The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 07, 1896, Image 5

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    knk prmorrat
Snsylvania Deitsch.
nr!l lor not. lrt.
I DBOor.B:-Well. ich war
Intown uf dcr Rro
f ' ilort aw
der arhtft trail), un for
fcenniph uf lun bin ich in
loon ni RHUtepi Rru 1 '
te fum aopo. Awcr uHlor
iKa war own ivvrnll MI, nn
sHMrose mifbin.bin ichtzii
jlusioncooma os loti mil
iance runna wp mercon.un
pi un bob nofb'n onllu-b
lUniftor 1t boln iiimiht
J Ich bob roo.1 a'U M, un
3 1,1,11 bakaunta nif
un hatiilH R Hbakeil un rio
,r MmH nrinina, un weil nier
ii nc.trcfiifacou.bni icliovvu
I'ii ii-h con luich lu'ch
jpot bVintiu wo bk jrainarchM
j,- brass baiuH, un we urnr
tlfy df ihiuk iiocliuiiulil uf
fcut bi t in Hclliini liot l uf in
ph fprhhtait nii'li. ich bin uw
invention nwcr somehow ich
iwp'silort k-ousa i. nw.r
, .ich bin Mire os ich ni bin.
rss ollm y'liaprpiul is hob ich
uJt fprcpswa. Den iiioryu free
h ,uf RawpckM iui hotel ich
s ijrar anH fun denim Hpci-liel
idocaliou pU-tz. anyliow lc
caV runna hen blolm olniiler
noidi ob R'hhtart bin for
, rfcil ilcrRons crowd on pi-k-iir
bin ich ob un uf de nrsht
iloh bin ich now wul.ler
vhow. e kenna mcr now
shint-isa os ich not aw de
on Ratcnd hob.
lies tf HooJ'i Sar'ftparllla are the
tin- world becauno the curet by
Vsaif Ulare wonderful, perfect, per-
: L The One True Blood I'urlfler.
k PIM are the best family ealharUO
f.lldne., .narnlei"!li .
VuAttig, formerly of this
V now of Shamokin, took un
Jlf a wife, in the person of
ackenberjr of near Mid
Tho young couple went
'keeping iu Shamokin last
'hero Mr. Attitr has been
for Homo time. We wish
k. Jir mi l hippy life together
'ricis Siuin'vuigh of Port
irlan spent lust Sunday at this
, Ho is quite an expert bicycle
...Miss Lottie Gift opeued u
t. 1 1 . v .
sotiooi i.isi .uonaay at tins
. ..'jit sceiiis mauy of our poo
iveiiot yet lc.irned the value
ucation or tin y would embrace
ipportunity of sending their
60 to school instead of having
OD the street in mischief. .
i Gift went to Klk county lust
where ho secured a job for
mtumer Charles Kmery ih
sick list at present.... Miss
jpobuou returned homo last
y, after spending a month in
'I RED BLOOD is the reun
ion of ifooii health. That is why
jsarnapanua, the Duo True
'unflcr, fives HEALTH.
hi Knouse of l'enn town
NVt week and hurt his head
71 lie is unable to bo up
lid.... Daniel Knouso and
I (illeimin ma liitmur 1...
i- hro each tho proud father
Henry Laudenslui:er is
shanty on a wagon for
saw mill. . . .D.L. Gember-
ch a four weeks' term of
ilem beginning Monday,
..Soma of tin furtiiui'u
In last week while others
Iready to plant this week
am tooK out Homo big
ups with dvnamite last
in. (Jims, sillier.
:h-rtrlr HIIK ro.
litters is a mediciue suit-
eiiHon. but perhuns more
leded when tho languid.
f hug prevails, when the
bd and sluggish and tho
nic and alterative is felt.
so of this mec.icino has
1 long and perhaps fatal
re. No inedicino will act
' in counteracting ami
-.ystem from tho malarial
leadache, Indigestion,
ti, dizziness yieni to
ters. 5i)o. and $1.00 per
aybill, Garmnn Ac Co.,
d all Druggists.
Deedt Entered for Record.
Christian L. Graybill, property io
West Terry township, containing f3
Bcres, to James II. Gray bill for $rt00.
Jacob A. Smith's heirs, property
in Middlecreok towhship, containing
131 acres, to S. T. Hilbish for 3500.
Jacob A. Smith's heirs, property
in Middlecreok township, containing
i acre, to Carrie S. Hilbish for $310.
Nor B. Middleswarth, sheriff, prop
erty in l'enn township, Tract No. 1,
containing ?3 acres ; Tract No. 2,
containing f0 acras Tract No. 3,
containing 9 acres Tract No. 4,
Lime Kiln to Goo. Jacobs ami A. O.
Hornborger, executors of Win. H.
Backus, deceased.
J. G. Hornberger, administrator
of tho estate of Levi Dorr, property
in West l'erry township, containing
23 acres to S. II. Graybill.
Tho Snyder County Merchants'
Association will meet at Middle
burgh on Monday, May 11th.
lliK'klon' Ami Suite.
The Best Salve in the world for
Cuts, Bruises. Sores, I'Icers, Salt
Itlicnm, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chaop
ed Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all
Skin Eruptions, and positively cures
Piles, or no pay required. It is
guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion or money refunded. Vnco i!."
cents ppr box. For sale by Graybill.
Oiirman Co., Hichliell aid all
M. I. Totter and wife of Millie
burgh spent Sunday with lie lat
ter's parents, F.ditor .1. A. 1 imbard
and wife. .. .C. If. Kloxi o Buflalo
visited Vnl. Bolig last week ..Miss
Wananiukcr of Mt. Cariuel visit
ing Miss Annie Whitnier. . .Mis
Jennie I'ockler is visiting fi i ids in
Ashland Miss Annie Wet 1. who
has been tho popular louche f the
Secondary school for serein years,
left for Steelton on Tuesd , her
parents having moved to tin place
last fall ...J. D. Bogar i l'oit
Trevortoii was in town on S: ud.iy
. . . .11. W. Hummel and wife Nor
thumberland visited Mrs. II' uoth
er, Mrs. Kby. on Sunday .. 1. L.
Bobbins of Mt. Carna l is s diug
a few days in town. . ..ltev ')au
and wife of Williamstowu visi I.
C. Burns and wife last week. .
Kessler of Northumberland
town on Saturday. . . .Camp 3
O. S. of A. paid a fraternal vi
the Treeburg camp las. we"'
l'assenger train No. 4 on tho 1'. &
K. railroad, ran into a Mide about
two o'clock Sunday rooming be
tween Herndon and Georgetown at
a very high and steep Mil known
among railroad men as Bull Bun
Mountain. The engine, express and
baggage cars were thrown from the
track into the river. Tho two
couches were derailed but did not
go over the bank.
II. Miller, of Harrisburg, engi
ueer, was bruised an 1 cut about the
logs. An express messenger wits
cut about the head. Neither of the
injured nu n are seriously hurt. The
passengers were badly shaken up.
Some were bruised but noiio were
seriously The railroad was
badly torn up and it w:ih several
hours before trains could pass the
Is a deep-seated blood disease which
all the mineral mixtures in the world
cannot cure. S.S.S. (guaranteed purely
vegetable ) is a real blood remedy for
blood diseases and has no equal.
-Mrs. v, i. uuck, of Dclaney, Ark., hail
Scrofula for twenty-five years and most
of the time was under the care of the
doctors who could not relieve her. A
specialist said he
could cure her, but
he filled her with
arsenic aud potash
which almost ruined
her constitution. She
then took nearly
every so-called blool
medicine and drank
them by the wholesale,
but they did not reach
her trouble. Some
one advised her to try
S.S.S. and she verv
soon found that she had a real blood
remedy at last. She says: "After tak-
ing one dozen bottles of S.S.S. I am
perfectly well, my bkiu is clear
and healthy ami I would not be in
my former condition for two thousand
dollars. Instead of drying uptbe poison
in my system, like the potash and
arsenic, S.S.S. drove the disease out
through the skin, aud I was perma
nently rid of it."
A Real Blood Remedy.
ft.s.s. never fails to cure Scrofula,
Eczema, Rheumatism Contagious Illood
I'oison, or any disorder of the blood.
Do uotrelv udoii a simule tonic to cure
a deep-seated blood disease, but take a
real blood remedy.
free upon appli
cation. Swift
Specific Co.,
Atlauta, Ga.
Salt fl lie lim Unanimous
and Eet ma rt.f.vl. Tinwtwo Ooinj.lniiits nrr
so UtnaclotM that tho render of tho PotMoiiM
know of the siioccm oMnlnc I hy iisliij Dr. I.i Id
Kennmly'a Fnvorlfe Horridly. Wlier nil oMht
treatments have lallnl, it him mad'! n rmn! f?
No more hnrrlMe ea of n ill rlicim win ever
reported thnn dint of Wllliur !.. Il.iln. mmrli r
triinfer, Prntt 1'oM, U. A. U, Komluiii. N. y.
Scvernl phyxlrluiii iiitiTly r.iilnt to ri-inlcr Mm
any roller i nimliy
WM trlml and Me lily ImproveineiU (olloMreil IIh
use. and a permanent rurr r'ilted.
ltlsuied Willi slinlliir mi"ivs In e-.mes il
vemfilta, nrrvnimni m. kidney and liver ruin,
plaint, and In all illHen- bmuxlil uIhmiI t.y Imd
Mood nnd stutiti red nerve.
Tlie BritrM
l a!
Is tilled with theehoiceHt
bin-gains in Clothing,
. Can:,
Summer I'mh rwi ar ai d
The latest styles are
always kept in stock.
HcUCKting a continu
ance of your patronage,
I am, Kespectfullv,
i i. novicw.
A. B.
for Sleniii nnd Hut Water Fitting.
AUn dealer in 15 i!ei-, I'ni; ine,
Sliiifllin; Pulley. Hauler- and Leath
er lt King.
,f Knglnes, Hoilem and Mill work.
'inlli.'H cbii be Hiipplifd v itll Until
'"s. Pipe and Plp Flttliign. t rflve
w rfereiiee eoneprititig my inecliuiii
cil fUlll. Krlek A; Co of WHynesbt ro,
P. and Lebanon Mfg. Co. both com
panies of lilghManding.
"'' -ll r-(lnta
All Boilers
should ln tested under the hydraulic
tent lit lensl onee 11 year. Avoid
dancer and call upon me to inaKe the
A. H. WOl.C.l'MUTII,
Selirsirruvr, : : Vn.
T' e S.ilein I n li rluklh.' ni.
roildlll'ted bV S.llinli I I.IH k, lei i :ise.. l!l lie
lllalulKi 'l III I lie llllure li tile lllnli'l'-u'ni'il.
uhv.ijs nu Ii.uhI at Imv rl 'e I . i-;
pri'imi-.-il i., i-1 .ii t in I tree ef , li.ii-.-. I'Mli I.M-
IXli A sl'Ki I AI.'I V. Mnliij-s sin ! ., Il u lw
Instix'k. it. i i f ut ; v Vmii-,
W. II. LUCX, Salem, Pa.
Ever)- tiiull ri ll ;r- word of I ii are.
Tliey c.iii'l iiltupl to ni, iv iiwuy.
They e in't ulTord to co i lM WIiere.
CAN YOl' .
IlllVt: in si'l'll our .ite-l elri III. II' '
DiUi'l ilei lile nul l ui m i- It.
$500 in Scholarships as Prizes.
A CHAXCK l'Olt Y()lT.
Write li.r I'artli lilur.
Sprlli.' lellli will npeii Mari ll .MUl.
Jilootnsbiirg, I'ii.
(Mention tlllH Paper.)
Trlul I.NI lor ln lerm. ivmi.
I'seof N.T. imnil.ire vs. purt Trevei tun
Kcllcul Clliireli; D.olil.S. Slmlly h. I'urt '1'rev
ertou Kviuiuelleal Clinreli Ainel.illiti; Clmrles
K. HpUliKler vm. I .-Ull II. I'V.iMer; Allien W. Put
tervH. P. It. Mullle M. llunm vs. p. it. j.
Co.l II. II. I.rlinui . P.M. Tents; II. K. Waijeii
Heller VH. TI:o Selliisi,'nie Water u.; Hubert
Itearlell vs. Win. l(i'iiile; Aiuaml i I.. l;ui,ilh-
Holx-rt Itearl' li; II. .1. swel.eri h. K'U'ar liel .li
$200.00 IN COLD GIVEN.
It. II . Woodwnrd 'eiiip.iny. ut ILiltlmere, M.I.,
are imiklni; a i"1"-! Ill r ii oiiei ui i,i allyi
line w hil will cell Kifl l eplesnf "(ieiiM ut llellif
loilN Tlioiiulit." u new liiKik hv 'I'.llni i'e. 'I lil T.
one of I In- itiit pi'l'H ar himki i u r pul.lNlmi
Tlm.'e fill! hunt hiI'I in d i. AitentN hell in in
1.1 eopli H a il.iy. An I. -try i r'.in, ln l -e
'.'T0. Klven lor (ellin nu enile In ; in,, mi,.
IUK) hlcyi'leyHen lurM-llliiKHieuplesIn J niunl lis.
A k'o'.d Wllleli fur "i-llllii: M roie. In line in,, ,l ,.
TIiIh premium In Hilillilon loi-uiiiinl-eiiin. iii-
pletK Ollltlt a'leelits. I'eli;il pai. Credit trlvi-ll.
Ak'eniH wHiited HlHofor"'l'iilkM to children uiiout
Jt-Nini." lrn.KNieopleit hiiIiI, and It Nnuvv Nelllnu
raster than ever. Same terms ami nnnliiloiis as
on 'Oelnnof KellK'loilMTIioiiKhl." Oilier popular
lioukM and Hlli'eH alsu. Tliey Hirer .speelal ami
HioKt lllieral rates to Minimis and teaehers fur
Mummer Mn'ation. Iiuiluif Niiiiimer a laiye
Ii ii in 1 1 r of Htinleiits ami Ioiii'Ihts eaiiasei t, ,r
their bookit. Anmiiif the list there were ,'.'! wlio
inailo over IJim. 67 who won the f .in premiuni
and m tniideover f for llielr Huininer work
Will J them lliilueil lately. j jm.
" m w but boH iluoet to the
onnauiuer at wholeutlu
prieeit. Hhlp unytv here tnr
fxuuilnatluu belnrt tulo.
KviT iIiiiik wiirranit-U.
lMnyUof Cnrrlnuf .,
ttOhlylesul llitrne. II
wlvlen Uldliia Muddle.
W. 8. Piurr. Boot.
WriU) fur t'liiiiTuitim.
Carriage 4 Harnett MffLCo,
Elkhart. Ind.
The New York Morning; Jour
nal recently offered ten leading
makes of bicycles as prizes in a
guessing contcst,giving the win
ners free choice of any one of
the ten machines.TheresuIt was
ALL of the ten winners selected
The Journal ac
cordingly bought
ten Columbias,
paying $100 each
for them, without
discount or rebate.
On even terms
few will choose a
bicycle other than the Columbia
Untquillcd, Utupproachcd.
Prautifiil Art Catalogue of Columbia and Hart,
furd Hicyclea la lie if you call upon any Colum
bia nciit i by mad from ua fur two i-ccot
Factoriei and General Offices, Hartford, Conn.
Mranch Stores and Aiencic In almost every
city and town. If Columbia are not properly
represented in your vicinity let ui know.
w ni i
O L .
Liberal Adjustments
Prompt Payments.
iOnly tlio Oldest, Si runm-st Cash Cttiiipauics,
Tiro, Li IV, At i iiltMit atul Toniadti.
No Assessments No Premium Notes.
FihiiuIimI A. 1)., 1 S 1 ! Assrlsijl 1 ,0.V,.") I .'LSS
44 " 41 lS.Vi " !,v;,;,(;2S.5
i is io " io-. .:s !.;;
The Standard Accident Insurance C .
it i:
tli- II 'ii. Il.iM M. M-riiir-l
l .In. Iui ..I iIki .I.i!i.-ii II .lr,,.i
.til 1. 1 II uiilii'. 1. 1, .iii,
I'ii'"" mi'l .1 '-tin. ill I r-u-- nu. I . I', i.i iu
lii'lllli.'. l;-i ,--' I II- .lil !.. in iiml Ic.rMiv
.liT -l.ilillv. h ll .. I I lll-il' l.l. .-o.. Ii. iui,;
I II- Un- -i, Ii iv .,' 1 . Ii ,. Ii.. .,;, ,, .
I .1 I. r i Ii- i.i un i ir.h:iti-' 'unit, i
It t nt I 'i. tilth'. II I'll :i-, I'liiitt ii v,.r ai. 'i-r-
iiitn-r an t i ...t.iI t ' i ..I nn irh r S---i..ii ..I
il... v in-, at Ah. mi,. i Utah, i,.r ih tintv i.i
Sny.l-r. .. ii In. I'll Mmiiliv. (ii.itm td i .,t,
il.iv "I l i l viiii, nn. I in '.'.1111111.1 ,i. K.-. i,.
N Iui' i liiiri'i Iiiti'i.v kui n t.i din (Yiriiii
.'"-t nl Ih-I'.M. r iii'.l ! Inlili a in iin.l
I. .i lli.. i'.. in. iv .1 Mii., r. I i i....'.,r in II, ni
.r,.n r .,T-..ti wiih ih, ir r,., r,,r.l. Iii,iiibi.
ti, ii-, a .i in 1 1. ii 1 1 . -n - un. i.iin r r i ii 1 1 1 1 1, n
l."l"il Miii.k Mhii ii ni ii, . ir i, iii.ii. iiml in
tlie.r In h all artiiln t.. ,t,,i, Kn, tn, .....
1111,1 I'l'lllllia ,r,,ei'lltiliu III lll'llilll III . I'nui
iiiitiiwi'nli Ii niiiiniii .mi imt"!,!! i.r .-i..iii. nr. ir.
.iilr-. tu tie lin n nii.l ilinrn aiti-n.liiiK un.) ,
luirliiin will,, nil li'.ivi. at thi'ir i.i-rll. .lu-ll.'iii
an- n-,iiK-lii.l tn tm ,nn, iiml in tliairatti'iiilaiu-c
at the u..iilnli'i ll it' m HtrriMi.ililv In ,
liven un, I, r in y liiui.l an, I tlm MuTltfn
ollli-e In .Ml.l.ll-I iimh, the mil .lav nl Apr.
A. I.,ono tlniiifn, i-iifht Iniiiilrcil nn.l lilnily
lx. AI.H(KI.sp;i l, sin-rlll.
JJI'.iils'l'KIt s .Mil'ICKS. Xiillci' Ih lii-n-liv iflv
"I'll that tlu follow tiiiiiii il lHTttolia' have
.V.1... r. '.i'- :i'...'...... .'r...r',...n
iH'iiton' iii'i'ounts In tlu ItcsrNii'i'M unii'i' .
ll.T 'olllll V, llllil I III' Nillll- H III Ih ll','Wl,', .
niiitlriiiallon anil nlluvninr-ul Hip roiirt IIoiim
III Mi(lli'liiirt,'li, Moinlay. Mav &, 1-tm i.
1. Ai'i'.Hitii ut rliarl-H It. H i ni n k.' I t. Kxii'iitor
of tin' rtali' of il.ini . Si,uii;,.r, In't of Ml
illi lituis'li. il-, i-a-M il.
V. Illi' llrsl nmt Mtnil iir-otuil ol Min-rv.!
111. ,ltninNtr.iti'i ni tin- I'-tat'- of lii iij.i
In III lll'khail. I, it-i, Cliaiiii.n l . . -, t
!. I lrt an, I a. itiiiiit of Win s. Milli r,
r. 'or ol hi- ist at., ni ,i. it) in k. st urn iui, lad
ot Wr-l H-.lM r 'l'Wi . il-r il.
I. I-' I rt an, I .ii votii.i ,,t M rni,,. Ail
in 1 1. Ni i a! "I of tli-i ial - ol I n ,, rl, k -l.ilil, I it,
ol I HI, hi in p.. il, . il.
. I it -I ami tm il a, , 'Hit ,, .In,,;, i ' i'i.iIiii;
it, A''.i' il- h.iiiN n,,ii -iui i -la
In. 'lit. i An in-o i. ,l,,i ti,'i'l . 1. 1 1,. ,,t ll.avi'l
',ilili'i, ll-l'I'.lM'll.
ii. l-'il'-l aii't llhal a-i oir t ol 1 1 'i'lill n Kllt,
lisi'. nioi ot i h,. I-. i., I,. ,, xii, in,. Klin,., l.ii.i ,,
,1 n I- mi T i., il ,.
;. I l- lit I an I a '-..illil of V. W . I...lii-
i, i-, 'li, n ni II stall' ot -..t.K
l.,,i :.t. i . I. il - i t M'.iiioi' Tw p.. ii i 'ii.
. I lit ami lin. il a. . .unit o Mi . A I .' 1 1 1 1 1
A, In, I til - It i or ot tin. i'-t.l.'.it'..;i,i ! ; .initial i
ol V..-I i,'.i, r I vi , ih i il
i. fir! .it. I a-. ti' or AI. . A. li .inl.'
K-i:ntor ui 1 1 nl.,1,. i, ,l,,,i.i.i , -l,, , i
I. it- ot --t ll.'.ni r l'rtl , ll-r il.
I'l l-'ir-t ami ,. oiilil ol V. V. W-rn-M.
Ailiiilnlti.itor ol II ".tali. . .f I'h.ii i.c K-i li v
l.ll- of W-l 11 rr I l lll l l.
11 l it -t ati, I Iui. il an hum i,l , 'r. Iiiiii,,,r,.
.v'liiiiiii". raiiii oi ill- i tat- or ni, n ,. hi .-r.lali
or m iiii.,'rovi,1 I'.i U ,.
!.'. I -1 1 t in I II it: 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 1 i,r A. II inill, A.I
llil il-ir.iiori.l lliiM'lat- o,1'. ll.illuiali, I,, I,
,, -Illi-i'l 'ivr, I'.I., il-i ll.
i:i. I lr-i an I linal ii i'.iiiM ..( i:iai', an, I ,1
ron a. i u i ii, i.m i hiiii, nr ih lalu in Jai oh
r r ii. lai- in in m i I i , him i.
II. 1' lr-1 Hint dual a otiiil ol s. A. U i-t.'l ..
iiiIiiimi.i'iii ,,t ll. iiiy M.uili ,'i K, III... ut .si'ii'inn
I.V 1 ll - .ml Dual aoiiiil o II, I. Ivii-ik. Ail inn ii,,. ii- of .1,1-1 pi I'l ii r., lalu
hi w-m ni'iiv-r I w p., HIT ll,
lit. Si i ,ii, ami linal un iiiiiit ol Samuel l,,mi
ami ll-iiiy i:iM'iiliov-r. A,, a M ,, 1 1 .
Lit-ur Al l ih, un KN-iilimvi r, lai- () .iiij(.
I,in'li. I'a., tl-i -iiumI.
IV. I'lr-t anil tl mi I ari, iilnl of.l im l'. Sivlni'fnnl Hi- .-.lai- of I'luup swim i, ,r.j
lal.'.'l MUlill-liiirli, l-ii., iln ,1.
.. . . M. MIIM'KI,.
llilillrlilil'i;)!. Apr. '.'7, l-'.W. KiMl-tlT.
MIM.Ws AIlltAlsi:MKM'S.-Nii,.(. Hin r.
" hy irlv. ii llial tli- fiilloHUi,' WhlnuVAi
liriiiH-iii-niM in i ini jiiii law, lia- Iui n in, ,!
Hli Hi- l l-lk ol Hi- ur I in-,' l uiiil ol siiMier
""i.'i - i "un nioii iiii jioimay, nu,. 'j, in
II., J III ,V'l, l-.'ll
Aiuai lui iil of Klla i;iiil.ll, wlilmvnf ,.,n
iiia I.i II, l.ii- ot ri riy Wi'st l p.ali ri'.ni il r
tin-1 Im law.
Appr il in-til of Amanita Aini-lla Sllmlnv
willow ut Hi ii iiiilii K. siiinl..v, laic (,f ranklii!
'I'w p., iliTi iiM il, iiinli r lliu ( inn law.
Appral itii iil ol sian stroll, whliiw i, I l.-tirv
.1 si roll, lain ol I. Mini Ttt p., ili i i il, umlt r
tli- ( ill law.
Apinal in-lit of .lli' it. smith wiihuv or T
.1. smith. h- . Ii- ul ll,., lloionyli i MMiii,..
Inir,'li, ilai, niiil-r tin-;iki law.
Aiiralr,i-iiii-iil of Kii.'ti MtiHs-r. whlow of W.
Haiti II. Mil r, !alu of A'l.ilna ToWIimIiIh. die il
uml-r III- I mn law. ' nf Surah r. will, widow of Im.
vld II. Will, lain of t hai, man ''w ii.. UiiMi-.l
iiiid-r tlm khi law. 1 ",
Appral mi ni of Kin.'l.'i KIIiii.t. widow of
.la-oil KllliL'l-r. I:itf ol Jurkanii 'I'w p , d-r-asi'd
ninl-r iIih l inn law. 1 u
Apr. Ji, mi. j. c. K'lioni, rirrk o. c.
The Aetna
44 Honu'
44 Aiiiorican
The New York Life Insurance Co.
The Fidelihj Mutual Life Association.
Your Patronage Solicited.
1875. : : : : 1896.
Striking Low Prices !
V1N(J just IT
lies! line ul"
limu'il from tin castcni cities with tin
CL( TI I I Nc ;,
liihlrt n's Slmcs
known in this
a full lint of
Straw Hate,
Tin follow Inif Account haw M.,.n iu,., ,.xm.
Ili-d ami pa d In Hi,' l'riitliiiiioiaryH ....a
will h- pr-Ki'iit.'ii io tho nrx-. ciiii t ( coiiiinon
wHU'kunoulT''"1'''11' A" 'rH,""t "l-ifhlfa
Flrt nnd purllnl account, of W. p. Unwell
K'uiirillan ol llm minor clillilrcii of Lewis 1 craw'
furd. Int.' of WcM llenver 'rwpUeieiu.(.
Klrst hiiiI pari lai iii'i'oiint of J, j, Ncliriiwder
ciiiiniiiii...of Joiiii vv.liwiiru of Aduiim Town-
Account of Ncr II. MldillcHWiirth, commnteo m
Di lllulltitiBltr.sluuutlc lu tlio Duuvllluunviiiin
Gents' Furnishing Goads, :o:
Hats, Caps and a lull line of nu n's and
at Kiieh low jiriresas have never lieen
1 section of 1 country hel'ore. Also
Trunks, Satchels, Suimner rnderwear
and Congru at astonishingly low iriccs. II'ou want vour
tlollar to o as far as two dollars,
Call At Oncb
securo lor ,a haigaiu. in. .ikiiij m Un
tho past patronage given ine I am vours trulv,
E 0PPENHE1ER, : Mwjm, Fa.
1896 SPRING 1896
very latest advanced si vies of
1 rr
Special arrival ot
Jress Goods,
Also Hie very ltitrst stvli'S of (ii iits' au. !,i.vs' SpiiiiL
Suits ut lowi'i- i'its tliiin ei r In inn'.
Tl 1
Brains m
X X 4.111111111
llll, I
uiiiiiii r
Tin lurui'Ht asrinrtiiii'iit iilnl lad st styles of l.tiili.'.s' 1 i i ss Slmr anil
Oxfoi'il Tics in liliti'k inn! t'liluis. nls.i in tits' urnl l!oys' slmcs, In tti r
in iiunlity iiml sii low in i.iircs tlint F. II. .MA1'I!I',IJ S Sl();s me the
talk of all tlio iroili. Lmlii M' tini ilrcss shin s fmiu Sl.nn tu S l..iii.
(Jctits' liiu Cotiu'icsH SIiocm from sI.imi to si.nii"
i'i l - .1- r.. '..l .... . .i .
i nt' iui tr's.i nut' oi iiii'i'iiKw art' in iui foiinty ai ine iui i iirife.
t inrinn i , i r ' , -n ', i ... . - , -, l i.
J V VM VW -J V 1 .V I US X V V . IVJltv.. 1
iiimi:m mu: i.ei . r
Cash paid for good hutter and oggs
Also just icct ivi'il it Jarire sil)ilv of
iimivj Xi. 1, is iiu li wliitc pine Sliintili s SJ .'.il tier Imni
1 iliCI.. jNo , lH .. ,(,(,,ll. Sli(i, K .i.t;,
Cull ami Hfo our Ktot k In fore; btiyinj, 'l-.ewh.-n'
ittul In ciuiviiici il in eiiri' ami slot L
Largo variety of tho latest fabrics in
Fine assortment of Silks for ladies' waists, prices
way down.
Ueauliful lino of DRESS GINGHAMS, IVn als and
Satins. Heady made
and laundred waists. "Wo have a nice cloth capo nicely
trimmed, for $1.50
CAIU'KTS in nil riiiiIph nt prices tirol
uivo us u tun it wiu pay you.
nl.mif ill 1(1 (IvIfiM tn sol.. i'l. from
ably lower tban nuywhtro tine.
S. WEIS, Selinsgrove, Pa.
Apr. 7. HO. j. c. BCUOCII. I'ro.