The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 15, 1896, Image 3

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phoold beet this condensed
,pl.fre rnm,nl of Senator Gray,
ol Dtawni: "A" Increase of price If
0selnint to(lcreeln wsges."
Thi Boy Orator of the PUtte If so
named boco of hif similarity to thst
which, though tery long, If only six
toohcf deop, hoi Terr wldo ftt the mouth.
Xh only point of difference If that tho
fometlmcf dries np.
rmciPlD TOtet: In answer to your
LoaMlon, the Mslne election tnoanf that
tb serf won't hire free n?er and that
Lddflftjuf proleotloti and honest dub
ittt ftlU floats ana wui Boa OTr out
4-Inrtn Eepttblloan.
ronyMM ago the working 3 n waf
mmiA te rote ue prioe down or
UlAt ke eontnmed. This rear he U ap
pallid K hy the tame party to voto up tho
Htoeot thing he consumes. What kind
if party If that whlok ehangoe 1U prin
. .1 . o mwrnrr afslntf breesa anil
kiiw - w " - -
Luaa hold to erery new eraise that J
imnf along. The American people voted
or ft rhang for yean ago, and got hard
Imtt and the free toup honae, with 1pm
rork and leaf wage, and often no work
mdnowagof for a laboring man. Going
try thf experiment of free silver now,
irtyonf Haven't you had enough of cx
rr!mnUf If you want the gooil time of
back again Tote for the principle
hut made thote good times, found money,
imtKttun and reciprocity.
MR- Hkta mukes the mlstuko of mi-
L1ng tlmt thousands who never rxpc-t
1 rsmllilntos for hlh honor do not
ImVrstnnd him as well u or oven better
tin he understand himself. To tho
k'lUfrhtful prrfon tho purpose net forth
the Chicago platform, If curried Into
Tcvt, would Iki the extinction of honor
ml honratr, and Inaugurate an cm of
rinele.votid anything on record. If tho
ii-nnlnu of Drynnlsm Is not to ho derived
Mm th lanKiiugo of Its founder and ex
yuT, It ha no slitnlflcjineo licyond
iiintllnfr phrne. Hut It has a meaning,
nl It t appeals to whatever U crooked In
stunti nut u ro reveal that meaning.
D nay tlmt Mr. Bryan I slncora only
nki It a inoro forinldahlo menace. The
mt of crimes have boon commltUid tn
o name of sincerity.
. : . - -
A Most Important and Distinguished
Testimonial For Dr. Grecno's Norvura.
Hon. J. H. Hastings, Judge of County Court.
Senator, and Vice-Pres. National Bank,
Tells the People to Use Dr. Greene's
Nervura to be Cured.
t to -Te a bodr of mrnlntlnnlata rith.
I particular rofuronce to the oonstita-
In offorlnir chnnn mono thAv nn.
1 J J
11 to the cupidity and lack of eoruplo of
adventurous. In denying tho right of
federal government toonforco It laws
tywhere with Its own accnts thoy ap-
nlea. In tholr attack unon the Miitinmin
lrt they append to all fooxof govern inont
iw, those who would rob by law as
s those who rob In deflnnco of law.
inlm, thereforo, hcciiis to covor tho
-fur whom law In mndo, and whoso
once In tho absence of restrictive leg-
tinn would Introduce anarchy und Its
niblo disorder.
Nt.lniiU inraaiirn will tpnil In IliU
rrrllun inurn than thn atluntlon r u
'il Inlrrnatlunal ulan.lnr.l i
whli h S iiroilurU muv In m..a..
'"I. anil In rnnlormll r with whlrk
volnof arountrw khl uit i. i.
ill into et.ry m- m liny thtt iitu-
in or v.ry unllon without bnluv
ronnUd by the inunry"
re I. Only One Certain Way t
I vn. BS Bf Lltljar.
Mm.n who vote to bring thnlr werk
competition with tho work of fovetrn
trt must expect to bring thnlr wage.
who tmi labor of thut foreign
tmtltloo. They muni not uwi th.t
!rlcan manufactnrera caq pay higher
than are paid ey forMgm manufeo
f. It the Amerloan product U wild for
price a the foreign product 1
got up a .trlke for highor wagee.
r "ecab workmen" aacl ilon..
My, and thon go to the pells and vote
llUlttlll thm r,....l... . . . .
lahor" U a .peclM of lunopv whleb
. . i
" "H""1' we aav lo the mun uh,, .
y oppose the urn of the armv to
".7T0t,: "PMt the,n down your
Veto to retwrve American tuar-
Americun protluctn, und there
M m ew for ftrlkes to nil
f will advance an tho price of mnn
jurod giwj. advance, and not any
"HKKMA!, la, '
C,' t U"B lopHu of a
ioinlt """"rmU' WHU which
U It ' nd b"' Pro-
A Mn.l.ll..
W glUt?r. ThelnconnUtonclo
f'hwtheaobrlquetof the muddlor.
Dvlit w r . .. .
i - rouaniiau.
:r riTt-WAf. r..i ir .v,
-v .-. ;:. i...-v::;cii. vio:'::"r:::-r
You are sick and out of order anil
want to get well.
To jrot well you desire to take the
remedy which will surely cure you
the one which is tron jf ly recommended
by vjiuo one In whom you havo perfect
belief and confidence.
Dr. Grecno's Nerrora Mood and norvr
remedy is tho medioino which will
surely cure. yon. I
Ana hero U tho strongest possible
f-ccommendation to use it by one of the
iQost eminent and dUtlngulahcd Judge
JTrtK question now In, whutaro tho peo-
b of the Unltod Ktate going to do about
The only thing offered to thorn by
V. Bryan 1 a depreciated currency, a re-
pal of -loctrlnoof paramount ftate
ht t packing of the euprerae court
last toort with men who will ftudy ttLth's cotintrT. I'n. J. II TTi-,
Waitsfield, Vt, an Asaociato Judge,
Senator in the Vermont Legisla
ture, Vice-President and Director
of the Watorbury National Bank,
and Treasurer and Trusteo of his
Buch la tho exalted standing of the
f to the vlclou. clmw, which watched m a? Rb,10 nWr w"
I (mal,f .., . . is enthusintitio in praise of the wonder
I opportunity during tho civil war to ful curaUve Qf P.
Ik.troublo in tho rear of tho Union vu, , ,.. .i u ...i.i. ....
' UV. . I U A W lbil luimb
remarkable benefit in his own family
and who tells you that he has known
so many cit-ses cured by this grund
medicine, thut he advises you to uso it
by all means, if you wihh to get wclL
Judge liiihtings suys:
"I havo heard Dr. Greene's Nervura
blocKl and nervo remedy most highly
recommended by my friends and neigh
bors who have used it, and know of
several decided cures where people
have been in a very feeble htute of
health and had failed to get relief from
the usuul sources.
"A lady who lived in my family has
often' spoken of the woudurful good
which Dr. Greene's Nervnra Mood anl
nerve remedy has done her mother who
was cured of nervous prostration by its
use. One of my nenr neighbor who
used the Norvura and derived bonotit
from its uc, advised mo to uso it in my
own family. Thoy arc all enthuslastte
in its praise and I Join in tho name.
You are at liberty to publish this hit
ter for others' good."
You can depend upon Judgo Uaat
ings word. Yon can depend upon Dr.
Greene's Nermra blood and nerve rem
Tako it, you who feel weak, nervous,
tired, without your old tlrno snap, en
ergy and vim; it win give you strong
nerves, pure blood, sound, natural and
refreshing sleep, from which you will
rise strong and vigorous instuod of lan
guid, tired and exhausted. If your
stomach troubles you, if you have gas,
indigestion, dizziness, distress after
meals, bloating, faint feeling at pit of
stomuch, const ipatlon, kiduoy or liver
complaints, pr. Greene's Norvura will
givo you perfect digestion ami ruguliir
ar.d natural action of all the organs.
It will cure henduehe, neuralgia, rheu
matism, and is tho best remedy in tin!
world for female weakness und nerv
ous debility.
The carefully compounded prescrip
tion of our most successful physician
in curing nervous uiul chronic diseases,
Dr. Greene, of .IS West 14th St., Now
York City, this greatest of medical
discoveries is perfectly uiluptcd to curt
just these complaints. The Doctor enu
be consulted free of charge, personally
or bv letter.
On above terms avo will offer during tho month of
August, the following reductions on goods named :
All our
AT fit I M I W ' . V '
including Men's, Ladies', Misses', and Children's, 30 per
cent. All Ladies' and Misses' Oxfords 25 per cent. All
Summer Dress Goods, including white goods, M per cent.
ALL CLOTHING 0 per cent.
On 100 pairs Men's lino pantalons 20 per cent.
These are not shop worn goods, hut strictly first-class.
Oomo early and examine stock, for Cash buyers will tako
advantago of thi3 sacrifice s:ilc.
HQCH k OLDT, ft Berlin, Pa.
Hiss! Prices Pi for all Kinfls of Mco. '
From Blre to Sou.
As Family Medicine nnnnn's tiory Klnif fur
tho Nerves puKMcH iioin hi I'm U) win us n hwiey.
If you Iiuvb kidney, l.ivuror lllixut illniiriVr ilo
not ilcliiy, but jut u tree tuniipln imckimi' or t Ills
reuieily ut oiicn. Ii you Imvo luillk'cMI.'H. ( on
stlputlcin, llfuilm 1M, lilii'Ulimll-ii). elc . tlilit
trrinid hh.cII1c will euro von. H. v.. Howell, Mo
Cluro, I'u., J. W. lecxitr. Itlchllelil W. II. Her
limn, Truxelvtllit ,na K. II. Walieri. 1'eniiH
CrtHflt, tlie l.'Hiiin dnnf'iHts, lolu uuciiK nl
mti uinirinuilllK t-alnplim nuu 10 1110 liumivu
utrtju jiuckut't .1 Ooo UUU 0C
If your ohiltlreii nro subject to
oronp watch for I lie liit syniptoiii of
the iline(iHM liniireness. If Clitllli
ber lulu's Couch Iteiueily Is ulven hs
soon as the child becoiiit s hoarse It
will prevent tint uituck. Kven utter
th eroupy eongh has npptmml the
uttHckcnii always b prevented by
giving this remedy. It Is also Inviilu
itliln for colds ami whooping oough.
For wile by all Druggists.
tOm Xht Mnrftmik of fxndna Kojor
nm wsiifciiii,
WhItB EaUsd U Ifnng Chang
did quite the delightftil thing h v
ranfpd to sit fbf hU pnrtrait, and to a
woman artist In tlx baryala. Mita
Ethel Mitlock of London lath painter
thns homfffld, bnt fof that mattet she
has received high honors before. Sho
has painted tha portrait of every em
bassador who has oomo to London; her
studio honse la tha rendor.vons of all
thoao distinguished. In art and letters,
and, tlknnRh ytmnjr. sho is futnons.
When she was 10, rlin hiid a portrait
hung "on the Hno" at Hnrlingloii House.
Miss Mnrtltvk met Li at Lord Sulis
bnry's hou, and Salishury nrrnugetl
for the sitting. Tlie portrait is almost
finished, and tho ciinvns, which Is nl
ready frmniil, i nf enonuons size, as
the picture is lift size.
When LI went to MUs Mort lock's
studio, he attended hy his whole
suit. lie lironght her a tuucniftVent
hunch of purple und white asters, tied
with yellow rilihou, a roll of silk and u
curious Chincm artist's palette of jade.
LI expn sed a wish that Mies Morthick
should no to China ivud paint his wife
und the empress, lie told her he liked
Knglish women because "they did not
put dirt on their fares." Kvidently Li
docs not, undei-stuiitl artful occidental
Riltimtlon' Stride.
Will J. Monroe, in The Journal rf
Kdueation, has pulilished u series of
suggestive articles on tho "Higher Kiln
ration of Women In lOurope." He tinds
that no nation offers women pucli edu
eationul tipiMirtuliittea as they enjoy in
the United Mutes. Ocrmuny ho pro
nounces two centuries behind us. In
Paris there lire more foreign women stu
dents than elsewhere. Kuglund Is cntl
tied to second consideration. The Scan
dinaviun countries, Finland and even
Russia am in advance of Germany, Aus
tria or Hungary. Holland und Ilolginin
adinit women to university degret, but
Hpain and I'ortugal have done littlo for
their higher education. In Kouuiauia
Worueu are ailmitU'd to theunivcrsltiea.
In Bwitaerland not only the universi
ties, bat tho polytechnic, schools, nro optu
to woman. In Italy, while women arc
excluded us atuihuits, they havo been ool
lege profosiiors for centuries. Tho dark
est spots tho deserts as regards tho
higher educution of women urti Oer
many, Austria, Hungary and Turkey.
In the lust iiuuicd empire, except In thn
scImkiIs of the missionaries, women huvo
uo educutiouul opportunities wlmtever.
Woiiitin ami Newmer.
"Women urn accused of not rcatling
tin) newKiupcrs," remarked u man re
cently, "but I havo noticed that at
lcitst on tho ears they p ad them much
more than was formerly thn ease. On
my daily ridn into town from u suliur
ban village 1 notice tliat the women
who chance to be on the train are al
moht without exception reading a morn
iug paper us eagerly as the men. At
a summer resul t where I spent u few
weeks 1 noticed tlie ncwru-tand was
much patronized by the women of tho
place, if, us they say, magazines huvo
got to yield to the growing demand und
tho better supply of newspapers, women
uro going to help in the rcvoltitionquitn
us much us limn." New York limes.
Tim Woiiw-n of Nirwy.
1'rofessor William James of Uurvard
says that in Norway tint lifo of thn wo
men has been entirely revolutionize by
tho nsn of tho ski, or snowshoo, as a
sport for both sexes. As a result, they
uro "not only saying goodhy to tho tra
ditional feminino pallor und delicacy
of constitution, but uro uetually taking
tho lead iu evory educational and social
reform." Hs Isdlevosthat tenuis, skat
ing and even the bicycle oruoo among
our own girls will lead to u sounder and
heartier moral tone in American society.
Clortafcn iml Htnrnrooia.
Ill tho fall (leaning of closets and
storerooms tho host thing to wiudi tho
wulls and shelves with is a strong, hot
solution of ultini water. A brush should
bo used for tho purpose, us thut will
reneh every crack und crevice. Hot alum
water is a gxxl eradieator for nil sorts
of pests und will ulso kill the rircs.
While hot water und soup suem to aid
in hutching them.
A riuuky U'ouutu,
Koeentlv. nt A mien. N. V.. Mitia
Alice York followed on her bleyclo a
trump who had stolen u watch und
liockcthook from her house. Klin chiiueil
him for nearly a milo und compelled
him ut tho point of a revolver to givo
up tho booty. The wutch was valued ut
100, and the pis ketbook coutuiuud $50,
A IliuiiUoma Hat.
A hundsomo leghorn hat has black
nud green tullo draped around tho
crown, with rich pink und red rosea on
tho brim us well us hidden underneath
tho tullo, this diaphanous fabric reup
pouring on cither sido in aigret form,
with on tho left a spray of pink and red
Groat Reduction Sale of
D xj gJ HV
For N
era nn i-n r
1 a
inety Bays I
Tho Undersigned Offer The Public Their EN
vii,ttf u?i ! OUV but.wr (, to owr sales above any pre.
vlous year. W e glv a few of the prices as follows : ' V
Mft wd ,C ulu,":r 8u" Top Mattress 3 n
Hard Wood Chamber Suits Ht.oo Woven Wire Mattress .... 1 ri
Antlqne Oak Knits, 8 IMece. lil.(M) Med
1w",hi ,I;ortHu,t,, " Drop Tables, per ft o
Woodeo Chairs per set 8.r,0 Platform Uockers " 8 50
n b" wlS' Vr',,,''n th furniture line, luolutling Mirrors, Hook Puses
S 11' I ph l"; V"Vbonrtl utre Tables. Kanov K()ekers. Dal.y niulra
Lt rnalra f0"""". "eh. Doughtrays, Minks. Hull KacL, "an-iviL-
;l.7,l . T' T.iinm ?IU ,",l, '"ure, to stilt all classes.
in J1.!" thf0"'. t'oine early and see our stock befort! giving
your order, and thus save 1 to SO per cent, on every dollar.
Special Attention Given to Undertaking fc Kinbaliuing.
nm drugs,
M Slim, if Goois, to Prices
atVerdilla, Bnyder Cnoi Pa.
Few months intlio mercntitilo Itusinoss lias proven ls'vuinl tlmilit,
that honest tlcalinp, small profits unci rah hnsiness U by far tlie Isst
In order to pvoyuti un itlea ulsnit our jtriees wt make a list of sumo
nrticlcH to show how 'much can Is' iHiulit for ?I.(K) at mir store.
Urn. Nails, uswirtcil hizes iu 1 lb. packs, It) cent
1 tlox. Cliain Kcpnir Links, 10
1 m k. lr-. Clintch Nails, 10
10 (itmrt dal. Water Pails, ?()
40 foot pal. wire twist Clothe Line, 1,1
1 lb. 1ksI Ilakin l'owtlcr, 10
I? dozen Clothe Pins, T
I oz. pack Smoking Tobacco, ,1
1000 Mutches, .1
1 pair ijiskI Ss-ks, ,1
1 Fruit Funnel, ." "
T( )T. t TTo"
Thanking von for your past patronage with liiir prospects flu; the fu
ture, Lam Yours Kcspoctl'iillv,
-A.. S. Seclirist.
. M Ml 'JT V.'
Von can get tho hvM goods for tho
least money. l?e mho to order
Fall & Winter Clothing
oftlio man wlio guarantees :t clioicc
lit and gives you rock hot torn prices
Merchant Tailor Selinsffrove. Pa.
Having purchased Ibdgle's Tin Shop
v-.? ,7 I liuvti luoveil niv IniMiiiei-s 11 ace oi.
posittt tho juil. I have junt received
the llnctt lot of the latest llliproved
that have ever been brought to Snyder (!o. ami I will sell them ut such
prices that you can suvo from 'i to 0 dollars on every tdovo you buy from
me. I Insure every vtove to be htrietly llrst elusH. ileuter pipe nun bu at
tached to each runge.
ThBk HEATERS "market
you will And In my store. Kvery ttovo that goes out must givo satisfaction
or it will oobt you not hint,'. 1 ulr-o make
. Sptii RoofiDg aM Tinware
ut the LOWEST HMCKS 11ml of the 15EST TIN. Cull ami seo my stock.
M. L. SHANNON, Middleburg, Pa.