I ,11 M mennor uff amohl lopic narrish holda ifTer sioli. An arlich awk ua ea warem htrts ia mae waerdt os der finht sida. YuDgo leit eetti ohfart arlich si mit anonner. Woa en boo cliawd odder Bchmoked don sot aor'i sime mtidel iawga t won aro drinkod oacr floocht . MT. rLEASANT MILLS. Her. Spahn returned homa from bia Berks county trip on Fridir. Mm. Spahn returned on JJondiV, he having paid a vimt to her ra. rents in Lancaster.... Mrs. Her. Gil bert of Tort Trevcrtonspont Sunday at the home of her parent JofteDU. set are's era sawg una shtuppa. J Lenich's. Mrs. Leuioh accoturani Ky!one OA7.MTH. Brief Fum Hawsa Barnck. JTjieteh Kernel IIauder : f Ioh hob do onner nocht en woon V rlmwrer drawm g'hot. Ich hob en mlver schnitz-boy R'essi eb ich ios bin un about holb nocht biu ich kvocker worra un hob der roily 'gnwd ich daid glawva os do rhodda ... -l.l. J IvuMor Oin lei-utn warn m lueiiu hmwtfa. So is uiTs'shtonna un hut 0 guKlingdure buddla grecked un Iweuich uff en enuddlo tzookr-r 'slit un mere en ins niowl g'shteck I 1. Ioh hob inicu derno onna link 1,1 ua bin widder ei-c'schlofa. Der lo i es drawmn awgongn. Ich hob ga-drawiued ich waro herakarricha fare anea fun Bella uticha faro anes fun sella bletz loo ill' weipsleit koocha bocka fur 1,1 raisa fur awreme gluena bida olii-liu debbich kawfa fur drunner .lufa in Ofrika woo do sun cm lecli- r iu de huasa brendt. Do fare wore iTaweuichon ouerer blan. So hen k foiulu g'hot uu heu do moiiHleit Irkawfed. Des hedsht du Kaena llu. Durt woro do Sully Dubriirlo. o hut u Holies gubudda on hussa wora hut. Now wind you, so wore L ver uffg'fixed. So hut dri gruller yiulom sido fuui kup g'hot, de in- llo fun era bocka wora ous g'shtup- mitlooniba far eo full g'sichtich i poka uiaucua, un ue ouisuio woro K'hbtricha mit rhode-reeva brce. tut eu silvcmer finger-ring aw pot, awver era finger-negel hen ga- kid os wou se si g'uhawbod hct. hut cn nhtraifichar polly-ann aw lot un cn frill um der hols. Se treg'luiuha dicking fun da fees bis Jer kup. Woo se lare wore hut kich ous g'shtupped g'hot mit nr-woll we en koomot bis so boll Kooked hut we en yung uiaidel. lfiict, eshut nemond gadouked os Ihhuut dri-un fartzich yohr hara Jooncra, un ich glawb net os se lc r may g'wiwt hut we oldt os so iilu ho Hhunt far do ledshta fuf c yoyr bahawbt hut ho ware usht ir-uii-Uwonsicb. sides dor Sully wora cdlicha ira oh gabudda hen bis ken mons- iniio safe wore nnich ena room la mitous are hut si fraw oia ui u'liot un se hut en biieirlo Vawga. li hob niich ulYcn shucklo-Bhtool kked in en eck un gli tsin doefa bnka ivver mich cooiua. Farwass do weipsleit ken meuner greek ..1.1.1. i i u uvu ho ou gaKeut we bo . 11 m k win ii u ii uaio iun ena worn lwu nine. Derno is es mere Kina oh ich amohl der Sa'.lv i . figglo era beau woro. Ich hob Jr tHvao moonet bhior ollu nocht Ir woch ga-karraseered un tswao iBhoondawgs. Ich hob so war lii cu-glichu. Un ich glawb Iftich os se mich nw hut. nwver v'v ixii iimepenaent far mich s I lussn, uu olla mohl os en fur mon in do nuchbershoft fi id Hut He euo es arsht g'fonga niitemo in der nuchbershoft (Kiora. Kudlich is es mere ei f os unser leeb oil uff anera F u "o match is ob ca-l.rnnl.o Y nk, Kernel, se is glicklich dor- F"o ho mich net greoked hut, pvon ho oil de onera boova ga Jiut we bo mich hut don is es H)onrr na . w uuw room guo !' ueeua lar en mon os we lkawfedon'rafendu. r donj bin ich l'y hut mero gar-roofa far uff ar l.reckfesht. Es wore helles "ii uoo my drawm net fAr enna. Kg wore so fel Pi- Ks is moi-o oi .. . - i-wuiuii os aiding m ma weinsminBnh ea eooder mon greega, 't-lft fun ena fafuihi'g wile so pendent Bin aw tsn lUHBa 0s ui Hama drock gamaucht sin awremy doomy boova aw neuawella saenawe achware J un we feel boova os ee der r Hi Henna cbs ena aw urnrra. Dale mohls hen flbdutzeutosse gloicha uff . ivernei, ich boh t !va auch ken weio.mnB P-wnunkloelh hut far tswao Won dalo tun si'iera frvin Uhoft uff era golra s'shtarva is odder dale noddcerlich g'sh'.arvii wo g'heuked si hetta sulla, set aie's sawga, un won se ene derno will don hut are sell weipstneiiHch woo da'woll km tz is so long os se laebt. Ich hob dere shunt a while nimmy g'shriva. Kernel. Ich hob gadenked du waersht tsu bissy fisha un hoonda far ray brief uff setza, awer de Tolly hut mere de rue nimmy gainst bis ich widder g'sbrivvu hob Hiln se dich so boomerawlich gleicht Ks is olles gaduldich oin IIuTsa Barrick. Bidder de detnagradicha nomination in Chicago doot der rhode kardoo on tzaea cent de yard farkawfa far An archist flags maucha. Coom 'mohl runner uus saena un bring di hoodie mit. Ola widder, GOTTLIEB BOOXASTIEL. Voiir fy Won't l.lir n Month. So Mr. (lilman Brown, of 3J Mill St., South Harden, Mass., was told by the doctors. His son had Lung iroiiDie, following lyplioi.l .Malaria and no spent tlireo hundred am seventy-live dollars with doctors who finally gave tiiiu up, Having " our boy won't live a month. ' He tried Ir. Kings New PiHcoverv aiu a few bottles restored liim to health and enabled lain to go t j work perfectly well man. He savs ho owe bis present good health to uso of Dr. Kings New Discovery, and kuowH it to be the best in the woil for Lung trouble. 1 rial Bottles Fr at Ornybill, (larinan X- C'o.'s Store Iuchtield, l it., and all Druggists. The Sales t( lioi ..irHnpnrllla are Die l;irmt In tliu world because the curti by II, khI's Kwa;irtllauro wonderful, pei feet, pet- Diniiviit. it U The One True Wood I'urlflrr Hood's Pills are the best (.inilly ruhnrtlo aim liver meiltoint. Harming, reliable, sure. NM--lnl It4'iliir-l Itnie t:riirln lo I he 4ritii liriiir 'mii MiM-tliiK vlit li'iui Itnnlit KnllroiMl. For tlin iK-nellt of tlion rtislrliiif to vl.slt Oooun Onive (.Vlniry r.irk) durlnc flm Rn-nt camp nnviini;. tho ronnoylv tnia K illrtal Company win. on August f Mi'II x'iir-lon tickets to thn poli.t from Hiatlon namcl boiow at the try low ritos iiioted. Thww tlcketH will be gooj for p uiMtgo to Pun ndoiphliion train named inior, thencj on rout uir train loaviii? iiroad street Station at 8.H0 nd 4.05 1. Jt that day to Ocean lrove (Asbuiy rark) : , . Train Innven. Umtm Anamnoiinr i'avu h.-! A. M hj iio HenverUiwn - s.oo Mlddlehurg Ms " 4 nennRsrmve a.ll 4 nn Philadelphia Arrive 8 00 P. M. Tli'kets will tin rcxxi for roturn passairo on reif' ular triilim tint II Hepli-mber 1, Inclusive, and will penult of Htoi-ofT at Philadelphia within flmlt Since 1S78 there have been nlnn on. IdeniicH of tlyxetitery in ililTerent puns or tne country in vliloh Cham berlain's Colic. Cholera nl DUr rboeii Iteineily was lined with perfect huccosh. Dynetitery, when epidemic, is almost as Hevere and dangerous rh AHlahtic rholera. Heretofore the htt eirectH of Mit most hkllleil pbjiclaiiK have failcil to ch-ck ltn raviik''". this rt'inedy, However, linn cured the inoht iiialiguaiii canes, both of children and adults, and under the most Irvine conditions, which proves It to be the nest medicine In the world for bowel complaints. For sals by all Drug glbtH. WE MUST HAVE HELP We pay ts to (14 per week for easy lie, mo work (.an uu anno 111 spare time, day or evening'. No hciiKMK, hooks oh rKiun.iKii. Sci.d stamp for work nna particulars ur. once. Seymour supply 10., Masonic Temple, Camdun, New Jersey. MASS OF ULCERS Four yeurs uo, Mrs. Murkliam. of First St., Albany, N. Y., suffcrt'd from a muss of uleei-s, which uaa eaten their way to tho bono. Hhe used DR. DAVID KENNEDY'S FAVORITE REMEDY and tho ulcers all healed up, and but a few scars left to show what slm has suffered. 1 B. WOLGEMUTH for Steam and Hot Water Fitting. Also dealer In Hollers. Knglnes, Hhaftlng 1'ulley. Haulers and Leath er Helting. REPAIRING of Engines, Boilers and Mill work, families can bo Minnlled witli H,.tli Tubs, Pipe and Tine Fittlnirs. 1 cive as reference concerning my mecbanl cal skill, Frlck & Co. of Wayneslioro, Pa. and Lebanon M'f'g. Co. both com panies of high standing. In order to avoid accidents All Bailers should be tested under the hydrsulio test at least Olica a ver Avnl.l danger and call upon me to make the test, A. B. WOLGEMUTH, Selicrove, : ; Pa. ed her home on Sundav afternonn and expects to spend the greater part of the week there. .. ..Simon Long tbo treninl landlord of Free. burg was in town early Monday morning.... The Perry township schools were given out on Friday as follows: Fremont. J. N. Hrosius; Heister Valley, O. W. Sieror j Smith's, T. (J. Arbogast ; Leister's, Nelson Mengel ; Troup's, V. T. Hrosius 1 SchaflerV, Jerome Horn berger 1 Fryiuovei's, Kugeno Mark ley 1 Huuker Hill, A. M. (Jaitnau. .Salary ?'2, with the exception of Fremont and Hunker Hill wheie the salary is The bo trd adopt ed the International Dictionary ; Williams and HngerV Mental Aritli melic ; .Sheldon's and New Franklin Arithmetics, and the very best sup plies were bought of II. S. Horn berger. A great many improve ments mo being made. This goes to show that the Perry township school board is composed of men who take an active interest iu the welfare of the schools The .St John's choir and tho (J. V. Hand at tended the Choir Convention at Freebiirg on Saturday nnd are pleased with tho exercises. ... Iguor anco must have' been the cause of Dliss on the part of 11 young ladv from Verdilla. She greatly exposed her ignorance on Saturday at the Choir Convention, iu vulgarly criti cising renditions bv choirs and ituli ynluals .... Peter S. MHscr and fain ily of Moiitaudon, Union county, were visiting relatives here on Sat urday and Sunday ...Prof. Noet ling of ' Hloomtdiurg Normal School tarried a few minutes in town on Monday while on his way from put- tcrsou to hclinsgrove Hubert 1' orry was a wc lcomo visitor at tho middle residence on Sutidr.v even ; .. 1 .. . f t 1 . . ' . k "is. r.ucn riiiiit.s hnid her property in town to V. If. Kalriter for ?")00. wmL ij l'! SK iff WZgM I? I ill 1 1 Liucrai Adjustments Prompt Payments. H. HARVEY 5CHDCH, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, A SUMMER SAIL in ludics1 shoes ia a pleasant voyage afoot. For tlio pleas ure it gives, there's no sail like our sale. Crowds aro ojoj iiu: it. ami seotirino- i,n prettiest, coolest and best lit-1 SEIilJVSC- ROVK. 1 A ting Suininer shoes now inan-'0n,y tno Mcst, Strongest Cash ConipanicM Tire, Life, Accident and Tornado. No Assessments No Premium Notes. Tho Aetna Founded A. 1)., 1SIJ) " Jlonte Atuericau ufitcturctl, at prices which huyeis (ind it a pleasure to pay. For house or street wear, pleasure or e very-day practical purpose, walking, riding, or driving, we supply the ideal shoes demanded by fashion and the dictates of individual taste. Ladies, whoever claims your hands, by all means surrender your feet to these shoes. Rheumatism Is a Wood disease nd only a Mood reme dy can cure it. So many' people make the mistake of taking remedies which at best are only tonics and cannot possi my reacu tueir trouble. Mr. Asa Smith, Greencastle, Indiana, says: 'Tor years I Lave suffered with Sciatic Rheuma tism, which thebest physicians were un- awe to relieve. I took many patent medicines but they did not seem to reach my trouble. I t.rn.1 worse until I was nn able to take my food or handle tnytelf in any way; I was abso lutely helpless. Three bottk-s of S.S.S. re lieved me so that I was soon able to move my riht arm; before long I could walk across the room, and when I had fmisheil one doyen buttles was cured completely nnd am as well at ever. I now weigh 170." A Real Blood Remedy. P.R.S. cures Srrnful 1. Cancer. I Vj.-im.i. and any form of blood troubles. If you have a blood disease, take a blood medi cine S.S.S. (jzuatantrJ purely xrrta- inpir) is exclusively lor the blood and ia recommended !r nothing else. It forces out the txiisoll matter nerm.inent. i. ... . . IV. W C Will (rjl. GIBSON, WorY 5 per cent. Per Month ClUblJNG 1 sr3 INK) Asets)5!ii,o.v,r)i:i.ss !,N.;,ti2s.5t tM... Pi ... 1 . 1 t . . . me cuaim.'ii'd sVttciacni Insiiranco Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The ridelitij Mutual Lire As social ion. Your Patronage Solicited. 60pe r cent. nerYear guaranteed to all Investors on In vestments both Large and Small. TteHiwYoftSSiislCo. IlltOUI ItS l STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN. & COTTON, 40 an,d 42 BROADWAY, XKW TOHIi ITV. I. Mho l-slr- t Imtr n friKly nml knre liieome n n hiiihII r litres In eliiiiii(.-ii rir nr rsilim. Irv rlrnilnr. iiinllcMl free. 4 .HKim WE HAVE NO AGENTS " W bnt Mil ainot to tha Conminirr ftl hnlMl priifm. Hhlp inrwlwra tat rTrjrthliiir W. II. PBATT. BoCf. w .1 r in or "arrlarva. Otirli'mif tlMraru, 41 hi vUK Hlillna MikIIc. WrtU) tr rnlnlilis. , ELKHART Carriage a Harnnit Mfa. Co. Elkhart. !nd. send to anvone our va 1 11 ah 1 e books. Address Swift Stiecilic Co., Atlanta, Ga. 1 illlddtehiirillurkt Corrected weekly bvotir iiiercliiiiitx. Mutter ". Ktrs -i Pitted cherried V' Unpltteil Minuet e-'ea 11 Kasiiberrlen s Oiiioiia Ai l.ard... Tallow 4 Chickeusperlb 11 rnrKeya SI1I0 Shoulder.. Ham 11) Old Whoat To Rye :is orn (Ml Oat 'i( Hran oer UHI llm hi! Mlddlini'M " ji'l l!hoi " 1 til) Flour per bbl . . 3.50 Our W my tn lir I n i' I" III lllltlllie. til .III. I III tlio r,.N,f,.rlw.,f. f;ilnlty. Hliniilil ally ulii- nf thi'lii -i, l . mIil-IiI lil nr ('iilk'li. Iri'i:ire Miinxi ll in il imIi i enJ.W. I kcr, M II.. HI.'liMelit : w. K. Ilow.-ll Vrt hue : v . . Il.-rniiiii. 'I ri.x.-lv III.- iimi (. WlllllTH. I'l'llllS I'ri'l'k Will- llt'flllM MM, I ,:l ,. Irl.l Initio irintirH run, the irn ut. o.tiiiuh Kemedv rri-e. Me 1,'ln1 It ihmiv in nriii'th!il we ii nn.-1 .11 r- iur i eiiifiiM, i iinm, siiiniii. I iiiisimiii. il'in unit nil illseiisi-H nt tint Tlinml mill I.iiiil'h. Snecial Reduclion a( OUT SALE. I desire to reduce my stock and I will offer a special reduction of 10 20, and 30 per cent, on all CLOTHING bought of me. A full and complete line of Clothing is always kept on hand. Gents' Furnishinq Goods. ; Don't fail to see the best bargains in the county. CI GUTELIUS. Clothier. I.uive hlfH.Mie iiml V.V. Mmsflolle 1708-17)0 Chettnul St., Philada.. Pa. . Twelfth Yi-nr. A Kiwit M-hmil fur (mill iu'lim. I lioruiigUlli.Uv taiud Iiml rui'lluu In Short-hind, Book Jieeplng, rllhmetic. Penminthio. Commercial Law. Type-ttriling. Ciirretpondenec, fiactit.il Grammar, I'ree I'll Is. Send your nddress to II. I). IJuek- en it Co.. ChieiiL'o. nnd iret ti fieo namplo liox f Dr. Kind's New Life 1'illn. A trial will convineo vuu of their merits. Them- pilln are easy in action and aro particularly efl'ectivn in the cure of Constipation uud Sick lleaiiacLe. i or Malaria and laver trouliles they linvo been proven in valuable. They nro cuaranteed to bo perfectly freo from everv deleter- iouM Niibtuneo and to bo purely, vegetable. They do not weaken bv their action, but by irivincr tono to stomach and boveln irieatly in vigor- ato tho syHtem. Uegular iizo Ufic. per box. .Sold by tJiavbill. flarmiui & Co., liicbficld, l'n., nnd all Drug-giuts. Rlyana Tabulcs cure nausea. Rlpans Tabules cure flatulence. Rlpana Tabules assist digestion Rlpans Tabules: for sour stomach. KuDklnr, futuinlulim, Rturk ColUwolr., tic. Orii-tiiuti-a iiNl-ti-1 In olitntiilnic snml sit uat Ii -I ih. I 'irri4Miiii hi-- vt Hli llrinv 1 nii-iliiiu imniii ki-'Mr-i iiml el.-rk. Mjk-. Uil, Writ,-1-.1 I uliiliiiiui-. Tiii u. W. I'Ai.Hs, M. A , ITinliti nl, SIIKIMKFS NAI-K OF REAL ESTATE llv Urt in-lit siiiulry wrltMur Kl. K. In-humI out of l'n- Ciiiiri fit r. nullum l-ii-us uf siiydi-r eoiimv iiikI In nil- iltrei ii-a I will expnm. In pulilli- Nitlii at Hie Hint. Ilnilsi- tu Mlililleliurk'll. ut olit- in iiii k ). in. nil niiiurtliiv. Alii. I SUH tin- fiillmvlnif dew-riln-il rent u.laie Iji u ii : 'I'rHfl .k. 1 Sllllill.l III Murli... Innnulil,. Kuiii-rOi., Vii., IkjIiikIi-iI Nurlli by IiiiuIn ui linn. r.. A. l-l-l. l-.K-l ly III IJI1-H if lllll'lll-r, lliM.ki-iilul Nweiitrel. Miiuili iiml Went by JiiIiii r t-iiv--, i-iiiiiiiiiiiiiK iiniriui-ii iiiti-h liluro ur ll-IW wiiii ini-iipiiini-imi s, Ihtiiiii an- eri-clcd u iioeiiiiiK iiiiii-.it, hi aiiiti unit inner oin IjiiiIiIIiim. Triu-I . -J. Nil mile h.iIiiii plm e, biiiuiiieil -a i ii ii,v ihiiuniii a. (li'iei, pi'jiiiii by iruet .Nn. I anil West by Aninn Ili-iifer eiiiil.diilnif nut- ai-re iiini eur ii-hh w liereiui are ereeleil it llwi-ll-I " i-T Mouse. Slalile aihlul Iter wilt liultillnifH. Hli-.-eil taken Into exei iiiliiii Ami to Imi hoI.T nn tile .iiiierty of Mary Jam- l- rj. Aiitf. llilli, li. At tlie hiiiiie time il II 'I plai'e thn fiillowlni; di-serltied tract i Nlliiale tu Wi-hI Heaver lim n Klilp. Miyilercniiiily, I'a., Imiimli-il un me Nmiu ii - a 1 1 1 n i - ruan, nil inn r.asl ny liiml nf Hem v H.' i i Ii. on the Mouth by lainU nf Hiiuuk axil iiinii-i aini uu inn ne.n. ny inn Hume ami II I'alvln I'lhli ronialnliiif three iicri'H, morn or Icnk wlii'ii oii an- ereeleil a tun slnry cIhuIIIhl' ImiiHe uihiii Hianie mill ni ner niiiiiiiiiinmiH well of WH- n-r in-ar in- no-ii ami cumin- iriiii oh llm pri'lnlx- e. M'leii laki-n lulu eneeullnn mm In In) Holil ii h Mie iirop-rty of Henry W. hikhiIc. Auu. lutb. Also at the Riimn linn-nnd nlaeo nil Hi ii t nip. tain tract nt wiimllaiiil Mil uatu In Surlinr town shin, hnyiler Cn., I'a., anil boiimli-d un tlio Nurlli ami Kaxt by limit nf Hmmk. un lint Hmnii i.v i Iiiih. II. hllnuliT and un the VhI by llarley ami lliiKlinnreniitaliii;i.iii-reH. more nr limn tt m-llier W il li tlio llipill lemilieeH. hel.ei tiiken Into ext i'iitlnii mid tu bo mild un tlio nrum-rtv of Isaac K. .Miniery. 1 1 ' 1 Also at the Hame lime ami plai n tilt) follow, the: A certain tract of land Kltuata In Centre tovwiHlilp, hnyili-r lonnly, u. imundeil Nurlli by lamliof David Ocker mid -lifw Shaniliiu'li un the KiihI by land of I rctlitrlrk Wultor, on llio Soiilli by llenry Ib-rimin anil JiiIiii , llucliinun ami on tlin VVeM by I'niil '-ir cuiiinininir Bj acres whereon are eroded two story Uwelllni lloiiM-, a new iiiiiin uitril nun ui nor OlllUUtldlU-frl lot nl fruit Ireenuiid il well of wnler on tlio iireiiilseM, Hle.od taken Into execution and to be Hold uii tlio noierty n( Istuie Kline. A I.KK Kl) KI'KC'ur, Sheriff. Hlierira Offlco, June una. im. LBWistown Mr Sim ! - as 'sa-- saa An (So to Iii'wistowii :uul rail at FKU.Ws STOKK Im- your Fimiilore, Concte anil Easy f.. J liow ff '5 ami von will 1iimw riijin rtniil'tiil. Carpels, Hugs and Arl Sunarcs it re lints always rarrfullv sc lci lcd and im to dalr A full lin t) ot () f I X A . Conic and srr Ilu latest pattrrus It will ros von notliini; to Indie tlirntii'li our stoic Von can mako your ltonios lu iirlit and rlirri fill at a small ex- penso. rrict's are Jow on all goods. (Juods dt'livcicd F O. 1J. Hrspcrtl'iillv, W. H. FELIX, JiHWlSTOWX, PA. New Store, New GooilsJew Prices Hlpans Tubules cure dyspepsia. Rlpans Tabules cure headache. at Verdilla, Snyder Co., Pa. 1W months in (In- iiicrciinlile liusinc-N lia-i iumvi n l that lioiii'st dmlinjr, small prnlits and ca-h lni-iin ,y il.'tn. ! Hi.-. Xiiils, iissiulcd Mzi-s in 1 II). iiiicl;-, 1i. Cliniii Iu'iair Link.;, jiack lirasH ClinU h Xails, 0 (inart (Jul. Wator I'ails, (i t Kid. wire twist Clothe Line, Hi. lK'-t l5akiiir I'owilcr. a .a . O (loCII l.lotllC 1 'HIS. oz. puck Sinokiiitr ToIimci-o, 00(1 Mali-hex, pair piixl SK-ks, Fruit Funnel, TOTAL mi' . . . lliunkiiitf you lor your jm.-t patronage with lair prosjiccts for the fu ture, I tun Vours Kcspoct fully, -A. S. SeoiL3?ls-b. yojul doiilit, :n- llu- lic.-r :i li-t of Mime -lore. lo ivnts. Ill " Id JO If " 10 r " r. l.oo ) h n