:GES SUSDflY SERr.'.OH. Iquent discourse. The Prodigal's Kcluro." "f 1. 1 t'l '"i Ml urine and R.i lo my father. " 18. ibinc Kke huiufr tf tak the f a man. A humfry man can irltli peri "or ni,n', n"r ,0"1 kn nmrtv an army defeated not In,. it nf enmnnlthm an for la-'k wm that fort that took the lira ruin mail ol tntt it. rrora will wmr out any man' lift' In Surer make nnlek work. Tim irv PTi-r heard on earth tn tho ,1. a traveler toll tin thnt In liter urn tnm whteh bear fruit inmi'h like the lotiit bean of mr kited 'hit enroll. Once In awhile kliieml to flt union, wnui.i put r .. . . . . lint Ki'iicriiliv tne carmw inn of hem In the teit were tho nwlne. and they r-runehed tent avidity. But thin y.uinir l.-xl enuld not en-n tret tnem jlntf Ihom. Hu oiih day, amid h ihf, lio heKlnnto soiiioii r. tiwi are no eioinon lor n rien Thin In no kind of Ixi !- rw to be entfiwrivl In, feodlmt homo. I II o Homo, l win my mlnr. are a ureal mnny Miple who n fnneinatiiin, n romance, n I, ut. notwUhlnnlln nil thnt in! flooriro Hand have wild tn In a nn'iin. low, ootiiomiiiiio pnttlm food no I fodder into a herd of Inlipilllos thnt root tho ruiul of mnn lit a ory poor fn-n and womon Intended to he .litem of tho Lord Almighty, k voiinit mnn rennlved to iro k vorv wine Ihlnir for 111 in to do. iufiin In whether wo will fol uti tirinilnen Inrtfo wnifiw If wo hi, hut li clothe lilt vli'ttmn I ho lti'h' Ihom with hunger, iv ntnrt out to do liottor ho not the bloodhound of hell. Kiiliiu -dnv, nnd lio promlM nil lux- kliiiiH'iiU If wo will onlv nerve tiwn wlththeeto tho It: Tho death. Oh, tho yinim; man fe wine wlioii no intern tho r.-n- ill arise mid tf to my father: Murv. tho pormvutor, n per.no. n Christian Woman who hml hunn" for tho Lord's cake ono Kniiln. and llio persecutor iild. t horotlrt" Tho Christian wo mi open thnt trunk, and you ri'tio. Tho persecutor opened on tho top of tho linon of tho I kIiis.". He nald. " There in no "Ah!" who said, "you look d vou will noo tho heretic." Iho mirror of Oid'n word to i nit Instead of wvinir tho prod kt wo mbjlit we ounwdvoo our Imlorini;. our nlu, our lost ("in t wo mik'lit lo i wlxo n thN iw nnil ny. "I will iirlno nnd .Atlittr." Tho ri"oliiili)ii of this tjjbioJJn a dNu.Ht at liln prou nt f I Ji mm youiiK in nil 1 1 ll ooon i t I'liluiriiii? IIowitm, or t Oror uii nrlior, or kooninx mi t j pork nmrkot, or ovomooliiK t I ho woul ! not li'ivo Ihouuht of J if ho llild hil l Ills noiikoti full " jrt h hud In-un ublo to nny: ! Imvo 't? " (twfof my own. WIiui'h tho iho of pft tiiii'k to my futlior'n houoV o rl J ni V0'"" l"''klo upololzo to tho r f Wliv, no wouiii ui mu mi ino If would not huvo K"lnu on n round r -i i.... .... i i i fill "I OIIMU' b 111 & IlltVV lN't?H ii, 1 won't ko liomu. Thoro U no y I nhould fgo licmo. I Imvo plonty iilcnty bt ploninnt huitouiuIIuk. Jld 1 so hoit'f Ah, It wan lili lnro.it nn hi! W2ZL nail to dom'roan ?0J es and to me; lo vou tlk nboi tho ruiuod Mtato of (.mill houi wr i""'i y' xpnk tho proitrinn ,'u' uiiii-tooiilh i mil talk.'' oinotlilni :nnro utlu" It ls ,'"' ' 'OH- i mini nPVowlnl fh Rosmd un hiHzi'm l''ln " 'amino xtrui.-k Hlnto. 'i I hIi'oV co'no to you In your homo, i .tr, Ji Kood, sound, rolniHt hoiilih, ioiiIh liclu to talk nliout modloiiios, ut how much bottorthirt modioino U i, ut, mid homo othor modioluo than i lu-r modii'iuo, ami talk nliout tills - n and that phynioliin. Aftor iiwhllo 1 Wild Ki t lirod, Mi I you would wiy: )l I want to hoar about niodiiduon. Why ou,Ialk to mo of physlolaiiHi' 1 novor v iJioi'tor.1' Hut mipposo 1 oomo into r t 4io, an I I Mn. I you Hovoroly nlok and no tho iiii'iIIi-iiiom that will euro vou, ami no tho ihi-iaii whi in nkillful Vnoiiijh meit Sour i'iko, You nay: "llrlnu on nil i n. iii'lno; hrin on that phvnleiau. I , tuirtlly nlok, mi l I wnt liiilp." Jf I tie toj oii. and you fool you aro all rlk'ht oor V'"d all ridit in mind, mid all rijiit ooi, ou imvo ii 1 of not hi rut, luit Mip- m 1 1 vo imtmiu led you that tho loproxv Ko I jjKiii y,,u, th,i wor.-t of all nlckmvi,. , tt iyou miy, "lirlns mo that Imlni of ' r r l; Itjiiij mo that iliviuo tuodloa Mi I Mui! mo Jchus Christ." Jlut.I says Mime ono ill tho iiudionoo, 1IT.7 y;"' k""w ,,lllt wo l' rulimd UiitioA by mii" Well, 1 eiin prove It in wnt, and you may have your elioloo. I F""tw ii .iiiht hy tn,) Hliitoniontn of men y tutnt.Miieiit of Ood. Whioh nhali it lo-Many, "i.t iih hnvotho Htatement of fell, Ho niyH In one pluon. "Tho , I ocoltfiilaliovalltliiuumiiid.lesoer- 1 ,kol. Ho nayn in auotlior pliioe, I Oi an that ho ehould bo idouu, and (lnhoruof woiunii that hosliould foiiH'" Ho fcavn In niiiitlior "ro in uono that dooth i?oo.l Ho nays in nnothor nlaoo. mnn in eutored Into tho wnri.l ly Mu, and ho doatU pivtnod upon "iiu un na'l 8111 nen, "Well, y lam willing to ueknowledKo ttiat, X laid I tako tho particular ronoun i)Uj lpon.iV" TlilHistlion'iiKon: "Kx ivo born iik'iiIii ho ouiinot noo tho Ji Ood." This in tuo roanoui M m iiiimo irlvon under lioaven linen wheroby they mny bo navod." J 13 i xu ii ,n"u,i"ud voice hero rundy Jim... ' um f"'"ly to aooopt thin f Ifftba Konpel. I would liko to have 1IJ V c"ru' 'w Hlmll I KO io work?" Mi Mytliatnnurowhiin.au iiinieiin...! ainount to nothing. You muHt (out, tttrHiiioudoun resolution like g man of tho text when lie wild. "I ,nd ko to my father." Oh," nayn , 'bow do I know my father wautn '.I,.? 1 .k,!;"y." I" b,tcit i woum S. "Jh, naynnome mau, "you where I have beoo. y(u iiu't m jar I Imvo wuuderod. Vou Walk that way tome if you kuow NUltlo I have e.iiiiinln.l " h i... . .titter anion k tho auKem of UoUV n tbut horneiiiKii runnlU(f with quiok ,h It In oown! It in news! Christ Id4 the lont. - niiifMla no . V. . I . i..Ti..i:."",,.rir'"?.00,,,B,n. . m.u.iiu wnu uew nre, nlnner lost U found, thoy sine, id ntrlko the noundln I ipoloon talked of gointt luto Italy, "Villi n.. .. . . L. -" vnu , i,ui muni, n you the Alp were, you wouldn't talk think about it. You can't Ket unitlon wairuun over iha 11,.-u Joloon I One in bin Mtirr.n.a h hand toward the roouutaln. be lre iliall be no Aliw!" Tliat won t wan laid out whioh ban boon the in oi an me yearn nlnoe tr'e won f all eutf bee . And yo' tell me tucn uiouutaint of nln nd (lod ibore la do mere limn M wavinir Kin hand to- r.l ih- I tiar Him nay, "I I oomo uuialun of thy aiu and .u bills luity." There nhnll l Jp,. ball be no! Alua- i uoiioe that! Ibin wwlut.'ri oi the Tim vl It hnvn than If iw nil To hari . Thnt In 4 honvlneni I Well, mv tl cruel proil Father? lav m II R younitmt t my toxt wan fonndd In bor row nth: lnhehnrlor. It wnn not more physical ) ht. It wnn Brief th it hn hud m mnltrntoL father. It Is nad thinu after a fathor i done eroryhlng top a child to ild ungrateful. ,ior than a st-rpent's 1 001b It Is thnnkloss child. ikenenro. "A foolish ran In tho nin moinor. Hint in ino iiinio. ndn. haro not nomo of n bo.n ills? Have wo not tnnli rented our I such n Vntlier! Throo tlmon a "I thee. Ho hnn poured sunlik'ht Into ti v il i. and at niu'lit kindled up all t ho street Inm f J of heaven. With what varieties of nppnn'l re lint h clothed thoo for tho sen non.n. Wlif oeye wntohos thec? Whono hand defends tN ? Whoso henrt sympathlxen wit h thoo? WlA'gnve you your eiiil.lpi'n? Who in ffunrding ?nr lood onon departed? Kuoh n Father! lovlns?, so kind. If Ho had been n strnnirer If He hud forsaken un. If Ho find flaifollnto.j un, If Ho had pounded tin and turned ii"' ut of doors on tho commons, it would n.t hnve been so wonderful our trontment f Him but Ho Is a Father, so lovina, so Ind, and yet how many of un for our wnnib Inirs have never apolotflwd! If wo nay airf hlnitthnt hurts our friend's fee. Inirn, if weVIo anything that hurls tho fool. Inn of thiino lu whom we nre Interested, how nulekiy we anoloKi"! Wo can soaroely wnlt until srs ot ten nnd pnpor to wrlto ii letter of apoloiry. How cany In It for any one who Is Intelligent, riKht hearted, to wrlto nn npolotfy or make an apoloiry! Wo npolonlzo for wriinifn done to our follows, but some of us porhup hnve committed ton thoiinnd times ten thounnn l wrongs ngainnt Ood and never api'l'V'"'!. I Mm ark still further that thin resolution of tho text whs founded In a feel in if of liomo sloknos. I do not know how long tills young mnn, how many moutlm, how many yours, ho had boon away from his father's house, but thoro In nomething about tho reading of my text that mnkon mo think lie wnn hom.'nl'jk. Homo of vou know what that fooling 1. Far nwny from home some times, surrounded by everything bright nil I pleasant plenty of friends you Imvo sal. I, "I would give tho world to bo bom to night." Well, thin yoiin man wan lione nlek for bin father's house. I have no doubt when ho thought of his father's homo In said, "Now perhaps father may not b living." Wo read nothing In thin story this purtiblo founded mi everyday life; wo road nothing nliout tho mother. It snvs nothing about going home to her. I thin!; I sho was dead. 1 think she had .lie I of a broken heart lit his wanderings, or perhaps ho had gono Into .iltpatlon from tho ln -t that ho coiil. 1 not romomlmr a loving and sympathetic mother. A mau nov -r getsovor having lost bin mother. Nothing said nhout her, but ho In homosiek for bin fat her s house. Ho thought ho would just like to go mid walk around tho old pliwe. Ho thought ho would Just liko to go and soo if things were an they used to bo. Manv a man nfter having boon oil a long while h,is gone homo and knocked at tho l(..r, nnd a stranger has oomo. It In the old homestead, but a stranger oomi-s to the door. Ho lludn out father I gone, and mother is gone, and brothers and nlstern are all gone. I think thin young man of the text snld to himself, "Perhaps father may no ilea. I.' Mill, no nturtn to lln I out. Ho In homosiek. Aro thoro nnv hero to-dnv liomoniok for Ood. homenlek for heaven? A sailor, after having been long m the sea, returned to bin father's house, nn I bis mother tried to persuade him not to go awav again. Mm said: "Sow, you had lo tier stay at homo. Don t go awav. We don't want you to go. .u will have it n great .leal bettor hero." lint it mudo blin niigry. The night before lie went away again to sea no noarii nin mother praying in tho next room, and that inado him more angry. lie wont far out on tho son, nnd a storm euino hp, nnd ho wan ordered to very perilous li tv. and h ran up tho rat-linos, and amid the shrouds (,f tin. ship ho heard tho video that no nail hoard In the next room. Ho tried to whistle it off, be tried to rally bin courage, out he could not silence tho'voleo ho had heard lu tho next room, and therein the storm and darkness s-ild: 4" "d, what aVfolch Duive been! What a wretch I am! H-lp mo just now. Lord Ood." And I thought lu thin assemblage to-dnv thoro may bo some who may have tho memory of a father's petition or a mother's prayer prcs. lug mightily upon tho soul, nnd that this hour they may make the same resolution I find in mv text, saying, "I will nrln and go to my father." A lad at Liverpool went out to bathe; went out Into tho nen, went out too far, got be yond bin depth, and ho floated far uwuy. A ship bound fur Dublin came along ana took him on board. Hailors are generally vorv generous follows, nnd ono gnvo him a cap, and another gave him a laek.-t, and another cav hlm shoes. A gentleman passing along on tho boaeh at Liverpool found the I. id's I clothes nnd took them home, no I the father j was heartbroken, th neither was heart broken, ut the loss of their child. They had heard nothing from him day after day. mid they ordered the usual tnoiiriitiig for tho Mid , event. Hut the lad took ship from DuMm HUiinrrivtf.ini Liverpool the very day tne mourning arrive !. Ho knocked at tho'door. Tho father was overjoyed and tho mother wiw ovcrioyed at the return of their lost nn. till, my friends, have Juii wa led out too doep( Have you waded down into sin.' Have you wa led rroiu the nhoro? Will yon 1 eome bnek? When you o.nno back, will you i oomo in the rugs of your sin, or will V u come robed ill the Saviour's rlghtoou-n!-".' ! 1 believe tho latter, do home ti) your t.o I ! to-day. Ho Is wailing for '.;ii. tin home'! lint I remark tho eliar.ieteVi.tic of thin res- ' olution was, it was immediately put into ex- ' edition. The context hays, "lio aroso aim j I'lime to bin father." The trouble In nine hundred and nliiety-nino times out of a thou- : sand is that our roiolutlous amount to tioth- I ingbueaiisi) wo make thein for noma disiant i lime. It 1 resolvo to become a ('hrlitiaii next i year, that amouiim to nothing at all. If I re- ' son., ai uie service tins uav to nocomo a Christian, that amounts to nothiug at all. If 1 resolvo after I go homo to-day to yield my heart to Ood, that amounts to nothing at ail. The only kind of resolution t.:at amounts to anything Is tho resolution that in liumodiatu ly put into execution. There n a man who hn I the typhoid fever. Honaid "Oh. if 1 could get over thin terri ble illstross, it thin fever should depart, f 1 foul 1 Im restored to health, I would all the rest of my life serve Ood." Tint lever tie. parted. Ho got well enough to walk around I the block. Ho got well enough to go over to business. Ho In well to- lay an well its he ever wan. Where U tho broken vow.' There Is a mini who said long ago, "If 1 could live to tho year ln'.lll, by that tlniu I will have my business matters all arranged, and I will h.ivo time to attend to religion, and I will l.o a good, thorough, consecrated Christian." The year IN'JS has couio. January, Febru ary, March, April a third of the year gone. Whore in your broknu vow? "Oh," says some man, "I'll attend to that when I got my character fixed up, when I can got over my evil habits. I am now giv en to strong drink." Or, nnv tho man, "l am given to uucleaulluonn.1' Or, savn tho man, "1 am given to dishonesty. When I got over my present habits, thou I'll be a thorough Christian." My brother, you will got worse aud worse until Christ lakes you lu hand. "Not the righteous, aluuern Jesus came to call." Oh, but you nay, "I agree with you lu all that, but I must put it off a little longer," Do you know there worn many who came just an near an you are to the kingdom of Ood aud never eutored it? I wan at Eantbamptou, aud I went luto the cemetery to look arouLd, aud lu that ceme tery there are twelve graven side by side the Knives of nullum. This crew, lotim yearn ago, lu a ship went into the breakers ut Amagiiasott, about three miles away. My brother, then preaching ut Easlhamjitou.lind been at the burial. These men of the crow oame very near being saved. The people from AmnguUMOtt saw the vessel uud they shot rockets und they sent ropes from the shore, nod these pour fellows got into the bout aud they pulled mightily for the shore, but Just before they got to the shore the rope napped and tbe boat capsized, uud they were lont, their bodies afterward washed up on the beucb. Oti.wbat a solemn day It was 1 hare bneo told of It by my brother when tlies twelve moo lay at the foot nf th pul pit, and ho rend ovr them tho funeral ser vice. They came very near shot within shouting distance of tho shore yet did not nrrlre on solid lnnd. There nre some men who oomo nlmost to the shore of Ood's mercy, but not quite, not unite, To be almost snvod Is to bo font. I will foil von of two prn!lga!-ths ono (hat got back and Iho other that did not get back. In Richmond there In a very prosper ous and beautiful homo In mnny respects. A young man wandered oft from thnt homo. H wandered very fur Ihto sin. They heard of hint aftor, but ho wnn nlwnyn on tho wrong track. Ho would not go homo. At tho door of thnt beautiful homo ono night there wan a grenf outcry. Tho young man tif the house ran down to open Iho door lo see what wnn the matter. It wnn mldnlgh. Tho rest of tho family wore n-loep. There wore tho wife and children of thin prodigal young man, Tho fact wn ho bnd omno homo an I driven them out. Ho sal I: "Out of thin honnn' Away with ihesn children! I will ln-h their brains out! Out Into the storm!" The mother gathered thorn up and fled. Tim next Morning iho brother, tho young mnn who hml slaid at hone, wont out'to lln I (bin prodigal brother nnd mm, nnd ho came to whom ho wan nnd saw the young man wan dering up nnd down' in front of th" plaoo where ho hnd been slaving, in I the young man who bud kept bin integrity raid to tin. older brother ''II to, what does all this menu? What Is th" matter with yon? Whv do you net In thin wnv?" The pro dl-al looked at him and sal I "Who nm I.' Who do ymi take me to be" H . said, Vou nre my brother.' "No. I nm tint. Inm a brute, H ivo you soon anything of my wife and chil dren Are they dead.' I drove thorn out Inn night lu the storm. I am n brute, John, d t you think there In any help for mo? Ii y.ui think I will ever got over thl life of Ii ii:i tion?" Ho mild, "John, there In one thing that will stop this." The prodigal ran bin lliigerncrosnhlnthro.it nnl- il li riint will stop It, an I I will noi it before night, oh. mv brain! I can stand It no longer." That pro llgnl noyer got nom. Hut I will loll you d ii pro ligal th-it did get Iiomio, In i;'ng. Intel two young men started from their father's h-mn and went d iwnto Portsmouth I have been there a beautiful M'ap irt. Some of vou have been there. The father could not pur-ii" his chil Iren -for in'e r noil ll Old not lo iv.. home - Hid HO wrote n h'ttr down to Mr. (trillln, nnv lug; "Mr. tlriflln, 1 wl-di vu would g . and so" my two son-. They have arrive 1 In rorisToutti. mil thetf are going to t ik ship an I going aw.iv from home. I wind yon w.uiM pcr.ii i.o them buck. Mr. (infllu wont and tre to per-npnlo them had,. Ho per-uadei .oio to g i. I to went with very ci-v perua-lou, I nuo h. was very homciek already. Tip. other young man s-iid: "I will not go, 1 have hud -nough of homo. I'll never go home." "Well," said Mr. llrlllln, "then if vou won't go Iiiimo, I'll get you a respectable position on ii re. j inl.o ship." "No, you won't." said the prodig.il. "No. you won't. I am going as a private sailor, n n common sailor; that will lagu my father it, un I v. lint will .lo ino-t to tantalize and worrv llilll Will plo ISO til" best." Years piln.e I on, and Mr. linllln nip sc-ite I in his -tu ly one lay when a messenger onme to him, iving there wii n young man in Inns on a ship at the dock a voting man condemned to ileath who wished I i see thin clergyman. Mr. C.rillln went down to the dock and went n shipboard. The young man sil l to him, "Voll don't kllow" me, do yollV' "No," I'll said, ' don't know you.' "Why, don't you remember that young man you tried to persuade to go home an I he wouldn't it"-" "Oli. yes," mild Mr. Orlllln. "Ar yon that niitii?" "Yes, I nm that mau," -al l the ther. "I would like to have you pray for me I have committed murder, an I I must die. Hut I don't want I i go out of th" world un til some one pntyn for me. You nr.. my father's friend, and I woul I like o have v.iii pray for me." Mr. tlriftln went from ju Ile al nuthorilv to judicial authority to get that young mau n pardon. Ho slept pot night nr day. lio went from inllneiitinl person to inlluential l.crscn ui.t.l in ..o'i,o wnv h" 'got I'.mt y ung man's pardon. Ho came down on the dock, and an ho arrived on the .lock with tho pardon the father came. He bad lie-irl that ills son. under a disguised name, bad I n committing crime an I was going to be p it tr, death. So Mr. Orl 111 u and tho father went t n ship's .leek, and at the very moment Mr. tirlfllu offere I the par Ion to tho y mug man tho old father threw bis nrms around tho s m's neck, and the son said: "Father, I have ib mo very wrong, and I am very sorry. I wish I bad never broken your heart. I am very sorry!'' "Oh," said the father, "don't mention it. it won't make any dltler ence now. It In all oyer. I forgive you, my son." And ho kissel him and klsse, him and kisso l him. To-day I offer you th" Par don of the gospel fu I pardon, free par Ion. I do not care what your crime has been. Though yo.i say you have commute I a crime against Ood, against your o.vn s nil, ngauist your fellow man, agiiliit nur family, against the ,ly of Judgment, ngaln-t the cross of Chrisi whatever your crime has boon, hero Is pardon, full pardon, and the very moment you take that pardon voir Heavenly l ather throws His arms round about you and says. "Mv son, I forgive you. It Is all right. You are as much in .My favor now as it you had never sinned." O i , there is joy on e n th un 1 joy in h-avou. Wiio will take tin; Father's einbrirre'.' FICHT BETWEEN BUFFALOES. Tlin allimil Zoologir.il I'ltrk l.osen the lll.lt'st Itlnim In lln ll.l.l. Tho National Zoological park, in the su burbs ot Washington, has lost one of Its v.n uiinlo herd of ix bullaloes, the aiilmat hav ing Is'ou kllle I in a desperate llglit with one o its .ompaiilons. The "Zoo's" herd of buf falo Is one of the llnest lu tho country, an I great regret in felt at tho killing of uu of thein, as it will bo hard to replace It. Tin. buffalo that was killed was one of tho largest und ol lest iu tli hold, and for a time wan lln tyrant and monarch of nil tho others ut tho "Zoo," A year or two ago ho had u very desperate llgtu with n younger bull, and Miieu that time has boon kept uway Irom tint rest ot the herd and Coullne l in a pen in which there wan also a young bull, who ap parently was entirely peaceful, on the day of the light the old lellowaiimne I himself by teasing tho younger bull and poking at him us they wullio I around tho pen. Tint young bull did not liko this uud began to bIio w light. A dooii times the beasts rushed lit cncli other and otiuio together with shocks that startled the other animals uud brought to the enclosure all tho keepers, who eu leuvored to M'pnrutu thein, but without success. The fence around tho enclosure wan oouiplclely ruined, although the boards kept togethtr Milllcieutlv to prevent tho animals from es caping. The buffaloes fought until both of tbeiu were so hourly exhausted (hat they could hardly stand. Thou the young one was driven away and the old one enticed in to the buffalo house, where the surgoou In charge of tho "Zoo" uud bin n-sistants labored to save Ills life. The last blow that he had received Irom the young buffalo, however, bad done its work, and the animal lived but a little time after the light wan over. Tho post mortem showed that be was frightfully gored ami uearly all the bonus of bin body broken. It Is matter of surprise to I lio sur geons that he stood up and fought us lung as he did. 'Iho youug buffulo was uol seriously Injured. Creator New York's l'o)iulutlon, Pr. ltoorr 8. Tracy, Ilcgistor of Vllnl HtiitlBties, ban inado the following estimate of the population of the Oreator Now York, from the weekly reports of the Hoards of Health of New York aud Brooklyn, un I from tbe Federal census of iho population of Long Island City, Newlowo, Flunliiug, Ja i nlca, Iticbinoud County uud the part of Hoiu) stoad that Is annexed: Total population, U.laJ.O.IUj populutlonof New York, t,M16,t'.ia, lirookivc auo Kings County, l,105,0ou; Long Island City, 4J,67 Newtowu. 114,067; Flush ing, va,.!!; Jamaica, 17,765; Klobmoaa Coun ty 67. MS; part of Ueuipsteud, bOOO. i NTKit National? lksson A I'll I L 12. ron Lfnnon Text ; ' Titrable of lb lreot MiiiipfT," I. tike xlv., 1.V124 tiolilen Text i Luke xlv., 1 7 Commentary. 1!. ''And when one of Ihom thnt sat nt mi-at with Him heard tho.o things he said unto Hiip, l;iet'd is ho Hmt slinll eat bread in the kingdom of Ood." Jesus wan dining with one of th" chief Pharisees on tho Hub Until day (vor.-e I ), and. although Ho knew thnt Ihov onlv invited Him In order tn wntcli Him with evil Intent, yet II" neoepto.l the InJ vitntlon. II hn I no fear of uian. Ho llvo.li only to glorify find. Ho never said anything In secret, but always openly (John vlll., an)7 In this house He healed o mnn who had tho dropsy. II" then tiitiglit humility to thosn who bned iho best places. Afterward Ho ad vised His best to do good to those wllocould not return tho compliment rather thnn to Ihono who could, ,'or thus ho would bo rceompeayd nt tho r toirrcetion of tint Junt that n, of course, if he was a Just mnn and would tako part lu that resurrection. This led to tho remark of ono of tin gurtn nn ri corded In this verse. Hoo this kltigjoni and en lug and drinking referred to in chn tr xxll.. !!!, 30, 16, 11; nlso too Uov. xlx., 9; x.. 15. ltl. "Then nald Ho unto him, a certain man made a great supper nnd bn lomanv.'" In Math. xxli.. 2, which Is probably a parallel Illustration. Ho snld, "I'lio kingdom ot heaven In liko unto a certain king which made n tnarrlnge for bin son." In Inn. xxv., II, tho abundant provision for tho future, which miy wll be suggestive of the present. Is spoken of an "n fount of fat things, a foant of wines on the loon, of fat things full of marrow, of witi"s on tbe lees well refined." Tlio tunny who nro bidden nre comprehended In tho "Winn i"vcrs" of John ill., lfij Horn, x., 11; Hey. xxll., 17. but how shall they he ir of tho supper, nnd Its iibundatit pro vision, ntid the groat King, and Ills dear Son, and ills groat love, unless som" tmoahnli bear tho tidings? Are wo thinking of tho hundreds of millions whose Invitations nro In our h itnls? And we aro Inking our own timo to pnss thorn ou, and n very long time It Is nn I wo do not seem to be iu tho least lit of a hurry nWmt it. 17. "Aud sent bin servant at supper time to . to thorn that were bidden. Come, for nil thing aro now ready." An Invited guest would think it el range to bo required to help prepare the feast lo which he bail been In vlled, yet sinners srem to think thnt they must 10 somewhat toward their own nnlvntloti.Tliln Is all wrong, for It In as n fount fully pro pnred. Our Lord Jesus Christ has by ills lifoaud denth Htid resurrection, without tho least help frnn.1 huyninu, wrought out a com pleto rrlemptlon for ull who will accept Him, nnd Ho Himself Is made unto nil such 'wis, ban. riffliteoiisn, niin"tii.;atiou uud redemption" (I Cor. I.,:i"l.) Tho grout Word for us to crv is "Como. ' He.) Isu, 1H; lv.t I, S; Math, xl .a-i, Hv. xxll., 17. It. "And thoy nil, with otiecouseiit, begun t ) inakn cxoins..." I saw nn illustration of Ibis in c intiectloii with the opening of a mis sion hail In a certain city which he Lord gave tn tho m inev to bnlid. It wnn for tho lost and Cue outcast from all society. Wo bad a ni en ton, with .in I abundance of good things for about 101) people. Free tickets bad b""u given to as many women of tho street (for it wan specially 'for them), and tlp-v bad promised to Home, but when tho hour had come and all things wore ready, 11 it otto woman 'iippoiiri-.l, I then tnadn'ii tour o tho Iioii-cs and saloons, aud by lov ing entreaty ..I taiU'.d Mime; a second tour oMaucM some men, an I n third visit somo children, and s i o,ir tables cro tilled. 1 cun never forget it. i'K ail. "I pray tboe have me txcuncd."or. L"Thereoro I cannot oomo," wan the reply lioiii' each, . 1. w lii...i ,i.n rouons: A piece of ground to be seen, some oxou to bo j. roved, or a wife to be admired. It la Hot lil;cy that a nmn would buy a piece of ground without tlrst seeing it, or somo oxen without llr-d proving thorn, so that them seems to have been some lying back of these excus 's. As to tho wife, why could b" not I ring h"r with him. for a man and his wife are one, and he would ho a poor speci men of ii man who would accept an Inven tion to imy pine where his w ife was not wanted? II" is nl.so n poor specimen of it Christian who can go where his Saviour In not wanted. An Inmost reply from these a,., eiisorn, who nvbleutly did not like tho man who made the supper, would have boon, "No; 1 do not care to go." Thov Illustrate Hi" fact that "tho cnrual lulud Is enmity llgllillst Ood." HI. "Oo out quickly Into tho streets uud lllie.t of tho city mil br.tig III hither tho Poor, aud tin maimed, uud tho halt, ami tho blind." The servant's responsibility is to deliver bis Mil-tor's uios-iigo plainly, faith fully an I lovingly; then tell his Muster and leave results to Him. We toad that the iipostles told Jesus nil things, both whnt they ha I dot e and what tln-v hat taught (Mark vl,, MO), Let this bo our custom, relying up i n His assurance that His word will a coin. I li-li that wbi 'h II" pleases (Isu. lv., II). lint how notice thai the servant Is sent to a now lot of hearers, a to I nr we to be ever In V. tillg the same rebellious ooi. I", or Speed tic. iiivHat..n to tie so who hno not yet hoard? In vu w of the c .mmcinl, "I'l-each the gospel to every creature:" what think you? 'ii. 'And th" servant said, I. or I, il Is done lis Thou bust commanded, lit: I vt there Is r oin," Tin peopu. possessing this world's goo In having relused tho Invitalion, it wan liext glvell to thos" who had lio pos.c .ssions, tho poor of this ivor d. etc., but while somo of these emu., tl.ere was yet room, for "with tho Lord thoro l.s plento in re letuptiou" (1's. exxx.. 7). 'i'i "And tho I. or I said unto the servant, go out into tho highways mi l hedges and compel them lo como in, that My house mny bellllo l." A yet wid"r range and a more urgent cull, jioes it not seem as if Ho wan now urging us inoie than ever to outer tho open door on every sid", mid nt least com pel people to hear th" g.ad tidings that so nil whom the laihcr has given to Him may come to Him, aud the time of tho kingdom come? Tho portion of the chapter following our lesson teaches nn now to l e (is true dis ciples. All who truly accept Him are naved by Him, but we aro suvej iu order to become Ills wttucssis and fellow lubororn (Acts I., H; I Cor. ill., l), and thin can be accomplished only on the liue.s ol verses 2li, 27, 'J'. 'A. "Fur I say unto you that none of those men which were blddeu shall tasto of My Flipper. ' Compare chapter xill., 2S nnd boo Jon xxxvl., 18. This tloi.'s Dot leave any room lor a possibility of another chuiicii after d )utb. While there Is life ou tho eartb In this mortal body whosoever will muy oome. but tbo soul tllAt die rejecting Christ cuts itself off from all hope. "Now i tbe ucueptod time,'' Lsoq Helper. 4 rui.iuiii.i: r(.r." TboFrencii Acadoinyof Modicit.o iicont!y adopted ii series ji resolutions declaring that the drink evil ban become a perina noiit dan ger attacking "tho very life and force of tho coiimrv" and laying stress on the fa"t that even the purest alcohol is "always and fun ilnmontally a noison." Hpeakln'g of legal restrictions M. lio.diard. a member of the i'. lustrioiisseientiilc body, sub'; "Iknowlhat thin isititlleiilt to accomplish. Alcohol Is a terrible power. Tho proltsioiial hierarchy (the inauiifaclurers and dealeis) holds Iho country induce I in the meshes of anet of uu uvoidablo sulf duturo.nl without pity." at Tnr. uottoji or rovr.itTr, Liquor is at the bottom of all our poverty. If the tax for It were lifted there would not need to be u mau, woman or child without bread. There cannot be a more pitiful or contemptible sight tlutu u nniu ouarrolllug over aud bemouuing bin taxe while tickling bli palate aud burning up his stomach aud bis sutmtnnoe witb glaa after ;lai of Whisky J. O. Holland. ntmimnmnimfiiinnimmiiininimmi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - f-V.. n fty Bright's Disease g Is tho most dangerous of all kidney J diseases. Pains in the back, irrew- 3 ularities in the urine, swelling of 3 TT"liU I: u. - i.j .i i- . .. mo Minus wr outjumcn ate trie TirSl 2 ,' J symploms. jlp Dr. J.H. MCLEAN'S BALM 3 C Has proved, in thousands of cases and for many years, to be the gi P00''65 remedy for this dreaded disease. It relieves promptly and 3 SZZ works a permanent cure. -3 5- For aala nvenrwhere. Price, tl. 00 per bottle. 3 THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS. Mo -5 miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiii r7Vjii-nl Stop Naturally! You Don't Have to Swear off! VI . m fi lr n u tho ttttrvt'M Btrouc. mid brlinii it il ft ir tliO i. lull il i.rM nf youth to Iho nro- milt'iriiltr r.lil It rUHt.OrilM 111 it ior.f Yotl tll.-lV irniii i.,ti PouikIh iu ton tluva. GUARANTEED TOBACCO HilBiT CUBE. Oo bllV flllil trvr ii. bor n.,i t. C08t3 onlv 81. Vt lilt IIWII . I fit. r. -1. t - - ---- . .11 u .lltlMi tru:iriiiil... ........ - " ui llUHlt'V i.. lUUdod. Biinlclnt writt.it. .r,.o.,. " ".iinii,i.iii uitiiru and Bumplo lroo. Ai!dr,WB miuroBt oflL-.x THP tjTpoi liuo Druncnv CHICACO. MOMTRtAL, CAN. NEW YORK. Will CASCARETS enndy (ntbiirtlc euro i oust in.it Inn. l'nn lr vegetable, hiinvith :mtl 1'U.sy, bold by druu'gl.tn iwrywlii ru. gu irntitow! to euro. Ouly luc Lift TEMPERANCE TOPICS- nrniKK nn: ih mon i ,. v, Woilbl ymi liki'to sii.hi'driinUiir.! - Hottml, .mink bi l.iw Hit. brill.' ISur.it bis cbii.'M.in nn.l Htf. forw.ir I Inln fri i' loin nhi.iliii" ' 'J'lit'ti roust, you from Iii.I.iT.t.'IiiV) And Itirlit tin. .Ii'in. n . nil., Dr. bit fori'., his Ii,i..'nn vi tinm O'er in'rdilion's l.'nrl'il i.ntil., With ii nidr-di'tiyiiii: nnr.i.', And it iniinlv iorlltnb'. Miindi forward iu III.' i.atti.-V lr..nt Till thin ilt'innii Is mu !. I no, t. ) strike thin mlu'liiy d inon Vlth nllyuiir nlremtlli uud .-kill, With ii ,i your power t.f i;i-l.v , W'.tii ;il' i mr foron. vi'.l. Would vou liki'the niiieiist eliiidri'u Kroin inir.'lly'r n.inilld slums, All taken in und eiin .1 for well - An a llllld like mils 1,1','hiim-sV Then foils., you from iiidilTer.-uen Ami lUtbt I lie d.'iiioii .Irink , I.et I'lllherlinod nil I Mol lierlmo 1 Their strongest fcr-.-n link In one united t ITort, Thin it nn ui to o'ert In ov, And free the put Ii tl Iiiliii.'ii tread, I'imiii Its eiirii' nn I biu-lit and woe. O strike this mlirlilv il.'in hi With nil your .str-'niMli mid skill, With nil voiir power of liiioll. ei, With nil your lor.'.- of will. Would vou like v,,iir feilow-w ,i kinnu Co I,., b. M. rli.'.ns.'d :ind led.' A ii. I the iiiiper from the woikhoii-i: In il iTi'-hl, siiu houi" iii-i.-ii ;.' '1 ben rouse ymi Irom in. 1 1 ir.-r.-n,-. And tlirlil the i..i:oii .Innk With nil ( in. niil.tl.. for. i.. )i lii.'h your mill. I e in lion!,. Will wii ;ni, I spiiohllv I. mu ,r. With - ir-e oi u it ii.Tin; ; - rn, Wit h lo ii, fir.'-i-t i ir. in v, Itli t nith'n nio.t ... i n-1 1 . 1 1 1 1 t !i ..r i;, l .striki' Illls 1 1 1 1 - T 1 1 ileinoli With nil yoiir .str- i.i-tii nod s..ill, il h ii I our M.w..r '.; mi iit-.-t , With ail ) nir f..r I will. Would Noil liki- the ...t und ia!b-:i To l e -:iv. d nn. I lilie I nj ' And the Nvn t. hi'.l llnd line pi m m I'or sin's bitter l.iirioiiu' .-'i '.' 'J in n r..ii-e vou Irom in iiiT.'ieii... And ll-'nl the demon .Irn.l. With linn, .set resolution. And ii nerve Unit will not -iirinl. . Willi ii zeal wlneh knoll - no ll.iL'i:ni;', And n linrini; i-troiie; and loll, With rk'.V inllexil le, And love that i;pinvs not cold. O sink" tins miKlitv .lemon With all voiir strength uud skill, With nil voiir iwer ui ii.t.-i l-.-t , S ith all your loree ot win. l-'olislilllliotl. WI'l.l.-KNoNV". NNOMIX II I M1K Tl: I To 1 A I I I'M. Aii iutereHtiiu; feuture of He. iliiuii r re. I'eiitly civeii to ('resident and Mrn. Clevehuid by Seen t.iry and MrM. I 'arli.- i, nays the N.-w York Sun, wan the entire absene.. of wim-s und li.iiorn Irom the table. 'I le rn weie two Klann.'M at i n.di plate, one for I'otoiiia.' nn liter and the other for Appoliiiinrin. Mrs. Cleve. land, Jim. I.tiiiuuit, .Mm. Carlisle, Miss M ir ton and Mrs. WIIhoii, of the faint et ladies, lire teetolnlers und never toll 'Il wines on any ooi'iusloli. Colonel 1 .11 in. nt says that he bus never lust.'.! whisky iu bin nt.-, und it is well known that hit never drink wine at li n Iien. Seer.'lary (.'iirllsln bun not torn died u K'lll.sS of UIINlllllIK' llltoxieatlllK slliee lie en tered the Cabinet. Mrs. Cleveland mi l all the hides, of tint Cabinet, with the e veptlon of Mm. Curlnde, nerve wiim ut dinners an i llllli'lies for the liennllt of their -iieHln. but Mm. I'arlinle aayn thnt im w-inti or llipior ol any kind hit erowteti the threshold of bel home hIiii'i. the Inauguration of rre.-iib ut C'luvelund. - t'brLstinn Htutt-MUiait. A xew mmk ron thk tmiMit. A little Kirl In MiinolnitiTiitti5udilur):ind of llnpe meetiiiK, and, uu the h eaker re tnarktiiK that the drink Htritipu.1 hom.vt of furniture uud women and eliildren of their oluthtM, he rxeitediy uxelaimud "Tua'.'t Ju.nt what it doen at our house." On n-aehiiiK borne her father liiHlsled upon (nudillK ber to the publle-hounu for drink. Arrived there, nhe tiimhi'd tho money upon the counter und passionately asked for three penny wortrt of "etrip-nie-uuked." riiuirrso thk kai.oon in micimoan. A novel plan of combatiuit I hit naloonn in beluK tried in a Mli'lilgau town, luiriiii eauh Hatiirday afternoon when farmem and tradem come to towu with their produce, the churehen will keep open hoiine. MuhIo, liKht refreelimeuta aud uon-aluoholio drinkn will be offered the vlsitorn In the Uot ut keenlug thorn from the saloon, PUREST AND BEST LESS THAN HALF THE" PRICE- Or OTHER BRANDS -i- POUNDS.20 HALVES.I0QUARTERS.5r SOLD I'M CANS HNLY R I r-A-N-S The lnotlcrn st.nnl iml l'amily Mcdi ciiu: : Cures ihr. roimiKHi cvtry-ilay ills of luimanitv. thk nni l ri sr nn ..ii oi ai i . A London paper e-tiin.it. - th.it the of nil the trn-al war. m th" world lor iNvnty- tlve ve.irs, from l lo l-.,'7, h.-.s I u ijii,- OdO.II.III.IIIIH. All A I I'.lll j '1 I'll ii I i i i- 1 1 .-, out thai the eosl of intoi. .ml-, in tin- I'lille Htllten lor He" same pen ,. w i- at li-iist -iri,-1)1) i,H) l.liuil. I't-rliapn the l.iit.-r item should bt inelu.le l in lln-ilrsi e ite-'orv, as repie "Titiii one ol the "o at wars ,i ;uin;,. th" pi'in-i-and weifaret.f i li- v .rl.l. 1 I'MI'KIUNi't mnnm im. Norm. Abstinent!! is eiw-y, m ideratioii imp isnililo. The ureiiti'st reiie'ly for poverty and dis tune In tin" biinisiiuieiit ol Hie saloon. When till" nnlooll is blotted .nil It Will Hot Ink" toll t; lo r.' novate the fa -e of the earth. A Ihiuor denier doesn't open bis I'.il.l ien In a hundred davn. but he opens his whiskey bottle a hundred tunes u tiny. A formerly Intemperate man who hnd ab. stained for live years took a drink just to how it would '. H went an formerly to drunkenness. It in not for the kinn b drink wine, nor for prin. 'en ntn iut drink, b-nl tle-y drink and forgot the law, and pervert tlm judgment of any of the ufllieted. llibln. A riK'eiit invi-stUratloit nhowe 1 tbut fit) I of the Inmates of tint .Suite prison nt Auburn, N. V., were aunt there for erime.n eonin.lttod while under the lurlueui'e ot ntronn dnnk. Habitual unern of .ntroiiit ilrlnk, out. authority dindure, sliortoii their liven by u third, if they do not sooner fall vieluns to .linear niitl death brought nn by thulr use of lliiiom. lint they ulno have . r.n I tbroiiwh wine, and through nlroiiu ilruik are out of the wa the priest uud the people have erred through ntrouit drink, they are -wallowed un of wiuej they err iu vwiou, they ntumbiu in judKiueut. ll.ble. Uuoouth, perhapn. but rery i-xprennlve la thin ntatemnnt ret-tuilly uttered by a lemr anoo leeturer: "It In u inintake to nuppono that you are lllliuit youmelf with hupiiinewi wbeu you are til nx yuurnelf with whlnky. Vou ant ttuip.y entering into partnenUiUj tis .lu.l to .turf u tfimke niuuh.' id. J-U MM T'l T t'0i" t