('. ' t r Ik il of bich sd;J. ii to win hen, iiii ana lottf Mrs ntelj null (ige nnooi LESSON. jTERJt ATIOXAti LKSSOX VOtt auuust yo. rtion Text: "Abnalom'i Diff t and eath.M II Samuel xvlll., 0-17, 3, 33-Oolden Texti 1'ialm I., O Com mentary, 'Anil Ahnlom rode nnon a inula ." Tto L 1 1 : . .. i t ' n at I n r n .1 ...-...... .1 i i Li . i (rim T urii a I urn n n il nmalii ik T . lr cured for by DirrllUI nud othora (ohriptor ItH.. 2I-H9). DftvM' army went forth to htn In thren divisions under Jonb ami I ivl.k.l tm Mltdl 1 1 vm InH f nl tU SS 'a. l AUI'HIll III" I ,.,-.-., ! iitni mo fillllt. a Ittnl' devotion to Davtil In chapter xv.. 91. nd now nee hl position a lea. lor In Pivl l'i" army. Thou who ars now faithful a- j..lt In thA llmM nt tila Mtiuitl.in . 1 1 1 I . t(J lllir-t 1 . . ....v w. ..-. I'jrt.i 1 1 1 0, nrTl"'l at their appointment In Ills king dnm by nnd by. "Ami a certnln man aw It anil toM Jonb anil MlJ, lb-hold I aw Absalom hanged In an ok. tviuonuy mo man whs no frf'-tnl of Absalom', or h would have re ?iie him. Whro wern all his frbnvU? jTi'ryona faiiwil mm, And, in h was an n'wy to Ood a woll as to hl fnlher. ho wan d.-spemtely alone. When God la for u, warn never alone and need never four ttinueii nil he affnlimt ii. Ill'uvt . Who trnt In Him. 11. "Heboid, thou wivest him, and why ill N: thou not smite hltn ihore lo ih'.i ground" Tbus'spnrte Jonb to thu mnn who lti..hl thA 1 1 . 1 1 r . , a TIiam .... the hnrt of Joab nor any regard for the on- tni.-it of DavI.I. though it nmv Itn tl.n I. . really bnllevod that the li!ntU of Ab.nlom wa th'"nly way to the pnare of tho klnc- -M 4 f. 1. ! I - . V - . . . A'l mljiti r ithor than Solomon nnd wai ulnlii while Uol Una on to tho horn of the nltur t;i ninirt 11., ji'Ji. ; n. -in our uparinti tne kin? rlmrtrO'l thee And Abl.lml and Ittnl, "nyluur. Itwre Hint Done toucn tne youn; mnn Absalom. ' If, thnn. he would not Inv a lliimr im,.n Dun. lom, not even for a reat reward, why did he uot for 1'nvl l anko reloaio Ahi'alom from hi p Til? Was ho afraid of Jonli's Wrntll .14 VhII h nf rrrl.it 1 n f. t Vm Mm. .11.1 ........ - fai..'..i. iii'i ir, Ul he hope that Jonb would tnko Absalom a tn-'Mi.-r twiu uiuiH unu unimrmiM to tue t ti It'i ThA lAm t mHH1 L . 1. . but to do the rittht thin, m In the nlijlit of uon, ruiroa more graoe thnn mnny seoin to bavo. 13. "Thftrrt l tin mafiki lit. I i. . kliiK." Well, whatever David mltrht ot tnlBht not know, wearoaure that "all tilings are nknl nnl nnitn unin tha ai-a. nt in... .- - ....... . VJT V.. Allll, With whom we have to do" I Hub. i:t .. "The Loril mrchptli all hi.in. mil ihhIh-. tnndth all the Imaginations of the tbouifhiM" (I Chron. xxvlli.. 9). "There is rot n word in niv toricuo but o. O r.nr.t. Thou knowott it nltoitother" IV. eif ti r . 4). It is even writti-n, "I know the thlniri tint come into vour mlml m.irv n. nt tiimi" (F.7.k. xl., 0). tU. li. "Ami ton younir men thnt bara ibab's iLrrnor eomnnaaAil niwiut Wlom and slow him." Jonb having thrust I rm mirts into bis heart while he was vet ve in the oak, his young men llnlfh the Jrk an 1 Absalom Is di'ad. Th- beautiful I eru' Absalom, who had It in his heart t:lll even his own fnthor, la slain. There nothing brave or noblo in killing a mnn could not defend himself, bo Absalom TV be sil-1 to have perished mlaernbly. aiy the way ot the ungodly eliall not ller. i i. "And Jonb blow tho trumpet, and the ! Mile turned from pursuing uftnr Israel, XcjJoub held back the people." The leader 1 Mig dead, tho baak of the robellion was bken and there was no reason for unneces i(V slaughter; therefore the people are re. kTIAl. fim ti?l.j.i1iw r. Mt.. r nrifitl Uru ncn .1 t ......... I w- ..... t T . 1 lUl's beloved Hon, and He gives armor rllfcleut to protect us and a aword which llconiur every enemy fEph. vl.. 10-18). Ij Jrgreat Jmny will, however, uot bo slain iiy of us; neither will ho be comiuored UJeus comes. P. "And they took Absnlom and east him i ,tt groat pit in tho wood and laid a very Rf t heap of stones upon hhn, and nil Israel every one to his tent." Thus they dls f' I of his body. Cut whero was hoV V p""1 was stoned to death ana left foi O'-i iit Lystrny, ho hlmselt was enjoylna j-b r its things in paradise. Compare 11 with A'-ts xiv., ID, and observe IM ' .1 nee also ritephou'a oxperluueo at tie , .in Ht0u,j io (jctt! lu At8 vl " :. ltlessnd are tlio di'iid v.'ho die lu U, ' I. To dlo is gain. l:ut concerning '" i i.snloui, our Lord J.-sus has drawn '4 veil In Luke xvl.,2;l. Heealso llev. '! And nllhough ti.e.o things ar ' I coute.-uplnta they tire written by a ve, who Is nut willing that utiy "J""! 1 llsi. (John 111., lfii U l'eter III.. I)). I n his IHetlmo had bul!t a plllut ' uabotter tbau a name on earth,! ,"e Jr. xvll , 13. and Luko x., 2l. In verses of our chapter wo hav Tl) .1111 1ll.. ...H ..M. .11:. - t'fll; tlM ' V. );. w 'IO. SI i... -"" kiu nun liuiuga iortu and also of one who inslxtod . rmuilaj. but who had uo tidings, and I Il'TMIOi n tl .1. I... ... . .. ' . ( . . i """liiii ii" tviw iiih uiHiiesi ., ..I . i t iwiitiw. 41 j louy io rut villi in lif inaiimt nn,i i...i A. " ' sinuo anble. It Is follv to rut irr irrv I'l,., ?.: . " , " "u linings IC i'lii'n, Ol'.b. Ti . i '"tile wora of (lodh '" 1) may run that roadeth It' 1'.. Jl. J lu ..r..n ' HIUS nivron.l TI,.! 'i.. .1". " I r mossat, nl,d then run nnd tell it. .'r, ,'f uu, 5 f very believer to bo a J " -. ..f t dlng, not suel, as Cu.lil bore, v.-'."Vlt , Vl k?' "" Cusiil, is tlx h w Ce ,,r.hVerr,.,lat3a m0r6 i , ,h ,,,Vl'"Ju"1- As Joabsuld, "1 . i io lf,A,'1,'" "vod and all we ' r;,-,,, ,?b,,lJ "' "'low forth tho lovn ll t Zmu r t, ," 'f """nonil!! "Behold A ; " n! 1 d 1 u'ed for thee, O t , " "v Jo"., 0Dw my.8,,,!" Fivu J" I ,, - b,J1"- ""re Is iMindaneo of grief. r'l:, number five in H,T,ture IhbssocI ilej i Houudanee. David D0 w I hat ho mis l l b. "U" ,"K ,,,""" "' forover IXDIA-HLBIIEB DE4HT " I'.er i nre nvm on wlmm u i in,r?'r , " tiiem." - lir "1'r"""'"'",y. As som as'tho .,u , i ,,r"",,ur" ' removed, t.y r.v r.. .... tv 7.,, ...'"'" ' ""r:'',ror shpe, and i ,i(. " "' i "iiiuenee tiiat eomes tn, ex im ineni UitU loi.ei I "''i a moment. Kyerv revival .i ' '. " ' "iv ,.f ibis i i. . . . f"H as then, U . f ..1.' - '"Verte. iv of tl s ki."i T . ry ,,,,"r;,' . ill . "'ember. -They eoma the despair of the faltl.r..i V- "? "I Ul-comfort or cieT Uem.: io any t Is HOW tnur. ...... ' ...ii ... "u iv.''i. good Devii. as .: ?, i'?""' JlneiatoagZ ui',,'H'' y ,' mrP0,w "t only , ,u I' t0 eertaln ' "my. Iio llfo u vuluablo tlmf hu. ..i t miXoevVaudUK!Uttl'10, tUOt bM Bo - I LIVE TEMPERANCE TOPICS. Tn ntMox or nr.tjtg. My nalivs land! amid thy eaMn home. A-nld thy palaces a demon loams: rreraiH.i with rage, yHt subtb. m his wrath, i,!ItrU!,.r ,hwu,"n ,n nl" Pth , ' Stalks through our oltles unabashed and throws Into tha cup of sorrow bitter woeas Olyes to the pangs of grief an added amart. hTa"rt- aDKul,,h wrlnS"1 he breaking DriP,he,ght rrU(l r'rlt 'rm " 'nv,oJ An l 'bMghP 00 ,o,ll,0,t ho',e killing Heralds the 'shroud, tho coffin and the pa.l. fairrVe" thl(;k'", wbor0 hl 'ontstep, William IL Durlolgh. A PiTirct srrcTArti. A riathetlo Incident was wltnessel by a number of people at Ninth and Willow streets Wednesday evening. Bt about 6.80. that CHlle.l forth ,.ma ... ' ..... .. ....w vi w.ttt'i vuiuineill. ft. lame man, leading by the hau l a three. ... Klr,, w, urunic as to stag Ber all over the al.lmvniir .....!.. .... ii..V ,' . . . ' " '""ii'ieu nn'l tell, mo little girl being underneath him. Tho rhild ...iiuii Kreni sympatnyon the part of ail trim vliiiiuid.l km . i ..ii . ..' . .. Lebanon (Penn.) Ileport. ore yianr tt a ma book. ne was a poor, half drunken wreck of a mnn, nearly seventy years old a legitimate child of a legitimate saloon. It was a o'clock in tne rr.ornlng when ho titauirorod into the sbte door of a don on Dearborn avenue. If this were fiction we should not dare to make suena statement In race of a law that com mands all such places to bn closed at mid night; but, being an ni'tuil occurrence thnt took place within four blocks of the Chicago Deaconess Home, and no hideous dream ot Inference, we must stato the fnets as they are. Ho ha 1 thirty cents in the pocket of htstntlored coat, an 1 he had Come to alakn tho burning thirst thnt consumed him. Tiiero were half a rtiwm other loungers there travelers on tho same road of which he had nearly reached Ihe end. They knew hltn. It waa ' Old Dad." When flilo 1 with liquor no tongue wns sharper than his in wordy com bats, and his antics had often furnished gen. toel amusement for the lonferg around tho criminal court nearby; thev, In turn, gener ously supplied hltn with small ehnngo forhla drinks, and ho neoded little else. The night had been gomewh.it dull for tho drunken loafers In the saloon, and tho com ing of "Old Dad" promised a ill version. IJul Ids ready retorts were a match for their jeers, nnd tboy wanted something more exciting. "Walt a mlnuto," aald ouo, "aui we'll have some fun." Ha went out and returned with a bucket, of tar. They threw tho feeblo old man on' Iho floor and began tearing ofT his clothe while the bystanders shrieked with delight nt his usolcss struggles. Then, whllo two bebt him, one ot the brutes daubed tho hot tnq ovor his body. When ho cried out they crammed it into his mouth. They fllle 1 his ears with tho bla-k, sticky mass, and plas tered It ovor his eyes. Homo feathers front uold duster were stuck about his beads then ho was marched about tho saloon by! bis tormentors, who laughed aad howled uiH til they were tlrod. When tho old mnn foil down from exhaustion, they went oway nn'l let him He there. When the turnkey enmo to unlock tho Jail In the morning he found a pitiable sight. The miserable man bad dragged hlmsolf out ot the saloon nnd crouched In ono of tho base ment windows of the crimintl oourt, a hideous, unrecognizable mass of filth. w;is taken to the stntion and ofllcers sent to arrest tho flouiU who wero Implicated In tho affair. Tho victim of this outrage comw of a proud Virginia family. Ho served honor uuly In tho CoufiHlernto army, nnd after tho war wns engineer on tho Chicago aud North western llailro'id. He was steady and at tentive to business, and was considered ouo of the best engineers on the road. Hut tho aalocn provo I his ruin, nnd for the last few years he has wandered about the streets, Bleeping wherever ho could lay his bend. Doth tho victim nnd the perpetrators of this brutal deed nro tho natural outgiowth of the licensed saloon. What are wo Bjlu,j to do about ItV Kpworth Il'iriilJ. Uli yeles nre creating a good deal of new aw in tlreat liritalu. In Knglnnd they have been ileelnrod to be vehicles; in Hcotlnml, in a ease to recover insurance fr death due to a bicycle accident, they have I n d-vliircd to be not vehicles, tho Judge d luring that niey eouio uo no more consider' . 1 su.'b. than skate. MAWKirrs. MTT-Ill itc. Crsln, lour ami tt'oil. WIIEAT-Nu 1 ic4 . '' j) tVI No. 4 red "I li'.l ll'li.N .No. yell.iw ear t. it yellew i;eUoJ illie'l er . liA'lS Xa 1 white Ne. '.' wtilio KYE N 1 Ne. 2 wcHlcrn ;ii tl.DL H Winter I'Hlenls lili'UlA.. 3 ii'i 'I niicy straight wlutor a .'. ill hve Hour a i..i ii ; lIAt Nu 1 ttuiotiijr li ii fi : illxml clover. Nu. 1 in ;,n u i Hay, from wageus l.'i lie In 1 FKr.U Nu 1 N hilo Sid., lou U M 111 bruwn Mlddliugs '. Ti in; bran, bulk fi ,'nj in i tTHAW-Whuul Ottl ID V M) r') , ',j 1'i 17 tl 1.-1 1" 11 , s llM.lrv l'r,i.l,i.i. Dl'TTEK Klyln t roaiuory raucy i rvniuery tatii'u i iiiiiiii b II. .11 vjir.t..f. uiiiu, uuw , New ork, new 7 t rult and V eKatatil. APrbM utii 1 m bKANs-lm:iii-plckod, por 0U....I 1 .11 lui A 110 s ... I. .... 1 M 1 i IJ CAliUAUh. liouiB crown,' bbl..'."l So V.'IV.tO- 1 fiiuw. uu 1'oultrr. Lis. ( lilt'KKNS. li ilr vi,.. -1 11 ItKhVS.iu '."."""Z HI tuutt i'b. unit Ohio, trosh I'l 11 AIlMvlluiiruus. ti'Ll)8 ( lover U It.s J 11) 4 j pi 1 imothy, pruuo 1 m! 1 pi lllUH ! r It MS I ill 1 ' . MAI'i.t blllLI', new 1.) iij yiiicis touuiry, swuet, iibL :) i):i a w lAUAlW 1 4 UNClNNAli. " ruiim n '1-1 vi WlthAT-Na HUeO. '..' Hi b Nu 4; tUKN-AlUuil ai OATS ill tuui BU'll Kit Ohio x ruinmry a) 1-UILAUH.LFU1A i j 4 I TJ lit WUKAT-No. Ke t tOKN-Ntt Mliad OA IS-Na Whit BL lli.lt Iremuury, mini., tuos-pa. iirms ti l!i lli U MtW VOltk. FUiUR-Patenu WilKAT Na Hod COK.N-Na OA'lH-Wblte Wesleru llLTTElt-.roiiit.ry tOOb Slal ttud J'aiiu i T3 I n il VI li 11 L1VK bXOCti. CO'TBAL STOCK VAIUX, Ik I llllKUTr, I'A. CATTLAt, Prime, l.roo to 1.400 lbs t 4 4 4 lit Ootid, 1.VUU to !,: lbs 4 IS 4 ! llUy, l.IKU to l.liiilti 4 irt 4 1 lr Until steers, WU to 1UUU lb.... t W S Tft Cvuiiuuu, 7UU to wuulb II W H I1004 Medium, 9 til S . iUavy vis 8 41 liuugha ud blags 8 UO t 00 mar. Good. K5 to W lbs 8 41 t IW Valr.TU totwlhe. ?S It V0 touiuiOB 175 It W SELECT RELIGIOUS READING. thx Lirr wtrmx. We live In an age In which the value of tha outward life Is unduly emphasized. On every hand men and women are pursuing, with utter self-abandonment and consuming enthusiasm, the merely temporal things wealth, fame, pleasure, worldly place and power, superficial culture, tho means of lelmirM nnif tlf ln,t,il,nf.,(a f I. i.i.. - - ' ,v 1" iur ,III( of the surface and of the day that Is held in vim-, t-ii-iii. inieni ana energy are ex pended upon getting and seeming, rather than nnon lxvtowitu nml belnir A ,.nui. shallow life with little ot serious purpose', Is the life of tho gn'at mass of modern so ciety. I.jterntiiro U'1il,li la nln-i,,-. 1A m. .... . ,r- " " ,n.. at , hi hi,, relle-tlon of an age, abundantly proves that such Is the moral tone of todav. We do not wish to sound IIIIV needless note of pessimism, but we cannot help being im pressed by the supcrllelallty of th' bonks and periodicals that people nowadavs nn billing, talking nbnut. nnd cluinoriug for. I'.very iiolde form nf literature languishes, Willi" mo riienply sciiMiitlotuil, odd. fantiis tl", risque and silly, sell like the drst fruits of siitnmer. It Is nil such a sad C'liunieiit upon the siiperlb'lallty of tho time. The outward life l even where eolebrnted and displayed, and the more gaudily tle picture Is I'liluted by the lld-riiry artl't, the more Is it a tmired and emiibit'ed by the modern "fad-worshiper." Is It not high time to plead rr a revival of the serious purpose In life.' Should hut the value and Importance nf the life within be re-asserte, Ml I r ifor'vd. Ill everv pos sible way, by lho.) who still cling to the holder Inspirations, the loftier 1 1-aU nnd the more permanent realities ,,f this eartli ly exist, .n.'n of oiirsi And unto whom dies the summons to renew the spiritual Ideal of life ennui wltli mure inspiring directness than to the acknowledged servants of t'hrlsl' To the ehureli. to t hrl-tiiiii linn and women, belongs, in a nm.st opeeinl wav, the duty of raising the moral tone nf socletv by restoring the world's reverence nnd es teem and divdro for the deeper life nf the spirit, for the religious altitude nf mind and heart, for purity and rectitud nf thought, for devotion, worship and trust in (tod. In no utlier way enn the present detiinral llng trend nf popular thought and feeling be counteracted. . tw., kinds of life, tho outward and the Inward, have alwavs been, and must always be.set over iigaiust'otin an ntlicr. The aseeiisioii of the one alwiivs means the deeleiislon of the other, like the weights in opposilo sides of tho scales. One or the other must iilunvs lie In ll... n.. ceiidency. Kneji must lie as-iilled hv in creasing tho other. Dvery fresh exam ple of noble, serious, christian living ami thinking Is n grain in the balance nuahi-it the triumph of the ba-e, the flippant, and the suiierlleial. We exult the ium l,v ,.,ili. ing ourselves. We honor iod bv honoring the lib nls llo has set before us. A we magnify the life within, the permanent, tin. dlxlne, the exalting, tvo Inovitnhlv lift our selves and others nbovt the plane of the t 'iniioral. the supenb lal, the demoralizing. Modern life i Is an intliix of spiritual- inliidedness. shall we n,,t render such soul Bcrvice as lu us lies'.' iioom i on nie m:w. Tho worst enemy of the better Is the good. Well-meaning and' conscientious ,t shoi slght 'd and conservative people do an im mense amount of harm in tho world, per haps more than any other class. It was n t'l" Irreligious masses thnt killed Jesus and Hoerati'S, but the pious, eonservntlve aristocracy. As President llvde. of Jlow dolu college, has well said in his recently Issued volume on "S ul Theology:" "Tint nverago good man is equaly at war with tho uierngo bad mini Who Is below 1 1 1 1 1 1 . aud the progressively good mnn who is above hltn The reformer and the criminal are about eipinlv obnox ious to tli t man of average goodio - un-l Intelligence. The prophets ml tue betrayers of their country uo- equ ily odious and pronilseuoii-iy stoned 'I Ii- Savior Is crilellleil bef.t-eeii two tllli Ves." Kvery moral and s-cml ndvan lias to light Its way against '.liose wlio htand dog. godly by the trailiti ms of the latlcrs nil Insist that what wis the Ideal a IjustMii nt In the pa-t must re.. oiln the ideal for nil time. They forget that Khat perfectly lilted the old order of tilings for that erv reason Im perfectly llu tin-new. j , ,;ir, erust of illll old tllllst be broken to give the pew life room. The new wine must have new wine. !.llis. '1 here can bo u i Improvement with out cham;e. A I'lllt I II. Wc comn to thee, Mii,i,l:i tic name of Chrl-t who is the truth, to n-k that ttwu wilt I'lennso our hearts from falseh I. I'roui nil love of d ptiou, fnen all vain imagina tions, fro'M eareie.s liisluecrit..' in. I trust in refuges of ll" s, deliver us now tin d evermore, o send out thy light and thy truth ; let tbm lead us! Iliiligliten our tni.'i'l, iii-truct ,,.lr coii.scl.'n, may b all siic of life, without 1 rtify nur will, that we followers of our Lord in of In-art and nprighi ics our speech lie 1:1 charitv loving tic t, it!i and kiiowest bow iv walk in true eritv Muv guile '1 ll"U poll' Ignorance and prejudice, th" famiiur words ot falsi hood wht 'b we bear nnd - enk. 1'iirdoii us that wc have been content in thin false Vi.ticss. (iive us a glowing and abiding I . t"r nil things that are pure uud lioneht an I .f g i report wit Ii tlce. h 1 tell'dl US to f o ov lu III" stiqis of .lesii, w Iio did no sin, n i'lier was guile found in Ms mouth, that tbioiigli lis also some mat rlso to the knowledge of the truth when is revealed of thee. And thill" shall bo tli t glory evermore, t v. ;i. it MiKr.s a MrrT.11r.Nrn. The mortality experleneit of th" t'nlle 1 Kingdom Temperance and ieii"ral Provi dent Institution of I.oudiiii, from 1m.i1 t IBM, Inclusive, allows tlio following co:d paratlvu aggregate results: Total Abstinence Class: Expected claim Vollclcs, Mil. Sums assured, i;,.n:i,nim. Actual eliiitiis Policies, 11:11. Hums a.-suro I, I ,ai7,7.tJ. letieriil Class: Expecto! claims Policies, 81 Pi. Hums assured, ,! I Actual j claims Policies, Htiij. Kims assured, nu.uau. Actual claims in total abstinence, only seventy per cunt, of tint expecto I, while 111 the general ubiss tlieyamouut to uiucty-cl'ht pur cent, ot the expv -te l. (iiTrtN 1 iivcn. Strangely do s line people talk of "getting over" a great sorrow overleaping it, puss ing it by, thrusting it into oblivion. Not so. No one' ever does that, at least no nature which can be touched by the fueling of grl'd ul nil. 'I he only way Is to pass through tlie ocean of altliet'lou solemnly, slowly, with humility and faith, as the Israelites passed through tint sea. Then Its very waves nl misery will divide and become to us a wall on the right side and on the left, until tin! gulf liurrows and narrows before our eyes, and wo land safe uu the opposite shore. D. M. t ralk. Wc should so live and labor In our time that what enmo t u as sH"l may go to th text generation as blossom, and that whul eiiiint to us as blossom may go to thmn ut fruit. Tills Is what we nieau by progress. Henry Ward lleeeher. The burden of sulTerlng noema a tomb Mono hung about our necks, while In reulitj It Is only the weight which Is necessary to keep down the diver while bo Is huullug ful pcurli. llichtcr. Let us alway cherish little thing which have a great Mptrit b'JlituJ tUuui. Julia PENNSYLVANIA POINTS. Itemi Plokod Up from Commonweal Alt Over th William 3. Whlttaker, father of fourteen cniioren, ana grandratlier of seven great granilchlldn n and .Mrs. Susan lialley. the inoiner 01 iwi'ivn cuiliiren and grnndliiotlier 01 sixteen children, were mnrrled nt the nome 01 tne t.ride on gulcksiind creek, near neanneue. 1 nc groom Is wt years old and the bride 7:1 years. This makes the third time each of the contracting parties has been married. Edward I.ewls, of Huston, Allegheny coun ty, and an unknown role, of Industry, tear Huston, are probably dying from wounds In flicted by John l'arkcr and Walter and Sam uel Kussell. Samuel Is In lull nt McK. and the others are nt large, with a posse In pursuit. 1 he pole was shot because bo n- slstcd being robbed nnd I.ewls was shot In u attempt to arrest tho three robbers. The commissioners of Indiana and West. morelanii counties, inVo condemned the iolnt county bridge over the Conemaugh river at I.lvermor.'. and have irlven tiotien that those using it for travel do so at t lit Ir own risk. The bridge was rendered unsafe by the recent heavy rains. Pdds will shortly be received for repairing the structure. Mrs. Amy Huck went out to drive with her father at I.awrenccville. The horso una frightened by a piece of paper in the road and started to run. Mrs. Huck was so frightened that she fell linen In tli " seat dead from heart disease. Ewlg drove, a emnpniooting ground nea' fork was devastated by tiro, ji;, dm .bio cot tages, a largo tal.ernacle and a dining hal' being burned. The loss will rea -h ilo.iiiH)' Several persons were slightly huriie I Irving to save their effects. The sale of the Treniotit house nt West Newton and the payment of an obligation of t l.oou, is re-lsted y tic the heirs of Mrs. Margaret tirabaui on the ground that hint was not of sound mliid wlien tic obligation was made, A mammoth licpuhllcun meeting was hoi I at South I Ml Citv. Saturday night, addressed by Col. W.J. Hillings and Alderman A. J. Hovard. A M'Klnev club was orgutil.od with a member-hip of nearly loo. Edward (irlm, a farmer of Chippewa township, Heaver county, struck his leg win, tn ax Willie chopping a log, Inflicting a wound so serious that he was removed to the Heaver Valley hospital for treatment. Mrs. Ada Corr. of Marlon. Indiana county alio was acquitted uf murder for drowning her child a year ago and sent to M.xmont In sane asylum, ha been discharged us cured. She refuses to return to her husband. Alexander Hilton, a yi ung negro of Can noiisliurg, has been ar-est"l for causing the loath of his unci", Harvey Ituigess. by throwing lilm down a flight of stairs in a drunken wrestling bout. C. I". Corlletfs brewry at Washington wns closed bv the sheriff 011 an execution for H.000 held by J. M. linden. A short timo go a f .'i.oiij damage suit for slander was Hied against Corth-tl. A brass and iron foundry nnd an addition to (lie machine simp will ho erected by tlio Hunt Air Urate company at Nw Kensing ton and tlie concern will start in full ScptcU1. 'jer 1. The sale of lots and houses at 1'ord ( Ity belonging to the Pittsburg I'lut" lilass com- I amy which was to tunc taken place Scptou icr 1, lllls been ludellnltely postponed. The Dauphin county Democratic commit tee, without n dissenting Vote, declared for tlie platform nnd tic uomi s o the Demo cratic convention held in Chicago. Tl e net result of tlie excavation up to date lu the M' heos Hocks mound has l.ceu lie il.. ..t tv . f 1" !(.'. .oris and i i .go number of alleged Indian roll 's. Mrs. I.. A. Deemer. the woman physician of Erie, arrested at Klltannlng lias 1 11 held for court on tlio charge of practicing' w ithout having registered. The Lutherans of Somerset county will lndd a reunion at Voders, Augu-t 'i'l, II. Louis Laugher, D. !., of (icltyshurg, will address the assembly. W. A. Hnodes.a young mnn l'J years nf age from Lexington, lvv. . was strip k by a train nnd Instantly killed nt Merrill station tear Itoehester. l'ro lings hav" I h Hie 1 In common pb ascoiirt of Allegheny county for tic ap polnt'iiont of a receiver for tic llunsen gla,,s ii'iiipaiiy. E. E. I: ibbins was th Hop. :l, Mean iioiuiueo for congress I r rn tic I weiily-llrst l'eniisv I vanlit district on the sixty ninth buil d. Lewis 1'. Wertbiirg. age I ,V years, was killed i a train lit .lolnist n wbll" gather ing 1 oul from the tra . Edna Lussell, of lieru.luie, bad tlcsigbtof sn eye de-troyed by l"lng i trmk with a "tope thrown hv u boy named Laird. rimer SnieltiT, n loit Ic r of l'enn station ige.l 21 years, died of lockjaw, ci;:. d liy a .lit on Ins linger. Tlie Irish M'sdeties of central l'eiiiisvlvaniii held u mounter pl' iilc ul Wopsoiionock, m:ar Altuvua A 11 c v :: 1 a : n i 1 . ll -t -11 1 fr' Muliic., from want s 110 f'-arfillle e li-'ornl'ig III" oplppiiis . 111 Ml or ll,.' e eitlii.fon -cs of 111 .,t,re, I' liliea -:i,.-. 11 . lo distress whether sept, w heller I" or aleiudaut ! re-l, cones ir.im 1 vy ir l eir oiaist ne' i.;h b" present 1 .p..p. re-oil!' be : cii i- . as this, 1 ru unity to tli" ! r ab. . iinty le ai I lira - I r of 1 Ii ri-l an - Tom spirit of .l"s;S I . . I I 'S It. W I'll Idleness. tlit aloie . Tlie It ha no allluily "le st Is I ilitt'llg this b;l-V r.iree 1: 'st is ti, tilting "I s -If to its Spll It is assuming with gl.i lii"-s the, end of ( linst s yoke and w rl. i:.g tog .tic :n Willi llltll 111 llo,-o,l ei,,VsMp. Ill" Vol." thus taken will let ehaf". tic burden' will priVCIIot liurlelisolll". I'lieic Will hello diseoliragemelit. II" dlstUl'I'a.'I' e. I' ll meek ness, quietness, mid 'T" til'il pe.'l 'e. liles,"d aro they who ll:. I this rest a ,. 1 w therein ! TKMrr.n.xNri: si:ws aso mitts. A brmvor's horso fares I it;er than a drunkard's child. Many a man puts his family lu t'le dark to holp th saloon pay Us gas lull. Tho man who begins by drinking some time may end by having to drink all the time. No mnn has a right to destroy his reason, by drink, to become diseased by drink, to destroy his moral eoiiao aud conception nt right aud wroDg. Of six hundred and eleven paupers in the Edinburgh poorhouse not ouo was an ub Ktaiuer, und four hundred and seven ad mitted that their poverty was due entire1.)' to Intemperance. Ulshop (ialnes, at the African Mcl.hmli.it Conference in Hcli'iiond, Va., served notion that he would ordain 110 man to the ministry who drank whisky, chewed tolstoco or tanked cigars. The devil might have thought out soma more cfloctuul plan than tin running of bar rooms for destroying souls, but the bar-room is doing s much lor hlui tiiat he bus not jut uuy heiv plan ii. motion. The Loudon County Council has given its al l to tho temperance cause by discoid im ing tlie use of sliiiiuinuls in u.,yiums uu ler their coutr d and forbidding tlie sal t of drinks in the uudliorluiu of plana uf emus tinent. rtev. Roott Watson, Tresbyterian clergy man of New York, la tho poasuHnr of tha oliloot manuscript lu the world. It cmsUts ... 1 of portloua of the old tatatunt, wrlUan 00 Wvlnuout lu !lbrew i!haructrt. I ccccccccccccccccccc c For the whole family c r -gn NEVER X lliC Purely vegetable, eat like candy, never fail to induce a natural action of the Momuch, liver and bowels. Absolutely (ruarnntccd to cure constipation or your money refunded. 10, 95 or 50c. All druppists. Sample nnJ book free C r, iinuinu KtmtUT ccccccccccccccccccc WO-TO-BACcwDC0REtli 1,, 1 "r.M- wnnocr.s tirnre lt power to rto-tmT thedctre for tot.srso in snr i r J.Tu'.-'i t 1 ' n'l ''""'" """e-fmst in tl.' Korl.l Muny u nn lu isiiiii.Is in liiut,n.1 n L..r. falls to mike the m finvrti nt mm .irons vlKorons nml tniikn."ie Ji.si i" s V- x m will iS, Z , li?.' '."''le'ls'cl rou 10 N'Mere. whs- we ... tor n i nt.. Is .ii.soiuielri, ..rani.,.,! i, rtl.Zr. .. wiieri. wna lor nur l-sUct Iton't r in.i-. o S1.1t ami f r,s-ssmi'le. Ait'liess f II F. M T KUL1.NU ikilMK SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY YOUR OWN DRUGGIST The Indestructible "Maywood BICYCLE. Th Wut Hodrn, Host tillable, Most Durtblt AND STRONGEST Y. I.t on Esrth. I'ATT.NTS l'vU- '' IHtll IHOI B T, WITH b u rn n r m I'lie "Muvwoo I" is the tlmnrjnt unit Mimtlrtt tn,rlr rrrt made. Adnit d for nil kind or maOs and riders. M,e of nmterml tlint Is .ini, Mion 0.1. t u in,- sin,.le In e.ui ,t rnei leu "o!'.v ,.n.k"1 "'rl I"" teu'ether; has tew oirts; Not mirh irvi-iuist uu t ion thnt Us t.irts III led 1 ti.ir. ther i ven lu nn aeeideiit; no bolbov tuldiii; .orrnsh III nt i verv i nnt art a triune that cannot tie luoken: io itnde tluil Its adjiiHt nur parts serve as it s eiitiiu el li.f ,;,tt s a 1 '"'"V i'V.'i11 '." ''n e "f a dioen patts; nlunvs rendv iimive n liul.le and raid I t rausimr't mion ll 1 'I r. - linroved iloulde dim id. cuariiiili eil lor llirre years. Made of -Inrh rohi rolled steel rods (timeliest, and utrnuk'ent metal for Its wrU-ht knnwin: leiiii'd t ni;it In r with Ill-minim l.ione tlttluus In Hiieh a 111111111. r I hat It Is iinsimlie to bu nk or am-l art iuk loose; a man el of novl'y, Mluipllnty nnd dunildlllv; the r.-tist i-iuuiduat ion of inueniiitv to liievele mei hiiilsin known, to liinld a frame without bran ti Jelnts nnd tubinu as ou know ttint Iriinii'scontliiiially loeak and friu tiire at biaen Joints, and tunes nheu the'v Mr.- bnrklnl lu e innot be repaire b Will l.l.s-is. h: warranted wood rims, plnno w ite t n:ik" nt spokes and lirassnu.ples. II I Its -l.nrire li.-irr.-l pattern. TIKr;-"Arliiiiriiiu" lio-i -lupe or ,Mor B in A- Wrwni gntek Itepalr. or oine ,.1 In r Itrst -e..,Hs pnrniuat le t Ii e. Ill: A III . t lirnriiins tuni rv part. Ineliidiiu nherla. ri 11. k axle. Hte. rum hr.i l and p.-dals ( I I's AND I iiNr -iest unallty tnol tet-l, rur.riiliv trn-pered mid hardenid. t IIAI - IIIl'Ii irrade Imnlin.d reutirs. rear 11 Ijust m,ni . i It I NKt 1 inr rrbd. rated our pi Tank fnllviio- ir'V .'.''Viniv' r :i'.".'i'.'i"t".r ,U':,V'M longest. ;i; t.i. '. l.r.Vlt- iL7- !. , . ' ' '' rm-t il.l.-: fork . -own nmdr fr.iru lt 1 1 1 .1 , r t . I trel. II IMU K I j 7 i'T' 1 'i"'i,''.V,r".Vl';: r.ttxHy.ndlUHf'd 10 posiii,,,, ilenind; ram' rn fiir. nlslied If ordered. stlH'll -I' A K., (illliam ..r xotur ot irr hrst -rlnss mnke ri:iI.K o.i-.iiip m llli'T'ir; Mill 1. an i.ranuir. r 1 llli K. I plil!i"l. l.ai'll llli'lele eomil. te with tool l.lm verdiim to tires, pedals, saddles, rtc, lo :m poiiudn l our 1Mrl.il Vliilrsiil, I'rlro. Never beforn sold for hms. I n ipHrklv int roilui!" tho "Mny wood" lin y, ,., w have derided tiiiimlo- a ypprlal roupon offer, iriviiiu every r.ia lrri.rthU paper ,i lianoe to iret a lltm -els whe.-l ui ine '" '''' " "I. on ren tpt nf f.i.s.uo nml e n.- W will ship to inuone tun 1, ;,. ,, i'e. and L'uarnuti r n(e ,. -liven. Miei"V -efuinb 1 If not .isj represented after arrival and rvnniirit loo We w iIIhIuii '. a. !. with privilege ,,( rxiiiiunatloii. for I.ii'. iki uud imhiiuiii lirovlded fi.in is sent wttii order an a uuiirauirr of iioud faitn. A written bliidiin; rriuilv with earn Kievrle. Tills is a rh inee of lift line and von rantiol allnrd tu let the npriur tiiuil pa..j. AJdress all orders tn CASH BUVnS' UNION, 101 Went Van Huren Strrrt, Itx 1 tan, CIIICAUO. UL, HEDUCED 1 . 1 1' il.s :- mm (li'l'IW I'l: l.lti nr - 1 Sola:. .It: ..! f. i r N' s';.r u 1 hi'. - it',' I t- h -: i- r , 1 1 ' , -i , 1 M1-1.1.1-, :r l 1 1 v i.t i. PATIENTS Tr.C. r.u.tt ti' 1 1 ' 1 . I 1 j tt .. VR.SW !:;.:::: t t. 1 i ii-.t i'N in. ij. CO fsY iVlAlt ,r . - ,' ! . s. v 1! h M.titit, ..,('. ,. r. t MM t . II I ... .. .iv ,1, it ttti.k 1 1 1, FRAZER AXLE GREASE HI HT IN Till! WtMtl.ll. luwi'iirinpfjiialitirgareunsurparisi'il.aetuallv Olltlast;-'ltC t wi. Iioxes of auv nl her hrillld. Not HIT. rt.sl hylio it. I IJKT TIIK liKM INK. l ull SALE H Y MIALLUS tiL.MiUALI.Y. THE ACCIDENTS OF LIFE: Write I T. S. Qt imi v, Drawer 1A Chiiapo, Srcra t.ity f the Si u AhM.i nt Iomi anv, for iiil'ii m.tti ,11 rrj.nrdintf Ai tidriit In- nr. mice. Mention this pip.r. Ity ho d jinjf you t:.:i .1 ,-e nlelntll'hip fre. lias p.ud over jui.ii.ou.i e 1 i jr octi.l i.t ul injuiics. Be your own A:cnt. HO MLLiICAL KXAMIXAriUN. ILCJC'IilllO in ner in Iliu-l.l Tlio Iniolili !."! ry iiiii;t ilolii'ii'il l,;ts i.i::ii' in , lliroilli tlie :;pi.-.i ivi tu-, till tin' iii'iiuiU ;ns. A '. 1 cr chiliitci t iv 1 pi ri o tlie stri ct :ni I m li.lo 1 "lirri-li'M, I i' . t T .- I J T A,i 1 --:i I'l -il -: .ji ' ul I Wo lioal':, 1!. ,u;o ,' tf.n 1 ::id: lioiirs .1,1 ::i,- so tlf ;nu- 111:1 Is i-ii.'.iui'. in ,i limti not on tlio li.lls. In llic Ki'riiiiiii:!"!' t In- iiMuicr v.tis iiso, tip liiidly :i n t 0:10 of tin- mc.lcs turn from ti lictir. I-'itiilliu tlieinsi'lvc.s .1: liberty, tlio lictirs ti'iiltcl nil' :nnl rcicli i'il tli" linumtitiliH Niil'.-ty. The liluclv licrry sensou liavlii',' Just ujicticil, i 11 -drcils of l.uys and uirls who pick tlie licrrlcs luivo kIiico Imth kepi nttt nf llic woiiils thnnmli fivir. Tlio iiiIiich beltiu' !llo, the vilbiKcrs ou' il.i.v luriioil ntit 'o scolir tlw woikIm fur berries inid lories. A p.irly of wuiitcii cninc upon thciu tin t'xpccii'illy, and their screams ho hi :i la rn '! Mcorcs: ,f iilicrx, result Ui In .1 hl:imicio, Vhc licttrH arc now Iioms nf Iho nit ita I lou t till lu'iTy-pir!. In:; lu thai lr!i:ily Is at a Hitiinlsiill. -i'lnslmr IMspuli li. Snait'tliliiK wlil'..ci Iht'ott-h thonlrnt a (liiitaticu of iiboiit leu feet from the Ueail of William tint Conqueror. "Wattu't that nu ntiowV hhUM tlio ttiautircli. "It went nitlicr loo whin fur a narrow," said llic court ester; ami from tiiat moment lils otllce bewail to lone lit Importance urn! re.icctalilllLy,"- lBO 111 lllll"i mil' ' i,..iim,ni,i Journal lualaBupoUS JOUrmil. c c c c c c c c c SICKEN --cvOC NEVER WEAKEN. c CO., CHICACO OH MEW YORK. l .llisollltelr l(tlr:llllS''l lV itrilUlsl etrnr.. lour I, ire Awn " nrl'ii'iiuiiuauusninl THIS $75.00 COM PLETE BICYCLE COUPON. Ort. 3, .In 11 I, M,1 tan. 51 llhrr 1SIKI I'loiioa 1-11 -1 .n,irn.. o in Idurk. 11 ti nil hrl.-lit nnrtu pump, wi.snrli and 01b r. i'iht, '. Counn No. 2320 &c 00 ron S 5 IF BPNT WITH OKDIH FOH No. 5 Maywood ...Bicycle... i PUREST AND BEST LESS THAN HALF THE" PRICE1 Or OTHtR BRANDS -r POUNDS,20 HALVES,! 0 QUARTERS sni n in r.ANs only Tho modern stand- tJ ard Family Medi ci ri cino : Cures the common u very-day " ills of liumanitv. w r MM Kirsr vnr. it I omf. rfully fclticMiluiu In mil Ibmikil-m, l.nwbitc NnrUlm Itut-Likah anil fthr llmrnt nhriv ln Ii a HkK ul. Trjr ll. AI lritf wttmn. or ly nui4 vu nMHtlpt uf u tin ii, iMiiliuMa iia iu rtini. WINKtLMANN A BROWN DRUG CO., llulllwat Md.t II. Ji, 6: I I