r She giWefaurgli lost Published every Thursday. Ceo W. Wagenseller, Editor and Proprietor, Subscription $1.50 por year bleb must bo nnM in nrtvnnrt? wlicn lent out- mill! lllf Ulllllll J.f It ATt ft Of A DVI KTISI NO. All trurntcnt sflvprtlvmont not othrw1 Conirrii'1 fur HI x riiiirtfi-d M Hip rt of 15 cent pT IIih' (nnnpiirli'l iiiimhun') (or rlnit lnr lion nn1 lOcvuta t:t Hue tor every iubnequcnt luvrrviuu. trrtftlh imfffw jiiiiKfrv nhituary porrty tributn of rrtprct, itc, thrrt erilu a Unf. Republican Committeemen. A1am. J. R Fcttcrolf. TiiMn Mltr-hell. IU-hvit. Nathan Kri-ivl. Irvln Klnw'y. ltnnvi-r W. Win. II.-cI.t. W. Huh. vn n J. W. swniiwt. II. '. Hunim'l. rlmpiniin, 11. A. I'nrlltni'. T. II.Mch'W. ITiiiiklln.-r. II. imtikrliH-rHcr, . W. hlsea lmwpr. Jnrkin. Wm.Mnrtln. .1. S. Yrwlrk. Miiiiiictiiirirli, -4'tiriin iwtcix. W. F. Fee. MlddlisTPok, J. J. MIIcIipI. I'. I.. How. Monro.-. -U. H. Itorilnpr. I. K. HoumI. I'pnn, Dinli'l Knoiiw. f. K. WuifiiiT. ivrry,-lrwln llovor. Ili'iiry llnnllrnr. 1'i'rrv V.. innii-l M:in"viI. II. K. t-vraU'r. Sprln.-lir. A. M Smith. I. K.Mp:ll. s'lliirovp. K. H. ilPinlM-rllnif. I-. W.l'OvorU t'ul'iii. -.'. I. Klail'li'M. .1. . SUM. W'inMn'ion. Wm.r. llilMih, Jprry Clmrlr. ltopublican Ticket. FOR PRESIDENT, William McKinlcy. VICE PRESIDENT, Garret A. llobart. Klwtnr- tl.tn?n. .I.wi-iili Wh'irlMti. M.'xmi'l' r K. I'.iiioti. ("li'iirfltld. Win. K. Wlthrnw, Alli".'lifiiy. Lynmii I), lilllx'rl. D.uil'liili. DM riot Klpptun. rr. .folin s. viipn. I'hllii'lPlplil. AIipii II. Itorkp. I'!illii"lihlii. t runk II. IIpimIIpv. I'lill i l"lpliln. Wuiliiiii M. T.iir-' iH. Phll.i'li-lplila, I. . oii iPl I. 11. rs, I'lill.iil.-lplil.i. .I.M.-pli . IlinMHI. I.lnw I. Wllll iin K. s.ili-v. Nnrr!:'lorn. .I'lllll It'll, lift 1 1 1 . 1 1 I II . Ili'iirv I.. JoIiiihoii. !( Mlu'. .I.ilin II. I, in. lit, M'IikIiiiii. KviT"lt WiiiTPii.s.'ranloii. II. W. WII'I'i. llM'.I.-lmi. Harrison H ill, 1l.ili.fioy City . I. W. MUI'T. llmnoti. IIpiitv '. I"rrw"i, T'liiUuntiork. J. It. Ilrown, Wllllam-ip rl. .Lri'.prh'k II. K ilon. li.'rwlrk. li-orifp II.IMn lllll'T, 1,1'ttlslilirtf. U. II.HIilnili'l, York, lincirifi! T. Htvitiik. .lolmttown. K-ron. A. '. Wlilli-. HrookMllo. Willi. no N. ll;imlolpli, IMitslmiv. Kinanni'l Worthi'lmcr, Allcv'liiiny. .losl:lll SIH'IT. KIIJllMalr K I w.inl K. Minims, Duller. Inidor Solipl Krlp. W" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 N. Srhiiiir, IVarri'n. JoiH'plil'. L'uliiplH'll, Marion. STATB. Vo' Conifrr-Mmnpn-ni-I.rtfo. (i M.I .-III A A. UllilW, S. A. DAVKM'UKT. IWKTV. For roti!rn'. Til All. II. MAIHiN, (Sillijei.t to District toiileronnV For Statp Spnu'rr, KIIWIN M. Ill MMKU (SuiijiTtto Dlstrivi t'nnfpronce.) ' For AhhpiiiMv, CllAUI.I-s W. II Kit MAN. .-i'or SMpi-IIT .sy"T Id l'TKU. jlMlirr. Ani.MAMiiV.lVi'ji.K, For ronmiNiloiip..., WILLIAM Ulil'KM;, ISAAC M-DI IS. For tNimitv .ullf-rn. .1. r. lidWKltsux. F. MoVKIt. For 'i in 'in t. Ir. .1. K. inn; Alt. W M II 1.' II 11 11 M i; is it sji w i i'4 i!.1 !M VT SiS Thursday, Aujt. 27, 1S90. You Colossal Liar. The ttilinstfiovo 7'imcn of lust woi'k sajH : "Tvi nty livi' yt urs nn iiiortsnjics on lliis comity's f;irm luidi witc coinpurativi'lv tow. T tiny it is safe to ost mi!iti t lint tlioro nm hctwi-c'ii -'.immi (mhi unit :t,Mti,tiiii of them ou ri'com !"' This is oillu r liiu.cii iim culpublc Htnpiilily or downright lyin. From what wo know of llic writ it wo pro-fi-r to beliovu the latter. TLo total amount of nil tho inort Katres awl jmlj)nuit on record in Snyder county ami not on record taxablo thin year is .iVJ2.000. But Ibis includes judgments also. The records show mortgages (standing opeu ou farm lands to tho amount of about :!i)i),HO. This includes dow er mortgages and are not taxablo. Of these j?:i)ii,ooo in mortgages fully 100,000 aro either against insolvent parties or aro paid and not satisfied on records. There are mortgages on record in this county amounting to mauy millions, but they are against the railroad company and are not on tho farm lauds. Practi cally, then tho mortgages against farm land in Snyder county amount to about $2110,000, yet tho Editor of tho Times has tho towering audacity to assert that tho mortgages on farm lauds in Snyder county are estimat ed between J,oi)i),oim or .1,000,000. What a diiTcrcuco between 200,000 and .1,itoo,000 Tho diiTcreuco is 2.800,000. Truth is represented by 200,000, falsehood by 2,800,000. Ou May 7th wo published a state ment giving tho amount of judg ments and mortgages taxublo in the county. Tho amount was 001,000 last year, aud 022,01)0 this year. Tho loaus and discounts of tho So linsgrove bank ou July 11th wero 112,115.31 and of tho Middleburgh bank on tho same day wero 128,415.. 08. Even if all tho judgments and mortgages on record and all the loans and discounts of tho banks wero against farmers tho aggregate would not excood 302,000. But thoy are not all against farm lands. One half of tho businoss men of tho coun-, ty have Judgments against them. many of them have notes at bank. But beyond that, both of the banks have paper from Philadelphia, and elsewhere outside of the county. The figures of the Timet are so far out of the way that no compari son is necessary. It is safe to con clude that the mortgages (including dower mortgages) do not exceed $200,000, while the people of the county receive interest on a million and a quarter of dollars. The Times is evidently trying to earn that fee received from a free silverite down tho river, SOME RAMBLING THOUGHTS. BY NEMO. (Copyrljfhid.) In one of my recent articles t the one on "The New Woman" I asked for more light, if my interpretations wero at fault concerning her pur poses and her powers. A number of letters have come to me, but, strange to say, they do not at any point dispute the accuracy of the conclusions reached in that article. In some cases however the writers raise a protest against the new wo man as a factor in our modern civil ization. One letter written by on Editor of my acquaintance will servo as a summary of this class. After statiug that ho could not possibly think of printing the article, bo takes two positions 1. Woman was mado for men, elso why tho difference in formation T 2. Tho Bible teaches "Wives be submissivo to your husbands." I naturally shrink from a controversy that tends toward tho theological, because, for a layman, tho battlo field is unfamiliar ; yet when an edi tor ventures on a characterization of his mother's sex as lower than his own, I needs must bo foolhardy enough to follow, if only to shout in his ear a few things that seem to bo truths. Let mo Bay thon to him and othrs who agree with him regard ing "formation", that ho is about thirty years behind tho times. From the time tho books, Darwin's "Ori gin of Species", and "Descent of Mau'1 wore issued, up till tho pres ent day of Drummond'a "Ascent of Man" a wholo Hood of light has been spread abroad in our minds regard ing the analogies of nature. Wo see dearly that tho all-wise lifo-giver and sustainor of over 300,000 va rieties of birds, animals, insects &c, mado them "mal" and female" - cc.i iu i no very lowest tonus of life, liko the self dividing amoeba and others. It is not necessary to dwell at length on tho advantages of this division of functions. One point alono in relation to quadru peds will bo sullicieut to hint at its utility. By such an arrangement tho welfare and opportunity for survival of any one species is prac tically doubled. I shall bo clearly understood when I say that tho sud-di-ii death of tho naturo male does not necessarily annihilate his kind ; nor a similar catastrophe to one fe male, prevent tho perpetuation of tho species. When wo follow theso analogies up to tho limits of human life, tho teachings of lower forms of lifo havo led us to expect exactly what wo find a very clear differen tiation of duties and a com pie to re liance upon ono another for tho con tinued existenco of tho race. To as sume then that tho woman is creat ed for mau aud is of lower rank than he, as to assumo that a lioness is created for a lion ; nn assumption which the analogies of naturo point out as erroneous. Each is equally important to tho other ; without the one, the other cannot exist. Even as St. Paul, that favorite author among dictatorial lords, says : Nev ertheless, neither is the man with out tho woman, nor tho woman, without tho man. Physiologically there is a point upon which man can claim superi ority to woman ; a point of superi ority which all other malo creatures sharo with him. He is aggressive iu his duties, sho receptive, stands in God's stead as donor of tho life which has como down to him through an uninterrupted chain of beings over unmeasured years ; sho as the treasurer and care-laker of tho prec ious trust of perpetuation. But his right to pride on that scoro is slight since he has proved in numberless instances unapprcciativo of tho lofty honor placed upon him and un worthy to be tho guardian of tho stream of life. It scorns pitiful that we sons of woman should ever permit a thought of inferiority cn hor part to cross our minds. Spaco will not permit an explanation of her almost uni versal debasomoat in the past. It is however a humiliating fact in tho history of our raco that loss than a hundred years, since the efforts of Alary Wollstonocroft for the better ment of her sex, measures almost all the time duriog hich woman in general among civilized nations, has enjoyed any dngree of freedom from unworthy discriminations. Further more her possession of opportunities of tbe higher kind is practically lim ited even yet to our own blessed country and the various European nations. Among untold millions outside of those limits, she, the treasurer of life and tender minister to childhood, is still woefully abusod and the voiceless sufferer of meas ureless agonies and humiliations. Even among us and other progress ive people she has hanging about various rags of the serfdom and heartless subjugation she has endur ed. An incident at the coronation Czar in May last shows that by the Greek Church woman is still un relentingly held as an unholy being. After the Czarina had been crown ed sho sat beside the Czar and par ticipated equally in all the cere monies until it camo time for the royal pair to receive the communion. The Czar went into the sanctuary, but the Czarina knelt outside, as women are never allowed within the ikouostas. This is on the part with the legend above a certain Mohatue don temple: "Women, dogs, and other impure animals not allowed to enter." Coming no to tho second poiut raised by our editor "Wives be sub missive to your husbands." I havo to stale that he limits this largely to a physical submission and ou that ground thought my article unworthy of priot, au opinion which fortunate ly was not shared by any other Edi tor in the large list that publish those "Thoughts". I must bo brief but I will bo omphalic. Ho omits "in the Lord" (CjI. 3 18.) o one Editor, nor ton thous and at once, could couviuco mo that a tithe, a fraction of tho degrada tion to which woman is expected to submit is "in tho Lord". I do not ubo tho word "degradation" with out duo thought. Whenever the grandeur and tho fur-rencLing in fluences of our various powers are lost to sight, there is degradation. Ho also omits any reference to verso 1" of the same chapter, which if it means anything must mean a sanctificatiou of the supreme and most fateful of homo duties. Our editor makes St. Paul his stronghold. Spaco will not permit more than a referenco to the contin ued influence over Paul's mind, of the Rabbinical teachings receive.! at the feet of Gamaliel. Though broaden ed out so extraordinarily that he be came the "Apostle to the Goutiles" his views and thoughts upon women remaiued colored by boiuo of tho al most childish theories of tho Jewish commentators. But tho points to bo mado clear and emphatic is that our Editor comes near to hypocrisy when he drugs iu St. Paul's words to bolster up his theories regarding tho position of women. One long quest iou will stato this and closo tho article. Are we men, who, contrary to Jewish law, permit women to teach men in Suuduy-schooL and who deprive ourselves of our privi lege of "instructing in law" when wo allow women to train littlo children iu Holy Writ ; are we, I say, to bo mentally biassed enough to claim that certain other Babbinieal limita tions regarding women shall con tinue in power, nfter wo have given a practical denial of forco to the greater number of them ? S.atiou D, New York. Your Hoy Won't I.lv n Month. So Mr. (lili.um lirnwn nf ill T, St., South Garden, Mass., was told uy me uoctors. Jlis son Had Laing trouble, following Tvnlioi.l Miilurin and ho spent throe hundred and seventy-five dollars with doctors, who finally gave him up, saving: "Your boy won't live a month.'' He tried Dr. King's New Discovery and a few bottles restored him to health aud enabled him to go to work a nei feetlv well trtnti Tf aova )i nuni nis present good health to use of Dr. King's New Discovery, and Knows it to Do tno nest in tlie world for Lung trouble. Trial Bottles Free at Gray bill, Gar man & Co.'s Store, ltichfield. Ph., and all Druggists. asy to Take asy to Operate Are features peculiar to ITood'i rills, fimnll la tlie, UisU'luss, t Oleic lit, thorough. At ouu man said: " You never know you have taken pill till It i all " 11. over." Sic. C. I. Hood & Co., Yt I I C Proiirletors, Lowell, Mast. 1 W The only pills to take with Hood's Karsaparilla. ItiK'klt'ii'a Arulrw NKhr, The Best Salve in the world for Outs, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt llheuni, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapp ed Hands, Chilblains, CornB, and ull Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Pilos, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or monev refunded. Prion '2.r cents per box. For sale by Gray bill, liarmun & Co., lCichheld and all Druggists. . AN INVITATION. ft OtTM Cs IKMara U fabllafc th fol lowlaf AimhnimiIi All women suffering from any form of Illness peculiar to their sex are re qnested to eommunlcaU promptly with Mrs. Pink Jin m. at Lynn, Mass. All letters art r celved, opened. read aod an only. swered by women A woman can freely talk of her private Illness to a woman thus has been estab lished the eternal confi dence be tween Mrs. rinkham and the women of 1 ' America. This con fidence has in duced more than 100,000 women to write Mrs. rinkham for advice during the Inst few months. Think what a volume of experience aha has to draw from 1 No physician living ever treated so many caoes of female Ills, and from this vast experi ence surely it is more than possible he has gained the very knowlrdga that will help your case. She is glad to have you write or call upon her. You will find her a woman full of sympathy, with a great desire to assist those who aro sick. If hcrmcrii- lno is not what you need, aha will frankly tell you so, nnd there are nlno chances out of ten that she will tell .ou exactly what to do for relief. She rks nothing In return except your good will, and her advice has relieved thousands. Surely, any ailing woman, rich or poor, is very foolish if sho does not take advantage of this generous oltcr of assistance. Never in the history of medicine has tho demand for ono particular remedy for fcmnle diseases equalled that at tained by Lydia K. l'inkham's Vcge table Cu.npound, and never in th history of Mrs. l'inkham's wonderful Compound hns the demand for it been so great as It is trwlu.v. CKNTUEVILLE. Ouite n number of our people took in campmeeting ou Suuday....A. B. Shoary made a trip to Freeburg on Monday Dr. C. L. Mohn of Jer sey Shore visited parents and frionds several days last week..'.. J. W. Shiukel and Mrs. J. E. Mohn and sou, Emory, aro visiting pareuts and friends at this writing.... Miss Ce lesta Hartman was taken suddenly ill on Saturday evening. We aro clad to stato that she is hotter again . . . .Valentine Walter and wife visit ed D. J. Diecso's oT Chillisquaque several days list week J. H. Ilartman and W. L. Sampsel of Gordon Heights, C. 'itro county are homo with their families', expecting to stuy several weeks. "JD My iil Li boy, when two years of age, wim tnkm very ill with bloody II ii x- i was iiilvlHi'd to iim Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea Iteinedy, and luckily procured pat t of a bottle. I carefully rend tlm direo tions an. I gave it accordingly. He was very low, but slowly und hurely he began to Improve, gradually re covered, mill is now as stout and strong a ever. 1 feel sure it saved his life. I never can praise the Item eily iialf its worth. 1 mil sorry every one in the world does not know how good it Is, as I do. Mrs. Una S. Hiu ton, (Iralianisville, Marian Co., Flori da. For sule by all Druggists. MAIUUKD. in the Lutheran Parsonage, A. B. Duuberman, Esq., Kratzervillo, and Clara Borough oi Fuucher, O. Auff. 20. fit, TVoelllirn lisnnus Vrt 1088, by D. S. Bover, J. P., Miss El len Stcffon and Wm. Heimbach, both oi Washington Twp. Aug. 12, in Penn Township, Ite bocca, widow of Peter Ilosterman, aged 7D years nnd 22 days. Auditor's Notice. The undPrNlKiii'd, who wai nproliitM auditor by the orplnum Court of Knvdor t'ouniv, m mhj udlourned Term hint, lo muko dlHlrlliut'lonof the liuliuiceappeurlni; upon Urn llml una llniU ae eouul of 11. 1. IVlciH, udiiilnlslriilor of thpentftto of Joseph I'i'tiTH, lute of Went llouver Township, Snyder I'd.. I'a.. dwpi.il, to and ainoiiir thue li-tfiilly out It led thereto, will meet all purtlus In InteroHt for that imrixwe, at his oIIIch d the lloroiiKhol Mlildfphiiruu, l'u.. on Mmiduv, Auir. .11. next, between the hours ut nine o'eloek A. M. and thrpp oVIoek I. M ,of huIU ihiy, when and w here all part leu shiill at tend and present, their claims or fx' forever Ueuurred from recolvluif auj jMirtlonof suld ttind. J.U. I'KofsE. Auditor. Auditor's Notice. Notice, Is hereby given that the undersigned has tieeu appointed auditor by tho orphitus' tourt of Snyder Co., to distribute, I tin fund m tho hands of 1). Hunks Welel, one of the exeeu.. tors of thepstiitool Samuel Wel.el, luto of Ilea vnr (now Sprlnir Twp.,) deceased, to and atnonir thoMOenllilod lo the Name; anil that Ihe auditor will mevl lh part lea IniereHied at, his olllee la Ihe lluroui'h of Mlddlehurch, Snviler l!o., Pu.. on Friday, r li day of August . A. !.. lsiw. at H A. M., of Haid day, at which i.lmo and place, all persona who haveany claims upon said fund or are liiteri'su-d In thu samo miiKt present them duly authenticated beloro the auditor, or be forever debarred from eowlnu in for a uliaro of aa Id fuud. Auk. i, im. JACOB (JH.M'HT Auditor. lallll. aouurTiitiTt t.io Dent CouuU Syrup, f au UooO. I'M -HI Sold lir ilriiuuMi,. r if1, rw y 41 ' J 9 fli) to ash Produce On aboro tenns wo will offer daring the month of August, tho following reductions on goods named : All our if, including Men's, Ladies', Misses', and Children's, 30 per cent. All Ladies' and Misses' Oxfords 23 per cent All Summer Dress Goods, including white goods, 30 per cent. ALL CLOTHING 20 per cent. On 100 pairs Men's fino pantalons 20 per cent Theso aro not shop worn goods, but strictly first-class. Como early and examine- stock, for Cash buyers will take uinantago oi IW Mr M ICH & (W BARGAINS IN CLOTHING! Fall ii Winter Sis Heavy weights in Trousers, $3.50. Tho goods a made to order, Guaranteed all wool, Trimmings fii class. Workmanship guaranteed. JNo. A. H EFFELFINGER, Tailor ' upMsiie 'ost Uilico. If Nobl; Ever Happeijci We could disnrnnn uiHi ! (J , ....,,,,, mings uo uappe I newspapers aro a necessity to every man and woman who wishes Ik what is going on. The New York Weekly Pres Is the Leading Republican Newspaper in theU.'i It is tbo paper you want. It cives ALL tbo news ; its editorial weUIwnttcn, clean cut and convincing each week it prints a wt i na70 II fl P linn nnrri n ,nn f l . i i I . ,. ,,h0 Vl uCIC No expense is spared to make it the THE NEW YORK MIDDLEBURGH POST f Will bo sent to any address ! One Year for 81.75 Address all orders to the "J'O.ST," 3liddhhuri,h, Jh. C"J)rop a postal to THE WEEKLY THEK Xcw xuiK, aim a sample copy will PJEW DP.U6S, n MANAGER, MIDDLEBURG PMIi W. H. SPANGLER. Great Reduction Sale of r H For Ninety Days I xne unaersigned Offer TIRE STOCK AT THE GREATEST SACKIPICK eVLVANU. We are not selling out, but we do boft Wood Cliiuuber bults fl l.OO CWton Ton Mattress Hard Wood Chamber huits lu.00 Woven Wire Mattress. Antique Oak bults, 8 Pieces l'J.OO Hoi Sprlncs UUH,1i 1 V. or. llit liU OO Drop tables, per ft.... - Wooden Chairs per set S.flO.I'latfonn Hookers In "stock, everything In the furniture line, Including Mirrors, Hook Pesk.s, bide.boards, Cupboards, Centre Tables, Fauoy Koekors. Hub' l' ieatiier 1'illows, Lounges, Couches, Doughtrays, Sinks, Hall Uac!i, Hunt. ITlintra fln mu, ni ...J i. .1. '.. . ,, , , "",v ".v.. " i,,c"l' luiuuure, 10 suit au classes. . I 1 rlees reduced all through. Come early nnd see our stock betori your order, and tlius save 15 to SO per cent, on every dollar. I 'I Special Attention Given to Undertaking & Embajitf KATHERMAN & HA RNAN, Umited'j this sacrifice sale. to Berlin. Pa. trill IMs Mitt. From $10 Solinsgrove.i? wit unu an accurate market ycrtij Lost weekly newspaper in tuoforuf WEEKLY PREIS tiik . , bo mailed to you HE The Public Their H OF FURNITURE EvEtt KNOWN IN CENTRAL 1E tliis to Increase our sales above hu) lolthi fir- TI g u el the ial n!o iil Ker. fo qunr :ho of 1 nif.Tiw, juiirt end irvs by 1 ( it uiuk p J licaltli K uuu Nudine Alvin lit. Cui s lust pf Lowih oftLia; a llyini kk: he g and c Hiss Al Pg hor i j.-AItirs !iil'f,,,.l Grove nnd Cha it-k of ca tho otl 8 return ; to niaki "nillvo. Mr P. V, Hu(TUr, 1 eiiinn thoi 1 OAVIi OHITi 'Iwrmmuea wUat lbs MIFrLINBUIr ('