i WEST BEAVER. . rter went to Mifflin covin- t3 work for A. Reigle on the Alli- ' : nur (ftVA fiir'ii. ou-.uw v - ' . ! -1 1 I.. II it. ! mat lURKing nuuui uu fl,onaJ.'ount of the luichinety flWe. , r,1 r ...V.. Prior in! i-cttmn "u r t.:..,. vast improvements on fis lomo 1J having the inside paint f .lnn.1 giaineJ. His son, Frank, is L nrkintf for tha Oroas Brothers i A n,n mountiiiu m ikiiff hay lnddern. ffbe (iiiestion M where, are thoy go- Ugt) fret ue Uiy loumueni, uomo ,f our furaiers. uy me ih ui an 11. not cct one Ioad....Mc- L-i..,A,i.l another bit: Jay on last Saturday, this timo the public sale ,,f Mr. John Kner, ueccaHcu .... U-i.- rnir works at McClure for Lp.ilyitig the trains gave out last Friuy ...me hub riu ui ...t.- i-onlonUhcil everything. Some of our siuall streams were eutirely UieJ up....Jftnies Steely has ro- Mcne l his roaitiou with Milton G. ' t i- i - : v ... R,.itz, ana accppieu juu in -r Vork barber shop.... Our lumber man John O. Gohs has been uuy or the past week in getting Ins now w mill in running order to give employment to his men. If we only had a few more suou men as i. i.t iio idle men could bo found... Our towuship aiulitors were called on List week by Mr. Lau to bold an in lucst on some dead sheep ami the result was "Sheep slaughtered by Mine valuable dogs ..11. I. Kneppof Miftlin county paid his Nil mine a visit on last Saturday. t thin writing tho piosptvts for coul are improving Our Shentl w:is visiting some of our law abiding citizens last, week J. J. Steely ex pects to move to Mitiliu eounty .kortly on tho farm he bought last rock Hurley Fisher of Mifllin county spent Sunday with his gian.l parents at Crossgrove By all ap n..nrnuees there will bo Home wheat cut in a few weeks at this end. runt cured nrnved tr voluntary Mate- rtniU of thousands of men and women hoi ;t nod' Barsnparllla actually ooei possess nwfr to purify the Mood and cure dlscaso. l:illv DreDared to be Uken with Ilood't Sarsapartlla. S6c. CEXTREVILLE. 0. W. Sheary, who was visiting his parents for several days, return tJon Monday to Sheppton, I'n., where he is working at the carpenter frraJethU summer. Minnie wore a r: ----- -irj-r.--- t smiling countenance. . . .nttrvejr .. Buffington and Otto Tobias of Mid Jleburgh were in town over Sunday ....James Crossgrove, who was painting at Richfield, returned home last week. .. .Win. Sampm-l and ilauchter of Michigan aro visiting friends here at this writing Dr. H. C. llrunncr, a graduate of Jcfl'cr sou Medical College, attended the State Medical examination last week Mis. Win. Hunt, is on tho sick lint Weworo taken by surprise when wo received the information that there was a, wedding on Satur day evening : tho contracting par ties being Moses ljatetnan, tho gen tlemanly assistant miller at the lYnn's Creek Mills, and Miss Ella. tue beautiful and accomplished daughter of J. E. Shinki 1, Esq. We extend to them our heartiest con gratulations, hoping their boat may sail peacefully down life's ocean .... The K. L. 0. E. of tho United Evan- lical church will hold a festival on Saturday evening, Juno 'J 7, in Wul ft s grove, i milo west of town. lOOD'S Sarsaparilla has over and over niralu proved by Its cures, khen all other preparations failed, that litis the Ono True BLOOD l'uritier. McCLURE. Deferred from last week.) Wiu. Dreese and family of East St. Louis, Mo. aro visaing friends and relatives in this section, being 'ailed hero by the serious illness of his brother, James Dreeso. Will. as in tho cyclouo but luckily it passed over his head. He says the horrors thereof canuot bo told Hark season being about over W. F. Howell took in for shipping several hundred cord. . . .James Dreese. our 'ood neighbor nud citizen, u sei i- uly ill. . . .Tommy Marks' houso is fist approaching completion under 'he management of Philip H. Will .Tho log slide is onco more being repaired for active servico .... Mrs. tteck of Perry county is visiting here among friends. . . .Isaac Shirey's now baru is almost finished. When 'oinpleted Ike will havo a first elusa 'wn ...Our live sunerviser. John A Fisher, is putting our public roads iu a first class condition .... ' C. Pheasant is tho boss straw- herry raiser in this section. One berry measured 0 inches in circum-for-'nco Tho prospects for n. ioodcrop of wheat aud hay are cry discouraging. Occasional. SELINSGROVE. Selinsgrove is sporting a new pa per this week. Its title is "Susque hanna Journal" and is issued by the students of the University. . ..Chil dren's Day exercises,, were held by the members of the M. E. and Ger man Reformed Sunday School?.... The Selinsgrove ball club went to Millersburg on Saturday. Rain stopped the game after the first in ning in which neither side scored. Millersburg plays hero next Satur day Milton Jarrett, Harry Forgy, Samuel Spahr and Joseph Covert, who havo been bridging in Philadel phia, are spending a few days at their homes in this place. .. .Dr. Voelkler of Milton was in town on Tuesday. .. .Several friends from the Rloomsburg Normal visited C. G. Hendricks over Sunday.... M. L. Smith, with his family, moved from thin place to Drif ton, last week.... Mrs. C. H. Klose of Adamsburg is visiting her parents, Val. Bolig and wife. MIDDLE CREEK. On the bill-of-fare, pi as and new potatoes. .. .The much needed rain came on Saturday and Sunday.... Seen on our streets last week, Da vid Deifenbaeh of Lcwistown. . . . Mrs. E. F. (loss, who had been sick for several weeks, is slowly recover ing.... Miss Nora Kuepp left for Reedsville last week whero sho in tends to spend tho summer. . . .Pro specting for coal has begun in earn est. A steam drill is at work with which it is intended to go down sev eral hundred feet if necessiiry. At present writing (Monday) they are down about "S feet, having passed through several strata of different kinds. Tho most notable was ono of about 2 inches which toemed to be nearly pure coal. At tho depth of about 'JO feet water was struck which constantly sends forth a strong stream of sulphur water. If it required an minimi outlay of if liMI.00 to iiiHiire a family against nuv scriotiH consequence. from an attack of bowel roiiiploint during tli year there lire ninny wlio would feel it their duty to pay it ; that they could not iitTurd to risk their lives, and those of their family for Midi mi amount. Anyone can ut-t this in surance for ','" cents, that being the price of a bottle of Chamberlain's (,'olic. Cholera and Iliarrhoea Heme dy. In almost every neighborhood some one has died from an attack of bowel complaint before medicine could be procured . or a physician summoned. One r" wo doses of this remedy will euro nuv ordinary case. lltnevr.ai's.'.'iii, von afford Jf.lrunk nt n.s l.y n, v. 11. 1 . I. A I. - -I I. II i it no me nn lor no siuan an iniiotiiiir For sale by all druggist. HOFFER. (Too late lor last week.) The people of this vicinity are talking ot building a new cluircli at Paradise Ino. E. Ross luirchascd Henry Wilt's hot thug works and is now ready to sell nil kinds of soft drinks Edgst Kishe, our busy blacksmith, is repairing bugmos wau'oi:s. etc. . . . Ilic testivnl at tin (irulil) church last Saturday evening was well attended lumbo is iTi ctiti': a new stable in SliulT.-rtown . . . . E. E. Bohner is putting up a new house. IK. Soinrlliiu In li mm. It may be worth something to know that, tho very bust medicine for restoring tho tired out nervous system to a healthy vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicino is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to the t.l.t'V'l f.i.lltl'i.u 111 111.. h:t niililj.il.) ir.tli. tly stimulates the Liver and Kidneys and nidi these organs in throwing niY inimirit i in flui liliui.l l-!t.t ri. Bitters improves tho appetite, aids ingestion ami is pronounced uv an who havo tried it as the very best blood purifier and nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for Silo or 1.1)0 per hot tlo at (iiuybill, (iarmuti ,V Co., Richlield, Drug Store. Itiickleir Arnleii Knle. . The Bkst Salvk in the worll for ( uts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores. Tetter. Chanp- ed Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and till Skin Eruptions, and positively cures i des, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refuuded. Price 'Jl't cents per box. For sale by Gray bill, (iarmaii Co., Richlield and nil Druggists. SCROFULA CURED K. I'. Caswell of llruekport, N. V., guys i '! was terribly mulcted with scrofula, and had Inst all hope ot bcln cured. A friend iiiIvIm'J ine to taku DR. DAVID KENNEDY'S FAVORITE REMEDY which I did with t,'tvat. lienelll, and I rccom mi'iid It to others." It restores the liver to a healthy condition, nnd cures constipation, scrofula, rheumatism, dypepsla, and all kidney, bladder and urinary dlscuscx. WE HAVE NO agents but Kefl direct to tho consumer n( hole.iilo iruu. MilianTwl'eru lr t'xuiulnaiinu bvloru tnlu KverylliliiK w.irniiiU'il, 1 m Iciinf Cnri-lagi-a. WO ntyli'ii)l llurnrai, 4 I st Wen Ifittinu Hitifclle. Writv for ruiulei;ii4i. . ELHHAHT J ' Carnage 4 Hitmen Mia. Co. tlkhirt, Ind. , W. II. Pbatt. Boot. is . FREEBUHG The closing exercises of the Mu sical College were attended by a large and appreciative audience. Prof. Billhardt is recognized where ever he is known as a thorough mu sician. MiN Krall is a fine tlotu tionist, charming singer and an ac complished player on tho piano. Mr. Moyer will retain theso teachers and the prospects for tho next term are quite flattering. . . .The Spring Tei m of the Freeburg Academy will close on the 18th. Profs. NVsltorn acd Boyer havo been quite busy duiitu' this term. They will have Normal Class in July.... The evening of July 4th will bo observed in Free burg by a display of tire works.... Hhamstine, tho painter has finished Hasslci's house and is now engaged in finishing the outside painting of the Musical College. Buc knell Commencement. I'rldii.v, Jitnr 10th. T..10 I. M. K xlillOt Inn uf tho MchiMil nf Miiclc. (Ilurknell Hall), under the direction of K. AvIraK'net.Mus. p.. Niilitrttit.i , aoiti. J.IXI P. M. I'dUiinciicemetit Kxeri'lsps nf the SehiH.I nf Music. (HueklH'll Hall.) H. ou I. M. Annual Oehate, Junior Ctiim, tCnii!- incnccinetit Hall.) sutiiiit.r, 10. 'W A. M. Illslurlcal Address, ('laptlst Church) by I'rcMdcnt Harris. i. I'. M. Annual Sermon before the I'cnnsyl- Vjil.la llaptlM Kdiicatloil Society, (lluptlsl Church). 1'ri'Iessor U, II. Johnson, I) P., Croer Thci.. logical Srlnlnaiy. HoiKlll.t . "i'illll. Ait K.hllilllnn lie-ins and ciutl ni ' Uin e days, (Stmllo, liisMlule . it.no A. M. -h:aiulnatliiu lor lidu.lsslou tn ('.,1- le.-. i.uo P. M liiisiiicss Mi l in,;-, Instlliite Alumnae, (Institute I'arlois.i I. KI P. M - Public Mm IHui, Institute Aluintiae, (llilckliell Hall), Speaker. I. m l t Meade Priest, of llos' iii. T.ir. P. M. iinlers.try uf tl,u literary Sc. cl.tie.. orator. Ire, I, . ill Willi. mi H. Har per. 1. 1.. I , "I til- l lllM ls'.tj n ( hh'ltK'O. S.Ou P. M President s llei cptlua, d'r'hlelit's llu H .) I licsaliiy , J.lnl. s :ll A.M.- Ibelni s.4 Mei t inlk-p Alumni. (llu. knell Hal I.) riOA. .M.-.niHMl Mei tin,-, lio.ii.l i,r Trustees, (Culiiv I. bi.n ). '.I.IHI A. M l l.i-s liy K'.etTlsi s, i .,ss of Colhve, (Ceiiiineuei iiient Hall'. ttf. n A. V. -KxhlMtlon, Koui'lh Knim el Ac ciiir, iCoiuuieiii eiiii nt Hall), l.yo P. .M. -I'laiiiin iici'iiii nl of llui knell Insti tute, ti.'omn.i ni'eii.i n! II. ill . 4 :l J .'HI P. M - Ib i epiloii by Pl:s, audcl i- Ical o! ,i i , an I N.itui .;! Hi t. ay .s,M U ty, (l.abiot.ir: . r.UP.v. AnuiM rs n ,.f tn,. i t n,.. Alumni, (Colllllleneeuient 11.1,1 . Olalol'. I'llltussnl Milton Kmiim, II. I., "2. cnver Tlii'tdoKkMl Seminary. Poet. Mr. Charles J. Wolfe, ':;, I.clshiiit.'. eliii'siiii3 , tilth. uo A. M. Aiitioum emiMit . f Promotion, (llili knell Hall;. HDD A. M. Coiiiiuene' ini nt if.'- liColleKi or- Hons by th ciu.v.. Addiess lo thu Clu.n. Kerr lo,, i. Tilpis-r, .1 l., I liinidelphht. .'8uiJ M. C aHiiatiMi fanner. ; llu. knell Hall). IViolund, I. !., and I . . . 7' --.. others. 0! the Breast. Mr. A. II. Crausliy, of 15S Kerr St. Memphis, Teiiti., s'avs tli.it Lis vil p.iid no attention to a'snnll hjttip which ai;ieurcd in her tireast, luit it soon dc velopcil into a cancer ot the worst type, ami notwithstanding the treatment nf the best physicians, it continued to spread mil v.row raiudlv, tatini; two holes iu her ! rca: t. Tho doctor soon pronounced lier lticmaliR'. A ei lcliralcil New Y01 U speciali-.t then treat, fit hi r, hut slitr con tinued to k'fnw wotsc nml when ilifonnetl that Isdli her aunt ntv! era tblmot Iter had fljtnc'i ironi cancer ne ieaveine case up as I . a hopeless. Someone then re- coinineinleil S.S.S. anil thoiih little hope remained, she begun it, ami an improvement was no ticed. The cancer commenced to heal and when she had taken several hottles it disappeared entirely, und although scv eral years have elapsed, not a sign of the disease has ever returned. A Real Blood Remedy. S.S.S. (KtiaranltTil purely trj,wur) is a real hlood remedy, and never fails to cure Lancer, lvczema, Rheumatism Scrofula, or any other hlood disease. Our liooks will lie mailed free to anv ad dress. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta Ga. C'oi reeted weeUly by our m. rcliniit Hutter I Id Pitied cherries.. L'upilted " ... Hinoul rr'ltfii.... Kaspberrles Vi II H 40 7 4 0 I Inioiis Litrd Tullow , Chickens per lb. Turkeys Hide Shoulder Hhiii Old Wheat live (.'or 11 Oats Itriin per 1011 lbs.. Middlings " ... Chop Hour per bbl Rlpans Tabulcs cure nausea. Cancer 1 Ufr A SUMMER SAIL in liulifH1 shoes is it pleasant voyage afoot, For I lie pleas ure it gives, there's no sail like our sale. Crowds are enjoying it, and seeming the Prettiest, coolest nml liixt (it ' tin' Suinii.ersl...sii,.w i.v,..J0nl.v t,in Oldest, Strongest nfaetureil. at nriees whirl. huyeis find it a pleasure to pay. For house or street Wear, pleasure or e very -day practical purposes, walking, riding, or driving, we supply the ideal shoes demanded liv fashion and the dictates of individual taste. Ladies, whoever claims yoir hands, hyall means surrender vour feet to these shoes. LH, GIBSON," MnrY 5 60 per cent per Year Guaranteed to ail Investors on In vestments both Larre and Small. VtlllA -n tlti: Willi llltOKI lis STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN. & COTTON, 40 nn. i 42 BROADWAY, MW 10III4 4 II I, M.-Iele Mho Uolrc t llilte 11 .tciitl., iiikI .lire Iik'oiiic on 11 miiiiiII r liirtte lot 'liiicnf.).i, lirotir'ilHtil lurv elrciiliir. iiinlli-l lr'-. t an iini A. B. lorSteiuii iwel Hut Water Fitting. AIho tlenler in MdiN iv. I'.nniin i., Shilftliiu' l'llllej, H.iiiersilli.l Lentil er Helling. REPAIRING of KnIii. H, I'mmI,-!-, anil Mill work. Kiiinilj.-H eim he mi.,H,., villi llnlh I'lllif. ri.ettii, 1 i i I'll lilies. I jjlve n leftTi'liri Her riling my mi'f luilii eal hkill. I'riek ('.. .f WayiifKlioro, I'll, nnd l.i'liaiiixi MT'ir. I 'u. Ii.illi eiiiii I'lttiie n of liinh r-i m i ii I i 1 1 ur. In tinier tu uvuiil in1. -i'li. nis RW Bailers hIiuiiIiI lie t.'st.-.l lilni.'i- . liytlnililie 1ft at li'a--t ui a year.' Avoid lander mid call iiimhi mu'ln make the test, A. II. WOMSKaHITH, Selinsgrove, : : ARE YOU COMING ? liv. ry null lirlnirn wonl uf Uium uim un.. They e.in'l iilliml luslin aw:iv. They i iii'l .ill.. id in K , H CAN V(U' 1 ll.ne .Mm seea our latest elr.-nl ir llnti't ileehle lit, tt yen see . $500 in Scholarships as Prizes. A CHAXCK Foil YOT. Write lor riirtli iilius, sprint; leriu will n.'ii Mki-i-Ii .mih. ST ATI', NOItMAL SCHOOL, Jlloollisbliref, J'n. (Mention this papi-r ) 200.00 IN COLD GIVEN. IH'SI'M'IAI. INTI.UI- I To m i ukn I S AM) ti:aiii:i:s It. II . WlHIllW.iril ( 'nlllll mi' nf if ill lii,,,i.t f.l Jie lll'lkllrk' II Must III), t . I J llllirilt (.1111 (Ml i, HIH- iiliii liu will sell m i iiii s, if "liims i KmiL'. lulls Tllnllt.'llt." il new licuk ,- 'l .iln, , r,. -l i., Y ime iii llu in. hi popular Imnkit rur piilillshiMl. in,-.- .-.in ,, nis null, li, hi li i. s. .Aenis hell JM til eullll'S II ,l.i . Vn .-l,.. i. nr.. i, ...I.. il ....I.... f'iiU, KlM'tlfur selllllt; III! Tuples In :l liliilltll. flm. Iiie.t ele t;l tu (ur sTllini; nithhtsii ninnilis A H'lLI W ateh tor selllll,' IJI ,-..i.- Ill ,. 1,11,1,11, This ) ti - li 1 1 1 1 in In lelilHIi.n loiMininlsslmi. ( uin Pie "HI .TiTelilN. I n iL'hl pal, I. I'letllt ehen. AL'elltS Wlllltell lllsi, rHr.'T:ill.s l.i ( 'In l.l.-... , .., .lesiis." l .M i.i a i Tuple... sol,, anil II Is now Kellini; raster than er. Sana, term., mi..... nil '(.Tinsel KelltMnus 'I'll Uk 111 ." Otlieriiomiiar ImhiKs nml lllli. es also. They nrfer spi'Tlal anil inosi liheral rail's in Ntiiilfiit.s anil l, .,i i, rs f . ,, suiiuncr vai ation. Imriiiu' la.sl suiiiiiier it latu'e llllllllier or slllclUlls ami leaellets l llliMlhseil i- tllTlr iMHlks. Atlllllll lIlT Ilsl II. I. P.. ....... .11 ... I . . . inwlT mer -.'nn. 67 who won the f-jim premium nml Til iniiile nter t:nt lor llielr miminer work' Wrltj litem iiiiniTiilaielv. t 7 Notice ot Application for Charter. NotlTT lH llTI'ellV L'lllili I It ii I ....,i will iH'Iniiiln Iii the II l i..i.,i. ' ilt'1,1 .luilk'o of the nflrl of t'l'ininion IMeim ol 7 . .. . "" -"" "" June, lww lor the liiirternf it corii,nitloTi, to , Viilleil "Tlie KviHiK'elli nl l.nllii-liili Tliiiri'li or M,,,.. iMirk'll I'll.." lllTTlllllT UII(objTTtl,r Wllll ll rt till, U'lirHl, l of Allnlirlilv 1 . ' per cent Per Month Tlie New York Inyestnient Go WDTJBEMDTH Macbinlst ali'd Contractor lallli nml ilUolollni. of -i'iip KvniieeliTiil Liitliurun cliUlili In tho 1 MUU sialic of AtnerlTii. ""Ll"n . . , m. i. i'orrtit. -iat' I Attornoi". ASKfORTHE BSKKLET ONXIOnr' AND Run) 6IVE5 eBEST UGHT IN THE Liberal Adjustments Prompt Payments. REMEMBER H. HRRVEYSCHDCH, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, BrilNSCaiOTK, PA, I Fire, Life, Aeeident and Tornailo. No Assessments Tho Aetna Founded A. !., 1 S 1 ! Assets ! 1 l,t).").Vii:.SS 44 Home " isr:t !,s::m;-js.51 44 American isto " 2, lu;t.."s I .:;i The Standard Accident Insurant C . The New York Life Insurance Co. The Fidclitij Mutual Life Association. Tour Patronage Solicited. 1875. : : Striking Low Prices ! HAVIN'Cl just returned from the eastern cities witli tlio l.est line of CLOTH INC., :o: Gents' Furnishing Gnods : Hats, Caps ami a full line of nu n's and children's Shoes at such low prices as have never been known iu this section of the country he fore. Also a full line of Trunks, Satchels, Summer Cndcrwear, Straw Hats, nUSSETT SHOES, and Congru at astonishingly low prices If ou want your dollar to go as far as two dollars, Call At Once and secure lor yourself a big 1 1C J u,,uu""'" "3 i-eIu', liuvo already or H fitly ilrop tho ilutieH 1 1 pr fiiul nilently ntciil Ul 1 tbo Iouk vucii ill return to 1QQR crs r ir. If. NE V BE LIN, special arrival of the very Dress (iooils, Laces AIho tho vi ry l itest st vies of ( lent Milts lit lower pliers than ever In Ime SPECIALTIES. The largest :isnrtiiMiit and latest slvles of I. n, lies' )n , ; sl. . , ,,n I Oxford Ties in liliiek nnd enl'iis, also in I iints' ,'hi, Jiovs' slur.. Petti r in ipmlit v and so low in prices t hat l J I. M A I ' lil A S SI l l is ni , tho talk of all the people. I.tidieti' line dress shoes llolii SI. no o s:i.,",o. (tents' line ( 'out,'! ess Shoes from SI. "'I to S I. on 2 The luruest line of ( iiieensware in t lie count vat I he ' low i" in ice . Vtli ii'ti.l ('ne ir.wkil liiilli.i .iii.l ....'. Also just received a hittre nupplv of MICHIGAN SHINGLES. PlrHH-'ss. S"- b IS iiu-li white pine Shin!,'Ies S I ll per niui )1K'U' r.No. J, is " ee.hir SliiiiclcH SI.?:," Call and nee our stock la I'm u tuiyinj,' .Isevvlu ic and he convinced in in ice and stock AT WEIS', SELINSGROVE PA. Large variety of DRESS line assortment of Silks way down. beautiful line of DRESS S;tins5. Headv made atul laundred waists. AVe trimmed lor 1.50 WALL ahoiii, 2UD BtvleH to Hclect firun ( 1 I, i . , uuiy lower tn.m iinvwlitro else. S WEIS. Selinsgrove, Pa. FTT WoRU2 WAKCiyTELY Cash onipanies, No Premium Notes. : : 1896. bargain. 'Vhai Mug vou for tier, it inri.ii... i.him 11111 lef w. kiiowleite tlmt the only moral ti iiininej Koine of her lidejetty littlo eluuejt.H will leeeive, must lm im inirtud by her, though quitti fotcifju to the one duly t-hu is puiil for, tlien her condition is most pitiuhle. Tlio painful realization is present with latest advanced stvles n!" Braids and Trimmins s' and llo.vs' Sprint,' il il S : ; 1 1 1 1 r the latest 'fabrics' in " GOODS. for ladies' waists, prices GINGHAMS. IYirals and II r f w have a nice cloth cane nieelv 1 PAPERS 1? ll"IV ii.nll 1 , . . . f i ii nil i :n it'n ill ini'l'S 11 ,)l (Jjvo us a call it will 1111V Villi vr