She pttdlckrflh' gojrt. I'ublisliod every Thursday. Geo V. Wagcnsellcr, Editor and Proprietor. Subscription 1.50 per year, aich mint I paid In advnnro when Bent out- M li llii' county.) ATI S OF ADVtHTIllNO. All tr m-il "it advert si'mmta not otlierwlpe eotitrnrti-'i i m w III'eil nt the rate of II snt 4 nir lino fr.iiiinur .'I tniMatirel for first Inaer lion mi'! lucenta. xt Hue for cvrrjr aulweq'ient laarmon. tribu'rt nt frjxff, tc, thrtrwnti a lin. Republican Committeemen. V1itns.-t. K Krttornlf. Toblaa Mlti hell. II.MWIT.- N ii'iii'i Vn d. Inl'i K"ih". 11-KViT W W in. Il-ctcr. C. W. Ilnush. vnin. I. W. .imn-'1. II. ( !iini l. chapman 1. .. l'or '!'!. T. II.NIrhnK KniiiWIiii r. il. ni.Tiis-liMTKwr, .1. W. ElHPti llllWI'f .tarksnti. Wtn. Martin. .1. S Yeiirtck. M i'l'Hi-1 xirif li. iiurt ii.iwcrs.iv,, w. V. Fees. M. Iiiti' K -.1 .1. Mtt"li-1. I.. How. Monroe. - II II. HerDicr. I K. Ii.nist. Iviiii. tMhlrl Knoine. r. K W.itrier. Verrv. Irw Iti II ivr. Ileiirv lluMlntf. I'orrv W..-D ihl. l M II. K. V rster. sprint.'.- Mr. A. M Miilllt. I K.S;iald elifiurove. K. K. u.'ioli rliiiif. r. V. covert, t'tilnii. ;rn. . Kl aiders. .1. tl. SU'il. W.isMik'M'i.-Wiii.C. II HHIsIi, Jerry Charlo. IepuMiran Ticket. l'OH I'HKSIDKNT, William McKinlcij. VICK PIIESIDKNT, Garret A. llobart. Kl.vt ii ii-Iir.'e, -i ll i ir' in. I .il I ' . I n 10 II 1 VI ! I Ki I'i IT M l'.l VI -'I vi til V7 .1 i V- ,,i r I-:. i' hi. 1 1. 1 !..,trllM. W mi. I H'l ri'v. Ml" lii'iiv. l.Ulllll I). lilllliTt, Dlllplllll. IMitrt'M r.I.'.' I .lin I'e n'..ii. I'lill i l.'lp'it l. ' I I ' Horse I'll!!. I r:.ll I. I r I'l.; II II "I IL'V, I'll!' I llllll.l . " : 1 1 . . n M. Ti : I'1" i I IjiIiU. i. ii. Mv r hi 1 1 iiiii.i. .i 1. 1 ii. :i. i.-i, i VI M !"I I'. ill".'. N IIT, .1 I'.V'I. ,1-ilni I " i 1 1 . I let 111 'li"il. I I - 1 1 " v- I. ...Mis. I I! idl'li.". .In'l'l II. I. Illlllt, W'lll I I'll K. i 1 1 '.V in en. s r.i ii I on. . V. U II I-. II lull. ii ... r .ii. " i i cii v. l. W. r, I. .! . ' ll"'irv '. rr.'i"-i. T'iiiK'1. iimock. .1. II r..rni. M'lili. iinviort. ' r t'-ei.-n li i: it hi. r. t wii-k. (;...,...,. ,r m MIHi-r, ,..vvisli:l't. II II. s'liml"). York. ii. . ir.'.. T. :ii'V. . Kx-r ei Whit... Ilrookvlllo. Willi I'M N. It ni.oli:i, riilil'iiri;. Kiii tiHU'l Wei HlMiuit, Alletrliiiny. .losl ill SpeiT, Kll.lletl. K I'V i r.t K. Alir.uiH, IHHIer. 1 i I ir h.iIi ! Krke. Willi mi V s.liniir. Wtirren. .1 --)tl ('. t'.llllllln'll, M.irloll. HTTK. Kor rontrreMsmi.n-nt-I.irp. (Ml.l Sll A (il)W, N. A. 1A VKNI'OIIT. cor NT v. Kor ronifreHK, TIlAlt. M. MAIION. For St iito Henntor. KDWIN M. Ill MMtU For Awtnlilv, I IIAIU.KS W. UKUMAN. Tor Htiorlrr r.worr uriTEK. For Tn'O-siirir. WILLIAM II. IU lid I.E. For f'oininNsloners, WII.I.IAM HKKKSE. isaai; uroi rs. For tJounfv Aiiilltorg. J. C ItdWKKsnX, V. F. MilYKK. For Coroner. III-. .1. K. liiKJAK. TImrsd:iy, Oct. 20, 1891. Arc Ar.icricnn Statesman o.i the De cline ? Aim A iiifi'Ir.i'i stii.'i'itn.'ii on ih, Ii:i-li:i'' .' Tkin;ii:li t!i" liiu vista if p:i--:.rr.r i-u.i u-i liistory records rvi'ii' h mi I t !n art in' is nl' htiltcHinoll Ut'l' ri.l i Hi l('!. I ill Hi' l.llliollltl 1U1- 1 1 a I . w u' 1 1 Ik if l'.l- pro'if in nir !--- 1 1 1 ili'iCIISsioll. As llll'l'll is iinirli ii:nl'i'nity ainl s.ii: ilillVrciici' nt opinion in reyuri. t.) wlrit coiiHti I utcs ii f t iIcsiiihii, li't us W'i'l) stcr's (li'linilion ati.l rotisitlrr tlir stati' -iiiiaii u -i n man rrsi.t in tlir arls 1 1' uMVi'i'iiMii'iit, i pi i;illy one rmini'iit in km! aluliiios. Show hit) t Lr man of tin' pip:;i'i.t iiaro wlio iIock not vi'ia.'i'ato t!in inline of Washington ! I'oint to mo now u person who mys Tliomus Jrf ft'iKon titnl John AdiiniH wiro not poHsi.s.icil of inoi't! than onlinary lulont ! Dr.siiiiiti' to mo uny promt ncnt htatrsinan w ho Hcrvril our re publio in its infancy ami is not now lovnl ami chi i islutd for bin uoblo Iteds : Yc?, wo must uttiibuto to our riulv statrrtiiwii u t;n'iit amount of t'l'rtlit, aiul huntow uion them a trrrat amount of honor for their kern executive, abilities. Wc frank ly and willingly pay this just tribute to the pioneer leaders of our na tions. Were we to concedo that the attainments of these men, were equal or superior to t hose of modern statesmen, we vold openly assert that tlio epcrieneo of men has availed r.othin. Wo would nvow that all the investigations in science of government, all the bcnelits of modern discoveries have served to no purpose whatever, and tho incon Mntcney of the argument would bo ridiculously presented, lint while we desire to pay duo tribute to the abilities tif our pioneers, wo boldly declare that the t-tatcsmen of the present day are superior to those of former times. Certainly in tho light of the present age, with tho advan tages of higher education, why should America not bo able to pro duce a higher order of statesmen than in iU early liistory ? Our re public now has the rxpei ienco of ov er u century from which her states men ran judiciously discern what r-ourso to pursue. Keason will tell them to avoid former errors ; nudin making new lawa and proposing now Bchemcs for the welfare of tho re public, they guard against tho pon Kibility of error. That wo have among our (states men thoso who aro not worthy of tho positions they hold, wo do not tlouy. That tho general ability of the coun try's loaders is doviuiag modes of srovernment unalUir bio by ue?o lutionary sUteame , we candidly athrro. I be light r rmlirntiou, the advancement of cienc, the pro- grenn of natir in general, ha a awakened our teamen to the fact thn.t in nrdar. o romnete With for eign powers the theories of politicl economy most be carefully studied and judiciously applied. Our states men are fully conversant with this and wide awake to their country's renuiremeut. and we need have no anxiety for the future of our country, Surely its fair domain promises n prosperous and glorious career. 50 Years of Free Trad 3 In England What half a century of free trade has done in England is shown in 'TnoTECTiox Air 1'uosrr.niTv." Tho author in concluding bis exposition of the tariff policy of Great Jiritain says : Sustained at first by assumptions, Crophecies and speculations, it has een condemned and exposed by a fair trial. Originally false in tneory, it has been equally infamous iu its results. Had it not been for the pa triotism, wisdom and humanity of the people of other nations, this economic devil fish would have fas tened its tentacles upon all nations, and dragged the wholo world into its pool. It has reduced to degrada tion and misery tho wago-earnrrs of the greatest commercial nation on the globe, nnd bound them to a con dition of servitude in some respect" worse than chatted slaves. Adopted at a timo when tho most magnificent results had been tested through pro tection, it has arrested industrial growth, and sent the nation on tho roa J to ruin, l'owerful as a des troying agency it has proven impo tent and weak as a saving ordinance. That 'Vlieapness" w hich win thought to b.i secured, has cheapened men as well as comtuodil ies. Tho con sumer hai suH'ered with tho produc er, l'a ling most heavily, and strik ing tirs! at tho wage-earner, it has dealt l!uv after blow tit the whole industrial life of the kindom, re duced trolitH of manufacturers, in comes of clerks, country merchants, mechanics nnd all who depend on the rewards of labor for subsistence. It has eaten into the vitals of the nation like an incurable disease. Skilled artisans Lave lied the coun try, followed by capital ami indus tiies, seeking shelter under that pol icy of protection to homo industries through which alone u nation can become great and its citizens pros perous. As industries huvo been supplanted and labor displaced by competing impoits, instead of find ing employment in other industries, they have found relief either in emi gration or in almhouses. Goods have uc t been paid for with goods. Imports instead of stimulating do mestic production havo closed fac tories, thrown labor out of employ ment, silenced maehiuery, and in creased the army of unemployed and beggars. Instead of stimulating ar tisans and manufacturers to greater exertion and higher skill, free trade has blighted their prospects, de stroying hope and left them iu de spair, committed to a life-aud-death struggle for existence. Iustead of undermining and destroying foreign rivals it has forced them as a menus ot self-defence, to build up indus trial systems which havo arisen to menace and cripple their would-be destroyer. Tho greed and avarice upon which tho whole fabric was reared uro meeting their just retri bution, yet the innocent are suH'er ing with tho guilty. Failing to mon opolize the markets of the woild it is now powerless to defend markets at home. Mr. C'obdeii and his as sociates built their wholo rominer rial policy on false theories, false prophecies and false hopes, which were to bo shattered and destroyed by a few years of actual experience. This is free trade iu England. lines failed. The subsidy act of lH'Jl has. by the help of another act, placed four vessels under the Amer ican fiacr, two of which are of Ameri can construction. lhntiH tbe sum total of accomplishment under sub sides in the United States. There has never been a bounty act passed for tho benefit of American ships, although such a bill has been dis cussed and advocated. The foreign .commerce of tho United States annually consists of between one nnd a halt nud two bil lions of dollars' worth of imports and exports, and employs several millions of tons of foieign ships. Iu order that American ships may bo restored 'to the carryitig of this commerce, an agitation has been begun for tho readoption of the pol icy of H'. to create a prefereiieo for American ships by taxing im ports a higher duty when brought heroin foreign ships. Senator S. 15. Elkins, of West Virginia, and 11 n . S. E. l'nyiip, of New York, have this year introduced in the United States Senate and House, respectively, a joint bill which provides for ft duty of ten per cent more upon imports in foreign ships thau is levied upon imports in American thips. This policy has this year been indorsed by the Republican Conventions held iu the following Slates: Massa chusetts, Oregon, New Jersey, Con necticut, Pennsylvania, Alabama, Georgia, Michigan, IMawarc, West Virginia, North Carolina, Washing ton, Colorado and .Maiue. The Ohio Hepulilicau platform favored the use of American ships for the earn uge of American commerce without specifying any poliev. It is expect, ed that th K-publican National l'latform will also eudoiso the pl icy, which Thoina Jefl'-i son was particulaily inlliiential iu having first est nblised, and which is the only policy that has ever been sue ceshful iu giving to American ships the carriage of American commerce, is not at present known. If I he Democrats would j.iu the II ubU cms and restore and maintain that poliev, in tho same noti-pai tisau and uuaiiimou- manner that it was a hundred years ago, its permanence would he assured, it would continu ously employ hundreds and thous ands of skilled workmen iu Ameri can shipyards, and would cause the retention in the United States of the hundreds of millions of dollars an nually sent abroad in gold to pay foreign ships lor carrying American commerce. If your children aro subject to croup watch for the first symptom of the iImcunh hoarseness. If Cham bet Iain's Coiiifh Ueniedy is given as soon ns the child heroines hoarse it will prevent, tht attack. Even alter the eroupy cough linn appeared the attack can always b prevented by giving this remedy. It is also iuvalu nhle for cnlils him! whooping cough. For sale by all Druggists. i History of American Shipping. In 17H., only '2:1 per cent of the foieign commerce of tue United States was carried in American ships, alt hoii'.:h American ships were buib from 'i:J to SO per cent cheaper, and better, aud lasted longer, than fore ign ships. The first act of the first Congress, and subseiiuent nets of that and other Congresses during the latter part of tho last century, created a preference for American ships in tho carriage of American foreign commerce, by taxiug im ports in foreign ships more than t hey were tuxed in American ships. Tho policy, during the nearly forty years it was iu force, enabled Amer ican ships to carry IH) per cent of American foreign commerce In tho mistaken belief that Amer ican ships could thereafter carry all of our foreign commerce, without any statutory preference, tho legis lation that had created that prefer ence was purtly repealed in 1N1". still more was repealed in 1H17, and in IN'JH was wholly aud finally re pealed. From that time American ships carried loss and less of Ameri can commerce, and at thp beginning of tho civil war they carried till p r cent, which had fallen at tho close of tho war to but 27 per cent, and is to-day but 11 per cent of our foreign commerce. In 18112 an Act was passed which confined our coastwise and inland commerce- to vessels of the United States, an Act that bus never boon disturbed, and which has given to tho United States tho finest shipp ing in tho world. In 17'.2 American registry was deniod to foreign ves sels, which Act has been continually in f men over since. But the Act of l.'Wrt, above referred to, nevertheless permits foreign ships to freely com pete with Americin ships in the carriage of Americau foreign com. merce, ,l From time to time attempts have been made to ngain give tno carry ing of our commerce to our own chips, by bounties aud subsides. In 1818 subsides wero granted to two transatlantio American lines and withdraw in 1859, whereupon tho Only One Standard You and we may differ as to money standards and out of our very differences good may come. But we won't differ as to the merits of one standard emulsion of cod-liver oil. SCOTT'S EMULSION has won and held its way for nearly 25 years in the world of medicine until to-day it is al most as much the standard in all cases of lung trouble, and every condition of wasting whether in child or adult as quinine is in malarial fevers. Differ on the money ques tion if you will, but when it comes to a question of health, perhaps of life and death, get the standard. Your druggist sells Scott's Emul&ion. Two sizes, 50 cts. and $1.00 SCOTT & ISOWNE, New York. mm Tile Ma O SELINSQUOVE MARBLE-YARD M. L. MILLER, Prop'r I keep constantly on h.oidnirl man ufacture to order all kinds of Marble and Granite U'J V Ul' I Old Stonoa Cloanod and Ecpairci. LOW PRICES I LOW I'UICES! I have one of tho best Marble Ci.t- ters iu the State und consequently turn out gootl work. ItayCome and see my work it prices. Thankful for past favors I most re sportfully ask a oont inuunce of same, M. L. MILLER From Sire to Son. Ah Finally Mi-illclue llncnn's t'oicry Klnif for tliu Nerves piiHSi'H Ironi Hlru to hoii us u li'kMi'Y. If you luivo Klilney, l.lviirnr IUimhI illnonlor no not, ili'luy, lint Mot 11 Irco naiiiilti pa.'Kniro of I Ills ri'ini'ily nt oiii'i.. it you luivo iiilli.(ioii, Cmi Ktlputlon, ll.'iulii.'hr, KliouiimllHln. etc., I Ills irriiml spiiclUe will euro you. S. K. Howell, We ('lure, I'u., J. W. DecKcr. KIcIUIkIiI. Vt. U. llor niun, TmxcIvIIIo and II. 11. Wultfrtt. I'uiiiih I'rwk, Uih leiiilliiif (IruifKlHtK, solo uifuiitn. ami nr distribution hiiiuiili'M fine lo tlio ululclcU. Limit) packuKt'B txw uuu 2M. 6 ieiioi li lii. DR. W. OLIVER SMITH, Chief Consulting Physician, 19 South Third St., tlarrlsburg, Pa. A Permanent Institution for the Scientific Trent men t and Cure of NERVOUS, CHRONIC AND SPECIAL DISEASES. L Aflr jrranof eprrtenc, hart dlxuvcrtd th gmtm tor kn.wn fur wcmkiww In th bark and limlia, impotency, geDrral debility, nwmnr. languor, confiiMnn of idea., palpitation of tha K heart, timidity, trembling, dimoeia ol sight or Riddineaa, diaeaaea of th bead, throat, ant or akin, Eh affection of tha llrer, lung., atomach or bowali, annataral diacharfea, ale, Taka ona candid inouani oei.ire it ii too lata, a weca or a month may piaca your cat beyond tha reach or hop. Our method of treatment will apatdily and permanently curt tha moat obalinata caata, and abaolatel raatort perfect health. ii JiiTg:,i It 1 ho itflchnff from Nnvout Debility, I lit symptoms of which Nervous nl:iUi. art a dull, dutreaard mind MGUIIIIJ which unfit, them for performing their bnalne.a and social duties, makes happy marriages Impoaaible, diatrea.lng tha action of tht heart, flush of heat, diprtaion of apirita, tvil for boding., cnarardtct, fear, dreams, melancholy, lirt ta.ily of company, feeling as tired in tht morning at when retiring ; lost tnergy, aervousntaa, trembling, ennfusioa of thoughts, depression, constipation, weakness of tht limbs, etc., ahould consult us Immediately, and bt restored to perfect health and usefuluesa. lly a wise course of treatment, adapted to your ge, set and phyaical condition, tht tone of your system ran be rsied, tht tendenry to Impure thoughts removed, and the strength and ig. r of health restored to tht debilitated organs, MarrlilflA Married persons, or young l 'sH' men contemplating marriage, aware of 1'hyslcal Weakncs, lsa of Vital Powers, or any other disoualinationa. speedily rtlieTcd. He who places bimtlf under our cart may confidt la our honor as gentltmtn, and confidently raly on our skill as physicians. 4 rlfSftrSntf A positively cured by a new Vail HUbOlO and never failing method, aad a curt guaranteed la every cast treated. Epilepsy or Fits ,Vy'n.wym'.?h:3; which reach? tht teat of tht diktat, andtflcctt .ting currt. Chronic Diseases Constitutional Blood Disease ttta, Infirmity, Wftitnff gentrcl ill blih, nhort nl lift, and to ditina thf vttrioHt functions nd fsicultiMof tht flli tied to render oxit net period of trouble and nffering, receives from tit ft studious and sesrehina treatment, thus eradicating all blood poisons from the sys tem, and secures a rational and real cure. The most wonderful succesa bat bern attained In the treat ment of tha catet to which wt devote our tnecial attention. and through years of patient labor and research we have discovered the ml infallible methods of curiae Involuntary discharges, Intidious nervous diteates caused by ovr-crtion, over work, excesses or vices, and all those terrible disorders arising from solitary habits of youth, and secret practices, making Itfe miserable esitteace and marriage impossible. , .Pilfil'Prh no miltter now I01 standing, Vttlttl I II or how many dtM-tors have fmicd to cure, Is curable by the new stirntific method employed by us. Kclief speedy and cure rapid and sure. pjlpf blind or bleeding, and all forms of I I'vl rectal diseases, as fleers, Stricture, Fistulas cured without knife, ligature or cau- A CURE WARRANTED. we im Can be done In spua um.7 I, work and Dartirui.e. .. kv . Co., Maaonlo Tempi, r.S reraons miner. 1st health ts If arned pretemlera, ta lio keep tri. tllna? wills t Item . month after mantb, (Wtng poUosioaa and liJaHoaacomiKuad. ahaewlclapiilv liutueiJlatelj REMARKABLE CURES I'trfectrd In aid cataoa wlilch have been iseejlected or tmeltlllfally traattasl IttTWE MAKIi NO EXPERIMENTS OR FAILURES.Hfct H we use no patent rostrums or "cure-alls"; we treat each case on ita y. own merita, and prescribe for each separately the remedies which ara f required, and we have yet to fail in any case where we have promised a cure. SOffirt Hours, a to 4 and 6 to 8. Fames treated by mail ami espresa. but where posihV, one perv-nal interview Is preferred. M whith is free and invited. Ct' K AHI.K C Asr'.S ( .1' AK AN1 K r 11. f M 'Cases nnd correspondence SAC'KKIH.V CONMIiKNTlAU Treatment sent securely packed f. M free from observation to any part of tht United Statta. E bviiMiizizzzxtzrirrrzzzizxzi'Zirai2zzsKiczC'i2Exr-2i V )iuiiftillvISii'ct'Ksfiil in all Chronio DiHoasoa nnJ EYE. EAR. mi T.-ROATt LUNGS, AND NASAL CATARRB- All Eyo Oiortitioni Successfully Performed. Exaiiiiiiution aiul Oonsultation Free to Everybody. A Fow TcHtiraonials u; i- vi.j.w 1. :f- r k ,r-s? j. Kit- Iliiitl ol Ilciiiiii ft u- ;'." Yciir.-, ("aii.-til I,v ( 'iitarrli, ami Cuivil iiy Dr. Salin. Ki v. .1. Ii. l..'!-i.-r. swnli s iv.. i;.')ii.' In-.: 1.1 iniir 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 , us i'i i " ' tHii my -i ;hiiiiii'... pulilislii'.l Iiy )i'. Stitn, will s.i.v, 1 tins 1111. h i- ih Iri'ai itifiil Inr h'li it.iini l. lor tin li...riii.'. i was 1 .it.inli 1,1 Uih inl lilli' Km-, mill I1K0 vinir-. lt. fimlil In nr iM'I'fr mhii.. iI.ih iIkui 1 Hi. ph. Iimir liottt-r In nnio. Mv liiMrluu :is ,t;. iniii'li iiiii'iimI by llio iri' il lii."il, and Imw 11. 1 iiniil.l lint I mil Ut- cm lii'lp .m.ii. Dr. S1I111 1 s 1 . . -. 1 1 Id i. hii Iidiii-hI idiiii iind In- will li'.l jn'i 1 lio 1 1-1 1 : 1 1 . w -lii-tli. t ho cut. Iit'lji VIHIIIt lull. II I W'lTl. Vtlll, I W'lllllll I'l l lllllllV I'dli- .tjlf tsttsa. 1 l..r','.Tiil!lii ilian jmi. Mv Iumi iiih w .ih iii lino cur inr iiImuii x yeurn. iinil In Ho. nilii'i' i.ii'iii..nii .ji nrB joiitK. Il ilti Unit Jnfn In itrliij w ill I tif lrt-1 vrHf im-tl I rf 111.1I11. la:ii. rii i M)ii. Iiivlinnl, licuinnl i:u I'u. (.'asi' tif ili tiiivd liv lr. S;il 1 hrfaie I X'O.'" wmm a ' h --M.'' ' ' V No HoiIv lines I.m. Mr.n. for rtv I 1 I I'll it 1 1 Until 1)1'. !-j'llIll. 1 llavo nnlv lak.'.l a liali liiutilli's t n III mi'lit mill 111 lliat tltno, I il no mi . im iiiio I'.iiilil liac 1I11111' num. Inr my liraitu than I r. Salin, 11s 1 l.'fl 11 crt-iil ili'iil iNdliT. Win. II. Kiii'p. i Troxt'lv Ills'. rinyslsT t'ti., i'i., A'ljl. a I, l-tl. Cuturrli 111 j I 1 Ire nit.-1 It lm C'J rol by lr. Mnltii. t'nr mini' ys-trs I linvi' Imcii In Iinil lionllli. Stif fi-roil very Iiiui-Ii In. 111 S'uhm li tin. I Itri.ii.'liliK Insl llt'sli ciil 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 , i''.l u 1,'tint ii. ni nail I Iiiti' tlld't'til h.'t'in In in it find nliiiiit 11. 1. that I (1 id's lit tclic. So I Wrlit In lr. Salin. wliiu'iiiii. 1 ! ili l'i' rvrry In'll' Wrrk-S. lor lit Hllnrlil. I mil no lllllrll lli',lrd Willi (In- llll:r.irlni.ll lllal I w ; tit ; every (Hist lo know II. I ran ml linely, f.-el u l;ii. 1 ileal n'roiiuer, and I know I will xmhi lis iiiih'1I h.iiii. .sir. Henry rvi'llliall. buubury, NortU'd Co., I'u.. hej t. wt It, imw. 111. Knr J years I liuvts lia.l a bad of t'atiirrli, tiHik ci l.l 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 mid iilwavit lial liejilaclie; a 1. ad M. .III. n il. It well 1111,1 iiio 111411V llil'iilll punylng li'oi.i.les iu meiiilnii. Hut now, tiller only Hhlmrt lieattiienl or Dr. Halm, 1 11111 11I1110M, 11 iiem mail. Henry Tretm. Stinbury, Njrtli'tt Co., Til.. etit. uili, njs,. CuaeofCtitnrrhcureil ly L"r. Sntm Hev. J. U. LelHter. Kwaloi, I'm.. YimrM eniiie lo'i-'nillo-duv. Dr. Salin trriilsiil my is year old iiny lor cuturrli 111 llie lieml, ami iMiretl I1I111 In t) ini iuliw. I dun t know w iiviiier lit ckii ciire you or mil, nut on exaiiiliiallon hi' will ti ll o 1 the triitli. know n mini liere. Unit li cxaiiilni'd, and In tolil lilm I Unit lie rolild not bo vureil, I know oilier people tliut be buH Uuuu a threat deal of nootl, In otlier Aflcr llio Cminti v n,i,.l,.i-u I,,.. 1 C.;,. . . lien. I. Uinbsrl vv..u w , M tn linn up nt IiiciiniMo, Dr. Wuliu .Madt-oiiburi;, Ceiitro Co.. I'u. C'unnl Him I muni iruly n.iy that Dr. Halm lian Iroiited ina w.dl and I bave Iiiiuuvci wonil.Tliilly itnili r bin Hklllliillieaiineiil. even itller our roiinli'v iIiki lorHitii cave me upas ln.'iii alit'..l K-Wi'ldeunoer l-uMotMlle, HnjUer Co . l'.l.. Au,'. t, lHJtl. Cured olStoaicli, Liver a i ihtj Trouble Dy Dr. salm. Dr. Snlni Sniitcl iod I Inr froi Hor (Ira v'sj. Mr. HorrPUirv: You nuked me why I ill I not c une buek Dust lllolltll. Till' Ineilli'llie III'. Sallu L'.lll' loe bellied ; bit) Ml iniii'li, I lial I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 II an not lirceei-ury 1 In relnrn nl piiM. nt. bill, Unwever, II n-M-i isuv furt her Ireaiinent be Ih my I'Iivh cluii. lie en red 11111 ol H 'loiuia 11110111 line war a.'.i. HiiaU'liei me for m.ii's' 1 ban I yens luve hud u bad hioni ."".v. ''"""t ;'" urn v.- TIiIn Nmi.Miii; a a.'lii'. I. Her and .N.'i vu I ll.-eainii o weak P.'! "' '"" 11 lr'"'' . Meyer. Unit I colli I'm urn itny iinue. Kur hIjc ami olio ' ball euiN I have I l ied 1 lie ln-nt 1l.1rt.1rn In tin louiiiy bill -nt Wor. und wiiim', but no.v. tilti r : is t iihIi in treatiiieiit Willi Dr. Salni. I 11.11 tilde In 1 Kt'l'l'U I'll t il't'ilt Jii'lll'llt. ullriid In n:y dally Inl.ors nalii, puiilnif In 11 hnvi rorelved irrs-nt b"iietU, from Hits tbren k'ood ila'. ttni k K it. Hplenill.lly in,,l luivo I mom liV H'raliiii'iil I lime Inkeii li'.iui Dr. halm, k'al.'li Kivally In v.. 1,-hl. I'blllp II Kndeis. I ir wlilrli p el very L'l'.ili fiil. I. K I'urlur. Dullilatlit. N ai'lli'il fo., 1'a., Sent. (1, lsw, 1 llliller. Iliiller Co , I'll.. An. IH', 1-Ui. fc !' a i n kj.:, '.'I'lie s,..,lli nl Advlser'n short bMnrv ot pilvate i.e s, i,il,'oto youii',' iiinl old. especlallv IIhisk ronlriupl it Iiilt iimri'liik'.'. 'I'lili boo'; will I e sent 1.1 atnone free 011 ipii.u.niou. A.inu'se. nr. .s.,1111, i', o. u,,x ;u1 Lolnmbiu, ti. fciiilubltiif Iwo-crnl hIuiiiii lor Linden II. dl, Ceiur.) Da., l a., July li, Ivjii.' IKJhtilKt!. MauliiHiil perfertly re-i iii'd. ij'ili k, paltili'K nnd oi-rtuln euro for linpolc t... 1 ...... 1 Miei inaloi r icii Im-sen, weak mid nri vniiH debiliiy ; nh., for pi-nstral Inns. v. 11 lci. li. and all nrlvuls.' dl-'-a a s , wlirihor I10111 linpi udriit liul.Ps ol yum Ii orM-xual exr3,v in maitii'f vraiH.or uny nniMe Unit ileblliinleiMAiial linn tlons ki....,y ami p.-rimineiilly cur.-d. flee e iiiili'ia'lon of I lie iirln.. .,1 ,, ,'v. .-ui, 11 , i. 11, u iiiriiii'.ii 1 reii iimiii, it. mil 11 m.h.i nr r i j r.. j .,r ,,..1.... will receive iieirriiililiciiiiriti tii.d lnlcroMopIo xamlmillon. .... ..nun '" '""''". "aitK, ntiiieit, i-tc.. romoven Wllliinit nel N, l;t,lf.i pilii or war New riroii'ohW cpiirpnor lllHM'leiilllli Hllv In aleil nud positively ciiteii bv a ru'Vel'-Iullliiif Atldlew nil ruliiiuuiilailloim U llox IiVI. C iluniliils, OI1U1. ' Ct)N.Sl l.TATlON l-ltLl: - ru ur wiifii.,A, s Me- s-sUmislied ll(mjlp '"trut h lino. r.y. i9 ,r, pcrnnnent. Heferon. , "tiT, aiiitni ed envelope, n 1,, !"''. I Cllleiilfo. 1 " N""h.5j aiMi.nn 1 Tho Internntlomu v.. 'm i'VSI 1.1 - . ..,,, rot. ,., 1 1 ny 01 d, mi.- or (.. ' ","J 1 il-- K'n'UllW selll,... k n. Miiyoiir? Hi geoii WHtr "ell'ntf in Pie id CfiilH. K'rs lui laKiks mil Mlbled nl, l'ir inn llniely 'h Iflven In a ,' nir Ml nl... m . ' " W i w. eka, another Hie-,', fT 1 elliiecoiiibitiuii,.,,,,;" H 1 J toll ,.orf Vn.. I. .... . ''" I t. ; " """" N 4. J 4 Uancerl OoT camtr curosl on it,. )h " or anywhere on tha , (la eliclit ti.ii,, ,,,,, 1 kkI. Nu km;,. Cull at mv nnv. .' ..' J ..... I). K. KUTII IK K'K u i. I". 8. Kindly auk Vnnr aL ' 1 hoi her lis keeps hr n u . letivlr. 1 Twrwt.iv iv. .k'.. 'A Hwtrlc Nuiriiii.u ,-. 'I arhe Powdcris, VeiretaMM-,,. J all dntnratle si,lm,.i. 1-.. ' 'l Tincture, IvrtsH-t., Vami:,, Corlil Allfl Cflslrir I ill t, . - o a.", t,;., them nt, once n t bey r,. where. D. It. IIOTIIUiv K.i, j , rhurmaoiM., New llcrlin, I'.v " bund tho body drop of blood sonnblo. I sv rtlin vlr. ment. hen III bv hi 111 11 o ti.,,,,, . .. ' (nil yeiins Willi n se. r. "i 11 .' ' dread dlaenso 'ssttsstssrii int. "1 milks' known to In 1. n,,i, , "' d cure. 1 nllio.e w , ,1, . I) Heinl (free 01 rhiiti,., , , iled. w lilrh lliev ill 11,. 1 amiipllnii, A .11, in,, tin,.,. J 1111. 1 nu uiroat .ii: . Si.j,.n snrreler. III lev II..- - . " 4 Those drslrltiir the pre., n, , tliem llntlilliif. and ti, 11 i, .. pleiiss) ndilrs'vt It... l.'IHS' ( ri. . . . w-in-iyr. n-.i "I'.- in: tin it. What ran be tiiun. attr, -, Minis' rbeertul nu, ti.Uru , llnwern nil tlirmiifli 11... i - I bey can Iv bud with. an ..,,. r wit mint ineiii A c.,,. n . , J . .1, . I. ..!.. .. ......... I..... . . , ii.,'-,-,,,.,. ,. ii-iii... ir, I. r, iw I 111 till' CI 'll'll, III.-, I Ii I , llM, AC. ll lone wort Ii f I.Vi. ;.' llllll to AMKttll'AN II MII'IMS,, price Has. peryeari. i."i.rsn Mower ifrowers. bv t....r. .. . M.edlilt.i. r.l llov si V v ' Hrm whom we 'know in i -Z Netnl them a rristnlrur I i,.,,j tlctilant by ralurn mail. Tiiis.w rejieuted. Wanted-An Ideal Wrllar. JAlIM'i,i,l'i,i'..1 msi " afWlT.llUI, TX Bill W "Tt. Waahlngton. I). S'..f. tbwaal avnd tlit ot two hundrtd hiTtaualti A Valnnble I'resrriaJ Editor Morrison of tfrl inn.. ISiin " writoa. "T- valuablo nrpscription 1 Rittprn. ami T mptiil it. far Ot nut 1110(1,-11 J llendachc, and at a p:n torjio it haa no ctjual. lb Stehle, 2(t25 Cottace Gr Chicago, was all run d r. not eat nor digcHt fooJ. k acbe wbit'h nver left her i til'Pil mill u uiii v Inil nit I Electric Bitft-rs rt'storrJic ana renewed her stiencii cent &. $1.0(1. Cii talxii bill, Gariuan iV C'o.'s S:.-lic-ld, I'u. and nil cln!;r.-a A. B. for Steam ami lint Wat.: AIho dealer in II. i!cr. Slinftllio; l'tilli'Vs, I I.tnj-fs er Id'ltiiig. REPAIRI of Kng.nes, Il.iilcr- ii'J Kiitiiilii'H en 11 lie u'';J Tul)M. ripe ami l'i' 1'."- 11S ri'fel'sMiei' ci 1 1 n'f riiiiiL' cal fskill, Frick s. I " "I l'ft. and I.ftmiiiiii MT;.' d panics of lilli siainliiik'. Iu order to iivuM la'ciJf- Mil Baile fliould bo tertetl iinilff!-' test at IpiiMt once s !rt danger aiui call upon w tent, a. u. wojaiem; Se Hi) rove, : 'H Tl as a vis null nn 4 iubhiuuu SUNBURY, " 1.1 ill. mm Inet liod. Iiiclliud. Town. Hold. Day. An. Sep, sutibiiry,, Wd. Ij it Lewbiburi?, Cuniiiroii, Tbtir. 13 la Mlildlcoiirff.Wii.Hlilnat'11, Krhliiy n LuwImIowii, Niitlomil, Hiilnrday u AND HTIJICTIA- CONI'ini-NTIAI.. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. feb. Mar. Apr. Mav June Juiv 7 H U 10 4 n si m iii it i u 3 ti si a, :-: vi ir it 4 l-'.-J '.'ti it v.i iii ii m 5 -! !!T i7 l Si 11 if tlUUco Ifottra is( Mlsldlt'ftiirtvti, II lo 3. SUBSCRIBE- FOR THE iddleburgh POST. Tlio Elonliant is lwt a latent btyleb ot ClolfaCapp,) biWUMWI I TTnnvv Winter 0 Gloves, and all the M BeaBonablo lM'"i cllltiH tMot hiiiL' Stoic. Coino and look i;t y 1 will find it well kHcoi I inn, Uc.1 W. H. B0 tl.lnar to patent? I'n!'"'' brim you vvoultb. "J1,- lltJito. C'1., I'liicntA'W