The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 11, 1896, Image 5

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it i
jo for
v. n C. Mohn of Laurel! on was
Pf "' . nr....P. Ci. ITftrt-
I t0i wife wer i" MiuMlebiirgb.
K'ncti'i 'niftu, visited our iner-
i f ion.l- t till placo.... Mrs.
C Ij. 1110 ""." "". 5 ii
ill tin' rouvcution at MnUUe
on Sunday evening. . . .George
:tTk. b.i tl-e I- Hi re-
were intend h-t Thursday.
llio loth of
't .Mmcli. Our community 1ms
.t A KOOa Ciuteu.
-., V.vr Halve in the world . for
in U.iitu I l,ira Null
liiiu Fever Soreo, Tetter, Chanp
1 hmK Chilblain, Corn, and all
u . .,, 1 If a
linn or ii" I'"- i,",iv'' f ia
or money i"""" "; -
t ner box. For mile by Gray bill.
& a Co., Kichfiekl and all
n-h was well attended on butur-
Hfoiitint? arouuu on bhade
intiii" on Sunday viewing the
'iil, b rry crop. It s. a pit v thev
ttindanv other tune through
Urnox'-and Mr. Walter and his
,f 01 UllllUOUl' wnui-
versox'ti over Sunday .... 1 lenr.v
l wlfn nf Aibmisburir vw
I ,,t 1V1iii1vh on Sunday. . .(. L.
i Of IViitrai i euua. uih-ku ii-
ft H ( Uowersox ou aituuuity . . . .
kard Sliambarb'n attended tins
nil of Ml. ai?ner .m-umc
Miui-liiy Ct alien Uoyer lias
.,'on tli" nick list for tbu
k ...It. . liowerxos Hindi- a Hy
trin to SeliiiKi;i ove on the bicycle
Suturday forenoon. . . .Mother
riik vinited her HiBtcr, Mth.
rtz, at Troxelvillo last week
;sm Spielmyer aro the happy
oifUtM of a newly born buby-j.Mil
1 It If...... ...Ml nnvl
lil'V. !. Il.lll'll' I'll! I'iiiii .
l;iV loreUOOH lllhieuii ui nuu,
uii. ns lio wishes to attend a
Irt'u'x Duy Kcrvice at oi.e of Iiih
r appointments on Sunday
t Record of romarkalile curesoffootod
.tuslrutlifully to sajr that Hood's 8u.v
: . i tlio nnlv true blood uuriiler lironilnaiit-
Li public eye tlay. Get only Hood'.
bod' Pills ate the lMt family cathartic
i.nt uetllclue. IlaruikM, ruUablo. turt.
e lunners are ousy woikiuc
corn and would like to see a
"imfvinuj.xaiu it is needed
V. II. Knepp made a trip to
it.iwn In t week and bought a
of iron that went through the
; (Tie cent a pound. . . .11. Knepp
uliii county bus a man from
km viospectinjr for coal on
nviler county farm with gooil
icts of liudiug Hott coal ...J.
ely made a busineHs trip to the
iv wit last week aim reports
irgh in a llourishiug conditiou
few ripe cherries were sold on
ruts lust week at three cents a
...A r-artvof men held a meet-
ii lust Saturday evening to raise
T to pav towards the expenses
he investigation. - dollars
tiseil. So rumor reports. How
ill that amount go towards
hi; for coal I Wo have men with
nl hut if they are not paid 11"
nit. every evening, there is no
:niciit Mallie Steely of Mid-
(K spent huinia.v wnn n r im
ut Lowell ...Uv the looks of
i i- i l.. i..... ;il i...
one huudred dollars pi-r ton
itKon. . .J. J. Steely h.vd been
ng at Middlecreek for his fath-
week. . . .James l'eter of Low-
k'iving his bouse and yard fence
of paint which adds urreat mi
sueut to the town ...James
r and family of Troxelvillo
u V. 15. last week attending
ncrtil of Mr. John Wagner.
is about the name boy be was
youuger days.
jRVOUS Troubles arc duo to
poverifthed blood. Hood's Sar-
Plu is tlio Ono True Hlood
Dynamite hxplosion.
Thomas, Mo., Juno :J, IH tri.
Editor of 1'ohT : ,
o two men, named Henry
u and Thompson, were g t-
iio dj'namite out of a maga-
the mine, Thompson batl
of caps in his left hand, and
i reached over to take some
t of tho box, when a spark of
pped out of Wilhelm's pipe
caps aud exploded them.
Thompsou's left hand oil" ; it
;Ut his eyesight h injured,
and neck nre badly cut with
f tlio braHs caps. Wilhelm's
t fingers and thumb are nipp-
'o tips and 2 pieces of shell
i rough tho white of his right
lull may destroy tho sight :
' ftr is badly cut. his face.
1 breast are badly cut too,
brass caps. "Wilhalm is a
r with two children. Thomp.
arriod nn-.l bus ono child,
ighly respected citizens.
is a miner, aud Ihompson
os8. Tho most remarkable
')ut the explosion was, Wil
li -i' l. l !i ; .
u ducks uyuaiuae in uli
left hand, but did not explode, and
within about 6 feet were several
boxes dynamite, which atso did not
go off. The dynamite was frozen,
which prevented the explosion.
A. S. Hi
If it required nn animal outlay of
$100.00 to Insure a family Bgainet iuiv
prions eonseipienePK froui an attack
of bowel eoinplolnt during tli year
there are many who would feel It
their duty to pav It ; that they could
not afford to rink their lives, and
thooo of their family for such an
amount. Any one can get this in
Kiiraneu for 'i't rents, that being the
price of a lottl of Chamberlain's
t'olic. Cholera and lHurrhoea Heme
ily. In almoot every neighborhood
Kouie one has died from an attack of
bowel complaint before medicine
could he procured or a physician
summoned. One or two doses of this
remedy will cure any ordinary case.
It never falls. Can ynu afford to
take the rlk for so small an amount?
For sale by all druggints.
valla's! "
As you have no correspondent
from this place you may expect an
occasional communication from me.
Wo aro located in Washington
township en the road leading from
Freeburg to McKecs 1 Falls four
miles from tho former place. This
business placo was established by
Ex-SherilT Eisenhart and is now oc
cupied by his son-in law li. P.
Straub who is tho postmaster and
hits a store of general meichaiulise.
The lines of Ferry and Chapman
townships come near to this placo
aud the people livicg in this part of
the township do their dealing at this
place which is a great convenience
for them. Reichehhuch's school
house in Washington township.
Morning Glory in I'erry township
aud Smith's in Chapman township
are all located within one mile from
Pallas. The famous Pallas Camp
meeting ground has been abandon
ed and is now used for agricultural
purposes, (hub's church is located
one mile from here. This is a een
tenniid congregation organized in
l""f. In my next communication
I shall give the history of the old
church organization where all the
citizens in this locality attend
church. Pallas is also located on
the road leading from Richticld to
Port Treverton. Tho Pallas farm
consisted of b')0 acres ami was pur
chased many years ago by John
Royer from (Iratz in Phila. Ho oc
cupied the farm a number of years
where u majority of bis children
were born. From hero ho moved to
Freeburg. but did not sell this farm.
After his decease it was owned by
his widow and children. Win. S.
Boyer, Esq., now residing at Gratz
purchased this farm n number of
years ago, moved on it and improved
it. He sold it to John Dicid who
sold it to SheritV Fiisenhart. Diehl
now resides near Bristol, Indiana.
In former years the names of St ellen.
Rcichenlmch, Gaudier, Shaffer, Ar
nold, Bickhart, Miulin, Heintel
tui'ili, Leliig, Seholl and others were
familiar. Their successors' names
nre si ill among thosn who dual at.
Pnllasaud receive their mail mutter
there. Sl'llscidiiKK.
Dr. Smith while in Chamhcrs
burg visited Rev. J. K. Iloneveutt
and repotls him to be getting along
well. Rev. H. sends h.s best wishes
to all V strawberry and ice cream
festival will bo held near the Luth
eran church on Saturday evening
Juno 1:5. All are cordially invited to
attend. . .Chas. Kissinger, son and
wife of spent Sunday at
this place. .. ,'lhe recent rains are
very refreshing to all vegetation
Our baud is going to New Berlin
next week to render tho music for
t ho Co..i.ieiicmeiit exercises Mrs.
Banks Dreese and Prudio Moyer,
are visiting tho former's son in
Chillisqtiriqiie. Miss Victoria Moyer
has gouo to Mechauicsburg to attend
the Commencement exercises. .. .A
successful term of school, taught by
Miss Estcllu Romig. closed on Tues
day. . . .Miss Laura Keller is visiting
in Bloomsburg and Mitllinburg. . . .
A Mr. Showers of New Berlin visit
od Jno. Spangler on Sunday. ... I
would suggest that all the V. 1'. So
eieties of tho county would join and
have a picnic this summer along the
line of the railroad and have ar
rangements so that all trains would
stop at tho grove I. J. Spangler
made a trip to New Berlin ou his
K. V. CiiHwi'll of HriM'k,ort, N, V., nays s "I
wiih terribly iiMleteil with Ncmfulii, ami hail lost
all Ihhh' ol bcln.' curiM. A frloiid uUrlc I mo to
whirl, 1 did Willi ureal bcnellt, and 1 iccuiii
mend It toot hunt." It VHturus tho liver to n
healthy condition, and cure eonHtlpatlon,
Mi rofula, rheuinatlMii, dyHKlu, and all kidney,
bladder and urinary dlseasex.
W but M)H Ufl)et to tho
W. B. I'BATT. SoCf.
conftiiuier at whnleBalu
rke- Hhl) anTwherii for
exaiiilnatiuu iwforo Halts.
Kveryllillia WttrranU'ii.
1 Mf KiylcHnfCiirrtuiira.
ItOnlyli'iiif llurnra. 4 1
Hilua Ultlliiif HuUtlle.
WrlU) for cuiiiloiiiio. v
Cartiags Harnett MIclCo.
eikhart, Ind.
Rev. Simon Aurand was the truest
of his brother, I'erry, last week.
Rev. delivered a very interesting
sermon in the U. B. church on Sun
day evening. . . . A. C. Smith and fam
ily spent Sunday in Lewisbnrg visit
ing the former's sister. . . .W.Gordon
and wife drove to Sntibury last Sat
urday evening. .. . lames Mageo is
improving his residence bv building
a new porch in front Tlio heirs of
J. A. Smith have purchased a monu
ment for him. ...Paul Hummel is
confined to his house with an attack
of rheumatism. .. .A wild deer was
seen in the woods north of here last
week. .. .The children are tirnetieititf
daily for children's day exercises
which wiil take place in tho U. B.
church. They have not yet decided
when they will have their exercises
. . Y in. Snyder, one-half mile west
of here, had n new t.n roof put on
Ins liouse. . . ..lohn I lelds and Jacob
Walter were in Middleburgh on Saturday.
Tho cake walk hi Id bv the Xo.v
Berlin Base Ball team was a grand
success. The proceeds amounted
to !fd:).:i.i with which they are itoing
to buy a breast protector and then
the boys will be ready to challenge
. .Miss l',ll:t Davenport of S uck-
shinny is hero to spend the summer
with tier grand pa, S. Dretsbach
. . Hie Adainsliurir band will fur-
nish tho music for commencement .
J. Klecktier and sun, George, are
visiting at the I'nion hotel Fre
mont Albert, our L'ened barber, has
manufactured four violins. They
arc dandies. This shows that Fre
mont is a first cla 's mechanic and
in usiciati.
Prof. ( )!ni I .inner l Millliu
town U visiting I.N motler in this
plii 'e The School l'o;ir. I'e-or-
gaiiied by iv-i lectin I Miior .1. A.
Lombard. Pn.. an. I Levi FMier.
1'l'ea-. ! S. Sliolly ;i, elected
Secretary Money Rill team whs
deleated in thW place ;i-t Thurs
day by tile lloliie team 1' a scope of
'-'7 t.."i New pM ilin' Ball club
litys befe Wednesday . ',.
( ieiulNi'liu, I i tuc-ki 'J i iilt for the
Pciicoyd bi'iilj-i nii:tnv, is iend-
ino; a f -v ilay u ill, hi- niotlier
A slock i hi 1 1 ii it - i I n-i iilT oi'uani
ed to put :i board fence around the
ball park Harvey Romig, who
lias been bridging in Kentucky, has
returned Burns Smith ,,f Mid
dleburgh was in town on Tiu-mIuv
Hr. Smith nt I'reebui'o; made n
business triit to town the forepart of
the wirk Prof. R. L. Srhrovcr,
lii.tliei mid ('jo col Pmlie drove to
Liverpool on Sunday.
i in: i ok i.ot i:.
Take twelve ounces of dislike, on.
pound of resolution, two grains of
common sense, two ounces of exner
once, a large sprig of time and three
itiar'..-.of cooling water ot ensidcra
tint. Set them over the .'ciille tin
of love, sweeten it with the sugar of
forge! fulness, skim it with t he spoon
of Melancholy, put it in the bottom
or your heart, cork it with the cork
of clean conscience. Let remain and
you will quickly find ease, and be
restored to sense again.
These things can be had of tlio
apothecary, at t he h'.lle of iitldef-
standinLr, next door to reason,
Thanksgiving street, pot far from
Bottled Up !
Whither ire ilie form of pill j.owdet
or liipiid, tlio doctor's proscription lot
blood diseases is always the same
mercury or potash. These drugs botth
lip the poison and dry it uj, in tin.
system, but they aUt dry up the marrow
iu the bones at the same time.
The suppleness and elasticity of tin
joints give way to a stiffness, the rack
ing paius of rheumatism. The form
gradually bends, the bones ache, w hile
decrepitude and helplessness prema
turely take possession of the body, mid
It is but a short step to a pair ol
crutches. Then conies falliug ol
the hair and decay cf the bones, a con
dition truly horrible.
VPOTASK? Contagious Wood
IwiFRriinv. l'oison the curst
?3rL of mankind-is the
."WWer.! most horrible of all
jy U tA diseases, and has al
X XVily h allied the
Ji , doctors. Tlu-ir tint.
ii .i ii i iiiercury
idtle linthc unison.
1 1 but it always break?
j lorin ue.ain attack
jiug home delicate
organ, freijiteiitly
the mouth anil
throat, filling them
with eating sores.
S.S.S., is the only
known cure fortius
disease. It is guar-
nlll.'i'.l Imri'lv vhu...
table, and one thousand dollars reward is
offered for proof to the contrary. It
never fails to cure ConPicioua ltlon.1
Poison, Scrofula, lvczenia, Rheuiuatisiu,
Saucer, or any other disease of the
blood. If you have a blood disease,
take a remedy which will not injure you.
Beware of mercury; don't do violence
to your system. Don't get bottled up!
Our books sent free to any address.
Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Liberal Adjustments Prompt Payments.
in lailii s' sluios is u phiis:uit
vo.vao;o iilinit, For flu? pleas
ure it pivc, there's no sail
like our sale. Crowds are
riijoyiiiK it, ami sectiriii-' tlm
prettiest, coolest un.1 1
tinL'Suiiiiiiershoesnow inan-' Un,.v ,M, "'.lest, Cash
utaet tired, at prices which
htiyeis Hi id it a ileastire t
pay. For house or street
wear, pleasure, or e very-day
practical purposes, walkin-r,
ridimr, or driving, wesupjily
the ideal shoes demanded by
fashion and the dictates of
individual taste. Ladies,
whoever claims yo-ir hands,
hyall means surrender your
tool in ii.iin i
per cent Per Moiiili
60 per cent, per Year
Guaranteed to all Investors on In
vestments both L.-ucn; and Sin ill.
viiii; vi t in: viini
niioiti:iis i
M M llllllil v.
I. S. I'eopl,' Hit), lelrc ( ,n.
t-il, mill Kitri-Imi o, i,e ,in, ,lr
litrue liiM-sl (.,, ,,r llr ,.X,.
Ir i-lrriiliir. Minlleil !. 1-:m-Aiu
A. B.
Maiit aid Contractor
lor Sti'imi and lint Wntrr Pitting.
Also deiiler in t, iil)-r. Ilntrines,
Miaftiiii; 1'iilleys, I landers and Leath
er lli ltin.
of Mngliii M. It,.i, i iin.i Mi work,
families can he -iii,Ii,., v ith llath
Tubs, Pipe and Pipe fittings. I uive
us I'.-f.'i-. nre cniM-riiiinu.' imv lii.'i-lnilii
eal skill, frick('i 1. 1 nyneslioro,
Pa. and l.elianou M'f'. Co. oth com
panics of hinh stau.liiitf.
In oi-.I.t to avoid itc.''iitM
M Bniler
should In' tested under the hydraulic
tet at least, a year." Avoid
. lunger and call upon uie'to niake the
A. 11. WOMSliMlTTII,
Selii'srove, : : l'a.
I'.veiy mall l.rli.j:-! wur.l nf In. me.
'I lie e.ii.'l all. .1.1 In Slav aii).
TIl.'J "Mil l KIMl-l'lrV,
CAN VOl .'
Ilae .o, s. i-ii nur s elivnlar v
llnli'l ile. l.l.. unlit ou see l,
$500 in Scholarships as Prizes.
Write f..r I'aitleiiluiH.
Spiin tei in ni uii March audi.
Jjloomsburg, Pa.
(Mention this l'a r.)
!?200.00 IN COLD GIVEN.
'I i: ru i;i;s.
I'ire, Jiife, Accident and Tornado.
No Assessments No Premium Notes.
Tho Aetna Founded A. P., 1S1!)
" Home " js.";
" American " 44 44 is 10
Assets !jl 1,0. m,.")1:LSS
4 !,sr:j,(;2s.r)i
The Slainlanl Accident Insurance C
The Now York Ufo Insurance Co.
The Fidelilij Mutual Mfc Association.
Your Patronage Solicited.
Striking Low Prices!
AVIX(5 just returned from the eastern cities with IImt
lct line r CLOT I I I NO,
:o: Gents' Furnishing Goads, :
Hats, Caps ami a full line of nn-n's and children's Shoes
at such low prices as have never leeu known in 'this
section of the country he to re. Also a full line of
Trunks, Satchels, Summer Tiidei-wear, Straw Hats,
and Conjrru at astouihiimly low prices f ou want yotu
dollar to j;,, as far as two dollars,
Call At Oncj
."..aWedire '.or ;, .mrsi If a l.ij; U.vrain. Thanking you fir
the past patronage tfiven me I am vours trulv,
H. OPPEIEIEB, : Selinspve, Pa.
1896 SPRING 1896
b if. 3i:Atn.Kai
It. II. V.'.i.,.vai. ('..iiii.iny. nf Hall In,. .re, Mil.,
ale Inaktle,' II i.rreriif .'.. IKl In alu
IIIH' ll.l 111 Hell V.HI e.ille-,uf "lielllS Clf l(eli-
Inns '1'lnniLTlit." 11 new li.iuk In 'l ain, life. ' hl.s Is
..iiei.l Iheinust K.,.iilar li.ii.kH ei. r i,il.Kh..
'I lllee 1 1 1 1. .list s.ih) III M il ij. Alfl'llls sell I.I In
i: enples ii .lav. An Ksley ni Lfan, retail ni l 'e
iJio. i,'leiif.,rK.-lllni; llu e..pie,n . inmilh. A
fllhl la. eei,'leli f.'l sellllm 11 e...l.s In Innlilhs.
A k'.'M "lit. h ll.r selllli!,' Klrnples In line III. .Illh.
Tin- I i ' Ii il i III III a. I. Illluli r.mi
plel Mil :)'.e.-iil.s. I i.-lu'hl ia., l r. illl io-h
Aneiils walile.l iilsn alks In rliil.ln a a I I
.lesns.",e.)i. snl.t, unil II Isianv Mellinif
fanler than eer. hiuui lenns alel enmllllnns as
nil 'lieinsnf Itellk'l.ais 'llmnnhl." oil, er popular
lH,ks 11111I IIIIiU-hiiIhii. 'I'hey oiler spirliil unit
lllnsl llheral rates tn slu.lrlilH it to I teaehel'S lor aeatii.n. Uni im- last hiimtner 11 laive or Ntii.lelil.H ami leachets eanasse fur
their linnks. Aiimnir the list there weie -.'.J h l,n
Ina.le over lm. 67 ha nii I he i jiai i .... .
ai,(KiliiiaileooTi.' ihelr Hummer work"
ill . litem llililieuiaieiv, l-il.
Klpans Tabules.
Ripans Tabules cure lndlgoetlon.
Notice ot Application for Chartti
Not In, Is lierel.y tlven tlial nn n.,,,11,.
will he in iiile to the linn. II. M. V. i In.-.' it..mi
(lent .lil.ltriMif the rourt of ri.mim.n I'leas of
nllJ' " me - .Il lia.V Ol JIIIIO, K!H
for the I hal ter of n roi ,ni,nion, to . ealieil
"'I'lm Kniliifelleal Lull, elan ohureli nf Mlihlle.
ImrKli I'll.." Hut charier a, al nhleet of which are
tlm worsiiinnf AiiniL'hiv aui ;.....,' .. !',n:
faith iiinl Ulsellilliin nf 'I ho Kvimwlli'iil l.uiliuruii
cliurcli la Iho I n IteU htat. H of America
43t Attorney.
Special arrival of the very latest advanced styles of
rcss finnrls hm Mk aiin Trii
w . l -
AInO the i IV lull -t slvll '! ol" (llllts' an. I lel.Vs' Sifini: ,'UI 1 Slllllllll T
Suits lit lower pl'iees than eel' liet'ore
The hiryes! n-s. . mi l.t an. I latest stvle-i of s' Mi Mi.. s nn J
Oxforil Ties in lilneli nu.l eoloi's, also in (ietits' mill Hoys' shn, s, iei.
in ipiality im.l hi low iu pi iees t hat I '. II. .M A I I Jl ! I ! S ,S It IS mi e the
talk of all the people. La. lien' line ilivsw shoes from SI. nit )., s:i..iii.
(tents' line I ol,i'less Shoes from Sl.eil to"
The largest lin of kiiieetisvare in (he eoimt v at tie I .m-s( pi iees
lie: iwA V.U
Cash paid for jrood hunter and iggt ,lMi:(MI(i:,,u;l,i:. .,,.,.,,,.
Also just reeeive.l a larire supplv of
I'lfUM.'si. 4N'. Is iin-li while pine Sliingles S l..l luf Iimiii
(Nn. 1, is ee.lar Shin-les S.'i. 7.1
('all ami H-e our Ktoek before buying 'lsewhere
nl be eoiivineeil in priee ninl slock.
Lare varictv of the latest I'alu ics in
Fine assortment of Silks for ladies' waists, prices
w ay down.
Ucauliful lino of DRESS GINGHAMS5, IVivhIs and
Satins. Keadv made
and laundred waists. AVe have a nice cloth capo nicely
trimmed for 1.50
about 200 HtylcH to select from. CAIiTHTS in all gra.les nt iricos jirob.
ably lower than unywhero tine. Ciivo us a call it will pay you.
S. WEIS, Selinsgrove, Pa.