II llffll rXATIOAfi l-KSSOX FOB OCTOnKR 11. r '. til .K-lftGoldftn txll r,m Com- I msaon th T.ord aprrM t Solo- 1 .. fort ro-in. Tri nt Ifnhr-in tfw ahonM In hi. 7' ni(l.,1 him edlnty. Tha ' LTi-M in tl.o t.'nt whleh Ivl.! had IfirKst J-ri.ftl.-m. but tha tan-tr-ll,:"""'r olT-rlnir. etc. wora F'"'.,nri,Mn. I.. l-4. Thither .irt .-. 1 1 -rw Him only. It wm nhrM tHiit th" Tor.l nppird to him L florin I. '" " Jr' 'y'n? ml to " e ...... - - - i.ri.l mv futhor. wolkn.1 hnf.ir thm ... h. .-l;lnir of Ootl'i (front mnrr-y Lf'vtn'hl fnlhr. Th morelo of tha P mnnln ilia ftnmnnc- kill not. , " - til 22.2'. " 11 1 rmiiT ui t.i-r- I Cor. I.. Hummon sp""1" "l m" , bfor" th Lord ami wlt'i tha Ilk V.rnhnm. h wlkd hofnre Ond ,,'h n nn I. Ilk Enooh, Noah and 1 ...... -oh nl tC.mn r !(!.. . 7l'e'i " " v"-' - ' amt'tit llttl ehlld. t know not iMonf nrcnm" In." Aknowlodirlns iMninMi to thn Lord O d ot hi f.if h' p.xitlon, h "finfo his hlp- f, v anvthlnff. Whn Jornmlnh E..ti,u w,im fall I Of Oo.l to bn III L bf nli Mt.l. "Ah. Lord Qf)i, I run Lili. ( T I m clill.l," but thu Lor l him ni cotniomuij worcm, which L iaurlnffto VOU ni m it only wb trM hw tlimn (Jr. 1., 6-9). HU L ,ir,l bv thu Pnlrlt. eonoornlnit Cut n l comlnln (Vs. fxl., 81, ghould fatly bi'llici Dim, inr iney navo Fhy unrvar.t la In til ml-lst of thy pi- tch thou lmt onoaon. no aiao wa Hnthnml'lHt of Ilia pwipl''. for II) Lx'n thm tint mlifht dwnll In ,,i ut. nnl thua mnK tnnm a peopia nt Imm all otlmr neopla on thr) earth laratnl from nit other psopK Foi month" tahrnaolwna built. 8o Ex. I- Ttclil.. 10. The riiture Riory ot I. Lil lo J.jiioviih In thnlr mlJt forovnr Bfk. xtxviI.. 2; Zph. III., 17). Th k (n't In evry iffttlinrlnif of Oo l' Iliwh th priao) oi ig i.or.i in kl 1st fMitth. xvil., 20) ar-4 not th t. of thla or that Important pnrson. BiVK. ti"r.lorn. thy aerraat an undnr- tt hrt to JiI'Iko thy nooplo, thnt I vrn ltw.n tfool nl bail." Tha Is worlo.i n little dliTomntly in II I.. 19. "fliva m now wladom and ywc, that I may an out and ome In paopio, hut th auomanre or It la Hint ho may hava wiadora to do 'ore 0.1 1 In tlm minor of tha klnil I In tlm mliWt of thla teoplo like tha thnnarth in multituda (i Klni; iv., inn. I.. 9). Oroiit comfort for enoli tha mattor of wiadora U found In Kn tho pco'li ploased tha Lord, that n ha I ak.I thlatUlnir." It la posai- bl.w OoJ and have the Joyoua eon- sa oi it. utir Liora Jesua anl.l, " I io ihu thlnita that ploaaa nira" (Jofln .". and Paul gnvs In I Thia. II.. 4. Mimr man. hut Ood. who trloth krta." The accmt of tt la In ylnldlnii Oo.l, that He may work In ua that V well plnaalnn In Hla gllit (Hub. i. And God snld unto hlm.Bocauaa thou thl tlilntf and bait not naked -If Ions lite. nlthnr haat aaked or tliy.elf." Our Lord Jeaua never anythlni? raorely for Hlmaolf. It tifoo! to quote Hla worJa, "I faoIc -16 oivn will; I aook not Mine fcioW" (John v.. 80: vlll.. 60). t'm..mir that "Evnn Christ plwmid ll" (I! m. xv 8). I hoveaUo bwo l yjorommh a worda to Jliiru -h, hia ".Sm'k.wt thou ifroat thlnira Inr ttiu. .vk th-tu not" ( Jr. xlv.. 6). I he. "IM and most jovoua lUe ia to h't '-"it our portion (Latu. III., U) tn Ijo a channel ot blowluga to "Uj content If Uo 1 thou hasti hu. r.tbv r I in iinat u:-b'M. I huvn dono acdor.liuit to thy u ', i imvii Riven tuee a wish and an 'ni-tinii hoart." Inasmuch aa Israel V ."mi l whloh la by theaea In mul. ill ifuve Solomon wladom and un.li.r. li.' r the smi.l timt Is on the seashore p iv., :m, 2j,) or wis loin forev.ry case ...i .M,iiy roine Hhiora Him, In ''to SSnlthia chanter thxrn In un II. ii f this wisdom, and the people saw WlsduiU o CioJ WILS lu him tn iln r-il I liav.) alsj uivon then thnr U"t aakeJ, both rlehoa and V'lly." ifwenre WiIIIiil. tn u ....... id for His pleasure," there will l to uk auvthimf,).ourslvi-a. "11 I MTV.. Ml. him Will Mv I'nthi.r hnn. l;T.iys tru... If us Imlievors In C!liHkt Mou y accept u true our Htandlriu i uiilliv.1 to houor Him and tflorlfj 1 i ii.-, i-r nee,, toak anvthlim ' IV.'S, hilt Would llllllv II... I .i.' l (.oil shall mipply all yout t'i'i! '."m" ',llk Q My wav. f ill ll-nu h'n I IV .Inn, " T ......... ..I M tuelandKlvrn thcni by Ood waj I ii1', "r?. to lsr""1 " connection S ll' ii 't' (Ex. xx j.. ... ,.. . nKU.U IU IS. wh i .0".Br" u5 hl,u wno rus kl.i. . uuiiever in f io has thus become a part of His Curl" i "rU,'u 'I and that ii n,L"VM, s,",ll ,lv" 'Oi u he mortal body or akseut from . "fill Uu lllimnrlii l.r.,1.. I.... .,, fv.. ivhoiw m .i - -,r" v,"D w'"- n 1 J "w Ul Kltl, rl"-. ."ut I wiu nonothel..si knd vT!n"1,0,k.? t0 Uii wvanta In rj'1 v'-l"ns of the n krht (j, TXxill Hom think that It Uo , S ira I) "1 r" 1' d.rBtt bay Would b . vi uu lome think that ii ton the dead they would bliu." p.TollK LAUoKl.y BKarONKIOLE K.inn m ... i - " aiuiu ui " 'a" wm?',i',UMr,', ,"v',li', ,!..,.' . W."11 th luovilulile r. hn, '"'"""y or not for tha Y I 'I f Mhii fr i ,,,H hlthful. f li Mill. U:' "J e"". wu rl'P'liea. or WU"U I" 0 lar LeiTer .i ' Ul 11 would be but lean in.- . ,' ,,u' U,J Kroat wibucm ..f i.. i. ol ww and SEIECI RELIGIOUS Rff.DCI TIB BRVITAt OF BtrOBIf. Reform (a often talked about a If It wen the beginning ot new order of thing, tha Invention of new modes and end of life. The very word Itaolf should oorreot that fallacy. Knfnrtn la to form again on the ba-ala of an order aln-ndy eatabllahed or 'an Ideal already ralaed up for the Inspiration of humanity. The eye grow weary with reading and the ear booomea heavy with hearing nliotit new aoolal movement and moral reforms In our day. What we want Is not new panaceas for social and moral evila, but a revival of the old II fo and the old motive powers to be and to do. One of the proofs of the divine) origin of man Is the fact thnt In hla highest moods and moments he looks back to his past as the prophecy of hla future. Every real movement of progress Is a reformation, becaue It Is a-going ba.'k to or a seeking after the renllratlonof the revealed purpose of Ood. The nolilest developments Of the future can never exceed the types of moral, social and political order to Ihi found with in the pnges of the JUI.Ie. The message and the weapon of reform ) that Word ff Ood Which tins lieen delivered to US lv David, Isalnh. 1'anl and the Master Himself. i lirlstliiii men are not playing with reform unless they reverently and patiently study the hand-hook of life to discover what new light will break from Its toa.'hlug for the prohlcina and perils of their age. The com ing of th kingdom of OikI nnd the doing of the will of Ood must li along the lines of obedience to activity fashioned aft. rtho pat tern shown on the mount of Itevelntlon. lieform la renll.ntlon of the purpose of Oml. All Christian legislation oj.eiis Its book of laws with a recital of the lHvliio atatuts.The best sanitary measures are a revival of the re forms Indi -nted In the Mosaic system. One of the ablest men of science our generation saw. said that he wanted nothing but the lVntnteuch to establish the most perfect sanitary order In the land. The lesaoti of Leviticus is that public health ia Inseparably connect.'.! with piudli) morals, and thnt sins against health are sins against Ood. After many centuries that lesson la being taken to heart by humanity. The ques tions thnt lal with the relations between masters and servants, capitalists and work men, rulers and subjects, are more and more seeking solution in the tenohlng of Jesus Christ, l'rofeaaor !rummnid, In his "rrogrammo of Christianity." remln.ra mo very forcibly that Christ came nt merely and not mainly to save a few select souls and transplant them to Paradise, l.ut to re construct human society on a Christian basis, and to destroy sin aud misery, the fruit of sin. on this planet. "What Christ came hero for was to make a better world." All reform must have for Its objects the creation of an atmosphere of righteousness In the country in which everything base nnd vicious shall be IerUlze.. und everything good nnd true shall lloiirlsh. The creation of that atmosphere Is absolutely dependent upon the thoroughness and Mdlity with which the principles of the UII. In nr n piid to every condition of human thought aud every department of human activity. Til K Jtr.AHNF.SS or l'ASTOR TO fEol'l.r. One of th most healthful and heartening features of the new adjustment of theology to II fo is the closer upproa.-h, in many ways of the modern pastor to his people, Thuf there Is a new and refreshing freedom and cordiality of relation between pastor nnd parish, none, wo think, enu deny. That, old Slipel'huilllltl Sucre. Innss, and eoliae.leit aloofness, of the minister, tvpitlcd nnd lucrensed by his very dress and bearing, has I omn pretty much a thing of the past in I'rotestaiit churches. Today the minister Is more a man among mn. Ho has dropped the priestly garb und mauler, nnd moves nnd mingles with the world at the level of its own best and truest life. Without resighlug any moral llbre or essential dignity he comes closer to human ity than over before, beeauso he no longer stands upon his little ecclesiastical platform i but wnlks sldo by side with men, touches them at elbow aud shoulder, aud fuces tuctn With level eyes. It la not so easy as it used to be to pick out a minister, in n crowd, by his garb und manner. Even when you druw him Into conversation ho Is not likely to discloso his prof, ssion unless pp'ssed to the point. And ull this is not becau.ie he bus grown more Worldly, but because his mind und bis heart have broadened since the davs of liominlo Dryasdust mid the Uov. Mr.' Saintlv. Ho has had his higher odu.'iitioti in the human ities as well as lu th divinities. He can sympiuhl.o with you, lie can instruct you, he cult Inlluenco you nt more points 'than his purely eooleHlastleul predecessor. And so It cuines about that he gets closer to you as a pasiorj you feel less restraint lu his presence; your heart goes out to hint ns a man, after all, of common feelings, tastes, desires, temptations, with yourself. (July, if lie be n true man and n true pastor, you must alwavs feel that his coiisecrtloii stands him in u.fe.pialo ical of the old priestly dignity und moral and hpirltuul seiiue.stra ti.m. We believe thnt the church Is bound to beii 'llt greatly by the rndlenl change In its type of ministers. The .lays of the virtue oi the long, blu.'k mt ami the long, siiic'tlmo uloiis lu -o ure.happllv. prist. Nowadays the minister who looks like u business man or n bicycler, for that matter. In his kiib-ker-bie k. rsn.i l soft can and who talks uu I a -is as if he l.v-d na'iiro and Immunity, us well us Ood. is not at in lis.... nut. Nay, Im is at n premium in the exchange of soul Willi soul, lie . an win sViiiwiihv, trust, alle giance, whore the old-stylo minister would get no nearer to the people than the pulj.il lit to the street, IN THAT NAMK. If we would ask anything In the name of Jesus, we must be Mir., wo are ourselves lu that liauie, our I ii" being hid in his life, our 1111:110 In his name. Then I t us be sum thnt what we ask we want for his sake, and that it is something he would n-k for us if he were u-tuully standing in our stead and putting up our petitions for us. Coming thus to the I'ather w cme in the name, in the spirit and In the likeness of his IS in ; and thu I'ullier will lieiir us and niihwer us bec-uuse we are representa tive ol his Son, unwrapped by mid dwell ing within Ills very self us the supreme rep ' titattvo of the 1'uUier. U. Cluy Trumbull. Hound us on every sldo are crumped, hindered still-born lives merchants who should have been painters, clerks w ho should have been poets, lulMirers who should have been philosophers. Their talent Is known to a few friends ; they die, und the talent is burled in their colllu. Jesus say no. It ha at last been sown for the harvest ; It will come Into the open aud blossui In another land. There are also being trulned trained by waiting. They are the reserve of the race, kept behind the hill till Ood requires it. They will get their chuueu they will come Into their kingdom. "Whore tho day bury their golden suns lu thu dear hopeful west. ' Thu continuity of life lifts the shu.iow also from another mystery the lives that have been out oil In their prime. When one is richly endowed aud carefully trained, aud come to thu xuuitb of bis power, his sudden removal aeeins a retlection on the economy of Ood kingdom. Why call this uiuu to tho choir celestial vheu he Is so much needed lu active service I According, to Jesus, he has sunk into inactioii, no much subtracted from the forces i f righteousness. He has gone where the flit ters of this body of humiliation and em barrassment of adverse circumstance shall be no longer felt. We must not think of blm a withdraw u from the Held ; we must Imagine him a In the van of battle. We must follow hliu, our friend, with hope and a high heart. CETST0:CE STATE KEVYS GOKDENSEa STATE FISH COMMISSION. lUw'Offiotr Choin Amendment to th Law Dstlred. The state fish commission re organized at meeting at Harrisburg by the election of B. D. rttillwell of flcrauton, president; 8. F. Corwtn, of Pittsburg, secretary! Dr. James P. Dale, York, corresponding ioorotary, and Henry C. Derauth, Lancaster, treasurer. Mr. Htlllwell taks the place of Henry C. Ford ol Philadelphia, deceased, A Committee was appointed to draft bills to be presented to the next legislature to prevent the pollution of streams and amending the general tlsh law of the state for the Is'tter protection ol fish. A meeting of the commission will Is1 held next month to receive the report aud discuss other legislature lu contemplation. Congressman Phillips had hi pocket pick ed of t'SK) In cash and oil ccrtlllcato in a. car at the Pittsburg and Western depot. Dul ler. He followed one of the pickpockets Into another car and had a trainman arrest him. The public school nt Jiiuiatnvllle, was pre sented with a ting Haturdiiy by John I.ciscn ring Council, Jr. O. I . A. M. J. J. llarnhart made the presentation speech and L, Fox, the principal, respoudeil. Johu Wright, tho Washington bunker, who was convicted of receiving deposits When he knew his batik to be insolvent, wns refused a new trial and cited to appear fot sentence NovcmlsT U. William llalston, who left Ilutlertwo years ago to escape trial for liquor law violations, returned Saturday, got drunk, was arrested and recognized, and will now have to answei the old charge. The dead body of John Callahan of Khnner Htntion, wns found beside the llnltiuiore Ohio track at (s-e,pii, having been struck by a train (u the night. William Peters, a miner at Pardee, In set ting off a blast Is-caine Impatient and return ed to see if the fuse was still lighted. It was and Peters will die. The miner In the vicinity of Courtney, held a ltepuhllenn meeting" Suturday, ad dressed by J. II. Finley. Ooorgo Dorsey ano William Coleman. The Illalr county liar association held it; annual bunquet Saturday evening nt Wop sononock. Judge Jlurllu Hell was the oratol of the evening, , The personal property Jof Ilobert Cook, ol Jcannette, has been levied on by the sherlfl at the Instance of the Jenunette Hanking Compnny. Elmer Howe, n painter, foil from the top of a bridge In ur lleuver Fulls, to the water 60 fis't below. He escaped w ithout Sertoli Injury. Mrs. Musa Medura of Iledford county, l tinder arrest for deserting her Infant child. Hho left It on a doorstep and it died from ex posure. Edward Haines was arrested at Dutler, Saturday, for stealing a pocketbook from the market basket of Mrs. Manny. 7.. Thorpe and lleury llrlner of Dunbar, while hunting killed n while fox, the Urn albino killed near there for years. Malignunt diphtheria has broken out at Mahoning, and It Is feared It will l mi epidemic. Thieves entered Cowan's clothing store nl Monongahcla and carried oir loo worth ol clothing. tf Nell .V Co.'s barn, near Monongahela. wns burned with its contents. Loss about c.l.uoii. Eva Thompson, ngod ll years, of IStitler, wns burned to death at a grate lire. II. T. Hallaiu and Hons' safe, nt Washing ton, was blown open und ilW taken. Illinois Coal Field. Illinois 1 tho next Ktulo to Pennsylvania lu the production ot coat. The mine are In tlm southern part of the State ami employ 35.1 (K) men. New labor-saving methods ar. constantly being Introduced, one of the latest beiugthe cutting machine, with which una uiuu cuu do thu work of llftecn. J. iimn Vtlllzing Her Wulrrl.ilt. Probably no country bus more waterfalls than Japau, where there is great activity at present lu utilizing them for obtaining eleu trio power for factorios. DoetAr riaor. a well known writer on Onr man prisons, allege that forty-four percent, of the prisoners were Intemperate. Florida barrooms number 918. more than half of tbeni being In three counties. The State's revenue from them Is 10S,000. According to statistic of Insurance com- f antes total abstainers live on an averago hlrteen years longer than moderate drink or. By careful Investigation. Mr. Otto Lang found that eighty-eight per cent, of the nrlmea committed In Zurich. Hwltr.erlnnd, were committed under the Inlluenco of alco. holism. A brief but cogent argument In favor of abstinence from Intoxlcntlng drinks Is con tained In two sentencM from a foreign Jour nal: "It Is computed that about sixty thou sand porsons commit sniclileln F.uroM every year. Alcoholism Is said to bo the chief cause." Men spr-nk of the opium habit with bated breath; and yet drink, which slays Infinitely more, because Us use is more widespread than that of opium. Is Introduced Into homes and actually 'led" to the children, lest they should not themselves nt maturity take kind ly to the drink habit. The average worklngm-m has an Idea thnt beer or liquor of some sort Is necessary to his health, strength and comfort. This notion is so deeply grounded that It will be hard to eradicate it. Hut it has been demonstrated time and again that alcoholic beverages have the very opposito effect. The famous English cricketer, Mr. .1. E. K Sludd, who Is a total abstainer from pniiel' pie, says, with regard to quenching thirst that he has always found it best to drink n llttlo as possible of anything, nnd nvom. mends hot ten as the be-t for a strong thirst Next to this, lemonade Is bis favorite drink" Tho '..Mowing declaration signed by more I'inii two thousand members of theme,. leal profession in the I'nite I Kingdom: "That the mo.- perfect health Is compatible with total alistinence from ad Intoxicating beverages, whether In the form of ardent spirits, or as wine, beer, ale, porter, cider, ota" MAKKISTS. rrrrM lt(i. irln. Hour nuil freed. WHEAT u 1 red VI i Tr. No. rea ' I '.I lUHN Nil ell.iw eur .'u i N. II yellow Blo.llcJ '.'s Mittvl ear -"s vi U.t'l.v-Nu 1 while :i No. H wlilln '.'I mK-No 1 -is No. it wesieru Io 'Hi LoLltN uii'-r patents bleu.U. 'I . 1 no Fancy stiaiiiht winter - I In Ul e Hour '-' si 11AV Nu I tliinitnr I! 11 M Mixed I'liiver. Nu 1 M .. I II no Hay, Ir.iiu wngona II ml l'i ftr.U No, I UiiiieM i, t.ni li :) J.'uo bros u MliMliiiiii '-mm I" :,D bran, bulk X -..'i s ,. STKAW WIi.mii a lie :.!) Wat i Ml ii i o Hairy 1'rouuila, lll'TTKH Klglu creamery 17 14 is laucy Creamery K. p. ram.) Cuuiiuy UulL li 1. ClihhsE Ulilo, new 7 s Now lurk, uw 7 h trultaud VaKentblva. Ai'i-i.Ks mil a.-, t bh.A.N.s.-ll:iiiii..li kuj, per hu.,. 1:11 1 J j lOiAIOnn .Sun, 111 cur. uu U 10 LAIIilAOli liullin KruHU, hbi.... ;.t 1 ll U.NlO.NS It'lluK. l.ll u 40 l'ouitrjr, k.to. CIIU'KKNS, V pair - W 4 7.) 'I I lllti n,y Hi II 10 Kl.US 1'tt. Biol Olllo, IresU II l.j 31 Isceilauvous. tEKDH Clover U lbs 1 111 14 .VI iiuiutuy, prime I 10 170 liiuo Uiu s I Ut '4 no lAil.li bluLl', uuw i.j isi ClUtlt Country, swuut, LibL... a 1)0 3 60 'I'AU.ow a a ClMlN.IAll. rUtVU . 4 751 SI WllkA l Nu .veil - .0 H k. Nix X ii UKN AlUoU . '.''I DAIS IS fcuua - 11 bUl lhll-Ohio 1 roanisr; is . t'UILAUKia'UIA FLOCK S I K)i)4 n WbliAT-No. 1 Usd 74 COKN-No. g Musd HI OA 10 Nu II Wnils. ) UL I IKK-Crsauiury, elira IS lilj.fB f a. Oral .. II FLOUR raunu Jt IS WiikAT-Na DKvd. H tOKN Na W OAl Whit Wsstwra --. Kl JiL'nKlt cruirr t 1 KUiib iai anil fonn H ' LIV15 kTOCK. CISTSAL STOCK YAIU1, (Ar LIDKBTt, Pi. CATTLB, Prims. 1..100 to 1.400 Iba 4 W im UooU, .M to I.KJU lb - ' liUy. l.uoutu l.liett..'. 4M 4 SO rair light stssrs, vuo to low lb.... IW a Si) CbluiuuU, UU W MJUIb H W li -40 nuoa stadium, - liva7 " 4J huugti soil bug w a w saxar. Good. H5 to (0 lb t SO M air, TO to SO lb to J no Cemuiou IV) XVii PUREST 'AND BEST LESS THAN HALPTHlr PRICE-Or OTHcR BRANDS -i- POUNDS,20s -f-HALVES,IOQUARTtR3.5 SflLD IN f.ANS ONLY fruM I ill' RsVSVO fr RESTfirtrs viTaiiyy K II ' '-?M ISttillny. MJf 1st liny. V ' f I ' . i in' untAr noth l:iv. Made a Well Man of Mo. Illllilllci-H I be ilhmi. Mollis III ill ibivi. It :l I: I Mil. IV .1 . i ly . v 1 . ; ,,,r,,ih, t.ol -J t:i.-n .11 t- .urn th-.!- I. -1 1. unlet. I .ami ,.;. III. II M. ;, -..v.- ..,,. , ,,,,,,,.! xu.,,;. V u.,Ui. 1. 1 I . It .,-i:- Mi 1 . ., .,,,, s S. 1 1.. iis- ii-" l.e-t ViiMir,. j.,.,.. . . ;, t:v ! 1, ,.,.-i. n l.. ." !'. '. I .r-o-ig M- n.-v . ...i.i:.. i.. a,j all ' f's it It .-it.ii. . .. . .. I-,.!.-., t.-tien. li.cli mints 11- .-r s-ii.l v. I !i. s . l.t III i!rk.,. f li-t i in I v i-nr. s l.y -l .1 1 1 1 ot . .. M t. , ,1 . a , 1, i Isncr. u nt-rte tonle an I I. lo.nl biiiblev. In:. m I' U li 1. 'I; Hi.- pink gloiv Io mI.. elo-.-l. s , 1 1 1 Uteinn th.. lire or voiiib. It ,i.,. ... in .r..,ti niel ( mi ,11:11 i n. 11 ln-i 1 en 1, o I.,- it 1 0, i- 1 e'h.-r. li i mi I... ra: re .1 in t p. I . 1 Ih m.nl ml. Ill) t..-r 1 :i. k. ., . r 1 iv Im-.viiii, i lib 11 t.usl live urlitcii gn ir.inieii to i ure or rt-ruuil t tie nioiii-jr. Cir. iii.ir lr. A 1 I." -u "fflYAL MLDICIXL I'D.. 271 V '.ve.. CHiUM, ILL- lii rttJ.'Vni A '"'"1nii Mtr.n'tiff f.r nvi 'v hum. Ir In v.. (i. rfuiiy iftiat iLU- lit aii utJIlIUl til "-, H'J- ll l(hriiniit!Mi, f iimliiiffir! Ml .'iPrli. I not lui Sr. N urulln, Hut Lw lit nn-l oth-r mIIiikiiIs ,..r- .iim nn nftni'l mil. It) It. At n;if r Iv tuil .:i rn ..r 11. tint , U4ntr'd t rim) c-utii. VINki:i.MANN & HkMJWN Dkl U CO., Kultlmurc, M.I., . H, . S1 .imsgoiiege Du.s1.7cs5 cL4gnnrC: ;t)aRa ITOd-1710 Chestnut SL. Pliiiada., Pi. 2 Ti.'i-!l:b Y.-nr. A i-y ..I s.-;,e..l l..r In.Hi V'l ts-Aen, I liulolii;li hum I lu.il iii-.lriit.iien it 1.10';-' ( Uf.ilK). tnt!iaii;'.ic, Pi'iinunshiD. Cai'.murcial law. Shorl-hand, (pt-.oti.i.. Cnncspon.ltnrc. P1cc1n.1l Cruniiiiar, bLllklU.', loDU'llHl'lll, Sl.st llllllUiriit't, etc. ilrii.hi.il.-s iin-.s..i in olilahiltii; 1:00.! ulltiull'Mi-. i.ri.-tt:iit iit- vtil'i t.tli.l II. -.-.III:.: liii.k kO'liiTit llll.l I'li-l't.n bt-ll. I-U-.1. V ri'-c e. I I 'll.llt.SOe. Tlio. W. l'.ii.us, si. A.. I'resl li-nl. a? 7 MAKE VOUR PLANS TO BNTKS TIIS Rochester Business University At breinnlng of lirst or tccond trrni, Tuetday,, f.eptcmlcr nth, or Monday,' November i6lh, 1H00, and inure un cJuta'.um that ia a lone step loivard iuccck. V'u'.l Information f or the utking. REDUCED rtD IW.I l fTATFOLKS1 STW ll"r ii'-ol 11 h a lian.1 . . , , hwnretiiiieiulir pnw 11.-0111n-.il i.y itriuc- t.Mviiiii..i.inq rff, jfsirnf -iH'rieluvi, Nnlj.feitiMniiurilct..iti..ii irt.iu .iisuiivm. -----. .-...- .1 wtiiiii.-.- tut t Ml J i;r.iv.siK-nrrio neajin ami 1. ano'-i-dri iniileiniii. I'liiT icliuisanil -ltti liulit. Iiio,mi,l 'Ili-uaanOa curod. PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL Mmndniilallr. '..r lunlculaiai tililnw, wnh .lamp, Oil I rSUIMrwUM.SAM iUaMUI t, c c c c c c c c c c c c c c'cccc c For the whole family c Liveiy Liver, mire uiod, Beautiful Comolexion. Perfect Health In r CURE rnNCTiDMTinu v s f UUIIdlirHIIUIl C NEVER GRIPE CT C P ir NEVER SICKEN OC IlC NEVER WEAKEN. j Purely vegetable, tat tike candy, never fail to induce a natural action of P Ctho stomach, liver and bowels. Absolutely guaranteed to cute constipation or your money refunded. 10, as or 50c. Ail druKnists. Sample and book free " Addraaa TMt STERLINQ REMSDV CO., CHICACO OR NIW VORK. l ccccccccccccccccccc Over l.wrmrTfMil.jrnrtin entes pmrd Its power todomr the cls.ire f,,r t.ii,a,.,i in ,n, form. N.elo-I.aolsllieuri.iilesl nerve f.ssl in the worl.l Munr suni lo e.oin.l. 11, lou . ,I.,rt .. fail, 10 niako the wean f!i.ient man .Irons, rlytinms ..ml n,!," net,. " V1V1 ti ,, "J,, ' ,, i ,' I . 0 ' llslitisl Wo exSM-t veil t i.,.,.rn whut we sar. tor a . lire I, .iit.iiiti.ltr u.ir iiii.-.-l ., ilr.,Ktf V, lr, ,,. SOLD AND 6UARANTEE0 BY YOUR OWN DRUGGIST nie Woman's Bicycle In strength, lightness, grace, and elegant of finish and equipment Model 41 Colum bia is unapproached by any other make Colum f Ma saddles are recommended by riders and physicians as proper in shape and adjust ment, and every detail of equipment contributes to comlort and pleasure. ALL ALIKE. "Tho added pleasuro of riding Col umbia ia worth ovary dollar of tho $100 a Columbia costs." Urautlful Art Catalogue of Columbia and Hartford Hirvclrs is her if you call upjtl any Culuinbia Accnt; by mull from us lor two i-tcnt stnmpj. POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn. Itraneh Store and Armeies In nlmost every eitv nr.J t iwn. If Culumbisa are net properly reprcueuu-j in your vicinity, let ui know. 'A (TC (t n0K MOTKERS A RRE TREAT KOR YOU ALL. s- r lAtiJJ.Ut) ys Sampson Suit, mth etra Pwr 0f Pants, for y l I J ' AND Wl! PAT l:XPl?5S CMAB:il:S TO VOl If liOOB. I w nimamaf;, yoj tuy oirea 11. miotic oi indjirsi v. h In.ilr i: .ih.n ,t .- w! utureri in A.reri i ur I h il.-n - v. i ... .i..... , " Ol'R I k SUITS V V... v .X iia I s.a ii ii. . . - x z L. . -."-J ' - OI)( FACTrtBTn. Tsn n r -ifnaa sM-srai i m uloiii fntt Blark Dark Si'iy?. Grey C- M Olive Brcun Tn. ! m.-ti -'I : V.. i Sjti; v,n Suit W.-U I T.t I J . v...-!.,!.,. 1 t,, t, ..,.,. . M i t.;, i r.i w .,, ll...... , ,, ej. fc. . ' ili-v J- 1 U '. ll'. un. in .- Ir .in til iVf.'-se! . -.. Iln li' in i I.- i i, f . ut I .. ri .1 . I u sj.;.,. ..... ,r, I r ...ti .i ':i ' " ! l: !. Ii "' i it'i .ii.- I... k A I ' In .1 i ,: , . . j. j W ,1. l - 1' ' . ei i- ,. ,r... 'II I ' ' ..l i l. I ... I W.i-l I.. l ! .jj.Ji:,!,, ... t'ot., r ..' ' -t- ' ' " " '. I i ' ' IMi rt . f iivmi'. im j. ' ' I ' -. V l.'-i :r I 'Aim t ilo 1 jii. ul : - I I V ,. FREE TO KVMKTBO ri:r Ii'ir-ttate Im'o.I .it.noec. in ii cii yi.u vvi! I'.:..! I! is Suif l:i:;i tip, Y.ut!:s I oiij i'.u.t S-.tits f: on. f ; ci up an! Mens S'.ilti fion- -'.Mi lB , " E. EOSENSUrtGEft w CO.. "01 K. m Ncv York City' A6KF0R THE JSrbKLET 0N15GJ1F AND i H a 1 V l r GIVE5 "BEST IIGHT IN TttE A,N,DAB35LyTELy 5APE A A-. THE ACCIDENTS OF LIFE Write to T. S. QiiNctv Drawer 1I. Chitiu-o, Mere 5a?'f'!?'jl!' 'Br ,llC 151,1 11 AL't,!" N' nwT ft Company, fur inf .rciutioi .iii'-- s.js.-' rrcardiuir Arcid.-nt In-iir JjtvA once. Mentioa thi i juijk i By so doiii-j j hi c. ii . membership fee. Uu iaid ever i'Xj.tiJ.1 .0 I i occidental injuries. Bo your own Aent. MO MlOilCAi, lXiVMINATluN jaiOUZICJ FRflZER AXLE GREASE . DE8T IN TUB WUHLD. tswaarlnKqualitlMariunaurpaam1,aetiinr outla.tanilwoboaeaof any otlo-r H in. I. Not ftffrcunl bjr heat. lrjKT Til K ;KNU INU. kVU SALE lit' IAUUUi RIPA-N-S The modern sinnil artl Family Medi cine : Cures the common evcry-day ills of humanity.