U 7 r"sw - - -x - '- ,)... ; -. I' ' ( : . s. -os SlirijlililjUljurgljIIflsl. Publishetl every Thursday. G;o V. WagcnseUer, I Editor and Proprietor. Subscription $1.50 per year. wutrli must I c paid In advance when Bent OUt h('1 the rminty.) : RATES Of AOVIRTISINO. All transient advertisements not otherwise Com no-ted fur III In- chanted at til" rate of 1 com 't line (mmpariel measure) fur firs' Innr 'Ion mid tooi-iilti per line for every subsequent Insertion. arln'fi nniirfn jivhlithfit frff i Miliary pnrrl, irihutrt if rrtpret, rfc, thrrt tmlt a Unf. thoommttt meeting but tiirirest'sl iiim II 1 hud another pmpnmtlon to mnke I should come to nee him. Now what doet Mr. Itow wnnl T I deplor the fact that tjin matter roulfl not be ) satisfactorily Rett led, and It I did anvlli'mr ttn 'flr onndnnt art hows-ahle In tlie whole In tryln to ndpmt the mutter I should ho pleased I to have It pointed out to nic I am Itesp'y, P. RCOTT RITTER. Candidate Row's View of it. Ski.issiirovk. Pa.. A nr. Nth. 1'u thr Kcpiihlican Voters nf Snyder t'ouiity 1 rerd Hint up totiils time Mr. Hitter and inv ef hive reached mi decision conceriiliiif Un tie vote fur sheriff. I refused to mere" to i loss lernx tlmt Is inmbllntf. I nm wllllnir to i!o ntivimnif unit is k-ifiil and rulr to the Kcpnhii cull party. W. vV . Kuw. Republican Committeemen. Vdatiei.-.t, K. Ketterolf. Tobias Vlli hell. lt-;iv.T.-N en. in Freed, 1 r In Klnnev. II" iv.r W.-W III. Heeler. '. W. Ilo'lsh. IP re. .1. W. Satllpsel. II. f S llnl","t. '!uipui:iii.-l. A. l''.rtIHi". T. !. Nlehn's. IllllMUi I'. l. Imilkelliervfer. .1. W. Klen liuwer. .1 i,.;.,ti. win. Martin. .1. S. Yearb'k. M . Mleli'irirh, -" iirMn liovvctsox, W. K. Keen. Mld'loere.-k.-.l. .1. MU' liel. I'. I- !" . Monroe. II. II Hurd'ier, I. K. li'i'ist. I'eiiii. -Iiile Kii'iuhm, c. K. Wairner. I'errv. Irwin li ner. Ilenrv II irdlin.'. I'errv W.. Iiuil. l M .inevul. II. K. 1-vrster. sprite.'. I'r. A M sml'li, l F.sputd. .elin-arnve.- K II. iiiImtIi hit. ' W. Covert. T'll ei .1. I. Hinders,.!, il. nlil. i-iiw;tM',. - Wm.r. HiM'Mi. -lem charl". 1 Applications (or License. I l.lst nf persons who have filed tln'lr applles- ; Hi him rnr I ivern. iiutiierv and Distillers i.teeimv i l.ir Hie year l-'.m. I TAVKHN t.K KNHK. I'Olt l'UKSIDKST, Matthew StAnlcij ()uai. ltopiiMii'iiti ('oimty Ticket. r.ir itH'n'xx. I II H M M II'N. Ill.'e t In l!-!'''t I Hllerele-'.l '.,r M ite -ell I'.ir. l.liM IN M. IH MMKI.. (Stlle, l to Hlslrli l t onlereliee.) er -elM'ilV. ( II KI.!"-i W. II KIIM N. 'or 'I re i -nrer wii.i.iam it i; 1 1 : . l.i :. '..r . ti . mi --I--M' r-. i i.i.i a vi iiui.oi;. I ' M'ul'ls. V.ir r.i'intv And!ier. .I.e. It W l'.l( i. r. V. M' I II. Tlmrsdiiy, Apr. 1(5, 1S!X;. i For S!i Cliff 'istiti! liftwi'fii (1. Names, filer Herman, laeoli A. I.dlet, I'erelval Kel-er. (ie.irv'1' W. Weaver, Mlaall HI !!, .1. S. Yeillfer, IMMiI Herreld, . T. Iletlrl. k, Iveilcr Unwell, inlili M. mm kler, i:W-nrth Auriibd. Martin Slevr. .Miirmt M. Ilartniau, P. c. Ilurtmaii, lai'kHun l'. Ilaker, Kihim .1. Aviiieiord, Mll'll linn 'nX, Will II. Millie. I 'harlex ( '. SeelHil l. Kplirlinn i t.rayhlll, (.. M miih. .I iliiilhaii II. ArlMj.Msl, i. V lloer. William II. KeiNlettor, 'alhailne Voer, Samuel UiiihIi.iuIi, ii. ii. r.nM, .1. K spamrler. Mllion l.nllk', II. '. Il.ias. i;. K keiH .V .Utile, Kellz. llon i.KIW I.II.ENK. W. II. i.r'niin, Kreeliur;. A. W. W inner. SellllH.Tilve. i arlK.n Seel.i.l.l A Kranit Ifelifle. Mldillelniritli. iu.rii.i.i.i(s i.u tNsi: i: II. Ilaitinuii, t'enlrevllle r - I i Shaw er. Ail itiiti Township. .I ie,h Muk", Fiaiikllu Tiiwnsliip. Hesldenee, Krutefville, . !Wltie.rrovi Kreehurrf. I'errv Township, t'liupni in " Sellnsi;rove. Vuhlnston To nsinp. Mellnsvrrove, Monrije Township. t'enlrevllle. Me) 'line, MeKee. Kails, Chnpinun Township, MMillelMirKn. Kranklln Tow nshP'. Heaver springs. Hi'lli Ntrrote. Port Tri'verton. Melservllle. Port Treverton. K reamer. Ilea vert own. t'enlrevllle. Krislitiru'. Kretllolil. pnri Treverton. Rheumatism and I fttarrh, CHUed by poor and corrupted blood, cured by Ayer Sarsapnrilla. CandidatPH Ritter and Row both publish their view on the deadlock between them. Candidate O. W. Row wan in Mid dlcburgh on Tueftdny. He regrfts that the deadlock has not yet been broken. On Tuesday evening John R. Beii;h of Liverpool wan lodged in jail tor tlireut-iiintt the life of M O. Snyv.fr nt S litimriove. These unrel v of tho peace pases keep the county jail supplied with boarders. Our best wishes aro extended lo Dr. A. Vj, Spunkier and Miss I, In Miller of Selitixitiove who were linn -tied last l'riil iv imd are now tn u tour to the Kastern cities. The tri'ooin is nil itccoiiiiilixhed dentist and the bride a youutfludy of iniiuy good ualilies. A now Ranio called the "Ivlitoi's Delight" i played in this way: 'Take n sheet of ordinary writing y per fold it carefully, nnciose a bank note 8ullici"iitly larg to pay tip all arrearages nod one year in a l vance. Keep an ejeon the editor, and if n Hinile adorns his Ti''c tic trick works like a charm. Xom" is the lime to play the juke. The Ti; Tli- d.-ii Hoc! V. Uow and 1. Scult Kit t r, tho ti candid. ites for i-herilV, still remains tinbrk"n. Another ineetinu was held on Monday and a fruitless f fdi t to iu:ik? a choice was the result. Vt that time both agreed to present their claims to the Standing Com mittee ut its meeting on Friday and .'el them decide it. This is a serious mistake. The . hances nre that the Standing Com tu.ttee will not make a choice and the whole afVair will be thrown into it turbulent election. Other ennu .h.te- " ill spring up and the Stand- will have no power tmb"'' ' urcak this deiu... i lldii;:. It is still tut lair hands tind the .ommittee will en.loise their itction. Jut put tl,,. iiiV-iir info the hands or the com mi! ti e and but h cainlidatt-s w ill find results contrary to tin ir d ;res. The Coitvcnlie i S!ioi:!cl Scicot. The n publican si-si-- coi.v. niioii whi.'h will ii- n iiil 1" in 1 ! 1 1 i-bni -g netwek, thoi'.ld fleet ill'' state eh lii niaii ju-t ::s Senator l,nav wa-cho-en la-t AuL:n-t. The former custom of selectim: a ehaii limn by j th'."-tat'- nominees and tin president of the convention is unpopular nnd j OUt-of date. l'lielC will be '-'s'.l votes in the convention coming frt-m every district ami elected by the people Hence, the convention should takej this matter into its own hands audi decide the contest. Frank Willing Leach has made a tight among the people, the real rep resentatives of our government. He has dared to submit his ease to the people and if Senator (J'lny does i n! seek a re election, Mr. Leach will be chosen his successor. A AFFIDAVIT. This is fo cert if v that on May 1 1 lit, ( wiilKed to Meliek's tlrtlg store on a' pair of crutches ntnl bought u bottle ('liaiulii-rluin's Pain Halm for in i lluiiimiitory rlicuuiHtism which li.el crippled me up. After Hsil) three ! 1 t I )' I am eompletly cured. I nm I clieerfllll V rei-iillllM'-Ild it. t 'linrlcB II. , Wet .el. fMiulmry, Pa. Sworn and siilise.rllipd to before n o i on Atitrust in. l'.U. vValterShiinii.-ui. ; 1.1'. For hill e by all ilrui;i;is's, ."ill cents per liottle. "Mistaken Son.s Who Dkeam ok Ih.iss." Tho following murriii-jo li- censes have been granted since our last publication : U'has. W. Neitz, Tort Treverton, H'arrio D. Lenig, Dr. A. C. Spangler, Seliusurove, MdaL. Miller, J.lohn .T. Lose, . Washington Twp. rC'lara S. Weiser, Union Co. An exchange rim twenty a youg ninu likes to wag his active tongu exercise his gull; ho struts aroiii. noble rage, tho woihl i all h ho laughs to scorn tho word of and lists to self alone : he wears ft window in his eye to si e his whiskey prow; he think the ladies I pine and die because they love him ! so. At forty he's knuckled down to I biz ; 'tU not till MTty that ho knows ! how big a chump he is. Constipation t'.iusea fully half the nlrkni s.s In the world. It retains till- digested food too IoIik ill the In. well mid produces Mliotum si, torpid liver, hull- M Hi jts (SK aJ itesliou, had Uiste, niated toniruo, sick headache, In. conitiia. i-lc. Hood's 1'illi cure const p.itioii and all Its results, easily and thoroughly. 2Sc. All driiccists. Prepared t')' C, I. HiMid & t'o.. Low ell. Mass. The ouly Pills to take w ith Hood's .Surs.il'unliu. Pills U'ANTED-AN IDEA.-: I! .'in to Isitent T I'roleet your I. lens ihi may '..;i'i : you vvealtli. Write JoIlN WKMiKIl Ii! i.N iVr ( 'O., 1'iitetit Atlornevs, WasliiiiKloQ, l l' for their St.Miei pr'- THE TURN OF LIFE ITOXilTS CItlTICiL TERIOD Contemplated with Less Fear thi .. of Old. (rvtL to oi'B I. nr imm.) Tlioro Is no period In woman's osrt career which sho approaches with much anxiety as the "chanRo of li f Yet during the past twenty yesrs worn have learned much from woman. It Is safe to say that women who y pnre themselves for tho eventful per; pass through it much easier than in t past. There la hut one eottrso to purs Liilia E. J'iiikhtun'n Vegetable (' pouml should bo used In timo to stilx the nervous r(inilieatinns, ond pre tho system for the change. It is well fort approaching time to write '. I'lnkhnm, at L) Mass., a get li free i vice. Stic testim as the lowi shoeli convii log: "Yc Vegcl lie C. pound i been t fJod-sen to me: saved m life who.'1 nil ebe i failed. i 1 n-oiilili have lieen In my gravp ten years ago In fori'. My voiiili ha, fallen find reste eti th" hlail.l r. Tic- doctor could iif relieve ti i : m v miii 1 w.n deranged. Yot. 'o:npov.!i'l em-eil me. It helped II thi-oiie.li the i Ii.uil:" of life all riyhtint now iti c"0'l health. It has also cure mv litislian l of kidney troalile: made bin h!:" a ii"v man. Please state my words in the s!ioti:;est leitiis. I am i;lad tc send ymi my picture. I travelled twelve mill's to have It taken for you. Mils. W. ).. IAV, Itettsville, O. :sin.iketUs: At a knoit all: he j , V;l-',.t'J Latest Goofls Latest Styles. Lates at HOOH & OLDT'S, New E DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENt! 1 (uviiix returned from tlio Kastorn Oitien tl - . A -si s. . f'l jst. j very j;ooa uasiiincro at cfs. 2nd arp Henrietta at 55 ct former price 75 cent. 18 ineli Silk at 25. Tliero arc hut a tew ofthl Can ,'ive you name prices accord ingly in 3Ioircs, Jaconets, lVrcalcs Mohairs, Linens t 1 1 1 .1 ..!!... t-l t - ' UI1U ill! tHHllt'MUM. liCUtlCCtl priCCS Oil OLOTHI A fair Imijs' suit for !j?l,50. Don't ftugtt SHOE DEPARTME Special Latlics' 50 cent Oxford. V 1? It L At . j. v Minn in very closest cash or prod cr to exaiuino our prices itml make his own vmt us wo win positively not no utnlprsold hv an v In system. M far lpl'1 ilS. Vyii t-rt n V g ill te v -,c1 ist Ir. - J. i bm r'' tin: Ibo It ii t ti nh is ill n in mi ip Auditor's Notice. I have l.ei-n : t " d I auditor hv orphan" Cimi I hi Sn viler ei,i.,t v, lo dlsirilniie' the tuinl In the leileU ul .1. '. S li i-li nil I Manlel llolelnh er At -, ii.", s In taet er lliLinlph llrii.u-er Kveel t.ir o! the .S W ill M te.slalllel.t i ... Mnve isntl ot le nr.'ei I. ile of Centre Tow 'iishlp, Snyde ' 'oil t , .eee.si il, , , herellV (five not I ll'ai vvllislt lerlluil pui'iioscat tlieolliee ot .lames H eron-e, Ksi., In MlddleliurLrh. Snyder c iiilitv I'entia. iei salunlav. April -J."i. ls.HI nt il o'ehx- a. in of al I day, nt vvnieh time and place iif n rsn!is Peine; iiiierested and havliiK' claim:1 uvaliist the said estate are reipusited lo he prei ent ami pri senl t'lesune or he forever ileha r.-d Iroia ent'iltij; in on s lid Intel. This liollee !' irlveii In eoinpl..iae.j v. l'a our r-ili-s nf court Nim,' ..'a-id Jis. i AI.-I.KS 1R(W Kit. March ls'i.-,. Auditor. r i v-Tifii Several trustvuirihv Kentleinen or ladles to travel III I'eiinsvlviiiilii for estahllshcd, rellahle house. Salary fiso and exM-iiBes. sleailv mis. lloif. Knclo.-e reti-n-liee mid Keif Bdd'reMHed. siiiinped enveos. The lioiiiinion f'ompaiiy, Thlni I'loor, omahu llld),'., fhlcaifo, III. l-MD-'Wi. Wonderfully Successful in all Chronio DiHease s and EYE, EAF, NOSE, THROAT, LUNGS, AND NASAL CATARRH- All Eyo Operation Success fully Performotl. Kxainination ami Consultation Tree to Kveryh.xly. A Few Testimonials if -s . It- v. ' v'r V i X V' ! M. f v .:'- Vs Idad TIiIIhk. rue L'rand sneeltle for the prevailing tniihidy oflhfliik'e, i'HH'sla, I.lver complaint, Uheil- matlsin, 1'oslivenes.s, ueuerai itcuiiuv. eie., in llacoii sCelerv Klhvf tortile Nerves. This irreut herhal toiile -tlinulates the illrfesllve organs, regulates t lie l.tver and restores the system to vl"ori'Us health and energies. Sample tree. I.arire paeka.fes 6oe iiinliV. Sold only Py 1. II. W allers, I'et.list'reek, l';i. CanJJato R tter G ves Hs Side Question. of 111 t' I(S : 10 A M. TIM. I W. Ho Oux'ob Aftoi Otlicrs Fall. The Mcst Successful and Scientific Treatment of All Diseases and Weak- nessefl of Mankind. The most widely ntid favorably known Bpeclallst III the fulled Stalls. Ills lone; exbeil"iice, ,, lemaikal le skill, and unlveisial ui s.s In t he lai tfesl hospitals In the world en aiilcs him to iHe irenl all elllloNIC. NKItVOI'S, hKIN. and lll.oon illseases upon the latest w lelilllle principles, . and eiilltle 1 1 1 ill lo I he full eiiitlil'iii- ot tin allllcted everv vv here. J lMI-oll'l 'ANT To l.IMKsir. Salni, alter years ol expel'lrlice, has discovered the (,'ientest cure kl.ow li lor nil diseases iK'CUllar to lln-m-x. l elnale diseases positively cured by a new (oli- siuuokis Inn, l'A., April J. 1SVC. To the voters of He Kepubllcin Partv I take Ilils llietln.il ii- a ptUlleee as well as a dut v lo Infoi in the public of the in lion taken by i. W. I("W and m sell In eoinliu; to the settle ment in the maiter el the tie In the Sherlllallly, the result ol the late 1'rllli.ll V Kleellon. I met Mr. lli.w nt lils home on Mo inlay, Mareh:iii, U-', at w Ii I. -li tune I made t pluposll tun I ll.lt we lie. . idetlie mailer fairly by ilrawln loti, tosslm; no. or anv vvaviliat would L'lve me u chance w nil him. als.iat'ieellik' that the winner should I luv Hie expelisi s ot I he l r. This lie refused I to da but proposi'd that he lake this Iinuilmtilou Hid I take in v chances III a lulure liomlnalluli, wlin Ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 uiitalr lo my ti lends. Wei lien .iu;-'llit' . aieitlier meelii,' hli h bsik place at si, an,.. kin Ii. mi en Mniida.s. April ''all, at widen Mi . !;.'H ftiii iti-i-ti d upon Ha h.une uiicondl i leiial uireieh r to I I r . t . Welle-n agreed utioll .in t'ei t.c'it .ii.' wlili Ii ton;; pie " at I lie Kev - i.e It'it. 1 at selh.su rove on r'rld.iy. April Kit Ii a' nli Iif Mi-.I.'.iii a.'l'eeil lo the poHsltloll tiiat eacii apiHiliil a man lo u t In hlshteail and we et Moinlay, April I ). Iii-t at sliamoklu I'alu r a InceMic' nt w III' h tl.ne he ple-eileil Hun. M.I.era- hi- l.'-pl.-v nt.lllVe alel I seleel. . ' .. M 1 1- n r .. - li.v l!i pn ' lit at IV Hint utter .:,iii - I I.e I..: luu ii,.- ,i-i . i Ma i, i, r. M iller and Mi 1 i ,e I wiu.ipew lii On- p. o. ol A Hall lo i.l. tie I a'e ovi r Hie ipllMl loll. AI.KKKMKNT. sinMoLis 1 1 v vi. Pa.. April i:t. l'i. i. W. K' w alid I'. Seolt 1:111. r. huMi, le l.il I, as. Vllllel lilid ti. M . I'' I. she r llll lo si t'l-the tie evislll, belwisui I lie U . Km. i.j.'l I'. s.e.,n Hitler in u lair r aid I II it us He- said I'll. is. Miller and i. We I he uiideiei;,., a.'rec to method. The cure is e fleeted bv Inline trealint-ut, l.lillrclj Iiarmless und easily iippllcd, hUilalloh Free und strictly t oijiuioiitl.it. Iir. s.iliu o-rates Micces.sfnlly and painlessly forsipiiiit eyes, pler.vKliini. Iildecloiiiy, lurnliiif In or out nt evelashet, or lld , el, will e of tear duct und all other eye operations. chronic sore eyes und Kritnulutcil lids ipilcklv cured. A certain and positive rure for Hid awful ef fects or early v ice and the numerous ev ils taal lollow in us train. Private blood and skin diseases hieeillly, completely and permanently cured. Nervous dobilliv and wxual disorder yield rapidly to his skillful I real incut. Syphilis, k'honorrhea, k'l'-et, Koperniiitorrhca, Hi liilli.il weakliess, lost iiuiiiIumhI, nlht ends Hlolis, deca.ved lacullles, female weakness ntnl nil delicate disorders n-cullar to either sex, inislllvely I'uri'd, as well fuuetual disorders t hat . result from youthful lollies of the excess of mature years. Sn-clallli-s-atarrh, skin dlm-ases, sores. I pimples, scrofula lllood llllls, ec.i lna. l-alieer, illes, and diseases of women quickly und per manent ly cured hy t hit latest approved Ileal, li, cut as pursued by leading ns iaIlslM of Ann r- iiiil r.iiroie. cent, id all case Deafness -I cure 90 per eui'ed In oin- treatment. Hlsi'har'lht ears cured 111 every case, eatarrh of the nose, bronchitis and trouble lum; caused irolil catarrh, sisltlvel, cuied. To the Young and Middle-Aged Men. A Sure C ure. The awful effects nf early vice, which brink's organic weakness destroy In IhiHi mind and body with all lbs dreudlul Ills permaheully run d. Dr. halm addresses those w ho have Impaired themselves by Improper hi'lulk'eliceH und mili tary habits, wlih-u ruin both iiiiud ami body, iiiiiituni; liicm lor business, study, society, or marriage. Married men are Ihoscchterlmfnu that, hap pv life, uvvaiu ol phjlcul deblllly ipilckly us slstedj We guarantee lo cure nervous i.ehlllty, lalllinf inanlioisl. HVphllls. vailcis-ele, slrlcliiie, k'leel, iiniistural aisi hari,'e, weak pails, und all kid ney and bladder discuses. Kpllepsv or tlta inislllvely cured by a new tut-Hind, 'Ti-sUiuohtab fill'iilshed. CHiioti. .MinrehH ir. muni, 1-. ii. nm nn WONDERFUL CURES i a 5U,) 1UJOK I'ltKK. The Medical Adviser, containint,' nearly W) pau'es, it short lilstory of private diseases, ndvloo lo yountf mid old, fspuelally those eohtempliittiio; imirrlae, fully llliistrttted. Do not fail to improve tho opportunity to obtain one of tho most valuuhle books which lias ever come within your reuch. TnU book will be sent to unyono free on appli cation. Address lr. Siilm, V. O. box THO, Colutulitis, tililo. pertectcil III old cases wlile.ti im vu been n'i;lecteI or unskill fully treated. No experiments or failures. Parties treated bv mail or express, but wliere ponsible per- t.'uriiblo eases (.'tmrunteml. coulldentiul. Treatment sent (J. (). I), to lias. Miii'-r in, d (;. M. Kisiier remained in pri-1 Hqv iiurt of the L", st. List of HiO tiuestions free. Address Dr. Saliu, I'. O. vale lur more to -n a liour dlw Usnlnjj lliu multer. , i.,.. f,i.. i ,.u r but as Mr. How Mill waliUd the nomliiullou 0 OI.ll".,.'".,.H' . : w . . , .,v,.,,vi.o,fK"i-io witnout kivirn,' me a . hai.ee. Mr. Fish- r ti.ounhi j CONSL I.TATION FHKE AM) STRICTLY CONFIDhMIAL. illin ir m- uiiian i; lie ami hit i niinjn. i 1117 .... . . t.,i. weretle nculled lor dlnie-r utur which Mr. Itow Town. Hotel. Iiay. Mar. Apr. .May Juno July Aujc. Hep ordered hlsrlif and was prepared lo leave the I Mlddleiiurif, W aHhlngion, ue Vt xl 111 M H U S town, when I mipioaelixl liliu to know what i hunhury. I tiutrul. VA !J vjii II 1 IJ 11...V o.i..,.,i.-i 1.. ,t,. Mr iimw H1..1. .1.1,1 i. 1 lwisinirif. ami-roll. 11 w:i i in id i i iu sUppoMsl I would be ul Middluhurt; ou Friday ul U"liUwu, Natloua ', Ml .efE! l !!! Im I'tf illnrket Corrected weelvly by our merchants. Hutter W K-os 1 i'itii' l clu Tries li I'lUlitfeil " i IM . ..I "'i'-s 1 t'lliltis IU I, 01,1 Tnlii.W ( 'hickeiis per lb Turkeys Siile Shoulder II, 1111 (lid Wheat Hye Co I-II Oats Itrnii per too lbs Middlings " Chop " Flour per bbl .. H II 7 ... 1) . el . .:is .III) . 20 .HO .!I0 1.10 3..i0 W. H. LUOK, Salem, Pa. 20G.00 IN GOLD GIVEN. We, i, ,. . 1 am .1 -.il l ii 1. 11 h M. 1 1 .tiiii'l by atel siipirt t lie said i undulate and usk ! Hi" pirn loer.uii iioiiitn o ion paH-rs tlirou'li the liepijhhi all M.linllliii I olnlultlee, lis oHlcelS, , ,r ri I, I e-i'l.lam is. wn-ii " t" signatures, sum-.i, intii r, i ls.j honnl consultation Is preferred K. It. Ilolleii.sl. in. t.PtV.Uow. II..S1. rift'ino'S mill enrresliniiilen 1 19 li 1U Oct. Nov. Dee. A H 1-iN T 4 s mi H 6 H-H 5 t-MO VJS OKhl lCCIAI. IM'KltKsT TO HTt'DENTS AND TKAl'll KHS. It. II. WiKidvrai'd Coinpauv. of llalllmore, Vd., an- maklnu-a most liberal niter ot ki,im in any otie w lio w ill sell -inn conies of -'(icins ut KellifloiiH ThoiiL'lii." a new hook by Taliinik'e. This Is one ot the most popular booksevcr published. Three editions sold In liu davs. AlToiiIh sell pi to 15 copies a il ay. An Kstey min, retail pneo I.Ttl. k'lven lor sclllm,' llu eoples in months. A tint) bicycle k'lven lor scllim; so copies In 4 months. A k'uld watch fur sellUc' t.0 copies In one Ululitli. 'l itis preinlum hi ii ldnloii to eoinmlHslon. i one plileonlill .'licenls. Frelirhl puld. tireillt k'lven. Al'ciiIs walileiliilso for "i'alks lo t'hlldren itliout .lesiis," l.-.i.lioii collies Held, and It Is now HelllUK lahlerlhan ever, s.un" terms and cnndltlons us ou "(.ems of Itellk'lous 'i'li"iiK'lit." oilier is, pillar liooks and llll, li s also. Tliey oiler Haclal and most liberal rates lo students unit teachers for HUiniunr vacation, linrliik' last Hiiiniiier a larue iniinberot hlu.leiits and teacln rs canvassed for llielr iHHiks. Ainonif Ihe list there were 'ii who made overJiim.W win, won tin) f-.im :rellllUhl, and TO made over fl.'ai tor tiiclr suiuluer work. Write them Immediately. 3-16-tt. ARE YOU COMING? Kvery m. ill brink's word ot those who ure. They can't afford to slay uwuy. They can't afford to go elsewhere. CAN YOU T Have ymi hi en our lutest circular J Don't decide, until you see It, $500 In Scliolarships as Prizes. A CHANCE roil YOU. Write for Particulars, hprlni; term will open March sotll. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Bloouisburff, I'r. (Mvutlou thU l'mer.) t-CASH PAID FOR GCOD OUflER AND EGGS r- " ' fui- ir ! - V SMRGAINB IN h Hi t ly THING Fall aM Winter Siiitslrom Jlfl Up HMvy wiM-hta in Trousers, $3.50. Tlio pfcfa made to order, Guaranteed all wool, TrhmnhE; clas. V.'orkntansl.ip iruarantced. focHs: JK( A. HEKPELPINrTRR.TfiiiN" , - n Oppo 10 Post Oflico. Sclinsrt ME ,T?T OFFERS srniN TIKS, Sill UTS, t'AI'S AND HAT'S, ' CASTOIl AND KID W ifv!io V.,. mmm mi f Id GLOVES, Full l.ll.e of Mon'o rill II olllllR "mmmmt goods, -WMBSf M EX H CLOTHING AND SHOES. . Is, OPPENIIEIME XX) It:- ,1. h. II - UNDERTAKING ! The Salem P inlcrtaklm: entahll.shmeht, lately eoinlucted by Samuel l.uck, deceased, will bo mahak'cd In the future by the undersigned. COFFINS AND CASKETS always on hand at. low prices Corpse prepared for burial free of charge. K.MIIALM- I.NU A SPKtTAI.TV. I.lnlhk's, Shrouds. Hardware! In stock. Ite.spect fully Yours, luimu' wiaamimiuimnnifiinHniitninifmffinneitiiniiiiiiiimtiinmfiimiianiw'miiiiiim ' mm mm U iW new 0LEU uuiuc run i B i " t-: -ss n I I 1 ' irr V"sV ij MVVT I'llVI-TII Al.l. AHITirAVTS. A V&lll&U! I AKVIfltaA,:'' -:-tlXrY tiihl'iiniwiii winch tell ii.iw ii,l wht-ntii iiUnt, lu tiivo I I I p VITl7lNl)w,t', e ferculluruiluriim tlm r.,tli of imu. loril'inl kivmI.'I IY:'l''.iLJy'-M-',VH for Kll V.iulile. Kluw.r uil lriu Si-.-ilfc cuutiiu o I Ml .A '7v imr i ofTliori'iiKlilirfdl.lvHt.ik nd ! ik Foult.-y, fiilly illunir. ! !, VllUUTlliS fllA r it I'fll n CI nDVOi,rs,nrRUds.irl.e'olli-rlliio- ,i,tfc,,-. fk. Ijitil uiUy. ULU DLUnl em. Tlniiru.U.lhsv-tiiiu.-oiiliiii I VwMACKljnrUN'f -7 of clii.imifl.nriied, cb of which will uroiluc ihjwvn tlii I MUjlr.tl7 ."r,..ri-..l..ii'.s. i,rll,,....i,.....l. AlnrsobiiuiliiK Amrrlfl 1 Nii IVsV.H'iKIt tKKi S'ii.ii'l. Airitiiii.udiilulirai,'. lan ulur mimi i V V 'llHtliill lr". UuLUMtaarkl IIIII.V, X.k. nr. Si I hnltst Su., IU- ""nm-iiiiiV yrni "- --- ....ii4iuiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiijin i lur, a f i ali Kl tt in si I- ' M EW DRUGS, i HEW MANAGER,! IlLEBIu PHARMA W. H. SPANGLER. MS V'--'-s, (If