The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 27, 1896, Image 8

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atnvnttnn to tha praat4aer. Oiva ytror
-j-Fire, Lffe apd AccidV;
vote for law and order, national hoaasta
and sound money. Don't postpone for tan,
fifteen, twenty years, and maybe forever,
William Jennlng Ilrjan Is No
Friend or the People.
the development af the movement In which
1 have ruferred." Wag Earner in New
York Time.
m Brottaiot
Would Gain Nothing by His Ele
vation to tho Presidency.
lPrynn ShnrtM tiy Any Chanre b Fleeted
It Would Thruw Thouaiindt of Indus
trlnus Man and Women, Wb. Are nsw
Kniilyrl, I'poa the Charity of tha
World A Condition of Things to ba
Who nm tho mul f rn-nila of tha lnhorlng
inn nml tho t,ssirr What course should a
voter tjtkn who (IijhIivs thnt thin proslUen
ilnl inii.iln (i'nill result In good to the
"'common jsviplKf" Those nrn Important
quiMtlmiK. They iippcn.1 to a Taut numlief
of whi will participate In tho
election nrxt November. As these ques-
tii 'H4 i.h ill l mi-iwervcl In tha minds that
-.insider tin-in. t will thrt decision turn
Without going out of hi own otrulo of
aiMUii!ntmic', ono may hiar of thing In
volving ex; i-ndl'-iivs of material nnd la
Nir Mvit v-lll iNM-nti-rM upon In cawnonnd
money sh ill triumph in Novoinlmr. On
thnoth.-r h;iinl. th'-M Nathoruugh convic
tion In tho mliiiU of business inon and
imil..vf! .,: l.i'i'ir that If Hryuu shall ba
i'.-v. I ih (1 ".-. "'.'i- 't will Imj to overturn
btiiim-e. mul ilirnw upon tha oharlty of
th. win M ;h ii'iiniN of men and women
wlioimw an ... inline their livings by their W !.
"Y. -," a I to whom I hail talked
In tills f.whl.iii. ' I appre.-Ut tnll that, but
don't vmi think If would ba better for tha
c-i!:iTiinn pi-nileto HUfTer a little bit more
junt now for tho sake of gutting control of
the govenui'eiit;'"
"And pr..y u'.l mo," I replied, "what
thor will do with tho government If thoy
hall get hold f IU"
"Make laws for the good of the people
"Of wlmt m.rty"
"All sorts. I tell you, this government
la run for the rich. A Bryan unld the
other tlnv. It l run for the dollar and not
the man."
Prom thl we paused Into a discursive
talk ulxiiit govi-ru inent ownership of rail
nmd.4 and telegraph lines, nntl-trust lawn,
lni'jinie Uic, national bunks, government
by and a good many other
I fnrtlly nsfti-d thl 'question
you tliiui., fi-lflid, tha,)"
thl country am U'gtnr"
that It In a proper fe'
lnriiviiiunl citizens? I It not truo that In
tho last few yenrn there hni been a atrnnfj
tetiili-ni')- In tho piipulnr mind In favor of
making government in thl country com-prl-s-
Mime thing more than tho cxerclso of
the power of taxation, preservation of
order and tha national dufonauf la not tho
auiitlmeiit growing among our people that
u fcrt f guardianship ought to be estab
lished over thoaa classes whloh Include
those who somehow seem to lack ability
to care for themselves?"
"Yes; I think that Is true," the man re
plied. "I know It la true," said L "Hundred
a book hnvo hern published In tho last
three year for the purpose of showing
how the various governments In this coun
try lHgltimntely may oonoern themselves
with the betterment of tho conditions of
what llryan calls tho 'tolling masses.'
Tins conviction is pretty well established
tu tho minds of thoughtful Americans
that we can do a great dual through gov
ernmental authority to bettor the condi
tion of tho poor. If you will let the coun
try (inlet down, and if you will terminate
this awful suspense in which we are liv
ing, caused by the agitation for free silver,
you will see this sentiment to which I
havo referred bear fruit.
"Our social system Is the growth of cen
turies. You propose to jump in and revo
lutionize it You propose to begin opera
tions with a panic, and follow along with
ultra measures of one kind and another.
If you could havo iiutooratlo power In this
co-ir.trr yon could not mako the condi
tions Hi the 'common people' what you
winh thji.i to be. The process of lmprovo
, unlit must bo slow. Kvury step must be
Isidore J can-fully. Don't got the notion
lii' v-'ur head that the whole thing would
bo m a done If tne 'lople' could get
possi f slt, rl ' tno Kovernment.
"If lli lr.VttU movement should suc
ceed one oft. y'1 woul1- I to postpone In
Ui lln'U ly certAk'"''"v,,r,nn,'"t reforms that
,uiv!.- will UiUd p.'"10 " wo ""ly B'vo tho
j'till.i'ntliri ijiie hplrtt ,l( ,hB 'lI)or
tunltyto matc-lallzo. Philanthropy and
utiar. by do n t thrive tof,tm'r- In tlim-a
t. j.m'fc and n-volution J'hUanthropy
ti.1;--4 -i t ac.itlon.
"J Al th? "ouutry nu'et down, nnJ 'ou
'v.-:1.1. -.ot.i a htruii agitation in favor f
r-i-iuiii thing you want. Tho jirocoss of
in., roving the condition of tho poor wftl
l.i ;'i'i. though not In Wuahlugtou in iift-t:o-iul
!,-,;l-bition,butliiNew York, llrook-l-
ii. .l.-rw-y City, Dohton, Chicago and
'!'-i cities and towns throughout the
cuuti'.ry. You will seo in thl country
upt-ratlons KUi-h at have taken place In
i-.n;;hh cities Thuclty governments will
hu.-1 h it the poor have homes fit to live In,
und will surround those homes with every
thing tending to healthful, comfortable
living that modern soienee can devise.
The city governments will establish jmiper
nupervlxion of intramural railroads, and
provide chcup, rapid and comfortable
transportation for lalxirlng men and
womeutound from thulr place of cm
j loy inent.
"Now, my friend, go slow. Your man
Ur)-un Is not leading you where you wish
to go. Ha 1 a dishonest demagogue, a
elf seeking politician. Tha oommon
pmopW would gala nothing through bU
What (iryan's Mprsek Ttamnnstraiaa.
Thnt there Is nothing in the free sliver
Thnt It Is Ml a more bubble
That It will burst and go to pieces long
Is-foru November.
llryan himself has pricked It, and now
wa have only to wnlt a llttlo to saa It col
lapse for good and all.
Dullness Is snfo. Tha nation's honor Is
ncure from siln. There will ba no 53
oent dollars. Thoro will bo no repudla
tli.o. Nw York Sun.
JTr-. Ella Warjncr lias Rone to
Duncanuon to visit ft ien J. . . .C. II.
Fisber nud fatnilj' of Snnbury upt'Dt
Sunday with Lf-vi Fisher and wife
. ... Jht.v Schiiif, n former Selins.
crover, of Stuto Line, I'n., viwited
ri'lntivcH in torn lust wrtk....Dr.
V. II. Ulrth uud wife, who liavelocn
tho KiiehtH ol J. H. UIhIi and wifo
Irtve returned to their homo in
Driftwood. .. .Oersiiii ll'-ytunn in
nneiidtne bin vaeution with his
brother Joo in lirooklyn, N. Y...
Mhh j'.ttflln Jleyers ol loiK, ru. im
tho KUebt of Minx Klhel Lutubard
Miss Jlur.v Albert tf Ulooms-
Imr is the tfiicst of Miss Douna Al
beit Mih lJ rthii Kelh-r is vis
iting friends in N'orthuinbc ilund. . . .
Dr. Cooper of Sunlnivy was in town
on Saturday Miis Tol.-v Keiser is
the guest of fiit nds iu Willinius
port. . . .Dunii 1 Kinney, who has
been dnngerotiKly ill for several
weeks, is ttblo to be about again....
Mrs. Anna Hurt man of Philadelphia
is visiting her parents Mr und Mrs.
P. Keiser.... Clyde Iioyir of Elk
hart, Ind is tho guest of Geo. It.
Hendricks and family. . . . Welsh
Bio's. Show will bo here on Sept. 3
....Tho bass havo begun to bite
freely and consequently our fisher
men are happy.
Resolutions of Itevjivrt.
Iu Memory of Jennie Moat, by the Siiniln)
school and the Y. P. 8. C. K. or t lie Lutheran
church or Mlddluburtfh, I'u., Ao?. ill. ls'jo.
Whereas, Our sister Jennie Moau Inu ceased
from her lalnirs and guno to rent und re
wsrd that runinln for tli" p-np.o of Ood.
Therefore be It resolved that we thus express
Hnreri0"rBnn-'.i in"our minus rega"
ing tho'afialogies of nature. Wo nT?
clearly that tho all-wiHe hfo-givc u to
-ainor of over oOO.ckw va
"i.'ew. u nninials. it k,-t-"- "
pntliy to -v.-s In tills hour of our
common sorrow, Hint their loss Is our loss und
we bcllevo Ic the assurance to her It Is till
Itcsulved. Tli it a copy ol l liuso resoluttuns be
stiiittothobereavei family and' tho same I
placed on the record i of the Sunday siiiool and
of the Society, and that they he published Iu
the MlddluburgU papers.
D. K. Mi I.ain,
Mum. Ai.ii'K I). Hi uodi.
W. K. Kesss,
Mas asM Joinmlttee.
Six weeks ago 1 sulTereii with a
very severe cold ; was almost unable
to speak. My friends all advised me
to consult a pliysiciau. Noticing
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ailver
Used in the 8t Paul Yolks Zeituug I
procured a bottle, ami after taking it
a t-hort while was entirely well. 1
now most heartily recommend this
remedy to anyone siitTering with a
cold. W.M. Kku,, 117 iSelby Av., St.
Paul, Miuu. For sale by all Drug
gists. Since lH78ttiere have oeen nine ep
idemics of dysentery in different
parts of the o iuutry in which Chaiu
herlain's Colic, t-lmleru and Diar
rhoea Kerned y was used with perfect
success. DyBentery, when epidemio,
is almost as severe und dangerous as
AMnst io cholera. , Heretofore the best
effects of the iiiont t-killed physicians
have failed to check its ravages, this
remedy, however, has cured the most
maligiiuut canes, both ofcllililreu and
iidultN, and umler the most trying
conditions, which proves it to lie the
best iiiedii-ine ill the world for bowel
coiupluitits. For sale by ull Drug
Or Liver
Troubles, Take
Cathartic Pills
Highest Awards
At World's Fair.
After icknoss, tako Aycr'f Bariaparilla.
Notice in Divorce.
To JolniHun W. KerMclU-r, late of HnyderCo
k lien us. t'lnrs S. Kersleltur, your wile lius
niil a Ills I III i lie court ol common iiluus of Hny
Cm- c iiinlj, ot Ki-I . term, l-. No. M, pritylnif a
(1 1 n iic- Hk-.ilnsl you. now oii are hereby nolllli d
and reiiiiri'it to Hs-ur Iu said court ou or before
Hie hi,i rtsv ot Hi-pieuiiM-r next, to siisMer the
oiiiniiiliii of the siild (' ai-a S. Kerslelti-r and In
delimit i f such spin-.iriini'e you will Im llulile to
usve a ulvori e ki siik-ii iu your busiico.
Kiieriir uf soyder County
BUcrirf's Ofnoe, August w, imm.
tTeadsche, foul br?sth, rour stomach, heart
burn, pain inciicsi, iiys!pia, ctiiisui-nnou.
m ttMln nml liliMtr In In tha
lomBch.nhurtmnnof hn-ith, aU In tbo heart.
Lors gi petite
A splendid f-ollti!Tto-diiynnd a depressed one
to-morrow, nntliinir ws-ms to taste Rood, tired,
leeplessand all unstrunn, weakness, debility.
8wamfItoot buills up quickly a rundown
ooisuitution ami makes the weak strong.
At DruKCi"!" SO rents and 91.00 else.
ImlW OnMs t Tlilih" frw-CofMiluilna rraa.
Dr. KiiJir.u A Co., Dinohamtos, N. T.
Happy and Fruitful Marriage.
Every MAN who would know theftRAND
S- TltLTHS.the Plain Facts,
inn rerreis snn tne
New Discoveries of Meill
csl Science as applied to
Marrleil Life, who would
stuns for past follies and
AViilil futtir nllfall.
sliouM write for our won.
neriui tittle bonk, railed
"Complete Msnhnod and
How to Attain It." To
T -iur-. 111 U WW will
" cojijr entirely iree. in plain
ealod cover.
alJ s n As
Cancer I Cancer I
Cancer cured on the breast, head, face, lip
hand or anywhere on the external surface of
the body (Is eight dnys) without the loss ot a
drop of blood. No knife u.-hm). Terms very rea
sonable. Call at my ofllcv or address
I). It ItoTHKOCK. M. I)., New Berlin, To.
P. 8. Kindly ask your druggist or merchant
whether he keeps Dr. D. 1L Kothrock s reme
dies vlx : Two-day coiiKh Cure. Ilheuiuatlc Lini
ment, KlectrlcNaurals-laCure, Liver rills. Head
ache. Powders, Vegetable Condition Powdor for
all domestic animals, Kss. reppermlnt. Golden
Tincture, I'ertcclo Vanilla, Laudanum, I'arv
forlo and Castor Oil. If not, tell him to order
them at once as they sre sold and used every,
where. I). K. HOTIlltOLK. M. U Physician and
Pharmacist, New Ucrlln, Pa.
THE iinilerxiKned Slierlff of Snyder county,
by virtue or an order Issued out, of the -Or-iiliutiu
I '.im t u , u..t, r...... .....
."in n.. ..i.j iviiii, iito, uiiuu lliu
failure of Ins heirs nml niirtles In Inlereit t?i ne.
cept the real estate ot Ooo. Kreed. late of Wash-
iiiK'on i wp., nec il. at mo vnhi anil up
prslHeineut tiut uiiuu It by the Jury of liuiuest,
will expose the fulluwln desi-rltie.l real estale
at. public sale at tlie t!niirt limine. In Middle
burifh) ou Saturday, SEIT. 5. I o'clock p.
in., vli t
Tract e.l.-Situate la Washington Twp.,
Siivdor Co.. i'n., bnuii'led and di-scillied us
follows i llogliiulng at u stone, theiieo by other
lands of said Oenrgi) Freed, und land of J. Freed,
north degrees west. Isil paretics to a stone,
north six degree east. e-in M-ri"n-s In a stone,
thence nlouu the land ot peler Kllngler. soutli
tw degrees east, TV perches lo a Mono, north s
degn-es east, 6 l perches to a stone, thence by
land of John llepner, south one degree cant, i:
H-lu porches to a stone, south tt degree east,
43 vlu perches to stone in publio road, thence by
name land lately nwuci by I'hlllp Anple, south
H degrei-s west. Mi crohes to a sUine In said
rood, south 14 degrees east. V7 4-10 perches to a
sumo, thorns-siinih TV ditgrit s west. 8S 1 11) per.
to place of U-glunlng. Coutaluliu TS seres mid
l.'wi (xn hes (lis acres and 1SJ perches) strict
Also, Another pare I of land lying contiguous
to the atxive anil being p irl ami parcel llierenf.
hi-ginuing at a stune, tlience along the tract llrsl
herein doscrllied. south II sa degrees east, &s
iwrclK-s to stone, thence south 73 degrees cast,
5 porches to stone, thuni-e south 71 ncgiees
west, .lp-)n'hes to stone, tlience by land of A.
M. Freed, north ill 1-4 degrees west, M T-lo is-rcli-es
to stone, Ihenre by land of Joliu Freud, nortu
ftV degrees east. SV 5-lM pen-he lo plsee of Ihv
ginning. Cuiiiuliilng W acres and vtl porclms
H acres and si perches) btrlct measure.
Also, Another purport being Dart and parcel
of tha above dtscrllwd, tieglniilug at a post,
thence by laud ol peter Oarinan, iiorth II de
grees east. l -W perches lo a osl. thence br
lund ot Henry HI no. south 4 degrees east, is 4-1(1
perches Ui Nwt. soul h IU degrees west, so rt-ln
perches to post, north 4 degrees west, is s-lu
perches to place of beginning. Containing 7
acres, strict measure.
The three tractsor'piirorts containing alto
gether ion acres and vl istrclies. This tract has
all the noccsiary buildings and Is sliuule in the
heart Pleasant Valley, miles west of Frou-burg-
Pi-sport Nil. Being the undivided 1-fourth
Intorest In a tract ut laud situate Iu C'hspiuau
Twp.. Snyder Co.. along the Susipiohunua It Ivor
adjoining line or rlunlala Co.. hounded ou the
north by lands ol Or. II. M. Nipple and Ueorge
Y eager, eal by tho Susquehanna Hlver, south
by MulmiiUitiLitt creek nii'i on the wont by lands
ot the heirs of I.. II. Hull, Uec'd, coutslnliig ill
acres, mure or less. This tract hss two dwell
ing houses, bunk bum and ull uocesnary out
buildings. Terms. 21) percent, of bid on day of sale,
bululn-e less one-third, utter pivuiont of cont
ami exM'iiMcHon Sepieiulsr VA, inmi. a dower
will rciiiulu on Tract No. 1 of tho 1-llilrd Intercut
of all the real eslute, less nmls.
J1. . t. ALKKKUSPKC'HT, ShcrltT.
Mldillobiirgh.June mi, ln.m.
Orphans' Court Sale of Vuluublo
By virtue of an order Issued out of tho nr.
plum' Com t hi Mrvdcr comity, tho uudi-i-nigm-d
administrator of the osiitiu of Susan l.i -lnlt-r,
I. lie or Wushlngtoii lowunlilp, Snyder cuuuly,
Pa., deceased. H ill, ou Krldav, Sept. 4, Isw,, ex
I Ki public sale, on the premlM S, tho fuilH lng
dcKcrllH-d rcul estate, to wit t All Hint certain
truct uud iiicnstiago nl in. I HitiiiKeln Towuslilp,
County anil Stale iiiri".ali, I m. i iul I on tim
North by land or John Mouglo, oust by Mrs. Svt-
vesti-r lioivcu, houui by ll.ickenluirg and
Went by John buyer und Jacob llackenburg,
containing Forty Acres more or Ions with tho
Hppuricmiuco, whereon me eroded u t story
dwellliig.liotlM'. stable, c.
Siileiocouiiniiiicoal to o'clock, a. to. whuii
terms ol b:tlo ivlll Iji. imuiIo known by
Rlpung Tabulcs cure biliousness.
Ripaus Tubules cure bud breath.
Rlpans Tabulcs euro nausea.
Ripans Tabulcs cure flatulence,
Rlpans Tabules assist digestion.
Rlpana Tabules: for sour stomach.
Sotai for TUB "POST".
Is filled v ith the cLoicest
bargains iu ClolLing,
. Neckwear,
Summer Uuilcrwcar aod
The latest stylos are
always kept in stock.
Requesting a continu
ance of your patronage,
I urn, Respectfully,
Mrs.Klioillo Nonli.of this place, was
taken hi fba nitflit with cramplotf
Jtalns ami the next day tliarrlioea set
n. Mie took half a hut tit of black
berry cordial hut i;ot no relief. Whe
then sent to me to see if I had any
thing; thnt would help her. I sent her
a bottle of Chutiibttrlitin's Colic, Chol
era and lHartlioer Remedy Mid the
first tlo" ei'nv'il lier. of
otir nelrbi' had been rick for a
bout a week and had tried dilTerent
remedies for diarrhoea lint kept irel-
tin worse. I sent him this same rem
edy. Only four doses of it weie re
q J I red to cure lilin. lie says bo owes
his recovery to this wonderful rem
edy. Mrs. Mary Hibley, Mich. . For
sale by all druggists.
From Slrr to Hoa.
As Kninlly Medlclno llaoon'a Celery King for
the Nones passes Inmi sire to son as a legacy.
If you have Kidney, Liver or Mood disorder do
not di-lay, ton get a free sample package of this
remedy at once. Il you have Indlgi-stlnn, Con
stipation. Headache, Itlieuinatlsiu. etc., this
grand sieoliic will cure you. S. K. Howell, Mc
Clure, l'a., J. V. liecKor. Itlchnelil. W. II. Her-
man, Truxeiviuo ana it. n. waiters, ruins
Creek, the loudlug druggists, sole ngints. and
are dlstrlloillns samples free to the aftllcted.
Large packages toe and im.
M. L. MILLER, - - Prop'r
I keep constantly on band and man
ufacture to order all kiuds of
Marble and Granite
Moineals And HeaflstonesI
Old stsaoa Cleaned ana Repiiroi.
I have one of the best Marble Cut
ters in the State and consequently
turn out (ood work.
tojrtjoine and see my work it prices.
Thankful for hunt fuvnrs I iiinat pa.
spect fully usk a continuance of same,
4t ii .
ft tM) 9!a.
i 1 . jir
Made a
Well Man
of Me.
1st Duy
15th lsy.
nt unui soth Day.
prodnres the above results ln'30 days. II aria
pnwrriniiy sua uuickly. Cures brn all other, fill,
louna iin-u will revaiu thoir lot msnbood, sod old
nicu will recover tlu-lr youtliful visor br using
It ICV I O. It niilck Ir slid surely reitorea Nenaua.
Dtms. Ixl VlUllty, Inipotnnry, Nightly KnilnsloDS.
Il Power. Kelllns Mi mory. Wsetlns Illauuea uid
all effucts of Kolt ahuHo or eiceMsnd Indiscretion,
men uuuwonoinraiuay, uimlneaaor niarrlase. II
not only cures by starting st the seat of disease, but
lee ureal nerve lonlo and Mood bnlldnr. brlna.
Im bark Ilia pink if low to lala cheeka and re-
Storing the lira of youth. It wards off Insanity
and t'oniunintton. Insist on bavins RKV1VU, no
other. It can be carried In vest rockvl. Dr mall.
1.00 per iiarkase. or sli for S3. 00, with a poel
lla arrlttao ajnarantaa to eara or refund
she money. Olrrularfrea. Addrasa
10YI.L. MEDiCUE CO.. 271 Watel ire., CHICAGO, ILL
for do at MldilluburgU, Pa. by YV. ILSpanglcr
thing to patent? I'rotoct your Ideas; theytusy
bring you wealth. Write JOHN WKDDKU
HUHN ot CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington,
U. U.( fur thulr Jl.sou price oiler.
eJusticeof the Peace
Middlcburgh, Pa
tins Administered.
(frown und Uridowork,,
Olllco ono dour north of We is' Htore.
Soliiisrove, Pa.
All business entriiste.l to bis euro
will receive prompt attention;
Rochester" Business University
At beginning of firit or second term, Tuesday,
September bib, or Monday, November lOth,
1896, and secure an education that li a lung step
toward success.
Full mJoramtlun (or tha asking.
Snyder's old, and reliable
Insurance Agency,
3D1XXXOX 47V". Snydor, .ffonvt,
S accessor lo the late William 11. Snyder.
The Par-Exceller.ce of Reliable Insurance in represented in IhiW
ing list of Standard Companies, from which to make a selection K
Better the World over. ' l
FIItE lloyal, Liverpool, Enif. (including foreign assets) f43,iKK)n
Hartford, of Hartford, Conn., (oldest American Co.) 8 B4,vH
Hirr-nix, Hartford. Conn. oWiV
Continental, New York, 8.754 i
uerman American, New York, 6 24nrt
Ull 11 iiiiiium uim 1110. IO, new tori,
avviiu,i x ijuipiuym a xjiaumiy assurance tjorporstion,
Accident Ins. Co. Snbscnbed Capital of t3,"50f(
Fire, Life and Accident risks accented at the lowest noanibln vol'.
titied by a strict regard to mutual safety. All just claims promptiJ
satisfactorily adjusted. Information in relation to all classes 01 H
such promptly luruiHunu. r- iLiDirwt w. OIXLIiiU, Agt
e on Market Street, SelinsgrotJ
19 Years' Experience
Just think of the wealth of wisdom and experience,
accumulated during' 19 years of building good
bicycles, that comes to you for the $100 you pay for
The buyer of a Columbia ha no unecrtAfntv. H
quilitf and" workmanship are right tne Colombia idcntifi!
metnoos make tnem so.
Baotlful Art CaUloffM of Colombia and Hartford BIcyctM U tr If yott CUJ opofiief
Columbia attTAnt f hu mail IVm a.s tm ul .a. 1 r
as - I I "-a hwin ae tvi stt w a-a.aa-si luunjUa
POPE MFG. CO.. Hartford. Cnnn.
Branch Storaa and Agenc.M to almost vry city and town. If Columblaa art J
W a"eT '"sssei aaa wm TNrfUIIJ, Mel BUUWi
Wonderfully!Successful iu all Chronic Diseases and
All Eye Operations Successfully Performed!
Examination and Consultation Tree to Evcrybol
A Few Testimonials
For a Innir time I notli-ed that I boonme oTad
usily liimlersnd hurder ut liesrlnu. ItliiKlnif
Dulses cniiiH In tlie eur uf hr a wlillit and I bo.
cam') v-ry Inucu iilurim-d, so I went to Dr. Sslra
ond put uiysclt umlrr Ills cure, snd to-dny I am
k-ruluful toMluto, and tor Hut U-m-tlt of tliosti
who msy stirrer in a like manner, Hint I can hosr
once sunln us ifissl ns evt-r, uud tliono lufi-ruut
nolm-s lisve (llMipix-ttri'd. altlioiiK'li I am slmost
slsiy yeurs old. or. balm suld nil oC II was
cuusfd by ciiturrli. M. 11. Im-ck,
April 110, VS. - fiprlUK Mills, l'a.
TUOlllllT HmTlSK llAtK'OMS BlTCl-HKD BV Dll.
Korsomsypsrs I have been snrrerlnif very
in in-Il with viirlous ullini'iilH, und brok.i dnwn st
lanl. I ulTen-d luost exuriii luM.iir pain Irmu
head tu lixil ull the lltmi. My t-tiiniiicliu tnin
bled mo a viNHl de il, liver ami kl Ineys lis well
were out it order. In niei I tliouk'lit u..v tllnn luid
ciinie. The doolnrs cnuliln't do mo nny knmI ;
putulit ined'c lim hud no elTi-rt i so I Wi lit to Dr.
bulla and nflur u cuurno ot Ireutinent I urn now
aimln s hull, heutty und us et-.
Warriors' .Murk, I'u. f, L. t'i
Cass or Stomachs and Inward Tsorit,
for some months I have boon feWlnc
bly, on account ot stoinnche and nriiiiu
I was always ufrulrt to eut and tlis tnlt
suiiiiucne mul client, was u-rrnui', i"
term of t rent inent I reel now once more
ns ever. I ciin eut everything airal"
troulile ; tlmflks to Dr. Siilm's wnmlerti
uicui. Tucresie iieyuuru,
Duulo, Cuuiurli
ArrsK Total Di.ikdnksh Maue To
About one yesraifo my broflier sk:
in me in in) leu eye wim a nuw K"
toifol blind rnpldly In Unit eye, nn4 '
liiueconiiiii i sco unythlnir out 01 u,
uess wascuused hy the hurt. I lu-iird
ot lr. Siilm's wonderlul success In bin
lit Ions Unit I wcni lo lilm und he lis m
proven IiIh womU-rful skill on mv t)t
duy. niter li'ln: I ecu totally l:md.
spteiiiiiniv oiiiot the s-liie uyuin
HulUill, I'll. JK
OKAsri.ATKU Lids fi-nKt uv !'
Kor the Inst rnur years I lime I "'i
very umrli with fi siiiilnlnl eieltil-i
blinded me. Jiociur here dlil im' li"
so ML-eiiiU'J toellecl mv (ff-in iiil li'iin'i
liu.4 elireil me. I euli nee hlilemllil n'
tor tlmn ever. liur.lo 1 IioiiluS. 1
Cancer ci'kkd v Dr. Slv
Knrsuine limp 1 lmve sulTereil fr.-J-
lokllilf ealieeiuiiM ttrowtli ull Hi" ''"
Here pruuiiiilieeii n eai.eer, snn itJ'
not On ine unv coud. Ir. H ilin Lm
short order Without lining tlie kill"-
nml only an iiiniK'unu niii sure ihhh
llni ut- nulv mul itiilnf nl k'"
tllulit-tU Mueller, buiii'l
Hollie Vi srs ULTO 1 eiililrili'led eiilarrh. n nit If
went Into my cu&h. tiiailually It Is ciuiitt nurse
and my cure Ih-kuii to trouble me very inueli iu id
my sireiiKtli Ux'in to (rive tint, and 1 ln-eiiiiiii
weaker and weaker, so that I was not ulilo to
work. I UMik treatment, limn seveial of our
Ooclois In the county, but snuiehow I hey could
lint (In liieuny uiMid so I went tow-e lir. balm.
He promlwd lo cure inn. uud I dure say he keel
his Mord, lor to-day 1 niu uk'iiln stout rind well
us cniilil Is-expected ot uiiyoliu of luy una (W
yeurs) Hint I lliid tliut I cut value received fur
the money 1 paid lue ductur. .
Mm. .1. 1). Kludley,
May 13, (is. in uu Vulley, Ind. Co.
HOC. I'.OOli I It e K "Tim Veilli-iil AilvlMiir " n uliort IUI,,'V nf nrlviilo fllKi-AKi
yountf nnd old, ei-elully those conU-inphilliiK nmrrlai.'o. Tills book will be sen! to
upimcuiiou, Adiueso, ur. balm, i: o. box Tut), Columbus, U, KiicIuhIii.' iwo-c.-i,i
MatihcsMl perfectly restored. Quick, painless nnd certain cure (or Impotence, l
Hrs-rmatuirhes losses, weuk and nervous debility i also for prostrutlonu, varliwl sm
discuses, whether Irom lmirildeut hublls of juiilU or sexual exeo-taes III mature year..
mul, u'.'iiii4iia bvauiii iiiiiiaiuun. niKieuiiy anil Hrinsueuuy uureii. r res exuiiiiuui-"- - j
Ksch Person upnlyluir for Uiedlcul IreulinenL shnulil send or brlinr II to A ounces of "H
will receive a careful chcuilcul and mlcroscoDlo exuuiluallon.
Niuull tumors, cancers, wsrls. mnlim t . wmaimi wiihrmt. .i.i.ia knirn nnln Of
nielliiMl. FleolniVHls. enlleooor lllBHcleiilllleiillv Irenteil anil m,lllvelv cured bv V
uiuiuuu. auuiim ui tuuiiuuuicuuuus 10 nox loo, txiuiiiuus, uuio
UoUL Day. Aug. Sep, OoU Nov. Dec. Jan. fob. Mar. Apr.
Wed. IU
Lawlkburg", Cameron, Tour. II
I Hlddleourg.W'ashlngt'Oi Tues. II
lAiwUlowD, National, Mun. 10
Osflc IIr mt Hlddlbari;h, 11 1 B.