The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 09, 1896, Image 2

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&$rWs$ MmwMSw ! THE P()ST
L POST Print- VAfPWn ffo)tfU"& ,
S, fiwm It ii fnvor If lie havlnir vl.
l would nnilfv us by pontnl or by
otleeattrls oniro.
L blustery April weather.
VI Boweu of Swineford spent
at Danville.
f. . i I 1 iliA unit
lion Son Jay.
jublic schools of tlio borough
In Tuesday.
lr Thompson spent Good
Vt Lcwistown.
i' ami Children's hats, 'J5
Dunkelbergor's Milhuery.
bu get a bill! If you did,
five it your attention.
Nowcrsox of Penns Creek
I.. i -.1 r i
fltor ttl mis ou viuou
fvftl for tbo benent of the
urch will bo held on Mon-
Tucsday evenings of court
I ram a played in Seebold h
aturday evening attracted a
pvato Bolcnder has been
j tbo past week in Phila-
niuUO Carpet is offered
5 cents by F. II. Maurer,
Soles, Tonsorial ftrtist, vis-
istowu the early part of
r blood is vf iatod, leunse it
ilelay by tin use ii Ayer h
led relative in hwineloru
lsh, one of the Selinsgrove
was iu town on Monday
urtains i yds. long, 11 yds.
louo dollar per pair at L-
rst of April business about
houso was not as extensive
as usual.
tker, who has boon making
at Sbauiokin, visited his
rer Sunday.
Hassiugor, who graduated
fuuokin Business College,
lo a week ago.
puty Medicul Society met
fay and consequently the
ere well represented.
otuig, ex-Uoniuiissiouer ol
rer township was ut the
tat last Wednesday.
fj. Arnig, dentist, moved to
pa last week. We wish the
bundant success iu his new
NO. 15.
leitz of Treverton and E. Q.
Jo f Oriental were two promi-
ty Beat visitors last Thurs-
itiddloswarth of McClure.
was iu towu last Thurs-
ling hands with his many
lival nioetiug ut the U. li.
lOHod last week. Sixteen
)ers were added to the
u Fok Sale. F. II. Maur
lierlin, is making special
Shiuglos. Soe ad. in an-
imn. tf.
A good girl to do geucr-
ork ia a family of two.
kesB, Mjibt IIarbibon.
Sunbury, Pa.
Chas.P. Ulrich of Se.
its at the court houso last
i.tending to his voluin-
Qyder and wife of Osce-
turn n iBKeo up meir aooae
m We welcome them to
!Uul3inithi the popula rail
"Siht Catboudale wis in
S-vreilng reluctioua nt Witten-
myerV. "Dress Goods. Prints. Girs-
hams, Groceiies, Shoes and Cloth
ing at and below cost.
The Bale of unseated lands in Sny
der county will take placo at the
Court House, June 8th. You will
find the legal advertisement ia this
0. O. Moyer moved his jewelry
store from Swineford's old place of
business to Room 4 bank block
where ho will bo pleased to meet his
Fon Sale. Lady's Majestic. Bi
cycle in a No. 1 condition will bo
sold at a sacrifice. For particulars
inquire of
tf. LinillE
The Old Washington House is
now in the hands of County Treas
urer Seebold and ('barley is greet
ing his friends at tlio famous hos
tel ly.
D. K. Haas of Shamokin was in
town on Tuesday. A horse belong
ing to him, 5 years old, met death
bv hanging. The animal was a valu
able one.
S. B. Hare of Altoona, a student
of Susquehanna University, Selins
grove, was acouuty seat visitor last
week on his way homo to spend his
Easter vacation.
The following lottors remain un
called for in t lio Middleburgh post
oflico : Mrs. Ellen S. Schwartz, Miss
Sarah A. Hovey, Mr. George Comly,
Royal Phosphoric Coffee, a pure
healthful untibilious drink and nerve
and Htonacho tonic. Recommended
by physis'ans. For. pale at
j-fiyflT Kunklk ti. Waltek S.
I. L. Herman will open n wled
school in Middleburg on April
ls.J(i. Pupils of all grades will b
receiveii. iuarges will uo reason
Buii'K row Sale. Brick of tho best
(piiility for building and paving can
be secured at reasonable rates by
applying to Carbon Seebold, Mid
dloburg, Pa. tf.
Prof. F. C. Bowersox and wife
spent Sunday at Port Treverton.
On Sunday evening tho Superin
tendent delivered an address ut
some Easter exercises.
r ii i
,urs. it. u. AUiana uas received a
new supply of Spring and Summer
coats a nd capes also silk, velvet and
cloth. These are tho latest styles
and will bo offered at most reason
ablo rates.
Subscribers will save us an endless
amount of trouble when in ordering
their paper chauged they will tell us
not only the office they wish it sent
to but also the office where they
havo been getting it.
R. C Fiss, Justice of tho Peace of
Suamokin Dam and County Chair
mnu of tho Democratic Standing
Cotnmitteo, was a notablo visitor at
tho county seat on Good Friday.
John Thomas, who had been iu
jail here for tho last mouth, was re
leased on Saturday. Tho prisoner
inteudod to try to secure his liborty
ou a writ of h'iboas corpus, but tho
prosecutors offered no resistance.
Mrs. Elmiru App, who is tho wid
ow of M. U. App, late of Monroe
township, this county, has recently
boen married to David Reed of
Cussville, Adams county, Michigan.
They are making their home at tho
latter place and the many friouds of
the brido join tho Post in wishing
them much happiness.
Why they say it. You hoar it on
all sides this, that, or tho other
bicyle is "just as good as a Colum
bia." No one allowed to sell Co
lumbias hereabout but us. Other
dealers must do business. Hence
the continued comparison of their
wheels with Columbia Bicycle Stand
ard of the world. W. D. Baker is
our sole agent for Snyder county.' A
complete line of sample wheels now
on view at 231 Pine St., Selinagrove,
Pa. Write for catalogue, it it the
handaomeBt ever issued. "HM.,
Farm forHalk. Tho heirs of Hen
ry Rearich will sell at the court houso
on Saturday, May 2nd, KM, the 100
acre farm, situate 3 miles west of
Middleburg. For particulars call
on or address, Win. Romig, Agent
fr heirs, Middleburg, Pa. tf.
How about that Snyder county
telephone" Wo would remind the
company that they hold a charter
from the stato and the people ex
pect thorn to build tho Hue making
connections at Sunbury with points
iu Northumberland and Unioncoun
ties. A good showing is recorded in re.
Unions circles in the Eist End of
the county. On Sunday the Re
formed church of Solinsgrove admit
ted 12 persons, the 2nd Lutheran
1, and the First Luthoran The
Lutheran ion at Salem
added 30 members.
Susquehanna University at Se
linsgrovo opened on Tuesday after
their Easter vac ition. Quito a num
ber of new students wero enrolled
and tho school is giving abundant
evidences of prosperity. We may
have more to say about the growth
of this institution iu a later issue.
Rov. Dr. J. T. Little, who spoke
Tuesday ovoning, M irch 31, to tho
Christian Endoavorers of Freeburg
and vicinity, is in tho 2H(h year of
his successful pastorate of the Pres
byterian church at Hokcuddiiqua,
Ph., and has also preached 21 years
at Fullerton, Pa.
A smooth, easy shave, genteel
hair cut, or other tonsorial work, is
always obtained at Soles' Barber
Shop, iu Witteumyer'a Building, op-
you will make no mistake, Shaving
soap, face cream, hair oil and e'g
shampoo fur sale. A. K. Sui.ts.
Joo Bowersox now poses as the
champion clock doctor. His clock
would not run ami he conceived the
idea that the building was not level.
Ho raised the one end of tho build
ing in order to make tho clock level
and i.ow the clock is running all
right. Moral: It is easier to move
a house than to unscrew a clock
from tho wall.
On Saturday evening in Selins
grove we accidentally dropped in
to seo our friend, Solly Oppeu
heimer, the hustling clothing dealer
of tho East End. Wo saw Solly
send out ono customer alter another
with their arms full of new suits,
shoes and Gents' Furnishing Goods.
Tho reason Solly can do this is bo
cause ho believes iu "Quick Sales
and Small Profits."
Summer School A summer school
will bo held iu Swineford, Pa., be
ginning April 20, Ki(5, to continue a
term of eight weeks. Pupils of ull
school ages and grades will bo re
ceived and carefully instructed.
Prices very reasonable and within
reach of ull. Kindly soliciting the
patrouage of tho public. I mu yours
respectfully, R. G. Bowersox.
John Arbogast, father of tho
Dutchman, of this placo, one day
last week celebrated his eightieth
birthday, and in honor of tho event
shot ii crow through tho he id with a
rille, at u distance of about ono linn
died and fifty yards. This ho did
without tho aid of glasses. If any
other county has a man of equal
ago who can beat this act of marks
manship, we would like to hear of it.
Selhtayrooe Tribune.
Miss Jessie Reller, who at the
time of her residence iu Selinsgrove
was the most popular soloists iu
Snyder county, was married recent
ly in St. Louis to F. F. Amsdon.
Tho ceremony was performed in
the bridal parlors of tho Planter's
Hotel by the Rov. J. II Barrows of
Chicago. The groom is a graduate
of Lehigh University, was at one
time chemist at the North Lebanon
Furnaces, but is now the Suporin
tendant of Missouri Furnaoo Com
pany's Works in Carondelet. The
many friends of Miss Reller in Sny
der county wish her much bappi
ness in her nuptial state.
Engelbert Donz, for many years
a jeweler in Selinsgrove, died last
week from the effects of a stroke
Ho lived in that placo about forty
years and at the tinio of his death
wasTOyoars of age. Ho leaves a
widow and five children. The de
ceased was buried on Sunday, Rev.
Yutzy officiating.
Isaac Noll, a highly respected citi
een of Penn Township, residing near
Schoch's Mill, died last week and
wa buried at Selinsgrove on Mon
day. Mr. Noll was about Si) years
of ago and enjoyed the high esteem
of his neighbors.
Mrs. Rosanna Luidenslager, relict
of Andrew Laudetislagor, died on
Saturday at her residence near So
linsgrove. Her husband died iu D.
comber. Thn deceased was CD years
of age and wat buried on Tuesday.
Mrs. L. is tho mother of Irwin F.
Laudenslager, tho candidate for
County Treasurer in tho last cam
paign. Only a few days ngo tho
family moved from Schoch's Mills to
tho suburbs of Selinsgrovo whore
the death took place.
Miss Kitio Blocker, a young
daughter of Philip Blocker, died on
Monday morning at four o'clock.
Slie had been hopelessly ill for sov
end days. Tho decoased was a young
lady of amiable disposition, diligent
and ugrossivo in hwr vocation aud the
possessor of many other good quali
ties. She leaves her many friends
here to join the companionship of
others in n richer and a better world.
Joseph Roush died at Freeburg
!at Thursday at the age of I'd years.
II.' was kicked by a horse two weeks
ago, the cause of which resulted in
gangrene and deat h. 1 le was bin ied
on Tuesday.
The mortal remains of .Mary Ann
Heckman, wife of Daniel lleckinan,
of aslungtoii township, were laid
to rest in l'airview Cemetery, Friday
alt'diioon. She had suffered from
rheumatism, and had been ill but a
short time previous to her death.
She was a daughter of the late Peter
Moyer, who died near i ork several
years ago. She was aged f7 years, 2
months and 17 days. She was a con
sisteut member of the Reformed
congregation of Freeburg, ami the
funeraKliscoiirse was preached by
her pastor, Rov. W. A. Haas. (,ur
ier. - -
The New Electric Railway.
1 lie
Maj. E. ('. Hamilton was iu
dloburgh on Good Friday.
Major had been suffering for
weeks with Blight's Disease and af-
tor an operation performed in Phil
adelphia for that malady ho became
completely restored to health. In
reply to questions hu told a Post re
porter that both tho Electric Rail
way from Sunbury to Sclinsgrovo
and tho bridge nceross the Sitsquo
huuuu would bo built. "Wo are
ready to bogin," said tho Major, "us
soon as wo get tho right of way
We had everything else ready when
I took sick and nothing has been
dono since. Tho bridge stock is
profitable ; ono man wants $75,000
worth of bridge bonds." This
seems to look promising both for tho
bridge and tho railway.
For the Farmer's Family, $25.00 in Gold.
To the person whose homo is on
tho farm, and who writes ou one of
our cards the greatost number of
times this sentence, "Osborne Im
plements succeed where others fail,"
we will give $15.00 in gold." For the
second best card $10.00 ia gold. Iu
caso of a tie the card received first
has the preference. Sond two cent
stamp at once for one of these cards
and enter the contest, which closes
6 o. m., Mar 11. 1890. Address, D.
M. Osborne & Co., Auburn, N. Y.j
Manufacturers of Farm Implements'.
Gives Credit to Snyder County.
T. H. Hsrtor. Editor of tho Bullo-
fonlo (razftfe, purchasod a property
in that town last week for SU.2,"0 00
Evidently Editor Harter has a warm
spot yet for Snyder county us in last
week s issue ho says :
Tbo Centre Jkmorrat thinks that
Republican journalism must nnv in
Centre county since tho editor of the
(fitatfe has1 bought a home. No
doubt it oe or wo wouldn't stay.
Fortunately, however, tho money
that bought it came with tho llittin'
from Snyder county.
- .
Change of the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company's Office.
On account of tho rearrangement
of street numbers in Pittsburg by
tho city authorities, the oflico of Mr.
Thomas E. Watt, Passenger Agent
Western District, Pennsylvania
Railroad, as well as the city ticket
office, corner of Fifth Avenue and
Smithfield Street, Pittsburg, will be
changod on April 15 from No. 110,
present number, to No. 3C0 Fifth
The Tables Turned.
IViitro Hall Reporter.
"The Latest one on Snyder coun
ty is this: A fellow from the west
oud ridges, with his son Jakey,
started with tt load of railroad ties
for the station at Middleburgh, a
distance of 7 miles. On n telegraph
post uear the station was a collec
tor's poster, headed, in bi:; letters,
"Notice." Says the old man, "Ja
key, wot reads bit big letters n diii
polet" J.iUy se 'V; "No, (,,,,1
'AV. .i-i'"."Fl,. i,
dey don't wont no more tics mid
we'll jist turn ruiud an' haul 'in
home again," savs t lie old man. and
baek tlie.v hauled the ties."
We have thoroughly investigated
this matter and find that the man
above referred to moved to thin
county from Centre only ti few
weeks ago. He came from the
section known as "Dumheit !nii-h
Valley." After residing iu Snyder
County for a short time the family
will no doubt become thoroughly
civilized and the education of this
man and his son .lakey be brought
to the high standard so well main
tained Here, aim wtiere ignorance
and desperadoism are unknown.
.iiliiuiOitri llcnilil,
1'eople who appreciate a first class
mechanic will do well to leave the
repairing of winches, clocks and
Jewelry in tho hands of (. (). Moyer,
First National Bank Building He
has the latest improved tools and is
capable of doing the finest work iu
his line using nothing but genuine
American material. Gold and Silver
soldering a specialty. tf.
The Freeburg (Jourier last week
appeared as a Saturday paper with
tho name of Edwin S. Willis and Son
as publishers. Our best wishes and
fraternal regards are extended to
the new firm who are deserving of
the most liberal public patronage.
It is with profound regret that we
part with II. B. and C. F. Moyer,
who now retire from tho editorial
field with tho kindliest feeling of
their newspaper brethren, but we
extend a happy welcome to the new
linn who enter tho arena with most
favorable prospects.
Attorney General McCormick has
given the State College aud Uni
versity Council un opinion iu which
he decides that tho following in
stitutions mentiouod in a communi
cation of tho council to his depart
ment havo the right to confer do
groes : Juniata (joiiege, jsoaver
county 5 Bryn Mar College, Temple
College, at Philadelphia ; Grove
City College, Mercer county j Penn
sylvania Colloge for Women, Allo
gheny county, and Susquehanna
University, Serin's Grove. Ho takes
the position that institutions char
tered by the Courts under the act
of 1874 have the right to confer de
grees if they comply with the act of
June 20, 1895. Tho sanio opinion
. II ' i 1 l 1 L
noius wuu respect iu tuuse incor
porated prior to 1874.
TlieAtuili'nt. Iinvo itKitin r.liiriu-J ami hup.
qtlohnnn i runeMiy ti Imoiiilntr.
Kditor WB.Mimii.r n..nt,iy m town
wliti hi ur 'iila.
EUHtt'r mrtleet wnrn ii.i.i i ....
....... mi; .iiiiniip
Tin cam nro lining in.iiitif.ii'(tiri'ii in., nun
Iinf fiioton-.
Mliw KMi'Mn t'lrlt-li ta iry wrimniy in,
A. Knlk'lit mi M 'ii'liiviiiHMn'il a h,ti In Ulr
roin rtviMiily , -.-upu-d t,v ih-nu't J. w. in
Joint llumm.. had a Mmk., of apoploxy n
FN lay ami Is iiiiroim lmH (nor nIm. c. i.Ut
Wi- . ru Mmt Mr. IMinmr has illnj.- KJ
Tlic Kust. r PxcMn'S sunilay V,-M,ig H,.ro i,
IVtor Klli.jfirr I ihi a taluuMe lir,, ,m (sulur
d.iy. .Mill IIiiwitIh vIsIMiik frlrnd, .r...
.ln. Kmanuel Foil. .,f Woo!n,,., HunplUt,
county, lHMNiilliiKarwil.ia with S. W.Trutt
Mlsios Kiitlt MvfKliultx. lUTllm iiml M.iuil
KiMihTof NuMhiimWrliinil, ;Ss ut,, nweI.
ofsui.l.nryamlNi.rioi, non,.r ..r n.llllsiMiuMuo
"t'iil Kustiir at thin pin,.,,.
Mis Minnie Trull is Mi-crmm , r,.w nl
IMwllnif ami Kre niHT.
Th. u, .! limn;. ,111 Suuiliiv
rvmiliirfaiyilmi r. IMlmn lis a . llir'.
JhIiu WYrl Ims rr uriie.l from Miu,.rsburir
where ht hail l-t rt tin- 1,ih mix iiuuiths.
$150.00 in!6ldqiven
For Selling "Story of Spa.n and Cuba."
Tin- liiicriiailuiial .Wws & llixik i Halil
mi in-. Mil.. ofl.T I.V no toaiijon. htIHiikIii three
mill lis i:s e.ijilfs or tlielr new ImhiK. " nl
Spulii inn! culi.." I'rwuliiiiiH ami liu ial nun
liilsM.iu Klvcn lor imy immiliiy h,.i,i. i
I'll!' Ill (111- kTlMll',1 Hi'IIIIil' l.u.L. . '
"'- .nil,, .iiiiny
aj.Tiitsiiiak.'tri.tiitM (10 a day. A Kraphli'
uei uimt of Hi,. i,.M ,a war ami tha MniKk'l.- for
lllM'i ly Is ulvni. li-y ti.-milful lllusirntliins.
cmt.'ll lire II IOi'mi,:.-. M wnl Inr ... v
Ilii'iu liiinii'diaiHy, " , ,, ..
MAKlil KD.
.llNe l!..ilin A mil J 1 v ii! I ... 1 1...
U - , --.' i w.y 1.111:
ev. a. Sidney KdIjI..., Jsinns y
i. I lcllBl"" ""ti Slra J Utile
A. rick of Lewihltnrg.
On Mar. -Jii, l.v.i.;, ,,t ( )ri'nt .l, by
Kev. ()cur (. ICoin Hctii v 1'nrtz
line, nl Aline, :iiu Jlhs .N'ur.i j;
.Miller, i ()i iciitiil.
On .M.u. -Jii, Is.n;, at i-'rein.n.t, by
liev. Oscar i. Romig. V hi. y (j.
Slroiib, of Stroiiiiovn, uinl'.Miss
.Mal tha A. l'.n tlint', .l .MeiM rvillo.
Ar., ut Eremi.iit, Jacob
Preese, ug.., 7. years, I inmiilis anil
lii days.
In Decalnr linvnship, Milllin Co.,
Mir. Ill, .Mis. .Mary A. Arnold, wid
ow ol the late 'I'lioiims Arimld, aged
Til years, " iiiont lis and 111 days.
. .-
The green grass is beginiug to
crop out uliing tint hill sides.
Jf you gut ii bill, don't got mad.
Pay at least part of it. Lotus hear
from , ou.
Ladies' and Children's trimmed
hats : 1.00 ami upwards ut Dunkel
bergei's millinery storo.
No obligation to justic dons force
a mail to be cruel, or to use tho
sharpest sentence. Jt rmii Tu;lor.
A liner lino of Embroideries can
not bo hi ui uny w here. Call und
see them at L. Dunkelberger's.
"Ott's Dramatic Co." will render
a drama, in Oil's School h nise, on
Saturday evening, April 11th and
Saturday evening, Apr. lsth, eu
litlo l "Ten nights in a Ear Room."
Admission 10 cents. patron
ize. II. II. Grimm placed 'J(i!il trout in
Erb's mu last week and will put li)
cans of Rock Rush in Miildlecieek
ou Thursday. It is to be hoped
that lulling out of season and d.vnii
initing will be stoppod at once, or nil
ell'orts to stock our streams is use
less. The Middleburg Postcoos to tho
front iu good timo und advocates the
organization of an agricultural soci
ety in Snyder county. Such an in
stitutiou would draw off a little at
tention from politics which at times
gets mighty hot across Chestnut
Ridge. Lewhhurg News.
"Mistaken Souls Who Dueam of
Ri.iss." Tho following marriage li
censes havo boen granted siuco our
last publication :
J J. E. Arnold, Port Treverton
fSuelloutz, "
. 1 Ll .. L If! 1 II. .
iiieo. a. opecui, luiuuiecreeK Xwn.,
( Annie J. Derr, Adams
Wm. Hunt, PennB Creek,
j Martha J. Bingaman, "