, v I - . , -t. .v: ERfEST. A RECORD BREAKER. Th Caengerfrst Remarkable Financial and Artietio Suecie. Seven thousand n-ope witnessed the open ing of tin- twenty-eighth Sncngrfost of the North Aiivrl'-nii Snong'Tbun.l nt tho exposi tion building, I 'itt.otxi rr. Monday uvcnliiif. An n mu-i"iil event It eclipsed nil previous feet-. iiiiiI n. u social mniiiw It lint had no equal. President Cleveland formally opened the Sneiigcrfcst nt o'clock I')- pressing nn eloe trli' button In thn executive mansion. Till closed nn Ifi-trl'' circuit. tli Immediate cf f . -t of which was to 1 1 1 1 1 it 1 1 ii ii t ' in tln must" hall nn Immense American Hug formed by hundred! 'f biiiutifully colored lii-nndse"ht lights. I'.eforo touching th" button Mr. Cleveland sent the follow ing telegram to tl. cliiitru:ii!i of tli itnmlttc" of arrangements of tli'1 Snengcrfest. "I send lii'iirty 'oiiirriitiiliillntiK to tlm Nn tlonnl siioiigorfest iiti'1 perform my part In It Inauguration witli ft sincere wl-h for II mnploto sn k of till' festlvnl of soiig" Th" tin sni" wits rend to the assembled throng In K"-ltl'ii hall, and wln-n the operator nt tl Hut 'ti'l mad" III'' fli-'lint '(. K.' Hi" president touched tli" button. Promptly after tli" following tcli-ifram iir seel to th" president wii.liswiteioil: T.Xposltiiill Hull, "Pittsburg, I'll., Junes. permit ni". In tli" iiiini" mid by tli nutli i.rliv of th" i".-iitlv" "oiii'iiltt'" of tli" ii nt v-t icl.th Mitloiinl Sn'-iigerfest of tli" Soith American Sii"ii;Tt'iiti'l, to tliimk you in. t h-ar'.ilv f..r your generous words nnl kindly oill.Mn In poidnr our grand festival. oiir r- tfullv ",h ill N DIMI.ING. I ' r--l'l,nt l-'c.-t oiiimitt""." Tli" r. grntn of tli" opining concert was i tint. pi nil'iniitioii of popular nnd classic mut". Nutii! r-from tin- great work.i of Wanner tin I Snlnt-Saiie.s w'-rn ! by Mn with "miwiiii"" lllvr" uii'l tin) "Stiir Span gled ;.i i i in r. ' From ;i Mniiti. lul Mnndpolnt the Twer.ty eighth Satnitorfost was tlm greatest su-i ofiinvf"-t "vr li"M In this "oiintry. 'Ilm wn ii l:nltt".l to tru" I'.v tti"ii whi li.iv Htt"ii'l' l "vry f' t li". ' ilurlnif this f"n r.'ith.n. Strain." to wiy It was frisi'i :!' th" ntt' ii'laii f th" r.imllli-M''iiki!in pi o- pl" a ii' I tlnir iipproolation whl"li niii.lu It At th ii'-'-rt.-. I".iviiikf out tlio Uortn'mis who lind it In "liun."-, a hiiihII "r"iitai; f th" pi" wli pntrotii7."il lln'iu wT" I t- maiis. I In- In-t "ot rt wax kIvimi on V'Mln".1ay nitfht with r. .iiinl uft'T rouinl of riitlnifiatl" npplau.-i". fink' rs, iiiiiHl.'iaii. an. I ini.li''ii.'" joiiiinit In tli" lifiirtl'.-t of pr"-oii of il"livht with i-ii" h oth"rV part in tli" un-iil mi i.nl th" inm-l'-nl f-itl ul. I h" hull was pa.'k". to Its utmost npii'-ity mi l many wr" turii".l nway for wai t of I'Vi'ti plan IIiik toom. I roin tli" p"iiini; tiumli'T of tl." vtilm.' s pro;riiiii, tli" lnt"r 1 it I", "Mi'liiUrdt nt S.'iliui," "omposi'il .y lli'iiiri.'li .."llii"r. an. I r"ti.l"r'.l Lv tli" f- ftlMil or"h"tra, to th" "losing iiiiiiiI"T, Mil. I I ut 'Ii Sonirs," with folo. "horns i.ihI or.-hi'stra. It was n juliil"" for Hlim'"is nii'l nu.ll.'ii. ". tli" mi" ulvliik' an. th" oth'T rt--I'i'itiiitf foim of th" l"'.-t portions of th" works of th" nn at OiTiuan 'ompuMTs. Tin tnal" I'lmriisiw wit" pr"s"iit In tln'ir cri at "tr.'iik'th tli" las: nluht mi th" stai;", iiikI tli" Hpl"ii'li.l work of 'I ii"s.ay "Vt'iiliir, whrii tli" I'llirrlms' t horns" r.'"' iv".l th" "lil"f pla.' of honor "ii tli" program, wiis n-pfatfl. 1 Ii" II rt i lioral mi rn t r wns "Th" Sour"" of Sonir," .y ;. lilmlamus, with solo ami iT 'ln'stra, Carl Nii"stT lu'liiK tin Holoi... Curl Alii illr-i'tlnc. l'rau Kat.irlii" I.ohs.'-KlriNky was th" prima iloiiiia of th" illicit. II t llrst coiiK wim taki'n frun 'Tiiiiiiliauser,'' "O, Honor".! llalls." Hit cn'Ut mi.'""mi in this hoiii hut prt'iinli'il tin-Biipn-nm (T"rt of tbj hIiiK'T In h'T Mfuml iiuiiiIht from "Pl . Oo"tti!ri!uirmrn.f." It wim "lirunhl' -' '-ll j.wm, ..I nw li(14t of mo vilkyri. s, ik'll'H thn powrr of i.nA kr.'at Ko.l, Wotnn. Aa lirunhllilo and oj Ifol'l", Klafsky has no rival. Tint aria fro'm 'Vllli"lm Tt'H" wnssun;;l.y A. I., ttulll". II" was uiinoiini'iMl f..r tli wt'll-knowii .ulnt"t from "Jilit "l.-tt rlim rr," I. ut his plai'" was most ncvptnlily llllcil at th" last mmni'iit lv l'lttslmrn's popular tfiior, Mr. Harry II. li'ro"k"tt, .lr. I'll" othtT i-inci'iK of Hi" tiiiiit"t wor" MlhS l.ililau Illau V"It. Mis-(ii rtrml" May Sti'ln, ( arl Na.'stT nii'l l'.mil I isi Iht. Mils niruliiT nls" In fill li'.l 11 nn." Sai'lis' li.liln'ss. Mint; .y l'.mil KiS' litT. tl hiy HaiisSai'h. Th" l.faiitifiil lii' t from in't 2 of I.ohfiinrlii was llni ly ri n ltT.'il l y Miss Itlnuvt'lt ami Ml-s St"ln. 'I Ii" In-t two M'ats sohl ill tli" falli'ry "iirly in th" ilay, an. I thfy wT" far I'a.'k, ho. fur 41 "iii'li, nn. I tlm last Hi'iits sol. I on tli" Kruuinl lloiT sol. I fur "a' li. I'll" prl"" of tli" i lii'l.'i' M'lits wit" nt a pr' inlutii aii'l wit" valiifil at t l.'t i a.'li. Fliianoiaily tli" fi-sl was n ri'i or.l iTt'iikiT. A Kraml para.l" on 1 liurs tlav ami a 1 n i at Ali'iiip a 1 'ark olosi'.l tlu ffstivitifs. EXPLOSIONS AT HAVANA. An Attack on the Water Supply Made By Insurgent Sympathizer!. Hanua wa tartl"il aii.l alarm".! Satur.l.iy iiU'ht at niii" o'i'loi'k lty th" nolsoof two hih'-oi'.-siv" "xpliions,w!:i"h sliin'ki'il tli" Krouml for a lout; .li-tiin.'" nnil wan li.'iir.l for ki.vithI nillfs. i oii-t"riiatlon prt'vaili'il for n tlni", ami it was ("hp'.I that this wiih n pflii.t" to nn uttai'k or to a writ-n ol similar cxplosloiiH. l.n.'it.'.l thrones rushi'il to tln str""ts, whlltt nn nrmi'.l party proci'fili'il In tli" illrtTtlon from wlii.ii tli" ili'toiintlniis hail lioon hi'iir.l. It was soon f.ni n. I that that stun" l.ri.lK"H nt Crlstinu ami i ii' li an. I th" a.iit'iliii't of F'Tiiu ilo Si'ptimo wit" tlm points that hail MifftTi'il from th" tlynaiul:". Tint l.riilK' with partially il"stroyi'il, ami tlm pIpt'H on tint Hii"ilui't, up. hi whl' - It tli" rily Is ili'pt'inl "iit for its wat.T supply, with uiui'b ilaiii K"I. THEIR NERVE FAILED. Bandita Hold Up a Tiain, But Get Fright ened and Run. l'orty milt s r.ant of Clmrli'stmi at Cotton lllll, on th" i In riipt'iik" ohiorofi'l, maskt'il ini'ii atti'uipti'.l to liolil up tlm WiishliiKton til l Cim iiiiiiiti t xprnss train. Tln-v I'nar.l."! th" train at I liunnoii'l ami "rawlmi hut Iho t"inl"r of tin- "iiKiii" into tli" "ah with rovolv its ilrawn. Tint I'htflnt'iT stoppi'il tint train nml h" was I'otiimiiiiili'il to .'ut loos.' tint x prt'ss "nr. This wan ilomt, liut Lv this tlinn h 11 th" pas-"in.'iTS wit" nwaki'iu'il ainl th li;litrt wtT" "MliiKuinht'il. Aft'T t"li mumtt's' Work th" Lamina Is'i'omu fri;lit"lioil hu.1 m rapi'J to th" mountains. Drrviibri Routed and Killed. Major Hum Mur lo. h' ravnlry orouplo.l ftuanlit on Moinlay hikI "iipturi'il tint mtlro JtiTvlsh camp ami a ri'at iiiantlty of u pll"s. Many of tint t'lifmy whth klllt'il, ami 40 litrvlshi' wit" ma in prlsonnrii. Kir IHt LitI Kiti'lit'iitT has iw'iit a ili'ta.'hmnit of lu funtry to hohl Huar.lii.HH It Is a wry valualiltt Cohition. Tint pursuit of tli HiTvlslii'it has t'l-n htoppt'il, as tlm rutin forfii north of Kunrila, with th" I'X.'fptlon of about 2(M fuuitivfs, has lim-n klllml or i'iiptur".. 'Jho wIioIh of tint Nil" north of Suur.la Is now In thu hau'ls of th" Kk ptlans. SuffraKlati on Hand. Mrs. Wliit in y, Chairman of tint Eipial Huf fra" CliiL, of St. Louis; Mm. Clurit C. Foltx, ami a iL'i"i;ation of wonittu sii!Triii,'lsts onlln.l on T. E. liyriits, SiTtfi'iint-at-AriiiK of thn St. I.ouis ronvi'iitioii.aii'l roiui'Hti'tl an hours tiinn In th" "on vi'iil ion to inaki an nrunit'iit in Is IihK of a woman HUffriik'o plank In thn platform. '1 lu-y also nskt'il for llfty aituu In thu I'olivt'iitlou hall. Mrs. I.lliio Uevtrfnin lllakit will prt si nt th rase of the Kiual UufTragliiU to tha t'omtiiltttjo ou Iltfuoluttona. THE BERMUDA SAILS A- V.m H 1 C A Party of Cubant From Hf NeTk Em bark on th Vm1 Mil' Tlm steamship Ili'rmu.U l-rt I'h In.lolphla Krl'l.iy n Ik lit with another carrfo of nrme an'l ammunition for thu Cuhan fiiourRi-nts. Th" pri "m o In New Cork dur.nR tbe lnt fornlxht of Col. Frant'iaco L"y.li Vl.lal has Isi'n th aul.jiv't of ronaiiloniLli J romirn'nt union thn ( ul.nns. Vdlnl wm In rorr'ninnil of tli" last pnrty of Pllhuston thi th"' IdT tnti'la rnrrltM to CuLa. Ilf bjH J .'tan. II l.nr, a Ciil.an, anil a Krtn"h '. l.-jili.fni nam tl ThlnliT, havu t""n lu NoirV: T.Tl bpt prnl iliiyn. VLIal rtvlvnd a nior"t orilor ' from tho Juntn, nnil hit an'l hit companion Wt thn housit at on"n. K.ni'h man carrld a machote In a ennvns sln'nth. Th"y wi.t to Jftm-y ( lty, whiTtt thtty wero Join".! by a il"nn tnont ( iil'iins. Th" llttl" liamt l"lt for 1'lilln il"lphia, where tlm lli'rmutla haa ls-"n lylnir i'vit m'ii"" h"r ri'turn from CuLa. Thy wntit mi Loaril nnil thi t"nni"r qtil"tly ilfippM ilown tin l"lawiire Lffore ml InlKht. Kri.lay. Th" "Tpfilitlon fonslsts of 60 nn-rj, amom; whom nr" S"V"ral physli'lnnn, who rarry with tin in a full supply of in"ill.iii.' ami xnrtfli'iil lii-tninn'iiis. Mowi'ii awny m tno noi.i oi th" lliTinii'ln nrn 1.IHK) Mhuw r rlll.-s. four lloti'hkisn k.uis ami a large nuuiln-r of miniirtus. FINED AND LET GO. Four Pretoria Leaden Aliened $123,000 Each by tbe Pretoria Conneil. Th" r"fnrm l"iil"ri with relfasoil on thn 11th. At a spf-lal mwtiiifr of tlm riooutlvt! "ouiii'll It was ili'cl.lfil to rel"nsn Mr. John Hays Hammotiil. Col. Itho'l, (imirno Fnr rar', ami .1. V. I.i'oiiar.l, thn l"n.l"r of th" Jolianni slnirK n-form 'ommlttw, upon pay im iit of tj.nno (turi.oooj i'a.-h or In l"fault l. year's Punishment. I iiitj"! states Vl" Consul Knight, ntf'npi town. Smith Africa, reported by enlil" to the stiito ili'i artiii' iit that the lir prmoiieil reform leii'lers iin'l lieeii relenseil at l'rt'toria, 'J'hn I'lililegram was as follows: "It. form l-ailem releiwetl. Finn No l anlsliini'iit. This finally "Inset, th" Ifammonil Inelilent. I.on. Ion, .luii" 11. Ir. J. S, .Inmesoti nml his fellow-conspirators, who took part In tli" ral'l on the Transvaal, went ngaln ar raiirne l, on reman. I, at tlm How street court, I.miiloii, fresh witie'ssin havini; arrlveil from Smith Afri.'a to testify. IntTint In th" eas", liowvi r. has fallen off almost rntln'ly. Th" evl l' ii''.' pr. s. nt. 'l w as upon tho satun lines ns previously. A lat" illspateh from I'p'tnrlii says th" re fonii'Ts have pal'l their linen nn. I havn boi to tlie lintel. Col. Frail"" l.lio.l' S il""liii"il to sign th" "omlltlons reipilreil, ami th" B"iit- I'li'-i- of Laiiishnit'tit will lo eufor 1 nguinst htm. NO COLORED MEN ADMITTED. One Hotel Tbrowi Up a 81s Thousand Dollar Contract. The St. James Hotel In St. Louis openly I openly refuse.ltoeitt'Ttaln'iolorfl.l iegateii 1 ami eiin 'elle'l a t'i.OtM) contraet, It ha l m.i.1" i for L-.l'lliit; ami housing tlelogates. Several WeeHS ago till! ollli'tT of til" Tlp- ! I anoe clnii, iiniler tlm tllreetlon of M. A. 1 llanna. ma.l" a eontrnet with iliomns 1', Mill'T, th" proprietor of tho hr, James Hotel, j to take ear" of a rertain number of ilelegates for live tlays .luring tlm eon vent Ion. lint ' flub olll.-ers then wrotn to eertnln Snuthern I iL'leg.itions that rooms tin t been engngeil for tlieiu at th" St. Jam". When Mr. Miller i learneil that th" club liiten.L'.l to llll tli" : rooms with negroes he oLJeetnil. I "If 1 permit you to brlim iiegroi's Iiith-' ho snl. I, "ull my help will leave. It will nut niu in a most emijarrassing preiiii'iinieni. L'pon thn arrival of Mark Hhuiui from rivi)lnnil to-day bo hi t'jlJ of what bad occurrwl. , i,. s I. i t . w.. J. t,.T,'"a.'t Mr. nnunato his agent, ' but he eigne! a con tra.'t ami unless hn lives tip to It he will flml lilms.. If Involved lu a most unpleasant legal COllllilll'lltillll," When tlm hotel man wan notlHeii of this lie niftile tint foilowlng written reply: "I eautiot euterlain tlm colore. I ileleglltos in our main .lining room, or tunler tint con tract with your club." ' As all tint I 'li'llng hotels nro crowileil, tint Tippecanoe Club Is lit a rpmii'lnry as to what it will i.t with tint color.'. I ilelegate whom It proinlse.l to car" for. Many of tint colored tii"n hav of their own accord gone to th" homes of colored people living here and obtained board ami lodgings. Sum" of them, however, refuse to do this. MINNESOTA DEMOCRATS. Warm Fight Between Advoeatn of Two Metnli. As a decidedly dramatic olono to tho most exciting I'einocratic Mato convention In Minnesota for years, Michael Horan, for a sere of years the political loader and ita timiiil .'oiiiiiiltti'cmau from Hint slat" .1. '(cat el every move of those who sought to bring about his defeat, winning not only In tint passage of a gold platform but also 'n being chosen by a largo vote to lend tlm Minnesota delegation at Chicago. After wining tlm third light of the day and by a vote of 021! to J'J7 being place nt th" head of tho delegation Mr. 1'orait took thn Hour. Hn denied everal sensational charges that had been niade against him during thn day. After a spirited ib'tlaiicn of his enemies lu th" present convention, lie begged to bit al lowed to retire from thn delegation, and asked that Haniel W. I.awlitr, of St. Haul, one. of the best and most favorably known Iiemocrats in tlm Northwest, bo namd in his stend. There WTn vigorous protests from the convention, but his rcpiest was granted, ami on" of tlm best known democratic lend ers in tint I'lilteil State gracefully retired from tlm arena after winning one, of the hardest llghtH of Ills life. Dineniiona Among Rebeli. A special cable dispatch from Havana says: Trustworthy liitclligi'iicit from eauu-ni t uba announces serious dissension In tlm rebel rank's, owing to the refusal of Jostt Macito to recogni '.e ( lento (inrcia'a miperior authority. Maceo attempted to march westward to Join his brother in I'ltiar tlel III. , but was inter cepted by (ionic, in I'uerto l'rlnelpo prov ince and ordered back, to stand trial before tlie rebel general for Insubordination. NOTES OF THE DAT. Toronto, Out., bad n t'JOO.OOO flru Monday Thero U at present conslditrabln talk of a compromise on tho Irish land measure. Tho condition of thn treasury shows: Available cash balances, t2tM.418.H13; gold reserve, 10li,4;).),li43. Thn president ban nominated IUehard M. Hartleuian, of MiiMsai'husettH, to bo consul of tint (.'tilted States at Malaga, Spain. During an election debate. In tho Spanish Cortes at Madrid two deputies caiun to blow lu tho chamber, creating a disgraceful acetic, A destructive, wind and hall storm wreck ed many bulldlnga ami seriously Injured several persons nortliw est of I'euder, Nob., June 6. Tho Grand llnplda nnd Indiana railroad wan Hold to tho Ivunsylvaula railroad com pany for $SiiO.0O0 subject to llrst and second mortgage bonds. Tho Spanish prison nt Couta ara filled with prisoners to their utmost capacity, and nil tho prisoners deported from Cuba will bereufter bo eut to tho island of Fernando Ho. Threo big ti'Dta and five of tbe largest churches In Wanhington, beside other build ings bavo boon provided for tho orowds ex pected at tho oomlujf gathering of tbo Chris tian Endtjavoatira. OUTLOOK UNCHANGED. Fictitiont Prion and Artlthlal Attaoki eared None. "Speculative reaction haa not In the lea changed thn business outlook. .The fictitious prices nia.ln for whoat and cotton mnnnt Do good except for Individuals, and thn change o prices morn nearly In accord with actual relations of demnnd and supply, only con forms to conditions which hnv boon well known for months. Tlm attack on stocks on Wednesday was so plainly artillclnl that Its Inllueucn passed with thn day and neither foreign relations nor In domestic business was tnoro anything to Justify alarm. Tbo government report as to wheat ludlcntnd a much smaller yield than anybody really ex pects, but that beeomo so much thn ruin that thn report bad no renl Influence, and thn renl principal effect was tlm serious d presslon caused Lv lnrsre sales nnd anticipa tion of tlm report, which seemed to In" thor oughly known In advnttceto some speculators While Atlantic exports for tlm week were !. ftxs.l.Vi bushels, Hour Included, ngninst only S(i:..WJ Inst year, tlm comparison Is obvi ously exceptloiial nnd siuulllcniit, while thn receipts ill Western ports of J,4J'.l,:U3 bush els against l,3si;,'j;io last year, show persist ency of condition which hnv governed the movement during tho whole year. Th gov ernment estimate ns to cotton was tlti"Xiect clly favorable, nnd has caused a decline of more than half a cent In a single week, but it l only just to say that sonto reaction from artificial prices would have comn curlier If Information mi.di more reliable than that of thn government hn I not been persistently discredited. It Is not th" time to look for marked Im provement in lie lu-tries, and the Lest thing that can be said of them is that none have as yet I n seriously disturbed by threatened labor difficulties, it seems not Improbable Hint nil su.'h il!t!eulti"s m.ty be nvertcl, ex cept perhaps th" controversy about wnges ol iron pit. Pliers nml ami tin plate worker. While consumption is fair. It Is much be low tin- n.'Cial output of pig iron, and thn markets nr" extremely dull Ih-chuiw a great ninny orders f..r llnlsh.'.l products are being kept buck by uncertainty regarding the maintenance of prices by thn various pools and combinations. Thn billet pool has been able to make its first larcn sale, but with tlm guarantee of the price for months to come, w hile the mi..l"men are still selling billets nt Hittsbtirg o cents to M per ton lower than tin- pool price, and tlm apprehended weakness in niiishi-il prel'id lias clear y appeared, although tli" nail associa tions, bv taking In th" I'lttsburg Wire Comp any ami Hacks A Co.. of l'lttburg, has b"en able to bold prices for a tint". Hut steel bars have been sold at 1 cent against 1.2 cents nsncil in the sa-ne market for Iron Lari. Other changes in quotations are not material but in all the markets th.) tendency is toward lovvr pries. The textile manufacturers an making no Improvement, The a", utnulatl'.n of cotton continues, print elotlis have il"cllii"d to the lowest point ever rcach'-l. and a general stoppage to relieve the market is cxp".'t"i. Sales of wool In two Weeks of Juil" hllVO been only 5,fj:l,.'()i pounds, against li.-liil,-'.'.V"i last j.'iir, and no gain is expect'- t in tlie manufacture for some time to cotne. Failures for tli" week havn I n nii'l In th" bulled states against :tl l ist year, and 21 In Canada against 2 last year. GOVERNMENT CANNOT RECOVER, Bollaire Bank Wini a Suit for Femion Money Wrongly Paid. Th" suit of th" I" nltnd States ngalust tlm First National Lank, of ll"llalre. ().,to recov er the ar ' thn peiislou 'rauduleutly draw' ' '? t. of Uollairn, some 1,1 ' . "ore -dgo lr-Vi(','l 111), hil... '. ..'' t... 1 t Columbus, O., and ilwl.in.i in favor of tho hunk. Tho pension amounted to over 'i.OOO, and was payable to Caroline Sweib-.iT. thu mother of tin- wotunu who drew it. Thn mother had died In-fore tlm treasury warrant ontno, and its tlm .laughter s iiiiinn was Car oline Sweit.cr slut was properly idetitllleil ut the bank and the money paid t In-r. The heirs of the do, id woman bad n .piarrel and exposed the trick, resulting in the arrest of the woman who drew the s'itsion, and dipt. W. II. Utile, of iicllaire. They w,.r m. vl.-ted in the courts of fraud and' were sunt to tho penitentiary, ( apt. Utile .ecatn. In volved by assisting in s. -curing tin' pension. The ease has been lu the courts for eight years. A TORNADO IN ALABAMA. It Struck a Town Killing Two Psrioni and Injuring Many. Tuesday a tornado of unusual severity struck the town of Wyeth City, about IK) mllcH from Cm Isd.-n, lu Northern Alabama. The tornado mad" Its appearance in tlm usual fiitinc l-shac. cloud in the southeast and ciirrled nil before it. Thirteen In. its-s havn been literally blown from tin-face .. tlm earth, but only two deaths, YA. Long and a ihtm woman, havn been rcjiortcil. A hundred or in.. re persons were injured. Many of them are being taken care of at (iiintersMlle, (iadsden und other neighboring towns. The basket factory, where tin- greater por tion of tlm inhabitants of tlm town worked, wiim just out of the storm's path. Had il eoiiiH on hour later, when the operators would havn been at home, thn loss of life would havn been very beuvy. A relief com mittee U now ut work. OHIO PR0HIBS SPLIT. Some Stand by the Regular Party, Other Oo to the New One. Tho Prohibition State Central Committee nn t In Columbus. Hut 10 members of the 111 were present. They agreed to stand by the old party. Tln-ru were some others lu the room, but after unnouii. lng themselves In favor of tint new national party withdrew The vacancies wero tilled by iho selection of new members. Tho iucntlo!i of calling another State Con vention to llll tlm vacancies by reason of res ignations and desertions was up, but a de cision was rca.'I.ed that th" committee had tint power to Hit vacancies. Soeretary of Stat" Tayl ir decided that tlm new Na tional Hurty, or secoder from tint Pittsburg convention, cannot get on the Australian bal lot unless Ly petition. Burned the Victim's Body. The homo of Mrs. Ulals'tti Dossier, aged 70 years, cast of I.eesport, Pa., was burned, Mrs. Hosslor perishing lu tlm Unmet. There appears to he little doubt that Mrs. Bossier was murdered and her house burned to ilea stroy evidence of the crime. Shortly before dusk the charred remains of tho agod woman were found, but there was nothing to tdinw how she met her death. Suspicion, how ever, rests upon an ex-convict named Toole, and warrants wero Issued for bis arrest. Agreed On a Rate. Thn western roads have made all their preparations for the two national conven tions. They have agreed on a rate of one fare for tho round trip and have provided that this rate shall not ln used for busing purposes as a selling rate, but for basing purposes from Trans-Missouri and Western lasseuger HAsoi'iutlou territory to tho cast. Ottos westbouud from Chicago and St Louis are to be reduced a well as those eustbouud. Two War Killed. Two pejsoue wero killed und two Injured In an explosion of oil which sot tiro to the building at NO Spring Garden avenue, Alio ghenyt Friday morning. SILVER MEN DIVIDED. Populliti Talking of Putting Up a Separate Ticket. The rapidly revolving political situation la, Mid by silver leader not to have such a healthy. look for the whtus metal. A month ago the .'xpresslon was that all tbe allvrr men would come together In support ot tha nominee of the Chicago convention. The recer.. ease In the Populist vote! Oregon, which almost resulted In the ebtc tlon of two Populist congressmen, has given the Populists great hopes, and they no long er talk of following tho Democrats, and In timate that they will nominate a ticket of their own when they meet at St. Louis In July, Since the boom for Tollor's nomina tion hns apparently fnllered in Democratic ranks, thn Populists have taken it up. In the Inst few days they have caucused over tho matter and decided to conjure with the nnme of Teller for all it Is worth. Senator Stewart, Kenntor Puller, of North Carolina, anil various Populist lenders have divided on this course. It renlly begins to look ns If thn silver forces will In divided. It Is said that the only Democrat whose name Is now mentioned who would nc-lve favor able Populist consideration is lflnud lie has been so long A lighter In the cnuse of sil ver that they could not well afford to oppose hlin. FOR SOUND MONET. Demoorat of Connecticut Adopted Strong Platform. Tbo Connecticut Democrntlc State Conven tion to select delegates to the Nutionnl Con vention at Chicago and Presidential elector met In Hartford, June 10. Tho report of the Committee on Itesolu tlons, which wns adopted, on the subject of the currency platform, says: As a ueci-Hsary consenuenee, the hom-st payment of public debts nnd the pn-servatlon of the public faith and credit require lhat the gold standard of money shall be maintained. While we favor the most liberal use of sil ver consistent with the enforcement of a gold standard, we are uiinit'Tithly opposed to the free coinage of sliver, deeming it a device for tint debasemeut of our currency, and to tlm compulsory purchase of silver by the government. Cud'-r existing circumstances, to pay public debts In sliver coin is repudia tion: to pay privat debts lit coin Is to rob the wage earner, and to provide for the free coinage of silver means tin- destruction of le gitimate business and great suffering among the Inhoriiur classes. Wo Is'lit-ve tho safety of our national finance require a system of sound banking. liy which a I. auk not" currency iiniplo to fup ply the needs of the whole country shall i.e created, safety secured, and always nnd everywhere redii'mabln In gold. Tho platform also Indorses thn Adminis tration of President Cleveland, and es( ecl ally approves "his firm support of the i un ite credit, nnd his exemplillcation of tlie Monroe doctrine." lu deference to the wishes of Hon. W. K. Ittisscll, of .Massachusetts, expressed In n letter to I.ynd" Harrison, the delegates were not Instructed on the subject of Presidential camll.lates. 1 1 illicit . Hi county, Ohio, elected slxtv-sU sliver int. 1 two gold delegates to the D"UIO iTatle. state convention. PARDONED BT CLEVELAND. Sentonce of Western United Statoi Offend er Commuted. The President bus granted a pardon to Davis C. Hurkc, convicted in California, of impairing gold coins of tho C nlted Mates nnd conspiring to c immlt an offense against the V tilted States and sentenced in June, 1 .'.'., to 1 months In Jail. For tlm purpose of restoring citizenship, a pnrdon bos Ix-cn granted Thomas Harder, convicted In Illinois, of making counter feit coin and who has served two yea's In rrlsof, , .(i" 1 he sentence or lu year In the Utah peni tentiary Imposed on Oscar F. Hall, of Ltah, convicted of making false cutrle In the books of tho national bank of which he was cashier, hits bts-n commuted to live years imprisonment from November, 195. with nl low an. es for gootl liehavlor. Tho sentence of 10 years lu tlm Kansas penitentiary, itn- Iiose.l on John (irlmlstoiie, convicted In iansas, of manslaughter ami sentenced lu September, lHs'.i,has Li-en commuted to seven yeurs' uctual imprisonment. EYES ON CONSUL LEE. Spaniards Watoting All of Hia Movements in Havana Very Cloiely. Tbo greatest concern and curiosity is shown lu Spain, i-spci Lilly In political and military circles in Madrid, for intelligence v th" movements of Consul (it-m-rul I.eo In Havana. All the pnpers comment on his eordl.il re latioiis with (ietieral Weyler, his visit to the Cuban ami American prisoners at the capital the steps he has already taken to secure bet ter treatment for th. 'in. his activity incollee lug Information ..ii statu affairs ili Cuba, his wary and 'tuiUnus replies to Spanish report ers, und bis prudent remarks mi tlie relations between Spain and the I'lilted States. Tlm impression is gaining ground in offic ial and political circles that Cousul (tenerul l.oe and Minister Taylor will ftrobably very soon be Instructed Ly the I nited States Government with a view to paving the way for some honorable puelilcatlon of Cuba through American meditation. MURDER AT FARKERSBURO. Albert Dawaon Stabbed While trying to Stop a Quarrel Albert Dawson, a clti7.cn of the Houth side, rnrkersbnrg, was murdered. Henry Hill who is well known in police circles, was ar rested, and search is being made for an no complice named Davis, of Marietta, O. There was a crowd ot men In the works at the time, and a quarrel ensued In which Davis and Hill were prominent. Dawson failing to quiet tint men, tried to put Davis ami Hill out, when otto drew a knife und cut Dawson about thn stomach, disemboweling bint, Davis und Hill then lied, but tho latter wns arrested by ('apt. Meheii, who lodged him lu Jail, Davis Is being pursued, I. lent, (iulo put his bloodhounds on bis track, and it Is believed Im will be caught, Dawson is re. ported dead. Capital Chat E. Vf, Cutllp bus been upolutcd postmajtur at Cutllp. W. Va. The rank of Dr. lleugemuller dn Ilenge war, tho Austrian representative, has been advanced from minister to ambassador. Alfred l Finch, of Pennsylvania, has been appointed a fourth assistant examiner In the patent office, for a probationary period ot six mouths. Postmaster General Wilson has denied tho privileges of the mails to It. A. slack A Co.. of Kansas City and Chicago. The llrm sold devices for card playing. President Cleveland has signed the bill au thorizing the Pittsburg and llutler Itailroad company to construct a bridge over the Alle gheny river, in Allegheny 'county. Bomb Thrower an Anarohlit The police have astH-rtuined that tho name of tbe mun who threw the bomb into the pro cession on Sunday lost nt llarcolona, causing the death of about dozen people, is Chang er. Ho Is an agent for an Anarchist club, A number of similar bomb have been dis covered In the outskirts of this oily and it is believed tbbat some of the persons arrested ou thu charge of complicity in the outratre are connected with the Cubun llllbuster. REPORTS FROM FOREIGN UNDS. MARKET FOR U. S. WHEAT. Coniul Show Bow th Spanish Trad Conf b Increased. Andrew F. Fay, U. 8. Consul at Dcnla, Spain, reports to the state department at Washington, that the outlook for the Span ish wheat crop Is excellent, but large impor tation will be necessary, "lu looking over the maps," he says, "I fall to sen whore any agricultural country that has grain to ex- ort could have the advantage over the fill ed State In the matter of distance nnd shipping facilities. It seems fair to presume that with a direct linn of vessels, wheat and flour could Isj transported from our eastern port to th" Mediterranea moron cheaply than from either Ilussla or India. Would It not tie of advantage to establish a line of vessels to the Mediterranean and would not such line open a profitable market for a part of our Immense surplus ot wheat and other products that might be ad vautagi'ously marketed In this country" Brigand Capturing Woman. Two Indies, oun of them French have been captured by brlgnnds near Plova on Ismld gulf In Asia Minor. The gendarmes who were escorting them worn killed. Other g -ndnrmcs have gone In pursuit of the brig ands. A Lritrand outrage has occurred near Vnlo va, olnht miles from Heraglln point. Thn wife of a Frenchman named Hranzcau, tho ,ncn of the mineral bnths there and nn Ar menian lady were captured by Lrlgnnds.who demand" 1 S.ooo pounds ransom. SEAL INVESTIGATION. Th President Appoint Scientific Com mission to Oo North. The Pr-sld'-nt has appointed David Starr Jordan, President of tho Leland Stanford, Jr., University, California: Lieutenant Com mander Jefferson F. Moser, commanding the L' tilted States Fish Commission stenmer Al- ba trims; Dr. Leon hard Stelneg'T, Curntorof Heptiles in tho United States National Museum: Frederick A. Lucas, Curator of Comparative Anatomy In the I'nlted States .National Museum, und C. II. Townsend. of the 1 uit'sl SlHtes Ush I ommissloii, as a commission uud'T thn Joint resolution of Congress, approved June s, ltc.Hj, to 0 imluet a s.'ieniiMc investigation oi the present con dltlon ol the fur seal herds on tbo islands of 1110 .-orin I'aciiic iiceiiu aim coring sen. All of these gentlemen nre said to be men of tbe highest attainments In their respective lines ol sclentllle research, nnd lu every way nr" eminently lltted to conduct thn investi gation. BUMMER SCHOOL OF PEDAGOGY. Eminent Ioitruotora Will Aniit at Con' neaut Lake. The Summer School of pedagogy, nt Con neaut Lake, Pa., which achieved a marked success lu its llrst season, a yeur ago, this summer opens July 13 nml closes August 1. Dr. .. K. Snyder. president of the Colorado State normal s'chooi at (ireeley. Col., has charge of the depnrtment of psychology und peiingogv. IT. Louts Itlnii 'liar 1. of St. Paul. Minn., will have charge ol nature study und physiology. Primary methods w III be taught Ly Miss Lllzalietli r iinili'lila-rg, of l'lttslitirg. Prof. II. D. Crawford, city superintendent of lltusvlllo, l it., schools, will ccitduct tho de partment of school mnungetiii-iit. Tho de partment of music Is under thn direction of Miss Mary H. Caldwell, supervisor of muslo in tne sellouts ol I'ulutn, Minn. I'roi. 11. v. Hot ch kiss, superintendent of Meadvlllo te&ooliir will k'lra ta.'truriloua in metlwlsot teaching. Prof. Uyron W. King, of rittsburg, will conduct bis well-known summer school of oratory at Conueaut lake In connection with the school of pedagogy. On Killed and Sis Injured. Oun hundred nnd eighty enns of dynamite exploded uboitt a mile below Lilly, Pa., kill ing Mike Hcuwnoskl and fatally injuring An tonio sills-, (iregorious Sclsule, Gabriel Au goiiskl, Frank Smith, colored; peter Jack son, colored; Samuel Walters. Tho men were ut work for Contractor McMunus, on tho Pennsylvania railroad, and were getting ready to make a blast when a prom itum ex plosion followed, blowing up ISO cans of dy namite und burying tho sevcu nicu uudcr a m 11.-s f snud and rock. Bond Inquiry Begun. Tlm special Senate committee, of which Mr. Harris, of Tennessee, Is chairman, ap pointed to investigate tlie recnt sales of gov ernment bonds bewail its Inquiry on tho l.'th. The sohsIuu was devoted to reading Secretary Carllse'n review of th" sale of bonds to the Morgan-lielinotit syndicate. It was decided to request Secretary Curllslo to upx-nr be fore the committee. Maiom Slaughtered. It is report.'. I that In tho Indian revolt at Oaxiicu, Free Masons were attacked, par ticularly at Jaqulla. where the Indians com mitted atrocities, burning prominent Masons Hliv". Tins has been denied, but the news is conllrmeil since. Masons from Jaqulla so'l-'lt aid for the fannies of victims, and will Interview President Diaz, himself a Mason. Among thn victims are Odnviono Jigou, muster of thn lodge; Juan Kscamlllu, senior war leu; ( buries A. Morales, orator, and Jutto Vllluvlceuolo, treasurer. BRIEF MENTION. An important conference of Cuban sympa thiser was held in Philadelphia Monday. It is thouisht auy.her expedition on tbo Hormuda Is bing arranged. The person who throw the bomb at Huron lona has Ix-cn cuught, but arrests made und documents found show a w idespread con spiracy emanating from Purls, J. Francis Hurkc ot Pittsburg, Pa., was elec ted official reporter of the proceeding's for tho convontiou nt St. Louis. Ho und George II. Thornton of Htiffrlo, N. Y., were tlm only candidates w hoso names were presented. A letter has been received at the Whit" llouss addressed to "Ills Kxeolleney, James Monroe, president of the l uitod States."TliH li tter comes from a resident of Hritish Gul una and wants an autograph of tho author of thn Monroe doctrine. Johu W. Hay, assistant editor of the Jour nal of Commerce was shot dead In Sun Fran cisco Sunday uight by a woman named Man Donegull, who thou killed herself. The womac Is suld to bo tho wife of a (,'hicugo drummer. Tho Hrlttsh second -class twln-srrow cruis er Uoiiaventure.llugsblp of the Indian squad ron, Dying the ting of Hear Admiral Edmund V. Drummond, lost 70 men by sunstroke while ou a voyuge from Colombo to Pondi cherry. Mr. Gladstone has written a letter In which be says be regards the Turkish government as "the greatont scourge of mankind and thu greatest disgrace nud scandal to religion, Including the religion ot Mohamet, ou the face of the' earth. While two dozen people crowded onto a ptrtieo In froutof J, C. Shomos' drugstore, on Main street, Ottawa, Kan., wore witness ing a circus parade, tbe structure gave wny, preclpating men, women and children 15 foot to the sidewalk below. Soventoeu persous wero more or less seriously hurt. William J. Hlditcr, of Woods Run, Alle gheny, while temporarily Insane, murdered hi ll-year-old nephew, Jlmmlo McCounell, with a hatchet. After striking the boy dowu Hlcuter Med and la still at large, CONGRESSIONAL Sammarf of th Moat Important Priaented ia Both Hauaea. June 10. VTbon the House convensd J o clock this morning, still In contlnuatio, the legislative day of Saturday, the .!' feeling was that Congress would fv Anl liUniinimiilil t.wnlahf K..lvt.L . ' -.j--. - -...n.... -'"--.ill di.. I.,.. I hi- .., Ihup- I...,. H '' t w - ..:. limp interest In the proceeding. Them !. few strangers In the public gallerien, ,..1 reserved galleries were empty. About a fniinttkAM trtm n thai flusip hlitt.. ... . . " - -.i" r. t-"i' i-iuh t- i'iiii.-i-h " I'resswq, Mr. C. W stone, chairman or the '.. tee on Coinage, Weights and .tii.. 1 M.IHM.I It.- f.t m MM.. I .1 . I . . .... . . ...... ..... ... ... .,., ,.,,. the secretary of the treasurv to retm iiousw i ine n''i session eucn lur.irttu na be may be able to obtain as to tli- .. pnrative merits of pure nickel, hl.-ki-l ,1, aiiuminuin nnov nnil coiiiht trm? - ... i . . . . uinitTiiti lur our uiiuttr I'linip, nnl fti.tv Izlng him to have struck experitnetitiu n 1 11 1110 n.-n.i.i is--iiiaY I'niiiitl r.infs -oi ou tiiw siill'li --nil ni'liroiTlltti. was presenieu ann agn-eu to, and a fur conference ordered. The Item In ri-tnu'i ine iirusseie uiii-rnniionni exposit.n is agreed to, appropriating 5,(si. Mr. Allison t Hep. Iowa) In makiinfo.. port, said that the ouly remaining .li.rJ meniH liciween ins nouses W'-r-' iiiiiuie nuiiuiiiKs, uiai on one 01 Uki, niitiai litiil riici-.liiil mill Ihnt l.a o. there would bo no troubln lu ileiilli.if ,r vim reiiinuui'-r. Mr. Hill t Dem., New York) moved to i Ai.u.1 ollh tl'an.....l.l...nll..i. .til... I... contempt of court, arising out of the ? case. An enormous amount of business it..t saeieti oy iiio noiise 10-tiny in oroi-r t thn desks for tbe llual n.ljournin. iit t row. ineaosence oi .nr. retn is-rssj l . . . i.iii i.. .i. i i. . "'1 liii-niovrn l-j 'new oil's III ill- vioitlllK t..';s wntcn they were virtually interested ! was a great clamor for recognition. ' t " three bills and Joint resolutions w-r.. j mi- niosi iiiiporinui oi which prof.rii me inn appropriating Ti'm.uno tor th.. tn .Mississippi exposition ul (iiunlia. lir, a of Mississippi, the wit ol tlm h,,,,..' livened thn tiny with a humorous t halrmnu Cuunou, of the np.r...r:i'. committee made a gallant Ik-lit i' dil -e Hut bouse to stand out l.'i;:..' senate public building Items in th" .. civil bill, but the mellllMTS outvoted I,,- to ms. After tlm cont'Tciiee rep. rt ; I'lstrb't or ( oliimnla l lll, contaiiiiin; it promise mi sectarian charities had it, si'iiteil, Mr. Cannon precipitated a ' ills ciisssoti of tlie pollltcul situ at I oti, it, i Mr. Dockery ( Dem.,Mo.,) nml DiiikM'v , Me.,) participated. The work of lh.-', was elaborately reviewed, criticised n-4l fended. The eonfereiice report mi ttv tri"t of Columbia Llll was n. loped. 1:,. uto resolution for linal a tjottriimetit h: in. tomorrow was passed. 1 he lion t. unci session at i: mi to cnat'io tin- .-.. a.- sign tin' enroiieii nitis. Juno 11 The closing hours to-dav long session of tint Fifty-fourth i ' iA were remiirkaiile when compared with ; of previous Sessions. Ileret "f f would Is-n wild scramble In both h ,,. pass bills until the gavels would fall: adjournment. At tbe long session ..ft:,. Congress th" House was actually . t:; the pnssuge of a resolution when Crisp brought down the gavel and Congress adjourned sine die. To-day no scrambling was nppar n: four or live hours of tin- .session v--r- i i-d to packing up things and waitii,K- : hour of udjoiirnmeiit to arrive. Tic . nu ll wen- all In good humor und ..r.. be willing to rest on tho record n. 'fl oor tely lu tho verdict of tho pi" n r vetniiiT. The linal session of the house t - l i devoid of public interest. Tlie ii; or tiollS bill had been pnsseil nud til" tl..: smply wailed for thn end to come. A ber of the members were made bii y ' passage of tho small local bills of tnt. r their districts. To Gen. Wheeler ol boma Intlonged the distinction of m" the passuge of tbe last bill. H-v on I a niutuudcrstandlng lstween Jir. Tfii Texas anil Mr. Marsh of Illinois the.: good feeling prevailed. There wii t tempt by Messrs. Hnlley and Magiilr fornia.to precipitin a discussion u last butt hour of tho session, but t Ii-L publicans declined tho gauge of thrown down to them. Mr. Turner, '. On.), who wns tho Hour lender of th-.' : lty during the absence of Mr. Cris;, ' a resolution of thanks to the speaker. ' wns adopted by u standing vote, ii ui ': usual honor. Thn speaker closed thn session v. graceful speech, ill which Im thane members most cordially and felieibit : on tlm work of the session. Wln-n the District of (ilunibin K signed by thn president tills ni .ri.!:. lust obsla -l" to iidjournmeiit was ul The remainder of tho proceeding- wrr ly formal. SURPRISED THE PROSECUTI05 Witnea for th State in Jackios'i ' Teitiflea in Defenaa of Walhn; Wheu the Walling trial opeiu-i J: Dr. W. II. Crane surprised tho su yers by taking tho stand for the ,"f' the Jackson trial h" was a witu. ' Stat", saying bo found arsenic, in. -rar I cociiiuo in l'eiirl Hryau's stomach. 1 In- cocaine was probably adini:.:-' mouth, tho witness said. The st..'i..i tallied morn than two grains. Ii.. then described death by coneine l but said cocaine wus an uncertain -Iru-1 Dr. F. 11, Kramer, of Cincinnati. l. and teacher of medicine, suld Hi" ' rhago would be profuse If a person 1 lien. led alive, llostate.i l'earl liry ic was probably cut off lifter death. Colonel Washington suld Mrs. Wat I swore shu beard a carrluge pass out r exaudrla pike ou (ho night of tl:.' " I told liltu she know nothing ai.out it. Dr. Johnson said decapitation ol Hryau took place after death. Thirteen Tru Bill. Tb grund jury of Camden, N. J., : ed thirteen true bills of luiilcttneat e.-Clty Treasurer Mlchelon.slx for-'" ment und seven for mulfeusnnc" lu The Indictments charge embe!-'" various periods during the years l'-' lsiiil, IH'H nnd 1H'J5 of sums ratiL-iu-'l 10.0UO to T'i.MI. lie Is also chari." having neglected to enter ou Ids I" 1 salaries paid to city olucers to tin- of s:5, OisJ ai d falling to take up u t t VXHI In the Natiouai Stute bank uc ufter it WUS paid. Jay Oould'a Alleged Widoi Lawyer Colmun, la behalf of Suf-j Anireii, made a motion lu the Sunn i of hw York, for acommissloii t.l " I doiiosittoris of airod and liitlrui ' 1 outside the State lu M rs. A ngell ' dowry lu tho real estate of Jay (i "": complaint, which was sworn to M ' leiri-n (hut (ho olHlntifT was niiirrl"J 1 (iould April 16, ltOJ. The Gould''. 1 former Judge Itilllon, opposed th'' Justice Ileuch suld that open t'-': might Issue. Ajiiait th) Dor Trait Tbe attorney general of WUcotuii 1 uun an action at Durtford lookiiu' struction of the sash, door und t"': It is knowu us the National maui i-oiiiDunv. and lnclndcs ui-urlv llll l'l factuiers of tho articles named in V,J Illinois, Minnesota, Michigan. low.l Ohio, Indiana nud Kansas. "' ,, bus grunted nu injunction fori'i'H coinnunv to do business uendiug I"' of the motion to dissolve the it"? 1 The compluluuiit alleges that the l ol the corporation is to luuliitutu tlon for the purpose ot iuitiring ' of such dealers as are uontmeiu,"''j not life up to its reguluthius, wbUi ami m rusiraiui oi irauu. j I v I J t.