strongest man aa
f bbe. Their mercarla.
remetliea majr In aotns)
A STporary relief, but art
HJitriJ" re.ult in wreckln,
deep-seated blood
ft?. al 'blood remedy
. effect whatever upon
'of the galled blood feme-
..brat only tonics and can.
'.brtln-M b,ood tronble:
,o.t fqent aymptoma of
JTu a tine inff aenaation of
f. lack of free circulation
Za through the rerr email
Ertora. Ti. troubfe laal.
,,iotedbytheuaeof 8.8. B.j
M blood, givea It "
Ration, destroys the pole-
.robes restores the circu
it normal condition.
trt H. KinS. a promjnent
mtial citiien of West Point,
It of his experience with tfala
'J" years ajro I waa a great
from rheumatism. I waa
3T all the leading physician.
m 1
Yl. ROBIIT H. XlffO.
tatt, bat without relief. Ia
i suffering's grew worae dally,
npalred of ever being curad.
beta in thia wretched condl
maay months and waa almost
ite wreak, when I flrat read the
laxnt of 8. 8. S. Having tried
if more 'rheumatic curaa and
medic' with no aucceaa, 1 waa
lopjleaa, but decided to' give
ticine a trial. I did ao, and In
tea it had made a permanent
bc I was soon a well man
taever had a touch of rhsuma
this dav. 8. 8. 8. ia indeed
rful medicine, and I shall ever
tnd it to all sufferers from thia
1 blood diseases."
5. stand out distinctly to It.
i real blood remedy, and for
injury has been curing obsti
d deep-seated blood diseases
tber medicines fail to reach.
not a drug store preparation
ruggist can offer a substitute
it i guaranteed purely vge
id contains not a particle of
mercury, or any other product
lemist's shop.
. never fails to cure Rheuma
tenia, Cancer, Scrofula, or any
keane of the blood, It matters
t other treatment haa failed.
ilti on blood and akin disease
nailed free to any addreaa.
jxcilic Company, Atlanta, Ga.
Sztscribins for a Marj-azlna
4e the best,
't'n cm iaMr I'at terns are the
' on in inurKet. They are of auy
no tut-iiiiM-roi u hoUHHliuU could ro
'ho, ot tliw Magazine Ih printed
tnrn licitc me subHcrilxtr, or purchaser,
r 'Wlirlll Ullll rMiritl.lFlu a.,1,1 ,. U....V
& ...... winu iui mru ifi
r or patterns fur tour cimis each to
r'".ui imuiKi,. nueuinu value ot
tiuls couriered tUu subscriber act-
lOrPSt.'a Ma rra lns Pms
I M.i(u.inb ti ix i K0r ik7 a win be
.iui ui im ever Defore. New manage
9 IUII 1IH4 IlltUr IiImiiU V.,h ........ ......
Muumih rppnxiiiction in color of
tflliril tllM W lIU nl llm ....s ...H...l
b . , ii" lll'ni' milieu
lniriiitfii linn IJKMDKKH T'K In (liu
- r.iiin.y jiijuum puiiiiHiia com
nii i iniwt excBlleui- polms of lu
rirdu, bt-siile. h ivinif intiiiiiinbla fea
' I'KMOKKST'8 la uoiumiy a
l,'-Mto(i'urrnt EvoiiU and ideas fo.
"4Mr woman, a Kovlew mid a Hlore
ni'Tifli fur alt. wivns. mottinra, rla
liiM cau find exactly wbul tliwy
B'lw ami Itwrr i u n.,., .',
t' din'nHilo und to-
C ." " " "o iiirniniiuif of tbu bom
p. iirlL'ulir.u'- urfiuii. .mf, .........
J mi.. "'' iawJ fill.
ainiTi'i el,!-n.'1 ""WBHllotiH and ad-
tperwjiii W,UJ a uruiq oi
o( tli.,arilclci for and t-WT will
IwMe coiiiilry and It vurlad Uiu-rrHtH
b iJn. '" ." Pro'uwiy itluttraUMl
h. , J, '"fj''n. ud. in addition, it
P" Uib bt and parent nrtlun. It
Vi.? i";'-!or Hports. Home
6 7. ""'"'"aiiiumnwi it a vug
I J! W "MWrV.n-e l)par.!
C iXif "'.r"V" "" ti Mouib.y hyio
' . '."r. u l'ie. m wuiuU am dla-
iJl!lr.,ub'r''tl01 l " You
L?.,,,rJ',"r moniy than It 1 noa.
f six moutiu tur . . ioo.
rdMUfre,l,rT"faU re 'own eacb
HO Fifth Avenue, New York.
Ofr,,. OairM.oeiar
SJiJamlly Magazka.
fWr ubsorlj.uous to UiU omoa.
Lord Windsor ia running a model
pnbiio bourn on hie English estate,
Mies Florenoe AhL 14 yeare old. of
Appling county, Ga., died recently of
erysipelaa. She weighed 437 poanda
Wibner Ileaoook of Marona Hook,
Pa, baa a yellow pine chost formerly
owned by Andrew Jackson, president of
the United 8tates. ,
Mrs. Leslie Carter wears a little en
ameled four leaf clover, which she con
siders ber mascot. It has never been .
laid aside for one moment since she en
tered upon ber stage oaroor.
Dr. Drobisoh, professor of philoso
phy at Leipsio and tho oldest university
professor in Germany, has jntt died, .
agod 05 years. He was a distinguished
mathematician and logician.
The oldest living ex-state treasurer of
Massachusetts is Moses Tenney of
Georgetown. He was chosen to that of
fice on the ticket with Governor Gard
ner and served from 18S6 to 1861.
Colonel John 8. Mosby claims that
he invented the pbrnso of "tho solid
south, " first nsing it in a letter advo
cating the election of General Hayes in
the presiriontiol campaign of 1870, the
exact date being Aug. 13.
The bidhop, dean and minor rations
of the dioceso of Ripnn, England, are
ardent wheelmen, and Dr. ISoyd Car
penter, the bishop, it is said, puts his
feet up when "coasting," in spito of
Tho Spectator s assertion that it is im
proper for a bishop to do so.
V. D. Wotmoro, who is said to be a
well known Now York clubman, pos
sessing an income of Slo.OUO a year,
baa asked tho court to cut down the ali
mony of $0,000 yearly awarded to his
wife on the ground tbut he was brought
up with such expensive ta)toa that be
has to spend the money on himself.
It is rumored that the Prinoess Inge-
borg, the second daughter of the crown
prince of Denmark, is about to be be
trothed to the hereditary Prince of
Wied, a lieutenant in the Third uhlan
guards at Potsdam and a nephew of the
queen of Ronmania. The princess was
born on Aug." 9, 1878, and the prince
on Jnne 17, 1873.
Dr. C E. Brown-Sequard, who bos
just died in Atlanta from the effects of
a sunstroke received by him last sum
mer, waa a son of Dr. Brown-Sequard,
whose "elixir of life" attracted so maoh
attention a few years ago. He was .born
and educated in Paris and was for some
time connected with ISellevae hospital
in New York city. .
' The Vanderbilts are said to be fond
of nsing nickname. Gertrude is always
called Gertie, Cornelius, Jr., never gets
anything but Connie, and to the inti
mate friends of the Dnchosa of Marlbor
ough she is always Consn. Gertrude's
father is Mr. Vanderbilt, even with bis
wife, but the children all call him dad,
W. K. Vanderbilt is commonly called
Colonel William B. Mann of Phila
delphia, whose death is announced, was
for many years well known tbronghout
tho stato as a lawyer and politician. He
was a delegate to the national Repub
lican convention of 1800, which met in
Chicago, and he workod earnestly for
tho nomination of Abraham Lincoln.
He and his wifo, who survives him,
celebrated their golden wedding in 1889.
A summer ago Miss Annie Corbin,
daughter of the late Austin Corbin,
managed a small bostelr y down at Shin
necock Hills, N. Y., where ber family
and several friends spent the seatton.
Miss Corbin is said to have displayed
remarkable executive ability. The work
was not displeasing to her, and she de
clares that if ever sailed upon to make
ber living she will keep a hotel or
boarding house.
fED-AN IDAhoo"tl''"
Want! ti """"of oaluD)o
Tho professional nanio of the silk
worm is tho iloinbyx morL
In 1718 tho first patent was taken out
in England for the manufacture of silk.
Before the Revolutionary war homo
made Connecticut silk sold at $1 an
Over five-sixths of tho silk manufac
tured in Turkey is exported to western
Ten years ago Japan manufactured
8,800,000 pounds of silk, wort lit 0,
900,000. ' The silkworm is 3 inches long and is
well provided with legs, having no lens
than 16 of theso valuable members.
Ia the year 020 tho mulberry troe was
first oultivutod in Grueco and tho Le
vant for tho benefit of the silkworms.
, The silken thread is spun from two
orifices in tho nose of the silkworm, the
two threads being united by a gelatin
ous substance.
I Among the spoils taken by Judas
Maocabsous from tho Syrians, whom ho
defeated in battle in the year 106 B.C.,
waa a quantity of silk.
I The secrets of sericulture are said to
consist in a proper management of tem
perature, dryness, a regular and suffi
cient supply of food and perfectly pure
i The wife of the Emperor Hwangti,
who ia worshiped by the Chinese as a
goddess, is said to have begun the man
ufacture of silk in the Celestial empiro
in 9000 K O.
' After Napoleon was crowned emperor
bis imperial toes became so tender that
kjl nniiM wan w W tiauf fllrnn stnclf
ings. He never wore a pair but tbren
nays, tnen put on anotner, ine (unvalu
ed stockings becoming the perquisite cf
bis valet. St. Louis Globe-Democrat
larg Field at lea Cavcrad Pad Mi
f Laxnrlaat Vsttlon.
Eight ' or ten miles to the north, on
the same side of Robertson's bay, north
Greenland, ia a platean about a mile
long, a quarter wide and with a pre
eipitotis face to the sea of 15 or 90 feet
and which stands back from the wa
ter's edge not more than 80 or 40 feet.
To the west rise the lichen covered cliffs
to ft height of from 8,000 to 0,000 foot,
capped with towers and pinnacles of
brown basalt To the north is the terri
ble and frosen expanse of the Verhoeff
glacier, producing every few hours,
with groans and cannonlike explosions,
great icebergs. This plateau, both top
and nides, ia a mass of flourishing vego
tatfon, chiefly grass, which, when one
walks through it, roaches above tho
knees. From among this verdure butter
cups, poppies, rinqiiefoil and dandelions
thruit their golden heads in wild profu
sion. Yet beneath this rich vegetable
life, as glorious in its luxuriance a in
thoinendowsof torn pern to regions, with
out other suNtenance than that derived
from decayed iuoms and graNS, is a por
tion of a dead glacier, a body ot ice
which is tho solo formation of that pla
teau, conquered and buried in the first
instance by the indomitable traveling
power cf weak looking clump inoei.
This sounds like a traveler's tale, but
the explanation of the phenomenon is
very simplo, and similar examples are
found in many places along tho fiords
of this northland. In the case of the
plateau, many centuries ngn, judging by
! the thickness of the growth of vegeta
tion, the glacier at the head of tho bny,
now known as ths Verhoeff glacier, ex
tended out to the sea, covering all the
space from cliff to cliff, except a narrow
gorge on each side of the moving, gi
gantic, frosen river. In theso gorges
clump moss struggles bravely for exist-
I enoe, but while the glacier moved for
ward, crushing and burying everything
in its path, this form of vegetablo life
could do little more than bold its own.
In the course of time, from some un
known cause, the glacier bogan sudden
ly to recede to the point where it now
discharges, that part of it which waa in
the water floating away in the sbapo of
iesbsriis and those which were on the
shores remaining stationary, to be slow
ly melted by the summer sun. This was
the opportunity for the niossea. Caring
nothing for the cold, they crept slowly,
inch by inch, over the quiet mass of ice,
perhaps then CO or more foot thick, and
made their way, first, iu thin, uetliko
layers, and then, as time passed on and
strength was gathered, in thick masses.
' till they reached the edge, which front
ed tho bay. Here, as the sun eaoh sum
mer slowly melted the face of the loe
wall away, they matted themselves firm
ly and dropped over, lower and lowor.
nntil they reached tho rooky shore, and
the huge block of loe was ooinpletoly
hidden. Year after yoar the mosses
gnw and flourished, the young plants
trampling the older underfoot until the
! latter, rotting, turning into a rich mold,
burying the conquered fragment of the
ico king deeper and deciHir. Thou grass
seed found their way into the moss,
blown hither by tho winds or carried
there on the fuet of birds. They germ I
noted and increased, and by their great'
er vigor in turn almost blotted out tho
moss. To give finish to the charming
picture this oroatod, blooming plants
took up their abode and flourished, un
til every sumiuor the plateau is a gar
den of green, gold and white. How
long this oonditiou of things will lost
of course it is inipoesiblo to say. At any
time nature, who now holds tho Vor
hoeff glucier in check, may unloose her
hands, and then the frozen river will
likely pour down and out tho bay once
more, crushing beneath it in its flow
the vegetation which now holds its head
in triumph. W. li Median in Iudu
"Aceldoat" Swindlers.
The extension of olectrio traction has
brought upon the nceuo a particularly
dangerous and offensive swarm of ras
cals who prey upon the street railroad
companies by bogus cluims fur personal
injuries received in rent or iinaginnry
aooidents. Thoy are fostered by a tribe
of disreputable attorneys, who make a
practice of oommunicatiug with all per
sons whom they can identify ns concern
ed in any street railway mishap, and
often withoat instructions issue process
against the companies. 8omo of these
legal sharks havo a regular staff of de
tectives, who prowl about the depots
and termini of tho lines on the lookout
for cases. False wituossos are easily
procured, and juries are usually liberal
in the matter of damages, tho greater
portion of which aro swallowed np in
the attorney's "cost" The evil has be
come so great that tho street railway
press is suggesting the formation of a
mutual protection society of some kind.
It is proposed to koep a register of the
names of claimants and interchange in
formation as to persons who, it is more
than suspectotl, moke a trade of the
; business and travel from city to city for
the purpose. Boston Journal.
latnf ths Itoda.
In Florida, where the hoat at night
at some seasons of the year is almost as
unbearable as iu the day, it is not un
usual to ice the bed before retiring to
rest This is done in a very simple way.
A metal vessel or pot, much la the
form of the anoient warming pan used
r our grandfathers, is filled with bro
ken ioe, and, after standing nntil the
ioe has completely ooolsd the vessel, it
is placed between the sheets and moved
to and fro over the sarfaoa of the sheets
and pillows nntil they are quite cold.
This coolness of the bedclothes la very
soothing to tha heated and wearied
body snd invariably induoea immediate
sloop. Cinoianatl Enquirer.
Harvelaaa Rroalla.
From a lettf r written br Rev. J.
Gunderman, of Dimomlale, Micb,.
we are nt-rmitted to mak thia
traetl "I ham tin heait.alinn in
ommanding Dr. King's New Di.
covery, as the results were alma
marvelous to tha case or ray wifV,
While I was rtaatnr of tha n.nii.i
Church at Rives Junction she was
hrOllffht down with Pttntimnnia ,a-
ceeriinir La Grippe. Terrible parox
ysms oi coughing would last hours
wi;n littlM interruption and tt seem
ed ns if she could not eurvjv them.
K friend recommended Dr. King's
N'W DlKPntrrv i it arm nnii'li in il
work and highly SHtisfactorv in re
ults." Trial bottler free at Gray
bill, Garmau's k Co.'a store. Regu
lar size COc. and $1 00.
Ilneklrn'a Arnlra Naive.
i hi Walvk in the world for
Cuts, bruises. Soros, Ulcers, Halt
Ul:enni, 1'Vver Soren, Tetter, Chnnp
ed IImiuIh, ChilMaitix, (.'ortm, arid nil
l',.l.t.t... n..l ..w. I
1 i u ,jiui,iviifi, nun i,imi l t lllt-n
I'iles, or no pay required. It is
guaranteed to give pei fect alisfac
tion or money refunded, l'ricw '!"
t t,i. I,, .v l.Vi. I... fl ..!. ill
Onrmiiti & Co., Uiolili'lil mid nil
it i-
11 UKini B,
4 ;i -
nu uHtA t noth lay.
rn 'Mi'" ttioahnv rrultn In no it.tra. 11 i
..r..ini:ir and .im.-kli . nrr ahrn all otli. r. t.
in; ti .ii f. j.iin tv.r l"t niaiihnud aii , :
n.'ii n.rnr tin ir rnuiMul ior l-v hhhi.
'II. two. It HHi.klr mul iirlY ro-liirn ;.,.
l'- Vitality. lniKii,.iir. Mtjiitly l.n.i-Hi. i.
vi.l i'nmrr, tunn Memory. W.iiii i.&.. n r ..
ill xltorl of Mlf oiiiim or lrK ind nllii-M,
lnrh uiiIim on fur aiiiilr. bu.lntM or inarm' I.
nolotilT rnr br alaiiln at tut -t of d! a.' ! .
'aarval nrrra tnnle and lilimd biilldrr. 1 . 1 1 . i
i'if hart tha lnk glow to aln rhrrlt t .1
o:n Iba lira of youth. Il arda off Iti-a,..,-jnd
lonaurapllna. Inaut oa kauris KH M (.
oth.r. It caa ba earrlwl la tttl oorkat. ir rii.
1.00 par parkaaa.or an lor an.oo, with a tmii
liva wrlttaa (aaranta to run ar rfun
Ihamonay. Clrrular fTM. Sddraaa
VOYiL ICI1ICIIC CO.. 271 Watat tTl., CHICAGO. 11,1.
Pi f sale at kUddlebargb. Pa. br W. II. upongli r,
The modern stand
ard Family Medi
cine : Cures the
common every-day
ills of humanity.
1 1 si
Il a Ualala Tat 1
km i'rrii rofifttsUat pAtrnnatf fur ott
IHT -. II la w.m.i.rfullj j(UlcWuji lu JI
pmlatMX UiaasMsM, viM-b m
HlitMsillaii, raMWagtss
4 Alsirrki 1 Mlerb
lNvuralaista Jlaa-kfe
ihI othr ailment- worm pain I. an attm1
ant. Try It. At lmir ilnmi, or dy nuul uu
rtnaiH vt naiua, a4Una and u rant.
Baltlnarsa. Ml., U. H, A.
TV lt,y "f t,,e
' Com tan v,
Write to T. S. Quncuy,
Drawer I'jn, Cliica, lircre-
e Star Acciiilmt
for itifurruutlon
rcnnrdlti; AccKlrnt Insur
ance. Metitiuu Ihi.i cnj ir.
11 y so duiug- yuu ctu mv
membership fee. lias paid over tUtf.uuo.OO lur
accidental iujuriea.
Be your own Agent.
I aTm P" ""i 1 a Iimit.i. SV fk
V tn alm. nl liy m- Vtt f?3
tlnlns phnletnn f ' yiMrH' i-rt,ii'.. .JfesJ!
NobatltfncUtfrili'U'Utlnu friiiiilMiKlu. AXV j
Nuaiaryliui. KrlnkVHi.r n.ilihiimk. tin L LIU 11
provi irmiral lnallh auil iH aiiiiiiMriiitiiilpxInii. 1'ln.
Solana aud aHiliiy lmn- luilurwi IL 'I hnuaawa curvu.
ooundvnllally. rir .ar'li ulnn i.UJri'na, with atunp.
TAD CrUVrJ'l -"k", Tfcw, Htriiu, tl.i
VKa J' I l.rlillr,.,, w tUUkUII.
170S-ITI0 Chastnut It, failed., PS.
TwvlRta Taar. A rood arfaool for both
avaaa. 'luoruusb ludUtdual luaixucllou In
Baok-Jiaaplna, I Short-MnS,
ArttkaMua. I TTa-rHlna.
rHnsisniMp. I CarraaponifeoeS,
CaataMreiaiLsai. I fraetieal ftrsiamar,
laaklag, Caaialialas, I lata tanln,
rlraduataa aaatatad la oolalnlnf rood
aauaituiia. Currrauumlrnea wlta flrnta I
aaxilni Onok-ktoiwra and otorka aullcl.
L wma ror vauiuau.
Taut, W. IAUia, Id. A.. Praaldaub
c.ccccccc c c ccc ccccc c
H at vs vaiv aavav aMaaaii
Llvelv Liver. Ihire RlAart. Raiilfiil
Complexion, Perfect Health In p
Cir.DY n
JJ complexion, Perfect U
' ivf-r a-a V V Ernirll
Purely reetable, est Hire candy, never fail to Induce a natural action of O
Ctne stomach, Mvet and bowels. Absolutely guaranteed to cure constipation
or your money refunded. 10, sj or 30c All druggists. Sample snd book free O
rorld. Many aln kj iun.lln lo.u.nd It ucrrf
un1 Binrtlr. Jnt try a txi. Vou will N 1,m
llahtod. Vim eipoet you to hrlloro what w .ay. for a cur . a"
bara. Sond lor out boikirt -ii..n' t.,k. JL.iiJ . J "iT
SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY yuuuown druuuisi'S
A $65.00 Machine
For $18.0
Cash aith Ordsr snd Coupon
,TrLt ,5, "RL",8T0N "
513.50 ti
srss trial Ul
?eisjrri ,,flrlii!fltonM
SSWlTj Piscyw
n ST
Slli't" d tiM ollf.
liu line, o'l M
,!.! H 1 1 t I t . I.ll.
I tl V Oil r 0 Mr tl
home, without
;iAinit one lint
1:1 .nlvm v.
10 ar wilid n
w.iiTiiiitv with
1 .u li niiii Ii? ue.
A -tiiillv InKh-iiraitr Sew
Inir MHthlne. tiulnlitil
throng hi ml in the Im m
fillit' niimnrt It fto-nrsei till
modern improvement. aud it
nifchiitiH-iil ennstrni tinn t
Mhti Hint In it are inniliined
aimtilu-ily with itr.-at h relict h,
thu tiifttiriiiK eiiNeol rnnnins.
(Intiihilitv, nuil ntakiiiK II Im
,oitnili1e tot the mm hine to le
put out of order. II aewfl Imm
and tniikea a perlrrt atilih
with all klnda of threml and
all lneol material. Alwaya
ready lor ue aud unrlvnllid
for aperd, durability and final
ity ol work. Not ire the fol
lowing poluta of aupcrmilly :
Tha Haat of Ihe "Arliian" awinx on pateut aockrt hinera. firmly held down ty a thumb
arrew. hlrouf, NWatantial, neat and liandauine in denlsn, anil heautilully ornamented In sold.
Red plate haa rounded coruera and ia inlaid or countrraunk, mnkinf it fluah with top of t utile.
lil-Mtal AratSpae under the arm ia fiH Inchea liih aad 0 incbea long. Thia will admit the
laift akirta. aud even iiuilta la Salt Threading Ahaolutety no holea to put thread throiiKh
icepl ye of aeadle Skuttla la cylinder, open oa end. entirely aelf threading, eaay to put in or
take nut; bolihia holda a large amount of thread. 5tlta Ktg alatar ia on the bed of the roadiine,
beneath the bobbin winder, aad haa a scale ahowiag the auuiher or atitehea to the Inch, and rati
tie c ha Hired from I to Si atitrhra to the inch. FaaS ia duuhle and eitendaou tmth aidea of needle;
never faila to take gooda through; never atona at seama; movement ia puaitlve: no apriuit to
break aud get out of order; ran be rained aud lowered at will. Automatic Bobbin Winder- For
titling the bobbin automatically and perfectly aaiootb without holding the thread. Marhiuedoea
not run while winding bobbin. Light Hunning-Marblue la eaay to run. doeanot fatiguethroer
ator, makes little aoiae and aewa rapidly. iSlltcb ia a double lock alitt h. the aarae ou both aidaa,
will not ravel, and can be changed without slopping the machine. Teaalon ia a flat aprlng ten-
lon. anil will admit tnrrail Irom s to l.'al auonl cottoa without changing. Never geta out ol order.
Tha Needle ia a atraighl, aelf-aetting needle, flat on aue aide, and cannot he put (u wrong. Needle
uar ia rouna, maae oi eaae narnened ateel, wita on cup at the Bottom to prevent oil mini geiiiuit
ou the goode. Adraatable Bearings All beariaga are cae hardened tleel and eaaily adjuaied
with a acrew driver. All loat motion can be taken np, and the machine will laat a lifetime.
Aiiacnmenia uacn inarniueta lurnlahrd wlllt neceaaary tooiaand acceuonea, ami inannition we
lurnlih an citra act of atlarhmenla in a velvet lined metal boa, free of charge, a followa: one
ru filer and gatherer, one binder, one ahlrring plate, one art of four hemmere, different widtha up
to H of an inch, one tucker, one under braider, one ahurt or attachment fool, and one thread
caller. Weed work of tlneat quality oak or walnut, gothic cover and drawer, ulckel-plated ring
to drawers, dreaa guards to wheel, and device for replacing belt.
nnN'T PAY mom PRinEs ros rjllV oirectlv of mnltcturep and
OUR OH CAT OFFER. 23 SO Is oue 5peclal Wholeaale Price, but fl04r0
In older to lultudiice Una hiKh grade aewing miichine, we make a epectal cou- A rAimna
Hon offer, irivinir every leader of thia natter a chance to vet a firatlaiul ma la lOUpon
chine at the loweat price ever offered. On receipt of glN.go caetl and coupon, A No.3330
we will ahlp the alHrne ilex ribeil machine anywhere securely packed and
crated, andguaranleeaale dcliveiy. A ten yeara' written warranty aeut wit't
each machine. Money refunded If not a represented after thirty day' teat
trial. We will ahip C. O. I lor JlB.iO with privilege of twenty daya' trial on
receipt of a a guaiantie of k.mxI faith and charge. If you prefer thirty
daya' trial before paying, aend for our large I Hint rated catalogue with teeti
aaonlala. eiplalniug fully how we ahip sewing machinea anywhere to any
one at the lowest mantitiictiir-r - price without asking one cent in advnnce.
The beat plan ia to aeud all cuali with order, aa you then aave the Jl.lAldi.
count. Kemember the coupon must be sent with order.
addkkss (in pull) CA5H BUYERS' UNION.
Bs.saoo, IBS 164 W. VAN BUPfN ST., CHICAGO, ILL.
An nn '
. aeoe VK llll .
irea UU.UU
If K-ai with order '
for Arlington
' SealngMschins t
Nn. OS
ONLY errsgeaaav
with i
of All Klnda
ha iju Top Uuoot
Shipped snrahfrs to an)0n at WHOLESALE PRICES.
onb oa oua asTaaoaoiHaav aaaaatas
asao ossoatsTiON oaaasuiLV
I'UNnnrCOHKiNn IloiiT, KNimr IlligWRTEiiHiirlngi.
3 or 4 bow I.bathku UuaHTEtt Ton, Patent curtain
fnntenera. head llnltitf of beat wool dyed cloth, cordml
aeauia and cloaed dtintcr In qnartera, hoi. in I'anki,
Hl'ltlNU Hack, cloili or fancy leather trimming,
wing cunIiIoiih, Hurveti wlirela, with IS apokes, yir
S In. tread, l.t-ln In. double collar ateel alien.
Hwedifid ami fantall bed. 4 and A leaf oil teoiniftd
spring of bi'Ht quality. Ilodv U Zl'-i in- wide by !i In. long, made of bent hi'Khoih'iI liiiuiier.
anli frame and poplar panel, thoroughly glued, screwed and pluvged. i'ouhle reach. Iioiii-d
full length. All forging, clip, bolls, etc., made of bent Norway Iron. Painting aud IIiiIhIi
tlrnt-ulaM throughout. Ilodli painted a rich black, gear lirewntcr green, black or carmine
lianilHouiely Htried. Kauli buggy eomilctn with ahaft. leather daab, btHit, storm apruu,
carina, anti-rttlers, elo. A written warranty with each buggy.
Stn.liU Ih our hcbi iai. v unLkxA LK I'lilt K for till tine buggy.
Never before sold for Icaa, but to Introiliice our work In yoiii
locality w have decided to make a apeclal cotiHiti offer, giving
every render of till paper au opportunity to gel a at rlclly lirat
clna J7Mxi hugiry at the lowest price ever offered. n roeripl of
$40.0tl und cimpoii w will ahlp thl liandHUiiia bnggy, Hecuroly
parked and crated and delivered on board ear. Do not ml thl
oiiportnnlty to gut a thoroughly High tirade rp-to-llnle llitgify at
tliu loweal price ever offered. lU'iueinber we do not offer it a a
"cheap htiguy," but u a atrlctlv lilgli-grado vehicle. If you want
a cheaper buggy or Home other atylv. write for ntirlurgelliitrnled
catalogue showing 41m different style of Vehicles, Harness, etc
We can sell you a top buggy a low a t-iV.i , better one for f.n.."0
and upward. Money refunded If not a represented after arrival
and examination. Coupon must positively avcottipauy the order
to obtain thl eclal price.
Con poll No, 3320
0000 ron
If Rent with Order
No. 120 Top Buggy
No. 346 Road Wagon
IIOAD WAOONS-We have all tylcH, but
thl one I the most popular. Any dealer
will ask you !-'. isi for It. Our wholesale,
price I A.10.1HI. rli'tid us t'tnvo and coupon
and it 1 your, (iuarunteed to be inadu of
selected material thoroughly seasoned,
best end or aide aprlng, Karven patent
wheel, cloth or Kvatt'a leather trimming,
double reach Ironed full length, I ''-HI In.
drop axle, patent leather dash, painting
body black, gear llrewster green orearmlno
nicely striped, and finely finished through
out. A written warranty with each wagon
and nionav refunded if not aa represented.
Order at uuoe. I'rlcea will bo higher neat
seaauu. Addrttt (ttiuff,)
This Elegant Road Wagon
No. s5 Road Waoon
158 W. Van Buren St., Bx. 2320, Chicago, III.