The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 20, 1896, Image 8

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Brjan'n Election Would Surely
Be Followed bj a Panic.
Demand for Crops in the Home
Markets Would Fall Off.
Thai Would II One of the Natnrat It
sells nf a Free Silver Victory roulil
the rentiers fairly lllattte the Lenders
for iM-slrlng lu Itecover Their leaned
Moary In One Hundred Crnt Hollars
llrfore Impending Legislation Would
Change the Order f Things?
It I nsinneil ly the supporters of Drynn
nml his policy In tho ngrlculturul states
where his followers nlsiund that tho
armors, and c-iMviilly those who have
inortirm'ed their jrtrtjr, would surely 1
lMni'flt4(l if lSryun rdmuM Ixi elected and
the 5.1 cut ilullur Hti tiNt It 11 tl fur the lot)
cent dull ;r. '!'!;; ); r.- if tlwdlvcrltes.
it Is aili. it- 1. U In coinprl .''.1 i! Mi!t :
In aiivlif.: I aiii.. nil holders of life 1 11 -.11 f
ntu'ii hi1I'U, all i-iiloiiL-r, nml all others
who hnve 1 n voxtud saving liy loaning
them tllrei-'.ly or Indirectly to sulfur u loss
of nltout lialf uf every dollar which they
Chaa. Mattiuirlr. a trained nurse
of Washington, in at the Keystone,
where be is caring lor colonel a. u.
Simpson B. Hare of Altoona,
n former student of the University,
ha returned to his home after bar
in spent several wanks among rela
tives here. . . .Prof. li. N. llartman
of Bultimoie is renewing ujd no
quaiutences in tbi place. .. .Mrs. 8.
liurliuauaiid sou of NViilieuisport
wore guests of James Forrester and
wifelust week Miss Bertha Dunk.
leb rger of Mt. Carmel is the guest
of tho Misses Uoinig. . . .Her. Harold
Fullmer and family of Pittsburg are
the welcome guests of Mr. and Mrs.
F.J. Schoch....Tbe Canuing. Fac
tory is now running full time. . . .The
Burns' reunion will be held at Clem
cut's Park, August 120.. . . "Our Boys"
?ny thnt it is nothing but tough luck
that beat t hem Ht Montgoiue. y on
Saturday. Everybody played a good
game and no one is to blauiu for the
defeat. The score clearly shows
tint Stlicsgrove put up the strong
est a amp but tliu opponents were
foi tunate enough to bunch nearly all
their hits in one inning and thus
win thcgiunc. Score : Montgomery
Id, SeliiiMgrove 6 The home team
will cross bats with the Sunbury
Central League team on Saturday in
this place. Uaiuc culled at d:lM) p. lu
Chan. Tresslcr Lark of Millersburg,
Mrs. B. E. Adams mid her three
daughter of Shamukin, Misses
Kulpof Sunbury, Mrs. Charles D.
Mover, daughter and sm of Cbica
rm I'nif Win iuii uf Si-runt on and
own ujv.n t!v idea that tho,o dollar-. h:tv o(ue, fr'olu aill'dcnt places attend-
value twice as greut u thoy ought to ei thn choir convention... Our
tiuva. It Ik assumed, however, that thu achool board elected the. following
farmer will n.t !., Imt will jrulu- teachers : High School, Prof. Wal
l-he far::.-.' w ho follow Bryan hav Ihv.i 1 Vr" r 'TVV
duct-lvt-tl. Whili It Is tirolmlilo that those l,..- i,,t.,u . tri,.arv
lllt'limi' i v mil 7 . jt
who wall M;t!Vr tin- miMt -v.-nl.r aro (irn(.P Hoffman; Kniilz, Hay Moy
tlic w..; ;.;-::riiii :i, the farmer would itand er : Neitz Valiev. Salliu Schlabig t
i :.!! on any arnle that nhntiM Flat Stone, (uil Moyer : Beichen-
PhcIi h, J. A. ueainari; lieu jians,
V. '. Brown ; Miller's Win. Hoov
er: unite I op j J. f . I'.isenunwer.
A Union Sunday School Basket
Picnic of the 4 Sunday Schools of
Middleburgh and invitations to the
ii.-t)ii ffi'ct of cli-pnslon I Hnniiicer's and Pnxtonvillo Schools
u r, r a nri a. n M w
7A H 7T rA
Dltsolvc CSrnvcI
Oall atone, brick durt In urtna, rain In urethra,
(training after urination, pain In the back auJ
hips, tutldcn itnppait-o of water with premure.
Bricht's Disease
Tube casts In urine, scanty urine. SvnmpIU
eurea urinary truubka and klJm-y ditncultlca.
Liver Complaint
Torpid or enlanred liver, foul breath, bilious-
gm, bilious bcailaclie, poor nitinuon, arnui.
Catarrh of tLe II ladder
Inllammatlon, Irritation, ulceration, drlbbUug,
f reqiK-nt call, pnw blond, mucus or pus.
At OriifKlsta fiO rents and l.OUS.ii.
"laraliOa UuUla to linJUi " fn Coowiltstlnn tnm.
Dtu KiLMsni Co., DiNOUAMTon, N. V.
very m
iiicasiir" t!u- inl.rry of the people.
I "tuli hi tt i-uly thu election of Uryuit
-nvouIiI In- followed by a punlu. This Is lul
nnl!t. il l y tli -t'.lvi-rlteM tliemolvcs. Thi.-ro
wutild I v u i'.--t niriloii of rnnfldoncfl uml
a jiar. ly of nvilit. Would not this utToi t
tin- r.iraii'i'. an the farmers isolato them-
wive. iukI '
that l anil must Im- felt by all other elae,
wiwrulutorn poshlbly exjt-pt-!? Kven If
liryan huul lw fleeted, at leant oIkIU
months would i-lapso before, tho silver
tntular.l roi:l;l be ndoplc-d by leli-hiliou.
Thepanlo which would follow his election
would depress tho prices of farm products ;
the paralysis of credit would deprive the
jjralimrowcrof the sustalnliiU power which
""carries" his crops lifter they havo leen
hnrvi'.-.eil ami facilitates all advantageous
distribution of them thryuihout tho year,
'.VTY' i "tn.V tno'40 cr,V 'n tho homo
L , n'iiti'h 'u'l i uwiutf to tho condi-
tiou til-col) worl.iiit(mou. would ho thu cipi'rlenco uf thoso
l'ari!n-rs who have liorrowed money and
yrlvrn inort;ap-M on their holdings, many
of whom hope to ti enabled to pay off
those mortaes at t'i cents on tho dollar,
jHThaps overlooking tho fact that they aro
com-piilan to rob the widow and the or
plian!' According to tho government re
ports, the average life of a mortgage iu
this country on farm property is about
lour and one-half years. It is uow stated
by western ineu who appear to be familiar
with tho farm mortgage business that a
Tnnjorlty of tho farm mortgages In forco
nredne; that Is to say, that tho terms of
thetu have expired and that they oontluuo
lu trwtrnce because tha lenders are satis-
Heal frith tho interest received.
U'ould thesu lenders, holding mortgages
overdue, take no actluu If IJryao should
Ixi elected f Docs not tho western farmer
ee that they would demand payment and
that they would foreclose If payment
srboiild not bo madof Would not thu eloc
Tlon of Ilryan be followed by a general ro-
sort to foreclosure proceedings on the part
of mortgage holders who could legally
take such a course? Would even thu offer
of a renewal of a mortgage upon tonus
bluding the farmer to pay In gold prevent
the lender from undertaking to reclaim
kls liionoyT The Ilryan platform calls for
legislation which shall proven the nutk
Ing of such agreement. Could the farm
er fairly blame tho lenders for desiring to
recover their loaned money In 100 centdol
tars before proposed and Impending legi
(4 '.ion should comjiel thetu to bo satlstlod
.jti" b3 cent dollurai'
WtuM would be thu elTect uoti the farm
er, wtii'ther hSlverllvs or advocuu-s of
hnin-st ikih y, of thu Inevitable panic con
ditlons ana this foreclosure movement?
And If the sllrvr stund.-trd should bo adop
ted by li-gUluiiou eight months or a year
after the election of liryan docs the farmer
think he could then lxirrow moro money
without greut dillleultyl' Docs he think,
ars lliu whole, that thu agriculturists of
the . uiud Mates can gain anything by a
jioiicyoX rol l ciyand repudiation, which
nvotil.l make us (lctc-tuble the world overV
TV.cre are ninny farmers a prent ninny,
wo l-lie who m-o clearly how great
mould li' the Injury inllieted upon our
itgrh ultaii-tn l y tho ck-ctlon of liryan.
J hose sh uld strlvo to enlighten those till
t-rs of (he toil who have been misled by
hired ai-nts of the mine ownersand other
il. niaiogucj. New Yolk Times.
to join, will be leld on Saturday,
Sept. oth, on tho Camp ground,
west of MiduUbuigb. Addiesfes
will bo made 1 y different pastors of
each school reprenentcd. All lovers
of SuinV.'.y Fchool work, are invited.
7iit I'oor Man's f.ini,.
Slln-riiat deal Is heard nowadays about
nn oiis iu ..w.l HKiiulard dollar Isilnir tha
'rlchr' U' jt us soo what. s-'
cording'0 hiarkut reports, thu record of
that dollar has boon with respect to the
poor men."
In ltd, tho year silver was "struck
down," a dollar would purchase a trlllo
more than a pound of tea; today It will
buy four times us much.
lu ls7:l a dollar would purchase a little
over eight pounds of redned sugar; today
It will buy about eighteen pounds.
I u HTi a dollar wocld purchase only
live yards of shirting; today It will buy
alsiut ten yards.
lu 1K7U a dollur would purchase about
fourteen yards, ol print cloth; today It
will buy over thirty yards.
In !s73 a dollar would purchase only a
gallon audahulf of molasses; today It will
buy over three gallons.
Iu IsTiJ a dollar would purahase about
throo-cpuarlur of a yurd of two-ply lu-
grain ciirpvtlug; today It will buy two
In lHT.'i a dollar would purchase only
about twenty poundsof cut nails; today
It win bny ruty pounds. Comparisons to
tho same effect might be made ad loflu
Yot free sliver demagogues havo tho as
surance to tell thu "poor man" that the
present dollar Is solely In the Interest of
thu "rich man," and that what the "poor
mail" needs Is a dollur that will double his
cost of living.
Fortunately tho overage "poor man" Is
Hot poor in common seuse.
Cancer I Caucer I
Cnneer cured on the un-ast, lit-ntl, lace, lip
liuml or any where on tlei external surface of
the body (Is eight ilajs) without the loss of a
drop of blood. Mo knife used. Terms very reu-
sonnhle. Call at my onice or ivMress
D. It. KO i'llltiH'K, M. I)., New ll -rlln, IM.
VL S. Kindly ssk your druggist or merchant
whether lie keeps Dr. I). It. Icutlirix k s reuits
dles vlr. : Two-,.iy (.'oiigh Cure. Itheiinintln I.lnl
ment, KlectrlcNeiirnlirlstlire, I.lver Pills, Head
ache IVjwilers, Vegefahle Condition Powder for
all domestic aiiliniils, Ks. lepM-r:iiliit, Onlden
Tincture ivrfecto Vanilla, buiulumitn, I'urn
gorlo and Castor oil. If not. Ull him to order
them at mice us t hey are sold and iun-d every
where. 1). K. KOTUItocK. M. U., Physician sud
harmaclst, New Itcriln, 1's.
How to Attain 1!."
A Wonderful New
Medical BiHik, written
for Men Only, i irm
copy maybe hsd free.
Son led, In plnineiivil
ope, on apiillentinu.
66 Nligiri St.,
Tin B Arlooi
, - - PE1A.
Is filled with the choicest
bargains in Clothing,
Hats, Caps,
I Summer Underwear aod
The latest styles are
always kept in stock.
Requesting a continu
ance of your patronage,
I am, Respectfully,
si J
Mrs.Khoill Noali.of this place, was
taken In rite night witli crumping
pains ami the next day diarrhoea set
in. Hie took half ti bottle of black
berry cordial but ot no relief. She
then sent to me to see if I bad any
thing that would help her. I sent her
a bottle of Cliatnbrlaln's Colic. Chol
era and Diartlioer Remedy Mid the
tlrst dos reMevnl tier. Another or
our iielgl...- . liud been ick for a-
bout a week ami nail trien (liuereiu
remedies for diarrhoea but kept Rel
C ittir worse. I sent hlni this same rem-
edv. Dnlv four doses of It were re
t j'ired to etirti biin. lie says he owes
his reeoverv to this wonderful rem
edy. Mrs. Mary .Sibley, Mich. For
sale by all druggists.
from Sire to Son.
As i Kiimllv Medicine Huron's Celery King for
the Nerves po-s Irom sire to son ns n Ictf.icy.
II you have Kldii'-v. I.lver or lllood illsordi-r no
not delay, hut get "a free sample pucknge of this
remedy f "nee. II you have Indigestion, Con
stipation, llxadsi'lie, UheuinntlHin. etc., this
irrund siH-cllle will cure yon. H. E. Howell, Mr.
rlnre, IM..J. W.I)is:ser. Kli'hneld. W. II. Iler
iiihii. TriiKclvllle and It. 11. Walters. I'emis
trreek, the leading rtnigglsts. sole agents, snd
are illstrlliiillns ssuiples fn-e to the Hllllcled
Large packages hie and 4V.
hn ji It It, fori) tho I'diple.
That tli.- linaiiclal ami business trouble
In the country has occurred slneu Cleve
land's election. That It has Is.-en brought
nlxilit by the policy of tho Di-miM-ratlc ud
inliilntralloti there cull Is) no doubt. It
gave the; country such a blow lietweoti tho
tie. thut it has Hot yet fully recovered.
And now tho Democrats prooi-to give It
another blow harder tluiu thu first. The
first blow was by free trade, the next is to
bo by free silver. Will the country stand
tip and take Itf We believe not Yet II
gists before the people and asks that It may
tm retained lu power, admitting Its pre
ut (allure, but offering a change of modi-
-i....ti Ao v iwrlHiit. Kverett 1 res.
Don't t.'row 1'arrless.
TheKepublleansof I'ennsylvanla should
not grow caii'less and indifferent In the
present cumiiuign simply because our
state will give tho ltepubllcau ticket
tremendous majority. There are Issues at
stake which vitally ufToct us. The Demo
crats have Indorsed a platform which
moans, if It means anything, Hat repudia
tion. Tho sturdy citicus of thu grand old
I'omiiionwuallh of l'cnusylvunlu should
stamp their seal of disapproval on such a
proposition. e are not ready toropudiuto
our debts simply to please a fow rutllu
brained theorists. Another thing which
should he borne In mind by ronnsylvunla
Republicans. Tho representatives of the
partv in the national convention fiav
pledged themselves In favor of a protec
tive tariff which will cause tho revival of
ih.. 'otlosii-lcs which havo languished over
sincu the Democrats Kssuinud control of)
tin- ii.Vaii's of government, ltcpubllcuns
jl rinn.-yh::iiia must arouse and organl.o
iu every dlsli iet to defeat tho party which
has sd'.l Its birthright for a mess of pot
la;;c, and has thereby driven from Its ranks
all tho self respecting men who uro op
( osi d to repudiation and iiuutfehy. UjIII
Jaysburg ltegl-'tc:.
- -
I'enple Won t lluva It.
One of our liost Indiana county farmers
remarked tho other day thnt throe years
ago, under thu Mckinley tariff bill, he
sold his wool at the rate of 64.3U lor each
sheep. Under tho Domovrutlo free trade
arrangement this year he only got 75 cents
a head. 'That's the sort of "a ohango" the
Democrats gave us four years ago. Tbey
now want us to try another experiment
In the shape of free ooluaue, Dut the poo-
nla arua't have Ik Indiana Heasuass.
Samuel liauincardner and family
of Milllin county wero viititi a few
days last week with Levi Troaster's
, .Miss Mollie Steely is imnrovine
from a shock she hud from lightning
a week or bo ago. . . . Air. Hiiues had
'Lis bridle cut to pieces at'Il-Clute
on last Saturday by some purtv wno
is cot inau or boy enough to tell it
....I he picnic at. MeUure on la t
Saturday was well attended and ev-
erytbin g passed oft" quietly. . . .Keitz
. ' : i ...... .. . i
ground for the new buds.'" at tho
ilanj. . . .1. W. Treaster and sou were
visiting the county went on but Sat
urday.... The Milllin ci u ly cn -didatcs
will have a good opportunity
to see some of their Decatur friends
by attending the McClure bean soup
which will be held next month....
Johuny Wagner expects to build a
a new barn on tho Moyer farm short
ly. . . .Emanuel Knepp spent Sunday
with Lowell friends. .. .Ouite a lot
of persons at this end would like to
take in William s (Jrove 1'icnic, if
Billy would only coiuo around with
a wagon load of free silver it would
be thankfully received. .. .Grand
mother Pentigrass says if they
claim that a silver dollar will only
be worth 50 cents why not call it
two dollars and then it will be worth
one dollar. Free trade. Free silver
and nothing free up to date but
The Sunbury base bail team will
play at Solinsgrove on Saturjuy
Game called at 3 p. in. This will be
one of the best games of the season.
Major Everett Warren, president
of the Republicau Leazue of the
State of Pennsylvania, has issued
his official call for the ninth annual
convention of the League, which
will be bold iu the now Park Opora
House, at Eric, on September Nth to
loth. The ratio of rerreseutatiou
will be as heretofore, three dele
gates and three alternates from each
club in tho League
I keen constantly on huidanJ man
ufacture to order all kinds of
Marble and. Granite
liinls Ai Itttn!
Old Stones Cleaned and Repaired.
1 have one of the best Marble Cut
ters in the Hate and consequently
turu out good work.
tayCoiiie and seeiuy workov prices
Thankful for oast favors I most re
sped fully ask a coiitiuuance of same,
Aug. 11, in West Beaver town
tdiip, Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of George
P. uoss, aged d years and 4 days.
July 31. 180(5. Beitulnh Mertie. in
fant daughter of O. W. and Ida ?f
Jveiumery, aged II mouths ami 10
That Tired
Feeling, Take
Inm Ute.
..EV.ttTi- 7J
Made a
istnar. m z rjLvveii rvian
18th Day. of Me.
fiiiinozi: xvEJTvruiD-y
proilnrea t ho almve results ln'30 days. It arts
Krrf ulljr sud auu klr. euros wlitin all others fall
loungmi-u will regain tlioir lost uisnbood.snd old
men HI recover thuir jroulhful visor b using
ItK.VIVO. It oulckly and surely restores Nervous
ness. Lorn Vitality. Iniuotency. Nlshtly Emissions.
Lost I'owsr. Fslliii II, uiory, Wssluis Diseases. aod
all effects ot aelf sbiUM or excess snd Indiscretion.
wnirn unnta one for study, bnetness or marrlsa. It
aol only cures by starting st the seat at dlaesss. but
is surest nerv tnnlo and blood! builder, brlna-
lil back Hie pink clow to rale cheeks snd re
storing lbs are of youth. It wards on Insanll-
snd Conkumptlon. Iiialit oa bsvtng ItKVlVO, no
oilier. It can bs carried In veat pocket. JJy mall.
1.00 per package, or six lor 0.OO. with a ooal
tle written guarantee to care er refrusa
the money. Circular Ire. Address
mil MED1CIKE CO.. 271 Wabash ire., CHICAGO, ILL
For sale at Mlddleburgu, I'a. by W. U.8pannler
Snyder's old, and reliable Gen'
Insurance Agency,
SBlxx&ox i77". Snydor, Vgoxxt,
Sttccessor to the lute William 11. Snyder.
The Par-Excellence of Reliable Insurance is represented in the folio.
ing list of Standard Companies, from which to make a selection. Nog.
Deuer toe norm over.
Liverpool, Enp-. (ineludini? foreign assets) $4.1,(NK),0iini
Hartford, of Hartford, Conn., (oldest American Co.) 8, 045, 7:15 q
Phoenix, Hartford, Conn. 6,5hh,o.Vi.o:
Continental. New York. 6,754 snw -i
German American, New York, 6.240,(kw sg
LIFE Mutual Life Ins. Co. New York, $204,83tjs3,'j,
ACCIDENT Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation,
Accident Ius. Co. Subscribed Capital of $3,7)0,0on
ire, jjiie ana Acciaeni risks accepieu at tne lowest possiuie rate, jut
titled by a strict regard to mutual safety. All just claims promptly n
satisfactorily adjusted. Xnlormatiott in relation to ail classes ol insur.
ance nromotlr furnished. ELM EH W. SNYDEU. Ant..
Office ou Market Street, Seliustrrove, p,
tub Woman's Bicycle
In strenirth, lightness, grac, and elegance
of finish and equipment Model 4f Colum
bia is onapproached by any other make
saddles are recommended by riders and
physicians as proper in shape and adjust
ment and every detail of equipment
contributes to comfort and pleasure.
"Theadtled pleasure of riding a Col
umbia la worth every tfallar ef ,thi
9100 a Celumbla coata."
Dcsutlful Art Catalogue of Columbia and Hartford Bicycles Is free if you call upijQ toy
Columbia Agert i by mail from us lor two t-ccnt stamps.
POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn.
Branch Stores and Agencies In almost every city and town. If Columblaa art sot
properly represented in your vicinity, let us know.
thing to paloiit? Protect your Ideas j (licy nin
liriiirf you VYvulth. Utile JollX WKlilJKu
HUltN dt (')., I'Htcnt Attorneys, Wulutlu"
1J. C. fur their Sl.NM iirlso ollur.
Du&ticeof the Peace
Middleburgh, Pa.
Clan Ailuiliiistered.
( 'rowu and HrliUjework, Eto,
t)(ll(ie on? ilixir north of Wets' Store,
rufliiit-trrove, I'u.
My little boy, when two years of
ant", was taken very ill with bloody
ilux. I was advised to use Chamber
lulu's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Uemedy, and luckily procured part of
a bottle. 1 carefully read the tlireo
tlons and gave It accordingly. He
was very low, but slowly and surely
he began to Improve, gradually re
covered, and is now as stout and
strong as ever. I feel sure it saved
his life. I never can praise the Rein
edv half its worth. I am sorry every
one In the world does not know bow
good ft is, as I do. Mrs. Una 8. Hin
tou, Oraliainsville. Marian Co., Florl
da. For sale by ad Druggists.
Reduced Knlcs lu UraiiirerK I'lcnle nt
Wllllamm Unit via lnnsj I
vanla Kallrond.
For the accommodation of persons
desiring to attend this interesting
picuio and exhibition the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company will hell ex
cursion tickets on August 22, 24, 25,
20, 27, aud 28, good to return until
August 31, inclusive, at rate- of one
fare for the round trip, from princi
pal stations between East Liberty
and Bryn Mawr, ou the Northern
Central llailway north of andinclud
ing Lntherville, and on the Philadel
phia and Erie Itailroad Division.
For information in regard to train
service and specific rates application
should be made to ticket agents.
ot 8 27.
Six weeks ago 1 suffered with a
very severe cold ; was almost unable
to speak. My friends all advised me
to consult a physician. Noticing
Chamberlain's Cough Iteiuedy adver
tised in the St I'aul Volks Zeituog I
procured a bottle, aud after taking it
a short while was entirely well. 1
now most heartily recommend this
remedy to anyone sulTering with a
cold. W'M. Kki.L, 07H 8elby Ave., 8t.
Paul, Minn. For sale by "nil Drug
gists. Shingles For Sale. V. II. Maur
er, Now Berlin, is making special
offers on Shingles. See ad. iu an
other column. tf.
Teachers' Examinations.
milE undersigned BuorltT of snydor
s uv vinui-01 nn omrr linif'l on' mil-1
ptiRDS' t'ourt at May Turin, l-wl, uimJ
failure of tbj uulrs and purlins lu luli-rnik i
oil the reul esiais of (Jen. Frcel. l ii-iynJ
inifion i wn , iiec u. at tne valuation uil
prsisumcnt put upon It by the Jury of UA
win expose ine lonowiiiK ae-torinoi rvsJ u
at nn tide side at tun :urt lions-, nu
burifh) on Ssiurdoy, SKIT. 9, Ir-'J'i, u( 1 oiwl
iu., vix i
Trsrl Xu. 1. Situate la WflHlilnirtnt :
Snyder to.. Fa., bounded and il-notM!
ioiiowsi iK'Kiuiiintf at a stonn, t tn-n.f tr;
liuiitiof SHld Uwrif Freed, ami -4 J H
uimtii mv aetfree west. lsu ptiivlii- tu i
uortlt six decrees east, 0 s-lu per h tn i
thence bIouk the Isnd ol Pelur Kliiu-l-f i
nw detrrees east, TM perches to a M"ue, durI
durees cast, 8 lu perches to a stunt-. ltH
lund ol John lli-piier, south oiid 0i'k,rw l
s-io perches to a stone, south in ilt'.i") i
is Vlu perches to stoue lu public ruud. iirsl
same mini riu-ij ownea nv riiiiui A.'
tft detrrecs west, M Derchns to u -i"0- U
rond, south U deifrecs east, IT 4 H
stone, luencu soui n 7) d -irrei-s v.vm I
to place ot beiflnnliiK. L'outaliiln ;sf
ISO perches lls auies aud IM KTtui
A mo. An-ith-rmrs loflunJIvin
b tue above aud bulnir Dart and t irnrl u
beifliiuluit at u stuns, thence alun.-lnniKt
nereiu acsonis-u. soutn 14 ))t ii'-nvi
tMrches to stoue, thence south 74 tKw
as perches to stone, thence suum , i s
west, ih pirches to stone, thence tr In I
M. Freed, north SI 1-4 degrees west, M
es to sioue, meuce uy niua 01 Jonu rir
sv aeifrees ease, sv a-iu uen-ne. to i
IKmiiiuif. ixiiirainlni; ia acres uml ?
l acres auu si pervues) strict uu'iuum
Also, Another purport bciiur uurt uM
oi i ne noove aiscruwa, oeifiiiinii? m
thence by land of I'eter Uarimiu. uurti
irreesesst. ikiS-10 ourches to u ixwl. M
limit of llenrv Klne. south A rtivnvii-iM
perches to ptMt, south 71 deifrtv sr 'I
perches to post, north 4 uVstivs k 1
percues to piuce ot uctflliiaiiK'.
ucres, Binci measure.
The three tracts or nurnorrs oniiltf
Kuther los acres aud Hi porches. fm
all the niM-esuirv litill lln h.iI h -n
hesrt I'lessaut Villuj, t Ulllcs vnt'-l
rrsiiiKTSIo. S rtelnirthe imiu'l-'l
liilerest lu u trnct of land si i u i - i '
Twp . Snyder Co.. nloiiir the Kiivi k iii-
nil l ilntllbC line of LIuuliiU Co . IihiuI
north by luixluii lr. II. M. SlwU
Vesuer, eal by the huiieliiiina K"'l
i.y .niiiuiiaoiiijtt ri'i'K uu.l ou i in'
of the heirs of L. II. Ilitll. tl--- t. o -
acres, more or less. This true In""
liiK houvts, bunk buru mi l all u"
Terms. Si) per crnt. of Ml 'i
buliiiicu less oiiu-tliini, nil. r
aud expenses on HeplelillH-r .'' iv
will reinnlii on Trnct So. 1 ol tin-1 '
of till the real i bluii-. Ii-n cii-i-.
Mlil llclHirifli, June Vil, l.ii.
as. u. cuousi:,
Over Half a Century
Old. Why Not
Oct the Best?
AYER't PILLS cur Haadacha.
All business riitriihte.l to bis care
will rem-ive prompt ntti htiuu.
0 0
Rochester Business University
At bculnnlnfr of first or second term, Tuesday,
September bin, or Monday, November i6th,
1806, and secure an education that I a long Hep
toward success.
Full information for the atklng.
Applicants for (caclieis' ri'itlllcates will bo
exiiliilncil In the si-vi-ral school dlsirlcts of Sny.
il. r county, lit Ihe followltit; ilaci-sou the wliii
lu nuiiicd dut us, vil :
Adams, Troxelvlllo, Mnnduy, Aug. VI.
Went Ik-uver, McClure, Tm-silay. Atiif.
MimnHi, riliatiioklu Hum, Thursday, Aug. 27.
JnckHon. Kruti-rvllle, FrMiiy, Aug.
1'i'hii, Hiilem, Mondiiy, An if. 81.
Villon, I'ort Treverum, Tuumluy, Hept. 1.
Mld'llocreek, Smith Drove, Wcduusiluy, Sept.
Ceslre, Ceiitreylllo, Tlinrsdny, Kept, 8.
A nihh'IuI exiiuilimtluii will be held in Middle
burgh, Hi-pt. .
All examination will begin promptly nt 8 30
o'clock u. 111.
only those persons will be examined who ex
pect to touch In district where examination Is
being held. Unless Hrrnngemeiits between di
rectors nml applicants have been made through
which privilege uns ueen grunted to lake ex
amination In anothardlstrlct. ,
AH directors una pmrousare earnestly Invit
ed to be present at the examination held In
their respective districts. Yuur preseuce there
will be su Inspirational teacher aud examiner
as it will undoubtedly betoken In a very large
measure, your Interest in our public schools.
Mlddlcburg, I'a., July so. couuty Sapt,
Orphans' Court Sale of VJ
Ity lrlue of uu order Issunl i'1' '!
piuinat oiirt of snviter uoiiiii v ,
itdiiilulslritlor of the estuto nt I
late uf Wuhliliik'tnu tovvuhlilli. ."".''
I'u., diwensed, will, on Krid.iy. I1' '
IHlsu U llUbllo sale, on the lirt'llllv-u
di)Hirllu-d real estate, to wit : AH "
tract and inensuuge of luuil silti i''1
County und Htule uforenalil. t-,J" I
North bv land of John M.-nL-li'.i e
vm.t.r llitwi.ii H,,nil. liu IU.1'1
WmiI llV Jllllll Itiivnl unit .l:l(Mtl
conuiluliig forty Acres limrvur !
niipiineiiuiices, win-rnoil urecrt'
dwullliig,house. suiblu, AO. J
KiiImI.i iuiiiiliii.iif.1. ul in ,.VI(N'k. 1
n ..... ..I. u. 1 1 1 .... . ,.. ...lurnS I
WIUMinwis .mw llinur- k - t,r
M t, sTfc'i.Ma
jnablos t!ie
.ant chase if li.