The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 12, 1896, Image 6

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if ' "St .niis - ' f(
; r -
Beginnlnt; to Be Regarded at Very Bduoh In
th Ereeldental Race.
Nenntnr Quay In Mill receiving mnny en
couraging report. The Washington Star
linn arrived at thi conclusion thnt Mr. Quay
had I ettcr li watched a a prominent candi
date. It stated Thurdav rvt-niiiK:
'Tin' Quay follower are r'lly l'glnlng to
look earnestly upon the candidacy of llH'ir
favorite, ninl th Heating politicians around
tho f-n lt 1 ar' frequently Induced to Isdlcvo
thnt Ouay stands a good a )irn,i ns any
body, ; 1 1 I return to their home and go to
work for him. Of mur', they ilo not do
this for love. Quay I understood to ! mak
ing a mill limit search for I I nt In tho
South and wherever else ho see a chance to
pick up stragglers."
TIht" I active work !'ttit? done by the
lieutenant of nil th" -n nl ! l;t. Allison
I cutting a bigger figure In the Hotith tn
delegate-getting t tin ii nnv of his oppo
nent have given him rr" lit for, ntil the
hand of hi trusted manager, Octicnil
lark in, -nn In- seen In tin1 tnitiiipiilatloti of
thi so n fair. Oai'Tnl Clarkoii is mi old
hnii'l In ut t .-n 1 1 ii to such matters, ami the
prolan!" r"nlt I tliBt Allison will turn up
at St. I. ml with a much larger vote tiiini
now imagined. Ooncrnl Clnrksnn'a head
quarter ii r" In N"w York, I n t In1 often put
In an appearance In Washington, fi n 1 con
fer witli tlii' Allison manager here. 'I I i y
keep ni with th" situation thoroughly lit
mtv State, ami urn lighting every Inch of
Mu.-li of Hi,, work for Alll-m In t(i South
I being iloii" l.y minor h-nd. r of t'in party.
It I mi I .M' Kinl.'.v bi.g ago gobbled u'p
sotr.c o thi' important lender and put t ti-:n
to w. rk. Seeing the turn thing un taking
in tin' South, many I: 'publicans come to
Vii,iiii.'oii i v. ry day to try to i i t h uti to
tin1 Allison I'lorini". 'I'h, Mr soni' have
ii accepted in icarlv every Instance, nml
they have been cnt Link South to work,
Wlii n (it ni'Nil Clarknti I Imt lure to nr
nint" iimtti'i, Sin.itor OriT nn. firn.'rnl
lli'ii'liTnin tnki 1'iiro of tho Alliion IntiT--t.
Ths Eight-Hour Bill and the Ex-Convict
Work Moaeure.
Th" IIoim1 t'oiiimittfo on l.nlmr iikp'i'iI to
ri'p.T! tli" l.lll to a.ljuit tin- u.-.
I'oimt of nu'i'linnl' , luli in r mi l oth"r
timli r tin; i lcht-hoiir law, with nn ann'iiil
no Hi roviiiini; tluit th" .iMioiinti foiui'l .I'l"
tlu'ri'iui'lor plmll t pui.l tliroiii!h th" miiil l.y
rln'.'k .r In pi-rnon to th" "liiiiimi.N. Th"
n!'j".'t of th" iimi'nilii."iit I to mi'.mii" to
"Li'm mtK th" full inn. unit limy h" f.nii:.
lino tlii'in an. I to provi'i.t tln tMnxfi'r of th"
i'Iiiiii' to iiH"ni ,ni.l other for a "oii-I.Iitii-
tioii. A sill uiiiiiltt"" r - ort" I
t i Hi full I'oiiiinltt"" l;".r"M'ii'utiv" Soiith
wh k' i hill to pri'vent th" pr.nlui't of oon
vi. l lulu r lii lntf !i"iit oil" Stiito to an
other. International Mail.
The (ioViTlinii lit of the l"llit".l State nr., 1
of nil other ,'ouiitrl" "oinpri".! in th" I'nl
vitkiiI l'o.itiil I'nion, will ,"i;ln W"ihlni: nil
Ineoiiiliii; ami outpoint; innll '. M.iy J. Tl)..
weii:liln will I'ontlnii" for 'J ilay.
Till 1 iloii" every tliree yt iir l.y nil of the
OoMTiiment., nn. I i.n it r'"tilt il"p"tnl the
nitiouiit of eoiiiprn.itl..i (riven l.y every
eouutry fi.r tlie I'lirriiine ,f it mall in the
territory of the other. After thee llures
are imthereil, they . n , u 1 1 1 . 1 1- I t.y I I to
"i nre the weight f.,r the : weck'of the
year, an.) the report. tN n will I." e.v.i'hani;",l
iy thi' re.peetlve KOVernnient.
Manaoiei Have Ceased. I
."". r' V.'.r Olneyi j, r,,.,.V(.. a vrum
from I niteii MuteH Mini.-ter Terrell at '.,u
ptaiitinople, Htatiiit; that no ueie rul ina-iii-ere
have oeeurre.l In two month, an. I that
niit.'h eotilhleneeia felt that they hav eeased.
Counterfeiter and $25,000 in Green Good
Taken in Chicago.
Three jjrecn urn ids men and a satchel illlcd
with new money nmountiinj to . jr.twi(l were
'enj tured by postal lnsN cti.r at Chicago
There were four men In the party, one of
Whom escaped in the melee at the old lli lll-
avi line ware hotel, at Cottage drove ;,n,
-third street, when the raid was made.
The tunics "dvon by the . npiure.l men are
Chailc Herd, Albert !ray, l'raiik Mnlth.
W illiam Kichards. a I'lilted stales di-puty
marshal nt l'e Molue. In., v,as Hi" suppos
ed countryman whom the sharper were to
victimize, and he had p ne Into the buililinu
Vit'i tiniy.whoin he knew as the yniuik' Mr.
Voeil." tiray led hi supposed ietlm
throiiuh two connecting rooms, lm Line; the
doors behind. I he lue-is of the business w li
the payinu nl 1.-.'"0 for t J.l.oiHi b.r paable
ci.unieifeii money, ai. I tli" state nuht of
Aiausii in the "ii en (jood lui-lin . In
the Inner room was toiin. I old Mr. Viatel, ''
the ...rt played by Herd. An old dilapidated
sali iii I was placed on the table and its con
tents of packages of k I ii."iicv shown.
Ill, 'hard.- settled lilm-ell t.. talk over th" sub
ject. There was a knock at the door. ). i-
ard r unh'.ed the signal of his Irii n.l and
plaeiiu; hi hand in hi pocket he said:
Vou fellows have a s.-beme hero to do me
up for money." At tin- .-.nuc n.stan: there
Via-a cra-h and the i liter lioot- uunc way.
Il-r I drew a revolver and bi. hards drew hi'-.
The nvo sprain.' at each other, Herd ijrlppiiiK
Mellaril by the lie k, and c:i"h imiii pr".--iit(
hi r-volver lu'ain:.'. tli" other's brca-t,
1 puty Mtirshal i.r y.whn had brol-eilown
the outer door, liow -plalu' IIL'llll -t (he
Uer door, wliicli cave way bc,,i-e him. II"
rover d the . iipturcl in; i fi'iter with hi.
revolvr, and Inspc tor M'T 'cr iithI t'liris
tluu followd him into the room, lie
Htrii1. ulc was soon over and th" operator
and money secured.
Chief postal Jnspe 'tor Slc.vart was mi the
out- ide. lieiore ent.'rin.',' tie- hmi-e h" plac
ed Smith mill t arr. t. The 'oiirtli man es
caped. Tl e postal inspector- ran .'.own their men
throi:t;li a h Iter which the swIudi'T had
ei,t to Warri'ii, Ark., on l-'ebruary 11.
An Unprecedented Number of People Hust
ling Toward Alaska.
The pteunishlp Topekii sall"d from 1'o't
Townsend, Wash., March !. with the largest
pas"iiKer list ever carried north, ir.ubup of
800 iiiiuers for the Kold Held of Cooks inlet
and Yukon country.
Nearly as many more have eiiRiwd pas
bhp for a future trip.
The steamship Alki arrived and already
her entire a mm.idntl.iii ha- ben spoken
lor. The rush to the north I unpre.ivii.uted.
Hie City of 1'uebla, whi. h .sailed from San
Fruui'i.-cu, had on hoard a laru1' party of
miners, under command of Captain ,l,,hn II.
Johnson, bound for the "old mines 700 miles
In the interior of Alaska. Tie ir destination
Is Forty .Mile lllreh creek, near liyr settle
ment, which they expect t i reach in May.
Tho putty is fully e.julppcil.
Caught at Work.
Secret Service Ai;ciit Cn'ori.:o It. ISrauus,
raided th" establishment of the Metropolitan
rhoto-I.ithorapliiiiK Company, on the top
floor of "JO Clinton pin.-", New Vork.ninl cap
tured an entire for counterfeit!.!;';
liver iiTtillcatea of the scrlci of la'Jl, with
li Wlndoru vlynettt). .
flrvon men were scriouaty ftijured by th
explosion of liollpr In the Troy laundry,
Th atatlatteal rotnrnK of the various Meth
odic Ixxllen cyn 25,000,000 as the total mem
t'rhlp throliKhout the world.
Charh W'. SanforJ, collector of taxes of
Coneonl, Maos., was senteneeil to five years
n prison for I'mlwir.llim tH.000 tax fumls,
W', E. Clark, of Cleveland, O., has organ
leil a company to ereet a law reflnitiK
works In California to refine California oils.
The number of deaths In London last year
was h.', pipml to an nnnual rat of ID. 4
iier I.OUO, tho population lielntf about 4,3 'Ji,
A It. H. Holmes, otherwise known as Mud
K"tt, is doomed to die on the scaffold May
7, hi death warrant havimf heen elKiied to
that cITeet.
Comi.r"ei nlr as a power has displaced
stenm in three department of the l'ulliniiii
1'nlaee t ar company's works, and will soon
he used throughout the shops.
Eastern bondholder of tho fiutte nnd Hus
ton copper and llver mitilmr company, Mon
tana, have III". I an attachment on Its prop
erty for 441.1,000, throwing 700 men out of
The ttallaii-Amrrli-ans In Chfentfo have
formed a i'ommltt"e to colleet funds for the
reliff of the wounde I and fami
lies of the soldiers who ln.t their lives In the
African conllli t.
lii'iijamln I.lverman, who died In Mlnne
apoli tlie other day at th" ne of 65, claimed
to he the Hrvt coiniiier.'ial traveler to K' on
the road in till country, lie traveled for n
Jewelry houe.
The Iri.ih Heli'-rnuTi "iiffcred severely from
the violent sto-in of la-t year; many lives
W"p' Inst, n veil in. a larL'e tiuinluT of boat.
Ili'turn of the Kihimti li-hliiK show nbout nn
llViTllpi yield.
Kiikdand prop, . to ral-e n regiment of
1,'entlemeli: there would be l.lehtv of recrillls
from the yi.uin; men who billed to puss the
cxntuliuiti'.u if I ii' i l' i i.k' to the military
school. I.i.rd W'olseley favor the plan.
Ah Ial illspat 'h from Homo says Kinit
IliimUert has orueri .1 Slvnor I'ranzoi to un
dertake a si ial ml.-slon to the AbvHsinlan
N"u M"ii"lek. Si'iior Kraiizol liellevcs
that it Is In t to conclude an tmnorable peace
with the Al'Vs.-inlaiis and al.andon the coun
Outlaw Etlingcr, Defiant to the Lait Mo
ment, and Diet by His Own Hand.
W hile attetiiptim,' to arrc-t William I.. Et
llnKeriit Woodward, l'a.,two men were shot,
one Instantly killed and the other so fatally
Injured he may die at any minute.
Wllliaui Etliiitf-r, a'sittt 'J year old, who
lm I n a wild character ail hi- life, about a
a year ao wa indicted for u.-sault and bat
tery, lb- pivc bail f,,r curt and skipped the
country. i:tlim;er returned on the ath, and
Constable John llirner wa deputized to
brink-him to jail. Th" i , itMal 1" to k with
him Fr-.k (i'Mswhite in.t a number of eitl
:je,s tin anivli.K at l.tlinu'. r' house they
w;cre warned not to n'"r. The doors were
lo.'ked, but soon were broken down with
sledfc'e liummers, and liarin r entered. I'.tlin
tfer was U stairs, and at on- 'threw dynamite
nt the constable. Thi fal'lny to explode,
Ktiinucr shut liaincr.
ielSWhltC, .-eellnrtll" COIlstllbl" flllldi'lll,
ru.-hed li, only to n Ivc two chnrKes of
buckshot at short ran":". He stautfered out
of the hoii-e fatally woiind" ! and was car
ried away by friend. The body ,,f the con
stable was Hot recovered. Etlltlljcr liK.llll
barrieiidc'l the door and dclled the posse of
.iti.'.i ns to air st him. Tin fact were t"le
is'taphcl t Sh ri!T Con.lo. who ordered th-
cu'..'."!!.-to iiaii'. .l"' lieu:1 and shoe' ':
mini If he attempted l.,es' U.e.
in tlie meantime, tlie count)
er i'harti'r d a special train, a IT
with ii hire;" posse of well-amic 1
at ti o'.'lock Hint iitcht for tli" s the
tragedy. Woodward is seven tn tho
iieiirc.-t te)ej.'niph station.
Just about noon Friday the lost act in the
tragedy was ena 'ti'd, whciilh' noted outlaw,
Who tiad, ."lli-le-h:i!idd. held at bay the
slierilY ol ( enter county, two scores of armed
depiiti' s ami an infuriated mob of than
1.001) aiiKry citizen, himself performed the
eiiu.ix tiy sendiiiLj two bullets Into hi brain.
This wa- done alter all hope of cne had
been ili-pclled, as he had been driven, from
cover by the biirnini; of KU home uud fort
Many Vilbig' f and Plantations IX'ftroyed
by Them.
Th" ri'opeiiini; of telegraphic corRiaunlen
tioii with the provin. i' of I'mar del Ulobrlu"-
the llrst detailed of aifair in
hat province for several weks, and it show
a condition little les-than appulliu":. The
rich Vudto Abajo tobii district hu I n
put to the tor 'h, and it I red'i 1 to a ibso-
late wilderness. Whole towns hnee been ob
literated and reduced to ashes, and their in
habitant are uuii'lcritm hclples and desti
tute. I he villages and town of Cabanas,
llahia, llotidla, San luce., Nunez, Santa
'hi:: d" l.o l'lno, l.o 1'ala (.,, Pm( lli'al
il" Sail iMi-ito and sau liii i.'o do I, oh liauos
arc r. du I to iisie . All these were import
ant nnd thriving cnti'is of population nud
The la-t town which succumbed tn the ,.
si:ik'ents torch I- san Juan y Marline:!. The
tol a from this town i- fiimous the world
omt. spaiii-li troops found only dobri- nud I
stie.Kiim' ash. -, an. I all around a seemliu'ly
lunille sea of nr-. A hundred desolate
families had taken refuse In p.. or huts, and
were waitim: helph s-lj f..r LssUtaiiee to savo
tlieiu from -t:ii Mitioi;. The a IjoiuliiK town
oi Mm Lai-ha a narrow e- ape from the
sau.e fate. J lie inhabitant-, I. a I llcl wlien
ieneral Coreb's tioops f. t eel the lusur
Ki nt to evacuate th" town.
I lie news of th" action, i the 1'nitcd States
con-'iess has petieirate.l to every insurgent
camp within :0 miles of Havana, and the
Cuban patriot an' wild with joy. Thi-v l'
lieve that imw cartiidiji s and rllics will 1m
mediiitely become plentiful, and that expedi
tion from the l liiti d Slat will land daily.
J'.altl, between the Spanish sol'iicis and
iusurh'eiits, witli heavy losses to the latter,
urn reported from Simla Cruz, Palmyra,
t icnfii".. and Al,
Her Arsonal at Cadiz is Being Worked to
Its Full Capacity.
The arsenal at Cadiz. I belni; worked to its
full capacity in the maniifacturo of truus,
cartridges for artillery, etc., and the jjreutest
activity prevail.
The city of IJarccloua Is perfectly iulet.
Meetln.'s were held at Valladoliil, tiranadii
and Ovidio caliiu',- ujion the Koveruuicnt to
adopt th" most eiielk'etle measures,
T in1 governor of Valencia has apoloclz.iNl
to the 1'nitcd States consul there for tho
hostile attitude ol the rioter in that city to
ward the consulate, which was attacked with
stone and other missile.
It is propo.-cd in several towns that ad
dresses be si tied thiiiiliin trie Uritish nnd
French pre.- for tie ir expressions of sym
pathy with Spain tuul ho Handed to tho con
suls of those countries.
Italian Troops Panic-Stricken.
Further advi"cs from the Italian head
quarter in Abyssinia show that larue bodies
of troops w ho wero supposed to have per
ished iu tho rout of tho Italian forces lust
Sunday- uro now c-omlnif into tho Italian,
HIES! lit
Weyler Orderi All Churchmen to Leava th
Patriot Banki.
tnptnln-Oennrnl WVylor lias Issued tho fol
lowing circulars:
"I have promulKatrd nn order that the
teachers of divinity of the provln.-is of Ma, fsauta Clara, rtterto Principe nnd
Hantlatfo de Cuba who confessedly have
taken part in the movements of the rebels,
shall lie pardoned on maklntr their submis
sion. surrendcrin their arms and placlmr
themselves under the surveillance of the law
ful authority, provided they have not com
mltte.l other critm-a since the Issuance of my
last proclamation.
"It will be a commendable circumstance
that these submissions may be made by bod
ies of those adected.
"Tho teachers of divinity who, without
arms, shall eon o In tinder the the same cir
cumstances, will be Immediately transferred
to the encampments, fort", towns and In
Koncrnl. where they may be under the Imme
diate vUlliiuce (if 'the troops, and nil the
teachers shall bo under the control of the
commandants In whatever Jurisdiction they
tnav I' assigned, A record of tho'' so nt
tiiehed to each column, oiienmpmont or fort,
will be kept, and their superiors will make a
report every llftien das coiiecnilm; tho
conduct of the teachers, and will determine
the time at which they will lie permitted to
reside in Whatever place it may be deemed
a lvl ibe to conduct them, plneini; them un
der the supervision of the local authorities
or mnMhtf any other disposition of them
which may ho considered proper.
"Ill the neantime.tliey V. ill lieeome liennil
tiently attached to the' military forces and
will Klve their Attentions to the dylmj, and
wiil be entitle,! to such ration lis t roop In
th- Ib id or traveliim'.
" These directions shall not o into clfect
in theprovli of Piiuirilel liiound Havana
until these provinces have extended to them
the preMililm; law in the easeoftho-o who
deliver themselves up to the authorities.
Teaceablo Citiren Cut and Shot to Death by4
The in (.. n."e of innocents at (itiatno was
duplicated by the Spaniards last W ednesday
on the Morale estate near CasiKua.-. Havana
Province. Jt,.fik.,N-s say that after the Insur
gents retreated the Spaniard eiilerc.l do.
mansion of the estate, w hl"h was owned by
Jose (ireearin lel"u,lo, an American. In
ine nousc won Pe'chlo were his s..n, Iir.
f'eltfudo. ami 14 emplo)es, who had Mod
there for sat- ty. Every one of these persons
were slain While beei;,lkf f,,r tii"rcy. When
theSpnniards left lielyhbors entereil the house
and found th" m eorpe. Swords were used
to kill them.
There wa still another slaughter of Inno
ei nt on the tiyallia i-state, March . IJcr
nado Iiitartl, a Frenchman, inatia"o,l the es
late. Spaniards found (nsuricents camped
tie-re. The latter fc ba.-k and the Span
iard then bean inasenerolntf pea. 'cubic citi
zens. As Imartl appeared In his door wav
Inir the French itait he wa shot down.
Ihirtecnof hi employes were also killed,
some of them shot a they were croiichiiiK
under bed In their house. Two women
were nmohtf the slain, and one had a bttlsi
at her breast. The Spaniards then burned
every bull. line; on the estate.
The Legisla,turo Adjourns After a Session of
Ii..y-ft Days.
After n session lust int; 51 days the South
Curolina legislature adjourned Saturday,
Out-ide of Hie bill rcipjirod to be passed by
the coustltuUoa, such as resist ration, ,.)H
ttou. i'dv.en'i.'ntuui, wi' tiiero has bceu liUie
acuoinplisheil. Those bills passed without
opposition or debate, as they were lu thu
lerms of the new constitution.
The most important measure pussed wus
that liatu.'inK' th overumeut of the dls'll
sary. Ib'retofurc t he government has U-en
almost supreme jh Its control, but bv the
new net wlil.-h takes effect April 1, the insu
lation will bo under the control nt live citi
zens who are elected by the IcxUhtturo, mid
who, in turn, elect the stat muulsHloner.
Another Important measure wathe reduc
tion of ilrst-eja.-s passenger fare to:i,!ij cent.
Ilithertu the rates haie I n :V j to 4 eeuts,
Tried the Wrong Train.
A itariiu attempt to hold uri west-bound
liocli Island train wan made at the
coal chute two's ts-yond Joliol. III. The
train slopped there to p't.coaJ; ami as soon
u-the train came to a stand-still three iin-u
board' .1 a car and orders! the imss'ni;ers to
hold up their hands. They juiceee.l.-l lu
ktoini,' throiiis'h one car and e'utet"i th" sec
ond. Here they met a lively n-ci-ptiou and
several shots Wee exehau'e l between .L-
wiiecr and the buia;iais, and tliey jumped
fiomthe train and escaped.
Abyssinian Losses Enormous.
The olV.ciul reports of the buttle follirht on
March 1 between the It.iliiiu and Abvssin
mans ul Adowa, confirm the nrevious report
ol the heavy losses on both sides, thosu of the
Abyssinian haviiu; been enormoun lien.
Aninoudi was Wounded and iv a prisoner iu
the hand ol the Abjssinian. lu udedience
to the order of tiom-ral Italilissera, Kuscsala
luwt been evacuated bv the Italiaii.
Must Oo to Kentucky.
Judge Huehwalt'T at Citiclimatl overruled
u'.l ol j.'ctioiis to the delivery ot Walling and
laei sou and remanded them to the custody
f of Shcnil 1'iummcr, but stayed proceed
ings under the order until next Saturday in
order to allow time for a hearing on a
writ of habeas corpus if desired by the
Bodies in a Barrol.
Carefully concealed iu a barrel mid cover
ed with a iiia.'s of old rags mid cotton the
ill ad bodies of a gray-haired man nnd a new
born baby were found iu itu alley m-ai' llvde
park, Chicago. In coiiseipienco' the police
nr.- working on what they consider a double
in aider.
Nineteen counties iu Wi,.nsin have elm-ted
delegates lu favor of Mclvinley to the State
The Itepi.bllcau city cmveution of ("o
luiubii, )., indorsed .ib'Kiulcy for President
and favored the Independence' of Cuba,
Moron T. Herri -k and Sylvester T. Ever
ett were 'lccte.1 delegates to tho NatiouaM
llepuhliraii convention from the Cleveland
dlitrict of Ohio, ami wero instructed for Mo
Klaley. T. E. liurtou wad nominated for
I!ii'amin Whitman, of Erie, En., was iu
dorse.l by the licmocrutic county convention,
Saturday, for Congressman-nt-LurKo. Judge
Ouniiisoti, ltejiublicau, was indorsed for re-ol-itlon.
C nicernlng tho contests I'xpts'tcd In the
Nai.ioiial llepubllcau coiiventioii of the scuts
of delegate, Joseph II. Manley, secretary of
tit i National committee, says thut hu ban no
p iwer to make tho temporary roll, nud that
nit uuiy uevoives itpuu mo Mitionul com
mittee. A meeting of several hundred Iteplibllcan
at Omaha on Saturday night sustained thu
movement to nominate ex-Senator Maudor-,
vou fur the PtTbldoney.
Value Not io Tory Much Affected by Cnb
nl B. and 0.
The Cuban resolutions and tho appoint
ment of receivers for the Pait!moro A Ohio
wero events of sufficient Importance to affect
almost any genuine market, especially for ae
eurftlea. It, therefore, argues either remark
able strength of conditions or an entire want
of life nnd Rcnultienesa in the market that
the prices of the sixty most active railroad
stocks, which avcraeii (40.74 per share
February 1, have never fallen since that date
lower than 4'.'.3 nor risen above tM.R cr
The industries all report a slightly lower
range of prices, except for Iron arid sUsd
products, and it Is noteworthy thnt while
combinations in structural beams nnd wire
and cut nails are advancing prices the i nota
tion for bessemer pig has fallen to tlx 40 nt
Pittsburg, and soutnern No. 2 Is offer-d nt
7.7.1 delivered at Pdrniltighnm, nnd billets
sold at 1 1.70 nt Pittsburg. The tmr combi
nation, whb h raised prices not long ago,
liic I an Increasing rart of the business ab
sorbed t.y outside work. The demand for
no class or iron proiluct Is at this time brisk,
but large structural business Is extes'tivl lu
the spring, and there is still much hopeful-
tics about railroad orders, as earnings con
tinue to Improve,
Speculation In brendstiiffs hns not lsen
particularly active, nor has the change iu
prices been Important. Western receipts of
wheat were 2, III l.:l:tU bushels, against l.NiM.
t'.'l.'t for the same week last vear, having been
In February 10.0t',!,0;l, against 4. Il'.'.ttil last
year. There is still an ex over the move
ment of n year aho. though not so irreat as
ap eared In February. On the other hand.
Atlantic exports again fall behind those of
In-t year, amounting for the week to
.'111 bushel., hour included, against l.s'sd.'iW
last yesr. With continuing largo receipt,
corn remains substantially unehanced lu
I rice.
Failure f,,r (lie week have been 2k.1 111 the
I'liiti'.l State., ngiilnst 2.11 Inst year, and til
In Canada, against .' last year.
PuMiiher Object to th Postmaster Gen-
Vila . 4uuii
A ruling by p,.,-!nia-icr (ieneral VTI.-on iu t.t H,.oth.l...'n., .vtn.l.iv .... 1.
--- I, -S tltlHll VII ,1,11
;S ha.-crcati'd a stir among the big publish
Ing lioti-.'S wlileli is-ue retidlni; mailer In pe
rlodlenl form so n to take ndvanlnge of the
low rate of postage for seeoiid-cias matter,
ami a committee consisting of John Elder
kin, of the th" New y,,rk Ledger; Patrick
Farrelly, general manager of th" American
N'. ws company, and (). J. Victor, author of
Victor's history of the civil war, are lu
Washington forth" purpose rf submitting a
imf"st to tli" dei iirttnent.
The ruling I as follows: vi,)n n pu,.
cation changes its icrlodi--lty It lose it con
tinuity and no back number Issued prior to
tin- change cm afterward lm sent at the
poutnl rat", wh"th"r such back numbers be
long to the original or reprint edition."
I 'tnler the present law second-class pub
lication have Wen able to change their 'per
iodicity' since ls-'.i without nlbs'tlng tlieir
standing a matter. The ruling
affects n large nninlier of Interests. A
great many of the periodicals have changed
their periodicity a number of time, and ae
the value of the publication lies largely In
the l in k number-, the result wiil be
Nearly 20 year after the ena tinont of
the law th" postmaster general sin' lenly
makes a ruling which deprive tlie publishers
of their privileges under the law. This Is
practically new legislation and the (lostnias
ter general Is tmsumlng the funetlotwnf con
gress. Th" same thing was done in ss,but
owing to a vigorous protest tun ruling wus
Ezhtustivo .
A scheme i ... i ,.rw,ii
iuterestrd in the pre-s rvution of the forest
land of the I' lilted Stiges is outlined in a
report of the National Academy of Sciences
to the Secretary of the Interior, who had
iL-kil the academy to rccrxumeud a feasible
and eoinpreli-n.-ivs foretry policy. The
academy hnn nppointe.l a enm mission of no
table si lei.tistn t i mske iu, invi-wtigatlon of
the fore-try problem, in aU its phases, and
Secretary link-1 Smith will t-kke t"ps imiiie.
diai. lv to atlord all possible assi-tmiee to the
commission, ud will n iimen.l t uigre-s
the a) propriatloii ot ""..iHiO t v.-r actual
expenses. Tl fore-try probU m ha U-i-n a
hiileeet of deep eotisiib ration, by many olll-i-ials
of the government, and especial
Interest ill the problem, ha U-en taken by
Secretary Smith. 1 lie pereollliel of the colll-,lu-l...,
u..i...... ..i i. , I I... .i...
c .-- ... in. im ,,,,.-ii,jr lilt. ,. I !),,
investigation ai d report is of uji'inal eee-
eiiee, US UC'IIIIK-rS "Oil I p T1SU ,g . 11.11 T 1 1 1 11 II ,
lr..f i'lol- Si sl-.r. ,..,.,. II ....... -.1 . II....
nndcr A,riu-siz, tieueral Ib-ury L. JLI.bott, an
engineer and hylrogr':pher, faraiLlur with
the western country; Prof. Win. U. r.rewer,
of Vale, who served on the genlngi.-ul sur
vey ol Callforulin Arnold li.-ig'ii", of tli"
I'llited Ktat"4 ,-", ,1, ,'(.. I aum.t.v ,...! :OT..-.l
Piuchot, ngncilturist, Charles'ti'B.
It 6toned the Uaited States Conaal's Private
The nnti-Amcricnii riot ig. KUma, Sunday
Light proves to ham been inure vUdcut than
was at llrt reported.
The moo, iiiituberini; 1.1W0 pernou, llrst
stoned the private residence of the I'nlted
States consul, breaking all the windows of
the building nnd then proceeded to the con
sulate, shouting "Oeath to the Yankees."
lown Willi the I'hitc 1," UJlll other
antl-Aiiierleau cries.
At the consulate the crowd.') ulmM lo tear
down the escutcheon that was llxcd over tho
door, but Were repelled by geU'liimieS, who
were guarding tlie consulate,
A light ensued between tile mob and the
police, in which sticks, stunts mid knives
were freely used. 'Thre gendarmes w ere iu- I
iirc.l and a number of the mob were hurt.)
l'he police succeeded in dUpersilllJ the crowd 1
at midnight.
The National Relief Cemmitte Will Bond
$10,000 to Constantinople,
The National Armenian llcllef Committee,
of New York will send 10.(KK) to Constanti
nople. It 1m stated by the committee that
the distribution of money is now ludng mudo
among the Armenians and that at present
the greatest obstacle to tho work of relief is
lack of Mud rather than opposition on the
part of the sultan. Mr. Stephen E. Harton
of Westerly, U. I.,, received a cable from Ml.
Clara liartoii, at Constantinople, saying that
th i lied Cross Society shipped, on Saturday,
a large iuautily of relief supplies to the Ul
terior of Armenia to go by caravan by way of
Aloxuudroltii, on the Meditterruiiean. Miss
II nton has lorwar.lcd funds to Harpisit,
Sevas and Munich, aud the report from the
interior indicate that tho needs ot the sutler
tug Armenians lire increasing.
Offioer Shoot Desperadoes in th Wild of
A light took pluco between outlaws James
Harlxilt uud George. Miller and olllcers ut
Oak Creek, iu the south-west corner of Q
county, Oklahouiu. liarliolt and Miller kill
isi W. W. U lover, near Arapnlioo, February
14. In the tight Sunday Mlllvr was kllloj and
Ilarbolt had each arm brukeu itud surrender
ed, tg tli9 QflU;r without timber rettitue.
wmx or inn so. :rs
Th Italian Army Trapped and
by Shoans.
The kingdom of Italy Is tn a conJ
excitement, srlef and anger almost
description. Words cannot aloipi,it
tray the situation, for every dispatch
ed from the Mnssowah, aids to the
of the disaster to the Italian arms at .
"fun lint news of Oen. Ilarateri's di
rench Home was to the effect that o
men were killed; th"n Tuesday nfterm
numlsTs ran up to 8,000 killed, w ith
pieces of artill.-ry captured, ami Wed
morning's dli,atehes place tlie num
Italians killed nt the battle of Adowa,
the long, harrasslng retreat which fo
at ",000. nnd It is liellcved that not
these figures tell of the full extent of tl
aster. In these reports no mention b
of the wounded, nnd there Is good P-a
fear, based on stories of recent Italia
feats by Abysslnlans, that those win
wounded during tho retreat of over
miles, met a more horrible fnto than
who were killed on the epot.
Throughout the night the garrison at
wns kept under arms and mounted p
traversed the principal stn-cts. The m.
however, do imt sis'tu to have retired t.
The streets wore Illlcd with people until
nn-iiit nn i niter eariy morning every p
place was crowded with excited met
women. A numlicr of disturbance,
called for police Interference, ,.,.
Wed lies lay, and tho indication- are till
people are assuming a most threatening
tud", not only in Home but throughout 1
I 'emonstratlons against the Crlspl mini
nnd even ngalnst the crown, are r"pi
from ti iiumls r of towns in th" pmvii
spite of the fact that the authorities
straining every nerve to su) press till ul'
Inij news.
It is s"' 1 tint the government wn n
1H Tmsday of the full extent of the d
iulllcte,) on the Jtal'yiH, but it was ju
to be dangerous to ail.. w tho startling b
tuatloti Ij rcn. h the public suddenly, n:
!ho report o( the defeat was termi',','
"ak outi then tlie wr,r ofib'o omWa's nil.
t to bv "rumored'' that 5rtf) men were ki
nftrrthls ynmo the report "that H,00
diers had fafieii," and tiow It is "admit
tint (1,1)00 Italian troops wcr:' slain, "ii
dltloti to sevcte loss nmomr the fix
vc I
troops" serving tinder the Hag of It'ily
I'tider these clr.'um'tatici s. Ills not a, ton
Ishlng that tlie wildest kind of rutin r a"" lu
circulation, and that In some of the club
number of killed ami wound, d Is plue.
10,000. Exaggerated as these figures
turn out to be, they show the state o
public mind.
I at
Tho Bout Beoommondod in ths &tpor
ths Consulting Engineers.
A report tlmt will be of lntcre.-t to all
terested iu the Lake Erie nnd Ohio river
canal was made cu the :; 1 at the meetibi
the Provisional Committee by the boar,
consulting engineer. The' rcpnrt op
with a statement of tin? vast InbTi ham:.
cnininerce between the ore and agricultural
rglolis of the Xirftliwcst and the fuel i-nd
miiuufactnrliig urns of western I'ennv; ini.i
and Ohio. The report estimate Pl.'oo ."
iu the probable toiuvgo over tli" canal. ' he
route recomtn.-nded is as follows: Th" !'
of the Ohio river I mm Davis Island di
slai'k water of lleiiverriver.'Jit.'.'i; miie,t;
n(. tlie iteaver and M.ihonjng rivers, bv
lyater system, -Hi.'Jrt tniV",to Nile, O. t
tiy eauul 8.74 miles to a plateau. ItiO
aiiove ide; thence oT.iTj mile ueros
surt'Sil; thence des."'tcflig to the I, -v. 'I .
e, 5ti.HI feet llbove the tide, a distill
tft miles, In onliT to nc"omiu
'1 lurge enough for flv lake traffic
rt r'S'oui mends that tho canal shot
eet ibs p, and the lock H feet I
-IS fis-t Cifide. The cost Is .l:l,0iW
urn, ir"iin!i;ig electric ngntinir. ine earn-
Ings are estimated at :l,lu'.,9 Id a year; e st
of maintenance vi.'.O.OOO, milking an a.-fal
rvenu .,f t2,tii;i,oi(l, or n.tpvr vnt on the
U Will Btsemblo That of
Vory Closely.
The supervising architect of
cm i iiuiiiwuij committee hint-
the i'.cpubli
a loiit"d the
(dans for r "onvenlioii hall ns-
nibuiitted bv
in. loeiu Hii-nuc'ts. J lie laiil.llng will be
erected on the plot of ground immediately
soi th of tJie city hall on Clark :v;euue, and
bet i'ii. Twelfth and thirteenth street, 'l'he
loeat ion is wvtbln ten minutes walk of l.'i.d
ing hol"ls.
The plans In nearly nil re-p ets simlla
to t'in convention hall' at Minneapolis in
'V2. .. mpte tannines will bo provided for
the news purer ami pres representatives,
committees iul caucus room. I'lan w ill
b" made put Is-in a few day, iin.i bid f.,r
the c ilistrilctKin Will be solicited. It I
peeled that the bull. ling will be
occiip.'kney a.urly a June 1.
Fr the North Polo,
llcisrs I.un-i. Consul ..f Noway nd Swc- ,
den, nl San Francisco,, haj r-i-eive.l an
official coii!iiuiileatiou from tlw Swedish i
Minlslcti iu VVushlngtoii calling his- attcntl iti I
to the 'act thi' Prof. Andre will turl In bis !
balloon in July next to attempt to reach the j
North h'ole. TTie purpose of the cuniniunicii- i
tiou v.ns-lo i-k the goo I otliee ol Consul 1
I. und n. sprawling the news northvsard, m.ii.
to npi'rise the I'.uliv. to be not only on the;
lookort for the expedition, bill',, should tin" !
descent be tiuulo among them, to treat the
voyager kiudly, and render them what aid 1
they uiji.
The .xfi(.rt of sh.s'p from EreUntl has been '
falling oil enormously, but tU-re ha been 1
an increase of cattle, i
An Albany correspondent estimates that i
It costs tiov. Morton til, Wit) ik week to run
ins r-ii lent nil boom.
Soino one att'inited to scad Pork l'u 'ker
Armour, of Chicago, nbou'ti on Saturdav, but
the ptMtal authorities detm.-tisl the niaciiinu
and vupturod it.
The Kentucky Legislature is considering n
hill to allow women all over the state to
vote for school trust'' imd also to hold tho
olllce of si;hool tru.-tce.
Every tobacco Jobber In the country, which
tn Chicago Includes the wholesale grocery
houses, hits been advised by mall of a cut of
throe cents per pound, lu tlie prb o of one of
tlie many brands of plug tobacco.
Although much pruwuro Is being brought
to bear on members of Congress to Induce
them to have the Wisconsin statue of IVro
Marquette takeu from Statuary Hall, It is un
likely that any actum of the sort will be
John West, a 13-year-old bov residing lo
East Dennlson. O., had brought his father s
dinner to the railroad shops and had ridden
out to his home on it frelgnt, when attempt
ing to Ki t off fell so as to have both fuel cut
oil' above the ankles,
Tho ArawihooH and Cheyenncs have one
million dollurs iu the United stute treasury.
They live on the luterest of this. They have
now introduced a bill into Congress to get
this million dollars to InipJtovo their ulut
ments. Oen. NVovler ha issued proclamation or.
dorlug all Cuban elergywu who have been
iuhurgeiit sympathizer to attach themselves
to tho Stumlsh ooluuvas. He bus also ordered
all rebels to aurroftdvr. wTUiltt 15 day or tak
tho counetiuences.
Summary of th Most Important HsiJ
Presented in Both HonsesJ
The House today by a Tote of 2BS In i
i''7'" iu us own way its svmpath
Cuba and Its desire to recncnlxe'lh )i
eney of the revolutionists. The Sennt
lutlons were Ignon-d and those from
House Committee on Foreign Affair
tutcd. They were passed under su.
slon of the rules, such suspension pnni
for but 80 minutes' debate, it was by n,
mous consent, however, agreed thnt 3b
liti-s should be granted each side.
In the Senate, a resolution wn. r,ir,,
Mr. Call ( democrat, Florida), und ref .J
luuiw commute., on fore Urn re ntl.m.
ouertln; the 1'r.vlilent to demand of
Spanish government nn explanation of
Imprisonment of Gomez, editor of lit ,.
a Havana newspnper, to extort from
evidence against Siinirnlllv. a i.iiinr,,i.
. --- ... ... ....
citizen of the l ulled States, and to detM
oi npam mni nu American citizens who t
ne cii.iure,i l.y till) Spntllsll forces slin
t rente. i ns prisoners of war, and lie acc,r
Mumune lreatmcij, ninl to inform the s
i.t'iir,......,.! ..... f. . ... .
..... ,iii um l Ulieil mate u
iiinsi on tins iiomiiml.
sixrt-moirtu hat.
The House S nt the entire day Indebat
" ii'iiui'iiu'i ine legislative npiiroi
tlou till to abolish the p. svstem In
eases of initc! states district attorneys a
in.-unia. mi' salaries ii xe t ny the aiii 'i
mem range rroni a.000 to 5,000,
ameniimi i'.t was indorsed by almost ev
meniiier oi the judiciary committee. It
iimueii mi. would reduce t
expen" ;t the fnltcl States Court, win
hnv doubled since 17. at least .'j00.00ii(
i.e- nri v.-ar, me result In stopping the i,
lib lou padding of the l uslne.-. of the f..
era I court.
The senate gave most of the day to t1
agricultural appropriation bill and pa-,.'
that measure, ciirrving t'l.'JiL'.OlH), with ,
material amendment. Another hill pi.,
during the day the limitation
fourth-class mall matter so a to free t
service from bulky articles heretofore
Xf'-'O ) the povernuieiital departruents,
l! Henat". The R.-nate conmiittee on foreii
- relation discussed the house Cuban res .hi
i : tb'tis this morning for an hour an I wa m.
, '" to agreef... ;e.. rsoluMons j pa-,.,) h
I "," oou-e. Je N; :nii.i:i tiamclhtrSv oh ti,
ii"iiii,ling r the f 'tintc, reported the netl-.t
of the cotr.miltee and report. si that n confer
. ence be asked. There via a division ..f a,.n.
I limeiit in the committee, the inaiorltv hoi,!.
Ing that the house resolutions were "ot a.
strong as the senate resolutions and that f '.'
language was (n some res cel. nrnbiguouV
T ills was charge l esiieelallv with refer, .,'
i to the second clannf the hoime rcsoliiil,,...
wheri'lu It I stated that "th-onlv H'rniaiieiit
-..Ilttl... ... .1... ......... A . 1 ..
" eouii-si, eiiuiiv III III" Inter
est of Spaln.of the pe,,, of Cuba and other
nations would be In the establishment of a
government by the choice 0f the people ol
Cuba." 1
i Senator Oalllnger, chairman of tlie pen
I sions committee, introduced In the senati'
s-veral billa bearing upon the pension laws
One of these provides that upon the .vhsld
j oration of the applici .tlmi for a pension un
t 'I'T the pension laws the fact that the appll
cant wa accepted mid mustered Into service
shall be accepted us siitlsfaetory proof that
he was of sound body and nilnd. Of the
other bill one empower fourth-clu pot-t-ma-ters
to administer inlhs to pensioners.
The n-iiat" eoiii'erees iieportcd thallthey
had neni'd to a pt the house resolutions
on the CtiUin uue.-ii.-n. ami they wero runic
a ! i ! order for Moude.v.
S nator J.lklnsof West Virginia lntrodnced
in the senate a bill which Is'of national hn
p utai.iv. The measure pn.itldes for a dls
erl.m tinning duty of 10 p.cent. advaloruta
u all good, wares ami in. im
ported Into thi country lu ve-wls not b-l-Higlng
to American citl:."i
-si... i. . iusi ii.vv
l ti- ic oitsse.i i
Htic J a We
Whlcl, l,n. ' -l-.o-
i. . 1 "'S'li under conslder
u. Most t.i .1.., a.... i
who c..,".r..l I-, ,he " " , ,""-'V 'uw;-Y,V
... .u co.,,slili.r.-.lii. . '.A
nmi'ndiiient to ubollsli the fee syst. on in the
ease oi l line, i -laics iittornevs ami inur.
shn!;.. T hi amemlment was 'rfecU-d and
Thi hoii-. then entered upon the ciwislder
ntbui of the post olllce appropriation bill.
The largest of the regular supply hills, which
carrie i t!il.l)Ti.7i7. During tlie genera! de
bate Mi. Lie id explained that the bill did not
purpose to abandon the Inspection .system
Inaugurated bv this administration but the
term of. the bill cut off the force employed
I by the first assistant potnia-ter-general and
I in. r. iise, that of tiie regular inspection
I force tin ter thw fourth assistant postiuustcr
I general..
I A bill Mils pajsvd to aboiish the cash pay
nieiit of msloii, the purpose of which was
to protiH'told vei.-rans who squandered or
' were swindled out of the pensions on ipiar
I teny payduys. Checks will be scut to thcll
I homes.
! IJVKSH-Sr.l llM PAY.
; Hi bate Mr. Hale, ll-publieun, of Maine,
' argii.-d agninct th-' adopilou ot the Cuban
resolutions. 11" urged that there was no
' such stai" of war in Cuba a would warrant
the recognition of the belligerency of the ln
, surent.-, who.. h" siUd. had uo government
except ,n paper, und had not fought what
' could be cll!"d II battle. If" quoted till1 111' s-
, sage of l'r. sMcnt 4 runt on the Cuban ques
' lion !ii) year 'igo, wlieu the latter refused to
: recognize l.'ubiiu liidllgeri ney, uud Mr. Hale
suid the conilUloii of that time were about
the same a prevailed now.
I The Cuban resolutions v.eie lal.l aside to
take up thu report of the Committee on Elec
tions declaring Mr. Dupont entitled to tho
seat from Drluwiiro. The report wit ojk
po-ed In ii speech by Mr. Turpi", Democrat,
Indiana, who contended that Mr. Watson
while acting Hovi riior of Delaware was still
i i law und in fa-t, a Senator In the State leg.
Kuture, and had a light to vote iu tint tien
er.i! Assembly; und that his vote being count
e 1. Mr. Diuiout bad not a majority of all the
votes curt. The. Si unto adjourned without
The House spent most of the day in consid
eration of the postoillco appropriation bill
and adjourned without disposing of il.
Th Metrlo System.
T he Committee on Coinage, Weights and
Measures of the Federal House of Itepresen
tatives ho. liecu considering a bill for the
adoption of the metric system of weight ami
me "jure, which, ortginaliug in France, ban
been adopted in inaiiy other countries. The
bill propones to make tlie syntem mandatory
lu nJi ottlcial tjansactlons alter July 1, 1MI7,
und la private transactions after July 1. ls'Jll.
One of the great troubli'S about oif present
system is that we have so many words that
do not express anything dellnite. We liavo
throe sorts of pounds, though two of thctn
t'.vprss the same weight, throe sorts ot
-.unci's, a gn at variety of bushels when con
sidered lu connection with their weight
equivalent, several kinds of gallons, many
ikirts of barrels, nud so on. Then there are
miles and leagues that express dllTerent
lengths iu dlttercnt countries,. uud so of feet.
As to foreign weights uud nieusures, It re
quires un expert to convert them to their
equivalent iu the United States.
Still it is very doubtful w hether a clinngo
would be acceptable to the people. After
it was made we should hear no more of
inches, feet, furlongs or miles, but ot milli
metres, centimetres, dwlmetres, metres, dc
kumetres, hectometres aud kilometres. 1 ti
bial,! of acres, roods suid perches, we should
have hectares, cciiturcs and arcs. Instead
gallons, quart aud pints, we should have
litres, decilitres, dekalitres, etc. For Weights
wo should have grams, dikugrums, hecto
gram, kilograms, etc. That this would c ro
il to cui fusion lu the minds of many peopli
Is indisputable. Once familiar to tlie people,
it would be very desirable, because It would
vxpruia precisely the siuue thing iu every la-
stauce, nun would no intelligible at noma. .
and ubroad to everybody who hail devoted ad f
little to the ubi,'t. .
- "Am
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