The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 02, 1896, Image 4

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    f - ' - . - V
1 .
i MWI ( L. TT I llhe city roprewnti no ele-LWe Lutheran w Vm;
iJ ah1 Ida Uil Inalriifnant Which .- totS j : a t -
Published every Thursday.
Con W. Waaenietter.
Editor and Proprietor.
Subscription $1.50 per year
men must l PI1 In 1vnnce when tent out'
side the county.)
Alt trnnM-'tit srtvcnl'wments not otherwise
. mill tmflmriri'll M thr rnt4ot IS
nt tt lino (nonpnrlrl mpiwure) for find tnwr
rion mid lo cents per line lor every subsequent
r-rvdfA nntitft fmMif frrt t ofcifiiory Krfy,
frifmfcu rrtfei. rfc. IAwtnlMli
it only the legal instrument which (rom 18t0 lo g13 during: the war of
rives the community authority to!igi2,but his large field of labor,
act as a corporation, and which de
fines the duties of its officers.
The wisdom of legislatures does .
compelled him to resign and the
members all returned to uruo s ana
Lion's church where they retained
i i nn r mpmiiwriiiiiii lur imca v rni n
not seem to be summed up in the ( before they completed their perroan
formatiou of legal characters the :ent organization,
terms of which shall govern muni- This was a pioneer congregation
i -..t:- .i ; Aiina true sene. in union town
remarkable lack of the exhibition of
Republican Committeemen.
Ad:nn. .1. K. rVtterntf, TnMm Mltohrll.
H.-HV.T. Nutlmn Kiwi. Irvln Klnnev.
ivavor W.-wm. Heeler. '. W. Hoimii.
-entrf.-J. W. Sanipwd, II. V-')', ..
mspinwi.-l). A. I'..rllii-. T. II. l lM-n.
rrauklin.-4'. il. pwikeltiergrr, J. W. Klwn
hower. .trk.ti.-wm. Martin, .t. . Yenrii-k.
M i-ld i.-ttitrtrlt. 4urt in iiuwermx. v.. r. Fees.
VK1.ll.vr.vk. I. J. Mltihel. I'. I.. H"W.
Miinnip.-ll. H lloMner. 1. K. Moiihi.
lVnn.-P'inlel Knonw. B. Wmfni-r.
!rry.-lrln IViyer. Henry llardlnir.
lvrrv W..-l).ini. l Mniieviit. II. K. r ertr.
iprlh,-lr. A. M Smith. 1. r-.P'd.
Hellnsrove. E. It. UPtnixTllnir, r.Vi. lovrrt.
I nlon.-ti.'o. I. Plunder. .!.. ?,"h'' HIIIiIhU. Jerry t hari.
William McKinlcu.
Garret A. llobart.
KcpuMieun Ticket.
I' .r ( niii.'r"'ni"Ti.!it-l.iro.
t.M.l XII A. liltoW,
For ronirrevt.
Til All. M. MAIION.
(Suti)n't to District ronferencc.)
For mute Mfmitor.
(S-iiij.Ti 1 1 DM rid conference.)
For AmhcimIiIv,
."or sheriff
For Treasurer.
For (otntiilsMloiiPrx,
For Conntv Auditor,
.1. c. lUiWKICO'X.
Dr. .1. K. HOW A It.
Thursday, July 2, 189G.
Letter From Philadelphia.
Continued from last icrek.)
l'liiLAi'tLi iii a, June 3D, 1W.
Mr. Brvce. the EngliHh author,
urpftla in his valuable works of
American Municipal Government
He seeraH to be thoroughly familiar
with everything that has happened
in anv of our larao cities of a note
worthy character. He reviews in
.le'ail the forms of character, the
police regulations, the centralization
of authority, the tendency tha inev
itable inclination toward corrup
tion nud tyranny, tho tax rates per
capita, the ways of city councils, the
domination of tbo bonn, the perver
8ion of law, tho multiplied varieties
of rrimi. nml tho opportunities for
its commission, tho duals without
number and the general dissatisfac
tion of the city masses with tho op
erations of law und in commenting
upon tho general regulation of Amor
icun niuuicipal corporations this
learned writer says, speaking from a
standpoint of great knowledgo eon
ceining tho administration of Euro
Dean cities: "Tho aim deliberately
was (in America to mako 11 city gov
eminent where no otlicer by himself
should have power enough to do
nnichhirm. Tho natural result of
this was to crcato a si'.uatiou where
no ollieer had power to do much
mind. Meanwhile bad men united
for corrupt purposes, and the who
organization of the city government
aided such iu throwing responsibil
ity from one to another '
This Beems to doscribo quite ac
enratelv. in the lirst instance the
ideal hope of pure men to gain an
honest administration of municipal
affairs, the profits of which woul
bring suushino and happiness to
debt freighted aud sin btrickon
cities ; while the last sentence gives
in cogcut terms tho unexpected ro
Bults of au administration where the
execution of tho law is coufidod
tho hands of a singlo executive.
chosen from among tho number
tho people. Tho theory of Muuicip
al Government is based altogether
upon tho lilackstoniau principle, do
fined to bo a rule of civil conduct
prescribed by tho supremo power iu
a Btate, commanding what is right
and prohibiting what is wrong, au
argument of law, which presents n
system both of coereivo and correc
tive justice founded ia tho Bound
policy dominant in tho feudal reign,
but largely supplanted and harmon-
hv tho necessary experience of
later years and as Mr. lkyco boauti
fully says, ,'Tuo great cities of Eng
land aud Europe, with few except
tions. have their roots iu tho dis
taut past. Many of their privileges
nnil chartered rights were wrested
from tho crown in feudal timoB
Km, m nf thoso privileges uavo beeu
rotaiued. aud contribute to the in
couio, tho pride and tho inlluouco of
inality. Tho charter of
those flexible and elastic features
which a ready and a successful gov
ernment would depend upon, acting
as a corporation and not as a state.
But it would require all the positive
notions of law yet devised with tho
ofelgned assistance of all its fic
tions to present in legislative cham
bers a measure radically uprooting
corporate evils and designed to oper
ate as a sine qua non in the govern
ment of cities. The collision of one
boss with another, the struggle of
action with faction, the wasteful ex-
travagance of city councils impelled
by frequent temptations to embrace
bribe, and the unlawful interference
in municipal affairs by those whom
Senator Quay designated last sum
mer in his famous lettor to the press
as "appointed to preserve the peace,"
form some of the most notorious and
cry worst features of municipal
mismanagement. Repugnant as this
must bo to men of integrity and
specially to mou who strive by the
expenditure of time and the liberal
uso of private means to eradicate
the evil influences at work, it must
be the very climax of disgust when
eprooch is cast upon tho judiciary
of tho city corporation and tho ad
ministration of justice is thus taint
ed with tho suspicion of collusion.
Such circumstances aro rare, but a
poradic evidence docs sometimes
manifest itself of such a hated cou-
lition in tho modern city corporation,
under the political boss, just as it
did when tho Crown selected his
judges as his personal interpreters oi
the law and as tho special defenders
of his prerogatives.
London is tho best known as well
as the most ancient English speak-
ng capital in the world. It has el
ated for a period of almost ten cen
turies. It presents a greater degree
of interest, considered as a corporate
municipality than any other in the
world. The repression of violence
does not appear difficult there and
indeed with her four or five million
souls the city government forms so
extensive a plan of thoughtful con
sideration, that the portect adrrunu
tration of law and the preservation
of order bate become the admiration
of travellers abroad. It is said that
American ladies travelling alone in
London are safer than they would
bo on the streets of Philadelphia or
New York, but this can bo readily
imagined to bo true when we con
template the vast and comprehensive
polico regulations thoro enforced.
Tho polico power is tho first institu
tion necessary in a civilized eominuu-
ty and its abrogation would lead
luickly, iu some localities, to tho
total annihilation of tho established
social condition. Thoy are the sworn
custodians of tho peace, the minis
ters of tho vast constabulary ma
chinery in city corporations, the re-
iablo ngeuts looked to for tho pro
motion of order and the suppression
of lawlessness. The polico system
pervertod either by political influ
ence, intimidation or bribe becomes
an engine of oppression and torture.
Iu Europo tho polico power appears
to bo a literal agent of perfect law j
in American cities it forms tho prin
cipal basis of grievous coiuplaiut,
notwithstanding legislatures have iu
nearly all tho states established de
partments of safety as a necessary
adjunct of city government.
It was the unlawful interference of
tho polico power with the private
rights of tho citizens of New lork
City which caused Seuator Loxow
to ask for the logal creation of a Sen
ate Committee to lay bare, under
state authority tho shameful scan
dals practised on Mauhatten Island,
now the home of tho wealthy Dutch
Knickerbockers; it was for similar
reasons that Seuator Penroso asked
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
to go into a regularly authorized in
vestigation of tho alleged corrupt
condition of tho Quaker Municipal
ity. W. K. M.
shin we find Reiser's Lutheran and
Unformnd church. At Witmers
two churches, United Evangelical
and Esherite. Near Gaugler's the
U. 13. brick church, at Port Trever.
ton the IT. 1!.. the United Evangel
icai and Esherites. nine churches
with thir ortranixations. In Chap
man township near Independence
the old Herrold cemetery is located
ami a. IT. II. church has recently been
erected there. Near McKeos Half
Falls is Trinity U. B. church.. These
four congregations are also in part
oflsnrinffs ot Grub's church, as
manr of the members of these con
gregations are the children aud
irrand-children of those who were
originally members of this congre
. ' 'rws i .
pRLion. i lie increase oi ihjpuihuuu.
chances in location and places oi
livinc. location of towns along the
Susquehanna river and Pennyl
vsnia canal, location oi sencoi. u
construction of the canal in
fifty-two years after the organiza
tion of Grub's congregations, erect
ing ferries across the Susquehauua.
the location of the N. U. U. If. are
some of the causes of the increase in
tho number of churches. Tho rivalry
of denomination must also be con
sidered in accounting for the in
crease of churches in these two
Port Trcverton, Chanrrau, Inde
nendence. McKees t Fall. Mahan
ton co. Hotter. Pallas. Melserville
aud Aline are the principal business
places that have been establisned
sinco the organization of this con
gregation. The cemetery near the
church has been recently enlarged
and newly fenced. The members of
the congregation meet every year to
clean tho cemetery, remove tho sod,
briars and weeds, and the graves oi
those who have no relatives are
firoperly cared for. Since the est ab
ishrnent of this congregation we
have passed through the war of INrJ,
the Afexican war, and the war of the
rebellion. The graves of soldieis iu-
terred here are kindly remembered
on Memorial Day aud appropriate
exercises are held here on every re
currence of this event. In a beauti
ful giove near the church the an
nual picnic is held. It is generally
"a feat of reason and flow of soul''
and from far and near can be seen
on these grounds tte generations of
those who established this congre
gation. Prof. Boyer delivered a uis
torical address at the annual picnic
last year.
We will notice in our next the
schools in connection with this con
gregation. Some of the teachers and
though suggested by a retrospect of
one hundred aud twenty years.
fTVlK mrtcrrtfned Sheriff ot Snyder county, by
I virtue ot an ord.-r lid tint of the Or-
rhnMiourl at MY Trrm, IKS. Upon the
failure of the hftri! end pertlM In Interest to ac
cept the real entete of Ueo. Freed, late of Waah-
inirtiin tod., oi-c n. at ine Tiunon ana ap
prnlnemenl put niMin It tiy the Jury of Inqueet,
will exptxe the following described real eetate at
puhllc wile, at the Umpire lloiixe. In Freebury,
on Saturday, A to r ST 8ch, Isim, at 1 o'clock r. .
Tit I
Tract Xn. I Sltunle In WMhlnirton Tp..
Hntdrr Co., I'a boiimled and cleaiTUied as fol
low : ll'vlnliiK nt a atone, them by other landa
of aald (Korit Kreel, ana aleo lana of J. Freeu.
north lH'i d.-(rrees weM, iwi pen-hea to a atone,
n'rth lx decrees en, 9 a-in perrhe to a atone,
thrnrealonir the land nf Petr Kllnzler, aoutb
t degree rant, TV perebee to a atone, north S
decree eart. a a-10 nerrhea to a atone, thence by
land nf John llcpuer, "" l one degree eaat, 15 S
10 pert-lie to a atone, aouth US degree eaat, 4S
10 pervne 10 atone in puiinir roau, meuce ny
nine land lately owned by I'hlltp Apple, aouth
M degree wei. Ml perchna to a atone Id aald
road, aouth U degree et, T 4-10 perrhea fo a
alone, thence aouth 7 degree wet, J 1-10 per.
to place of tieginnlnr. Containing TH arrea and
I ao perrhea (ITS ai:re and 1M perehea) atrlct
Aim, Another pnrcel of land lying contiguous
to the aliove and Ix-lng part and pared thereof.
beginning at a atone, thence along the tract flrHt
herein dcucrlhed, aouth It 1-4 degree eaat, 6
iien he to atone, thence aouth ? degrea eaat,
&H perrhea to atooe.theiioeaoiilh TSdegrae Went,
M rwn?he to atone, thence by land of A. M. Freed,
north ui l-tdrtfre.- weat.Bl ,.o perclie toMone.
thence by land of John Creed, north 59 degree
eaat, en t ill perrhea to place or beginning, i on
lainltig Nacre and na bcrcue (N acrca and (7
pep'lie) atrlct meaaure.
Aijwi. Another purport being part and parrel
beginning ai
nfthealxive ilewrliied.
Ih.'iire by land of Peter (lartntn, north
II oe.
grees et, t-lo perch. to a poet, thence oy
land of Henry Itlne. aouth 4 degree eaat, I 4-m
pen-He to pot. aouth 71 o.-grc.' we., ev a-iu
pcrche to piwt. north 4 degree wm, I lo
ix-ri lii- to pliu-e of tteglnuliig. Containing 1
ai-rea, atrlct meaaure.
The three tract or purpart containing alto
gether ins ocre and HI 'rchea. This tract ha
all the necenNrr building and la altuate In the
heart rieaaani alley, l iniiea weai ot rreenurg
PrsroHT No. -Being the undlvld.-d 1-fourth
Intereat In n tract of land eltuate lit l.'lutiiHii
Twp., Snvd.-r Co , along the Huwiiehnnna Kiver
adjoining line ot in., iHiunuea un tii
tiorih li) laiidx ol Mr. II . M. Nipple and tieorge
Yeiim-r. eiwf bv the SiiHiiuehuniia Hlver. eolith
by MiiiiHiitoligii Cwlc and on the weM b- land
il I lie heir ot i. ii. null, ni-e ii, containing 1 1
acre, tnoro or leHH. Till! tract ha two dwell
lug limine, bunk baru and all neccnaurj out-
Terni.-,JO ix-r cent, nf bid on day of nle.
Imliince ii- one-i lnrd. alter piivmeiil of coat and
enneliHe on SeiiteinlMT HV IWM. A dower will
remain on Triu t .. i ot t ue i-tiiirii inu-reni vi
II the real i-MUile, Ii-kh cohI.
Al.KKKl) SPEC1IT, ShertfT.
Mldillebiirgh, June vd. lm.
Hurknell M Teara Old.
The semi-centennial of Bucknell
University was celebrated last week,
Lewisburg was crowded with visi
tors in honor of tho event. The grad
uatinc classes this year numbered
fifty-live. Tho total enrollment it:
all dftmrtinc.ut this year was i'.tt
students, tho largest iu tho uuiver
sity's bistcry.
Tho Board of trustees this com
lueiiceinent eiecioa i roi. . i
Kaufl'iuan of tho Bordeutown (X. J.)
Military Iustitute, instructor in
science iw tho Academy ; X. i D.ivis
Bridgeton, X. J., instructor in Or
ganic Science, and Miss Mary Brown
of Manchester, X. II., assistaut li
Honorary degrees were conferred
as follows: Doctor of Laws upon
Hou- Simon P. Wolvcrton, Sunbury
Doctor of Dovinity upon Rev. Loin
uel (J. Barnics, Pittsburg; Bev. S. F.
Forgeus, Huntingdon j Prof. Adolph
Drake, Sweden ; Bev. Geo. Whit
man. Buffalo. X. Y. Master of Arts
upon Win. J. Coxey, Camden, N. J.,
Joseph Moore, President National
Bank of the Northern Liberties
Philadelphia, K. Raymond Bliss, Chicago, uudGrunvillo Malcom,
M. D.. Denver. Colo.
Iliirkli-ii'a Arnica Nnlvc
The Best Salve in tho world for
Cuts, Bruises, Soros, Ulcers, Salt
Bheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chanp
ed Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all
Skin Eruptions, and positively cures
Piles, or no pay required. It is
guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion or money refuinleil. I rico J
cents per box. For sale by Graybill,
Oariiian v Co., Kichuclil nml nil
Finite Denarlmei
Our Entire Stock of Furni
ture and Bedding will be
closed out in the following
months at
Latest Goofls, Latest StylesjSI
at HOOH & OLDT'S, New Bei
Having returned from the Eastern itie will,
1st. A very good Oakhuiere at 25 cts. 2nd. i
Warn Henrietta nt53ctf, former price 75 cents J
18 inch Silk at 23. There aro but a few of the harJ
Can give yon same prices accordingly in Din
Moires, Jaconets, Percales, Mohairs, Linens, D'i)
nuu un uuiuvMRH, lvcuticuu jiricuH un
A fair boys' suit for 1.50. Don't forget the
Special Ladies' 50 cent Oxford.
N. 1. We want tho very closest cash or rrodne
er to examine our prices and make his own conipJ
o nu tint j'wfiii cij nut i uiiurisuiu oy any lting
Fall ail ffioier Sis From
IT . 1 j . m a rn.
ii envy wcignrs in xrousers, jy.ou. The gon',
made to order, Guaranteed all wool, Trimininp
clas.. Workmanship guaranteed.
Upposite Tost Gflice. Selinsgror
$10 Ml
I have now on hand a well selected stock of $
itwo uuuusunui an your requirements and at ii
niiuiii uui niuaus. v e oner you our
Botschoft's or Grub's Cliurch near Pallas,
Chapman Township, No. 3.
Although this is claimed as a Cen-
tcuuial congregation tho opinion has
been expressed that the ohl church
buildiug was erected in 1773 as tho
place was used as a buryul-grouud
in that year and John fcjhaniory who
did tho carpenter work for tho old
church was interred iu tho grave
yard iu the year 1774. All the pres
ent churchts and church organiza
tions iu Union, Chapman and Ferry
townships are ollsmings of lianer-
man's or Kruppe Kirch. In 1N1U the
Schueo's congregation was organiz
I by members of this congregation on
Mko MllouinfM, dynprpgln, IiosiIwIip, coiistl.
patUm, our atonittcU, lii(lit'tiou are proiuiitly
curt'U liy HooU't 1'ilU. TUcy Jo tln-lr nrk
easily nml thoroughly. all
Itest after dinner pllla. Vj I I 1 C
25 cents. All druKKlsts. II 1 W
rrepari'U by C. I. llooil & Co., Lowell, Muhs.
The only Till to take with Uooil'i Suriuparlllu.
ClininlHT Suitu, 8 l'icm. marfc-i
Iowa from $10.00 to $25.00.
Parlor Suits marked down 'Jronj
$10 to $25.'
Sidclxmnls uutrkiHl down from $6
to $15.
Iicwistown, l'a.
P. S. All itimhIs packed nml de
livered i. order F. (). 15,
Couches marked down from $5 to
lionises marked down fron?'J to$S.
Fine Uiliolsterel Kis ki-rs marked
down from $:) to $S.
Iw-dsteads niarkeil down from $2
to $(.
Cane nml Vmm1 Suited Chairs
markctl down from SI to $(
Hall lits kers market! down from
$1 to $10.
Ladies' Parlor IKsks marked down
from $: to $10
Parlor Tables marked down troin
$1 to $5.
Jjookinj; ( ! lasses, Easels, Pictures
and Picture Frames, Statuary, Ha
sK'ks, llattan, Cam? Seat and Ikiek
and Wmh1 Seat Kcs-kers, Kxtcnsioni
TablcSjCuplMMirdsjUiiibrclla Stands,
Tea Tables, CoiiiiiiihIcs, Chifloiiiers,
Ihireaus, Doug it rays, Wurdroles,
Stands, Mattressex, I'miI Springs,
t-c. Our sts k of Cnrjiets, Hugs,
Art Sjiiares, Matting and Cis-oa
Door Mats is the largest of any
house in the coiintv, and nil nr'u'e
.i i ' i. i i .
oil incsegooiis are iiiurivin uowu in
plain figures, und will be sold at a
liig reduction tluiing the (.'losing
Out rurnitiire Sale. I am deter
mined to close out the Furniture
Department of mv business, mid
terms on thenlsne gsd.s aro juices
named will Ik 'iisli or note witlinji-
proved security.
.n. - lections, art in style, Bkill in manufacture
and high merit in quality.
is - mmm -
which aro radiant with good values aud sparkl
New Hank Uuildim
Ivl 1 1 1 1 1 1 . r. n V I n
Great Reduction Sale of
Boat CoujIi Srrun. Tulu CiuoO. CM
m uuHts whi
M Boat t'ou,U By
7 In Unix.
lliilllinoin. Mil., uHith lam.milo nny ti'-iil win)
will si'll Iu lliift' iiiouoiH v.'.i ccipicn n mt'ir ImmiH
'iuiial),'ii and Ishiii'h ut wi." A full, ki1'I'I
unit cciiiiiih'lo milium (if Hie Cainiiulirii. ill
Killed k'twu. lli-aiilliully IIIoutii-
plili'sof Hid Ii'UiIIiik ini'ii In fiii'Ii party. Tli
lunik nf all utliiTH iu ki'II now. KrelKhl uld iiihI
criMlit irlvt'n. CoinpU-ie out tit is wnti. Wrlio
lliciii liuuii-illauily. A Kulil waiuli Kivxn Iu ad
illiliintu cuiiiiiiIh-mIuii fur hoIIIiii: To cuiili-a Iu
llilrl v daya. Arfi'iila wunlod ultu lur otlirr liixiks
UllU lllDllb. l-SHl'
SiMi for Tie POST.
For Ninety Days !
The Undersigned Offer The Public Theiit
We are not selling out, but we do this to Increase our Bales abo
vious year. e Klve a row of the prions as follows :
Soft ood Chamber Suits $14.00 Cotton Top Mattreos
Hard Wood Chamber Suits 10.00 Woven Wire Mattress...
Antique Oak 8uits, b l'leo-H m oo nej Springs
l'lush l'arlor Suits ao.00 Drop Tables, per ft
Wooden Chairs per set 8.60. Platform UocKers
In stock, everything iu the furniture line, luoiudlni? Mirrors, B
Desks, Sideboardn, Cupboards, Centre Tables, Famry Rockers.
Feather Pillows, Louiikbh, Couches, Doutrhtray, Sinks, Hall IW"
Beat Chairs flue, medium and cheap furniture to suit all clarf ,
Trices reduoed all through. Conm early and s0 our stock bei11
your order, and thus save 15 to 20 per cent, on every dollar.
Special Attention Given to Undertaking &
KATHERMAN & HARttjaw. T.lmitei
' , .-.,1 .tr ' n