" v ... t ! 1 t i i ! I! v 1 eheijUWfliurglj Igost Published" every Thursilay. Geo W. Wagenseltcr, Ascription 91.50 per year, rlilett iwt b puld In n.lvnnee when Bent Otit- till- Cnllhl.V.) RATES OF ADVtRTISINO. All ininletit nilvcrtwiin'iis not otherwise viitruM-! lr will be I'lmrijeil nt tlm riitenf 1.1 reiiU t"r line ntip:n-l 11 "urot tor rtrt Inwr- Mon mnl ill cents per Hue Mr every nubHeiiueiit Ini riliin. trl'xth nlim puhUthrAtrrf i iihitunry pnrrty, ritmtn r"jrrl, id-.. thrrrf'nU it Unr. Republican Committeemen. AiUim. I. K Ketterolf. Tllin Mltiln'H. ii.Mver.-N itliati Kr I. Irvlti Klnnev. H iviT W. Win. n.i-liT. '. V. lloiili. I'l'iitr.. I. w. iiiii-" I. II. r t imp-" I. ''i.iprii:in.-li. A. l-orill'ie. T. .1. Nl''h" . tnniklln.-r, il. D'liikvllMTKiT. . l'11 linwcr. .f:irkin. Wm. Martin, .1. w. Yriirlck. Mlil ll'-lurtrti. -urtlTi liniversin, W. r. 1 1'". MtiMleerook. .1. . Mtt' li'-I. I'. ! l'"wi Mminie.-H. II II irl'icr. I. K. Iimi-i. I',. nil, linnii'l Kimns", K. Wm'iicr. Ivrrv. - Irwlti liovr. Ib'iirv II iMIiil'. IVrrv W..-luil -I M m-vat. II. K. KeMtcr. Strlnif.lr. A. M Smith. 1 . K.Xpal'l. llll1CPIVi. -K. II. lieinb'Tlimr. ' W.IOVITI. -,,,;i.-(in... I. KhllHl'TH. .1. . SUM. W.ishliiKtmi.-Wm.r. Ilili.l-li. .lerrv I liurl -. FOU PKKSIDKNT, Matthew Slanlcn Quay. Kepublioaii County Ticket. Fur roniTi'iM. Til A I). M MA HON. iSiil.Jc. t to IM-trirt I iihti irnre.) Vnr seit Si'iritnr. r.liWIN M. Ill MMI'l.. (K'll.i rl In PMili't t p:i:f.-li-f. Knr -.Mmlilv. I IIAKI.KH W. II l.li AN. "r 'l't-.-;i-ur--t-. WILLIAM II. IMH.I.i;. l'nr rnll!lltHsMlli Tt 1 1.1.1 M OUI I.-I'.. s.M' yl'iil l. Tut- I'ihiMv AlHlHiil-, .1. r. r.owK'.i"' 'S. I . I'. MuVLK. iuiiMhiy, Atiir. 1!), 1SI)5. Ann-.nl Sniri 'J njaissnry. It so mm til U s um! over liyal sub-j.'.-t -t (to th S: tl l'r iviry ) aro ad-voi-.ttiiu' ann ul s"-ii'n of the legis lature. A'-i-or 1 i 1 1 -r 1.) the present law tho law-making bodies of the Statu meet every t v i yeirs. These bi euuial sessions are a great nil uoyanco to the taxpayers of the statu and most of tho people of Pennsylvania wish tho legislature could meet only every ten years. Most of tho legislation is class legislation and is moro injurious to the man" than the absence of such a law w( be to a few. It takes n smart lawyer to keep up to tho laws passed at the bi-uuuial sessions of the Legislature ar I o dare1 tuat uui. luuny pt tno lnetnoers and Sena tors themselves undei-stand half of the legislation they grind out in u log-rolling session of tivo or six mouths' duration. The schemo to inaugurate annual sessions of tho Legislature is nur tured and concocted only in the minds of thou who arc anxious to rob the S ate Treasury mi l to dn pleto t lie n-keis of honest taxpay ers i ti every part of the common we iltli. There is no necessity for an:rf.l f iotis of the Legislature. . 1 1 1 1 i :t I sessions eome too often. Il'tln n is to lie any e'laligo ill tile frei iM'iit y of tli" ses-.i'Uis of t !i legislature, then give in a two Jtioiit II-.' h '-i-ii 1:1 every ten ,ve irs nnd put every iiieiii'ier and every Sena I ii- under a penalty of life imprison ment who voles f.ir a "steal." If we had any assurance that we would get goo !, honest legislation, Said tim Surgeon, but Dr. David Ken an annual session might h i of value j nedy's Favorite Remedy was tal.en to the people or (h. Commonwealth, j ni1l) Knife Avoided, but that is ko improbable that w.. , ThJ ,ln,,( .'Ivertiser .f K.-he. 1 ter, .. ., recently pulilislieil the f. oppose, in in ist strenuous terms, ; ,nving interesting account of how W. the inauguration of annual sessions i W. Ailaius of l'.'T South iivenue, tlmt of our Ktato legislature, (iive us the ',i,y wl''l"lV",, tr."1 ,,m!,!rl, 0,,T'1," , . , .. . , tioii bv t Ik use of lr. lavi(l Kennedy V proper legislation when you can and i'av(.nte Uemeily. we will have iieuM faith in annual Mr. . Vilnius nays : "Three years ago sessions. Then and not till then will 1 was taken with kidney disl-uxe very . , , i , liinllv ; lit limen 1 was completely we agree to such a change. I lie yoke ,,Pl,strit...l ; In luet. was so Im.l that of tyranny is iilin i lv too heavy and Hie day whs net for tin doctors to the burdens of taxation and robberv are already drawing out the life and iitnbitiou of honest toil. The intro-) nearly every means was tried to help ductiou of annual sessions would be me. I'pon the day set for the oper . ,1,. .;,,.,,,( it,.. i .. l i itt ion I eoinineneeil the use of Dr. I, in u uui ill in uiu iii.iii I uilil II UI'U ... . , , elit to only a few. County Fair Again- Last year an ellort was on foot to establish a county fair, but the movement was started too late to accomplish the de- iivd result. 1! sides, no ibrect and concentrate ellort was intido to enhance this branch of agricultural industry. Tho plan now proposed is to buy tlint.,1,1 ,w r,. t... l.-ili;.,.. . " ' Iv run tlown. 1 had iloetored eonsid- of tho fair, mortgage tho land and 'ernblv.but without permanent relief, uso tho money ('sbKI. ) nppropiiatod (,l day one of my neighbors advised by law from the county Treasury toj '.X!'' willcf ''i'lu? SiV imy tho lutere.it on tho mortgage. ! trouble was dyspepsia, and for a long It will be understood that the As-1 w bile I was unable to be about at nil; sociation shall bo conducted for ti10 1 but lifter taking few doses 1 was , ... , -hi., . (completely cured, and now enjoy benefit of our agricultural interests -ood health." and not with a view of paying the! Hundreds of men and women with principal of t ho debt ! ""it 'run down" condition, unable to T. i iii "mi i I work, have recovered health and It should bo possiblo to raiHo!Btmijtli through this remarkable 520D0. or $-J.j0i. for tho purposo ofreuiody. It purities the blood, stirs Tecting buildings, btahls, feucos,l,,1ilv'r,an,1 kidneys to u Healthy ml making improvements. Shares in bo sold at, say $20. each tud each shareholder be given An an- j nual admission ticket for himself and family. This reduces the price of a family admission ticket to $ 1.20 or tho interest on the money invest- i 1. -1 i t. TUaha .. wIki are willinff to buy niore than one share One i ft ii .il man has pledged himself to Bell ."(M) worth of Rlmrcs. Wo need only fivo sueb men. Under this plan tho receipts for admission iind ground rents can bo bo devoted to tho payment of ex- ,r ,,,,, j,,,v rH. Simon Fisher.... expenses and premiums. If there is F. .1. S 'li tcli litis Iipimi contined to as.irplusitmishtboputinouemer. l'' f;V " yvrn) l"t ' , , . , . . , soon bo mMo to aviini look after Ins tfency fuud or devoted to pajment i(llsil1HS, interests. .. .The citizens on tho mortgago 'of this ptaro wero much grieved to There seems to bo a real desire to hear of tli" Midden dentil of Wm. F. revive the Snyder county fair nnd a K"kbert of Cunvensville. Mr Kek .. ... , ., ,. . ,1 bert was well and favorably known meeting will be called in n few dillcrPi ,lnvinB l)PW ono of tie )vniue where all interested can present merchant of this place a few years themselves and give views and in a 'ago. liberal way give their encouragement! - to the project. An annual fair is a dosirablo and a beneficial institution and wo trust and believe it is now on a fair way. The Silver Question. i The hilver question is discussed in ! Germany on HOinowhat tho satnei lines as in this country, and is re-, carded as n very live question. Tho ! followiug opinion on tho feasibility of bi-metalism is that of Dr. Otto Arendt, translated by President F. U. Andrews, of I'rown University, and iniuted ill full in the Febiu ary Iteview of Keviews : "o great revolution in prices then foro follows the restitution of silver to its old role. That is the second specter with which men nee' to horrify public opinion. However. suppose it should come, unit I 1 1 ii value of gold should sink by ha.f, s ,irst iI1(ioil((.(1 ,,v ;J, yc'ry small scab exactly as the Silesian Times nriiu-ior sore, to which no attention is at tains. It does not foll t v that th-itracted, until it before long develops farmer is no better olV, b'e.i is.) all prices, including those of his pro d ice, rise. livery farmer will gladly pay for wages and for everything he buys, twice as much as he now pays, provided all tho forms of his iuctin.t doubl . II i would gladly sen the change if only liis lixod expenses, like mortgagu interest, quittances, taxes, and burdens, were not doub led. Besides iii farming, what a man produces for his own use counts for much more than in other calling. This may bo remarked in a purely theoretical way. In practico no such wide-reaching effect of bimoUlisiu ooel-l lo oonoilira'l. It ,.. !. uot alter the value of money to any such extent as that. It would, mainly by doing away with tho different ranges oi valuo in different parts of the world, introduce an upward ten dency in prices, as tho sole gold standard brought a downward ten dency. Instead of tho slow increase in tho value of m mey now going on there would be either complete steadfastness, or a slow lessening in the value of money. Differences in ranges of prices would dis.ipp ar, a also monetary crises. Commerce and business would ho quickened and in a short time nothing would seem so incomprehensible ns that tho world allowed itself for a quarter century to be halted in itseeoiiouiie develop, incut by a sorry experiment with the solo gold sl.andaid." lust Use iiie Knife perforin an operation upon me. liut ' I l . l I ii . .: It 1 decide. I 1 Would submit, I hud been 4 1 1 1 1 ill lint, u'ntiir luillis mill In fin. , , i a , tt . ,. . IKavid kcmiedv s Favorite Keiuedy, ; it in I from that moinent began to gain i ami it was nut long before 1 was en tirely cured ainl have bad no return I of the trouble since. My weight has Increased and I never was so well as I 'am now. I have recommended DR. DAVID KENNEDY'S FAVORITE 'REMEDY to many people, for It saved my life." In speaking to .Mrs. Adams, she said 'About it year ngo I was in a very 'eiuesiiueoiiiea.iii.ueiiigeouil.iere- action. In cases of rheumatism, kid ney, liver and miliary troubles, It Is a well-known epecitlo. SELINSOROVE. 8t?pn Lave bci n taken towards ''-'Jroi Heutcwn, a former resid ent of this i a i i - Miles Wetzil bel l n public pub; ZZ, IWVS win move io nio'M rmpv1,j , tomm i vititinff h MiiH:irbi:a;i of Al- itiiiff bis p;irt"its in this pl;ic. Kev. Fra It lUiyern i jTendinK few tliys .,t the old ,f f , , ( t , A Small It is very often that tbe most Insig nificant syt!iit"t7is are forerunners of th lt.jst violent disease. There is not a more destructive disease than r- 1 i.. ..: t into most alarming conditions. Here is such a case, where the first symptoms were too small to lie noticed for quite a time. Mr. J. 11. Arnold be lonirs to one of the oldest and best ! families of Carolina; he is well and favorably known throughout South Carolina, and lias resided al Green wood for years. Cancer is hereditary in the family, nil aunt on each side having died from it. Several years ago a small spot, like a tiny ulcer, about the size of a bird-shot, appeared just under his left eye, above the check bone. He thought nothing of it for some time, until it began to grow rap idly, spreading all the time, and tie stroying the flesh as it went. MK, J. 1). ARNOLD. lie snvs: "It gave me a trrer.t deal of (tain tliusc sliarji, darting jiaitis ko cliaracleristic ot cancer. I to e tn:'iy so-called blood medicines, without ;ho slightest clfect. and sought the tie'p of the best jthysicians, but I hey did me no good; one mid me, however, tlu:t 1 was incurable ami h 'd better m:;l;o i-jy r.rr;i ugeiuer.ts accordingly. I was cm the verge of despair, when Pr. J. L. M'ller, one of the leading druggists of ii. y town, rccoiiiutuinlcd S. S. ti. The first boltie seemed to make me wo:-;;.-, but I Jr. Miller luM tue this was a fav orable symptom, and by llie time I bad taken t'ic . iv ud bottle, the cancer be gan to discharge, and as I continued ihis became quite profuse, and kept up for'hxiuc lime. Then ii gradually grew less, and after awhile ceased iil tegcther, and to my delight the place dried up and is cured entirely, so that nothing remains tint a s:ar. "I consider S. S. S. a boon to Buffer ing humanity, and feet that I owe my life to it, as the cancer had made such progress when I began S. S. S. that my death was declared to be only a matter of a very short time. The cure ef fected in my case is considered by everyone most remarkable, and clearly demonstrates the fact that S. S. S. iloca cure hereditary cancer. Xo one who is attlieted wHIt t'e dreadful dis ease can ati'od to rail to give t'. ti. t. a trial, for that is all that is neco.'.ii.iry to convir.ee then of its virtues," The ii'r'iye is but cite f mam rc inarkublo cures being daily made by S. S. S. Can.w is iKVOiring alarm ingly prevalent, end manifests itself in .-iK'ii a variety oi fortes, that any o:v or scab, it matters not hew sma.I, whicii doe.j nut readily heal up and disappear, may wdi be regarded with suspicion. The fact thut B. :i. S. cures licreai lary cancer, which i ; considi r-?l in cr.rable, p'aces it vivliout an i'ial 's a bare cure f jr all manner of real blood disease;;, such as Sen fula, Kc zetna. Contagions Plood I'oi.'.en, or any other form of bad blocd. Atlanta CvnutitutioH. AXLE GREASE BEST IN TUB WORLD. lUVMrinirqiialltlra arAunnirrMMd,irtuinr outlantlnir t wo boxei of anjr ol tier brand. No UTrctwl bf heat. I rUKT Til U j KM) INK. FOB SALS PPALKR9 0NJiALLYt A 0 Be Cancer! FRAZER Quickens The Appetite Makes the Weak Strong. IV THE 0N1T GOLD HTDA1 Sarsaparilla Has Cured Others And Will Cure You. A-ri-r'i Chrrry l"Mtinl for ( iiiiKha. A lJMLNlSTKATOK S NOTK K. I.et x tern of Adutiiilslriitloii i ii t Ii e -.t.itf ot .lui'iili K II :e "IT lalo nl Jai'kxin Twp. Snvilor pniinty, I'ii., iIpcM, Imo Itm Iwn irnintpil to the uiiiitiu Hi'l. nil I'pr.ini. kiKiwinic tli.m i-lvii linh'-il"-! In unlit r-liili1 ntp ri.iiir.t-il to tllHk. IllllnislltltV (ill) Mil'llt. wlitlo IllltPI IimtIdk i'I.iIhi. will iri".'i!! tin-ill iluly autlu'iitlcaleil to the iiliilur.u'inl. . M. Kt.IMil.KIt. Fell. ST. Ailinli l.lrator. IXKCtTOlfS N'oilci:. Notice is Jhercbv given Unit Let tern Teftn- nn'iitary In t lie estate r II. M.Hi'Hrlrk, di-e'd Inte nl I rkii i I n iisiiiii. Sii.Mli ri niini , I'riui'a buo Iiih ii 1-iii .1 lo iiio iiiiilri'iliriK'rt. All rx't-senn. Iliirrrnti'. Iliili htiil In mlil eMntc Kill ili'ac lllike lliillli'ilt l'e piiviiu'llt. .1 1 i.l lllie ImivIiiiT rliillii.s ic-nliinl It wIlllleMUt lor Hiltlrtnrut to W M. HOMIO. Mil r 4. 1 !'.". Kxevlltoni Salo Register. Nutter ef '...I" v. .i! ) ItiuiTteil fri llllitiT til lieiuuiu' tii'ii I he mIc i ni-e I'rtliteil ut Ihlsi nice. V.litll'n' l'i:N life lint (i'Veil lit llll i llii e .Ml is Ills u III l.e i liiilV'i il. rersniK p ii. i ill,-t i I: i- . '. lieiiM Mint II U.lte mill ll.lM' ,1 til I t" 5 - I III Ji t ' iM'llll. Tli'li-li.v. V.ti. lti, It.i'. 1', l;;.'.i' iis nl Mlil ith i.ic i'ii. .1 i.i i i'ii '. .i;"ll;i bur", I'uws .uui i u r 1 1 1 1 1 1 tti'i li'iiii tits. S.il uiilio . Mnr .'.'l-', I t'll, i.t tin' li-l!i'l:i'e nl V i'!i!n SOU k. i h" !: ' 'lit II e Vlilill l.invti. w. W . ii ti iiinier "ill H'll'l no Miin :t t nun iilnl lalliili.: lni Ii lnetits. Tue.vl'iv. Viir.lfl. IvM, tlirei' lni:i W est nf (n tfi'Mlli'. I li;i. K llll T III sell .") Illlt Hi'M, t I ..W '. .ll.ll 1. 1 1 in , 1. 1.' III. ll III! lit?-. , , Sim r.ii iriistnorlliv .y I ei ill h ii. in in liiilti'H Iii tr.iM I In I i iiii-.MmiIiI.i f r e .liitillslii'il, ii lliililo hli'l '. S;lh I J H lltnl e IH'II-I'S. SteilllV hm. tin!. Kiii'lu-e it'll iriii'e Hint .ell iiiliirrM'i, i uni ' il i i. -.!.; - Tl.e Iti'inUiI' li i'i'iiinuiy, lit r. I I I.K.r. oiinitia lllilk,'., ( htr.in, III. I'nuii Slrr l Nun. A 1 I ii II. 1 1 v Vi I'.i I lie Ii li'i Ci lit)' KltlK (nr tlie Sen i c e -i s linin sire In snti us 11 Ii k'hi'V. limn lune Klilney, l.tM'ror IIIikmI (llMTdrr ill) lli'l lIl lllV , bill I'l l II lli'i' Kllhj'l" I'.ii kiim' ut tliln riiiinl tit inns'. 1 1 oil ll.Hl' lll'lll.'l nl lull, ('mi MIIN.tlell. lli'inl.ll 111', Htli'llll.lltlslll. el,'., ihN L-nuiil MH'i'ilH' ill i iire Mm. h. Unwell. Mi i lull', IM , llie lemllnif ilriiiikslsl, wile uwrit. iilirt N ilNtrll.iiilii smnili'H tin' to the iitllk'ti'd. I.arife pit kaiirs ,'! m.il use. ill iddlel) ii vi: it I arkct Corrected weekly by our tuercbaiita. Butter .. KKK8. Pitted cberrles Unnitted HincWbeflei ltiispberrlea 9- y ' - - Onions 40 I.ard Tallow Cbiekensperlb tl Turkeys 0 Hide Shoulder... Hum old Wheat 0 12 It ye t 'orn Oats Itrioi per It'll lbs.. Middlings " Cbop " , I'loiir per bbl .:ts . 20 .so .!I0 t.l'O UNDERTAKING ! Tlie Sn'.i'iu t'liileitiiklii ' i .l:il'll-iii"iu. liiti ly l'llllill.'t"i li.V S.illlUi'l III Ii, i.-i im-i :l. Will Ih' ni;ili;r.;i .1 l:i tli" Hit ure ti.v tin' llhiti'f -l -T I. COFFINS AND CASKHT3 iihMiyt on h.uiil nl Inw prli'ei ('iirpseH i-i i.ni'il .t i .irinl i- f i h.ir.'i'. FMII.M.M IMi A sri:i ! M.I V. I.liilhs, shrmiil . Ilatitwmv llislurk. Iti'-ni-tlll!. YiUllli, W. H. LUCK, Salem, Pa THE EARTH GIRDLED By Rev. T. Dcwilt Talmagc, I). D. Hit l.alr.l, locif..' ii.i.f H.i..t ir.iii.i rnl Hook l,a li t II id'n must riMidilii I'rtnclitr, .1 iifnir mi'l TrunU r. Q t 1 VCTIl.'V ll'k'lit iiii'ti iimt wninn nnju'jn.iiii.i ,.,. ,..iriiiiu; vi in r.i WANTED jier wi'k. Veil run iln Hie SMIne, Tin' iiiHir ttlnltv i if u llfi'-tlime I:m'Iiihi emit n i in li'i t liiir.v If vntl iiiiv In t Mux Tnvi'l. mU ent lire, ill nerv. in i irrv, wninli ilul revi'lulliuis, elu. nui'lit ili'si'iiplluiiH. imtlius, liutiiur. Ilauelv. Tlie or.iiiili-Hi iiml Must lii iiiiirkalile ll'Mik of (lie I 'Plitilt v, I'liibriielni: Ainerii'ii, I lie SiuiilwMi'U Is lamls, .Mist mil l. New I'.llllllil, Sulllll Sen Is luliils, lnillii, IV'UH, I'.ili'slliie. lileei c, 11 Inly, :iirnii, (iivnii, Kli'.'lulnl, Slrullk'e Ailvellt lire-i In strmi'i' liiii'l- ! AMoiiiiilini; i-HhIoIiih mill Nil lii'iiniiiiisiif wllil iiml lii'.rliainiiH mith I uvei 4(l I'I'lL'llial pli(i'ir'IMlills of eiirlolis ii'nii', tur I'litn ii i'tii'i y mid eeli'liniti'il liKtorle jiliu'ew. Tho u mill ii IIv,'Iiiiih si uilli'il. pvjkim'iI, ami euiiiiar cil u Itliebiistlaiilty. . irn il lie wur.l iulnllliK'(if llie ili'plunilile ellfi ls iiih1ii'I'i ihiii liulliilis mill iH nplen by a belief In MnliniiiinciluiilHiii, HtlulnelMii, HliihlnaliNlil, llililillilsin, I.iiiiiliilsin, I iilitili'liinlHiii. Fi'IIhIiIhiii, llaiii.insin. ('alinlhil IImiii mnl Savuu'erv Slni tllni. reu'liitlniis uf ilio serial milt ill nii'ii II' Ciilnlll Inn ill the wiilili'll mill plilliln'ii ef tlie KiihI. Kliiiiiii iit ili'M-rlpi Inns (if Ni'i'iiei v. pceple ami plai'i'K In nil Uiu natliiim nf tin- eaiill iiml tlie IsIiiiiiIh nf I lie sen. Tin- wnrlit'a wnnilers iilnl lii.mti l les plKitiis'rnplii'il mill ile M rllieil by tlie irriMtest llvuis' w riler iiml irnvel IT. No el In I-limiU llki' II III rlUlmrr. Semi fur llliisti'ate.liiiviiliir.siiii'l full parileuUrn free, lutlio IMCtH'Lr'rt IM'I1I1.SIIIX I'll,, III! II ?Inrhrf Slrri t, 81'.Mt. I'lillaili IpllU, Pa. 2C0.0a IM COLD GIVEN. OF M'Kl'lAL INTlilll'r TO STl UliNTS AND TliACUEHS. It. 11. Wi)nJiiril I'liinpiinv. nf ll.illliiiiire. Mil., in. imikiiie n must liberal niter ol IJiiu.im to uny. line Ini will sell amieuplesul "lii'iimnf Kellrluiix I liiiili.ni.' il new Iiihik by 1 aunii',re. inm in mm nf llie IiiiimI Imlilllar liiieksi'Ver lull ill-si Il-i I . TIlleM illi Inns wilil In liu ilays, Aifelils sell 10 to 1,1 eeiili'S ii ilu . An K-.li .v nls'i'li. retail prli'i' imi irlM'l) liirhi-llllii,' lllleepli-1 In it innnllis. A mH) l.i, v. 'in ..iv. ii ini' Ki-llliiir KUiilili-n llMI liinntliN. A pilil wutiii Inr hi llin;,' lilt cnpn-H 111 una luulitli. Tlil pl'etnnitil in iiiiiiniiiii hi rniiiiiii"iiii. uiu' nl, ii- out ill :i5 iM'iiH. I reiL-lit until. Ureilll k'lven Ai'.uitM u ii hi nl ikKn lor " lulkM lu I'lillili i-n nliuul .Ii siin." l.M.mu inpie.- nelil. mill II Is now Hi'lllliif In vl. r I hull IH'I'. S.llllf trriliS llllll ei lllllll IUHH IM till "t.elliH nf li.'llt.lull TlnillKlll." OllKT lMiptlllir bookHiilnl lllbk'H nl.-o. Tin y I'lier hpt-olul anil imtoi llbi'i-iil rnii-ii iiiHtinli'iiiM unil teiii'iiprs lor bilinlii.ir v.ieiittnn. Iiill lin,' Him. biiiniiier u miKo llllllllH-r l HlUllelll!. Hli'l leill'lllTH C.lllVllhMIll for lliplr lnMikH. Alining llie list l Her weru who iniiilnnn'rJiiiO.liT v Ini -von lliu rJtW .reuiimu, mnl 7 iniiili' iniTl i. in for tiieir buuiliifr work. W rill) tUulu lliiuieilliitt'ly. 8-10-11. ft.' i c' S FOR CASH OR PRODUCE H0CH Ud 0I,D all ih. i. 1 will sell all Childnns Coats and Capes at HALit-PRICE. $1.5dl to $6.00. They aro also d 4-its out all Overcoats at al (dtiction of :o::2n-CBntin-thB-Onllar.:so: Tho kk notions on all Clotlitifij Underwear and Woolens am worth looking after. New bisrlin, Pa. BARGAINS IN CLOTHING! Fall ail filter Ms From S10 Jparis ! Heavy weights in Trousers, $3.50. Tito goods aro made to order, Guaranteed all wool, Trimmings first clas-.. Vorkmansliip guaranteed. JNo. A. HEKKELPINGEK, Tailor, Opposite Tost Oiliee. Sclinsgrove, T. , Hi, Wonderfully SucceHsful in nil Chronic Diseases and' ' ' ; EYE EAR, NOSE, THROAT, LUNGS, 'AND NWil CATARRff. All Eyo Operations Successfully Performed Examination and Consultation Tree to Everybody. A Few Testimonials .: .-, r':.7, H r U '. ,'i T li. X Oi . i - lit U lis ; in A M. TILL 1:011. ,,r Oui'cs rtox Otliors IT" evil. lho.MoHt KueceKsful ami Seieufific Trent inont of All Diseases and Weak nesses of MankiiKl. roiiiTl-kiiK kiiimti Ki,...'1,lHt in iiik fnlto.l Stmts, lib lot exberMnce. tT- i m i m v '" l" worl'1 -''le Htm to mi,l e tl, I ,, i 'ii . Ul n'.'- 1;- .'"!' M iMl 'llseasrn upon il,0 lutosl wleuililc -irliiclplos, iMiiiii v.i...' "",'" '-"'"tl'l'''"-"' f I lie millefil evervw here, riiri' k imvr h,V oi .Vi AI,IKSIm- H:.,Un "f,,'r 'l':,r! '" '"Perlt'liec, lins tllseovercd tlio (frputest ii i I...I Vi. .rA ? IVT"1 'r ''-!" x- ,',"al" Ulseasi'H iisltlvely onreil bv ii new luiuiiun KrZr Mlula '',;U,,,'um tuUri'ly h'"i l"ls"y l'I-"'-- i-n- r. Siilm operntod Niieeessrullv mnl paliilesslv for tiiliil eyes, pterygium, li lileetomv, liiriilii' In or out nl ini'iaKin'M or IM , rloMiiu ol tear Uni t anil nil oilier eye oiieriitloii. I tirotilc sore eye.i ami graiiiiluteil IIiIh ipileklv CUIl'U. A cortaln nti-l iKislllvo eurc for tlio nwful ef fei'tHnfi'iii'ly t lee un.l Uiu numerous evils tUat loliow lu Iln train. l rlvnto bin. nl nnd bkln ill.eni.'S coiiiplutoly mnl iM rmaiieiitly runnl. Hpeeillly, Nervous rti'bllliy mnl Hexunl Ulsonler ylelil ruplilty to lilbbklllful (realinent. Syplillln. iK'ttoiinrrlii'ii. (,'leet, fU'periiiiiliirrlie.i, Bi'iallial weakheiM, lul iiiiuiIiimhI, nltrlit eint.s Hlntis, ilii'iiyi'il laeuUii'.s, leiiuilii weakui'MH mnl nil ilelleam illHorilvm tieetilnir to ell her Hex, pa-lttvel.T euii'il. mh well liinelnal illsorilers Unit remll from youtliful follies in (lm excess of mat me yenm. hlMiMiiIlles-Catnrrll, skill illseases, mires, pttiiples, Kerolillii ItliMxt tints, i-ivi'iim, cimeer, piles, anil diseases of wouieu quickly mid per liinlii'lilly euii'il by tlm latest npproved treat liu tit as pursued by Icudliifc,' HiK'cinllstis of Auier ca anil Kuroie. .50o HOOK FKEK. Thu Mmlloul Ailv-lser, contiiinlii neurly 100 jinKos, a "-liort lilhtory of -private diHeiii-PS, mlvlen to yontirf mnl olil, espcclully tliosH contemplating marriage, fully illtistriitml. Do not fail to improve llie opportunity to obtain one of tlm most valuable books wlileli Iihh ever come with 1 11 your roueli. Tills book will be hent to anyone free on impli cation. Aililri'HH )r. Kiibn. 1. O. Iinv Colif-ibim. Ohio. canon, aiiui inh i r. Niilni, I. I . tiox 7U1 WONDERFUL CURES or fail a res. I'urties treated bv mail or txprtss, but where poftiiblu per sonal coiiHtiltittinn N preferred. Curable rianes irnaruiiteed. C-tTCuses and coi r ehpondenoo contldontlnl. Treatment nent C. ). I. to auy part of the L". K. Lit of 1U0 questions free. Addifrs L)r. Sului, 1'. O. box 700, Coliiinl iiH, O. Jj CONSULTATION FUKK AND STRICTLY CONgta DENTIAL. Town. Mlil tli'nurif. Huiilmry, Lawlsbur, Hotel. Washington, t'eiilriil, (liuntirou, Nallotml. Pay. Tuos. Wed. TUur. Muu. Mr, 113 ii Ladies', Misses' and It u i nl l)e.ifnps-I rum Oil per cent, of nil tusos oureU In out) Ireiilineiil. HlKeiiiirij'Init uiiM cured In every civso. Cntnrrli of tlm iiosK, brotiolililH and lung; troublus, cuuseil Iroiu ouUirrli, io(Uvi'l cured. To the Young and Middle-Aged Men. A Sure C ure. The awful PfTivtH of Piirly vlee, w bleli brlinfM nrifiiiile wetiknexH dei-troi Inif iMitli mliiil mnl iMiily w lili ull lu dreuilliil'llls. periiniiiently cun d. Dr. Salm nililn'Hhefi tliiiwi wlio Imvo linpulreil tlieliihelvi'M by Improper llnlulk'eiieeH nn, hiiII Inry Iniblls, wlileli ruin both mlud anil lioilv, tiutlttlnit tliein lor business, Htuily, Boelety, or liiarrUiK'i'. ,l:irrti'il inetl lire tlioseei.terlnif on Unit, Imp p.v life, uwuru or plii sli al debility quickly in Mlsleili We irinimiitop to oitrn nervous (teblllty, fnlllnif iniuiliooil, KplilllM, vnrleoceln, Mrlet tire. Kleel, iiiilinl ural oiseluirtfea, weak pnrtH, uud nil kid ney anil bladder disc uses. Kplli'twy nr tits iwwltlvi'ly cured by a uow nieiliixl, TesllmoniaU turiilslied. pcitecteit in ihl eafeb which buve been neejlccted or uinskill fully treated. ii rxiierlnientH Apr. May Juno July m,li. fepp. Oct. Nov. Ileo, 111 It 14 iol( S 1-V9 4 B AO HI) 111 lb II IH li It 111 ia 10 I us to urtl lot t 8-Hl 8-30 US Awcr i 17 'iV