The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 05, 1896, Image 7

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thai l
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Ml of '
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mism u'
vein I
. in.. 1
-clvo, Y
! I
1 (le
l hlM bren discovered wltUla th llmlU
,lt La rilJt
What's a Utitnnt
I r pullar vernacular, we armmp
log Mia Dump on m numnn Doing.
onPmlKht call n blimp another one
! f thump. Thus we hove a Dump
.thnmpantia lliitmptro: a rump.
, mnnii'T. it bruise mnjr rauso n bump.
limn msv cause a units", or prnas
,' ,,, rn'uM bolh. Well, what' t ho
' ,. so loiift iMwn mi (Ter from either
tirulse. wo want to pet rlt of it.
irnf nti'l tlie Siirnst, qulekest way to
-III!'. u , , ....
brill' l1 nl eiie'- in ll-u m. iin.
the nuestlen will In n't wleit it is. but
,( waV a U will nrrun.tlv ili;nrPT.
fT I
bu. p
the I
a huii
10 or
its tbo blood oV humanity. It
irs in varied foiins, bnt is forced
1,1 la Hood's HJirsaparilla, which
Hies and vitalizes tuo wooa ana
i nil each diseases. Read Ibis:
geptpmlier, tSJi, I made a misstep and
j my ankle. Vry sood afterwards
Li-hr a"ro?( formed, and in walking to
It I Hpralnod my anklo. lha sore l-
orso; I oonld ti"t put my hoot on,
thought I should have lo (five up at
Step. 1 rOUHl n"l K'-l liny rum mm
stop work. I rnl or a cure ol a wn-
ntt by Hood's Parsapartlto and oou-
1 t try it. I! Horn I ha 1 taken all of
kittl' the Burn hud healed und tho
kjt ha l iue down. My
way 1
tl .MS
feet I.
slor I
C of
Hot He
vr so
V well anil I have bceu Rroatly liens-
th-Twl. I have Increased lu weiKht
i in In beUer h'altli. I cannot nay
Id praisa of Hood's Sarsaiuirilla."
II. Ut.iKf., South llurwiek, Mo.
U ond othor Blmilar curej provo that
liw'IrueUliio.t I'uriili-r. All lirtu'ir!st-'. f I
..I only lr ' HikxI A lu., 1. .wi ll, !;. .
J's Pills
Tin1 t"t fiimiiv i.illnrtiu
llll. I llVll' htllll.lldlit
r n v
a u si x
oaus" ho had piiipUu'lon of t 10
nrt. Mr. A. J. Alton determined to
lit moklng. Ho thouirid the lo
weo brtblt won the eauieof hU
ouhle, but waenha eeaaed mok 05
lio pulfntlona of the heart were
.out ui.i-4 -or. Mr. Allen l .
.cd chumlac of Lynn, MnwH
eoond thounht ho conclu 'iel
lolni.'O wasu't tiie cause, it
i acuto dyipe'la. His
. .od;,i? of choitlitry nnturnlly
rptcd Mm to take P.lpnn.1
lies, wll I now! nil tiielr I'ffl.'.tey
orders of thu .'(o'm'li. livor
l.jweU. Q iiek r 'li' f f.illox'.J,
low tin Tl i-i no more di-tre.j in
vln of I1I.1 1,0'irt. But tho r
il.le nrt of Mr. Allen's oxper-folllA-.:
lie deulded to f )r."J')
. :i anyhow, and dinnovore 1
liipaiH fali'ile 11 it only su'.i
the l.nurirr.: fortoli.i '', w!ii"li
'nok'T are fii'iiil':ii' Ait'.i, but at
lie .t.'. ii'iily l inked forward wilil
'lire to t!.e !l,r. o periods en "ii
:!.-n . look tluTitiul".4. Mr,
11 h l.iii..'erMii)ol. i', and Iris iti
re 13, nor does lie ia!;o t In
'il"-". II Is it w '.! 'nun, and ..M
le-ed nexlieine of .my kind, Mr.
11 1. 'Hovei Uijeiin Tn'iiil"s will
.; ,1 iio-verful ai I tonny initu who
' - to alj iud ja thu too.ieo j
I w.
U'.ii'i.s nr sa', hjr ilr'tR it.: or hv inn'
' e-nt ft l it - 111 t 1 in I'.if., .
"Miviv, N 1. IC ,rj.'C it , New loiU.
''i u
To tho Subscribers
irK Coin Sllvcrwuro Co., of Cohimbua, Ohio, will furnish to :ich of Ktj
I N N Tl Til III III a lilltMII.
ufactiirod lor tins t'iii!.utiy. Thoso nmoriH aro cliusi'd in cIi-kIii, full f 1
I spoons lunl liuijdsoinely 'ii-ruvi!d, jdati-d 011 solid white tiit-tal. uml uro
.muciMi m in, inr years. 1 nu tuasiioons iiiiiimlaoturt'd fur Mil Com- W
?aro well know n and thoro is notliinsr liner of tho grade put on tho f
t by any other tnanufin tiiivrs! thev I1TH fll lit tlia atrft Lul
ti'lollurastit. We do not put uuv cxin-nso in Clio tnitttcT of piickinir A
'I they are sent securely by, m it Is tho kiiooiis w e urc anxlou. I 1
0 suhseribers, and not 11 fancy velvet case, und an they aru intended Si
ery tluy use they can be iiut'lnto
ut delay. Teaspoons are such a
;lit8omethiii)of this kind would
iiii-riiK'nieiers, or any otner
scusoii ui me vear.
on, Mb-
hunt, M
that you are required to do id to cut
i on tl
. u iwo-i eiiL iohinKo siHinps 10 iiim coin silverware Co., Columbus, fTI
and six solid ellver-pluted teaspoons will be shipped promptly ami
deed to bo lirst-ela.s in every respect. (J
'" U, 1
,4"U HI .
.... I II. I 11
1 nm a muhmcrihar of thfa J.
Pper and eotitloct to tbo mix ailvor-pfaf ed tva. ('4.
. , Ul 41 , .
Jfrim nil
to f L' Ur I
of5 .1
poona and fjy are to bo
Birfho mttaohatl letter.
ss all orders for these spoons to
lirh will tn-r.iotlt. en 1.a .-,1....
..... ,.....,,1. nir, uiuni
v v.. ii, i;ijr in-ai, Ijuniliy HUH YV
,w o.V-Ju
1 ,''o"
ntriBEii:NT wrii hot aiteab ao ain.
Coin to Booth Africa.
Inn the last year or two there him
oincthin of a rntgrntloh of iniu
im tlio Western States tq South
. and advertisements of nitcs
utet to South Africa, are inlnted
it of the tnlnlni; papers. Tho
etit seems to have extended to
than the minora, and may in
thnt the cinlKmnta have not
mdly. A man ndvcrtlses In i
Issue of a L"ii;!wo:i(t paper that
sell nt a hm-galn his saloons !a
ood nn'd In I.- vl, an ho Int. ml
) Povth Africa. Whether he ox-
innke money out of lac lulue-a
liiners lo doesn't slut ,
Manioc Hots luili One Cent.
Utor recently hoard of a farmer fat
oga at leMt than one cent a pound.
1 made possible through the sowing
r'i Kms Hurley, yielding overlCdbu.
, Oolden Triumph Cam, yielding 200
iere. and the foodintf on Sand Vetch,
, Hundredfold I' Now, with
'Ids, tho urawing of hog is iuom
. 1 him a silver mine,
'a catalogue is full of rare, things for
or, gaidenur nud citiiton, and tho
Ileves that it would puy ovcrybo ly
d-fold to got SuUor'a catalogue bu-Sia-iiug
WILL CfT THIS orT AMD sitin il r. Ith
poxtniM to the John A. Hulzer Keel
Wlii., they will mall you their
h sed e.Halo 'uo mid 10 samplm of
nd crnins, in -111 II11:; above corn and
Cl(al'H,'ie aioTi", ." ti.islnuo. )
Deafnnat I nnnnt ti Curml
i'I'M. ntioTi. u thejr rsnnet rnrh the
.Kirtion of tiie r, 'i hero is only o ,
re ileaf nw, mill that is liy rmi-litu.
i" lti ). 1 1 Hi nrs I- chii-. by iim
tvlitmn tif the iiiueoix It rii n( ia
n 'lulw. Win-n this tulm K(t .
u uv k rtunbliiiK siiiiihI nr im"-r-In,
and when It i Pi,Uref r
is th rt-snlt, nd tinlcss thf iiiiliun.
in 1 tiken out iid thl- t4.- rr.
is normal retiil 11 i. 11. hnirniic will 1k
Inrevur. Mae , ma i.f nr
eilnrrli, whlrh is lielliliig leitan lu
idition 1 f the nitiroiio siirfiii'is,
i!lva (in ilnmlrrii liollnrs for any
'ifni'ss (r-!ii-il L iMliin lii I lull run
d liy lla'I's Catarrli Cure. .vud lor
K. ,T. rnrsKr Co., Tulado, O.
'iy I'ru.g.nui. ;ju.
m tVrst l r Vunr Fwd.
vhnt we say, beeaui It's the
'iscnnsln crown sotvl.s nrnbrolto
an I proluee Hie earliivt veet.v
World, lliciit al iiu-sl In of other
earliest, his aro twenty days
i-t try hl earliest p.-as, radishes,
aiding", rte. Ho Is thu Inre.-t
farm and Terulablo sooile, potatoes,
'Vers, nt?.
ll.t. cvt this opt Avn brxd it to
A. Snlzer Hied Co., T. Cro.-o,
10 . po-lae. you Will get sn nplo
Early l It ldisli (ready in 10
hir great calaloyuo. Culalogno
it:y'S- 1 A.)
bles In t
e 'ilmei
Ir vo
the Jo
Wis., w
pack g
days) 0
atone &
To clean
conies, 1
licit or ah
he sysicm in a ccntlo and truly
oanncr, whun the Pprinjlime
the truo and perfect rcuicly,
s. One bottla will answer for all
.. ....u...., aim iibu oni .. ts; the larg.i
o $1. Huy tho LTcnuine. Manufactured bj"
i" Cnlifornla Fig Syrup Company only, and
cr sa'o by .ill drnirir sts.
Tin height of H"r M ijesty guos'n Vietorlii
U 4 f et 'J In.'h. .
S itl.lnir In l idi or lann lry irooil ts IVir.n
I 1I1 ins' I'l ...t .ur-Il.irai bu.ii lui'.! lull i :i tri il
t.i '-evo It val u. l',nr 114111 os ikjiht II. ..t
lu.t . op. X 1 1. in. I114 nrr tru-J It wnliuut buy.
lu lajrv. Vuiir tnwr lu It.
The Turks ivuld have the worl I beliee
l!;nt the Aiinejii iiiM o.i!i,mtt"i -ii (!'.
Ir. KllrnrrV Swwr I: ..T rnres
all Kii'iii-y nnT Ulu'ldi r t mill. Irs.
l'.i:i.;ilnri m il "I.-ullai inn Ir. e.
l.a'eirau r; .l;iiig!..uii tnii.N.Y.
The I
i.-. I
.Hlliti":i i.f evf
Ii. 10, 1. 'Ml In lTf-et
iridtniid hiM in
J'.'J.e.ill in s;i.
I'tiOM'iliris. SmMi :i i li -.i,.-! l(f ;. v(.ail rr
l'll-r ltl'iHill:il 'I r..lll... "Ill: il.llll'.1,
'It -f '!.-" hi!: -:ivj i ir. iiiic. i. liil.
'I !. 1- nr. lii.'.oi).)
.ii.i-ii, In I'url.-.
s.'tvuht iii"ii and
i n-i Hinpi.i d five by I. '-i finiMT
N'iiim: lii.- rnia ii. No tils ntier ll'-t iln s
u-i'. Marvelous run-. Treatl-e aiel .-U'.oll 1 ill
l.i.l tlo t'.ie. 1'r. Mine. '.':il .nil M., I'liila., I 'a.
M; Win-l.iw'sSi'ntlilii'.; f'yru: -forfhlldreii
tie.', -nf '.(lis I lie fun. i.'H es ihl'...lliii.i
liun, nil .1;,; tuits Wlli.l 1 uiii . '.cu I. little.
I i-e - i;r. fi r l'i i.-iimi !:...i i. 11 11 A No. 1
.'-1I.1.11 tin .lii ii.e. W. il. Vhi.ims, Ami-
' I.. I i., April I i, l-li I.
Il 1 fiM. te.l villi 11m .r. Isne Th.uni.
n n 1 yt-.w tiler. Hrui!:;,i-.t'a bi ll at -.'ie per U.ulo
of this Paper.
1.1 t hi
the silver basket nt onee 1.1..1 nu..,l LI
necessltv of our duilv I if.. n. un M
bo more highly appreciated than fH
01 me novelties tliut ure lent out li
r 1
out the Coupon below nnd lend M
a tint to my atidtvmm
the Coin Silverware Co., Columbus.
.1... ...1 i t "
tor i no bjioous, wjiiou ure guarsn-
(r k II! UI1M1I p.
CO.. Starr Avenue,
Columbus. Ohio.,
Women wbo like to make a great
ilisplay bave their sroms ruadoto screw
Into different articlea, jHliilants, rinfrs
and bracelets, thus Retting jewels for
all ocnasious ont of a small stork.
There in't a screw earring in Pari!,
and a rnritdonnu would not wear any
thing so inartistic now. San Frau
cisco Chronicle.
rtoNNETs op srr bilk.
Perhaps the opera bonnet of the fu
ture will be ono of thoso a(Tmr of
pun kImhs tbo'iHitiids of which are now
manufactured in Venice. Theo bon
uets hare a flash and shimmer that
would make them very desirable bead
coverings for women who have no di
amond crowns or jewels in other forms
to tuako them brilliant in appearance,
Tbeso bonnets liavo tbo advantage of
oemR impervious to water, and when
toiled or dimmed may bu restored by
hnishiti with soap and water. New
V'ork Tout.
wojrr.x A3 HTorrr.ns.
"Many renter spotters nro wo
men," said 11 conductor, "and the
men are constantly oil th. lookout for
mem. as soon as tliey are known tho
tip is pnsHcd along the line, and the
Jonducl'irs point out th. woun-n to
acii other, and then ta';e especial
delight iu forgetting to r i n up fares
in 1 tbeu maltiii"- u unte of tho fact and
turninc! it iu to tbo division minerin
tendeiH. One womtiti hpo'ter that I
knew uxol to work llio oiu racket.
Sbo would stick a pin iu 11 eimlnon 111
Dim jiocket, nud niioi her pin iu another
fashion in nu opposite pocket when
the register ii"ll rauir. I know of one
soutitictor who was discharge. I for
iriinping oil liis c:r to buy a paper of
pin-, which ho urcsi ntcd' to in r. "
rhiiiiichijiu Cuii.
(.IT.1.!' AMI lif:K ATAIS.
An ab-url little tritlo that sold
reinlily at a recent Jmspittil fair con
listed of a siuall vial, a ljrne.l with a
(pinint little hill; tfoivn, a Shaker ker
Phief and a hood of nil!;. Tied to it a card oil which 1 as printed,
I'Wlint is this for?" If ; 011 nuehse l
its 11-e you iui-'ht take it ;' if not, you
must buy it for ten cents.
Ah no 0110 ever did ,ues?, and as
every one uantjd to try, a Inrije num
ber were colli. It was for broken
ii.. l.i.. 1 . . ... .
iiveuies, niin tuo Willie HI IK IIOiv.l or
top consisted tf two thicknossiM of
lott white sill;, tied around tho neck,
nd concealeil by a little skirl nud ker
obief of gnyly colored rilk. It was to
bo Misoeiiiie.l from the nuwingtablo by
littlo loop of ribbyu. New York
Tho Trilby frill mirks a new era in
neckwear, ft brings tip tho high col
lar, tbo btifl rucbo and the tailor wmlo
An evening fc'iu. fushii.ned in I'.liz- '
abjtliiC style, ,n lavender an I white, i
us one of t' new idditious to the ball- 1
. r jjm toilet. I
The l'rou Froii collar ns worn by ,
j F.llcn Terry is n-ry danity in appear-
uucu and tiuiiiiei ui 11 cu.ituiu., b'.'itu- '
tifuliy. j
Jendj.l an 1 scipiiu iK'ts are finding!
favor lor waist Irinrniii'.'.i. They (.ivc
a brightness to a eolume which is well '
worth htriT'Ti.' Cor. j
Tii'i following autiii'ie and inolern'
laees are in vogue: Tambour, Horn-I
tiue, JuiMiie. ) in int. I'miit d'Alcnenu,
Kijurot und Ya'.eiieieuncs.
In mu le up laees aninug novi ltics
nothiu;; could bo found prettier than
the new uppliipie collars 111 black mid
era ; a-conlion ji lento 1 rutlles in white
ecru, bi-euit tint, violet, '.inl; und
iv. ry ; t licl; lisse front with nallnce
uppiiipiu ; r.l itie Antoinette cliiibiii
tLis an I not Debus in black and white.
Sow i'ork Mail und Express.
i ai::s n;) ris.
or want 11 hl.tck
i'.Try ona hm
Ri.wn uowaiiavs, and siuii as
e.--e, cheviot, ca-huure, Henrietti,
to., ure easily cleaned. Eirst remove
the Kroitsrt spots with nitph'. Im, and re
.moiuuor that this is very explosive
"ivhen exposed to cither litfiit or I;rc.
I'Tahu a lather of w.irm soupriidj, u.sinif
a gooJ, not Htrotio, nonp, and a tea
hi loonlnl of l)..,rax to every two inai ts
n' water, .Into this dip the floods np
a' id down rui 1 waah belwciu tho bands :
then wrin ir geutly and pat partly dry;
hang in the, ud when iiontly
ilry iron on tlio wrong? i-ido with a
nioders.tely warm iron. Always ritif.o
oiiei) im luiio warm water, and iron un
tiltLc aiattrinl is perfectly dry. Novir
rub a fabrio that is being renovated
on tl i washboard, nor wring it tightly,
and in usiug naphtha remember tbat
it Youghcus the bauds, and that after
ut dug it is well to put vaseline upon
tb em and to wear old gloves. Wib
al apaca in ths same uiauuer as catdt
raere, adding a littlo gum nrauio to
t he rinsing water. If tho black goods
re of a rusty color restore them by
ponging with ammonia and aloohol.
Always use a piece of the same mate
rial or one near to it to spongo with.
Ladies' Home Journal.
Bitooarrr unexpected otests to dixe.
Hardly anything is more ealoulated
to rouse a woman'i iro than the bring
ing bone by her husband of unex
pected dinner guests. Most men are
'.ware that this is a particularly dan
gerous thing to do, but occasionally
t.'ia busbsnd is sullloieully courageous
to brave the iuevitableeurtnin lecture.
A distinguished jurist nor lontr ago
periled his Joniealio peace in tbi way,
and is now congratulating himself on
the outoome of the affair.
After a particularly successful day's
business he invited two or three of Lis
professional assoeiatei to dine with
him, forgetting, in the elation of the
moment, tbat his wifo was totally tin
prcparod for noli an incursion. His
friends gladly acoeptod, all bavinp;
previously sat nt tho Judgo's table,
which was provided over by ono of the
most aocomplifhcd hotiBekceiiers in
tho city. Besides, alio is a brilliant
woman in conversation and accom-
rlished in every way. Tho guests
thereforo looked forward to a most
enjoyablo eveuing.
When tho party arrived at the
Judge's bomo they were TiOjived by!
tho hostess in her usual charming
manner, not a sign beiug visible to
mem, that they were unexpected
guests. Tho host, however, oauodit n
look of his wife's eyo which reminde I i
him forcibly that tbero was a here- I
ftfter. The lililv R-ii iintiriila I
-....t. ..... ......... Vllll.l 11.
tho occasion. Kho did not fuss and
frown, and mako things unpleasant
all around. She accepted the situa
tion with a good grace ami mado the
best of it.
in.- ... . 1 ...
4.110 ino iesi meal was served ai
lll'miilitlw 11. ,,.UD;l.t.. ...! .1A1. 1. I
( .w.-r,iif n-, nun lfrlllioil'll iv
was not a suniiituous banquet, it win
nt least ngreeablo to guests and host.
When diuner was over. iimt. li..r,r.
leaving tho gentlemen to their cigars,
the hostess arose, nnd, 'lashing nu
amused Kluneo t her husband, said :
"(lentleinmi, remember you hive
ilme.l with the Judge this" evening.
Will you do mo the honor of dining
with me this day week?"
The keen witted lawyers took in tho
situation, and ii-ui 1 a chorus of laugh
ter readily accepte I the invitation.
Tho lady left tho room, and for tin
next hah hour the .In Igo was the tar
get for innumerable sallies. These ho
l""'' g l-lm norcdly, pr.iu l of his
wife's tact and adroitness.
The dinner next week was a tre
mendous HUiit'cRs, mi l it was notice. I
that tho hostre-s wore a hutid-oiuo
diamond brooch, winch slio h i I never
exhibited before. Tiled 1 li? declines
to say yes or no, but his friends a-sert
the brooch was a p 'ace offering nu I 11
toknn tint luv.r a,'iin will In tiring
unexpected quests houu to iliuu.jr.
Chic. ' j Chronicle.
ri'ut'os Norri.
Violet veils an not becoininT.
Iwup re house '.-owns iirepictiir-.-pi
Miii.'d roil j oo Is ma'.io mnat l tail
or Kowns.
Sji'inled trimming arc nmro popu
lar tllilll ever.
Plain black t-illi
elderlv ladies.
is worn o'i!v bv
imiisu! ni-eriioiis K001, on
inu-iy summer owus.
Eur capes coiit itiue their vo .no
at the sonsido uext summer.
A favorite traveling oaoi is the
Scotch shawl; tho Inno tonus the
oil oe.
The crcjions that will bn placed on
tho market for uor.t season's trade will
bo Inraly
Chido. plain, spangled or flowered,
is a marked f .-alure of nearly every
full dress toilet of tho season.
JhittuuH aro used iu decorating all
gowns,'hsUiu lin there may bj
three or four otb'.r kinds of garni
ttir. .
The v.i'o'. an''.-!iinhair crop. 1:1s in
tolnl ojI u-, UMially ;;reo:i or lirowu.
are in nciuaud bv wo:nou of ijuiLt
Corded tilks i.,i 1 ribbed vi lveis will
bj extre nely popular fabrics lor ii in I
Kome tivl an I vi sitin;; costumes lliis
r.l'iek mti.u '.'nivii' ale worn by oi l
and loiin aliiio, the yoi:tti!ul we irers
decoratin-? tl.eii.s w !th br:;;iit velvets
un.i w itli iin'i'.
Smo itli clot nro combined with
printed veiveis in l'ii.iii!i desi-m
with I'oo.l cliccts. l'i... i.iii-t popular
tints are Oi" yellow,
I'i ri-i:iii ii. mils aro Usually employe I
ill decor. it ill ; cloth oi 11 Soil I color.
They are 11 i d for vii-.. , r-aiior collar-,
bloii'o fronts an 1 111 Many otm r wa.
A oo. I 1 l ick (,ovn is tli" most U'O
I ul article of 11 woman's war. 10'ie. A
vanity of fancy collar , e. ill . ri ties,
etC, CMUVl.l tS it iUto Ua 111UUV diU'el'e'Ut
oof t umes.
Tho rkirt.s of the govvus arj htill
worn 1 xoecdinely plain, only a iitil.j
fullness boitigo nt rvaole iu them. The
bi .'uop sleeve is to oe lo.ui.l in all of
the outdoor i;armeiit.-, (.v'U' r.illy ier
minatiiii,' iu a close-lit: in.; cud of fur.
An nttraotivo luipie is m.t.l.j in pink
velvet with a b'tii't oi' hiible Inr round
tho brim. Tim crown is forme I o
upright ;joVa of piuk Koimni satin, uc
cordiou pleated, while 11 till wiiito
osproy, fastened with a juiveled oruu
Ultnt, CUl'jollivlj'.'s the 'left side.
Tim hIc'Vim 011 ih') newer house
gowus are ea'lej "angels' " wi'ivs.
They haug from tuo shoulder to tie)
e.l;;e of thu hkirt. W ilh them aru
worn dainty lacu oi mull uuiiorsleuves
that fall to the wrist mid letoul tlie-u-selves
with every movumeiit of the
The height of absurdity has been
reached in furs. A seal capo with tho
cotuidcte sablu animal spread over its:
snrface suggests the hunter's prey.
Another mouiitrosity is a seal mull',
with a small dog mado of Persian latn'o
fastened on top with silver chain and
Among the mauy elegant dress
trimmings shown two are especially
charming, a Persian design in cream,
blue and pink, with much cold thread.
and a black gimp into which ire woveu
turquoise beads. Nothing handsomer '
than the latter has ever beeu made for :
trimming black gowns. I
A fashion note of real moment is the
introduction of contrasting sleeves. .
Plaids and brocades have already made
tbo sleeves to bodices of a solid and
neutral color. A brown silk waist has
sleeves of ro:se-piuk ehiuo silk and an
emerald green velvet supports tdouvos
of faille in a faded Tcrsiau efl'oct.
The Ins and Outs of It.
If you pet best wear out of a coat, hat work must
have pone into it. You can't get good bread m.t of
poor flour.
Moral : Yon can't get the best out of nnvtMn;:, unless
the best is in it; and the best hai to be put in before it
can be taken out. Now, we have r rule to tost those
sars.1parill.1s with a biL,' "best" on the bottle. "Tell ui
what's put in you and we'll decide for ourselves about
the best.' That's fair. those modest
say: "Oh I we't toll. It's a secret. Have faith in
the label.". . . Stop I There's one exception; cno sar
saparilla that has 110 secret t bide. It's Ayer's. If you
want to know what gn-s in;o Ayer's S.irsaparill 1, ask
your doctor to write for the formula. Then vm can
satisfy yourself that you get the best of the bar'b.iparill.i
argument when you j:ct Aytr's.
Anv d u. Ird ? Cm the " Oirclvv k."
Il kill (luudls hut Cures il.illblrrs.
A.lilttvi: J. C. Aver Co , l...cll, M..
3 ,r
I - 7 s
1 11 -I" 1 fj" tkw "
11',!-:,,,,. $
It ' ! ' v ,
"Pass Your Plate."
lovaik. 4T.'a K 1-3 11 tu"- t'wii ir? i
Frices of ail commuJ.
have been reduced except tobacco.
" Battle Ax " is up to date.
Low Price ; High Grade ; Delicious
Flavor. For 10 cents you get
almost twice as much "Battle Ax"
as of other high grade goods. The
5 cent piece is nearly as large as
other 10 cent pieces of equal quality.
it'! rtSr f- '-,f''.'..5
1 I ... . M
f.'Alv h i ... :. vl .,L: !., I - r !..-.'',
Foci's Hasto is
Hurry the Work
'in. iVi.iiir. ti.uiu.i ruuio.
Thut's Salzer's ilarllest, lit fur usu in '!
ilsys. rt,il,:r's new lalu .utat.i, Chainpiuu
of Hie Worl.l, Is .r .limiuee.l the heaviest
id ler iu tti wurlJ, ni l we ehhllHiiun yon
to pro lu'Vi its ii'i'inl ! 10 aern.s id sialrer's
I'Urllust I'ntutiie'.s yiehl 4U0U tiiisimls, sol.l in
Jans ut t l a bushel-1 1000. Thai jiays. A
..irJ t'j th wins), ote.
Now ir roc will cot Tins oct awi It
tilth lOe. pnstau to the Joliu A. Salxnr S'-e' l
Co., I.a Crositu, Win., yoa will ;(, fnn., lo
I'lH-ksi grains ami k'rasses, lnelu.lini: 'leo
sintu, I.alhyrus, Shii.I Veteli, (limit hnirry,
Olimt Clover, te'., ami our uiaiuiuoth I
I'lllllluoUtf. (,.)
!kSl IWdtt"1""'11" III, .-n iiniK.tu. wi
ipTSi3f7r..rl l.lXtnsI Mi'kstn. Uol-I i
ift iW W i llrllrfBUI.. Oiu- ll.ia III f'-'l'ii
P-TtA' ::l .n reeii''. f Si ne ii i.. ..:.
' !'s,s"" A.iilr. -.Sims, innim, uni t., I'
Drilling Machines
for any depth. ;
l.aia Imaravainrnls. All Monrr Makara. i
LOOMIS NYMAN, TlfTln, Ohio, i
lll'H I II H.v
4r "x
- -
TIP Pi e-ss
S 'AM Ii
a trSL
This is Waller Baker & Co.'s Cocoa
box be sure that yuu don't ,ret au
imitation ul' it.
Wae Speed." Don't
Unless You Use
in. ii
ii i; ii or. .
...i ,,..ii.. ... i.
i., i .i,
ii, .1 nu.
i . . -. It i . ,i - i. : i - -... I
t2.B'4s '"- i' - -"I'l'i.-- ii- --..
ATif""w ' '' " - "
A, VP I 1 I"' f'.rnl..M i Iii-ii.t - ' ' ..r
tNk;V.rS3 "" "" " ;i
t.i-'iVfi-. "-.iJ'S '''- C'llMI'illi tui'l '-I.
'VW.fifc.v' i. - i.. a iiiiiii., i mil s s.i.i ia..i
Mia M.. I ..... i --..i-i lliii S I , ,.n. ,
aVOj 1 I'''! ' i:ll-r hi.. I t.-i-d oi u Irr
1 I'll 4). I'll .III '!i ll i I'l Ii iiiii. ur -.1 hr-r
nril.-l 1 1 1 u Ii v. ,11 f.j, .ii-h ntilil .luniiarv ui a I J
'In; ii-ii l .rl,-i" I' 4l- ii....ii . I .i'i4- Mini 1'iei. .'f
ii. 1 kin. I- svji.I f'-i .'Miitl'.v.i. . 1 urti.ry, l.'tli. I; i k
n. llsu.l Ulliniiri. nr.... I hi. .i
LmMl i.i lr4flins.
MHMMHBMMM tll. Iir E-lll. lllllk
XhIIuiiuI alrnl lUliV 4.brr.
t.i.-l lu.i'l- miiii'l..., li.w pi lo-.
I w.'ll 4ii. l.i.ii-.ilir in. i. It. w.i1i..i mi J
ill 14 i.l.lll4 III I l llllll iilr-. im ii.1; is.
.-n, 41 4 1, ii . 1 iii.w-r..r 1.1 ..Ut-ii 1i. 1 .
n tliilii T4ii ifr4i-. ii.i rv lu'' . lorni, i.i. o,. m ,
loClllll IIM'l.ll. II 44l I" Iill ll'i. I Pll'ljl'i'l-, fi'lli .'I.
Illi'lll. i'Vi f.irilll. 1. 11., l-i'l li.tini'lll, ri
I..; .iiri'Mi . '.I. il'l Ml; lu. - l ... uiii I... . 'i.iw
nnimii sioriihin itni.n i i
III" III j! ,n -O . Nu ia till eiirrO.
VI lUili un.J.BTEl- HINH. Ltbsnon.Os.a.
I- N I 10
OC'IIILS "" WKIsKYiisVu-'.-i-. Ilntsint
UT (UrU BI Ur. t. Mlllll.i.ri. 4II4ST4. lit.
t",,, .t-J'ita .'.ilk silttstUiii Kj
LIJ li' linn-. M.'.l ,lriiti;,s. Ul