The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 15, 1896, Image 7

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    luk a. tha
r?72 ZZT the wood.
BT aa . a A 1 a.
K.M!fatmMt for blood
kind 01 Hi"-""1 ,
k'".,..nt. and whetasr In
rlption to always tha
r ... he saiaoi i
KJ?5m. dit:ct thc,r
fw.rd coTrlnff up tha ymp.
E7!i.. There ia but one cf-
F obtained from potash and
1.. twit uo the roison
" r . at.-, 4titr tin
tw in the nones -"
VduallT consuming -r
. A..r.nrinir copper-colored
rare but indicationa of vora
. .. w .nniir has tha
b follow. w -,
on the full effects at this
I drug; man nn .rr.-..-
icitvof the Joint. Rives way
.,ilod bT the radtinr
theu'matlam. The form grad-
A SaTaMala fcfcst ' ' MataVMa ' ftaftal
tie' MaV asi atald aaay.
ad t. taajal, r- ft, I,
k4 aav waf ef jatetac a.
Be aepoaei ft, aaah Vof Bait a
aaaaa. 4 end aTaaajaaaa
alpal, togetha Hk wfcat H eajiatd,
ima to be returned to aim.
The scheme was good, bat H tidal
work mlu ae Mr. Smart had aatial-
The lonrth Sunday fotind tboiaperin
tettdoot ready to audit the profit and
loss accounts, and be eommenoed with
Johnnie's el mm.
"How have you dona, Jobnnio?"
"My half crown hat earned another
one," said Johnnie, with the air of one
having an option on a halo.
"Good," said the superintendent
"Not only is Johnnie a good boy in
helping tho school, but he shows bust
noss talnnt. Doubling ouo's money in a
lnglo month requires no common abil
ity. Who can tell but what wo may
have another budding Crtrsu among
oaf Johnnie, you havo douo Well. And
now, Tboiuns, how much ban your half
erown earnod?"
"Lost it," suid Thomas.
"Wiiut, not only failed to own any
thing, but actually lost I" said Mr.
Smart "How was that?"
"I totted with Johnnie," was the re
ply, "and ho vrvu." Tit-Bite.
Boating e Candidate,
"Dnddy's out yandor."
"Out whnr?"
"Out yandor."
" What's hoa-dolnofr
"He ain't a-doln of nuthin. Thuy'ro
a-beatin him frr tha cflloo. "
"I rockou that's what it U Oue hit
him with a fenoe rail, 'nothor floorwl
bim with a liKhtard knot, 'uuther
wbuled bim with a pine attplin, an
w'en they got tired they sout fur Uio
coroner, nu uow they'ro a-suttiu ou hint
an a-reiitiu of theii selves. "A tliuiU
CUtA !K,P0UTI33 i
i W a)aS We tH Fee 4 t
anelHi aWie 9mw Teawe.
o have a
ioaaf anteatton for feei wa9
ta Kaxaakaa aaan Haae age.
areaJee e4ad against site prayoawt
ta taie aarwato ataaoat
aaaaaa, Tkaaetiea of a large Bomber
sf tkeaa ean nadilg be anderstood whmi
ana ooaalders an laeident which ooour-
ed aae day before the election at the
pMoeratlo beadqaartera at Mew Orleans.
A tall, lean oreole went to tho kead-
qaartera and axkod to have the question
at Uime eiplained. One of the party
loaders axplalnod, aud when ho hnd flu-
iihed the visitor said: "Ihaf a couRoen,
Alphonsa. He no read, uo write. Ho
"Has be any property?" neked tho
tnan who bad explained things.
"Non. Oh, oul. A ulo, Jiteqnes."
"How much is tho mule worth?"
"Two hundred dollttr."
"Alphonro can vote," snid tho liem
ocrntio leader.
Tho tall creolo was silent awhile mid
stood, with bis eyes funteucd in inedita
Hon on tho floor. At length he began
again :
"I huf a couseon, Jenu Hnptiato. He
no r'd, uo write. Ho vote?"
"Does Juan Baptinte own anrilWng?'
"Not even a aulo?"
"Then Jean Daptiste can't voto."
MAlphonsn vote?"
"Yes. Alpbouse owns a mule,"
"If zg mule die, Alphutiao vutu?"
The exeole again flaed hi eyes on tlta
floor, und fur a lonir time was silent.
Then he lookad up and critnl:
"Ah. 1. seel Ze mule vyti, 2fo uo
want sat 'mundmcut "New York Sun.
V the bonea ache, while de-
and helplessness prema
) posseaaion of the body,
trentwit. it is but a short
triy, r ,ri beultn to a pair
i. V .i.i this wreck ox me
fn ci--' tailing of the hair
jw, I of ringer nails,
ot the bones a condition
le. This is no overdrawn
r the world to-day is full of
inp mercurial wrecks,
us Mood l'oison is the most
all diseases, and has been
ily called the curse of man-
ii the discovery ol . t.
irable. It has always baf
:tors, and it is in this dis
the evils of mercury and
most common, because
s are given in auch large
effort to counteract the
lille they succeed in bottling
a in the system, it always
h strain, attacking aome
an, frequently the mouth
niimtr them with eatintr
S. is the only known euro
ible disease.
same in other diseases of
Ibcrofula, Ecseuia, Cancer,
P, all are given the aueae
jr the physicians mercury
(and the result aa above set
ays the same.
I remedy purely vegetable,
isciieci, yei narmiesa in
for mty years S. t. 8.
mg niooa diseases, from
lent to the mildest case.
r treatment failed. It is
purely vegetable, and one
iiars reward is offered for
I contrary. It is a real
jr for real blood troubles.
(ails to cure Contagious
, Scrofula, Eczema, Kheu-
fer, or any other disease
U you have a blood dis
remedv whirh win n
Pe ware of mercury don't
your system. Bon'tget
on blood and akin dla.
Myttrrlva of Irotrltrnr.
"I see," suid tho lady who wishes to
tcear blixuners, "tliut nnother wouinn
buH Ihtu Imrncil to deitlh ly her itkirtrt
catching on fire. You never hoar of a
womuu'a bloomers catching on fire aud
burning her to death."
"Which simply gocd to show," said
the husband of the ludy who wishes to
wear bloomers, "how inyhti rions nro
tho ways of Providence." Ciuciunuti
Able to Float It Alune.
"Can't you tnko a friend in on tbo
ground floor in this e.uUrpriwj, Noah?"
asked oho of tho lounger, winking at
tho others who were standing about
"There isn't going to bo any ground
floor," replied Noah, applying sumo
more pitch to tho exterior bis ark and
atanding off to note the effect Chica
go Tribune.
Following Inatrnnttuna.
"Why, Jimmio," said tho gracious
hostess, "you have taken half a pio on
your plate"
" Yes'in. Mamma suid I mustn't buve
but ouo picco when I wus viaitin. -De
troit Free Press.
. w.uuu iuu sain i
mailed free to any
Specific Co., Atlanta,)
ition Notice.
F' u uru. un ot Uouw-liulil iroi
f-; I"" li'tl tlicmiii Uio ,a
lit. and tlion-rore noUllcs
Riven by the nnil.tminrt
I iv puri'liaNvd at coi.Hlulila mile
urn. i,n ol uoum-liuld (foodH
r'.r uo r'a. kltl,, f nd
"l. Illlll frillt. (llali II...
i wwvsiild aathe property
h dy ot tk'DtombBr. lsui
' utll. MOamokln Dam. P.
1st retum-
n the Oif.Tr
)le Ci
Low Prices
IoItlTe ProoL
Miss Daisy Modders (ooyly) Do yon
love mo, Jason?
Jason Uuekloberry Conrso I lore
yon. Do you s'poso i d bavo boon aotin
the fool over yon all this time if I
didn't. Truth.
Not la Ouo.
"Ton call this a round ntonkf" asked
Lout her by.
"Yes, sir," replied the waiter.
"How many rounds does it usually
tuko to master it?" Philadolphia North
A Vtlunph of Fatteoee.
Exhibitor It has tooken mo more'n
six mont's to learn him to do it, bat
how's dat for do result? Truth.
The 0to of a Ctwe'ldaaa.
This U the mejt
Who for offloo rry.
And theao Wore bis taaihod
IIli campaigning Ufc:
voce at sts
With aU bis Maha,
XmtX 1
KWintor Goods
pought lower
wDt into tut raao Uke tatcksl
nn we cures
lira etassed for 'u
UmA Vl& the lixs
Of twea rf tarn ;
Had mi thelir ehiklaan
Off tosohoet,
And raUed a atorttiage
Frost a tnmlat
Sad poo to eoprt
With smiling fitos
And qaickly von
A voter's ease;
Bad placfced Era autaiog
ttiUM down
To help 'en taild
A chtxroh tu town;
Bad warded off
A ahet Ill's sale
And paid poor man
Out of jotl;
t? altered ala vidows'
And made a aanipaign
Aad MU they nevet
tlaard blot roaa
When ftfteea fvllows'
ijtvUahsMB. -'
Be look m aotaa,
Ksarewed aa daubt. '
ttrt freelr saalled his
This wim th kaa
Whetereaai. aae,
. , Aad thai waa ala
OampnJctklBi Bias.
Baet theaflee,
Tlie Darllnston, Wls4 JoarrMl aafs
editorially of a popular patent ttedl
eiue : "We know from eiperletiee
that Chamberlain's Colin. Cbolaem
and Dlarrhma Remedy la all that t
claimed for it, as ou two occasions It
stopped neriielatlng pains and pos
sibly saved ns from an nnttmely
grave. We would not rest'eaay a-eer
niitht without it in thf bouse-' This
remedy undoubtedly sates more palu
and suffering than any other medU
cine in the world. Every family
should keep it In the liouxe, for It Is
sure to oe needed sooner or inter,
For salo by all Druggist
The Irtral lanncee.
James I. Francis. Alderman.
Chicngo, snys: "I regard Dr. King's
Now Discovery as an Ideal Panacea
for Couehs. CoKIh. ami Luna Com
plaints, having used it in my family
for tho lust livo yours, to tho exclu
siou of physicians or other preraru.
If.... T..1... n. 1. .. 1. T.-.,..
writes : "I liavu been a Minister of
tho Methodist l'.iiiHcoinil Church
for CO jeurs or more, und have never
found anything beneficial or that
envp intt Hiieh mieedy relief ns Dr.
Kin a iNew lhHcovery. try tins
Ideal Couch Uetnedv now. Trinl
1 lot ties at (Irnvhill. tlunuiin Co.'h
Store, ltichlie Id, l'u. mid all drug
Reammable Itequeet.
"IInTe yon anything to suyf" rjtktnl
"Wy, only this, ytjux Ihux, " an
twered tho pickpocket "I only ask
that you won't let 'mi buuUou0ue
while they tako me to the pen,"
" sut to have a better banm to
oape, ehr'
"Indeed I don t Upon my word and
honor I don t 1 Jist thought that if my
hands wus loose I wight g4 a chance
to mako mo eipunsos somo way or uu
other on tho trip. " OineixuuiU Ku
She Had Made Ilooery.
"I hope," alio said thoughtfully.
that you won't have anything more to
say ubout the manner in which wcumi
hunt bargains and get cheated."
"Why not? Don't you think your sex
dosorves it"
"I'm not going to diwu that point.
Evcu if wo do deservo tho eritioism it
docs not como gratefully from a muu
who uys hair restorer regularly from
U dheudod barber. " Wushiugtou
Btar. .
Brine, a bighlund ferry. TonriNt
But wo paid you sizixuico cueh us wo
canio over, and you said tho sumo lure
would bring us back.
Skippor Well, well, and I tolled yo
nothiuK but tho truth, nn it'll be no
inoro than tho same luro i iu wautiu
tho noo for bringin ye buck. Punch.
Wbuel Nnws.
"It is queer how you iuoxperienetnl
riders always wuut to taku suoh long
"No, it isn't a bit (saier. Wo are
afraid to stop and get oil for fuar we
can't got on auaiu." Detnat Fix)
Jul and October.
"I Will tuko 11 yards of thin silk.'
"Yes, Miss Van Avenue. I believe I
Was honored with an iutroduotiou to
yoq at Newport iu July?"
"This is October. Cut it oil und do
livor it ot onoe. "New York Herald.
A Theory.
"Was it whisky that brought
hero?" asked the prison visitor.
"I think, lady, from tho way the
copper amolled, " uivwertid Diitmul Daw
son, "that it was gin." Indianapolis
ITha Leesjv Thing.
BUAintlcally Inoliued Tourist (iu
OkliJjoma What is Uio death rate
Alrxli Xko SaiBO as it is evorywhur
elso one death for overy inhabitant
. Dirt-
IHugbter Eid you give Charley any
ttAhv Weil, 1 sapposo it amounts
to that He called it a louu, however.
Detroit Xhbune.
With Aaod rWaaoB.
"I AcVt quite eee why you call Mr.
Blpgo Irtora JisrcA."
"Why, thieaoao his faoe lighas up ao
whon be talks." Brooklyn Ufa.
I Xih.
Ihlchan la that, Dixie Josh? I
TJnsla JaA Vlii ft a tbect
r -tn- NEVER
Made a
WpII Man
r ltw V A .......
Umu.y.laj'MS 0f Me.
T Ha ORCAT aoih Her
ii-n ,1 nrf lhr atni rrntilt lit'ao duTH. II . ti
I' i a tif ii I It ul iiiliklx. i iirm hen ell nttiem Ul
lmius mm ill rmitiii their nnt ninhcid. tint ol
ti:n lll rrrotar llnir Tuntl.liil vmr lr u.iu
KKVItt. It uli'kly and nurclr rtnrrn Nfnn
n. Lo.t viiditir, lui.oMn-ff. Mtilitlr EiuImIhuk,
Lit I iwr. railliig Xlriynrr. Vwtlus Olrniur 0. en
ftll rff. n o( eHf slnira or rn'n-n stid IndiNi-rrlloti
hlch tiulltH oti lor ntuily. tnMiti-nr nikrritit.
lint tiolr rur. liy tirttiitf at tlie nrt el ilim uu. ti
latiriM nrre totiln ami lilimil Imlldrr. drl.K
IKS !' the pink clow to Lln rlirrka and r
suiuiui tbe lire of vouth. It !.! off liiMintr
and Ooniuniitlnn. lnlt ca hiin
cltirr. It can le carried Iu vnat I'tx-i.t Or nil
a 1.00 ir iK'kwo.ur au for VS.OO, with m poel
tlte written Eimranteo to ure vr refund
utmmwti UlrraJarlrM. aaartna
)Y1L1CD1C1IC CO.. 271 WatiaiU kit,, CHICAGO, ILL
Fo t sale at MldclluMirirli. fa. hy W. II. SpaiiKlii
The modern stand
ard Family Medi
cine : Cures the
common cvery-day
ills of humanity.
ti:Gojarii(i v
hu enj.iywl a Meut mil
ir iut It It wivHUrfally
IjaliiTul JlauMra, hU m
pruw for ov?
H)um Juui la all
Hkattt,a, 1 ankafa,
falarrh, ioMlluirka,
Jtaerelele. liavkerhe
anS ratwr aUmaaM wtiara iln la an ttmt
aiil. Try IL at lni alon. hy luall uu
ratvlit aania, a.ltlrtaa ajitl V rwiu.
Halllnare. U.. V. N. A.
For the whole family
Catvtlr Lhrr, ihire Blotd. Beautiful
CsjBpleKtOaV Perfect Health In
Write to T. 6. Qiincbv,
t t Drawer IJ, Clikayo, Srcre
Ury of the Btar AcciimitT
Ji Coui'Amt, for Information
i MgarUlug Accident Iotur
aijTi" ance. Meuliou tlii.1 pajxr.
By so doing yon can nave
anerabcrahlp fee. Ilai paid over fOUO.utt.OO (or
eccklcotal iujurlca.
Do your own Agent.
Rochester Business LlniveMlty
At liruinninc ,.( first cr arrnml trrm, TucaJav,
fepteintwr Mb, or Monday, November loth,
illvo, and aecure an education la a lun iiep
toward aucccxa.
I'ull Information for the asking.
; CLsinesc &.S!iorthond
- . w -V . J
ITW I7I0 Caertnut SL, Phllr.da., Pa. A
Twalftn Till. A rood ehool for Imilt J J
aeiaa,'i'lioruuataljiulvkluallualru;liouiu IT
Btek Jumping,
Ccautvarolul id.
Practical Crammar,
S lw Cgavaiialaa, IUiA UiauaalM, U.
llwK'i'a alat4 la ehtalnlng goivl I
afiueiiw. tiorr.'AiKduk'Uoa villi 1'rtna
.liar hnne.9iepMra end uvrka euik4
I. Writ Sir t'aialuaue, W. rat-aie. Id. A.. I'naMeiil.
mn 1
r i rrfi.tu a t Cauie -vr"Tua
la mtm TrtaTaala ell iC!S2
Purely vegatabls, eat like candy, never fail to induce a natural sction of f.
tha atoraaeh. liver and hnvn!a. Ahanlutotw tniaranli-rrl to cure constination
Cor your money refunded, to, j or 50c All druggists. Sample and book ftee.
Iddraaa THK STCBt laio aaaaenw rn.. ruirinn nn NEW VOM. lai
hm ?n Fine
l.nno nm howi o11. W enn pmr Xn powtr to dot troy lN1fv1r fur tohprln nnf
in irm wi
th wmI lnitMt4'Dl man uti-miaf. Tlnoni1
crtmUHtt nfrrn-ftwHl In !h wnrht. Mm it atsth. Ill t-iumUlii 10 dam ant U iitwf
aim 10 nirtftein waaa iniiMu'nv man atroitM, Titfomuaani matttnxir, jm vrj a oni. 1 m win nti
Your l.tft Awnv '
tiri. Bntl fur onr Nxkl't ' Um't Totafv Hull
fn fuuiirln. Attrirvaa Tit F U t UttUMi US
CM Lit I C4.,lhleueurNew or
rllion aueiauUM auJ
The Indestructible uMaywood"
Tba loat peden.
Matt fitllabls,
Poet Burable
Wheel oa Itrtt.
THIS 975.00 COM
0U8Lt a , .. a
1 May 17, 1SUI
Ort.3, 1SB3
Jau 1, 1RU5
Jan. 31, 1HU0
Oilier I'miling
The "Uarwooa"
roaila and rlilora.
eully taken aoart and nt toRrthrr: has fw jiarla; la
Is the ttrtmgeH and timplrti bicycl ever mndn.
aiane or material tint is "ki,
Ailnntoil for all hlmM ot
mun anil utry; ainiin III rotiHtriii'l Inn.
ol a
ani'll wiry oniiKtriii'tliin I hut IIb inttn
will hold tiiKxtliflr even In an anctilrnt: no hollow tulilna to nrnali In at every ronlncl ; a f tninti
that cannot be broken: no ahnplu that It adjiiatlnic atla nerve aa ttaeoiiiiectlnu nrtn; a om.
(ili-ee rrank In ilaoe ot a dorru parte; always ready toitive rollnldu ami rapid t ritntirt itl Intt.
Ill AM K Improved douhlo diamond, guaranteed for thron yeara. Mndeof S-Ini h iold
rolled ateel rnjla (toiirhiat anil atroniieat metal fur It a welvht knuwiil; Joined toiii'ther Willi
alumtnitnj bronae AttlUK In aniib a manner that It la linHinallile to break or anv part work
looae: a marvel of novelty, atmplloltr and durability; tho urenteat ciiiiiidnatlnu of Inm mill y
In bicycle mechanlam known, to bulhl a friunn wit limit brazen Joint anil tublnv. ax you I; now
that framaaeontluually break and fracture at brazen Joint a, and tubea when thev are Inn kled
In cannot be repaired. WIIK.M.S IH-liieli; warranted wood rltna, plnno wire taiiK nt pok; a
and braaa nlpplea. IH'IIH I,anre barrel tint lern. TIHKM "ArlliiKton" ilnai tiin m Mur
an Wrlitht Quick Jtepalr, or anino other tlrht-eliuia pneumatic lire. HfcAltlM'S- Hall
brarlnta tu every part, Inoludliiif wheels, crunk axlit, ateei lmr heml and pclula. 41 l AM
L'ONI.K-llcat quality tool ateel, carefnllr tempered and hardened. CHAINS-lllk'h itrada
hardened center, rear adjuatnient. 'lt ANKH Our celebrated one plece crank, fully pro
tected by patent: no cotter plua. HRACII Hhorteat, 'Jm Inrhea: loiiKi'Ht, ill tuche. I.Alt
(a or n. KIIONT roilK Indeatrnctlble; fork crown made from iiuu-liarrel ateel. IIASIII.IC
II A It Hnveralbls and adluatalde; eaallv adjuatud to any poult ion dialred; ram' horn fur
nlahod If ordered. MAIILK P. A K Ullllam, or aome other llrat-claa make. I'KltAI.H
Hat-trap or rubber; full ball bearliiK. FINISH Kuanieled In black, with all In lirht parte
nickel i lt.J. Iitr-tla, WKT m.i" baa-, pump, wrtUtO and oiler. Weight, au
cotdiug to tires, pedal, aaddlea, etc., 27 to uo pound.
f 40 Is onr Special Wholnaale I'rlre. Mover before sold
for lea. Tonlcklv Introduce tho "May wood" lllcycln, we
havo decided to tuako a apeelal ooupoo offer, giving every
roatlur ot Oil paper a chauoo to get a urat-clanH wheel at the
lowest price oyer offered. On receipt of f.'i6.on unit ou;iort
we will ehlp to anyone the above llicyole, eecurely crated,
and guarantee rafu delivery. Money refunded If not as
reprcHeutcd after arrival and elimination. We will ahlp
0. O. ). with privilege of exainliiHtion. for fM.W and uoupoit
provided fA.ou I ent with order n a guarantee of good faith.
A written binding warranty with earn lilcycle. Thla la a
chance of a lifetime aud you cannot allord to let the oppor
tunity pan. Addrena all order to e
16 J Watt Van Bursa Street, Bs a3ao, CHICAGO, ILL.
Coupon No. 2329
toon aoa
No. 5 May wood
W In 1 III) B0 Sampson Suit, with litra Pair of fanf, for
aiMKMBCR, y J",c' '"' " f hcl,rnt . holrtlr Clothing M j:)ui,cturn In AmaiLa.
nil rv ll.'l.'W Y, .iyf inr I'rOTIT..
r it rXre' c.
Tha abeva mrntlonad i 7 Bovt S,mpton Suit
with l-aira Panla I, guarantrril to br from an
Impoiltil Vool Cluviat. in et llljik. Hjikllltir,
t)toril tirry and oliva brown, in nr fom
Jloe yajra of k. 1 hy are eiide up at pr cut
Mow in euut'la brraalid with Sailor Collar, brx.lrd
w itltwula i.,Mj,h :rid, lln,,t wilha tjt Ilia, k
Allirrl 1 will Sti,n lining, 1 rimniinjj and Work
man, hip throughout th fcrit money tan prrKurr.
Coat h 1 Si.l I'o. krla. a 1 of ,i:J Ca.h I'.Kkrt.
I'jtrnt Wal lljnJa tucd oa ail I'antt, aito Putol
I'okftt on all Hants.
In Sir liom 10 to it, vrart nf ( made up aa
prr opposite cot, lioul le Uuatlrd v. ub ti l anla
ai aama t rue
l.ipr,,agt tuid t
y-Mir iloor.
In rmittinR aen.
elt Tott ( im'i. r o
I r Mon,y ( Milr
ir titriru l.rti,
ana I r n.r.iurr n.
aire of l:nv at
Hull JjV . I it l,iKr
or tmall lot 1.1, if
our Iiluttratei:
I'licfkl Catalogue
I i uhicli you wi!
find llovs Suits
roi.i )Sc. it 71
Youths I oni;
I'ants Slits Iron
ifj 00 up ncc!
Nier.s Suits from
Par:, K$ ',L'
:?-SRl02dSt, !Tci7 York City
I s" If E 1 TX.
Mm k k M Mil 'Ed all tb latest news,
OHLY $1.50 A YEAR,
p erer,
And BOW splits
. rureeeettsej