L A $35.00 BICYCLE AT LAST. V,.r loca Ibe introduction of tho tZe predictions hato been free P.' It... u Wmi onlr ft question Z when hib-raJe wheel lbe purchased at a low price ill with the actual cobI of :S "ire U i well known t that tho original manufacturer Seles have become enorraoulT SottbeUe profits in the . anj havobocn able to main St by constant aJver . " nitth-BalarieJ racors paul to L oq their wheotHjcxponaire bi ,e shows ; souvenirs given away, ! numerous other expedients are to keep the name of the S before the pubhc, all of which user pays for, and gets, no better eel than one under a lessknown ;recoulJbebougbtforatbftlflhe Another column I. shown cut Ifull description of the May 0ll" first-class htghgrado ieel in every reject, at tho low oe of $15.00. If one will read tho .cificntions carefully he will bo tJily convinced that thia particular ,oot has many points of superior, over any other on the market, 1 as the manufacturers are a to ,mbe, well-known firm, aud lvranteo the wheel in every pnrt.c ir, wo an unhesitatingly recoin ml the "Maywood." ilCH RED BLOOD I thefoun ' dfition of good health. That is why khI's SamapartUa, the One True ,.on Purifier, gives HEALTH. Urn I'hot bo Thomas, of Junction v. III. was told by her doctors Bhe 1 Consumption and that there s no hope for her, but t wo hot HCtDr. King's New Discovery pletely cured her nml kIia says ,ved her life. Mr. Thos. hggers, i Florida St., San FranciHco, Bur nt from a dreadful cold, ftp inching Consumption, tried with t result everything else then Lijjlit ono bottle of Dr. Kiljjs w Discovery and in two weens s cured. He is naturally thank It is such results of which is are samples, that prove the mlerful eflicacy of this medicine Coughs and Colds. Free trial ttles at Graybill, Garman & Co. s rt Richfield, Pa., and all drug ts. Kegular size COc. and 1.00. MIDDLE CREEK. ho farmers are busy preparing i ground for fall seeding. A few re sown already A great many our people attended tho farmers' nic laBt Saturday. A very largo wd was present. . . .Henry Muur )f Lewistown was at homo over iday. . . .E. F. Goss and wifo vis 1 tho former's brother in Miflliu nty on Saturday.... R. Hartman family were visiting Union cout- VIin.T j fir f lm (tW IuhL dllVS.... ii ii ii a yj - - L't fortret the Middle Creek pic- on Suturday, Sept. 12th. I he ixelvillo litiud will furnish music. !renhuionts of all kinds will bo on grouml. All are invited. Sent to II In Mollirr In Ueriiituiy. r. Jacob Edoenseu, who m In the loy of the Chicago Lumber Co., )e Moines, Iowa, nays': "I have i went some niedieiiia back to my ;Ikt in. the old country, that I w from personal use to be the : int'ilMiio in the world for rheu inn, liuviutf used it in my family .'Viiml vpiiri It In culled Chum L .. . . itiu h rmii Halm, it uiways does work." 50 cent bottles for sale kll DruKKitftH. WEST BEAVER. bo parties from this end, who b well enough supplied with free br tc attend Williarusgrove pic- report having had a good time. ukey and beer plunty ou the !nd for sale. No doubt tho bev e was highly appreciated.... On day Henry Baumgnrdner was ined to his bed from the effects full he had from a pear treo last rday evening after his return i tho picnic... Some of our farm lave raised their potatoes aud it a big yield, and for sale at f roo r prices.... As a side show to h-yan hippodromo on its eastern Mr. Bland is not proving to bo Jut attraction . . . .John O. Gosh, lumberman, after buffWin fl it one week, died Sunday night t eleven o'clock.... The gold in our end stand about 10 to 1 dutchraan says how high is dat. InH.rf.il ... .i ... . . '"" ao iuo curei accompunuea oy Bnmpwllls nd yet it Is only bocatue ! SarsnparUU, the one true blood purifier, HHP IaK k..lll.u tl.. . . Arl'A Bill i .- t . . r w r mib iu vuo iiwr Rlli DOWELS, EC I Vt nrntntitltt amt mli.. a. Alluring Exercise. famous board walk and boach in.... . i. ..i " j am are nice no others in orld, and possoss advantages ittractions wholly their own. M 1 1 vuupie wno never walk at take their two-mile constitu- UD the lpnolh rl Hi I, 1 I n - v buv uuniu nd back again, twice a day, without flinching, being J enter tained by the shifting scenes and amusing incidents of the way that the walk ia one of the delightful divisions of the day instead of an irksome and fatiguing exercise. Ambitious pedestraioa can even con tinue their walk to thn southern limit of Ocean Grove, to which the board walk runs without a break. From "Summer Day at A$bury Vaik" in Demorttt'a Magazine for September. xuthk. Tho undersignod commissioners appointed to locate the division line between Union and Snyder counties will meet at tho West end of Nor thumberland bridge on Tuesday, Sept. 15th, at 11 A. M., when all parties interested will please attend. Jons SwAMT.etL, II. S. Boter, Wm, Mover, E. B. RlEBL, A. B. Evaks. In a recent letter to the iiiannfao turers Mr. W. F. Benjamin, editor of the Spectator, itusiitora, n. i. says : "It may be a pleasure to you to know the hitch esteem In which Chamber Iain's medicines are held by the peo ple of your own state, where they must be bent known. An aunt of mine, who resides at Deiter, Iowa, was about to vixitme a few years since, and before leavlnir home wrote me, nxkinrf If they were sold here, stating if they were not she would bring a uantlty with her, ns she did not like to be without them." The medicines referred to are Chamber lulu's Coii(h Remedy, famous for its cure of colds nnd croup; Chamber lain's l'aiu llalm for rheumatism, lame back, pubis in the side and chest, nnd Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era nnd Diarrhoea Keiiifdy for bowel complaint. These medicines have been in constant use in Iowa for a- moh. a quarter of n century. The p o; '. have learned that they nr art loins of creat worth and merit, slid iineiiualed by any othT. They are for sale here vy all druggist. PAXTON VI LLK. Wiu. W. Bruunor h ft forCammal, Pa. last Tuesday. Ho expects to teach school thcro this winter.... Harry Howell spunt a week at home visiting his best fcirl....Miss Kate S. Bowcrrox after ppending three weeks' vacation at home, returned to Carlinlo last Saturday. She com menced another year's work of teaching Indian boys and girls on Monday.... Miss Sadie Eyer of So linsgrove was the guest of Annie Swengel a fow days. She returned to her home on Monday afternoon . . . .Mrs. Frank Erb of Williamsport is visiting her parents Michael Fran tz's.... Mrs. B. C. Dillman of Milton, Pa. spent about two weeks at this placo visiting relatives and attending campmoeting Mins Laura Harner, after spending a few weeks at home, and enjoying the festivities at Cauipmeeting, left for bhamokin again on Tuesday after noon.... Four families from Pax touvillo pitched their tents at camp meeting last week. All seemed to enjoy it very much and felt well paid for going there Mrs. Maggie J fas singer is visiting in Uuiou county at Present. . . .Miss Mercy Briiuucr and Master James Brunner visited near New Berlin over Sunday.... The United Evangelical Sunday school will join in the picnic wit h the. Sunday Hchools of Middh-hurgh. It in r ipected to have a joyful timo together. Let every ono turn out. onstipation iiinl bllloiiHiii'sn ciiri-,1. TliotnitH It. t'lurk, -tl franklin Htrwt, WntklnH, N. v., says: "Wliun I reel litllutia or coiiHtliiuU'a, I take DR. DAVID KENNEDY'S FAVDBF? REMEDY and It cures mo at onco." tn n-Mriila, stilt rliuum and eryHlpulits, It never falls. Court Proclamation, rHEHKA8 tho Hon. HnroM M. .Mi'Ulura I'rfHl.lcnt JiiiIks ot the Juilloial I tlntrft-t. eumpuaed of the onuutlii ol Snyder, and t'nUin nd Jurouilali i'ruuie and Z. T. tli-m-txTllnir. Km., A'U Ktlate JiiiIkoi In sml TurSuy iter county. Imvu Inmiuil their inecept. hunrliix iliito tho !Hlb day ol May A. !., lilK). to me dln ctud lor Hie lio'dlni( ulan riliuiin' I'ourt, a court l ('oiimion flinia, durt ot (.'yur and lor lulnnrund Uunnral Dourt ul lu.irtur Solium ot tlie l'iai'8, at Mld.lkliurnh, lur lh ooiinty ol hnydir, on the Itli Monday, (lining tin tlh day ul Hupt. 1HUG), mi J to ooiillium oim wrult. Notlno U tlioruliiro liurutty glvon to llm i'oron r, .luatli'i ol thel'oioo and (Joimtaliluii In and lor tho county ol Snydur, to uuurli their Iimper punon w ih tliolr roll, rucord", lnulal. tons, xauenn lun and otliur rdiimuitir.inoo to do tlioiB tulnx wlnoli ol tmdr olHoj and In tliair bcliull partaln to da dona aud w Ui-met and poison iro0cutlnK In bulialf ol the I'um uioiiwaltli aalnat any person or pormnit ara re lulriid to lie than aud there attndln und du purtlnu without leave at thulr iiurll. .lu-th-m are ruiUniitnd to he punotual In tliair attotnUnce at the upHlnted time aifreoably to noticx. liven unditr my haml and n-alat thu Nhorlll'i ODIae In Mlddlohurxh, the 31 Ht day ol Ainr. A. Uone tbouaand elxht hundrod nnd ninety Six. AI.KUKI) 8FKCIIT. Kliiirlll. DIEU. August 21th, at Lilloy villa rf Chol era Infantum, Clarence Edward, infant eon of Ephriam nnd Susan Lepby aged 1 year and (5 months. August 25th, at Bannerville. of Cholera Infantum, James, infant son of Oliver and Maggie Baker, aged ti months and 13 days. In Centroville, Aug. 12, John Wil bou Long, aged 41 years, 5 months and 28 days. Ia Limestone township, Union Co., Pa., Aug. 10, Mary Elizabeth Hauors, aged 27 years, 2 months and 7 days. Cancer 0! the Breast. Mr. A. II. Craushy. of t3 Kerr St.. Memphis, Tenn., says that his wife paia no attention to a small lamp which appeared In her breast, but it aoon de veloped into a cancer of the worst tvne. and notwithstanding the treatment of the best physicians, it continued to spread and grow rapidly, eating two holes in her breast. The doctors oon pronounced tier incurable. A celebrated New York specialist then treat ed her, but she con tinued to grow worse and when informed A,. -A t 1 1- . , lum uuiu ucr aunt A and grandmother bad .flted from ennrer h 'ftfil gave the case up as nopeiess. Someone then re commended S.S.S. and though little hope remained, she began it, and an improvement wa no ticed. The cancer commenced tolicnl and when she had taken several buttles it disappeared entirely, and although sev eral years have elapsed, not a sign of tue disease lias ever returned. A Real Blood Remedy S.S.S. (guarantee J fun ly vegetable) is a real blood remedy, and never fails to cure Cancer, Iiczcma, Rheumatism Scrofula, or any other blood disease. tiur books will be mailed free to any ad dress. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta Ga. HI 1 1! l ivb ii riliar U ct Corrected weekly by our merchant. Butte Kgg". 1'J Pitted cherries 12 Unpitted 2 HlMt-kt e"'s ., (I KaHpberries 8 Ouions 40 t,ard 7 Tallow 4 ChickeUHperlb (1 Turkeys Hide 7 Shoulder 7 Hani jo Old Wheat (id Kye :i2 Corn 2X Ont ' 20 Hrnn per 100 lbs 7.1 Middlings " M t;iiop ri Flour per bbl 8.f)0 VF. MUST HAVE HELP Wo pay to ixt work fur eaxy homo work, t'nn I'o dniK1 In sparo tlini', day ur cvi'iilntr. So Si iikmk. It. (ik on l'KiumNd. Hotid stamp for work and purih'Ulnr at, n. soymnur Supply Co., Maniiilt- Teiupli', Oundon, New Jcmey, A. B. WOLGEMUTH lacliiiist ai Conlraclor for Steam and Hot Water Fitting. AImi lirnli-r in I' lili rs, r.nuiiie, Sliafiiiiur Pulleys, Iliiiii-rs mill l.eatli er Ili-Iling. I1EPAIRING f r.tti.'iiii'M, It.iili rM ii t it I Mill work. Fi. nilii'N ciui In- Mi illeil ith Kntli Tiili. l'ic iiml I'i.- l'itliti's. 1 uiv, u rrfi-riTfi' i'jiicMiiiiitr in v iiH'i'liiini cnl t-kill, I'. lck A; Co of Wuyiifhlioro, Pa. itiiil I. rim. i. n M'f'g. liotli coui p.iuit , of liUb ht;u.:linu'. Ill oi'ili'i' to avoiil iit'i'iilt'nts Mil Builere hIiouIiI bi tested under tho liydraulii; tent nt leiit once u yvnv. Avoid danger utul cull umn in o to iiiuku the teHt, A. It. AVOLdEAIUTU, Selipsrovc, : : Pa. 1 KtiHTKlt S NUTIt'KM.-NotlpnlH lien hv irlv ven tli.il ill fiiiloH'lnir natiii'd imtiiis" Imvu tllod tlimr AdmliilMlratur-', (liiardlan. mid Kx- I'l'iiturV iv 'i ounis In Hie Itis'l-iler's tllllce of Nuy. iIit I nuiil , uii'l tlie h iinn will (in prrMi'iiled for I'liiilirinalliiti and hIIhw.iiii'k hi tlio t'liuri Homo IUMldlli)iini'i;!i, Mnii'lay, M'pi. vs, isut. 1. Fiist nn l tin it mvii'iiit of li'o. II :r r. (luarillan of K i vr ' I. imli n t, inlimr o.illd of lieu. I.iilntii'l'l. dee d. J. First nn I tlnal ivi.'outit. of Jiinki'iri W. Il.iw mid Kd. It. li.'iiiii.Tiiu, a I a in ot in ei a'o of tluorKfl Itow, iloeM. .1. Klnt and tlnal ae'-miiit of A. II. I " xli. ad- inlnlHiraior or fii' eii ite m c iiu rlno I l.li, Imu of Sprint; township, ileeeaHDd. 4. Flint und llii.il aeeoiitil. of lllram H. nnd Jaeoti S. (,. inkier, a lin'ri ot III" iwiatu of iltiora liUIIKltil', I He of Ciiliin 'I'wp., tlee'd. II. KlrHt nnd partial aei'oiint of ln C. (iort- nitr and .1. strleli.v. iidin'r.-i of Ilin t'ttat i of Win. .1. (ion ner, ,1. -i-1 1. H. First and lln.il .v:;o irit -of lilt.) and Ilivil. !.. HlelTi'ii, exei'Mlun of III ) m ain of Jicji StelTou, late of WumIiIiikIoii Twp dee d. T. The 1 1 1 -si and llli.il a. I it I nf Hlinuli lliTiter, ndm'rif the est ile ul llmlid lioi.f.'i'. lulu of Franklin township, d.v'd. H. Second and lllial iii'eoniil. of AUf,'H-ta A. Itolillir, e.xeetltnrs of Hie eilnle of Jonat t a it it It ! liilk'.I late ot Wehl lluaver township, ileeeanud. tl. Thirl und final aeeoimt. if 11. .'Icier nnd II. I'. App, exeetilin H ol I he estate ot .lulia Ait, lalo of Sellusr.iv.', I'. i., tleee ise.l, 10. The aee Mini or llnnry W. It mil r. onu or theexts'iiliirsol tle esittit of Jolin Kinil', lato Of IVIili Twp., dei euticd. 11. First and tlnitl ftivonntiif F. I". Krellzer, ailin'r. '.T. A. of the estiilo ol. William llitl(o-s, itlool l'urry township, doo'd. Ii. First aad lliml iiiroiint. of Alhert nnd Mil ton Khalfer. exeenloin of Hie estntn of Vahll riliitller, Into of i hapiiiiin tiiwnslilp, tleouaswl. :i. Flrsl an I lln il aee iiiiif of Julia 8. Melser, 1,'ilarillan ol Forest It. Krdley a minor child of Tlioinas Ki'.ll.')', d"0 .1 an 1 a luluor u'lU'i'J-elillil ot John K.-dley, dee'd. (iKO. M.8IIINDFI,, Mlddliiljiir', I'a., Autf. al. KerflHtor. From nil ancoiMita Chamberlain's Coiih Htiiiiotly, Ik n (lodsond to the atllioted. Tliere in no advertisement about thir) ; we feel just liko Maying It. The Pkmociiat, l'arrollton, Ky, For Bale by all drufiritltt. Rlpans Tubules assist digestion. I r tUf 2 5 i S 5 . J i ' O Um H mi S5 s if i t rr0 SP- r s- Is 5 2, g s a S c o c, i, 2 I r -""trrzrv ml" A SUMMER SAIL in ladies' shoes is a pleasant voyage afoot. For tlio pleas ure it gives, there's no sail liko our sale. Crowds are enjoying it, and securing tho prettiest, coolest and best fit ting Summer shoes now man-' ufacturcd, nt prices which huyeis find it a pleasure ft) pay. 1W house or street wear, plcasuro or every-day practical purposes, walking, riding, or driving, wo supply the ideal shoes demanded lv fashion and the dictates of individual taste. Ladies, whoever claims vo'ir hands, hynll means surrender vour feet to these shoes. G.H. GIBSON, SrtrY 5 per centPerMontliLOSlNG 60 per cent per Year Guaranteed to all Investors on In vestments both Large and Small, win: nun: with 111 UUi mioiii:its iv STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN, & COTTON, 40 an.d 42 BROADWAY, XKW YOHK ITV. I'. N.l'rilllll" ll,.lr In Ii . i Irmly nml nitre Itirnnio i i,m or tnrgf lnpliiiri,I.Mei,il foroiir r plnnl. lory rirruinr. timllril Irer. 4-.'K-tn WE HAVE NO AGENTS w but MM dlroet to tho oonmiuier kt whnlnalo priivn. Mhlp BnTHi)r fur t'iRnilnaiiiiii iwftira Mle. KverrihlitM wnrrnnii'il. imiijH'ini .rriHiri, UOstyl.'sdf llnrnri,, 4 1 style Klilln NMUdlc. Wntu fur rninliMrno. rueuir Carflaoc & Harnrtt Mia. Co. 1'n a it. See?. Elkhart, .'nil. w. u. One Vl,y It, lin Ilniiy In nt ntltliiusi In ;ili,iiil tn lln riiinfiirts'ofvniir fittiilly. Mii.iiIiI nii inn' nt tlii'in i'iiIi'Ii it hiluht fnlil ur ('iiiii'lt. nn n iri-1 nnr-rli m il mil ni i.i,-.- mi.l.W. I krr. M II., Iili'liiii lit ; h. K. Ilnwfll. MrClnri- : . II. Ilci mini. 'I'ii. i l llli. nml (. Wnlli'ist. I'l iiiisi ri'i k. null' iiL-i'iils nml irrl ii trial l.iilili' i f (MlciK rtiri'. I In r, ni. (iirniaii Iti'inislv fri'ii. Wo irlii' II iiw.ty In prun'tli il iv,. Iiavn 'n sure I in i' fur t'iiiii;li, CnMs, .silnn:i. I uiiMiinp. mil nun nil nisi'llsi'S III tile I lilliill mill Lillian, l.arifi- sli'M .Mic utul .'.', h i ;CG171) Chlr.ut IU, Tint id i.. r.i. 'I'tvf.'i-li ViiM r -. i t .. ' I r ..! w ci, 'i :utiiiAti Itfii . .i'1...! i.if 1 1 in vi-.. .a V ; i'is",..i.. I s '.'rrll' t'nriiitiv.ii.'t. I t:.n". n. j : c-iii-iuf. iii I.-, i I...,. ' i . . , V ll i L 1 .... I ,, .i , '..,'. I , . If ll'i.' tl.t. :t l.viMi't '.'1 l'C!al..l I,' I f j ij fll'.n' ii,. I ii I i I" ' '. ' ., , .'- il.li ' I 'Mill S I !'! I I . I ... , , w.'i . t, (. .ir.l' .inf. I.- .1.1. I ,' : ,i y Tin . v. . I'm m-.. : SI IK Itll FS SALK OF REAL ESTATE! Ilv vlrtlitinf Suiiilrv wrlttt ur 11 lii ltin.l mil of tin1 1'iiurl of it 1 1 it i , i, I'li'iis uf Siiytli-r fuiiiil v nml M In" illri'i'ii'il I ulll rNxisii tu 1 1 1 1 1 . Null' ill tin" Cinirl llu'isi' in MiiIiIIiIiiiiu'Ii. nt mil' o'i'li'i k 1 1. in. on Siiliirilu . Si'il. .llli, Ihimi, tin- fulliiwItik'tli'siTlls J ri-itl t'siiint to w if t ''rtiri . I. Mi Hutu In hirlnLf tuwiiHlilp, Snyilrr I'n., I'll., IhiiiiiiIisI Nurlli ly liimls m Hun. N. A. Wi'1.t-l. Kiist liy Imuls r lltirlii'r, KiKikit mul Hm'i-iiki'I, HiiiiiIi ami VVi'sl by .loliu li'lkrr I'oiilaliilnit futirti'iin HiTi'tt iiiuru or l.'ss wltli l Iiu iippnrtttiimiouH, wIiitisim urn tris'liMl u tiwi'llliii; HiitiMi, Mitlilit nml ul lu r oiilbiillilliiirs'. TriH'l .No. a. hllimtn wiiini plurit, luiuiiilril Ntil'lll liy I it 1 1 1 lis of H. A. Wt't.i'l, Sunt It by Trui'l Nu, 1 mul Wrsi liy Ahum lli'tifi r roiiliiliiliiir ntt arri' inuriior lis-s Iiiti'iiii nn uri'i'lisl u l)ui'. Inif lluiihii, Sliihln nml ol lii'rtiillliulltlliiL'M, Mlf. i'ii tuki'ii Into fxi'iiii Inn afnl to I si wtlil ih tlie rtiit'rty of .Mary J.tuu Vvy . An'. lotli, inihi. At llm Kiiinii tliiui mul plut'O thu fiilluwlnif tli'si'rllprtl Irut't : Mluiilo In Wi'sl Hi'iivit town, ship, HnyiliT cinitif y, I'n., IhiiiiiiIi'iI on tlm Nurlli If u pulillo nmtl, on Hut Kusl liy I. mil of lli'iuy H'lirlli, on tlm tsuiiili liy lamls of NniHik mul MiiMuir uii'l mi tlm Wf.sl, liy Hit, hkimc mid II. I'nlviii I Isli I'unl. lining tlirroncri's, niori'or li'ss. wliiTmui urn iTi'i li'il ti I wo Ntury ilwulllnv liousti, koimI Malilti nml utliiT iaiil)inlllii.s wi'lf of tvu li'r lii'itr tint iloor mul i linlci' Irnil on tlmori'inls. i'K, Ki'l.i il tnki'ti liiio t'.xis'iniiin nml tn lai nultl its tiiu tiioH'ixy of llfiiry W. NiitMik. Auk. lutli, InUtf. Also tit the mini" tlnn-mul plum nil Unit cor tutu trart. of wooillmirt Nlltiiiti) In Snrliiif town Hliln, snyilrr i'n., I'n., uml boiiiuli'd on llm North nml Kat liy Ik in I of Hiiunk, tin tlm Huiiili by rlias. H. Klllik'I'T mwl tin lint Wi-hI by larlr anil llasliiiiir runlnltiLf shiTi'S, iiiuru or luss lu ui'Uinr wltlilliu uppiirtt'iimiiM'x. Hrlcil taki'ii lulu uxi i'iilton nml to bu nolil un lliu prupeny ol Isaac K. Mauery. Also nt the Hitmn tlmn nml placo tlm follow Hnf: A coilalii Irani of ln:nl Hllimlo In tVnlrtt lowiiHlilp, Hiiyili'rcoiiniy, I'n. hoiinrtril Nurih by lands of Duvlil (lek.'r anil .li'VHiihlnunliui'li, on Mitt Kast tiy laiiil of 1 ri'ilnrlck Wiilter, on llm Soiilli by lli'iiry llitrinan mul Joint II, Iliu'liiiinn nml on Hit) Witsi by I'aul Wnlti-r .umtuliiliiir iii ai'ri'H wlii'ri'on nr eructutl it two Htory ilwi'lllnu hull si', it now bunk barn mul otliur otilbii ''Hiikh. Inl uf frtill iriH'Hiiiul a well of wnti'ri Hi,- tiroinlsuM. Hlr.isl l.ikiui IniD tixwiiiiiiiil .j io iuwjIU us tlio prnpiTl v of Isaac Kllnu. 1 Ai.KitKo rirKcuT, siiorirr. rjuurirrt onico, junu mill. imvu. Illpans Tabulcs cure dyspepala Hlpaua Tabulei cure headache. Liljeral Adjustments Prompt Payments. w fin ! ! i i "Tiriiryin t REMEMBER H. HARVEY SCH0CHi GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, Only tho Oldest, Strongest Cash Oomianies, Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado. No Assessments No. Premium Notes. Tho Aetna Founded A. )., 1S19 Assets ll,0r5,513.SS " ir,nc " 44 JN5;i J,s:.i,(;-js.5l " American " 1S10 '.l()!V?Sl.5;3 The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. Tlie Fidelitij Mutual Ijre Association. Your Patronage Solicited. Soecial Reduction al OUT SALE. I desire to reduce my stock and I will offer a special reduction of 10, 20, and 30 per cent, on all CLOTH I NG bought of me. A full and complete line of Clothing is always kept on hand. Gents' Furnishinq Goods. Don't fail to see the best bargains in the county. I nnmriTTTTn mi,: ii B.C. MIPS. Cloifir. LniU Store ! 4k til . ,1, , it r - , i ik h i. u do to Jj(witovi! nnd ( ill : FKLIWs STOKll for vour Fiirnilnri), Certs M Ess? ' Iioino and you will Km w how to enjoy com fori. Carrels. Eiigs and Art Sanarcs arc lines always carefully se lected and up to date A full line of Oil IXA. Come and see the latest patterns. It will cosf you nothing to look tliioutxh our store You can make your homes bright and cheerful at a small ex pense?. Prices are low on all tfoods. (Joods delivered P. O. H. Respect full v, W. H. FELIX. Li:VlSTOWN, I'A. Nw Store, New Gooos Jew Prices at Verdilla, Snyder Cnoi Pa. I'cw months in the nicrruiitilc Inisinr.-s li:is iir.ivni In .,n.l il,,nLi tluit liniii'sl dealing, small prufils ainl lni-iiu -, is I v lar t lit- U-st plan. In urdiT (o give! vim an ilra I i 1 1 niir priri s v make a li.-t uf conn' articles tn hlmw lmw niiieli ran lie I n ij. Ill lur?!.Ml at nur tne. I! His. Nails, assort it 1 sizes in I 1 1 -.parks, lo nuts. 1 ilo. ( liain Kepair Links, 1 pack brass Clintcli Nails, 10 (Imirt (Jal. Water fails, l() feet gal. wire twist Clot lie Line, 1 ll. Iiost Uakiny: Powdyr, :5 ilozeii C'lotlit; Tins, I ii. paelv SniokinToliai eo, 1000 Matt-lien, 1 pair iimk! SkjIu, 1 Fruit Kuiiiu'l, IO in 'Jo I". 10 r fi . I 11 I 11 TOTAL $.ih) TliuiikTnir -oii for your past patronage witli lair prKiierts for tlio tu- tiiue, .I am Yours liespi-otfully, V 1 1 jL