Publiafced every Thursday. Geo- W. W3cn$el1er, Editor and Proprietor, Subscription 1.50 per year aleh B.HHt bo pM In srtvann. when sent out ride tho county.) ATISOr AOVIHTIINO. All trnn.tent ndvertlsomenta. not ottwrwlft rt for will lie rliiiriri'd nt th rule of 1 eenlii per Iiik- (Donpiirli l nieiumre) fur flrt Inser tion nnd in fonts per li tie ir ever hwt11 Insertion. rP"ith nnliff rmhUtht ftr i Mtnnrypotrty trvinirt li trtprtt, iff., thrtrtrnn m nw. Republican Committeemen. Adm.-.f. K Vcltorolf. ToMM Mitchell. H,v,.r, v iih:in Freed. Irvln Ktnny. H'liver W. Win. Ilivtcr. '. W. HmiKli. cniirc J. V. .iinpcl, II. V. titnnM'1. r... .,,,... II A I'l.ll tllie. T. II. Nlt'Sl!. rr.kiiii Lc. 11. IiiiikfllH'ri:or. J. W. Elsotl hower. . . Jvk.-wm. Martin. .1. H. earhle. MlddlclMirtfti.-urtln lwcriix. W. F. Feel. MItillT'.k.-J. ' Mlt. li"l. V. I.. IMW. Mnnroe.-ll. II llc.rl'ior. I. K. Hon". 1'enn, -Daniel Knouse, I'. K. Wwfiier. perry. Irwin iinver. Henry llarllnif. rorrv V.. 1 .iili-l M iri.-vul. II. K. Krrstor. Hprliiif.-Dr. A. M Hmllli, It. K.&piild. heiiriurnve,-K it. i..miH rlin r. w . covert, t'riirni. oi'o. I. Plunder. !. 1. Htuht. Washington, Win. '. IIIPiHh, Jerry Charles. SOME RAMBLING THOUGHTS. BT XEMO. (Copyrights.) llfpuMiciiti Ticket. rou rnivsini:xT, William McKinlci). VICK PHKSIDKNT, Carrot A. llobatt .i. Elci-tur.:it-l.arKe. ..i.ii w ii ii fin. rnu.i. li M II I.' II II l'i HI 17 1H 1 v; VI . KT Js .i - ni i'T k. r.iitim. ii.!irniii. Win. K. Wl'lnrmv. AlleiMietiy. l. ".iIIm-iI. Dauplilll. District KWi'tnrn. Ir. John X. I'car-tl. I'lilludelpllU. A I . n II. llorke, riill.hli'lplil i. Frank H ll-tnll"v. I'll II i l..hl,i. Willi tin M Tnu'k'irl. 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 I I. . I i ml I. Mwr. I'lillMili lplil.i. ..i-pli 1!. Il'l l l.'ll. I.Ikv I. Willi. mi K. Suli'V, Nornsfon n. .!..).. Kill. Il- llili'li' iii. Ilcnrv I. .IiiIhiumi. It''i l!u". .Inllll'lf. I. Hull, rtltldlltll. Kverelt arren,rr.tnloii. II. W. Wilde. Il.llcfiili. II irrN.Mi Hull, M.Hi I'mv l Ity . I. V. Miller, I.i'liiiiion. Ili-nrv C. I'ri' vet. TuiiklnimncH. J. II. lirmvii. Wllll.itnspiirt. SroiliTirk II. K if 'in. Ilrwlik. i.'nri" llimn Miller, hewlnhtiri,'. II . s'.ilmli'l, Ynrk. OiMirtf'- 'I .'".ink. .InliiiHti.wn. Kx-i nii. A. r. Unite. llr.HikuPi. William N. Kiiml'ilpli, I'm si, mi c. Kmaliiiel WiTtlii'llii'T, Allruliany. .Install Simnt. KIIMlH'lh' K lwaril K. AliruniH, llntlor. lsmlnr Holiel Krli'. William N. S lni'ir. Warn'ti. Jdwpli r. I'nmplM'll, Miirion. HTATK. Ko i,nnirr'ni,,n-nf-T.frife. .l.l .'II A. ill(W, A. DAVKNI'UKT. corvrv. For ronirroM, THAI'. M. MAIluN, (Siitije-t to hiMtrii't fonfi-renee. For stale senator, KDW IN M. Ill MMKU (Sultjit't to Mstrtrt fonft-renre.) Fur AsHomlilv, UlAULES W. HtUMAX. Tor sherlfT l SCOTT KITTGK. For Treiwiirer. Wll-I lM II. l(IKil.E. For roimnNKliM.i. ,, . WII.MAM IHIKKSE, ' ISAAC SI'O'lTS. Fur Conntv Amllt'irs, J. C. lUlWKItHHX, C. F. -MOYEH. Fur Coroner. Dr. .1. K. liniiAH. Thursday, Aug. 20, 1890. Is This True? V cloma tlio following from the Huniburfj 'J'ili jriji written by 11 corrrsponilont to t lint pnprr while on a bicyelo trip up iilons; t ho Sus lut huuuu Ilivir : You conlil look over i ito Sny.ler county nil the way up from Cluoro town toSunlniry. I never puss Sny iler eountv but what I think of the liiui','iii that onee took place in that county. It whs a Iru'al lmntiiiif,', not a eue of lynch, ami icsulteil from the niunli r of an ohl eouplo w ho were killeil for their money. The fellow who diil the killini; were hunted down by "Uully"' Lyons, of Heading, famous as u terror to .evil doeiH, uud hc vi rul of the ruscuU were convicted and lmnged. ItHeems that on the trial thero were pome dispute as to whether another man, not then arrested, had not connived nt the nnr.di r. or had something to do with it. Whether ho had or not was not clear. At any rate be was not arrested. lie f( It however, that his good name, had been tarnished, ond ho was anxious to remove the Btain. Ou tho day of the execution there was an enormous crowd in the county jail, and evervbody wanted to bco the hanging. J ho sheriff, a jjood nutured man, let as many in to the prison yard as he could crowd in, ami among them was tho man who wanted his character cleared. IIo stood on the extremo outsido edge of the em.vd and when the condemned men were led out and placed on the gallows he was very much excited. As is tho custom, tho men were asked if they desired to make a few last remarks, and one of f I'onnnd b a lurmikn In the snare moments of a busy career aod dedi-l rated to a bettor understanding of life and its varied opportunities.) A doctor finds it comparatively pleasant and very easy to write a nauseating prescription, for to the patient alone belong the distress and disgust of swallowing it. So it is a simple matter to sit here in my arm chair and scrawl a moral prescrip tion for those weak and failing ones who find themselves lacking in good influence over their fellows. But the likeness to the doctor ends here, for the writer and the reader are both interested iu the remedy. ,Tbe physician-patient writes it down, then, in one word, a compound t "ijelf-conquest." Such a clearly defined remedy, al most as simple as bathing in the Pool of Siloam for blindness, or in tho Jordan for leprosy. Ia that compound word, however, lies an in finitude of power ; just as within the lifeless conl lies dormant the fierceness of pre-historic sunshine j or within the sparkling water, tho energy of steam ; or within the sum mer zephyrs, the marvellous disrup tive forco of electricity. To release the power of each, proper environ ment is needed. To Bet ftoe the mMit that lurks within self-coii- .... A f (piost, tho suitable environment is a human heart ; and that, heart, yours. Ono is tempted to indulge in tue stilted phraseology of the quack medicine purveyor and Btyle this remedy a panacea. It is a heart ton ic so valuablo and so lacking in harmful reactions that it cannot be abused by too much uso t so unaf fected by latitude that its cures are equally apparent in tho snow-hut of the Laplander and under the palm thatched homo of tho Carib; so adaptive that both sexes, the old and the young, tho mighty and the humble, tho well-fed and the hungry, tho wise and the foolish, the saint and tho sinner, all derive benefit from a free'use of this one unfailing remedy. With human beings, unlike the an tmals. obedience to the dictates of instinct, invariably leads astray, and exposes our natures to the virus of pride, selfishness, gluttony, and sen suality. While these poisons are creeping through our veins and do in to death, as it were, . the warriors for guuu, tbe wniu. cor puscles of our moral blood we have ao power. We may for a while by our fair-appearing exterior deceive our neighbors as to our heart con dition ; wo may even throw conveni ent dust in our own spirtual eye. but when some supremo moment of life comos then Bhall we fail, and iguominiously, just when failure is most serious 5 tho decayed mast suaps in a gale, tho bridge yields at tho moment that a human fi eight is trusting to it. Reforms and churches, ono needs must mention both, niuco they are not synonyms, aromadotip of in dividuals and tho altitude of degro dation of those individuals is tho measure of tho power of both tho reform and tho church. No wild yieldur to lust is a gain to the mem bership of tho ago-of consent re form ; no self-seeker is of advantage to the bands of tho wretched who are waiting for their rights ; no church member who with one hand grinds tho face of tho poor, and with tho other applies tho moral vaseline of a penurous contribution to soup- kitchens and missions, is of value to tho church that throws ita simple, trusting, and again deny ourselves, says aquerul- ous voice. Of course it is I So is it harder to fight than to bend su pinely to the blow, so is it harder to force our way against a torrent than to yield to its onrush, so is it more toilsome to climb a steep ascent than to glide down it a corpse of the roaring crest of an avalanche. Yet who that claims kinship to manhood would cease struggling in these physical directions, so long as A spark of life remained. The feeble pen that is followed by so many eyes, halts and hesitates he.'e, and questions whether this may not all be too serious and to serraorio for a newspaper column. The answer comes t "No 1 for the press is call ed to be a power." And the nega tive is confirmed by a growing sound that smites the psychic ear, a mur mur that swells into an infinite agony of vain regret 1 it is tbe voice of all, as one, whose brightest pros pects have vanished, whose powers' for good have been overcome by yielding to unholy ambition, to the mere making of wealth, to the kill ing of time, to the lowering of the human standard till it became a par ody and caticature of all that is dis gusting in tho animal. These are they whoso bodies conquered their souls and permitted no deeds of val ue to our race. By their vain breath ings, by their chained and manacled bodies, by their shrivelled soul, by their animalism, tho sign is here erected, "The secret of power is Self-conquest." AH sincere battling with self is in some degree, sell-conquest. I ho victory of ono day renders more sure tin b'lsis of operations for the next. So vast becomes tho growing power over self, that before it the trend of heredity goes down defeat ed, until out of the filth comes forth a creature as pure a the water-lily. If by battling you gain tho mastery of your instincts, you need no long er yearn for power. You will have it. You need not blaron it from tho housetops, for those who meet you will know you havo it. It will sur round you, unconsciously on your part, with a subtlo emanation that will help or rebuke thoso who enter its charmed circle. Thus from the defeat to our highest that is threat ened by our lowest, ycu will havo wrested. victory ; and will take your place among those purified and pow erful ones that glorify our humani ty. Station D. New York. DUD OJveir Lfk biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, eonsu. patlon, sotir atnmrtch, IndlRosUon are protnpUy cured by Hood's Tills. Tiier do their worl 2 C0dls tMllr and thoroughly. Best sftcr dinner pills, (ft cents. All dniKRlnts. Prepared by C. I. Hood ft Co., Lowell, Mats. The only Till to take with Hood's SarsapaxlllA. Pills . HuckletTd Aralra Halve. Tub Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Hheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chanp ed Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures I'iles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price '2 cents per box. For sale by Ora.rbill. Oarmaii - Co., Kichlield and all Druggists. MELANCHOLY WOMKX. AFRAID SOMETHING DREADFUL 13 GOING TO HAPPEN. How a l ittle llaby Girl llolled the ClouiU Away. Of course a woman will nnturully co tho dark side of everything when tortured by soino form of female di- ease, which her doctor cun uot or does not relieve, No wondei bUo Is mel choly when Acad and tack uoho julns run tnrough tno whole I ul v n nil statistically-anxious. loln. nprTC. arms around him. Tho trite old il- ere weak. lustrations of water being unablo to riso above its love, and the chain boing no stronger than its weakest link, apply here. Lot us not bo de ceived It is character that tolls in this world and no character except that of tho animals comes from yielding unquestioning obedience to our instincts. On our human side we have tho powers of reason, of aspiration, of development, of them be.-nn tnlkimrin Pi nnsvlvania growth. But ho long as we grovel JJulcli. He had proceeded but a, in mere physical impulses, whether few sentences ill Ills liarriltivo when ihov 1m nt nmuinilion r.f in.lnl.m .1 1... ........ 1 . I . . .1 - - 1 Hie 111,'IU Oil UK.' CI''H VI UlOv ,.lnn a,,. crowd interrupted him with a ques tion us to his connection with the crime. Tho mau on the gallows made an evasive reply, and then en sued a colloquy in 1'enusylvauiu Dutch that would havo been ex tremely funny under different cir cumstances, and which was uot liu ished until each had talked tho other out. .So strango a scene was never witnessed at a hanging in this State before or since. Either this statement is absolutely ialso or grossly exaggerated. Wo coul 1 not find anyone to coiroberato tho statements mado above. Some ono interrogated remembered of a conversation, but evidently the above death of traitors within. u grossly exaggerated. hard to deny and deny ploasuro Becking of every kind wo turn our backs upon everything that is grand in human naturo and remains on the level of tho monkey, or the sloth, or the barn-yard fowl. In truth we are worse than they becauso our in Btiucts are givi n us to bo placed un der our feet and used as stepping stones to power, instead of serving as more run-ways to mire. Tho way to possess power without is to havo it within. The way to bo strong in sortius, upon the foes out sido our walls, is to bo sure of the 'But it is and still . I Biomach o." order, gt stiou jMjor, blithe of fi lines and boa: irg-down, poc skepand appotit always weak and tired, Irregu lur menstruation, whites, eta. hho probably Is not bo fortunate a to know that all fcinalo ailments are Indicated by these never falling symp toms, and are controlled by I .yd la K. rinkham's Vegetable Compound; all fcinnlo weaknesses quickly disappear by its use. It hu been tho thinking woman's Bafcguurd for twenty yeurH, and all druggists sell largo quantities of it because it can be relied upo. ritill another woman speaks : " I wish you would publish my name with your testimonials. I want every ono to know that your Vegetable Com pound bus mude me well and strong. I ting Its praises all the time. When I was tirbt married I was very weak and hud female troubles badly; Oh, I wus bo weury, sick and melancholy, but tho Vegetable Compound built mo up, and now I have a dear baby girl, and I am so happy. No home Is complete with out a dear little baby and Lydia K rinkham's Vegetable Compound to roll the clouds away." Mbs. Oko. Claus, S3 Duuforth St., liuilalo, N. Y. U. A. K. EXt'AMIVIEXT AT MT. PAt'L Eairemety Low Rates via PennaylTa nla Railroad. Tho National Encampment of the Uraud Armv of the ltepublfo will be held at Ht. Paul, Minn., Heptember 2 to4- For this occasion the Pennsylvania lUllroail will sell on August 30, 80, and 31 excursion tickets to 8t. Paul and return, at exceedingly low rates, a follows : New York. $2.O0; Philadelphia. f'JH !W; Trenton, $J27.0ri: Hattlmore and WaiiMlilngtnti, $25.00; Harrlshnrg, Willi iinoport mikI Wllkesbarre, $24.75; AltooiiH, t23..V); proportionate rates from other points. Ticket" will be good tor return pas sage until September 11, with an ex tension to ami including Heptember 30 if deposited with the Joint Ageut at St. PhiiI on or before September in. Full Inforinutl n can be obtained on application to ticket ngents. , HOOD'8 Sarsaparllla has over and nver n train tiroved bv Its cures. when all other preparations failed, that it is tho Uno l rue BLOOU l uriuur. lit I.U.1.1. Low Itufe Kriirlii In Pennsylvania Itnllrontl. The Pennsylvania Kaliroad Com imny's ten tiny excursion to Niagara Tails present tne most advantageous method of witnessing the wonderful exHtiii'lH of Nature's works. The remaining excursions of the series will leave Philadelphia, Haiti morn, and Washington on August 20. September and 17. An experienced tourist agent and chaperon will ac company each excursion. Kxcursion tickets good for return passage ou any regular train train, exclusive of limited express trains, within ten day, will lm sold at $10 from Philadelphia. Uultiuiore, and Washington, and at proportionate rate from other points. A stop-over will be allowed at Watklns and Rochester in either direction and at Buffalo returning A special train of Pullman parlor cars and day coaches will be run with eacli excursion. An additional attraction to the tour of September 8 will be Canada's grand industrial Fair, which Is to be held at Toronto from August 81 to September l'i, which will have new and varied attractions. Tourists on this excursion will bt granted greatly reduced rates between .N'lHVuru, Falls and Toronto iu order to avail them selves of the opportunity of visiting tins great exposition. lor further information apply to nearest ticket agent, or address Tour 1st Agent. Hooni 411, ltroad Street Station, Philadelphia. Drowned in Penns Creek. Wo are informed that Mr. Oscar Wiith of Glen Iron, aged about 23 years, son of Mr. Jacob and Susan Wirth, was drowned in Penns Creek, near that place, ou Thursday even ing of last week. With about a doz en other young men and boys he was in tho stream bathing, ho re- maining after all tho others had re turned home. Not returning home, anxious relatives and friends went in search of him. Seeing his cloth ing on tho bank, they entered tho water and soon found his lifeless body. Tho sad affair cast a gloom over the entire neighborhood, and for his bereaved parents much sym pathy is expressed. Tho funeral took place on Satur day, at 2 P. M., conducted by Rov. Harry Newman. Interment in Lin coln Chapel cemetery. Lewitburg Chronicle. Auditor's Notice. The unilerslKiied, who win appointed auditor liv tin' iiriiliuim ('tmrt tit HnvUer County, at May ii.llunnied Term I, Lit, to make dlHtrlliullonof the luiimu'eapiieiirliii; upon the tlrst and final ae fouiit iif II 1. 1'l ii iH, ailmlii Imi rutor of the estate of Joseph Peters, late of Went Heaver Township, Snyder Co., I'a.. deceased, to ami uniniik' I It'k'nlly entitled thereto, will meet all parties In Interest lor Unit purpose, nt his t,ni, e Id the llnroiiKh ol MlildleliurKh. I'u , ou Mumlay, Auk. :tl, next. Iii'lwci'ii Die litiursof nine o't'lts k A. M. anil three o'clock P. M , of said day, w hen and where all parties shall hi tend and present their claims or Is' lurever tlclmrrcd from receiving uuy porllun of said fund, J. G. enol'SE. Auditor. Auditor's Notice. Notice Is hereby ulven that tint untlcrslifiietl has Is-eti nixilntt, Ian, lltur liy the Orphans' Court of Snjiler Co., to illstrlliuto the funds In tho hands ol 1. Hanks Wetcl, one of the execu tors of the estate ol Samuel Wei id, late of lieu ver mow Sprlnif Twp.,) deceased, lo unit unions' IhoHeoiitliliHl lo the same; anil that the HUdltor will meet the parties Interested at his olllto In the lliironch of MlildlctiurKh, Snyder Co., I'a., on Friday, the vsth day of Annnsf , A. P., Isutl, at 9 A. M of said day, ut which lime and nlaoo all persons who have any claims liHn said fund or are inieresica in me mime must present mem duly uulheiiilcated Is-fore the auditor, or he forever dehurrud fruiucoiuliii; In lor s share of said fund. Aug. 1, 11V. JACOB CilLIIEHT Auditor, in Beat Cuutfh Syrup. Tulua Utssl. tJi in lima. n,nn nr nriiirKiwta. iiaft. 3 iasliroduceasl On above terms wo will offer during tlie.monti, August, the following reductions on goods natjiev .a.u our including Men's, Ladies1, Misses', and Children's cenr. ah ijaaics' and iNlisscs7 Uxfords 23 per cent Summer Dress Goods, including white goods, 30 ALL CLOTHING 20 per cenl On 100 pairs Men's line pantalons 20 per cent. These are not chop worn goods, but strictly first Come early and examine stock, for Cash buyers v advantage of this sacrifice sale." HOCH & OLDT, New Berlin, Higtei prices Paifl for all Ms of Mi BARGAINS IN CLOTHING Fall aid fm Suits From 510 li "Vignis ill A I U USUI, $O.OV. 1110 p)(i(; made to order, Guaranteed all wool, Triiuiiiinm class. Workmanship guaranteed. JNo. A. HEFFELFINGER.Tailc r ........ o,.. up.... vyii'woii, a. wist vmuc. i5eiins"T0T If Nobl;ii)rj Ever Happc We could disnenfio citli , ...... ..v-.. o,,arciD, jjui mings uo happd '"-""''"i'"0 "ur i"J every man ana woman who wishes' what is going on. The New York Weekly PreJ is the Loading Republican Newspaper in ti lt is the paper you want. It gives ALL the news ; its editot. weu.wnuen, clean cut and convmcinnach week it prints a , Ci; . , . . rms". u iicuuu Vugp, a page 01 clever wit and nn accurate market No expense ia spared to make it the Lest woollvn - uvoajci 111 H I THE NEW YORK WEEKLY PRE MIDDLEBURGrtPOST Will be sent to any address One Year for 81.75 Addrtsa all order la the "J'tJST " I;.;..,.. .,... . t3-l)rop a postal to THE WEEKLY I'KKSS X.T 1 . xoik, ana n sample copy will be mailed to you. NEW DRUGS, NEW MANAGER MIDDLES nun W. H. SPANGLER. Great Reduction Sale of F un IM For Ninety Days ! The Undersigned Offer The Public Theii IMU STUUK OF FURNITURE AT THE (JKEATEST SACK1FICR EvEU KNOWN IN CENTIUl frYLVAKIA. We'are uot helling out. but we do this to Increase our gales abot vIouh year. e dve a few of the prices an follow : Rpft Uood Cliiiiuber Bultn 14.00 Cotton Top MattreaH - Hard Wood Ch amber (Suits lit.00 Woven Wire Mattress - Antique Oak Sulfa, 8 1'iecen 1U.00 Med Sprints . 1'liiHh Parlor Suits JJO.OO Drop Tables, per'ft." - Wooden Chairs per net 2.50 . Platform Hookers In etoek, everything In the furniture line, luoludlno; Mirrors, IU Desks, blde.boardH, Cupboards, CVutre Tables. Fancy Hookern. H Feather Pillows, Lounges, Couches. Doughtrays, Sinks, Hall K' Beat Chairs fine, tnedluiu and cheap furniture, to suit all cla 1 rloes reduced all through. Come early and see our stock vnnr nrilir iinil llimyuu. ihia,)ii . : . .... , B ,w I'crcDut, on svery uoimr, i Special Attention Given to Undertaking & KmM o 1 o.AiXiiivitt.jM cz tla KIN AN, Limii MIFFLLNIlt