)1 1 filll SHE LOVED. CHICAGO WOMAN'S CRIME. After Murdering Her Frienil She Commit Suicide l.it- w tikititr filofitf !! -rr""t. Minn Mary Utiimtt. f I'lii -ago, .l' itt Titt -ly llr-1 two shots Into tln k "f Mi-s Kli-abeth Ttuw brt'lif', ii prominent young woman of tlil place, causing it.-' :t tt death. Turning the weapon upon h"ri f, M; I liui' tt ut ii ImlM f r k t Iht own I rain rm I Ml lif"l"s.s liy th" nil" i f her ! tl:n. ll I rowhridgo was iim itli'i.'iht lit tln asylum and In I charg-- of Ml Limc-m. 'I In' iHtii'iit became gn h 1 1 uttn ! t Iht Iiuik" uring Iht 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 ut. und h It now appear- ii -! 1 vii gr nti r is-on fur li'T tlwui f r Iht t In ;!,: fii"nd. When l:o wi di'h.irg"d ui 1 1 r 1 . -I." h i h it want t.i leave lilt' HhllaM , .11. II'' .1111,1 "I tin" s"puri- tlon fimn dl i ravi n lg". she was hi.niiv persua 1 t . return home, Ii fnT, nn I linn been In i lii.'inM Mii-c Int . t.i r, a pur- Olltl.V III llIT 1 1 lt 1 1 lit I lliili 1. Ag.tlh she IlH't Miss 1 rowm-idge und i-iit walking. T Imy hud gone ill .ut a I'l.n'k fro ii-. Mm house, .vie-n A !( wan i-turtid ly ii pistol shot Jii-t ! hind Iht. n. i-l turned In tun" to ee her h-lovi'd sl-t'T tllP'W II li'T irmo hi. I fall forward. Sim rolled nvr in -Im stru-k tin-irr.rin.l, nn I M;s Lime-it I r I ut In r MlfHlfl. littler W"lltl I Wotlll hill- .ecl fatal. Then tlii' tn ii r.l'T-T tiirii-t tli" w.'iii n u".i; Iktm If nn I I'li-w mil Iht bruin-. TURKEY BACKS DOWN. Christian Musioruriot Not to Be Expelled from Arnic.iin fit Or.cr 'I In- Steps !llK"tl III b"lnllf of Ml" tl.i--ioI,-ttrics in A-iii Mirer l.a v Im I u hci.ct Ini of. ('I. 'J'li" TurM.-li goy-mii. lit rcpiiing I . tin-r- n 'I r -r "t : t .i 1 1 i. - i n the s'loj.-( inn I" liy th" I'.. Hi 'i A'limix i I -i . sir ll.ii.p I'm : I", nn. I tli" li.it- ! M.it"- i.urge I ' A I -fun'.-, John W. put. I:., iL..,.r,l tlx' dipl m.M s li nt lh" nii-slonnri' s in A.-hi Minor Wnlll I tu t I i- !lii.. rt"i "so l"tig ll they con form vvl.h tin- law- i.f tin- e. unt rv ." This mouan Im s in .t 1'iirry with it Mm weight wlil Ii it .-nH in . . in ii.tr from iinv other K"V rni'i' lit, I: I. "iiilir. .I.ii'i llnT" l Mi iin''imi lint tin- 1 :irkn Ii ..111 nn-. have t n trvtiig T"" Hint tli" luls-ioiiari'-s nr" inH "ronl iu.ing wi'.li tli" !a of tli" e.ii.trv." nic' i! wa- mi ml- i:riiti! thai tin' Suli.iu T"i ip.l ii... I T"i nt'ly i'ti" I tli" irifl" ro Vi I' t fur tli"i- inil-. u Ir !. tli" 'I'm l;l-ii il i IiiI 'Ik. 1 1 1 1 1 l.i" iil.li ity 1 v 1 1 to tli" ii. m -i in ill" pm- lni " riiiiiil i im"i u Invii i: mil ut tli" I'.ilii. , an I it if ii i w tii .,!it Ii:.. ly tli. t Id" Innl" will I." witlilnM li ! i- iitiiil l(n-in i.n- I n fiiitlnT I'i'ii- KlHt '- I oil til" I'll' j" t. BRIDGE COLLAPSED 8efn Men Crushed by a Train. Which Tumbles Into a Ditch KU"tinti wit" liifit.intly kill -l m. 1 two otii'TM futiilly lujur.-il in ii ItI !' if. ."ut liulf ii iiiilf fr. in !! ili'T'l jmi 'tn.i;, lii'l., nn tli" riillroml. 'I In- trnin iTok" tliriMinh H trtl". 1 In-il.'.i.l nr": liiirloi li.l 'ii, 'i'inl'1' tor. Miitiiiiii. I iiri'i-nti r, l.r. ninii : Wurp'ii !." ii.ii- l, l Wnrr ii. Ky.; .M'i'tiTfori Hii'l l'."Vih". !( i . r i.-.. ( liiirl" 1.ih mi l Hin,'iiiiiT .Mi ii'T hit- i") I n liy i ru.-iln"! tliry ciiti'ini ri'.'i.V T. I Ii" (riuii ii - i -t 1 "f nn i iiciii" mil (wo nr.in l r.ir.H .- 1 1 1 M'T" niM.I:.' ni limli M:j, In I'I.'kiiik hut ivlnit i- known ut t!,.- Stan, iliinl ip'.-il" tin- ln.t !,'iii ...li;i i i. Tin ! 'i otiv" wiin nt tli.it tlin" ii'Vi,i..l tlin tn'it' . Hl.'i li.nl it lift li"" I ;. i iiM".l irmi; t iti'k ly III" wrikht i'f t .. i n, iii'lilml It the n i'ii mi tli" i iik'Iii" wmil I Imvu ".riipi'ii. Ah It wiih. tli (wo "iir wilt .lon with Mm tn-Htl" Into u 1 it "Ii 7."i f". t . (., iin.l th m Kiiie, I'lill' il I.M"kwnr. in f Iti nf th" iii"iii"ii tuin of tin- triiln, r - : I ..v. r iiii.l 1 u n t',. ( ilown an "inl'aiikiii"iit -"V"iitv-tln f".t lii-li. All th" in.'ii who wi inployi- of tin nuiil, luilln-tliilf tin- lr.n k Mid'lK'll Hint Kflfopl. tntl.'Will lilo.'kii'l" dnyi. TORNADO IN TEXAS. Mmy Buildingt Wreckod In Several Townt and a Number of Perioni Hart A trrrlfric otorm, th teloolty of wind I. Iiiif W) rnll'-s an hoiir.aeoomiiaiiliil by an Inch of rainfall, wit omr Alillimo, Kiimlay. I'our r'l l"ni'i'n and Imlf a dom-n workHhopn were di'tiinllKlii'd and n numln'r of nnldi'iii'tn innvi'd from tln'ir foundation and otlnT wlf" I'rnlly dniiiiid, and tunny luillilliiifn wi-r" unroofed. Ti'l'Krniih, t"l"iliiiii) and i li'i'trii' liulit p.-ilra witp Mown down and t"!"irr.i.li i?oniiiiiinl"iitlon rut off until Intu HiilnlllV I'M'lilliK. Mr. Mi'Kliiimv wan rloimly and Mr. .loliiimm I'liliifnlly Injiirt'd, tlmlr rc!ldiTi"' Ix'liiif ilntroyi'd. I.ntiT nw ilio Mint tlio Morni wld" HCrond. HnviTiil lioii.n's wcri" Mown down at Colorado City, oim of whlrb wa oi'i".il"d ly u family iiann'd S"l"iii"ii. Nearly all of the nn iiil.iTi of tli" family with ItijiiP'd. At I-'ort Worth, n aiwli, door and Mind fac tory, ninl tin Krinid Maud of tlm Ihiho linll i.nrk wTi' wri'"k"d. At Cn'Wnn, the Fort Wi ith and Itlo (Inindn llnllrond dot, th M'-thodiKt I'lmr"!! and nln liiisin'. lioiiwa mid r"!l'l"n-) with d"iiiollHlim. At Itonnti, l ull,- county; at Aiiri"ttn, 1'arkiT county and nt llati'K, i"iiloii county, ninny buildiiiKa were wri'i'kiil. AN AWFUL SIGHT. Church Ooert Gate Helplf ttly While a Fam ily ii Burned to Death. At Wlmtetnni', Miimhall county, W. Va., nn entire family wan crcmnted Unturdny nielli In n lire wlil'di d-.-troyod the dwelling linuxe of .Ta.'kxori Martin. The dead are: .la. ki.on Martin, hi wife and child. They lunl only rei'i'iitly moved Into the hoiin1. Si ii.e nelwlilior were returning from chureli on Matnr.'ny iiljflit, ami when IiiihmIiih the Iioii' iii'ti.i'.l (Uat it wan on lire hut not kliowlliir it to do oecii led they ULned on to t!i" ii"t limine mid reported tin- lire, when, to llieir horror, they learned that th htirnliitf lions" wa o"i'ii'i il by n family. They hur ried liimk and tin- Hin'ctai'le timt met their K-iie wm horrll'l". Th could fee thermit Im.' ln,dlen in the lire, Imt wen1 too late to civ" iinv relief. It I. hii,iom". Mint Martin w..k" il , mid that the ni"k", IwliiK o il"ih" i r-vi nii'il him from HiidliiK thn donr, and lie hit I torn a I lank off the wall, an liU body vnu foiitnl in the t "!. I ii he lie had mad". STEEL BUSINESS IMPROVING. The Safe Fool Formed ie Already Felt in the Trade. The association or pool which waa forme I ant wii'k by the principal manufacture of ioft Hteel in the Ka.it will Im fiir-P'in'lili u In Hi eiTe.'ti, ami nlri'ii ly a iiil' k"iiliiK l.i noted In tl.e Iron m irk"t ireiierHlly. 'Jim harmonl "in im. I "tt.iiiilinf arrived at by th" moiiMi ern furiin"e.4 ha- alio resulted In atmiiirer rli ei uml liii p ii.u'd lniiilry. The nal"i of pi.' Iron ilnriiiK the pint week In thin market nccregiited not lentliiin aS.OiK) to MO.iHM torn, ni al' .ut ill. "5 for No. 2 foundry, for north ern "ok", an 1 til.:!.') for the nanio crude of noiitbern. Some .'i.tlOO tons of nt'i'I rods were emit ra.'t.'d at i M and 5,HH) tuna l'lll"li at ?n',j, which are now iioted ut i2l.2'. Current report Is that a rod pool l.i to be formeil, Hitiiilar to that ,f billets. Aiioiit 'i.KHi ton.i of liilduc platen for raliromlM were clou d at tI.W, and 000 t"im heavy O. II. Mcel ut 1 1.55. lor lliinm work lu Colorado. CURE FOR CONSUMPTION. T" on the train were and were i ntaKed in with rie l.et,vici 1 Ii" br aking of Hi" tli" road for icvnral A DISASTROUS FIGHT Col. Stevant Compelled to Evacuato Kai- ala. Near Mouowv A du at' li (r un Ma- "a Inn I i "i. rei "iv ed In I!. .:ii" by tli" wav of I'erl'ii Iilaiid ri -portliiu' Hint aft'-r l'... M' l.uil " victory i.ver the il'Tvi-ln ii, ar Kav-aia ii. Miturdity in a battl" u ulii.'l. l.i ! I'M n. i, an t mill l"d lo.i "-l:;.;at' 'I lit MM) nj . . lh" I'Tvl-le-l h" rtiirii"'t to K.cala iiii l t!." .l. rvi.li"i n tip"l t . II," f'.rti in.. I n.tr. n bill' nti at Tii'Tiif. I in th" ( ll 'V, iiik- l.iy i "I. M"ani mil I" it r niiiiii.ate'" "I I ..Till and ik'or- Ollllv iltl.l ' .l tl." t' It-. II" eaptliri'd I- "III" Of tlie'll, I'Ut tt'l- lllilil ." t. I. tip ly .l.'"ik'" tin- d-rviile . II" tlcT' lor" r turi.ed to Ka-.-ala an I informed in i,. llildlniera, coin, man b r of tie Jtiiliin, f.T' . i in Afn.-a, that he u ii i 1 1 1 1 1 v i 1 1 1 that 1. 1.- ..r' ". wp' ftroi.if mioiik'h and Mint Ii" prop '.' .l t' renew til" atta -k in Hi" iiiornlnk.'. 11. vn of tin- K"ii eral -Itii il ii ii , lio.sever, ion. b.tl lU-'ra re fill"! to raii 'iii'ii tin;- plan and or l'Ted Col. Utevanl to i it. iiiit" h.i.-iala and to r"tin Willi bin .'oliiiuii up. .ii Af. rdat, half wav be- tween Ka-nla Hud Ma ownh, which Col. Stai an I I- now doiin.'. RECIPROCITY BILL Favorable Sub'Commit'.ee Report on Mr. Hopkln'i Measure Th" i ib. i o:ii!ni;("" i,l tin- iioum commit. U of ' 'i. :id n." in iu r I to r"p"rt favor ably (lie bill i.!t.T"d by lt" re-"llt it.V" ll .p. kiiiK. T he ilr-i M'ciioii awtli. ,ri"- the president to enter into i" ipro.al trade ni -M alloiii with lev-ral .li'.m of en until"-. Th" mv OD'I M-''lioii itivi-j. an niran'"iiii nt ma I" l.y tin-pr.ni b i.t tii" b ree of a law upon pun. ilctttloll. 'J he third well. , pp.VI."1 tll.lt if any "onn'ry r"f'ii -to enter li.to a re Ipro clal arru:iK"in"iit, the Mulie-l r ite- of duty ahull iinmc'liatcly iipj ly to th" import- of aui'b "oiiniry. The fourth re.-tlon provide ini aiin by whi -h any country upon wlii' h the ii-K-nlve d'.llei lie lliu) -eoilre (heir rn- mlfl"ii I'.v makiinr eoncci-ioii-t, and tlie liut action pr..vi.. i that the ie l phali i Into eflwt iiuiri' dliitely upon It- pa au. Hanged by Mob. At HnitW, Alt., Kc ldl' k Adams, charged With the murder of C. 1'. It'Tifrmi, a uier ohant, of that place, wun taken from jail by moll and hliiK"l. The crlmi) wim culnmit Wl loot Novmli-r when lhn ii"j,'ro waylaid Mr. iti-nfro", kilh-l him and then robbed bin Ixidy. aterwurl burniin,- llenfrox'a houie. Adam wan tried hint week, hut hU can" wo continued and tho citizena, fearinK h' would U a"Ultled, dei-ided to lyii'ih hi in. Promisee to Denver Rev. Xnapp. The p or!" of Con-luiitiiiopl" ban U'l'lrcim-d to Mr. J. V. III. Idle, I lilt-,) htiiten chiirife d'. affaini a written prou.l-" to deliver (he Hev. Uixj. I'. Knai p, th" Amern an lulmiouury.re eoutly c(ell"d from llillli l.y (he tint Turk Uh iitlioriil".i, (o Mm l iiiled Htatee uouitul ut Aieian lp tin. Murdered His Wife. Alx'Ul i o' i lock Huiidav anornlim neuro AauiM'l Henry Kdinuiidn. of MadUouvlili. Ky., who had Hot l-?n llvlinf with 'iU wifii for eom tiiu, allppml Into tier room, and, tfwr tread nn tier lu a t rrlhlo niauuor, abut tt V )vtu. A Young German Physician Makes an Important Duoo''ery. liiti ii.-o intcrent 1 1 ii5 Ihh'c an imcd In medU cul and other circled through the iiinioiiuce nieut by a youiiK physieian, Krlch LunKheld ,;t ;b imernH" -nal : Vv;!: "to-r ; s: Wienliinlen, in.,) in, Lai d''iivered new remedy for ttibercido-U mimed iintimleroliia. It.- principal Increilieuti, it appears, urn ozone and cop liver oil, applied by mili'ii tan", in Injection. In the experiments of Mm pact live yearn, Im ex plained. Mm greatest ditlb ulty to ovepsime wan Mint of keeplnc; the ozone pure and eaniiy livnllaMe. (II Mm !1I ca-cH of tuln rciilosl- treated lu Mm MoiiMt hoipitul diirlnit the pant year all have l.ei-n cured, l'mfn. (ierhirdt mid Senator fully coiilirmcd the fori'ir jIiik itatciii"iit. j Wholesale Baby Killing. I A woman named Iwyer, nnd her mni-in-law, I'ulmer by name, were iirrented lit I. on it' ll on a ni"-l ni'ii.-atloiiul cliaru". They urn a 'ii-i"l ol liavinw "iik.'ai,'"'l In the kllliiiL,' of infant- iw a lui.-!uon. Thirteen children known to have hecn eiitrunteil to thin puir urn iiiH'inu. Si l.o.liei have lawn taken from tli" Thuiiien, each child evidently hiivini; linen -tranirled to death. The ullair bldn fair to be in or- wii.-alioiial in miiuy h'ttcrn from nil da -.-on of xociety were found in the pom". -i"ii of the woman. Many of the parent- of the children mi nn; were evidently aware of the tut" in i-tore fur the little oiich when they turuc I th'Mii over to the couple. Tim com niniucitii'iii nimw Mil. Destroyed by Cubans. The Moralito- cntat", the property of Man uel Anton M t.ii"-, the Amei-ican citizen, ha- I Ii burned by the rebeln. and the owner Inn tiled a claim with the t'nile.l States eon , mil for damage- in the mm of 21 HI, I mo. The ' San Aiitonia estate, near Ahpiiznr, owned by ; MauiiTto I'lilldo and valued .it 5ihi,iiimi. hai al.sn I oen l.iirned by Mm initirnenti and the , miik'litltccnt I'lanii e-tate, In the province of ; Maiitaiian, beoni;ini; to Mm Count lUaiiii i ami worth over Tiw.OOO, Inui llkewlnc In-cu 1 d"-troyed by lire. Dueling In Disfavor. ! iii" annual i i. m:r"-i of lierman nd"l.-tai; lithe iioliillty) wii.1 convened Hutiirday. . Amontf the iiie-Moii di.icii.i.-cil of npcelnl iii-tere.-t to the iiji-tr.icracy of (iermiiny wnn that of tlm duel, upropon of tlm lic'Lli mi which ar" now excltitn,' roc(e(y and (he gen eral public alike. T hin ipientloii wu.i dl.i"Ui ii'd exhauitively mid It wan llually renolveil i that It in not a brand of dishonor for a imlile. man 1 1 p-Iusc to llKht a due) if Mm grounds ol bin refu.iiil are honorable, j NOTES OF THE DAY. An Ineei.dlary lire dc-trnyed four sipinren Of ( olliptellhVllle, ivy. At Mm pp-eiit moment out of Mm 71 meiiibem oi the Innh Nationalist party 10 urn l'rote-mntn. linniik' tlm Truhco-1'rui-liin war tlm co-t to the I'reiich nation of each I'mnian killed wan 120,000. l'ti-lpn A Miller, the larife.it jewelry firm of Han i'runciacn, ,avk fulled, with UulillilioB in timated at "o.OOiJ. The nhip buildina concern of Sir W. 0. ArmntroiiK A Co.. limited, of Qlangnw, will entalillnh a plant in Japan. KaiiKarooa aru nuch a phiKUD In Auntralla that the government I'liyn u bouutyof bpeumi for each miluiHl that in killed. A irruud ulunn of OcihtiiI Inrnel rutnain, Mrn. I.wcy I.. llci:kery, died lu llaiiKor, Me., tt few diiyii iiko at Mm uk' of H'J yearn. It 1 Intend'-d by German doctoni to cele brate May 14 the one liuudredth anniversary of Dr. Jeuuer'a lint experiment lu vaccina tion. Cecil UhodeN, ex-premier of Mm Cape Col ony, who recently ntarte.t from ('upetowu to Isuluwuyo, in nai l to bu autlerlng frum au ut t(u k-o( fever. dipt. J. II. Johimton, Third Cavalry, who died at Jnllernon llarracka, Mo., . wuj hurled In the ArlniKtou National ceiuetery with mill, tary hoiiom. The bunk atatlntiea of Iretaml for iH'Ji are thn wont natUhi' lory over rm orded. aud ahowe that Ireland ban but to h lei aloun to ohlam thoroughly aound ecououilo coudl-tlon. C01IIS II IMPIE TRAGEDY. A FATHER'S AWFUL DEED. Kills Hie Daughter, Wounds Her Lover Then Kills Himself. At Milllcnn, Tex., John Ilmnkn nhot and killed Ma iluiiKhtcr, Minn Mollle Ilrookm eerlnuily wounded her sweetheart, A. V Womdn, and then committed Milehle, Wiirrel.n nnd Misn Itrookn with lovera and made up their mln.li to marry. In op onitloti to the nh"n of the ynuuit Indy'a father. When the north-bound ( out nil train ntopped at the station the vounK people were there ready to net aboard and run awny. Worrela helped Minn Ilrookn upon tho flfat ntep of the platform, nnd JuM on nhe unl up her father, w ho ntepped from thn other nido cif Mm car. II red upon Imr, nhootintr her throuk'ti the rliflit breimt, the luillet pamliuf thrnuiili her body. Sim fell hack ward in tlm arnm of her lover with Mm wordn: "Oh, Arthur, father ban killed me," and Immediately ex", plred. An Worndn ltit down to lay her on thn platform Itrookn II red upon him under Mm car, the 1'iiil paneliiK throiiKh hln neck and maklitit a m-rlmm and probably fatal wound. After th" nhootliiK llrooka, who ban li en employed nt tho rock quarry of (ircen A (Hire, went to the quarry and tried to borrow a ptstol, but could not get one, lie then went to Mm powder-houne, eecured a box of dynamite and irolnir awny about 100 yards, nat down upon It and applied a mutch. A territlc explosion followed, which tore him to plecen.not enmitfh frunieut bclnj? nuMicr ed up to (111 a cijrar box. TELEGRAPHIC TICKS. .Mniniichiinetln Mctliodlntn voted to admit Women dec;u(ci (il the general conference. Out of every thn-e companies regls(eris In LliK'land two become. Insolvent. rrlnceton Ciiiversitv linn received a gift of .IOO.ihni, with which ti build a new library. Taylor brothers, who were to liiinif April 30 nt Carrolton, Mo., for the murder of the Meekn family, escaped. Tim Mannnchiinettn leKislntlvii commlttin Inn voted npiin-t mi nppropriatiou for n t.'iO.OOO statue to (leneral llutler. The limine committee on terrltorlen has voted in favor of reportini; the bill for Mm udiiiin.-tou of New Mexico us a state. Huron Von Schroder, the I'russlun noble, man, died nt IfeTlin from the wound he re ceive. I in tlm dud with Count Von Kot;:e. l-'iiili n I Ii. .iifi in I riei.la Iinv., li.M.,1 fiiL.ti, ..IT St. Johns and the neighborhood durinit the pn-t three ilavi. T he steamer Kutle arrlveil With H.IHIO sen is. V. ('. McKitrlek, treasurer of Iiovertowu nhip, Athens, O., win arrested chnriri'd with !lii!"v.y.leiueiit f fiiinls of the county unitf gatlllK' tl.ono. Ily the death of Mm. Ann W. Mcklnm n. of Iiostoii, (he Mm. Jo.ilnli Vone ieiiien( become opern(ive and more Hum 4.10,000 Ii pdeimed to eiiuciitional and eluiritabln Institutions. K. II. Crlt"hbw, 11 member of the I'lah legislature, pul'llsiien ncnsiitionul charuei practically accusiiiu tiovcrnor Welln of col lusion with the Mormon church In the making f lawn. Jiimei Sunburn, of SelTersouville, n clerk in the Itiuik of Commerce, of Louisville, bun disappeared nnd his 11 ituitn with the bunk are nhort 410,000. Tim money wan lost on horses. At Marietta. ()., I. K. Mlllcr.late preceptor of the c. II. over (ilusn Works I nloii, at Muncle, Iud., w ho wan alleged to have dls apfM'nnsl with rl.HHO Is'loiiKing to lieu I union ao. Hoo, wi. Suit hoa been entered for f 10,000 iliimuiren Kainnt the lowu of (iiirknburK, W. n., liy Sidney I'ost, who wan crippled liy lieliiK thrown fr.'iu his horse on l'ike-st. several weekn iiih. It in alleged that the accident win ciluni"! dy the ilaiiK'crolll cou.lilioli of the pavement. MEASLES IN THE WHITE HOUSE. Esther Cleveland Gets the Disease and Stops Cabinet Meetings. MeiL-lcn has broken out lu the presidential household, i'lii- disease has. Ieen almost epidemic for some time in Wu-hiugton. Tri vat" Secretary Thurber'n children have all hud the disease in regular eourne, and to prevent tn transmission to the White House Mr. i hurlsT ban ab-ciiteil himsa-lf from his own domicile for Mm past wok. T hin sacrl II ce wan of 110 avail, for this nioriiiui; Mm eruption suddenly appeared on little l.-iher Cleveland. in prevent the spread of the sea.-" ainoni; the lamill"- of the cublnet nfllc. em wonl was sent .y telegraph to the various department, thill (here would l' no nieeliiig of (he eal.iuet, uml steps were taken to com bat the dlscll.se. ilr lcrn were sent to Woodlcy Mm I'resl dent's nuburbau residence, to put the place III shape fur the tmmediale rti'eptioli of the family mid Mm. 1 I. vhind accoin unied by all the ehililreii imiiieiliately left til" White House. Little l.sllier win taken iivvuv In 11 separate carriage mid will be neeludeil from the otlmr children. Meanwhile the I're-i-pent and Mr. i'hiirbcr will remain at the White house until the meanlen has run its course In (he family, and the ml-tre-i and the children are back. CONFESSED T CRIME. The Murderer of the Cnstod'ne Family In Iete'tlveii I )orn n and I who have been employed Ho of Cleveland dcr cane for the punt we.m Btone mnr Hmlth, tho ex-hlred man o arreated John In Tall m ad K e and took hln , ntone family wnn Immediately placisl In Akron. He and the oharK entered atf , (.ollnty Jn derliig Alvln N. Htone iltoh,m , m,ir. non. I he d-tei tlvea havU),in(, u nM. Smith a movement; very e t.n following week, but did not feel eon-,l( , for tbe pant until cdnen lay. Smith M'to hla Kullt one yearn of mid wlVv,iit (wentv county nine months ago, ..M,, summit Stone. Two weekn before t ' for Mr. A TERRIFIC EXPLOSION. ren People Killed end Several Injured by Premature Explosion. Flora, the Mom wer an the onl he murdoi he iiiurdc nice aoun in nn a eonf'unlr han lie old him I He he becBUi rk ha. I a iliniifreenieut with Ml m murder he mm going to work (or h.iiw n and left liven only a mile awny from 'orter, who murder. On the day after .,.n of the wnn apprehended, but wan , muricr he evidence could be necured pB!1e,t, nn DO riiiiiii nil.- nun 11 i-iiiiiui 'mi r rum-t rllm .toinik'-i 'HiiiKiil' r. nil'l Ills V distasteful to tho father. Flo one of the family not injured it, and on the morning afti aim made the statement that tl ed like John's. The name rtn Mimed one, hy hln own ntatem The officers wciin-d a detnl from Cot.'ll, hut only a part made public. He nays the ite commit Mm crime and how to 1 a grudge against the murdered be had not paid him 7 still dm the farm. Smith gamed entn. house at tlm l.n.-k door and hnvli, old people he killed Stillnoll. the . mid attacked Knimn Stone, and t. bad killed her. When he wan lock, the room In w hich tlaltlo and Flo hud nlept he necured a knife from pocket and going down stairs sla .cii .1 farmer and wife to make nure they wei dead. T he mask and bane l.all hnt the mil derer had, have lieen necured from the wood nhed at rorter'n f.irm, whore Smith wnn em ployed. It wan largely through working up up his religious fervor Mint was necured. A terrlflo explosion, resulting In the killing if several men and Injuring of several oth ers, occurred shortly nfter six o'clock Vednesday evening. In the canon four tulles cm Ogden, Utah, April H. The men were nployiil l.y the Pioneer Tower Imm com ny, nnd were about to prepare a blast hen a premature explosion occurred. The killed are: pan Mooran. Ogden: 11. rkmnn, Ogden: Oeorg" Weaver, Ogden: ite Kempton, I'rovo; .left lluby, Hiints le, I'tah; Mlk" I.eniian, I'rovo; Samuel dtleld, I'rovo. The wounded Were Andrew rowes, Alfred l'.lllngntou, (leorge Sinter td several others. report was widely circulated at night it there were over 200 men near (he n.-ene the accident previous to Mi" explosion, I It Is generally believed that the Ion of fe has Ini'n fur greater than Bt llrnt re- )rteL CONGRESSI0 A BOILER LETS 00. fwo Men Killed and Fonr Persons Perhaps Fatally Injured. A terrible explonlon occurred at tho naw- 111 of peiinln Hoy. I. situated at the North loutitnin, nine mil", north of N'cwvill", I'a.. hlch resulted In Mm deoth of two nmn, nnd .e Injury of four other persons, two of them iris. The en, an: John lioyd, .'ti yam f nge, son of lieiiiil.1 lioyd, the proprietor of 10 mill, and (leorge Oiler, 'ii yearn old, mu f Andrew Oiler, a well-known 'cltir.-ti of this tilaco. The Injured are; Andrew Oiler, who lost tlm sight of one eye, ami hud hln arm broken; Oller'e two young daughters ami 11 the confesnlou inon. I The explosion occurred Immediately after I the men find flni-hcil tlmlr dliiiiem. and were DYNAMITED THE SCHOOLHOUSE. j '"'' front of Mm huge boiler. Dispute Over the Building s Location Leads TROUBLE IN HAYTI. To Its Destruotion. Tho little township of Ciirtln, about 12 f president Hippolyte's Death Followed by a runes 1 ruin iieueionte, 1 a., is in a iiirmou 01 1 excitement over Mm burning nnd blowing up I by dynamite of Mm district schoolhou.se. Had ' feeling was iirouneil about two yearn ugo over the selection of a site for the school house, and Mm courts had to decide the mat ter. One faction wnn still dlsnatlnlled and before dawn Tuesday morning about iO nmu and boys net the liuildiiig on fire. The other faction was noon on hunt and trieil to iiiench the II nines. The incendiaries were, however, hiding in the woods, and while some of their enemb'S were In the burning hull. ling they threw dynamite on tlm roof. T he hull. ling wns "ompletely do. inoll.-heil and those Inside nnrrowly escaped' with their lives. 1 Im two factions then en gaged In a pitched battle in the darkness and some of the niirtlelpaiit.i were badly cut by the woodmen n uxen. More trouble In feared, nnd Pistrlct-Attor-imy Singer left for the scene of the trouble nt ouco determined to arrest Mm belligerent. SHOTS AT THE POLES. Twenty-Six Men Laid Out At Elecii' Places in Chicago. Shooting was common ut Tuesday' eh tloii. The lint cu.sc occurred ucnr tho bulh lug booth at 400 IieurlMirn-et. Joseph (im 1111, a rnilroud man, wan shot down. T, wound muy rult futiilly. (Irogun won pa.' lug on his way from lunch when a color nan coiiiuc'iici .1 biiih.tiug. 111 11 ngni ut (no polls iii the lirst wurd Frank Martin shot "Dull" llii key throiigh tlm wrist. Another shooting utTray occurred ut Twentieth and Stiite-stn. J. 11. liuiisom 1 colored) tired at Wuiteg Hill, also colored. ut the bullet mined the murk. Full returns from the l ir-t nnd Nineteenth wards, iu which Mm most of Mm lighting occurred, show that iti men were laid out in one way or another during the day. Joseph Tregan won nhot in the ankle, .lames liawstu bud hi-- skull frac tured, Olaf liens. Hi's nose wun smashed tint. John U nison's ear wan torn oil uud John Meiirath was shot in the hack. lietiirns so fur indicate that the Ilcpohli ciiii.s carried the city hy u lurgn majority. IGNORED EXTRADITION PAPERS. Tennessee Authorities Gave Them to the Prisoner to Tear Up. "Dig Iun" lUnm k, uu ex-eouvli't from Tennessee, won recently arrested In N"w York city for raising 11 draft on the National Commercial bank of Albany. N. V.. from rlii to 41,000. Willi" Im win. nerving time iu tlm ill mines at Day City, Tcnii., 11 rcipiisitioii wan Issinsl for him by the governor of New VTk, but liisteinl of informing the uuthorl iicn here when I11.1 term in T'eiuiessee wun to vplre, iu order that the papers mk'ht be 1 crved, Dauack wan turned loose mid cume cast voluntarily. Ai nllug to lliiniick'n story, Mm papers were giveu to him when Im win reeii.ic, ,unl be tore them to pi n while ho was walking the ntni'tn of New York. Chief VYIIiiard of the Albany iee nayn that proceeding will be begun against the Teiiimsiisi authorities for ignoring the extradition regulations between tli" states. EMPLOYED FOREIGN LABOR- STOLEN NEARLY 20 YEARS A00. Wall Street Bank Offered Long Missing Bonds. It iH.eiinm known Monday in New Y'ork that ( apt. O'lirelu, of tlm detective bureau, hud been looking since Friday for u man who 011 that day went to 11 Wall street bank uud ui'plh'd for a loan of 4'.l,000 niel otTcpd 1 in collateral bonds of the city of Yoiikcrs, j which were afterward idcntillcd as part of M.m proceeds of the Manhattan bank burg-I lary in n"i. I ('apt. O'llrlen refused to talk about thn ! mutter, Imt Im iidiiiitted Mint such wan thn ca.se. Among the securities and bonds stolen from tlm Manhattan bunk were IIS 7 per cent bonds for 41. 000 each of the city of Y'onkcrn. They were never recovered. TURNS IN A SQUALL. by the A New York Man Fined $1,000 United States Court. A verdict of 4 1,000 in favor of the goven inent was rendered in the suit brought in the I'niteil States circuit court against August Witleiiiiiiiii, of New York. Wittemaun wan accuse. 1 of having Imported into this country Curl Itaiter to run 11 steiiiu Albert tytm prenn manufactured by a l.elpsic linn. The de fense churned that Utilizer ciimo here to work 11 new Industry not then established iu thin country. The court held that tho con tract had been proven, uml even if the in dustry wan. new the defendant had not mude a proper effort to necuro uu operative here. Night of Terror. The New Y'ork Herald's correspondent In Tort an Frluee, Ifnytl, sends under date of March 30, the following particulars of Un dent h of l'pMi.leiit lllpi'olyt" and the en suing events: The country hns hecn more or h-sn stirred by the entry Into Jnckmel of Hon, JJerlsier Jeaniils tvo weekn ago. II" n-I.e.l the arsenal took 'he ammunition nnd tli irouuhly terrlllcd nil tie liihahitaiits. Hearing of the seizure, I'rcii.lcnt Hippoiyte decldcil 1,1 go to the city. H tartcd for ' a II hours' ride across the inil'intaltis ut 3 o'clock on the morning of Nbr -h l'l. An Im rod" hewu suil'lenly seii-i with heart failure uml died n a short tl m. The gp'iiteit cx -ltement prcvnlled througli out Ifnytl w'kii Mm death wan made kn iwn. In Jnckmel, h troops vvti' ordered out. nnd by Thurnd.'iv night the tiring of pistols and muskets wi cnntllllieil. lielieral disord'T ensued, nnd I. II. Yldal, the American eou sul, was obliifoil to puck his most precious belongings itid transfer them beyond reij,.,'; of the rubbb. While Juc me was thus In tumult. Tort ,,,, "', huv g laid to rest one o' the 1 1 ,.r ,. rv! U j-, ' -n-s ,.'' 'ted l.y tin' pence, capital pinned a MiirdrJii. Sohl iviiilable corner lug begun. Th" ur ucxt I'resl lo,.;' to line 11 eucii ni, 1 r i'lluU wii.,i in' UIIIIIU of its lender. How many were killed or eveu wound -d will never be known. NEARLY 1.000 KILLED. Cubans Win a Deotsive Viotory at Finar del Rio. A letter from (iencnil Cur-la has been re ceived announcing tlm safe arrival in Cuba on March ti of the ll.-riiiti.lii tllllliusterlug party of lOi men, together with artillery and ton-of ammunition, iin-party won mi-t iy (ieneral Maceo. 'The letter continue!!: "Miu'i-ii and (iup-ia, with y.ono men, went dnivii upon riiiur d"l Uio early on Mm uiorn ing of March -J:l. The 0,000 Spuiiirh troops were thrown Into panic by the onslaught. The use of tlm he.-ivy artillery which (iarci.i hud brought inldcd to their terror. "The Spanish lo-s was ;,0 killed, and 2011 wounded, while the total Cuban loss In kill ed uml wounded wan laO. Iu n blitton the Cublllin captured two plecen of lie'iw artil lery, 1,700 Maiis-er rilb-s, l.ioo.tMM) ei'iriri'lg-cs,'-J,."hii swords and stores. They burned OnO houses. "ieneral (liircla cxpecti to soou Imve an organized army of voluntuer-, whi'-h will 11 11 in I H-r '.'."i.ooo linn, and 11 regular force ol 10,000 men. ALL TO BE EXPELLED. Imperial Irade Ageintt Christian Mission aries in Armenia. The London Imlly News uud the C'-roiiido have 11 report troiu Coiintrntiiiople, said to be on the i'cst authority, that au impi-riul irade ban decreed the wholesale expulsion of all Christian missionaries from Armenia who ure mainly French Catholic uml Ainericau I'rotentuntn Tim Iinily News nays tin-re is reason to believe the MlltilU hint signed tho decree, but Mint tt ban not len Issued. Tim Chronicle thinks the Ira.le l uimed ut thu agents of tlie relief fund, and it due to Mie fact Mint Mm missionaries gave publicity to massacres. The Chronicle believes Lord Sultnhury could coma upon French us well tin American support iu .li iuuJi'liiig tlm with drawal of the trade. Summary of the Most Imt- Presented in Botk J stiifTt--Hiai. 1 ue pnstomeo opprnprl.i- ni i-imniiw-ii inn niienil"!, (or almost a week, wan pm,, jusr previous to niljoiirnm. entire day, except a few n gituiiiig .l trie s-sslon, w.i bate and voting upon Mm v poseil to the I III. Mm ,,e (im consolidation or strnij. mrger oni-s receiving the attention. The House spent most off a hill to tlx the standard measures hy the adoption "' tem on and' nfter July 1. ( won ib-fented o to W), l.i,t' reiiiinylvnnlii, Chairman oft! Coinage, Weights nnd Men. given the subject much ntt..: warmly niipportcd It, secur,,: linys. mid peiullng the r-,li iidjotirned. MNrrv-ForiiTii 1 Hy n vote of 119 to 117. ti . prmscn (he I. Ill to n.lopl the wi'igntn ami iiiensurern lu nil Mm government utter July 1. Ing it the only legal system : ini. 1 lie Mil was cliampl.. stone, 01 I'enniyivanin, ! Committee cm Weights and M mmi rr-rirtn 1 ( 1 In the Senate today Mr. Mont. ) liimle hln maldeu spi rceonimittiiig the tariff to tic nut tee. There was nieclal spox-h from th" fact Mint . one of the live Itepul'll.-aii Voted ngainnt proceedlugi a The feature In Mm house 1 . tii-k on Mm A. V. A. by he, r. gerniii. iiemocrat, from wns on the d'-l nte on tlm Li- i'lii appropriation I'lii, whHi i'-i i-ariy 111 iiiircii auer a ir lor appropriations for prlvat- nisiiiiitions. 1 tie 1. 111 came 1.. me oiijeeiioiiiiiilii (eatup-n si- contiiiniiig In lieu n lump to he exi.eiideil under the iii-trtet commission" no part should go I MNr.rv-fcii.nru 1,): The Senate took up the arian imllnu S'-hooln today. pmi" u. .11 r. 1 artcr, o .v .t. tosirlki t the provi-ii'i, money should he spent on s. An Important hill pus-, d at tii delmt" win that providing far . sippiund Iiiternationul Lxi. ... (11 in-.in. The Hons" spent the entire . dlillltl- oil tlie "filled elleese CI pill olijeeTion nei'ineil t.) . r,' r..iitnp. ..f tlm I. Ill A 1,11 ...... 7- and 10 011 the retailer, whin general iiiianimty In favor . f . the branding of lllled cheei". MNKIV-sKVKN III in Th" hoii-e this nfterno.m. 1 to .Vi. pilsse.l the "lllled eh..,, tin- iiiiiiiutacturer of Mm pr . pound, end r"iiiiring n:iii, , di-aliTs to pay 11 r- 'bi'-timi ..1 1 "m' license from 410 to 412 h Wlin llgl'ei'd to. I I ..i..p ti... 1 . 1 iters, witli iii to religiou. CUTTI.M0 DOWN EXF: R."iu eirun of iiutrci.tt. on tbe tt ways Tim employe of the 1'. in. west up- illumed nt the sw tli at are in-lng introduced nn ! ol tbe in-w g'Ti'-ral maiiager. In-eu t-sue.i to cut ll'lWU til" pens, nt hI 1 points, aud "all 11: s IIP u l-t tl I tit go. i dispatcher-' auil i'nsratom i.h have f"lt th. 1-st effect of t . m.li.'Ml ce miiuy 111 rntlmr h The tritlu li-ulcheni' oPb'e t tip' iiortli wst system hun Ii. : minimum. On Mm eastern .i I t. Wiiyne one set of dispatch' t.ikeu olT, un.l thu division 1 wood uud ( rest line have li en making the operating dlvl-i length. Heretofore there hau nt ilispatehcrn handling tlm t: the points ahove mentioned. Pattl i tl Vinarao (lcr 11 truce of 15 days, .In attempts to arrange terms of j President Zelavtt, of Niear.i. leaders of tie- rebellion have I other buttle Iiils been fought government force uinl the p Lu (Veiim. The number of was iiliout SOU on eille r sld". Iit-teil eight hours, iiie. d"ta.. -o meagre that it In impossll'le' which .side victory rested, and deserter who have reach declare thai tbe iiisiirf its s.l . perte. The government In r geiierul attack. Want Eight Hours It l: estimated that at least :, longing to the Duilib-rs I r I levclaiid, l.. will ilciiiaiid a from there employers on Mai penter'a union has already c:,: all eiiutraetors stating that tic f r shortening the hour of la' their co-opcratlou Iii tlm uiov' al contractors have sigiiille.1 Less to grant the h-liour day uiuud U not ma I- for more p i not dvmiiud any lucreiino of lUut bt-tu-r pay will naturally 1 Btrange Disaster to an English Sailing Ship in San Franoisco Bay. No ntranger dlnimter over happened to a V'-ssel than that whl'-h Imfell the ltritlsh nhip lllulriuoro ut 7 o'clock Tues lay morning. While riding at anchor iu Sun F'rauclco buy tlm vessel wu struck by a violent squall, which tog-ther with the switt flood tide, threw the craft ou her aturbourdnide. cap sizing her completely and sinking her iu less thuu IS mliiut.-s. Fifteen acumen struggled In Mm water. Six were confined iu tlm hold, aud were probably pinned down by the fulling dun nag" used to hold Mm ship's ballast lu plm-e. Tim Imprisoned m-ntntte uever reuched thu Jock, and their bodies ure imprisoned lu tlm steel hull. The lliuiruioro' masts lie level with the bay bottom under neven fathom of water, uud uot a sign of Mm sailor tomb I visible above the waves. The uufortuiiute who lost tlmir live were; T. Ludwlg, llrnt mule; Henry (Turk, seaman; Holiiud Slegei, apprentice; i. lloluhituin, Hcuinan; II. blu strand, watchman; Sum K.-rim, steward. Rebels Have Full Swing. The Insurgent forces operating In many part of Cuba have heeu aggreiwlva thu lust week. Half a do.eu town In Havana rovlneea alone have been attacked. T he roo Invarlalily remain safely cooped up lj forU. allowing tlie rohole full wlug. A PURE FAKE. That War Over a School House Did Not Take Place. The citizens of Curtiu township, Ceutro county, I'ii., who are a peac-ahle a cau be found anywhere, are greatly incensed over an item sent out till week, In which it wu stuted that they assembled iu opposing fac tion at a school house, burned aud blew It up with dynamite, aud thou fought a buttle with axe until the district attorney waa cull ed ou to iiui-ll the riot. The entire story waa a fake, with tho exception of the fact that the school house wu destroyed by fire, but it occurred ut night, and u 110 oiiu I kuown to have hecn within a mile of it at the time of the blaze, thu lire may have been purely ac cidental. Another Horrible Murder. Herman lienk, a stonemason, of New Hamilton, Sunday, shot from ambush and killed Mike Hurt, uud hi fiither-lu-law, ami futiilly wounded the latter' aim aud young daughter. Ileal; 'a wife recently secured a divorce. T'ue girl and boy will probably die. Iteak mistook the girl for hi wife. He guv, liimaulf up. FOREIGN NOTES. At Kube, Japnn, besides the blank plague smallpox and cholera are epidemic. Prlnoea Mutid of Wall) will Im married at HU James, July 7, to lrluoo Charto of Deu mark, 200 MATABELES BLOWN UP. Store of They Monkeyed With a British Dynamite. The manager of the Uritbh South Africa company' mines, ut tlwclo, wire (hut upon tlm withdrawal of Mm cliurtered company's men from that place they left their st-.r.-s of dynamite behind. The Mutiibele occupied tlm place after it wu abandoned by the lirltish, mid while they were tampering with dynamite it ex ploded kiillug 200 native uud Injuring niuuy more. SEVEN MINERS XILLEf. Awfnl Mine Explosion 1.100 Feet Below th Surface in Butte, Mont. At an early hour Saturday morning, at Butte, Mont., the magazine in Mm) great bt. Lawreuce mine blew up, killing nix men. the uaiues of the victim are C (1. Lowney, John yuliilan, td. Shields, James lawyer, John McVeigh uud Patrick O'llouku. Just what cttUHisi the explosiou to uot knowu. The mugar.iuu wu situated 1,100 feet below the surface. It In thought Lowney aud Qulnlun went Into the niiiguzlue to make t.'ieir primer aud iu some wuy set the explo sive off, England Displeased. There) la much Indlgiwitiou in K.ngland over (lie tuleutioii of the Sulluii of Turkey to ex. oiudOj l liriBtluu inisHioiiiirieafrom Alu Mluor, and tttoe who wore active In measures In lyulf of the Armenians take a leading part a.uo in voicing the public seiilimeiit ou Mil ti jellou. The raaa of the Key. O. P, Kiiapti, tl American missionary at lllMU who 1 d tallied at Dlurboklr, Ut Btlruutlug mucU a.1 t ujtlou. Crashed into the B - A ponderous ntenm exem ulong hy u light engine, juii.i while crossing th" Wheeling in rnilwry bridge over the M.i Toledo, O., ami t'-nrlng thr work uf the structure, carrlc i nn 0-foot span Into the river cnglue p iiuiine.l on Mm trm-k. of I r. ii villi' ii Hwitclimuii, ri.ln. ciivator, win carried down by r. ed. His ho. ly has not been p leaves u nifc mid four child pi. I Fi7e Outlaws Captur- I Two deputy I'lilted States ttire.i a gang of live niitlu - , l oitcy villc. Kau , ufter a hot ti. I Oliver Hooks, one of tlm d--, mortally wounded, lunik's h ' from uu'ler him unu lu wus w ! he would give (ill. The ' prisoner were brought to this I let luki'u to Fort Biiuth, Ark. Would-be lynchers J I A P-'ilul from Tii,..ii,. W. - Hydar, wli,a uusluae. sill on duty lhet. sixty nioui i Wtuduy night to lyiu h u. l-udn upiieiLsea thu party lg Judgi. IloUiwu re,iu.t viately to Utrt super jvot Was Tired eX I Ibiruey Joeeph., ono a ell-to-do, dry good merch diimitUHl uicl, Suaday ii'iia. Jncoha wu ru tl'iigh tho failure uf his fut rtwarlz, for wlnuu Joseph, fur niuuy thousand dol Two Aged Womeu lo.aged uhou. 'iduiniuc, wl. on 'alley rullri. tM w York II; P ' an hour aud Mt-rowauv;