V 4 d;,A 4 TEN LIVES WERE LOST III I FIRE. SUFFOCATED IN BED. All Escspe Cat off -Several Jumped Through the Window! Ti'ii roiiK perished ly suffocation In a ttrioklyn t-iiTt-it curly Wednesday morn ing. 'I he dead nri": August liruno, 40 yenrs of ngc; Maria l'.runo, lift .w ar; Siilllc I'.runo, 5 years; Johanna l'.runo, 1 monl lis nl.l ; I.cnii Trillin. 21 veur nil; Nh-li.liu Trnlla, V yenrs ol'l. I iiiiiii'-k 'I ritlin. 4 year nM; tln-ir In fant M davs o'd; t nriieliu Mnrp-ttu, 2i yeurs i.l.l. '1 ti n r- -t 'i r t -. I in tin' 'j hallway of lli- building, which Ik n four-story t'ii'!ii'iit In I nl. in sireet, mi ' I Udoro the sleeping t-ii-nn! could I"' waned of their danger nil es cape was nit olT. Tin- II m-f swept up thi) tnirviis in. 'I tin1 halls ntiil room were ill k ly tilled w itli smoke. I'll of till' I'll nuts were sufTisiitoil In their beds. 'I In1 section of tin- city whore the dlnster iH'ourred Is near the water front. Th" ma J.irity of the residents lire Italian of th" poorer 'In', mi. I tlcy f..rm th' biggest polony of Unit race III Hrooklyn. Tin1 llre liK'ii succeeded in getting Hi" lire under con trol nft. r n short time. ' 1 1 i damage (i the building Is estimated at I. 'Mill. 'I tu p-w re niany cm Iting Incidents eon ti" -t. 'l with the lire. One man, mi Itaiinii. J ii in 1 from a window in tic third story HII'I .'ll e. Willi "lllv II few l.lirilH III). I I rul. . Hi" faiiilly i.f .l..-e.i llstoslto, living itl til" S Il'l story of the hote, had a narrow eeii e from death. When nr. ii -i-l tin1) foiui.l th' ir way . nt oil nti. I the Humes Were sweeping Into t le ir 11 1 'II rt ncnls. ;.to. hi to le, hi wile an. thr Inldn n to t!c cornice in fr..nt of tin- ln.ii... nn.l guided tll.'IH III. .111.' it to til" I Hll'lll.g lliljollllllL', from th roof of wlidi tlcy were taken Ly llrelnen. l-. l -ll Hoot of the I. in ". I llil.lillg WIIS 'II- vhhdinto live room. I here a one largo front ro iiii with two window opening on the r.-. t. A hall l.e.lroom ii.ljoine.l, with a WIII'loW III- I opening oil Hi" stps't. ill the i"nr was another largo r.".mwith two win .low -. with a good sizcl kit. hen adjoining. The (p. nt an. I rear rooms wer unie. te.l by ii bad an. I l.e.tr.ioin. An Iron la.l'lerat the p-nrof the lioiie ran ll.'WII between the kit'lletl Window. It 1 1 II' t l"e P ll'lep 'l Ml hot h,V til'' UllllCS, lloW- I'V.f, that theliiinat' of th" house ilnreil not II" It. l.xcopt the lire e. ;i.e tl lily out- let from the crowded room on tin- upper floor wii the narrow wooden stairway. escape lv w hi.'h was cut olT noon after tint lip' st.irti'.l. KILLED TWENTY MEN. John Sidman. Who Hid a Record, ii at Last Brought Down Himself. John Selinan, the vl.'tor of not ! limn twenty fatal win.. .tint; nlfrnvs in Tcxu, the pl'Tinlnat' r of "ha. men" nn.l the slayer of the notorious John Ve.ey ll ir.lin, I Ivliik-witha luillet hoi" tt.p.iik'h in ho.ly. AlH'iit two or thp e month ai;.i S'-linai: an. I I'lill" ! htnti't lieputy Miirlinl (i.-ort!" Sear. I.roimh lunl a iiiarre ov.-r a tr inie (,f earl, Bllli'e wlliell oeeurrenee Hie relation I.etWf'll tlielll llllV" not l.een very Porilial. Sim. lay niornliiK nl I oYloek they met in the Wlk'wiun "iilooii nt l!l I'.no. Ti'Xii. aiel ImiIIi were ilrlnkiiiif. Senrh..roiii:li havtliat Helman a.-ke.l lilm to "e. .me out liep', 1 want to ee yiiii," mi. I that the two walke.i out in to til" ulley .e.e the Mll'ioll lllel Selmllli, w ho." hoii Ih In th" .Inure. Meeu, jail on the I'liaru'" of iilulueiliit; it .voiiiik' la.ly from tin Mile for Immoral purpo-e, al.l to Sear txirntiKh: ' I wunt you lo i over the rher with me thi morning; we iuut i;et that hoy i"t of ja'l." , Seari.roiik'h expreM'. n willingness to K with Selmmi, li.it state. that no I a t break had U-en iiia.l" In Juarez. Si'iirl'orouuh miv thill Selmaii then reni hl for liin pltol with the remark, "I lel!"Vo 111 kill yon." S.-nrlM.r..HL'll plllle.l hi k'l.ll nil' I l.eeltl dhoolini:. At th" seeoml -hot Selmllli fell me I h. arlioroiiL'h llre.l two more shot ns Selinan nttempte.l to rle. When Selnian Will SellP'I.e.l no pistol "ot. l.e f .llll l on htm T aiiowliere nr. .u n I him. II" say that lie Iih'I n pistol I. ut that It was taken from tli 111 niter lie fell ail'l l."f.ip' the I o.'e r"ll.'ll- l him. II" wu hit Ly e. ry shot S.'nr- iKT'lIlttll llre.l. h.'arloroiii;li Is uhout Mi year oi l, wa lorn In Louisiana, hut wa raised In I'i'mis, nud wiih h"Veral y em sheriiTof Jon.'. eoiinty, 'IVju II" i now out ot jail under l.ond. H I nl... ut .ji year old nud hn lived a Htonny life. When not driiikinu h" was a K'entle Hlld III" .'t lis II ellil I, I Ut lie did led know w hat l. iir was an I ha killed not I"- than twenty outlaw. II- w a a dead shot mid .(.ir k a liflitniiik' w itli a cun. I.a-t Au trusi in thi-eity the not..ri..ii John We-l.-y liar tin .'halleiik'"d him to a 'n o llk'ht In the A. in" -aloi.n iin. I . iii.uu kili" 1 that danger- ClllH "Uti.lW. RIVERS BOOMING. Driving Beitdantt Along th Baaki From Their Home. The winter rlnfl of thn Ohio rlvpf In ahout sit wppIa Inter than the imunl time. Thn river nt rineinnntl rpneheil 41 fee ahove low wnter. Itnt How, near tin N'pwport lrlln, nml hniisnifp ltow, nenr thn ne!ilon l.rldue, wtp Iniitnlnti'd to nenr thn weonil Htory. Hoiiip poiiniilsnloii housin In th" Is.t tomji p-moveil their K'""'"' The t iiiiilx-rliiud river N M feet il'H-p nt Ilurnide, Ky., and out of lis Laiiks. Many fHinilh n hnve Is'en foreed to the iepoh'l sto ried of their houses. At CnrthnKe, Tenn., the water Is nl'ove the ilanirer line, A lloehester, N. V., dispnteli myn: Thn 1 nessep river Is higher than It Ims Ixt'ii for 'Hi yen rs. Many houses hp- surrounded by water nml the oeeupmits luive hud to hprt their hollies. 'I l.p Mohaw k river Korei Isdow f'anajo harip nud tln New York tVntml rondls'd Im tween l'l. I'lnln nml St. Johnsvilln has een washed out for several hundred feet, ller kiiin r vlllnife Is under wnter nml thn n sl d.'iits have to k'o al.i.ul In lionts. Thu Hood, howpvi-r, Is rapidly sul'siillm?. TELEGRAPHIC TICKS. Spniilsh ntc iits hnvn ordered 80.000 Mauser III.- In llerlill. The l.nwreiieo pottoii mill nt I.owell, Ma-s., has shut down In definitely, rendering 'i,IIOl people Idle. Ilotli Kansas nn I New Hampshire Meth odists Voted for Women delegates to til" H''IP erill entifi reliep. An nssoelatioti for the promotion of female emik'nttloti In the northwest territories hs l.een ork'ani.ed in Toronto. The Inter-State oflh lals In Chieni;o are, it is said, plaiiniiik' to make troiil.le for some of the lurtfe shippers who have been reeeh liii; eiit rati from the roads. Th" number of linmlnriints from Italy has Jumped sii.-e last winter from iibont (i.lHHI to .'r.,0111.. Thi inep ne I, it Is said, largely due to the di-a-trons war In Afrieit Colonel WIT, th" in tor nml I ho deputy I into.l states marshal with him, "s. ape.i the fate f their eluht eompnnious, reported drowned in the llalny riv. r in Montana. Wii., Haley, colored Is In the Memphis hospital. I'lidly I eaten nml wounded with bullets in three' places. II" hlld Is'ell lioblieil I'V Wlliteeilps bci'llll" of SlllllllpoX ill III family several month iik'o. I..iwren.'" Sullivan, tli" i-yeiu-old mail carrier of W"t I iili.n, W. Va., who passed a (. .rife. I check on the West I'liion Niitionnl I bank, has l'en Indicted Lv the rainl jury. The boy's story that th" check heoiiK''il ton stranger was found to Is- false. A peculiar case of blood poisonim; I n pi rii d at Mles,o.,th victim b.-lns J. I'orest, ii cemetery sexton, who was taken to the ln llrmary in a daiujerous condition. I'or est was ilik'k'liik' In tin nietcry mid his hand came in contact with water from n kpivu nearby. At Clint. .ii. III., 1.1. 1. ion shot his wife and mother-in-law In tin- head with a shot uuxi' killliik" '.hem instantly. Iiomestie trouble was the caue. I'oleii then ntteinpteil to coinmit suicide iiv throw inif hiiii"lf in front of ii train, but wa. cnly slightly Injured, nml is now in jail. A terrlllc explosion of M pounds of pow der occurred In th" titles mines, nenr Ward, Col., in which three men weru Instantly killed and two others badly hurt. The dead are: James 1'iinin.rt, Mart llmnsoii and liriint llicc; and the injured: Jack (ialla Kher and l.ouis Smith. Charles. Iianicl, William nml I'.lleii Harris, three brothers nml n sister, mid William Cleveland, coinposiiii; n kiiui; of freight ear robliers, who have I u operatiui; nloni; the line of the llaltiinore A ( ildo nuid were In dicted nt Wist I'liion, W. Vu. The men did th" rohbinu mid tin) woman deposed of tint stolen k'oOUS. SUDDENLY SWEPT INTO ETERNITY. FOURTEEN KILLED. Clondbarit Chtngri Kentucky Creeki Into Torrents that Wrecked Kany Hornet. Thn cloudburst on Little He.xton nml liuffnlo pp'fks, Ky., II'l rtvro dnmnc than nt Itrst reported. Instead of four ther" weru ml nbly II persons drowncl. Sexton creek rises nenr llurnlnir Sprlnif, nnd Is onn of thn feeders of the Kentucky river. 1'eoplii little thought that the brook would rise so rnpidly, or was cnpnbln of nallierliik' such a volume of wnter. Thn cloudburst occurred up In the KrK. thn wnter Rath'Tlm; In n nminrul, nml thn wild flood poured down In n solid wall, liuffnlo cpi'k Is even more crooked nml tor tuous thnn l.ittl" Sexton. A K'nt many Ioks were hurled down with thn tide, knocking the cabins and oiitMiilillnifs to pieces. Will lliirns's house went nut on thn waters, nml hi two children were lost. Uti linrrett's dnuhter Mary was drownpd, nml two unknown people also lost their lives in Hint vicinity. A lull" larther down thn creek the hon" iif Mm. tieori:" Ilepson was ! stroyed, mid Mrs. lieore !epon nnd thp-n children wit ' drowned. Next tothemwns Hip home of .loiui ( rnnp, n rnrtcr, which wiu cnrrlcd nwnv, with his family, of wife mid three chlldreii. John Crime, fortunately, was near, nnd mniini;ed to ride th" drift nnd res cue his family, although hi. wife wan fatally crushed between tlllils r. On Sexton creek nnd Its tributaries five were drowned, ns follows: .1 1 't ii in J. S. .1. Hull. Mr. Wade Mnnb rs and child nnd two unknown person. Jnckson county suffered heavily, ns did Clay nnd ow-lcy. It was the most disn-troii llood In years, nnd cmne so 1 1 1 i k I that it i a wonder that nnv of the valley people es ""(I. FIVE MEN KILLED. By the Ezploiion of the Boileri of aa Oil Mill. At ireenvllle, Mi., th" two massive boilers of th" l'laiit. rs oil mill exploded w rckliik' the null property nnd cnusliu' the death nf live men, iu follows: Henry Will nms mid ttllver lliimphrevs. colored lire men: Ion 1'reeinaii, colore. 1 lahopT: Horiic" Wilkinson, coIophI carpenter, mid lid. Strn Mi. k, w lilt" enris'uter. '1 lie injured are: l'rank Wolfenden. idiief eiik'ineer: Columbus W n-li I n trt . n. colored; Tom I'.rown. colored; W. V. Ii. I'p'eman, colored; Alex Hughes and riii'inan retidle- t III. The 'au" of the explosion I stilted to be a dry boiler. Thi version of it I not, how ever, ilellulte, lis nil collliecte.l with the ell- iii" nnd boiler room wre killed except the ehhj ' .'lti"er( nnd In is too bndly Injured to nuike auV sfatemi'iit. After th" wp-ck of the blunt by 'the explosion, lire seized the ruins, luit this was suppP" sed by the lire depart ment, not, however, until the bodies of the killed had I n badly churn-.'. The loss will reiidi :ln.lHHI. Insured In the Hartford Steam Holler Insurance Company. About a year m;o the plant of the oil mill was destroyed by tire, cntaillm; a loss of something 'like ? i:,i,oiio, nnd had b i built on such a scale as to make it one of the most extensive Hlld complete In the South, WATCHING THE STEEL MEN. A HORRIBLE BUTCHERY. Gov Robinion Cabin an Account of the Fight at Inyati. Sir II'tciiIi-4 liobliisou, irovernor of Cape GEORGIA TOWN DESTROYED. Mott Diiastrous Fire Viiitl Brunswick, Ga.-Lois $500,000. Several years no llrutiswlck, Cm., wus visited by ii conllaratloii which destroyed it. mid on Thursday the disaster iu almost repeated. A lire started nboiit 1 ::I0 p. m., whi'-li sh-.' ! ;i y iy rr.iiir, of !;i ':;;ot pr.'sja'r oiis biislni'ss enterprises of I riinsw i.'k and for n time It was feared the whole town would be in it-lies. The total loss is con servatively estimated at about 6-rrtM.000 and the Insuraii.-e is iihiced lit 4I00,000. A stron; w ind for 1 on the Humes nml the local llr" ueparillieni lieciillie pow'Ties.s H.i llliil Itssisi- t olonv. has cabled to th llrltlsh uovern- I mice wus telegraphed for to Savaiiinili. Wuy i t.. oi.. ...i....... STEEL POOL A Combination of the Principal Steal Com panies in the United Statei Twenty r.es-. ini r st'-el iM.mpani' s, P-pre-eciiliiik' lisi.iHid.iXMi of . apltai, and produc Ititf half the world's out j ut have lormcl mi oranl.at..i at the II.. I'd Waldorf, In Sew York. Th" pri"e of ste.d billets w:is pla 1 ut t .11 atoii. I.n-t W". k they sold nt ? 17 nnd til. A poolinu agreement was p ii' lied by w lih h the output I to Is- iipporti'.iied muoiik' tin-meml- r of tie- oruiiniutioii, probably on the i a-ls of la-t y ai's output. Aiij.'Iik' tho.i- present nt the ciiiif. p.n..i were rresideiil John (I.A. I.ei-llllllinil, of the Ciirne(,'i" sie. I .)iipniiy,l'lttburi. l'n .-i.-iil Oeor" T. Olivr, of the Haliiesworth Stis-I company, liltshurir; W illi I., hn.k', K' lieral niHi.uk" r of th" J . ii'-s A l.aiik'hliiis, ..!!. puny rittnbijrh'; J. 1'. Stii'-khoiise, o! the Camhria Iron coiupnny, J. dinstow n, I n.; Tom I,. Johns n, of tin- Johnson st el coiiipany, of Cleveland; Cleveland Holliiik' Mill company, Cleveland: Hit Steel company, Cleveland; Ohio Steel com i nnv, Vounk'-itowii: liellnire hts'l com any, Jtclialre, n ; sh"i.niik"i Valley hf d ei,i any, NeW t 'Hsc; Wheeling Std and Iron compiinv. An ussociniioii wiis forme.) with Mnj. Ii nt. of the I'l'iun-vivaidii steel company ns presl ib iil, and Wiillam i. Itl.'e. of the Micnuiik'.i Valley coixi iiiiy, vice president. EI0HT SAILORS KILLED. Explosion on Board Chilean Monitor Does Dreadful Work. A dispatch from Vulparuiso, Chile, says; "Thn monitor Hustar, fp-h from the dry dock, uriJved here yesterday, hut ncup'ely bad she cast nic lior when a dreadful disaster occurred on board. Without warning, thn uiaiii b uiii pipe hi the vi-o.v-1 burst, killing elk'I'l of the crew, nnd pro! ubly fatully in lurluK four others. No further detalU cuu bo obtain' d nn no one t s rmltted to tfo on board. FOREIOir K0TZS. t'riuceM Maud of Wales will Is married at fit Jam'-, July 7, to I'rlij.'e Chnrh-e of Iei. mark. I'inkertou d"te,tlvi- have Is-cn employisl ty Spain to watch vox la nl '1 etas porta and jPtveijt carryllitf of arms to Cubit. Tim destitution and auffcrlbrf In Armenia, daUt tlm p llef eleiided by thn lld Croaa U aivrilwl u aouicihluK horrlbln. Thn holU-r of thn tea in tui( VlrKluio ox lo.l4 ou lh H'hldL four of Hi rrnw wnra killed, aud tna shock of thn axploaloo eaual tba iarua tij aluk, drowulug tb ary vuiaii s family of elhl (mrsou. Ml' 'lit the .1. tails of til" massacre of while men ut I ii l in .Mntai.c.'liinl, liiciudim; I Messrs. Ca-s, llaudlv and llurford, whlcli ! was exclusively reported to th" Associated 1 1'p ss on Tuesday. ! As-i-tant Commissioner liraliaiu was mur- ilere.l by the Maliils'l.si at lnyn'il on March ' 21. A H' le ral attack upon the whites f..- ! lowed and they were entirely outnumbered I lie I almost overw helmed, being unable to I make any eiTctive stand nguinst the r'ih of ' the native warriors. I hey iiimiai;ed to get I hold of 11 Wllk'otl, Hlld With this tliey eth'cted 1 a ret rent of three null's. Their flight w as , ! perceived and tin y Woe clo-ely followed III" i ' Wind" three miles. , Some ;M MataUdes then surrounded th" wag.iiiaiidpntiist 'pt.. it progP's, and Hi" hard pressed whiles were brought to i their ial -land with nothing left them I ut to I si ll their lives a ib ui ly a tliey could. I hey I j kept off their f.s s as long ns possible with , i their llp'uriues, and when th" nlacks i'oe. ( ii upon them a tierce and desperate hainl-to- hand eoiillict ended It. Overborne by superi I or llllllils-rs, six of the whites wep' killed 1 i..iovan, the only survivor of the miisner", iiiunage.l to escape by hiding in the long I grass and creeping nway uinliscoiered. i Hon. .van estimates tuai nuiy niiy "i in" ; Mlltalsdes were killed before thn party of j w hite men was overpowered. GREAT FIRE AT MANILLA. FourThousand Houses Burned and 30,000 1 People Homoless. ! A teiribln lire lu occurred nt Mmiilhi, In I the 1'hlllppilie Islands, by which 4,0(10 houses , were destroyed mid .'MI.IMKI peoplu left home- ' less. Manilla is th" capital of thn riilllppln" llau.ls and has u population of 100, Hull, or w ith the siil.iirlst i;(,oimi. Ii Is one of th" great emporiums of th" east. Th" jiriiicipal public bull linns nr" th" cathedral, tlie pal aces of the (ioveriior and the Archbishop, a beautiful town house, fii churches of .lnlcr ent religious order, several inoua.-tcrles, convi'iits, th" arsenal, three I'olleges for i young men, nud two for young women, u Supreme Court, prison, civil hospital, uni versity, a marine nnd u commercial school, a ! large theater, n custom house and barracks. It has freipiently Imi'ii visited by severe and ' destructive eurtll'iuakes. ros mid Jacksonville, whose itepartments I promptly responded that they would send laid. At 4:lii the Hi" was gotten under cou- trol, but Hot before one hfn had Ihm'II lost. I hurl' s Smith, mi employe of th" llrunsw i"k I .V Western riulroH'l was overcoinu bv the heat and died. A number of sailing vi-ssels were in .lunger j during the progress of the Humes, but nil I were saved. The Humes started on the 1 llrunsw Ick A Western railroad wharves, and within an hour the wharves, two large ware house, ii number of cur, including the freight contalieil therein, wer uisiimed, j entailing u loss to tl mpaiiy of t'.'llu.tMiil, l partially insured. I he extensive property of the I'.iwnliig Company, dealers In naval 1 stop s, I nine Ignited nnd the structure with ', it valuable stock was consumed. The loss is estimated at eauo.iMMl almost covered by I Insurance. The Hume then swept up l'.av I street and ll large portion of the business ' set tlon of the tow ii wa III danger. As it ' was some thirteen stores, Including the stock, were demolished, the loss oil tiles" be- ! lug about tliKi.iHiu, Insurance i-7(I,imiii. Th" ! tire spread to tin' O.'cuti Hotel block, but did I not make much headway tlmre, the loss to hotel being about ?.'II.IKH). Their Proposed Organisation Is Expected to Help Business. H. O. Dun A Co., nay: Thn regular runrt erly atntement of failure show 4,301, with llabllltlm of 57.42l:H, against .l.wij last year, with liabilities of 47.M:;,0i.i. As consumers mnke spring purchases they must lessen stock nud compel I" buying. 1 he stocks taken In n.lvnnen of consumers' demands Inst summer hnvn been distributed fnr morn slowly thnn wns expected, but months of waiting has helped to lessen the load whl.Ji, it is hoped, spring Inlying w ill clear nway. Apprehensions of foreign or financial dif ficulty's have hindered, but ap- now scarcely felt- (lold exports bp rumored, but at this season nrn so fur nntural Hint they have no such power to cans" alarm as they had in winter. The gigantic steel poml'limtion Is expected to have a great influence In sustain ing markets nnd stimulating eonlldenee, mid though such oM'rntlons often miss the suc cess they seek, they rarely full to kindle speeiilntive buying for a time. The sudden advance of f'j'ti ton In billets a week ago fins rnlsiil licyscmcr pig tl nt l'lttshurg nud the ilemnnd for structural forms Increases th" expts'tatlons that prices will advance. Nail associations have given notice of another u.l am'" of l,i cents nt the end of this month, liars hnvn lssn greivtly demoralized, but soin" milkers now hop" to re-establish the combination, ns steel bars will Is-come .l"iir pr. Th" stud poiieerns propose to restrict production by iillotment, those producing more than their share vi per ton to those who produce less. HONOR TO AMERICANS. Venetuel to Erect Another Memorial with Impressive Ceremony. 1'resldetit Crespo, of Veticzucln, ha tnken another step toward thn conspicuous honor ing of American eltl'.en by Issuing n decree directing the erection of a bron.e column In holer of the citizens of th" l'nlt"d Stat'i who iiid"'l Vcnizuelu In the ilrt struggle f..r Independence. Til" deep' has jllst lee re ceived nt Hi" Venezuelan, leg itl" ii ut Wash ington, Venezuela ha honored this govern ment heretofore by erecting n statute f Washington mid projecting another statute to 1'resideiit Monroe, commemorative of the Monroe doctrine, so that th" erection of this bronze column I n further evidence of the friendly feeling existing. The decree states that the column I n memorial to th" following citizens of the I'nitcd States: Captain liiUiahue, Lieuten ant ltillop nud I'm at" .lames liunlner, churles Johnson, tiiistavu It'igrud, 1'uul I . Oeorge, liiiniel Kemper, Mile 1'. Hall, John Ferris nnd Siib-I.lenteiiunt l- runels 1'iir.pihnr sou. It recites the Interesting services of these men, w ho joined Miranda In an expedi tion which left New York in 1K) for th avowed purpos" of freeing Venezuela from the Spanish rule. Th" party wer" capture! nt l'orto Cnbello mid th" American were shot by Spanish soldiers outside the castle ot San l'lllk'p". Miranda escaped and sul.-e-.iiciitiy took part fn signing the declaration of Venezuelan Independence. The column Is to he crctcl ut Puerto Ciibcrllo, ut the point where th" American. fell. Th" unveiling of the column I set for July 4. nnd it I to lie 'nude notable by ll d uioti Htratloii lusting three days throughout Yen- ezilelll. HEAVY SPANISH LOSES. Eight Hundred Said to Havo Buen Killed In One Battle. In ii light in rinardcl lilo province, Tues day, Is'tween th" forces of Maceonild Colonel lnclaii, th" latter was seriously wouiided, It Is rumop'd, nml the Spaniards lost M00 m"n. Th" insurgent loss, also, It is said, was heavy. T".'."'." a ."ovvJHfc-e.a the Jo of f 7 ni'c hy nn attack upon nn exploring engine nenr Espernnza, Santii Clarn. The Insurgent lead er Itrunel hn burned -J lion.' In the village of llreuus, Santii ( l.ira. lit an eiigngi ui' iit nt Muhiciinigtiii, Santa Clara, the Insurgents SUITep'd ll loss of li allied. Ill mi engage mciit with (Jucmu'lo, ut (iiilues, on March 30. thu insurgents lost killed. I'lie Kspermill d" Ccspeiles plillltlltion, in Santii Clara, valued ut iOO.OUO, has been to tally destroyed. I INTR-STrmCOMrtt HI LONG AND SHORT ! luL The Supreme Court Drold'i Railroads. gainst the ie Supromn is the "long lie validity ommerce or a short I from tli" if"" In An oilnlon wns rendered by Court Monday In thcnseknow and short hnul" ens". Involving of th" provision of the Inter-Sti net, prohibiting a higher clung, hnul than a long huul, appeal d.s'lslon of the circuit Court of' Yppenls for the lifth circuit. Theapi-'iil w' tnkpn by the rnilroads. I I Its title wan thn Inter-Stntj Commercn Coiniiilssion vs. the Cincinnati, T-w Orl"iius A 1"xn Paeltlc Itallrond Cijnpnny, the Western nnd Atlantic lini.roijli aud the Oeorgla rnil road. The d.i'islon j.f thn oourt Isdow wu alllrmed In thn main,! he opinion holding thnt In eases of shlptnei.l from one state to imotliT on through bill of lading railroad comimnh s eoiihl not exempt parties nnd give them special rates. Justice Shirus delivered the opinion. Tli" dispute eoneernlng this n ntter Is one that hus I e n continually arising In various parts of the country, nnd' It hns Iwi'ii of gp'iit public Importance, Ss well to the Interests of commerce ns to our rnllro.nU In every pnrt of Hi" country, that the ipi"stlon be put nt rest. There wns nlso drown In question lntheciie tl-.e very Important one of the power of the Inter-state Commerce Com mission to llx maximum rates It ensesjprop erly brought Is'f. re It, as distinguished from a mere decision that n particular rate Is ex cessive. The three railroad companies nrn the con necting Urns running from Cincinnati to Augutu. tin. Ihis litigation begun through tl omphilntof n Feller of buggies ut C.n- cinniitl to the lnter-state Commerce Com mission, that the rates to Augusta, nt th" end of th" tieorglii hnilroinl, nnd to Social irde. wlih li was n point on Hi" Ocorgui llnilroad, Till mil's below Atlanta, were such ns to unfairly dlscrimliuitc ugaliist Social t lr.de l h" T.'mis Pacific nnd the Atlantic nml W i st-ru railroads claimed In their answer that th" rato to Social t Irde could only b" mad" bv th iiiscnt of the Oeorglu road on which It I located. '1 he (leorgia company admitted that the rates to Social Circle were th" nit" to Atlanta lus tin- rat" from Atlan ta t . Social Ir.'le, and contended that they were not unreasonable, th" rate to Atlanta being less than It should be bei mis" of th" npctilR.li with lines from that city to llal tiinore, CARLISLE DECLARES HIMSELF. the congressional! The Kentucky Statesman Declines Presidential Nomination. Secretary Carlisle hns written the follow ing letter on the subject of his omidldiiey for the presidency nt the Chicago convention, ie.lrc-e. to Charles 11, Long, Chairman of the i.'moeratie state Central Committee of lieiitliekv: My Hear Sir-Your favor of March 30, which von sav. In suiistmice that tunny Summary of the Most Imports Presented In Both HoiJ KionTT-r.loltTB DAT. 8"nntnr Cullom, t'hnlrmnn of Committee on Inter-Stnto Corr author of thn present liiter-Ktnti law, announced his purpose of it. bill to amend th Inw so as to ; transportation of fop'lgn good, rntes thnn those of domestic m.ii, Is allowed under the decision of I Court Iti the import ense render- The House spent the dny eor,. sundry civil bill nud fuir progps.. A uetermined clTort WHS tlllKl" i y . Southern representatives to strii bill the appropriation of t50,(KKi i of Internal revenue reformers, wi tlciilarly obnoxious to people in t: shine" districts, but wns tuistic. MOHTT-JUSTIt DAT. Senntor Cleorg", of Mlsslsel j i the S's'oiu I lii-talmcnt of his s... th" claims of Mr. Impont to tln In the Semite from thn htnte i,( He gpok" for over thp-n nnd a 1 nnd promlsi-s to coiitinun his r morrow. Another Cubnn Joint resolution ed by Mr. ( nil, ot Hori.la. It way by preiinihl" thn cntitlnuul the" usages nnd rules of war by th. in Cuba nnd dip-i ts Hint nn a I. force Immediately sent to pr. State citizens by fori-e If lie., threatens forcible intervention II recurrence ol murder, outrnge or denth prisoners of wnr. The join: wns laid on the table temporarily The postoflb e Appropriation I disposisl of, w ith th" exception ! ni.-i t pr.ivl'llng additional con.. cartyliig th" mails between S;i:r nnd New .-aland and New Sou!1; A bill was Introduced by Mr. I;. Ilt, of North Carolina, niid p'f. " l liiniice committee, providing tin of notes, bills, checks, etc., shall i. tender money, Irp'spii'tlve of nnv. In Hi" contract. He explained t'i;,: was to stop gold mortgages mi l . It did not nfleet existing contra t,, Mr.Tirtu hay. The postofllce npproprliltloli I : out n lively debut" III the Semite i proprletv of abolishing the . o 111 .-es nml absorbing them a- ' the greater city offices caused .,;: Senator llorman opposed the - hi HJieech, nssailing It lis llli-l III., r llepp'sentiitivn Ihmfonl of III;: ported to the house from tic committee the stonn I III provll luspis'tioii of Immigrants by I : consuls. The objis't of the inci,. report. Is to enforce existing l.iw laws as tuny hereafter be passed ! restricting Imiidgriitioii. mAiv-iTIist dv. Th" house to-dav revived th" . thn Uestl.m of Cui.iin U lligep n lieotion with the conference r resolutions. it WHS llllt expect ! Would be much debate, but Mr. I Ills opposition, prevented ll't Ml liciiteil illspiKe over ii bill for an across the Mississippi nt St I, i win pa.-sed. Chairman I'lckh r. slons committee, insisted on t In l order, ns this win private bill of i that Cuba could wait. Aft I t leT. ,oat fov ,rSC I Si. bill : kf or u; r inv friend- lu Kentucky uiel elsewhere ile- na.i i n pnsscu in Hoineiuing i:; sire til" 'o heeome a candidate before the up. I hour, Mr. Krdmau mnde n n r I proii.'hiiig Niitionnl Iicmocratlc Convention I order, demanding, lifter u bill l.n I. lor the nomination for th" residency, and I d"p'd piigrossp.l, that n copy of :i 1 ! ie.iiestiiig me to give "Home nt thoritativ" j seil bill be produced. As this . V: or ilelliilt" exprc-siou" upon the subject, was ' done thu bill was laid over. k1, l iliiU received and has been maturelv con-! MM: rv-hKi 11SI1 I IV. BBECKINBIDGE He is FOR C0N0BESS. for the DIVINE HEALER BOUNCED. Ordered by the Authorities of Cincinnati to Leave Town. A man named K. hrudcr, calling himself thn Iilviun lleulcr, has been in Cincinnati alucn Saturday luat, freely healing the aluk, un hn htyht his work. Hn wears a peculiar robe nnd on his head resin a crown of thorns, thn inner thorns made harmless by cutting of thn points. Hn claims that his power In trans mitted from Ida liuuda, or even from his clothing. Hn wan brought U-turn thn Mayor, Chief of Pollen and thn Health Officer for examina tion. Thn Health Officer told hi m hn wan a nuisance, aud a uienuiic" to thn Health of the community by passing his iiuwashnd hands over thn fncea of hundreds of people, in any of whom am dlssused. Thn ileiilth ottloer ordnpfci him to leave thn city at one". ANOTHER BATTLE REPORTED. luclan's Forces Attacked in Cuba. One Hundred Wounded. l'lLssengerH arriving ut Tampa, Pin., from Culm report Hint Spanish (ieneral lncliiu'ii forces were entirely surrounded by th" in surgents nml u hund-to-hiiiid conlllct ensu.sl i Tno conlllct ensued in Y'ueltii Abajo district. , Nothing olllelill ha been pUbllsh-,1, but 100 wounded in this engagement were brought , into llavunii l-'ri'lav night. Ail thn wounds were mucin ttc cut. In. -Ian also was wound- ed. l.iinntlii llaud'-rs, the insurgent chief, , ha sent a l"tter to (Ieneral Wiiyler reipiest- lug humaiie treatment for helpless families. I 1 lie Cubuiis here intended to burn thn Spun ; ish Hag ami Weyler's picture lust night, but the pull.- interfered. Cargoes oi Arms. Angel I igiierdu, general manager of thn Cuban insurgents stationed nt key West, l-'la., returned from lllenyn liny. Large quantities of arms and munitions of war have been smuggled out of the clty.ou thn schoon er Nellie and I'earl. Thn seliooiicr Martini, owned by J. K Hoyt, ex-Collector of Cus toms loft for lllscnyii" with a large cargo of urms nnd ummuultlou to hn transfernsl to some steamer. Canvassing the District Nomination. Col. W. C. P. llrcckinridg" has been quiet ly prn.-tleliig law at Lexington ever since the suit for damages of Madeline l'oliard, two years ngo, eniised him to be Sll eded ill Congress by Colonel Owens. Although Miss Pollard got a judgment for i IS.otMl, s,n has liever been able to get an execution or to re cover anything. Now that Colonel Ilrecklnridge Is enuviisa lug the district itgain to run for congress this year, the old movement of the ladies In the distri.-t L being reorganized, and Colom-I llrei-kiiiridgii w ill have women against him as he had two year ago. The friends of "Kentucky's silver-tongued orator" express the fullest colilldenee in Ills success, DAYTON 100 YEARS OLD. Centennial Anniversary of the Ohio Town Celebrated. One hundred years ngo Wednesday the town of Ihiyton, which now hus n population of 7'J,0(K Inhabitants was settled by Samuel Thompson, theWduw Medio nn l William (iiihiigiiiL The Ihiyton chapter of thn 1 laughters of the American llcvoliitioii held commemorative services mid the cent' imiiil day wus ushered lu nt midnight by the tiring of cannon, ringing of U-lis uud shrieking of whistles. Kxcrcises were held In the schools mid thn business mid manufacturing estuo llshiin nts guve their employes u holiday. A public meeting WIIH held lu the opent house III the evening. A general demonstration W ill he held uholit September 1. Illinois Banking Law. Thn Kupremu Court of I illuoia hat handed down a dix-ialou wlilch has carried conster nation Into every banking Institution in thn atatn. Thn d's UbiU annoiincna Hint if hank fall, and deposlta hava Issen ps-elved within SU day of (lain of aiiapeualou. thn ofTloera of that tauk are UabU to criminal prostsiutlou. The Bermuda Detained. Henor Dupuy dn Lome, thn Spanish minis ter nt Washington, hua received word from Spunish diplomntlu and consular ollldals in Central America, saying that thn stKiuner liermudn, having on b. urd nuinltloiis of wur for the Insurgents in Culm, has ln dotuln ml at 1'ort t ortoz by thn Huudurau Ciovcru uieut aud her cargo ai-lzn.1. HEWS NDOOETS. is In- Thn rush to thu Alaska gold flnhU creasing. Hi'iiutor Voorheea is lying seriously 111 nt Washington, and hla friends urn uneasy over hU condition. Matthew Adams, the defaulting district clerk of Denver, who lied from them lust NovnmUir with 75,000. hue hoeu nrpvtted at Kouthaniptou, Knglnud. A ouunterfelter's niivn baa been dlanovurml on au ialnud in thu St, Joseph river, between llrUtol lud., and Mottvillu, Mtuh., and a largo nuautlty of epurlou oola brought to light. Entire Party Perished. Letters received from llalliey river, oil thn Canadian boundary, report th" death on Iluiney river of Col. A. V. Neff, a I'nlted States deputy marshal, nnd their entire party of explorers, in nil probul.lv eight men. They were oil their wuy to Investigate re ports of thn timber stealing by Canadians, nud are reported to hnvn broken through thn cn and to nave !cn lost. : si len d. I Many comtir.inlcatlons upon the snun) suh I jcet nnd of simlliar iniport . have been re ceived I. .in friends lu different parts of the country, and while very grateful for tin's" I niiine r'iii expressions of eonlldenee mid esteem upon the pnrt of my Democratic P i llow citizens, 1 have not lieen able to reu.-li I the conclusion that the existing conditions reiuire ine to comply with ift'Mr requests" by authorizing them to ii'iuouiicn mu as a can didate for thn Presidential nomination. While 1 f'-l u profound Interest in thn wel fare of my party, I am much morn concerned uhoiit it ilc.'lar'ar'.ion of principle than in its nelectlou of candidates, becimso In my opinion, its failure or success at thn election, us well us Its ciipu dty for Useful service in the country in the future, depends upon the position it "takes or omits to Hike upon th" public question now engaging the attention of the people, mid especially the questions affecting the monetart' system of the country and th" character mid amount of taxation to be imposed upon our citizens. Its position upon these and other subjects having been iigteed upon mid clearly mid distinctly announced, the convention ought to have no dilfb'iilty in selecting nil n"ccpt. able candidate w ho will fairly represent its views, uud lu order that its deliberations may ' be embarrassed us little as po.ibl.t by th" contend. .i ,,f rival aplrant uud thdr friends. 1 think my duty to the party will be I best perfumed by declining to participate in I a contest for the nomination. 1 '1 lie obligations assumed when I u 'pt".l I my pr nt ..llb-hil position require me t 1 devot" mi entire tliii" urn! intention to th" public interest committed to my charge, uud 1 shall continue to dlschure the duties Im pose. I upon me to the best of my ability nud lu such nulnner as will, in my judgment, most certainly promote the true Interests of the country: and if, in the opinion of my fel low Democrat in Kentucky, my services en title me to thdr commendation mid approval 1 would regard their endorsement of my pub lie course us mi ample reward for the little I have been al. e t" accomplish in behalf of able administration mid sound lluitiiciul policy. THE OLYMPIAN GAMES. The Opening Day Observed as a Natioaal Festival. At Athens the opening of thn Olympian games wu-t observed as a national festival. The city wan brilliantly decoruted, nud g'eut enthusiasm wns nianllcstcd over the sports. The day opened with n te ileum in the cathe dral wiihdi wns attended by the royal family. The weather wns cloudy. Tim members of the American tennis urn In excellent condition and full of eonlldenee. Th" trial races colisihted of on" of 400 mid one of &00 meters. Also throwing the discus. '1 he tireeks feur their American competi tors, but nil thn athlete urn very courteous to eueli other. L Th" galleries were filled this n; ll throng of Interested people p, I, taken on the Cuban resolution- a: result uniioiiiiced. There wa lull attendance of members In of the vote, thn questi'i"! I" fug - which nil desired tu miakn n icord. liefopt taking thn Vijfte, in a -egpl ? r,'."!'."'Pt renchi,'Ji oiV Sjjt tl rd ii v, . Mr worth illep. N. Y. ) t'hiitrtiinn oi tier ..... ... .-!.. I...... -..ii. i l.,t,. r. e tary Morton, slallng that In ..I'di. almost unanimous consent of - J lia.l arrange. I wltn the sec.i put up the garden see.i in pa.-i .,. each insteud of 1.5, ns Itrst urrm i 2,02.',O0li packages Instend of 6.' . use of memlM'rs of emigre., j , quired mi Il'l'litiolllll expellS' of Mr. 11 Itl ( Hep., III. ) ehllill.M.. mittie oil foreign iiffairs, de: regular order the vote on the ngps'lng to the repi rt of the c. conference recom mending the the Semite resolutions regardliu l stead of those primarily udo House. On that Mr. Tucker i ! miimleil the yeas uud nays, mid ordered. 1 he resolutions were ligreei House by II Vot" of 244 to 'Ji. BISMARCK'S 81ST BIBTF.?; William's PfAaon t bUipci vi iriuiaut S ItlGU IT I BRIEF MENTION. Chnrlnn I'.. Clark, of Omnhii, has Imen il pointed superliitendeiit of the Childrf-Drugel hoiiin, nt Colorado Springs, Col Thn Wheeler A Co., shipbuilding firm has gullied its point on payment by check and most of thn 1,1100 srlkcrs ut Hay City, Midi., returned to work. Ostium Dlgma, thn Madhlst leader, le marching on hlukat and thn llrltlsh Souda nese troops Instead of going up thn Nil" havo Usui ordered to Tokur, on thu lied sea. A tablet lu memory of Hev. David K. Nna blt, formerly of llazelwood rp-atiyterlnn church, 1'lttsbiirg, wlllou Sunday bn unveil nil In thu First Congregational church, 1'uurln III. An official dispatch from lluluwayo says thn forcuH them a pi sufficient for defence, but will not lUftlno to quell thu rebellion, which la likely to become general when the Matabulna liecomu organized. rrlnce Alniaudur Albert, thu 11-pear-old on of thn lata 1'rluoe Henry of Hnttenburg, will, when hn reaches his imh year, bn nmJa captain general of th) Isin of YYIgbi and oon atabla ot Carlabrooka Castle, with aalarto and fee amounting to tO.Ooo yearly. Dr. Lanahan Cries Fraud. I'.cv. Dr. John Laniihnn sprung a Rcusntlon In the Methodist preu. hers meeting nt Haiti more, w Icn he uiinouu I that iu a few days he will publish iu a permanent form thn Era of Frauds iu the Methodist book concern at New York, of which he wus ut one time au agent. Hn staled that the publication is mild" necessary by thn repeated denials of thn frauds by persons lu official positions. After thn astonishment created by Dr. I.aua luiu's reiterated charges against thn New York coneeru subsided, there wits au almost utiunlinouy sentiment expressed among thn fireachere that thn general conference to moot n Clevelund, Ohlo.uext mouth bo compelled to give serious utteutloii to thn caao. Immigrants Pouring In. The Immigration officials urn somewhat dlsturlied ut the present enormous Increase in Immigration. Durlug February thn num ber of arrivals ut New York aggregated 11, 8.U, and liicrcttse of about 6ft per cent, over the arrivals during February, lH'Jft. Killed ia Prist Fight. Arthur llradlny aud Diehard Ingram, two factory hands engaged in a prize tight at H-'nrhlll. Mass., aud as a roault thn latter w killed. Thn tight was to bn a frtuudly o o settle the queatlou of whluh was the b man. Ex-Chancellor, l'rlnee Jlisnuirck was M yenrs nnd in his honor bauds of mu-i lie Schloss park nil the morning lativ.i. of the Hamburg senate In. .nds waited upon l'l luce Hi-: also r tved many Mural trlhub- i nts, and u large number of tel . eluding one Iron! l'riucc Henry KniH'ror William's present to ' iiiiirck was ii photograph of t! family, iu u group, enclosed iu a frame. Prince HlsmilP'k entered Hi" ;i lind wns nlTectloniitely greeted I Count Herbert llismarck, nml b : ter, Countess Hai.lau. Alter prince appeared on thn balcony, n. s. mbleii bands played n clem I. , luarek said lie was pleased ut lu th iistuut sympathy of the II w hich he hud never lost, ns he I other Hymputhlcg. In condii-i.. for cheers for Hamburg mid its r Then followed ll brilliant torch! sloii, which occupied 4ft minute I'rlnc" llismarck stood most of th tiuually expressing hla acknowl. those passing. He observed tin longer able to move us they did, 1 hcurt went with them. A PHYSICIAN KILLED H Jackson and Walling Will M Defense. It hue just developed that tlio for Jackson and Walling intend to sensation when thn trial cornea up It U said that they huvn gutbered that ueither of their clients wus murderer of l'eurl llrvan. aud they dhow that she died while In thu luJ certain physician and while uud llu'icnof drugs: thut neither S Jnckson were present ut thn time they worn sent for by thn physi threatened with exposure unless tn at ouon dispose of thn body. It Is also said thut Jackson Hire; Involve thn pbyslclun who was the aud thn throe joined iu thn suhseqi ceedlnga. Juvksou and Walllng'a will also try to show that 1'uarl Ij dead when Uecapllatea. Worse Storm in Ysars. Heports from Northern WUci; that the suow-atorm which Inated Wednesday was thu worst In yea of snow ten lent ilnen lilooka.lea I of Aal hCnd and bualnea was eif , peude I ' One W Isoousln Ceutral tl tnn irr' l ana two trains oi tun Blulltx.Ui thn stnow within thn lUlirui: I traftlo woe a a standstill the i i ragtou. Aaidn from the, lucucvj teuon the storm will prov in awe. g logging etreams which unuaue 1 low. 0L