...,... fc-J 't.y. CUBA VISITED BY WHIRLWIND. TELEGRAPHIC TICKS. Mil Ml FROM THE CI . iL C0NGRESSI0NAL, ft" - ' 'S REPARATION OFFERED. A Ccmpiete Disavowal of Responsibility for the Barcelona Iniult. Tli" Spanish government l.us promptly dis avowed biiv responsibility for the assault im the Pull'-d St:i(i-n consulate at Ilari'i 1 inn ty. t 1 1 1 in a billion to 'Xj.rw(liif d"ep regr t ovr tin- i nrr'i , lnw nT'il to make complete reparation. This Informa tion tin- state ) -rt rt ti i-1 t r f 1 In n cable message from Mr. Ilunnls Tuvlor, minister ..f the l ulled states lit Madrid. Secretary Olni'v laid tin- dispatch before I'n shield I' v Ian. I early M..ril'iy tn r I i n melon hi r-! ii ri; to tln 1 rl tt . nt In- gave II tn tho pp --. Tin- -1 i 5 .it'll follow-: 1 ! rilillttT "f -tlllo llll- jll-t called tn " pre-" i r iti'I tha' ii in.-b h.i ln-ult" I II - r.'ir'''l..iiu iciil.-it"" bp'aslng window .in I .,'T p''l "i:npli't" r ;iratl"h. II" in form"'! mi"' Dial hl government, nn its own I'i'.'i.ai. hn l ik' ii every . -mil i-n to guard tli- ! gull "ii iiii'l my r t I I I have n-k'-d hi. t . --t i. . n. " ' Prior Im tin' receipt or Hi" 1 1- rt life i reporting tli" ns-iiult i'n tli" I r'oii-iilal" had hi'"n r iv" I from I ii, tin'i" irci-lnna tli M ni- l-t"r 'n.l'.r mi l Mr. II- r' rt I'.. o.V '11. til" .it liar-'-loiia. S. m r I .1.' I.olllf. til" - ,-inl-h n.ii.l-t'T.wn-nl-. iiifonin'il of Hi" tl"W-.:m. ll" WalV.'d i'P -tnoiiy llli'l M I oil Sep Urv tiiin'v at hi- P -I Inn." jest, play to "M " f in- -.in advance i f in-tru on-.tl nvn-l iv runc-nt ""t tl urr'-m-c STONED BY A MOU. Spuni-tnls Attailt Uncle Sam't Consulate at Bare Ion. i Ti.i- Ini'i of i ii . 1 ( u-i i ill i n an I hat" rtstiti-t til" I'llltcd .Slli!" which II ir to haw t.lK' ll f.,.--. im nf tin' ln art of all Spain o -r th" h ti. n of Hi" l'nil"'l stati c Si'ii'it" In r""oi: iii.:mg tli" .rol-o,al government of ul.ii a- l."liii."-r"iit- ainl in calling upmi Pp -M'-nt l l.-vdnml t u-" th" high i lli"- Willi Spain to (.I'.'iiri' Ih" imb "'ii'l"i of I iil a, "iiliinii- ati"l In violi'ia scenes at lime, loini. anl an at'ink upon Hi" I nlt' il slates l oii-'ilal". I Ii- troiil.l" .11. 1 not ari .nil of Hi" -p..n-tuueniis formation of tli" in..l, w lih-h did t he Vio. , 1.1,1 Wlls tl llt.'nltl" nf II 1. 1. 1. Ill' ii 'Int.' which lia'l I ii lull ii -i .-- I liy fervid S 'll"!'. llio public ili'tnoii-tratloii to pr.te-t itgaiu-t tli" I I. it' d Still"- imp's iii'tioii was organlod by tli" "ilili"iil leaders, including ii'liciins mi. I nn'ii of all i-lm l'M of liti "iil nt ii i'tit . It . :t n'l liH'k In Hi" nfti riiooti li"ii tli" nii'i'tlnit lui'l iif-' ii M"'l. anil Hut" v P' fully l.'i.ixKI ." .r"- nt, nil in a 'tat" of liU'ii pntrloti" 1'nlliunla.nii ami rip" for any nianil' Statloii nf Ih" I'liiotioni lil' h pon I tlii'iu. I ln-ro .viT" iiiMr'.t!' ! tli" or:itorj pr .- lili il for tli" ni'i'iislon iiii'l tli" pnrpo," .f tli" iii""tini: plaliii-.l n.i inn- of prot"t uaiiiit tli" i cnitiou of tli" I'n' an u'ovi'rn- ni"iit a a lu llik'- r. nt p' wor l.y tin' I u it I sta'"!t mi nat". Tli" epirlt of th" crow. I took lln: anil tli. y H. t olT for til" l"i.lt".l Stal".-i'oL-uliit". Tin' li ii'l' Tn who liml orminlzi il tli" iii""tlni 'tii" I to hav" r allz"il tli" mt-Ion- i'oii.-"iii"ii"" wlil 'li mlk'lit follow upon a ili'umiiMratli'ti that took that 1 1 r.-.-t i. ni an. I tin y ii ii'l" "Vi ry "ITnrt to .li.--.un I" tli" mnli (n in tlii." purio". lint tln-lr i ITorts W"r" of no it vinl an. I tli" rrnwil w t olT for tli" I t . 1 1 I Stat" ron.-iil.it". Tl:" iiiitlinritl'i of tli" rity luul ! this tini" t.iki'ii iilnrin nii'l ii for.'" of poli.-o wii- wnt to th" "oiwulnt". Tli" i i'it"il rmwfl wa.-i not tiitliiiliinti'il l.y tli" .-how of fniv" from until i rlni; iK-fur"' t!i" "on.ulat" ami slmiitiiii;: 'I.nni' l,lvi Simln " U'"l oti.'W" With"" I'h"H.i vi'rluil ml.-Hllis ill.l not . li.-fv th" amiiwil pa--ioiiH of tli" mnli inn flinrt tlui" btoiii'rt I" iimi living i th" "rowil, wlili'li l.rok" ii liiiiiImt of th" v. .ailowi in th" l'iiit"il Mat"s "oiiHiilut". Th" fori'" of pnli"-' wnit" l for no fit r th"r tnaiilfi'stntlou, Imt "hiirj,'" ! th" .-row, I iwnl'T tli" or.li-rs of thi ir olli. ! uinl munh ly 1 1 -1 or .1 thi'iii, woun.liini -vi-rnl. Sn far u-i I. ;.rii"'l tli'T" wi-n- im at. 'i I p -nlts. KILLED WHILE CHATTING. Two Oirli and Their Escort Run Down By an Engmo. Tlir"" pi" wi-r" kill". I nt slinftnn, on" mil" i a.-! of I r win, Pa., Sat ill. lay nicl.t at 1 1 . t liriftnii iiri"i, Mary ( lurk ami riioina (i.irl.ia l W'-t" ri'turiniik to th"lr Imin"-at V"-'.i::or"laiiil ( ity, aft"r ntt"iiilini; a "on- rt lit th" l'riiiutiv" M"thoiiht .'liiir. li, at I rw in. V liilo Irmul.iiikT uul .-haltiiii; nl- nu th" railr..ai tra'-ks tin y wit" run i1ownl an "imlii" aii.l all ln-l.-inll kiil"l. Clui-titia iiiloi was alniojii il""iipiiat"l. I'll" oiin r two r" l.a.lly !iitnit'l"'l. t'liri 1 1 ni liri""s wa- tin- .niikhl"r ..! li.-ori.'" liri'-V' s, .-i . n". ti.rnf Nrth llu::t iiik'.ton town-liip, iiM'I propii"tor of (iri" -li it.-l. Sh" whs in yi'ar-. of n;i". M.iry t'l'irk , is yi ar- of ni,'", was th" ilaiu-htor ol rii.niia 'l lark, pr.'pri. t..r nf th" ri.iiiiiii r. iiil hot"l. 1 Imnia.-Uarlau.l, '.M yi-ar- nf ni?, was i-in-plnV".l l.y tli" V"-tii!or"lani t 'oal I'oinpany at III. . II". in th" inlii"-. l'hoy W"r" nil w"li kiiown an. I vry popular. At tin- pla " w h"p' tli" a".-il"iit Imppoin'il th 'p' aro thr"" tra"ks. Tin- mi. I. II" mi" i-ii.-.'. hy thrnUkMi Iri k'ht- ami iinattti.-h".l "ii-ulii"- '1 h" llin-" i.-lrn.-i h.'iir.l a train ". :n 1 1 1 r I -1 1 1 1 1 I tin-in on th" m on tra k an I -top-pi i '.i tln mi. Ml" rails in front of uii""iupty' 1'iiiii". STARTED BY SPARKS F.re in Halifax C.nuri a Lois of Over a Q'urtor of a Million. II i i!.i . ulT-'p-il a i-oiil!ai.'r.itioii "arly Sun 'I iv ni. .mil.-,' that "lilail- a lo-s of al.oiit n ipiartiT nf ii ml la.-ti il..U'ii, i)U'l an lii lii".'t lo-s in u-'li i?r.-:iti'r. Tl." !lr" start. '! in th" l a.- -mi-i,l iTt'h" furriinti" vv iptooiti an. I f-i -lory of (io..-ii ,V K. iih, it , pi "suini'.l, I y hparks fr.im th" -lov" i,'nilinu u m.u-i of in llaininalil" niatt'T. Ii. rl"ii h"ilh's luiii.l h'' wa "UtiP-ly i.-troyi .. as wi ll ustln ir pi in., wan rooins ami iiiu-l.' ftoro, iinni" .liir.i l to th" north mi U irriiiK"t"ti stp A. "imor's iiiillin ry sior was ilnniau'"-! an. I tli" -t.H'k rnin'-l. M.i'niiwayV'Iry iomh. tor" to th" south was l.a.lly ilniiiaC'l. KILLED IN THE MINE. Bljit wai Tamped too Hard and Went oH ; Prematurely llilk'h (i. W'illia'iin, itk'"'l ill yours, was ' kiil.'.l .vatuplay "vi-iiiiiK, hy an explosion of ' Ki.s i'l th" I'rankliii miii" at Wllkosarr", I Pa. .I.i'au V. ,f ut was snrioiisly injur". I. . uti'l l'ai.i.-l P.nk'T was slightly hnii-.-.l l.y j llwir,' r ..-k. I'll" ixpli-i'ti o.'ruir'il In ii ' tuum l. w h"P' th" ni' ii w. r" l lastin ro"k. j In tit'ti pli', lln- powli-r iuiilt'-.l. "ituslim tin I'litft to k'o fl m.iiiiit than Htitl.'ipnti .l. v il- i liitius w :is ;t sli.k'l" man ami hal liv". in j Wllk' sl uir" two vi'at-s.h.n partnoi ri-.-nltn' in I'ti.-a, X. . I Ita'.iau Suffer Defeat. ion. Jl.iriith'rl atta. kml tlm Ahy-unian- ; Kuu.la. ii"iis AII.I rtoii", Aritni.mli nml I lii't.orinl In ''oiiim.iml.' l th" l. ft, i-.-nt'-r ami , rl!i hrt.'-i l's r-:'p -tivrlv. i"ii. Kllin ' "otiiinan h-.l tlm t s -rv. Thn Italian- i-.ip-tiir.-il lh" pa--"- I.'.t -liiiit to Ailo-.tn without nppi sliimi. (i.vi. A'l.. rtoii", with four na tive I attullnns ami four mountain luitt"rl"s, "iiik"-l th" i-L'-iny, luit was soon ovit -ouh) ty ovi rwl.'nuil.'u n l'ls. I'linilly tho Itanium went "oiiiH'ii"d to uhainlou tholr positions. Tha loawa uu!ud are uukuuwu. Many Honia Blown From tha Fae of tha Earth, and Several Llvat Lott A terrril'le wliirlwiml ias."il through tlin towns of It i'las ami Ivn AI pmiii nt 7 o'"loi k In tlm rvi'tilnit of K'truary 28, ilolni? Im iiii'Iih" mii'iii nt of 1nmni;. Tliw" town an fltuiito'l In th" imttliw"sti"rn .nrt of tli" proviii"" of hiintii t'larn. In lloilns th" wlii'l ili'.stroyixl 40 Iioii"s ninl injiir"'l n Inrn" numln r of pfrsotis. AinoiiK th" InjiiP-il th" ll"iit''iiant of th" ii' tin hni"iit ot "lil Kunnls, Tli" wlf" of tin' military "oininaii'l"r of th" l"i win nlsn wouiiil"'! so s"rlnu-.y that hIm'IiiihsIiii'" ll"il. I In- wiip'Iioiis" of Moiit.ilvo ami tin- Htutloii ilatforins WIT" ili'stroyi'il. In I,os AliP'iis th" iliiiiiiivt" tollfi'nii'l pni. orty was "vn ifroat'-r. A lnrit nuinln-r of liousos w Tf hliatt'Ti-il, an. I all tra f lln'in was ol.lt"rat"i. lln" whit" woiiinn cui'l n lli'tfrn Wnllillll W"P' klll"i llli'l 13 'Tsol W'T" s"rioiisy woiiii'l"il. Th" famlllos who lui'l th"ir limni's il slroyisl took n-fiift" ' ! fort. I h" nioii'.y loss liy th" whlrlwlml Im not Is-.n i-tiiii.-it".l. I. ut It Is known to h" l:n ini ii.-". Th" inhal'itants r" In n pltial.l" "omiitlnti, lln'lr l"ss on 'Tops Is "ry lari.'". Tn" t-'iiiil'n.it ll'Tinan t'ort"7. Im I n "has" nft'-r a mispi' loiis sp a n'T n(T Mataii.'.as. h -t'-ani'-r wa- runiiliirf at lull hp""'l, mi l sh" put mit h"i lu;lits wh'-ii tli" Kunln iit itp "ar ". ami ili-i'.ppi ap'il In th" ilarkii'-s of th" liiu'lit. Tli" KUiilHiut llr-t llp'.l i I'iaiik ' iirt riil'" ami lli--ii a soli. I -In.t in 1111 i-!T. rt t -a 'I' tli" tu"itivi.. I nt without i'll".-t. A train runnlm: l "tw"i ii Altatni-nlii nrnl l'..iiia,'ul-'--, ii'-ar t'olnii, in Matana-, nil' I lip . I upon l.y tli" lii-urt"iils. ih" tiiayor of l!ai.i,'iiisi s w nt t th" a-si.-tan f tlm.." . on th" train, ami inlvam Inu to San Martin, j l. iiml that th" in-uri." ii!.- lui'l h- t llr" to two J I'rnlu'"". I Ii" "-' "it . f t roups with him .-ii"- i t. .1 in "Mitik'ul-liiiiH III" llaim s. nml ili pi r-" l :.in in.-urk-'M-. I h" train tluui pr.- ..-.. t.i.t th" "ii"ii r l"-t hi- pP-K.-ii"" ' f tniml ainl -Inl n. l ni ti -" that th'-ro W' l" ol -I i. I..- nil III" tni.'k. III rot.s 'ipi' l th" tin, n was il'-riiii' 'I, ami th" "iik'lli" "ml -"V'-r-nl i-ar- "ii -i". ii"ar th" "-t.it' s of No.la. In San Martin. I Iim 'I' rall".l train was th"li at-ta.-ki-.l l.y L'od iii-iiru-i'iit.-. Tli" troops Hp .1 on th" In-uri-iits. whn niinl" n "hare" with th" mai-li. t". 1 h" tr.mps nt all thus" who ha I I n mi th ' pilot "ii r th iiunil-T is imt si. it.-. I ami II "luiil"'-rs. I Ii" liisur;"iit h i uiikimw ii. Aft"r th" troops Inn! l"lt ll nr.- wop- I iirm'.l. BIO CANAL COMBINE. The Nicaragua ncd the Panama Companies Merged. A ili-pat.-h from Paris says: A startliiivt ami uii'- t"il .-..hit Ion of tli" Paiiamii 'anal prnl."tn I- pn s"iit"'l us n posslhility nf th" ti"iir fntiir". '1 his Is in th" font' "f th" roll-oil. I:. tl"ll nf th" 1 11 1 HI M III t 11 1 1 11 1 IntnpllllV with th" Ni -ai.-iirua I anal - .tl i j any. I h" ll'-ral'l I' urns th.il th" pr"-i."nt "f tli" lalt'T . orpor.itinn. Mr. .1. I!. Ilartl"lt, who hasjn-l li'ft I ari-, i n P.ut" tnr Aim ri"a, U-ars with l.im an m;r""iii"iil f'-r ih" fusion of th" two "oinpann s. I his ni;p'"m'-lit was fnriiially -ik'ii".! h"p', hut is mil "nin'lu-lv". It is uml'-r-tooil that it will I in" oporatlv" on I 'I ut i f of th" Panama i" .m.iuiy w h"ii ""li. urr.'il in hy th" .liP'.'tors of th" Ni.-nrauuii anal "ntnpany in N"W York. It prnvl'li s for tli" iii-snrptinn of th" l'aini'iia (r. in -Ill-" ami iL ts. In.-linlliik' tli" rallroii'l in ioss Hi" Isihiiiils. Th" l'p'iii'li i-niiipany is to t".-. iv.' a -ul.-tnntiul sum of moiii'y nml st'"'k In th" AiH'rl"iiii "'.rpiirntl iu, hi"li will pro""". I to pl'-r.'" tho 1-tlimiiH via I.ak" Ni- nnik'nii. 'I Ii" ltiilii''"m'-iils to thi'l'iiiuiina pi'i.plo, li"si'l"s tli" material "iiiiniil"r'itl"iis, wit" an lionoralil" r'll"f from "vr-ri'i'iiriiiiir tuimoil ovr th"ir iiflalrH ami th" pp'soti' lion to th"lr shiiP-liolilorH of mi liil"r"st I 'nop' Mtal "oil' "rn. 1 ll" .M.-aniktua p" H'-iitativi-s. mi th"ir pari, i-liilui t i tfp-at iiilvantau'" front th" p'movul o i ' fu(.i-" """ iM'tit'T ni' ,..-' inotiopoly 1 1 wo mis. S in tin on th" many I'.inki'rs oi at llritulit ho "ontiiii'iital i'"iit"rs, as well as of Aiii"ri".'t, IIP' pP'pllP l to Ihlllt til" Ni.'llMUHH "OII1- pany's I'oiiils. LOST THEIR LIVES. Father and Daughter Drowned in Yough River. .lolm . Wnlf. of tn'ar Snii'lit' ii. Pa., ami hi-7-yi ar-nl I ilauk'lit' i- 11 i", wi-p ilrown-i-'l in th" Voiivjli livr. 1 Ii" htt!" lrl ntt"ml " I pli it" s.-hoiil, .unl it was hor fath'-r's . i:-t. ni to i:;".-t Ii. r nt Mnitl.ion -tut Km ami t .!" h"t Im ni". II" Iim'.I on th" oth'T si.l" i f th" tiv.-raii'l win a H was low avol.l.-1 a I-, nmlal'.'-.tt way l.y lorilini; th" stp'iiti: at th" -tatioii. l ilt.' -.lay In-mot his littl" kirl a- u-'ial, ami havinc a h .r-" ami Liiirtry I. i 1 - 1 to f. r l th" nv'-r mi th" way homo. In mi.l--tr'-am th" h..r" lo.-t his fnniiiik' nml th" hiinuy . .'-rturu".. Nothii."; m..r" was s-'.-n nt mill nr i-htlil l.y th. -" who wltnonwil th" a."i.l"iit. Tli" linr-"s l-mly wits w.sh"il a-lo" jlt llhnV" V".-t N'l Wtnll. NO SENSATHED PLATE EVEN. Wonderful Catho logrnphy of a HUliboro Attoruey. Prof. U"l.t. A. I'avl.lsoii, a promlm'tit yniiiik' lawyr, of llill-lmro, (I., hits tic -tt i'- ini' -lit i UK wtlh i'l""tri" pliotok'ritphy. II" I l a- -a I".l in li..t.."rap!iliik- ki'y- ami ami nth'T nl.ji-.-t.- through "pa ii" sil.stain" s without th" n-" of any s"iisitl."l plat" I w liat"V"r. Th" iina'" npp"ars mi n poli-h". i I ri's .Hiirf.i.'" in a purpl" l-rown ami th" ' work of plintnu'raphitif a union koy with th" "Hi p ni Imin u l"l"ph"ii" l att"ry o , pii-il "-s than a iniiiut". II" u.-"S itoiu '"! ot ! tli" phi t"k'r:iph"r's outllt at all ami only I ilarki'tis tl," ll. 1.1 of his work with tin? : -lia.tnw of lil- hat. Teriell Criticises Congren. I'i:it -.1 lat"s Minist'T T'-rn II writ.i i'. n-t.iiitiin. I" to hi-. I pithiT, lion. ; l.-rr -II ..f Fort Worth T.-x., as f, i from .1. f. .Hows. i iiml'M- a l'"l riiary 'Int": I "Knk'luml ha-play.) her i-ar.ls lutilly; all I Ih" mn-s.ii i" niilii liavn l.""ii avolili'ii lui'l I h'-r pnli y I ii illil.'.-i-nt. I!"-I I".'' this, tlm Aim ri'-an pp'-s ami AiinTl.'an i'mit;P'.-s, in ! ai'iisiiit; tin-Sultan ami port", will tlt-.-l r I my iiillui if" h'T". Ami tlmn th" poor nils- : -ionarlis win. in I hnv now prot"i't"il from, lh" ltl.ii'k to th" fa-pian Hons, an' rniitin-no.i-ly w rittiik' hii'-k Imui" al. iihiiit tli sultan I ami p. rt", ami lln-ir fiii-ints in th" I nit". I 1 Statis hav h'ttiTs puhll.-hi'il, anil .ap"m ! "outaliiliiK tln-m nr" -"lit to th" Kovi'nitin'iit I : h'-r.- Imtiii-iliati'ly. How "an I any loii.-r ' pi'ntf.'t siii'h pi'npl" V If th" liussian alliaii"" ! I Is inrtiu'il thi-n th" worst will Minn In- at 1 tin ii1. I think 1 w III I." iil.lt. to start for 1 honi" in Apn1, ami wh"it I s. you will tnll ! you more. . " NEWS NOTES. Hours of lalior in lit lireeliville, X, f. th" 'oliiinhi.iu fiK-tory havo IsM'tt reilit'H'il from 4 0 to llll ii no t. The lnwa Senate l.y a vot" ot 4'J to ti, il. feiite.l senator l-'unk's resolutimt to jjiv women th" riKht to vot" at all eleetlo u.. Parisian newspapers express thu t-'llef that j tin iiilnu ilel.iite on the propos"! inenuio I ta w ill ili'l'Tinine Hie f.ito of the jjoveru-1 uf'iil. Hi. hard Maiisti . refused to rc-poml to a st.ee.'li nt a st. Louis tlieater on Saturday nik'lit, ami the ainll'-nce broke Into an uproar of howls and hisses. Senator 1'iiue has just Introduced a bill Into th X'W York leublatiiPMiiakiiig it a niLsdii meaiior to kc "p u dog in any lions i In New York city, occupied as u dwelling by threu or morn families. llalllngton Uooth Is making plana for an independent American Salvation army, of wliieii uo auu Jita wifu will bo thu loudora. Iils Will CLERICALS THE AGGRESSORS. All the Citiet Armed, and Preparing t Support or Antagoniie Zelaya. A illspnt'Ot from Mnrinnn, Sli-nrnuun litl"l Pohrimry il7, nays: Tli" revol'itlon 1 n iw In full Must. ' All tlin i-ltli-s of Nii'iirnumi on this fI'I" of tli" country nru in arms nn I pn'piirlng "Itln'r to nupport pp-shli'iit Z"liyn rr to I'oiitriliiit" mi'ti for tli" tnnn.'lt of lilx i'li"tnl' upon tri" I'apitnl, Miinai:uii. 1 In-t..w n of Nacurntii was nttii' k"l ami taki'ii l.y storm l.y tlm jrovi rnim'iit troops. This town Is n'iir th" w-t' rn shoro of I,nk MamiLrua nml only a f"W mil". from th IiopI'T of th" l"prtni"iit of th" (l.-'-i."iital. It is nlioiit iiill.-s north W'-t of th" "Ity of MaiiKiin. mi'l on tli" route towiinl l.oon. th" ("at of th" P'volt. Tli" moral "lli'i-t of Its "iiptiir" is l.oiinil to Is' KP'iit, mi'l it Is ro ifapI'Ml us n most Important l"tory for th" Kovrnmi'iit. Kiit:itiv" who luiv" r"i.-li"'l Miuiat!iin from l.""ii. th" o. "apital of Nli'iiriwiia, li"inl iiiart"rs of Ih" r"l "ls, w hl'-li Is oppnsi'il to th" I. il nil or "lavn parly on K'-imtiiI prin i lpli s ami as it p'sult of ilin"p'ii""s of IniiK stamliiiL', "lii'-f of wlil' li l th" tran-I'T of th" I th" "apital fmm I ."on to Mana i k'li.i. sav th" l.i'onlsts ar" In units to n man nml rapl.lly orkraiiliiii.' an army w ith w lil' li j t" ii'lv.-in-'i-'upon .Miui-u'iia. Tli"V luiv" tli" ii Iv -antii " of pn.-i-ssinj ii.'iih'rn anus ainl ' arliil'-ry. Imt tin' ii ll."r"iils of tin-pr"-l'l"iit j hp imt ilis.-oiir.i-ri'.l. "sp""lally as ih" (riiiiin- I ii I iiii-.-rviitlv. - ilfi-l.-ir 'il thi'tnsi'lvs in fa vor f "lav a. l iiis in" ins almost half th" 1'nttl" wi ii. f..r M.i-nva will niiiloiihti'lly fnl lovv th" I. a I "f (irnna in. Th" Inlt'-r lias nmp- imp. rtat.t i'oin'm'P ial Inli'P'-ts than any ntln i "ity of Moarntt'iii. CUBA RECOGNIZED. Only Six Senatora Opposed Granting Belli- j grrent Rights. ! I'.v ll vi'rwln-lmiiu: vnt-nfi.tlo i th" j nut" on Pri-liiy i.l ipt" l n "oti"urr"iit r -so-lulion faoral I" to Cul. an l."lllg'-r"ii''y mi'l lml"p"ii.l' ti"". j "lii-snlv"'!. !y tli" s'iiat" ith" lions" of P pP's'-nt-iliri's "oiii'iirrltii; I that in th" opln- j ion "f "I't'k'P's- a rniiilitlnii of pulili" war I "Xlsts I I'tv.i i ti th" i;"Vi-rtiim't.t of Spain nml th" k'ovi't 1 1 in -I it pro' lai!ii"il nml for Koiii" Iim" maliitiilni"! hv fop'" nf artii-.hv th" p"o pl" of -ttl.il. an. I that th" I'liit"! Stat' s ol Am'-rlmi .-In.ul.l inuintalii a -Irl. l m utriility l tH""ii th" ''nnti'mliiu; pnwi-rs a mhiirf to ii"h ami all th" rik'lits nf l."llik,"r"iils in th" p.Tts ami t"rntry of til" l'lilt"'l Slat's" Mr. Cii'ii'Toii tii"V". to iiiin'ii.l l.y ii'l'liliK 111" t'-vt of his P'snlutloli as follows: "ll" it futih'T P'si.Im-iI, I'hal th" pn'-l-ih'til is li"r"hy p'iii"-t"il tn Int'Tpi's" his frli'inlly olllnos with tli" Spani.-h k'""riimi iit for thi' p'i'ok'iillli'n of th" lii'l'-pi'inli'ii"" of fiil.ii." Wlii'n this r-sult was aiiiioitti 1 th" cl"iis"ly-pii"k"l t,'iill"rl"s I rok" Into ..iik' '..ii t in )) iipplaus" whii'h th" vi''"-pr-siili'iit rl k.. with ilillii'itlty lh" P'.-ult wiis r"ii"h"'l iiftor a ilny of f.'-rvM sp's'"h"s, whi"h at tln:"s iiro'i-.-.l th" "P.W'l of sp""tulors to "iitliusla-tl" ili'tuoiistnitlons. Th" k"i ti pitl.- lln Intop'sl in tli" sul.j.'i't was i-vin 1 l.y tli" pp si'ti"" of tli" lark'i'st "rowil silii'" f oiinn'ss itssi'tnl.l'it. Ih" r.'pp'si'utatlvisi of fori'lk'n powTs wit" tiuni.'roiisly in iittt'it'laii"", th" ni'.-upaiits nf th" iliplniiiiitli' k'ullnry, Imiu.l- ln Mililstcrif Mi'inl a, of llr.fdl, llat"h of Hawaii, l.iu.o-Arriiik'a. iuali'liialn, U"lik'lfo, of Coin n(. in, ami llumit Von K"ttl"r, of thu Oorinan t'rnl'iis.sy. Sonor IHipiiy il" Lniiii', iIih spanlsli inlulsti-r. was not jinwut, hut t v; - ol tlin atta.'hi's o ' li'triitluo "',i.pi".i sinus with th" other illplomau. Th" main f"iitiir of tli" (l"l.nt was tlin spis-di of Hi'tintor Shi'rman, i lialrman of tln "oinmitt"" on fnr.-ik'ii p'latlnns. As n nil" th" vi't'Tiut H"hntir from Ohio speaks with r'si rv" ami "oiis.'rvatlsm, ho that it was tho nmr" surprl-ltik' w in n In arriilgii"il Spain nml iov"riinr-(i"n.'riil Uoyli'r In th most ui"r'il.'ss ami s"athiiit huik'nn". Mr. Slmr- nian p'ii'1 s ill" liisiam'i's in wlilnlt Wi-ylor was pi"tur"'l us stripping younv; lrl -ap-llv. s ai,. I inakliik' th"iii ilaii"" Is-for" th" Spanl-h troops. uthiT sp"""li"s w'r" mit'li'l'V Mr. I.lii'lsay, I. '"Ik", f ittffry ami All.'ti. Tli" vnlinu' l"k'-iii at t o "look, in'i'orilliik' lonurt'i'tni'itt. It was si'iiplitl".) I.v th" willn Irawal of itli.-tuik' a-n. -mlii. "tit.-, sn that only thpsi vtos wr.. ii iry. Tli" Hot 'lispo.". of lh" p-solii- tl'.n nf Mr. Whit", limiting tli" n'tinn of rmi- uT"ss to it r'ii st on th" pp-i."iit to Krant ! l."li'.Tf in'y. I his was tuMi'il -."i7 to 1J. I Th" am"iii'lm"!it of Mr. All"ii, 'lip'.'tltit: th" pp'-i ll'llt to p."nt;ui." til" ( lll'HIl P'plllill" IIH I iml.-p"i.."iit. tn.'l Ilk" 'l"f"ul -Wl to 17. 1'ln'u 'aiii" lh" linn! vot", as almV" psmril " I. BOUNDARY DOCUMENTS. Veiuiuela Hat Forwarded a Lot to the High Commitaou. Mini.-t'T Aiiiln-n, of V"iu ?.u la, has p'ri Iv- i'l a i'a!."k'rntn from his K"V'Tiitii"iit an il .inn lii" that th" orik'Hiul il.-iimi-nt.-, maps ! ami r .r.l.- "nll""t"il l.y th" hl-turlnal "oin- iiiltt"" appnint' il l.y Pn s."iit f r.'spo will l" s'-iit ! rwar.l at on.-" to lh" liik'h t'oiiii'lary j ni im m i.--t ti. As it -ti'iimi r hit I.a (iiiyarit f. r N'-w York it is likoly that tin so Import ant 'lata will p-in-li Wiusliliif-1 on tl." latt'-r art of tn'xt W""k. 'l ln minist'T in his mail whlnh arrlvcil alsu : r IV". I I) 111. -ml ai.tiointini'iit of W in. I.. il appoi la, f. iin 1 S. Tuck's, of (inork'ia. foinu'rlv. I'nit"il Slat" I minister at f ureas, as eoii.-el of V"ii".ui'lii 1" tot" the eoiiiuiis-toii. Mr. Situ(.';s is now in W'n.-hinnlou wher" he lias Leon fur sniti" tini" I.iislly "nuiik'i '1 in worklntt on th" ens", ami n volume lil".l hy Mmeontaiiiiiik'eopies of all tp -a'i.n ami i-nrp'spoii'lenee hearlim' mi Iji" controversy Is "p""t".l from the printer l!l" first Of Ili'M Week. Mr. SiTllk'k'S Will enter Upon Ills 1iew lIlllieH immi'iliatelv ami the belief is enlertaine.l in nill.-lal i ir.-les that the K"Vernment of lip-at lintaiti will evi'iituaily author!" "oitusi'l to tl ) ear hefnp. the enlillni.-sloii to wateli pro eeeilil:t;s on their hehalf. THE IRON AND STEEL TRADE. According to a Chicago Authority There ii a Marked Increaee in Aotivity. Iron ami steel show a miirk'-.l iin'rease In aetivity, with impilry ami ileiuaml Isith Kreatly impn.veil. 1'pwar.lof lfi.iHH) tons of steel puis were eoiitriu'leil ut ir'-O 80, tl.'llver-ii-s runnliik' to July 1, wlill" onlers for hlll"U nml rails have Is-en Hittisfaetorv. Impiiry mi'l eoiitrif'ts pin 1 forslriieturnl material foot up some ltl.UlM) toiiH for brlilg') Work ami hilihlltik's, Plat'-s are in cooil ilu miiml nt ahoiit 1 70. 1'ik' iron Is movluir fp'ely, I. fill fiirnaei's havliii; houkeil B.iNlO or 7,tkMI toitH of foitinlry Knoies at u liasls of 1J M) for Xo. 2. Ohio softeners ami silverlen also show a more in-live impilry, and tho outlook U promising for iuereaseil huslness. IOWA PROHIBITION DEFEATED. Constitution Amendment Resolution Toted Down. In the Iowa House thu Prohibition constl- 1 tutloual amendment resolution was brought I um the Vote taken without dlscusnlou. The li'soliitlon was defeated by a vote of ti to 41. A 1111.11011 to reconsider was made and laid ou tho table, resolution and th consideration of tho wan ittdiilliitely postponed. England's Side of the Dispute. Tho llritis.li eu.se In the boundary dlsputa botwoen Orout lirlUln. au4 Ycuezui-la lit now ready. The Ppaninb cort" has tifim dtraolrrrl. Han Frani-uvo Annrohlsts will coon rrgnn- i7P. lirnrll nml France will artiitrnto thotr boumlary illsput". Mi'Klnli'T il"l"Knti wore chon In the Tw-lfth lVxanilistrl. t. Th" St. I.oiils M"r"hnnt' Ex"hnnK) havo Tot"il out tlm titi"k"t shops. I'm Is n'wspiis'rn pmoTi't th" fall of tho CaUtii't on th" lin'oiii" tnt (rfstioii. Ahoiit :k"0 iii'Kro MiilrHnt' for Lllx'rln nail"! I from Sav uinah, On., Ihursilay. Th" itarm.'iit-work'Ts nt llaltlinori-, who niimls-r r.,(KK to ti.OOO, il.s'hli'il to go on strlk". l'.x-Sp'nk"r Crisp hnn formally ntinniin""il his i Bti.li.lai y for th" I uit'-d "htat" Hin at". K'llson will .""ml ntthoil" ray shmlow craphs to tlt N"W York Khi'trloiil Exl- tioll. Wnrii"r MllhT myn th" propow-d rnnal rnil" is nut a!Ti'i't"l l.y t!n NlnariiBuii revo lution. Th" r"V"iiu" of th" "harti'psl Smith Afrlmi "ompaiiy wns tll'.i.ii'K) forth" yi'ar nnl it "p"iis"s IH.'. I.' I. Th" Paris Plu'iiro pT-sts) in unylnif th" P.k'v ptuin 'ii"stl .i Is Is'lnt; (llsi'iis-scil l.y lUlP.p.'Ull ( inV"rtllll''lltf. Th" V"ii"zu"lan fonrp'sn has passoil n rn-oluli' ii of thanks to th" ttoviTliini'iit nml pi'npl" nf I'iM l;tlit"i Stltt.'S. I.i!wiipI llh-ki y was stnl.ls'il to di'iilh In fhl' iik'o hy I'. Ilii-s, n luiti-li.T, whom In- was trying to roll in his simp. Prl lay, April 10. nml FrMny. April 21. linn ls n ih'-ik'nal. 'I In ii proi'liimatioit lssui l.y l.ov. Iliistinits lis nrl.i-r 'lays, Th" S. hnnll.T .f l-l" 11. It"tlt. I'llllll'l' lpllin to N"W pi'illi pl, with "oal ami ii "row of "ik'llt Ill'-I., is Ih-i-V". to Is- Inst. Spniilurils in Paris r.tis". a row ovr tlm Imi-tliirf of tin. ('alum Mair ovr a ti"wspaMT otll"", ami si'V.'ral of tln-m W"p arp"st"il. Th" tow n of M. .motamlio, Nl.-aranuii. th" strniiylii'l'l "f th" Insurrfi'iits, was ili'stroyil I v th" ...inl aplui' iit hy i?"V'Tnni"iit Kun l.nats. Th" iirtill.Ty llr" of th" t;uiit.oals was ilirn. I".l I y !. Ii. P'-rry. of fhli'iigo. fniuil Ak'"iit Wi'vsit ami tlir"" oth"r AiihtIi'iiuh. AN ENGLISH VIEW. Comuienti of tho London Timet on The Cuban Resolution. Th" aetlon of th" t'tilto'l States Senat" on the ( ill. an iptotfnn lias an.u.-"'l emntneiit (it the pre-s of I.. union. An "illtnrlal In the Slaiiilapl says: "1 he Senate has plaeeil Pp'sl'lent f ev"- laml in ii hik'hly eml.iirni-lng position. It Ih unlikely that' the proinl Spanl-h nation woul'l yl"li if Amerlea threnteneil war on In-luilf of CuI.il It Is tnii'-h to I." hope. I that Pp-sl lent levelilll l wilt net prii'lently." An ".lit. .rial In the Times on the sain" suli je. t says: "The resolution Is very' einliaras- sliiU for spam, who, w hile h" eaunot out 1 pvhpI the r ictiiti. hi rw mi linfrieiiilly net. is In no positimt to p's'-nt it. Sh" i'oul'1 Kain ! nothliik' hy il"'l.irink' war nvtalnst th" I'nit'il : States, who, in it'l'liiion, can niak" out n easn whi.'li Is at least plausible, that It Is merely a i tiiph ami reliti'taut P-enk'tiltlon of palpalilo filets. "The supplementary resolution wan nvow- "illy ml'leil In ilefiT 'ie'e to those who : woul'l k'lu'Hv provoke a war with Spain. Th" proposals for the lu-t"p"U'len'" of f ul.ii, pr . si'titeil as they prol.iii.lv will Is'.wltlia ilireet- liess of speeell tn wlllell Alliertean polltlelans oft"it linlulk'e, i'oul'1 not fail to prove In the hlk'ln'st ili'KPs' olfi'lislv" to a proud ninl sen sitive people. Whatever oottrsethe pp-s,lent may ileclilo to tak", this resolution, mnl tho inllainma tory liitixuak'e in whieh it was ills"Ussl, do. nn ml th" in.'st n'Tlov" ponslileratlon Spain. ll'T position Id one of such dillleulty and d"lleii"y that she may wHl eominaiul tho sympathy even oft.'toso disapproving tho ro eent history of f uha. IHstasteful as ahnoHt nny eourse, save an ot'titiuat" "otitliitimiee of the striiKk'i", must ln to to the majority of the Spaniards, it may perhaps i. advisable to consider whether home rule for Cuba is not the Ix-st Solllllnn." A dispnti'li from Madrid suvs that th" pa- j pers there publish some eu rloits statistieM an . to the ei.st of the Cuban war. Neatly HM,- H)0 men have I n sent to th" island and ; lh" .-i.st nf the p'l'i'llinn has aireiidv amount i ed to r.'.n.oiHi.iMiti, and for the seeond year It will e I ? 7. ', m Ml. 1 100. The eorp-spoinletit I says that Captain In'ii'Tal W'eyler P-ports i that it will take at lea.-t two years to erush the rebellion. SUSTAINED BY HOPE. Business on a Standstill With Little De mand for Manufactured Products. It. 1. I'uu A Co. say In th"lr weekly re view of trad": I'tillupsi in th re" wi'i'ks of February sln.w llabilitieH of 10,hh,i,'j:!i;, ii"ai;,st ,W:l.(i-.'i last yeur, and ?1I,1J0,41H in l-'Jj. l-'allureH for the week liave ls-i-u 7rt in th" l uiti'd states against 'J.'iti last yi ar.and Cs in Canada iik'aiust :H lu.-t year. In soiii" ipiiti terH business gains, at the West rat h'-r than the Kasl, but there is no general enmin" for the lietter.altltougll llope I llllJlTH still pp'dnlliinates. Publie opillioU turns more rsolut"ly toward sound money, but want of sullb ieiit (b'lnaiid fortheppV din ts of great indu-lries, p-turd a.-tual im pP'Vemi nl. The volume of business does nut Improve, l.aiir. a.l ,'iniliikH fer th" third w. ek of Peli ruiiry exeeed last year's I Ti.7 er rent., and for l'ehruaiy thus far, have lieon 11.0 per i ent. greater than last year. Stoek speeulu tlon has been irregular," and f uban wartalk on l rl lav i nusi'd a break In railroad stoek.4 averiiglni; points. Iiisappmiitlng Indus trial .-tateii. -tils, together with the general break, lowered trusts Tl.-lS, W In-lit bus taken a (light upward, advanc ing 4't eeiils for ensh, mid 'J for May, with ruinois ol fopik'ii supplies as the only basis. The liihrket for t"vtlle goods Is disaptioint- iiik't Woolen mills are reeeivinK enii.-i.b'ra-bl" orders for spring goods, but business for the future does not mend. Th" range fur all woolens is seareely 1 per cent, higher than a year iik'o, nltlioiik'li wool Is more than 7 per ''nt. higher, and a good many mills nru rins ing or redlining time. WITHOUT CATHODE BAYS. True Pictures Made Without the Aid of Tubes -Purely Magnetic Sine Prof. Iloentgen'a discovery of pho tography by means of tho cuthode rays, the most Important n'siiltat lu th line of investi gation hav recently I sen obtained by Will, lam 1). Criiml ie, au assistant lu the I'm tod States laboratories In New York. Mr. Crumble has lately shown that tha Itoertgen pictures, o-oitlod, may Ih ob tained without the use of the tubes, and, then'fore, without tho cuthode rays, which wr supposed to be absnlutcly t'saentiiil to the process. The results of Ids experiment without light are -pictures not aliadown clear lu form and outline. 11" began his Investigation with tho as sumption that tho pictures were produced not by the rays, but by some Influence lu the magnetic lb-Id. His experiments have shown to him the truth of thin theory, though he frankly admits that ho Is U'lUblo to detluo the iiilluence w hich him produced such an toiilhhiiig results. Beduolng the Defloit For tho third time during the eight month of thin llscul yeur the monthly treasury atate niunt ahowa a aurplua ol receipts over ex- tieitditurea. It is very Hinall, amounting to mt 127.H40. The total deficit for the tlacal year thu fur U 1 1S.B58.537, CENSURE OF BAYARD. The House Foreign Affairs Comaltte iclse the Ambassador. Chnlrmnn II Ut, of th Foreign fomniitttw! on Tuemlny reported to tl: tlm preamble and resolutions ngpivl tho ForelKn Affair ConnnlttH cet Ambassador Bayard for portion of madont E liubitrKh and lu.ston. t pmiyinth preamble and r"8olutlo brief roport, whleh wt forth that Mr. ard did liinko th" "-is-lie roul tho features! n lie if oil to be llonnble, and aaving that no had lx"n taken by the government th' Thr preamble emitalns tli extrai ts of whleh brought forth the r solution iiibjept in th" House nml tlwy nro fo by thu following ridiitloii lecommoiii th eotnrnitte: "ltesilved. That It Ih th feiisp i Hull" of liepresentntlve that Thol! Ilnynnl, ambimsador of the I'uiled Sti (iri-nt lirltiiln. In publU-ally using tin ifuae p mt ed has eoinmilted uu t ak'alnst iliplomatle propriety ami an ah the privilege) of his exuult.'d position. liotild make him th representative whole country mid imt of any politi-al Sueli utl'-rani '-s are wholly lin'on-H.-in that prudi'tit, delimit" and s.Tiipul..i. d'TV" whleh he himself, while Seeretn Stat", enjoy.'d iism all diplnmatl" Uk"' th" I'nlti'd Htat.-s. In oil" sp"ei-lt he .e a f p at body of his eontitryiii"ii, who I. Ill the pnll.'V of prntl'i'lloll'. Ill til" otll' offends ail Ills eoiiiitrymen W ho Is'lleve Ani'Tlenns ar" eanabl" of self-k'overui Therefor, ns tho Immediate p'pp s-'iiti of th" Amerii'iin people ami in their i. we eondemn nml eeiisure said t.tteriiiii-' Thomas 1". l!ay:ird. Hesolved further. That In t!i" opu l th" Holts of llepp-si'titallvi-s. publie p es by our dlplomatl" or eoiiitlar ol abroad whleh display pnrti.-au-hlp or v eondemn any pnliti.-al party or puny p nr ormii.-atloii of i Itn-.'-ns in the' 1 Stat"s np' in d"n'll"tinn of th" duty of olll""rs, Impair their usefulness nn 'rvmits, and diminish tli" eoiill'b'in'" i they should always eomtnand at In'ni. abroad. A minority report containing th" vl. the members of the committee oppos the resolution will. It Is expected, ab presented. A CASHIER KILLED. li" "ll ml of to be Two Different Money Institutions Attacked in Broad Daylight Two robbers entered the City in bank, of Wichita Falls, Texas, Ti and demanded the money of i'nshir P who resisted thein. Shooting began, ing In th death of fnsnicr Prank 1 and the wounding of I)ookkc r P. P. ford. Langford'a wciinds are imt s Is-ing sIIkIii llesh wounds. The robbers d only a few hll ml red dollars in They then mounted their hors" nml run for their live. liy this time citizens had armed themselves, and a battle took place. On of the robber.' was shot from under dim, and It is bi tho roblsT was woitiiled. 11" mount bind his part inT. and about on mil town they met n farmer In a buggy, took hU Iiothc nud mad a break hills. Tho two men who robls-d tho City N bank nt Wichita Fulls, Texas, Tue niurli.rd fiiKhler llorsry were ' tl . I t r , if h. bill lay ley, lilt, sey I Ig nis, ii r- V.T. I" a unv nail rs.-.s veil Ihh ro;n h"V th jii.iI and hod 1 be the noted out un. i ... raw for i, mnl hia ootnpnnlon waa n farm hand from tear here, known by the name of "The Kid." They worn captured Wednesday night lln miles from town after a light of mi hour. A daring but unsuccessful effort was ma 1 to rob tho Merchants and Planters bank of Warren, Ark. About 8:30 o'clock the the men entered the bank, mid two of them went behind the enclosure where Mr. Adnlr, the cashier, was seated. In conversation with T. M. l.ooilwlii nud Ii W. Sutton. Their llrst mlutatinii was: "Hold up your hands." Mr. Adair sprang for bis pi.-'l"l, when th men commenced shooting, nml Mr. (..). Iwin received what Is thought to be a mortal wound, and Mr. Adair was shot through the shoulder. He returned the p- and evident ly wounded ore of th" men. as when h rod" off ll" was S"T1 to IhJ bleeding. The tiring of tho pistols startled the citi zens, who came running from all directions, ami the rohbiTs w.T" forced to retire with out necomplishing their object. As they rmie out of town they kept up a fu-llladc oi shots nml went out northwest nf town. The plans wep. well laid, ami no dnnl-t the bank would have Iwim looted I ut for the prompiu'ss of Mr. Adair with his pi.-tol. THIS SETTLES IT. The Next G. A. R. Encampment Will Be at St. Paul. Adjutant (ieneral llobbius authorize! the publication of the following paragraph from general orders: The Comiiiiinder-iii-Cliief Announce tiuit th Chicago Op'at Western liallway, having granted the time limit of days, lu the ter ritory of th'i Western Passenger A-soeiation and the Wisconsin Central, the Minneapolis nud St. Louis mid th" Sioux railroads, hav ing also ugrcd to give the same uniform rate of 1 cent per mile to and from St. Paul for 13 days, with the privilege of a l.Vdays' ex ten lion to thus" who deposit their ii"k"ts with the railroad agent at St. Paul before the expiration of the llrst bi days, thereby secur ing to all who may attend tin- same rates nml extenslotiM heretofore given -the thirtieth nn until encampment of tin' (.rand Arm v of the It. public will be held at St. Paul, Miim., the llrst week III September, as provided ill general orders Xo. it, ', S. MOTORS FOB KAILS. Horseless Wagons to Be Introduoed in the Mail Service. Horseless mall wagons will noon be used in all the large cities of the I' lilted Stilted. The credit for tho application of the liorseless tlectrii! motor currlag to the mail service belongs to fieooud Assistant Postmaster-fino- erul Nellnoii. He has for several mouths Is-eu studying the project, and a few days ago completed the plans for tho novel carriage. It u now lu course ot construction ami will be completed very soou. The dimensions o tills new wagon will bo Vi foci long, 0 feet Wide and a trillo over li feet high. It will simply be a small postollk-o on wheels. It will lie fitted up precisely iw in tt mail car, except that the scale will be smaller. The body of the wagon will b hung on springs and counter springs, and the wheels shielded with heavy rubber tires. For a long tiiiui (leu. Xellson has been engaged In making in vestigations of the various ineuns by which the mails may be transported. These Invettl gutloiu. included street curs, pneumatic tube and the electric horseless wagons. It I s , now been (lellnltely dei'lded by the postof e department to employ the horseless wag ns in the transportation of the mails in city i id country districts where there are no rail uy lines and where the service can be liuprr'cd by making "separations" (assorting the t dl) UHween offloes while in truusit. ltisliii 'id ed to place the horseles wagons In ae Ice in cities which oover a large area and .ere ' 'sb pa rations" between four or five, atloua greatly facliltate mall delivery. I f Summary ef the Most Important Matt Presented In Both Honses. atxTT-arco!D it. In thciwnai to-dav. during th mo-, hour, a motion wa mnlo by Mr. M . (Ii"., Vt.) ehalrn an of llm nnn.,,.o. tt- t", to tak up tU hotwn tariff bill. Ho , ed ntt"iitloit to th dell, b nelinof tho re,, under thHexIslliig tiriff Lnw and aald aomethlnir dhojld Iki dmm to rcllev.. tnasury department, and to rcvlv th l nss Intop-sLs of the eoitntrv. Tin' e,t, nava wr demanded bv H.'m.toin st, -. (Pop.. Xev.) and Teller Hep., I'm.) mi motion was p.Jeeli-d. Veas, -.; nays, llniiscl. hoiu promptly pw.se,' Indlnii appropriation bill us amended one demainled a gepiiriito vol In tit li, on the I, It. ton sectarian , h amend:t,. "r I to In the eomuiitto r,f th" wh Mr. HliiKley, i hnirman of th" wav means eommltt"", then called up the' reported from, that eommit.tr Mm lllltllorl.ltig the president o eoliett, votiatlons with llusslu. Entflnnd and .1,, or either .f them for a eommlscl,,,. lu'iulr Into th" hnblis nt tt... ii,,.i,... h" K. to "f It seals, nml th" l-st method of preservin seal herds. p"tnlliu. whi'-li the pp-ldci,! nuthori'd by the bill ,, enu.Mnd" an,. Vivendi, to t'-rmin.-it" January 1. ls-j-i f,,r I Tot'S'ti in ,,f the seals iiii, I 1,. ..... a modus Vivendi could not I. emii linl,. ' fore the opening f the t p'sei.t ..,..,.. seeretary of the trea-ury wim autliori;.. take and kill all the noils h , t i ti if kToumls on Hi.. l'Mi.(l..f i. i i I III was pa-- .,l u-'ih,,,,! ,,.i,,.. " ' SIXtV-THtKl. T.' In th"sem,t.. yr. All.',, , p., p.. S-,.,) ed asubstitut,. f..r the pi mting fuban r lutlnti. It nu:hnrL:e and p -.pilr- th- p. dent to l.sue a pp lam.iil,,n r iili. lmle.e:d, i, f the republic of !,.., asked tha' the resolution lie .in the tahl" Mr. itmePin presented t the senat" s'tlll,.ii of ll, . (lii,ss Unit!,. Jilowers' ii-. t on of the I nil". Stat..,, ami Canada, nr there eilllctment of tho free Colnag" Inn", th" rati.. ..f 10 I,. . A bill was Introduced bv Mr. Hal,. f,,r. appolntm, nt ,.f n. o. ti. Howard im h enant ir"m ral on the retired list ,,f the ar- lu the hoii-,. th- sp.'ak.T laid l-dup' inembrrsth-lil,,,, ,.,, . . W, w ill. 'It th" '..iV.Tiiiiien! niav l.rn.L' ,,it ... i nut pntentsi,, hmd Issu, I under any rnilr with senate am. , or wagon r..ad giant, 1 tiients. sixrv-iot tan im, Senator Pp-t.,r, of Vermont, nddressed Melllll" to-,.ly ,, tlf Ill-Mi"!! of c...'1-t reuses. Hie senator s former service as . P tary of war gave added l'lb r. s; to u. in.. in-, in (i,m "ours" of lii. said: "It would be ntii'-h b"tt p'tiiiirk--r to ppiv i'i loniiieat Ions nt ac st so less than the cxp-ns' of making our i anything like e.pml t that of lireiit P.nt , liiiismu.-li ns il is univrsullv admitted V the land fortill.'iitlmis will 'nm ler our -, Impregnable. ' he needs nt the eoiilitrv i peal to Coi,gre..s f,,r aetl i, this direct: . . e- oouili1.es,. capital represented , pr.,.. ! th,a, 11,1 destmycl l.y bmuhurdmeiit , I peals to us; the unit, rial Int -rets ,,f . wh' l" natinit that wmtld be alTectcl bv t' d"..irii"tl,,n, appeal to us; ,ir common Vi . appeals t, i us. we ,.n ,.ir..,.t our pun.. -more cheaply now than hereaft-r. I.ct I'royldesuitiil.lefnrtllicallniis ami render harbors Impregnable. Whatever works made will be sin h that additions can fn. time to time be mail" to them, to make th, them eipial to withstanding the advance, science. If we do this. W" will receive tL eonuii-ndation of th" whole country, sixrv-i it Tii iiav.x The Kjieaker laid before the hou n spouse from the secretary of war in P'plv th" r.-solutlon of the nt;-, ,mt-i directing ,, to furnish Itilorinalloii and e.-tlmates relati,. to the cost of making a survey of the out;, of l.uke I.rle ainl other lakes and rlvm 1 1 chief engineers repeats a former stat"t.. i that a thorough investigation should ct.;. . illlieiei. .. , HUlU' l. ... . ,.tM.itl.-n ft , . t," c'.iiti' , H( v,.,,,, yi.:s. 'il. tl. III. Sll uiu vs . luvcsiigiitioii will .'.is nnpri is X V ll'llll TI.U.OOU 111 -tll.l.OUU. . hlXtV-SIXTII LAV. '1 Irst pr hl.leutial v-to of this l-ess,in coin s was overriden by the ho.il-e to-.iH j l.y a ot I'.ih to IIS- l nmr.' thnju the r ipilsi :u 1. wo-thlnls. All the lii'pubmeiiiiH IL icrats -Voteif fur the bill. Cvlllle t uistiiln the president were ail , , crats. Tlie bill authorizes the g Voles bv He! ernor lid local oIIIcts o A:izotui Iducalional lands of the ! territ tease me 'iiiucaiioiim tamis oi me t for school 'I'ltrposes. The presid.-iJI's ol j tioti to the bill was that It did let give : secretary of the Interior power to di-nippr the leases and did imt throw proper mi guai'ds about the timber on the Inn. Is. i tho house to-day liepresentative Hopkiu lllluois introduce, 1 it bill itppmjriat I ?.)IH1,IM for the e.-tabll-lillieiit of a bra' I mint at lib-ngn. The house tln-n lit i: ! eommltte of the whole and n-.-umeil : j cui.-iileration of th legislative, excctit. ami Judh'tul ;i'propriati"ii bill. BED CROSS VICTORY. An I m pit if. 1 Order Permitting Mi is Bart to Distribute Aid in Armenia. An lmper.:il iru lc lias I ecu i.stn p, -r i ting 511-s Clara IJartoh, pr.sldei.t of t American lied Cross soch ty and lilr r j r si-ntativcs, to travel in Anatolia nn.l I. tribute relief to sufferers there. I' iiitcd States Minister Terrell iiec'impniii Mi-s liarloii ami her ( arty to Selumik. I'lilted States Minister Terrell at foushi tinople has advised Sccn-taiy Htn ;J bv ea that the inhabitants i f the town or Zl.-t.n. mid vicinity are suffering front tho ruviu." nf smallpox and other disensis aiid arc want of food 11" says Unit rsliej exp'-.. tions are lining out ns fast as postiliie. t thai progtissts neci ssarily slow aid iim -i tain, be an-" the valleys are i!c. In n. nud almost linpnssiil I". while the iotint:i lire tilled with snow and the wc:it.. r i-: usually cold, 'lh" liittish vl etiisul I. sent relief to llarpoot. met the sullliu ha sued an iiiipi'ilal drcree forwardig prob tioti and onl'Tiiig other fa.-lliti. h for M llartoii lu h"r Work of distributing relief. Threo Thousand More Slain. Th Anglo-Armenian Assoeiatit I of I.' don Iiils n ivcil a telegram from onstati tuple wliieii says that .'I.OiiO Armeiians im been massiicred at Arabkir, un thai t widows ami orphans of those klbsi hp terrible distress from hunger and i;.l. 1 ili.- at.-h also says that the Arun-iinns of ' vas and f esiin u are in ilally fearof miu--cre. Forced foiiver-lons to Isinnism u general rhrouglioiit the Asiatlo pr rluccs. ITEMS OF INTEBEST. The Csceola amydolold ooppr vein I undoubtedly Inimi struck on the Tecum company's property, uur llaughon, Ml Juan Y. Vertitgu, a Spanish mer'haitt, h been arnttted ut Ibarra. Slexloq on tl i-hargo of committing a 410,000 robbery Kpalu ten yean ago, Th Loudon "Chronicle" edlt.rlally A lieves the disruption of the Salvalou at .' will follow the death of Ueue.ai . through family dissensions. y I V A big Hud of Iron ore Is reported friSmi m J.OUIS HJlllll, ..111IU., w ii:u IB Miniij r tr richest iiiscovory mudu ou the Nif" r Mluiicsotu ranges. . Tho Chinese Minister of War har ri tS 1 .u,..l.lluh 1., .IOT.,p...t ..u . kI CL lj n.i.if.ii... ,u M.ii' l'n,it , - acitoois, m wuieit Dun tans win r.s.v-i tury iraiuing uuuer loretgn oiuceii- Mrs. B. V. IlarkuesH, Riven M,000 to the ', s, of Ncv 'or? '-'il College foir Toi'" J I ilverslty ail oitlT;. U'liMturit Wi4tiisrvM I'ltl vtinatt v Tlm moiitiv U to be ub1 to undi iwt o V,Jl1 lliblcul instruction. ,'.'')JI Tl, 1..,.i.uu., ... .... . V. u. .Jufl it., .. J preparation ot a resolution, w libs j : submitted to congress, provi Uli( (- registration oi protoaiaut mar if is M. J lie i I u