The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 08, 1896, Image 2

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Atlnntle Coast lutes Swept by t Destruc
tive; Harriosne.
A hurricane swept over Druuswlck ond
lout; the Georgia coast Tuesday which re
sulted lu great destruction of property onJ
the loss of several live.
Owing to tho prostration of tho wires it
was 1 u'rlfinK Wednesday morning before
telegraphic communication with Brunswick
m restored. It wn then l'iiru'ii Hint nt
least four persons, namely -Wiliitim Ininlols,
AIh-1 lavl.-, John Jctlcr-nui, ninl n I al y, all
colored, 1. .-t thfir llxc In tho storm. .Many
other persons an' known to bo seriously
hurt, nii'l when full rcpr. rts nre obtainable
there Is lio ll I i I t tin) death lint will I HI
An i-'titniit" i In the property loss nt
Brunswick ui' lit e.'Aio.onu.
Tin- storm xxas scxi r' in Lastcru Pennsyl
vania and t adiy crippled the Ponnsylxanin
railroad between AUiint mid llarrisburg.
wii.-Llau i. in a tunnel ut A r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . m-iir
lllllltlllg'h'll, L.lstbuUIld tNllh WT' IM'Ilt tl
llarrisburg ''J' way' ot Tyrone nml Lock
HilVf 11.
The Hood rlilllilli'l fill . I cofferdam of tho
now ri-'T"ir nt Kittunnlng 1'uliit were bad
ly damagnl. At lii'iir ittii, on tint Altoolin
i i i v i h 1 1 , tlin raiirijinl I -ri wax washed
awav. At point low, a summer resort on
tin' .liimatii, uOi.wt II mil'!) (rum Altoonn,
lliimy ri . tin; s x-ro washed ilxav.
1 in- do mi I'ra.'tl aliy paralyzed the II. A
(I. "V-t'Tll cast, Wo.-t, ll'irtll lltld SOlltll. in
Kniin' places tin" roadbed havn lifn xvaslu-d
nwiix. there an' tuutiicriihlo landslide, and
In other localities tln track ap" obstructed
liy fallen trees, which wept uprooted Hint
earreil nwuy bv tin- fury of tht Kale.
1 ha evcsslvo rninf.ill caused a big over
How in tno Juniata river und its tributaries,
ami entailed great destruction to property.
A cloudburst occurred of Huntingdon
at midnight. Many of the prliii'lpal street
were submerged, cellar Hooded, Side street
wahi'il out, und several head of cuttlo
Trunin on tin' middle division of tho Penn
sylvania railroad wan suspended, owing to
several xvu.-bout between Huntingdon ami
J.ewlstoxvn, ami a landslide on .luck motui
tiiln. which covered the tracks for a distance
of I'.'iO yards, uinler hundreds of tons of de
bris. All tin' available wrecking crews on
the middle illvilnii were ealleil out.
Thel'MMof life ut tnaiiy points wa.4 Kreat
At Saviioiiiili, (in., tli" hurrleaiio cost
nearly a ilnzen nvex airl entalleil a lliiaueinl
h o'f iioarly tl.lKHi.OiK).
A c lal (ruin JaekHiiiitille, I'la., hiivh: It
Ik a einittervnllvii eHtiniate to fay tluit M
peoplii have iot their lives from yotenlay't
inirrli'imi'. mi l tlio iui:iitnT may run mueh
I he (lentrui'tlim of the rMiiii-ylviiiiin rult
r.ui'l brt'lk"' aTi'M tlie Supii'liiiiina at I'm
liimbla overshii'loWK all eh In p lullve liu
portanee. 'I'he brllne, whleh o jn.prlwil -j7
hpllllH, WII.K eolllpletely ii IH)llll".l. It was
iiiKiire.l for 4:HM,Wi(i. ami everything wan
i iirrlej away, exee t the ytoiin I'ier. tho
Hlnulu Iron Hpau and one of tho ntoiio hliore
Hpaim. '1 lie brlilco proper wan crunheil to
hpllliter!. It Wild lifted bodily off the piers
and deposited just above lu tho water, a por
tion resting on thi piers. Not a timber U
left st,'lllillll.
A report from Jneksoiivllle. I'lii.. nays:
- At I. a Crosse, .' liiilldiuitH were dehtroyed.
!v. W. A. liarr, Mrs. I'. I'. Meliitosh nml
her baby were killed. Near thero four la
iioren, who were In a eabln at tho turpen
tine farm, were crushed by a falling in e.
Newberry, In west Alabama, Is totally wreck
ed. ('. S. KiiHtlln, Mrs. Naney Uhiibtend
and I'avld Jouefiwere killed.
At this plaee a iiiimber of people took re
fuce in n box oar whleh wax lu tho path of
the ryeloiie. It was blown nloiiK tho track
and then off I;, for .'tl feet, and every person
In it.waa bsiUy Injured. Hteve Mason and
(ieorK Johnston have since tiled.
At (irady, u small place, 12 houses worn
blown down, a woman wus killed, but n babe
at tier bruast was unhurt, nlthmiKii it had
been enrried Ponie distance by tho wind.
The Sea inlnuds, olT tieoVk'ia and South
Carollua, luul nlmost a repetition of tho
Mtorin of lH'.i;). Almost ox-cry coHau" and
cabin in the xvake id the Htorm xvns ilestroy
ed, but the water xvns not piled upon them
ns in lss:, i'i,iiM ,uently the siilleriiiK was
Hot so severe.
1 he fatalities on the Sea Islands wero due
to accidents (ruin fulliiu: timbers or trees
more than to water, duly tljose who hap
pened to be raUfllt out ill boats xvere
drowned. 'I he number of fatalities on the
Sea Islands Is not known, but it Is believed It
xvlll ko over lull.
Txvoiity negroes wero killed on the rice
plantations by falliiiir timbers. The Sea
i-land cotton crop is ba lly damaged, the
cotton beiiii: xva-hed off the stalks.
At Lake Huili r, Bradford countv, f. II.
Ilarkiy, Mrs. ,1. M. 1 ib'h and her infant
xvere fatally hurt. Many buildings witc
blown down.
At this place t!n xvlnd blew to pb s two
cars loinied xvilli bricks, and a iieyro, Henry
Sullivan, who wa :HH yards away, was kill
ed by beliiK htruck by olio of the llyiiii
On .luile ;char.l's tiirpeiitiiie farm four
convicts were killed by lulllio; tnes. In
Jlaker county four towns wero almost to.
tally de.-troyed. They are Mciilenny,
Sanderson, (ilea St. Mary and Dlustee.
No one WIS killed outright ill these towns,
tuit 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 y were Injured, iimoiiK' xvhoui xxas
Mrs. C. S llicbanlson, .lames McAlplu and
North Wei si. r. all of whom will die.
Atl.lveOuk the destruction is complete,
tut no lo-s of Hie is reported.
Near elU'ru the hou.-e of Amos White
xx as do-troyeil and two of Ids children xvere
killed. At Lake City elicit I'lisincss liousi
nml tl'lrtiin p'.-idilices xvere destroyed. Mrs.
Sarah l'n tchcr nml two boys were killed,
me) I 'orii Jenniiu.'s nud Jonas Meldciry xvcro
tatally injured.
Injury to tho White Houbo end Other
Public Buildings.
The tornado which struck Washington be
tween 11 p. in, and midnight, ripped oil'
some of tho copiui: of the Whito House, and
laid low most of the historic trees lu tho
Whito House grounds, including tho elm
treo which Lincoln planted. It curried away
part ol tho roof of tho Statu I'epnrtmeut,
where tho ofllclnl documents are stowed, but
left them uninjured. Tho costly roof of tho
I'atent Uflh'tt wan rolled up and distributed
nil around tho tielKhborhood, and skylights
bait an Inch thick wero beaten lu. Tho rest.
deuce of tho French Minister was loft roof
lesn, and tho embassy of llreat lirltalu Buffer
ed tho loos ot tho portico.
The slato roof ot tho Church ot the Cove
nant wbero l'resldent Harrison used to wor
ship, wan blown down aud each uquare slata
planted itself upright In tho park which sur
rounds the edlllce. Tho tower of tho Now
York Avcuuo Presbyterian church was re
duced to mutchood. Nearly overy other
church lu tho city suffered more or less.
The tower of tho tiraud opera house, former
ly Albauifh's, xviu blown dowu, and the de
bris still obstructs the wbolo width of one of
the broadest streets lu Washington. Thous
ands of trees lu the parks were torn up by tba
the roots or hopelessly Injured. The total
destruction ot property In this city In esti
mated at 1 500,000. There were to lives lost,
but 2i porsous were injured by fallluK walls
aud braucbes.
In Alexandria, tho Virginian suburb of
Washiugtou, Just across the 1'otomuc river,
the damage is rstimuled at not less tbuu
100,000, and at least two . lives are known
to be lost.' The killed lire Mm. Louiiu iiolt
aud W'llllsm L. Stewart, crushed to death
by falling walls. Two hundred Jiuuse were
bsdly damaged by tba storm.
The Orest Power Sepertesl to Hare Com
to a Conclusion.
It Is confidently stated In Tlerlin that Boa
mania aud Greece haro Joined the alliance of
Oornmny, Austria and Italy, which thus
Rains two raluahln aids In the event of war
upon Turkey. There Is, bowexror, a ftrowlnir
disposition bore to regard the solution of
the Turkish question M being on the eve of
completion by an amicable agreement amonff
the great powers, and It Is taken (or granted
that all likelihood ot the partition of Turkey
In the near future baa vanished. The semi
official pree make much of thn supposed
Influence with Huron ton Jeltfeh. tho Ger
man nmbiHsndor to Turkey, exorcise over
the Sultan, which tho pnper ascribe to tho
Turkish monarch's conviction that the rep
resentative of (lermuny at Constant iuoplu
Is not actuated by ncliwti aim. The papers
nlso connect with this presumed feeling oti
tho part of the Kultau tho reported depar
ture from Constantinople for Iierlln of Gen.
( ruiukoff. a German officer In the Ottoman
eervlce, as the lieapT of nn autograph letter
frmu the Siillaii to the Kaiser. It Is stated
that the I'om-niinicntioii expresses the Sul
tan's gratitude at the attitude assumed by
Germany In the Turkish crisis mid aecrlls
the tron'oli s in Turkey tu revolutionary agi
tators. Tho Sultan also, according to re
port, assure the Kaiser that tho Christians
in Turkey will be absolutely safeguarded
unless tin y Indulge In anarchistic excesses
0. A. fi. 0RDFB8 I8SVED.
The New Commacder-in-Chlef Hakes Eii
The following order was Issued from tho
Headquarters Grand Army of the Ilepubllo
Omaha, Nob., Oct. 3.
Tho following MitlT nppolntmcnt nre here
by announced: Adjutant-general, Comrade
( hnrlce :. Hurtnelster of Umnhn, Neb.;
ouartermaster-gciieral. Comrade Augustus
.1. Hurl. link of Chicago; Inspector-general,
Comrade Charles A. Suydam of Philadelphia,
I'll.: Judge advocate general, Comade Albert
( lark, Uollesley Hills, Mass.: senior able ile
camp and chlef'of staff, Comrade J. C. Wln
nns, I'roy, O. T hey will be obeyed aud re
spected accordingly.
The following comrndes will constitute
the executive committee of the national
council of administration: William 11. Arm
strong. Indianapolis; F. M. hterrett, St.
Louis; Albert HchelTer, ML 1'nul; Thomas W,
Scott, Falrlleld, 111.; ( baric A. Shaw, llrook
tvn, N. Y.i Koscoo l, Ilx, liirrliu Springs,
Mich.: . I. S. Kent, Trenton, N.J. Captalu
K. L. Zellnskl, r. S. A., New York, I hereby
nppoiutcd special aide in charge of military
Instruction lu public schools with authority
to select from each department, to bo mimed
to the commanders approval, for appoint
ment ns aide do camp, one comrade to take
charge of this work In his department, mid
report his action to Captain Zallnskl. Com
rade Andrew T raynor of Omaha, Is hereby
appointed special" aide in charge of trans
portation, to whom nil matters pertaining
thereto will be referred.
Killed and Wounded Ona Thousand Span
iards Near Artemiia.
Letters from Havana state that Antonio
Maceo, in n recent attack ou the trocha, lu
Meted terrible losses ou the Spaniards, more
than 1,000 being killed aud wounded. Tho
light xvns llerccstnear Artemlsa.whero Anto
nio Maceo led n picked force of Insurgents
against tho Spanish column commanded by
Gen. Aralus.
Tho Spaniards were aroused from sleep to
nud a hail of Insurgent bullets falling upon
them, uud became panic-stricken. Thu In
surgents hud severul dynamite guns, and
they xvere used with terrible effect, the shells
bursting among the Spaniards and striking
them down by the scores. Many Spanish ot
llccrs were killed. The Insurgents captured
six pieces of artillery and many thousands
of cartridge and many thou.sand stuiids of
'This was the opeulug of W'eyler'cnnipnb;u
lu the extreme of the Island uud has
proved a dismal fullure. He used every
effort of censorship to prevent tho news from
being made public and severely reprimanded
the editor ol "LI Diarlo del Kjerclto," the
army organ, for during to print a lew details.
An Indian School in the Territory Hurned
to the Oround.
Spencer Academy, located t"n ullcs wet
of Antlers, I. T., burned to ashes togi ther
with all furniture and four Choclaw boys
burned up in the Humes. Their name are
John Smith, liiiniel James, Thomas Kun
iotubblo, William Wilson.
Those Injured are Alfred llryun, bruLsd
and burned in the heud: Harris Fisher,
sprained font ; Coltoii llacon, leg sprained;
Ldwurl (lark, jaw bono broken; Sam
spring, burned in the face, hea l ami shoul
ders and xx rist sprained. The origin of the
lire Is supposed to lie Incendiary, as no one
xxas occupying the room in which the lire
broke out and there hud been no lire in it
this season.
Superintendent J. 11. .letter, who is lu
charge ol tin- schools, beard the Humes pop
ping, and xvlc'ii he got up the stairway was
ou lire. He ran to the outside and woke all
the boys and barely saved his own life, I lie
boys threw Uclr beds out of the windows
and jumped to the ground on them. One of
the boys who xxas burned to death was a
cripple and tho other three wire In, rooms
where there were no window. It Is said
their inoaus and groans were hoiirtslekcuing
in the extreme.
Tint academy xvns built by the Choctaw
nation mid 102 boys xvere thvre when it
burned. Kverythlng Is a total loss, as tho
nation did not carry any insurance.
A Crank.
The police of New York received a com
munication from Philadelphia asking theui
to keep a lookout for u crank who leit that
city sayiug he was going in search of Mrs.
Cleveland, The man is said to be demented,
and for, fear he may cause trouble the police
lu nil tli" Luslcrn cities huvu been asked to
keep a watch lor him. Ile (sunder the im
pretsiou that Mrs, Cleveland will provide for
film if tie can talk to h r, and he says that
bo will not htoii until he doc llnd her. Tho
mini's liauio is John lloiiiissia. lie IsaVout for
ty years old uud dresses like a clergyman.
More Troops From Spain.
Tho government has decided to send 40..
000 more troops to Cuba to reinforce thu
Bpauisb army in the Island, and also to
strengthen the forces In I'orto Klco aud the
rblllpptue islands with 3,000 and 8,000 men
respectively. A free pardon has been offered
to all who have evaded service In the army
ou condition that they return and complete
their terms of service.
Advices from Havana say tba Insurgents
havo executed Uie rebel loader Hoderiguez
by bunging. The reason la not stated.
1,000 Armenians Killed.
A dispntch from Constantinople says that
the Turkish marines aided the rabble to loot
the Artneulau houses in Galatea ou Sunday.
I'atrols ure parading the elty In uuusuul
numbers, and the police have been notified
that some outbreak will occur. The governor
of Kharput telegraphs that a thousand Arm.
enlans xvere clubbed to death at Nikdo on
buuduy. The sultan has given 150.000 to
Indemnify the foreigners injured lu tho tuus-
four Ken Drowaed Off the Government
Pier at Milwaukee.
The Inrge barge Sumatra foundered off the
government pier nt Milwaukee, Win., Sept.
90, and four of the crew wore drowned. The
dead are all from West Bay CTty.Mlch. They
Arthur Ilurnstod. '
Chnrle llemmer.
1'ntrick l'eterson,
1'etor Anderson.
Cnpt. Charles Johnson, Mate John Bur
beck nud Ira I'enser, the cook, wore rescued
by the tug Simpson.
The Sumatra xxas bound down from Chi
cago, with a loud of railroad iron, nnd lu.
tended to stop nt Milwaukee arid pick up tho
llatlie Well, she wns leaking ou her way
up, and bad the pumps working all night.
The sen was running high, and the crew bad
great difficulty In keeping her from sjuklng.
W hen she reached South point she got In the
trough of the sea, uud in n short tiitie her
hatches were wnshed off and her rail oar away. The steamer souuded her whistle
nnd the tug siinpsou at once put out for the
Tho sea nt that time was running very
high, and great trouble wnstcxpcriouccd In
getting near the sinking barge. Just ns the
Simpson reached tho Sumatra thu latter
foundered. The tugmcn succeeded iu rescu
ing the cook nud mate from the wreckage.
The life saving crew was on hand and work
ed hard to save the other men, but all were
drowned, with the exception of the captain.
The Sumatra Is badly broken up, and only
her nyist can be seen out of water now. Tho
wreck occurred about a mile and a naif nut
from thu harbor entrance. The ul-fated
barge went down with scarcely a moment's
notice, and, according to the statement of
('apt. Johnson and the mate, the crew did
not even have time to mount the rigging
nfter that tho vessel was fouuder
Ing. Grent damage to property nnd ninny acci
dents resulted from the furious gale on the
lakes. The most serious accident lu the
port of Chicago occurred when the schooner
Seaman broke from her moorings in Slip L
nt the foot of Iliimlolph street, aud while be
ing hurled about by the storm wrecked nnd
sunk half a dozen smaller craft. A number
of men had narrow escapes.
Commissioner Browning Encouraged at the
Progress Among Redskins.
The commissioner of Indian affair,
rtrowuing, has submitted hi annual report.
He snys that with no outbreak during the
year tho education nud civilization of the
ludinns bus progressed uud thu uiuln effort
iivw Is and for years must be to get the
Indian on hi allotment, so a to become
self-supporting. The Indians are Incoming
adepts lu handicrafts nnd received from the
government over half n million dollars for
work dope. Thu commissioner reviews the
steps taken by Congress to extinguish tho
rlulm of the Ogdea Laud company to tho
lands of tho Seneca in Nexv York state.
The question of the llshery right of tho Ya
kima Indians, In the extreme northwest, 1
still troublesome because of the Infringe
ment by tho white upon Indian right
which have not beou su -esfully protected.
Ldiicutlou has progressed rapidly lu the
government nud industrial training schools.
There were enrolled lu nil schools !i3,:iu'i pu
pils. The c iminisslonor praises the work of
the Held matrons, lie suggest.! that tho
commission appointed to treat with several
tribe of Indians for their lands bo continued
to clear up the work of making sale Of laud
nnd tho execution ot deeds. Nearly all ap
plications for iudlans for exhibition pur
poses have been refused. The commissioner
lay stress upon the need of legislation re
straining the sale of liquor in Indian reser
vations. COLLISION.
Appalling Wreck Between Two B. ft 0
Freight Trains.
The most horrible wreck which has over
occurred on the Pittsburg division of tho
Baltimore. A Ohio occurred Thursday near
Sand 1'iiteh, about 10 miles wrst of llyud
man, 1'a.
'1 he story as toll l y Conductor Harbaugh,
xvho xxas on freight train No. 74, eastbouinl,
Is that when his train reached Sand Patch,
and Just before descending the heavy grade,
a test xvas mailt) of the airbrakes ou 10 curs
which CMinprised about one-half of tho train.
Kverythlng was found in llrst-class working
order, and with a c rew made up ot old and
experlen I men they started east.
W bile guing through the tunnel the con
ductor felt the train check twice lu rapid
sin sslon and then dash ahead, and when
It passed out of the tunnel it xxas going ut
light iilng spe d and ou a dead runaway.
W hen part way doxvu the grade train N'o.
71 collided with freight rain No. .:, west
bound, xx uli-li xxas standlug still, uud which
had orders to meet three miles In-low. The
trains came together with the result that be
tween 45 and tio curs with both engines were
completely demolished.
I.ngineer ane, of train 74, was injured
perhaps fatally. John Coruell, front brake,
man, xvas seriously Injured. Fireman Oweu
was also seriously injured. Fireman Shaw
wis bruised very badly. Other trainmen
were cut and bruised, 12 trumps wore taken
out, two ol whom luedcud.
A Hotel Bobbed.
' - Early' last Buuday morning 'one of the
most seusatloual uud daring robberies ever
committed In Allegheny county occurred at
Wall station. m ttio Pennsylvania railroad.
Bobbers Havo an Express and Its Occu
t pants at Their Mercy.
The eastbouud, No. 2, passenger train, duo
lit Alburqucrqlie, N'. M., N:I3 from tho west,
was held up at Itlo Puerco bridge, about Ii0
miles from that city. As soou a tho train
pulled out of the statiou It was halted by
several masked men, uud the cypres mes
senger commanded to open the doors of Id
car. A general fiisilludo of shots kept tho
pu.-.soiigor terrorized.
At 10:10 o'clock a message wa received
fri'iu ltlo Puerco stating that one of the
holds-tip. Cole Young, Is dead. The rob
bers, alter cutting tho engine and express
car from the train, run to the bridge, sev
eral hundred yard away. Tho pump mau
reported having heard au explusiou, nud bo.
Hove thu robbers have burned up an excur
sion car.
Nona of the Ez-Ssoretsry'i Family Attended
the Ceremony.
F.x-Secrotary of the Navy William C. Whit
ney wus married at St. Lawreuoo's Episcopal
church at Bur II arbor, Mo,,Tuosduy, to Mrs.
Edith 8. liaudolph. N'o Invitations wore Is
sued uud none of Mr. Whitney's family were
present. Mrs. ltaudolph asked few friends
verbally, who afterward went to her home,
the Anchorage, for breakfast. Mrs. Ban
dolph's brother, Fred May, attended to the
church duties. Mr. Whitney was attended
by Mr. Brun, tbe Duulsh minister, aud tba
bride was attended by her two children. The
church wus beautifully deouruted uud
tbrouged with people. Mr. Whitney said that
he only became engaged to Mr. liaudolph
lust Friday. Oue of the earliest telegram of
congratulation came from President Clove,
Mr. Whitney has beou suffering from rbeu
mutism ever sluce be came to Bar Harbor
and bos not yet recovered. The coujjle w,Ul
rematu nor for a week ""
The Defaulted Liabilities la Them Maeh
Above the Normal.
II. G. Dun ft Co. 'a weekly review of trade
The complete report of failure for the
quarter which ended Wednesday shows an
Increase, In number they were S.ttf per cent,
less than In tbe panic quarter of lrtys. Fall.
UP'I for the quarter show that liabilities
were li.l per cent less, amounting to TS-,
2!i.M' against t97.H9,r.82 In thu previous
bnlf year. The total liabilities were nearly
tHfi,000,000 for a single quarter. Compari
son are given showing tbat In only six quar
ter In 32 years have defaulted liabilities been
o large.
The continued advance In whent Is mainly
due to short crop abroad and unusual de
mand. Atlantic export for the quarter end
tug with Heptomls-r, Hour Included, were
'J.l.m.m bushels, against V4, 820.00 last
year. Cotton ha weakened after It sudden
rlo hecause the demniid for good line re
lapsed Into hnrd-to-mouth buying. There
nro unmistakably encouraging progress In
the great Industrie, although tho actual
gain In working force employed or In new
orders received Is slight But the strong de
mand for materials, for pig Iron, hldea nnd
wool, na for cotton, dor not diminish, and
ha already gone far enough to stiffen price.
In wool prices are scarcely stronger, but rep.
resent actual sale morn nearly than in past
week. Several kludsof dp' goods, flannel
suitings nnd fancy worsteds are selling a
shade lower.
Buying of liiKscmer pig ngntn lift Pitts
burg quotations to 11.75., without any gen
eral gain In tho demand for finished pro
ducts, nnd steel bar for tho first time are
sol 1 nt 1c, against lie asked by the associa
tion for Iron bar. Plate and rails are in
le demand, but theru is heavy buying of
sheet nt the west. Coulldeuce that reviv
ing business must bring a greater demand
than nil the works enn meet Induce the va
rious association to make no change In
their price. The minor metals nre not
strong, lake eopx-r being 10.' e, tin nt U.U0e
nnd lend nbout 2. He.
Bradstreet'a review of the New ork stock
market says: The market was not affected
by the advance of exchange rate and the
consequent stopping ot gold-Importing ar
rangements. That that thu treasury re
serve I up to 124,000,000 or more and thnt
money on time can be had nt 0 per cent out
weigh nil unfavorable elements on the situa
tion. Tbe advance on wheat had a tendency
to strengthen tho stock market, nnd It was
lseveil that in a number of Important
trading stock powerful pools and mnnlpu
halve Interest have been actively at Work.
London ha not been a factor, though price
of American securities havo been generally
Secured AH the Money in the Bank, but
Two of Them Were Shot
Tho FTrst National bank of Joseph, Wal
lowa county, Oregon, wo robbed of 2,000
by three men, one of whom I dead, another
badly wounded, while the third Is being pur
sued by a posse of citizens. At the time of
tho hold-up there wero four customers lu tho
bank. Cashier McCully bad occasion to go
to a vault. When ho came buck bo was cou
frouted with a shotguu In tho hands of a
robber and told to throw up his baud. Tho
customers bad already compiled with the
request and McCully did likewise.
Ouu of tho robbers leaped over the railing
nnd opened the- private door through which
tho men were made to pass, nud were then
lined up against the wall. Oue robber took
bis position at the door uud compelled all
passersby to halt aud throw up their hands.
The third robber went Into the vault, taking
all tbu coin nud currency, even to the
nickels, uud placed them In a sack. He then
demanded from McCully tho keys to the pri
vate boxes and ransacked them.
By this time the report that tbe bank was
being robbed reached the citizen, several of
whom armed themselves uud awaited the
appearance of tho robber. When they np
iieurod, Alexander Lionnelly, a young man
25 years of age, opened lire, and killed one
robber Instantly and wounded uuother, bit
ting him twice. The third robber had the
sack containing the coin, uud succeeded In
reaching bis horse, which xvas standing
The dead robber wa named Brown, while
tho one who escaped was Cy Fit.bugb. Tho
wouuded robber l unknown.
Part of the Town of Benson, Arizona, Was
Washed Away.
A special from Benson, Arizona, snys:
Part of the town wu washed uxxay und six
persons drowned In u Hood from u cloud
burst in the Whetstone mountains, 12 mile
southwest of town. The dead xvhose bodies
have beou recovered are:
Wllliiun Seek, a barber, his wife and two
children, uud Oscar Ashburu, a cattle mau.
l our more persons nre missing. It is be
lieved great loss of llfu uud destruction of
property w ill be reported Irom all along the
San Pedro river until It empties Into
the Gila. The details of thu disaster
at Benson nnd accurate description of the
exteut of the cloudburst have not been re
ceived, but tho raiu must have occurred
along the whole length of tho Whetstone
mountains, as tho Hood from tho western
end of the sumo range tore out three
miles of the Seulhcru I'ucltlc track l'J miles
west of Benson. A wall of wiuer at least 12
miles was poured Into tho Sau Pedro river;
hence there is n prehension felt tor tho
safety of persons in the valley.
The Fopuliet Committee Finally Adopts
Tho Populist committed met In Indian
apolis, lad., Sept. to consider fusion
w ith the lii'mocruts, and lifter belug lu ses
sion nil day adjourned to-night sine die utter
adopting tnu following resolution:
"liesolved, by tho committee of thirteen
ou matter of electors of the Populist party,
in order to close our ranks uud unite our
forces in the state of Indiana in securing thu
election of our nominee for president, W. J.
Bryuu, uud do full justice to our vice-presidential
nominee, Thomas I'.. Watson, that
wo nominate live Populist elector uud teu
Democratic elector aud certify to the sumo
as the electors that shall be placed on tho
Populist party state ticket of Indiana.
The electors of the Fourth and Thirteenth
districts are the Populist nominees for con
gress, and their selection as elect rs leaves
the Held clear for the Democratic nominees,
W. H. Uolman aud J. W. Kruger.
8iz Children Lose Their Lives.
Tuesday night's storm blew down the coal
breaker at Natalie, bulocglug to the Penn
sylvania Anthracite Coal Company. Blx
tenement houses belonging to the camp were
destroyed by lire aud six children, Inmate,
lost their live. Tbe lire originated from a
stove overtuning lu one of the summer kitch
ens from tbo shaking b the wind.
It la rumored that yellow fover has ap
peared at Mauzanlllo.
A coroner's iuquest at Montreal decided
that Lee Tung, a Chinaman, died of leprosy.
Five huudred fugitive Armenians are de
peudout upon oburlty at Marseilles, France,
London cubmen are striking against
rule which permit only privileged driver
to solicit passengers at railway stations.
A report comes from London that Prin
ces Beatrice, the oldest daughter ot tbe
Prince of Wales, contemplate entering a
1 t
x , '.
Wind, Water and Fir Desolate' Cedar
Cedar Keys, Florida, Is a place ot denota
tion and death. It wan thriving town of
1,500 inhabitant. Today many of tbe poo
pie are corpses, scores of others are Injured,
and there am but a few house loft standing'
Twenty corpse have been recovered, but
few have tmen Identified, o mutilated were
they by falling timber. Many of the corpse
were dug out of the mud, in which they were
buried by the tidal wave that swept over the
town Tuesdur morning.
The town I situated nt the mouth of
the Huwanee river, ou a number of small
key, connected by a number of bridge. It
had no protection, and went to piece when
tho West India hurricane with a velocity of
80 mile nn hour came roaring from the
gulf. The storm struck the place about .1:30
Tuesday morning nud continued for severul
hours. Though warning had been given,
nothing Indicated a blow ot unusual severity.
I'p to 11 o'clock the night wn cnltn nnd
quiet. At that hour a moderate breeze
sprung up from the eastward, Incn nslng
gradually until a ,40-mile wind wus blowing.
About 4 a. in. It blew n tornado and sudden
ly changed to the southwest, bringing In a
deluge of water, the tide rising two feet high
er than In the memorable gale of Is'.H, which
wa ut that time said to be the worst storm
on record.
At 7 o'clock an immense tidal wave came'
In from the south, carrying destruction with
It. Boats, wharvc nnd small houses wero
hurled upon the shore nnd breaking Into
fragments, covered the street with wreckage
nnd rendered them almost Impassable. Whlio
tbo torrent of water was rushing through
every open space, It would take the strongest
man oft his feet. It wa this tidal wave that
caused tbe principal loss of life. Many
home were swept from their foundation
aud tho Inmate drowned.
Of the iil) bodies recovered 1J are white
and 8 colored, Of the white six N'longed
to the Whitson family, a mother, four child
ren and a young lady visitor. Thu other
four white victim were men. Of the eight
negroe ouly one, Peter Woodson, has been
The loss of life nt Cedar Key proper I a
Dothiug lu coinpuriscu with the number of
spongers and fishermen who were drowned,
Tbe Mary LTi7.a came lu this morning dl
masted. She report that at dnrk Monday
night nearly UK) vessel were nnhored on the
sponge bar bslow Cedar Keys, nud nil of
them but about 20 were lost. These bouts
carried frytn four to ten men each, and tho
loss of life was great. Eight corpse have
already been washed ashore. Tbu schooner
Bosalla wa sunk and eight of her crew wero
The handsome Methodist Eplscrpal
Church South, thu Cedar Key high school
building, the Christian church and three
colored churches, the Suwiiueo Ice factory,
Wolf's cedar mill and tho Fugle Pencil Com
pany' mill, also the large lumber mill of V.
J. llerlong and the planing mill of George
W. Myer A Hon aud score of private resi
dences were wrecked by tho wlud nnd
waves. Koine of the handsomest and ap
parently most substautiul buildings uru dam
aged beyond repair.
Unliable riexvs of the storm from the west
ern part of Levy nnd Alachua counties have
just reached Jacksonville. Net less than U00
families are left destitute, nil their bouses,
fence nnd crops nre totally destroyed, and
what they bad gathered was blown away
With tho bulldiug.
The difficulty in recovering the dead at
Cedar Key arises from the fact thut tho
town Is built upon several small keys. Tho
bridge connecting these keys wore swept
away and the ouly communication 4 by
means of bouts, ot which there are but a
few lt. Then, too, most of the victims
were burled deep In mud and many of the
bodies will probably never bo recovered.
Seven Rescuers From the Cruiser Satellite
The sailing schooner L. M. Morrill, of
Pontile, Wash., arrived Monday night, direct
from Cunlusku, after hi no months scaling
on the Japan coast and Bering sea.
The schooner brings tho new of tbo loss
of eeven men from tho British cruiser Satel
lite, In Dutch harbor, on thu night of Sep
tember 4, during ouu of the worst storm
that ever struck thu coast. Tho men went
out lu one of tho ship' bouts, to savo an
other smaller bout from tho vessel, contain
ing two men. Light men. under command
of the llrst lieutenant, were iu thu boat that
left the Satellite, It wus, us fur iu could 1st
learned, picked up bodily by the wind and
overturned. One of thu sullorsswam ashore,
but the other were never seen again. The
next morning their boat wa seen high uud
dry ou tho beach on tho opposite stdu from
tho town. The two men whom the lieuten
ant's crow started out to savo reached thu
luud In sufctv.
Freo Delivery Extended;
Washington. Oct. L Thu system of freo
delivery of malls in the rural district is to
be introduced lu Westmoreland countv, Pa,,
Wllhlu thu next few (lavs. postohToo In
spector Lew is, stationd ut Philadelphia, aud
was orucre.i to iniiko arrangements rr tho
inaugiiatloii of tho plan. It is proposed to
deliver all mail to tho farmers once a day
and do uxvuy with Urn existing practice of
compelling them to cull ut tho country post
olllce fur their mutter. The sum of ;iu,0iK)
Is available for thu Introduction of the system,
uud ouu county iu each rtate will bo selected
for a trial. Thu carriers will deliver mail
from wagons, but bicycles will bo Used
wherever practicable. The new system was
Introduced lu Jefferson county, W. Vu., also.
Wenamaker's Big Bargain.
Bobert ('. Ogden, of tho llrm of John
Wanainaker, returned from New York and
confirmed the report of the purchase by his
fi rm of the entire business of the lutu llrm of
Hilton. Hughes A Co., of New York. The
transaction Includes tho purchase of tho real
estate of tho original llrm of A. T. Stewa.t
A Co., consisting ot tho great store ut Brood
way uud Teuth street, tho btuble und outtlt
of the delivery service and all tho merchan
dise. Tbe Philadelphia llrm will enter im
mediately upou the occupancy of tho prem
ise of It now purchase, and will run tho
buslncM upon tbe same Hue a the Waua
uiuker store there.
Dardanelles Protected.
An trade just Issued, orders thn formation
of a flotilla of ten torpedo bout for the de
fense ot the Dardeuolle. This action 1 the
result of tbe recommendation of Gen. Tehl
katchoff, the Russian officer, who recently
Inspected the forts of the Dardeuelle.
Letter received from Kharput confirm
the report of tbe recent massacres at Egln
and estimate the number of tbe killed at ii,
000. Great excitement ha been caused at
Galatea by the action of the Turkish oflloer
who paraded the streets, brandishing his
saber, abusing the Armenians and declarlug
tbat they ought to be killed.
Thurman Died la Debt.
A petition wa filed In tbe Probate cour
at Cincinnati, which shows that Allen G
Thurman wa badly in debt when be died
It wus tiled by hi sou and grandson. Ailon
W. Thurman and Allen U. Thurman. bis ex
ecutors. They ask thut certulu reul ostute
be sot aside to pay his debt. These, they
say, amount to nearly 50,000. A mortgage
for 13,000 I held against tha estate by tbu
Prudential Life Insuronoe company. They
ssy that he luXt personalty to the a,niuunt of
wo ouly. -
Frightful Bailroad Wreck a t .
Terrified Passenger Bwicl!,, '
A frightful railroad wreck, atw.
serious 16ns ot life and made ttor
the self murder of oneof the trrftw i 5
enger, occurred nt 6 o'clock Sun,.
Ing ou the Snnto Fe road, two tnl.Zi
of Osage City, Ka. The seven dJT
have been recovered from tho wr-i J
feared other victim are burled l.rr ;'
dnbrR The wrecked train xtm M
bound paseenger No. 2, the ,, ,5
lieh A thrillliitf ,rmriaiM . M
New Mexico on Irldny night i,'tl
'l"llll j'1
wreca wo cnei nr the cxMni. .
holler i.l tha l.n.nllt ., ' r . J V
should have stopped for water ni n.. .H
but lielng behind time, he endiaVuB,f 'i
to the next tank. ""k J
The engineer nnd Amman both ,
In the wreck. The train had rri'l
two uill'i Is'yond thu pdace. u-i.. J 1
rlfllo explosions were heard, en. j
nun niliri,
The locomotive wn Completely fk
Thn exiircsN. hut?irairo ntnl i,n . ' '
came crashing upon the ' 1
lh.i,illl,l I ''C'fd
..... . ............ ...... . n. fll-rp,,, , '
one heap of wreckage. The c,,t,'r
rear were nil derailed, but th .
riding in the rear escaped ,.r, ; '
The wrecked wn ninrked by n.,n.,r
Ivlldnat ertm ffikl, ,t. Mr.,..,.,, ft.. . 1
sengor. lhe nerve of many w.,,, J
pitch as a result of their exi.ri,.. ''i
road agent In New Mo.,. nil, ."I
crash came tho llrst Impression ,;; ?.
wa that the tratu hnd been .
by robber. One passenger, Wia
lor, of Los Angeles, Oil.. I'll r..t:ii .'
go, seemed to lose hi rensou I'M'., i, ,''
. U ... .1. IT
ua vinnii cniiit. Ill urt'W a ll.i.f,.
ruvknl M.,,1 In 4I.A a..... 1 . ' "
w. ., au . 'l (Jl
terrified passengers, took his " ...
ler bail been drinking licuviiv. or
the excitement nnd confu-i.. i,i,. . -
done to rescue tho Injured m 1 r-rr..-.'.
uoaa uouic until uawu. Scxin b ,,
flnally recovered.
Tho dead are: Wm. Bivklcr, ..
Cal., F.nglnecr Htnimp, Tpeki, K,,r '
man Harry Holltster, 1oiei,n' wi
..r, ......, a,,..,,H t. ii.'i..
Among those Injured nnv ;
Maxwell, nn editor on th- F.v.r.isf
Colorado Spring, Colo., hm, , ,Li
i'ui anil onuiy nruisen. ..' t; ,
men or mall clerks weic f-ron-,y t: ;
Toung Boy Blows Out Anot'.er'i l
with a Cue.
John Andrews, 8 years of ,., j
eon of Andrew J. Audruxvs, i iv.t
Ohio, killed hi 3-year-old I r th r. Til
climbed upon n chnlr nn I i.r .!!, .',
shotgun. Tho younger I. r tlnrn l.
.I...- . . I I k . , .
UUK UUl Ol W1I. Wlieil (JOUn i !:, 1 t-l
nt lilm and pulled tho t r, I, r-
little one' brain out. lie
sleeping in au adjoining room, ai.lnl
ea by the report oi the gun. ornT-i ;
to llnd the child dend. It Is i.. t 4
murder wn tho boy' Intcntl"-,. K-
understand the nature u( tic x; tJ
Bfllli;tlon bad prevented his ( u,v-
ripening, aud Intellectually he
to hi years.
DEFICIT 625,19 1129.
The Government I Bunning Bi.jH
Than Last Yo.u.
Tho comparative stateiii' i.t f
and expenditures of the gmv-i- j
month of September shows t!. t a-
to havo been 21,5s4.2l I. mi l tb -:l
ture t2iS,57tf,&.)5, leaving n l ;;t
mouth of il.VXt'i'Jl. lie d'.t
three months of tho pro- nt :
e2S,l'.l4,12'J, a compared w::hi
U.h81.tiah for the corri'spntnliLiti.'J
year. Tbo receipt during tin-Ivi
show a Jjm as compan d mill,
last year of nearly $3,:lh:i.M fr a '
and uuout f sno.ouu from intirnurto!
Fatal Bailroad Wrjcl
By n wreck on tho I.ehUli Yaij (
mile east of Ilutavia, N. ., ot:' in I
mau Kimbull, wa killed, u:. l i:..vj
nl McCurthy was filially li,ui
bound freight tralu o. .iiu ;.
ini.'in track ut Niagara .Iiiii 't'. i H
Lehigh connect with lv;i:."t" !
tho Now York Central, pr l.jtiv I
hot i.mrniil. While In . t:
lino a douhlo helider, aN wfi-
thunderiug up behind and .nt'.tii
roar of tho standing train, i i.i'j.
for aouarter of a mile nl-tytsJ
Just then n westbound 1 r-i :
nnd added to the devH-tiiticii'
to the derailed curs. 'I lie wain
a gale, and somo of the ,Mr
'The lire resisted all cll. rts U n-
for hour. Tho wreck I" vrry
I remarkable that no m-T' tr-Injured.
Kites aud B J'.oti
Secretary Laniotil's ( rtl. t-;
nort will contain a r"c, ::,n,'t:V
increase lu tho uppr .priuti nf '
Service of the iirmy. '1 Ii" '
is wanted to enable thi- I ni: i '
vice to make experiment- v.iu
i.uo In tin) iirini'.
The Signal Service of t! " H
ineiit has authorl.ed t;.w t-'-l
somo investigation xxiih I .n. '
eriior' Island. Llectii city it '
Miitwiclli.ti U'ilh III,- eMicRX-tf"'
slble, some dovlco xvlll i "pf
signal can be ex liai.g J :
Fatalities atsFurusI
Thu cast house i f tl: l -l'
Temple station, live n,;!
I'll., wns blown down by
a doyen workmen xvere in '
men were pinned doxvn I )'!''
and it was some time i: -
The killed are: '..lxvir! -I
Siuunel Trout. The n.j
Collar. Joseph liotlicnli'i
William Hehadler. W 'lliiam
badly hurt, uud it is Isii'
them will die.
MaJeaobuietU Cs:"::'
The convention of Mu -
...... ... ,l,,,0i,l,l m' 1 -
Alalia t Jl .,tvi it ..,.' j
mi. I r,r..l,l..nlljil elect' r It" 1
11.. ol..., Tl,.. hull u'h. . I'lrt
Tbo gathering wus very !'; A
and ursi gallery were '""",1
or -more dolouutes. Hon. s.f'J
nominated for governor V
ci . .. .. kj. t .. iihn VW
acclamation. The St. LouM
Murdered sni
The headless body ofs,
found in the Mouoiwahflst
Grove aud a fuxv days W
found burled lu sand sun r
yards from wbero the bodj (
vest and hut was found .
from where the bean
were Ideiitllled ns th'"': J
old resident of Plllsuum,
The amount of tax 1?" 'j
TDuraauy was ris.WVi" i
Mr. Frazer.abrldsol ' J
killed huisolf In Cslrv I
cause. J
Tbe Bank of Atlsiitif,.Jpj
failed, with llablllti" " '
of 150,000.
Duke Albert,of 'urt'
injured oy a wounu
tbe Austrian Alps.
ii f. :