-f: r: minim i mj Ull' X in l St II,, Ik- 'mt. pleasant mills. nv. E E. Gilbert of Tort rton is spomlin a week t the , of ber parents, Jos. Lenich's ' i. Hfnnffd. Jr.. who had been Lr several weeks, is able to be f f H,. TTnwnll w Btrnm . . w.. " . . Alt. orf Hnlinoa of k0 B1C-K Hfc.... Y . ,town will move 10 mm v"" kv next....uev. u. 11. oi-v-.... . i i. nr. Ttl.r Hard. upnincu uj m. -- " - itllo daK"tcr 01 iieutj ..... mle a several iUy visit lat to ColebrookJiile, Berks Co 'nn.llonl IUm of the Fremont ll cfferctl a bottle f-f beer as a Ird for the apprehension of his noiueter, wliuli uunuR ruM snap, jumpea irum ti, wall outside the bar- (i where it has hung for upwards At a dozen years, .ml success- made his escape. .htcourso due south. Several " n road he was met by . Mt. iirnu who inmnroii Jest iimtion. TUe oniy n-i-.y ..mt Florida for a bettor !nte." This sudden departure of friond mi la lie-irieu, hlaas to great inconvenience. r ow unable town, wuen to set out for sale miuu-i without freer in K. If his where- . i 1 1 1 . i n wi 1 1 Air l.l..runnl B1UUIIJ icmuvv. f lB . .. . l. will advertise in some ' oipal Florida papers. of ant ..V CENTRE VI LLE. lfn'fm ItitUr visited Isaac nl i. ....r MtllllllHll K Oil numt J . SI i.o viHiien ner jr. ... , i , .Too Gearuart oi ;ui;iui.i. Kmiiliiv J. H. Lonj ,.rSpriutf visited f fiends (fives here over Sunday.. Li.:.,!,..! nfMi lltnuurs accuuunu by a Mr. Catlu-rmau vin on Suuday....Miss Ella ,,kel is visiting nor imwi Mohn of Muldiouurs.... Ta riff ltiichley taught the Oram- School several days last week lo the teacher attended court as ,Vor . . . . lather tho youngest Khter of Moses Freedumn and j died la's; Thursday. Her re- i CAnanfmi far ins were taKeu iu fial. . .Virginia daughter of LUas inner and wife is very wrwuMj Jso Mr. P. ,0. Uowersox, auu tino ... Messrs utw ver Sun.i iveiv. i. .77"u he local institute i..", ia , marl scuooi on r naay evo.-i ll sc ccesa. The most intfr. leatin-o was an excellent adHs LinevuMinsJU by co. aupr. w r . . .1.. ... ix. wuicu was gruuiiy hiujk i- y evi Coi att. aiu mo (St Ic nti b.r art le bft( in am in a Ri Olt d:i. 1 Vie eve th- wif par 1k sev sufl till) crfi sch Th am Ali me K L-l wit I liove strut nidi', out r llllOl tl O tT I lliiltl H(l t ast week at Middleburjr was n by West Beaver people ey all report, having learned than they ever knew before ?n how queer it is).. ..Henry . talks of having an oper- erformed shortly on his eyes. (in if one taken out and an d one put in its place.... i Stonnitiircr's little boy fell rdsand run a darning needle ( shoulder, tho needle broke ont an inch and a half re in the shoulder. He suffers a b'al of pain from the effects has been reported that J. J. is about to buy th field ad his place from 0. W.Fisher o Isaac Baker tract. ALINE. Debating Society at Pleasant chool closed on last Tuesday g....Mrs. IT. A. Ebrightison k list. . .Mr. Henry Bower and ere the welcome guests of his ts on Sunday. .. .Last Satur rs. Benjamin Brocious had a attack of rheumatism. She id intense pain. Tho pain at drawed on her heart which iu d the agony.... The spelling 1 given by H. E. l'oitzline on tdiiy evening proved a succetM Aas largely at tended.... The school will (jive an entertain near tho close of tho term. t winter Mr. lo. A. Mills, of on, ('nei., wn Imilly nfilicteil lllMlllllttiHlll. At tlllll'H ft WHS PO that tin could not ttitud up it, lut wns drawn ovi-r on oiih I trii-d dilTi'DMit rt'iiii-dicK with Ivinif relief," hi says, "until U iiK'tithx iiiro I Ixm'lit a hot 'hiunherlaiirs I'uiii Huliii. Af iK It for three days my rheti- was Kniieund liat not return '. For sale !y ull drutlut. Christian .Stin S rofnla f.7ust Use the Kiiife Said the burgeon, but Dr. David Ken nedy's Favorite Remedy was taken and the Knife Avoided. The Union and Advertiser of Ilochen tr, N. Y., recently published th f. lowing interesting account of how W. W. Adams of 437 Mouth avenue, that city wa saved from n pnlnful opera tlon by the use of Dr. D.ivid Kennedy' Favorite Heme ly. Mr. Adams savs : "Three vears niro I was taken with kidney dlseato very badly ; at times I was completely prostrated ; In fact, was s It. id that the day was set for the doctors to perform an operation upon me. Hut I decided I would sithmlt. J hud heeti put In hot. water hatlis, mid in fm t. nearly every mean w tried to help me. Upon the day set for the oner atlon I commenced the ii!e of llr. Oavld Kennedy's Favorite Heinedv. ami from that moment derail to gain and It was not loriif before I v, en- tlrely cured and have had no return of the trouble slime. My weiirht has Increased and I never was mo well ns I am now, I have recommended DR. DAVID KENNEDY'S xAVORITE REMEDY to many people, for It naved mv life." In speaking to Mrs. Adams, cite itjd About a year lino I was in u very feeble ittiite of heulth, beinvf couiiei. ly run down. 1 Intel doctored em-M. erublv, but without permanent relief. One day one of my neihlior udvUed me to take Dr. David KennedyV Fa voiite Keuiedy, which I did My trouble wms dypeii, uinl for a hui while I whs iinabl- to hoiihout at ull; lint utter t ikiie; ii few doni-s roiiiiii it ly ctireii. mi l now IT "oil heulth.'' Iluiidreili, of men mid worn -n "villi tliut 'run d.nvu ' C'linlilioii. ti i I'd to work, hiiv- i ivered lie.rili nil ftreiith tlir.iiii.-li l In-. re-iinUulile remedy. ( l.l-tl.' til" '..o.. st:r the liver not kiln-vs f.i a heulthv action. In -iff of I'lieiiiuiiii.iii. ki I ney, liver and ii- tin. i'v tn.nbl. f.. it i ll well known peeille. wns njoy ADMINIST11ATOR8' NOTICE. Let. ters of MdlliinlRtratlnn In at .. Hln.nk t. .... . . . .. . ' ' ......... . . nviiirrin w-K!inii)wn.ni), Nntder Co. I . Hro d. h.Unc hwtn vranicl to th iinrt.r. fl "," I"" n lonwln lhimiwlri Inditlit. ... ... ..in .-ii,ia are r.iift, in niKkA Imme- r. 1 -k . "Sflns rlnlnmwlll r.-,.. .Mem nut auineniipnicd lo the Under op nea. THOMAS ROtlt.RH. I A TIIAItINK MII.I.RK, oec. i. s. Artmlnmtmtoni A IMlNlSTKATHIX'MNOTICK. Let ters of nilinliiiiit mtlnii In t 1 IIOS. J. SMITH. IhIk ol Mid.llrl.nnrh, Nnrder 1 0.1 ...lf-r .1, hnvln nrrn k runlet to th nmlrr 'i liM. nil jn-rwinp kiiowliiH IhriiKi-lvm ImlrMml to Mill r.isf.. nrr rrqii. ir,( ., niftke mrilimn pnymont, while Ibn.e hnvlnic rlmmnKlll prrnent tltftn duly niitliontlrntp.t In tin. iin,!.'r.li(iip,. l.l..IK M. MM I I II, M l.ll..l.ii..K Jn. HO. M. Admlnl.iirl ADMINISTHATUIX'S NOTICK. Ut ters of ndininixf rutin,. In .i.i. DAVIIl II. WII.T. lute iilri Snyder enmity, fn., dec d. iiiivihk Invii Krunled to the iiii.i.-rltriieil. nit iM.ru.im kn.mlnif them 'lve tni..,i(., t (.aid estate nre reiitieided lo llliike liimie.lliiti. iiiirtit. while tli.me hnvlnir e hiliiiM will t.rec. i.t them duly utlieiil nted lo I he tlnil.T-lK'licd NAD 01 e U'liT Jan. .10, "M. A.illilnlsliiilrlT Notice. .Im-.ih V. llorTmiin nf Port Trevrrlnti, I'ii.. ..11 III"' I'tll 1 if iMvetiilierlHin. ftxxlirlii.fi I.. II... .....I..r. ttiie. nil liixpr..Tl.v. rent, im imoumI uml mixed ... ,.,,.,,, , ,x en-iiiuirx. All llinsi. whii ....... iiii'iiixeiM-ft Ilul. l.l.-.l lo the mild .liu-nh K. ll.itTiiiiiii. t.y iH.tid, n.iielXHik. ..'.. nut or In nv lit her Wil.v Will lilriiX" imII 11H..11 II,.. in ,i..r.i.-,,..;i UHHlnee anil .ny the Milne wit li..,t ,t,.v. ,, ..... " l.oNU. Axxl(iiee. nf .liie.ih K. Ili.rrini.il Srllnx ;r,'. I'ii.. vr. :ic, lw.ir. ICttlD. ! .,., rj OUO 'l rni-iii.. ADAMSliUKO. inch has Ktiirted m like a lion we liopo it will jo O'lt like u ..On Monday uiK-". tin friends und neiuhbors of Jac. er gave him a birthday surprise. . rr. 1 4 1 n wt'io it picHuni. ah" j Uuml rendered some of tin-it L e music for tho occasion. IIuv- 111 taken of u royal supper prepur- . 1 1 i .11., y .nrs. r elKer.nu reiui iicn uumu !t i inly hour John D. Houser cd Ulow Ueavortowu on last s.luy to Johnson Haines' farm. Cbus and Ed. Hackenborg have aicJ from Va., where they had some weeks ago to work in the mine, iheir report is 1101 ou- ftRinjf for otlwtrs to go there Lutli.S. School obsurvod foreign Ision day 011 last Sunday evouini Haui'l Werner made a trip to oiia.,..W. F. Hain'" rn list kat?axinos ft8Hi3tiLl; '. Gcist horso sale Mrs. Andrew fcr ofSuxton is visitiup fiionds lis plwe Rob t Muldlesworth lursini a soro finger caused by a orncd heifer strikin)? tho linger inst tl.e wall, while Mr. M. was ling it by the ear Quito a ..bur ufour citizens will move y from this place in tho spring. 11 great mistake to rely upon the uTC n potab remedies with WnlCl . -for Mfttltllv tr hlnn . eases. It is aim, .. ..cm h take a remc-' dy which is only a tonic, and cannot possibly touch a real blood trouble. Scrofula is a stubborn and deep-seated diseusc of the blood, and all of the min eral mixtures in the world cannot cure it. S. S. S., a purely vegetable com pound, gets at the rout of the disease and permanently rids the system of it. It is a rval blood remedy, for real blood diseases, and has no equal. Here is au interesting case where the doctors were absolutely at sea. Mrs. Y. T. Buck is the highly esteemed wife of a well-known and prosperous fanner residing near Del.mey, Arkansas. I'or twenty-five years she has been trou bled willi 11 deeti-seiitcd blood disease that bullied the ill of the doctors. She says: "Some doctors called my trouble Iiezema, some Salt Kticuni, and others Scrofula, nnd though their treatment continued for ycurs. they could not cure tne. I then began taking various medi cines, an 1 took nearly every advertised TEST BEAVER. n rii'm 011 last Friday night some datntigo for T. F. Swine. by nuking heavy washes a 1 his barn Ww. O. Suiith is onfiicd to tho house from his bick. ess... .Rov. Treaster is 0 bo iround again from his lato tpell.. . .Jacob htb is improving . irhe institute that was to d rt McCluro on last Satur. vi pstpoued on account of a 1 so f diphtheria in town 'rtl Inep (tho Hall blacksmith) 'vL ti w D his possesion tho lato o.l ixnn'u TTiii mlvicn on nil (i r f.uu f. . - it oiv, are free of chargo .... stI (roll of honor last week te uv go. That rocs to show, -ft 1 - L A 1 1 . A . .on ifi.nu us piospuruy is 1. . Al she defeated candidates L satisfiad.. Whvt... J i0 f v m - - - " - - "CI.lL. I "V,' if 1 o r if- I And Popular Magazines FOR THE HOME. 5X.r ' PRAFKC LCSLEE'S O0PUL.AR Jl MONTHLY Contalm each Month i Ok'tnil Watrr Color l"ronllftpltFc i lil Ounrt.i I'Drx of li n.llni; Mailer; KM) New end tlli-li-tlii Illustra tion; Mora Literary Mult.r un.l llluiitra- nuns limn any t'tner rincnrino in America. 25 tt. ; Jul ear. Frank Leslie's Ksasait Boars FOR DOYS AND CIRLS. A prlfflit, VhuWiinn, Juyi.nll.i Sr..ntnly. Fully l!!iiMtruf..'l. Th.. I.eit wrto-rs f..r v..uinf tieuplo u..ntrlliul.i I.. It. 10 I'tii. ; (I uyrar. 6E3D AUIL-C;UTT:0B3 TO Geo. W. Waijenseller, 'middleburgh, pa. Undoubtedly the Best MO tfersj rrfrniln Frank- Is-l'.-'n HMMitnti tt.wr, .V.r., or flw jllitfUr.irf.i It rmium l.ut.tin. 'lTKIl Si-vi-rul IniMtw.irlliv triiv.-liii fiviiifviviiiiii fur . t.i.iish,., r.-ll.il..' liniiM.. 4,i.ir frmi uti.l r...i-i". Mcmiv .(m. ll.m. Ii.l..-.. r.'t.Mi-ii.'.. 11 11. 1 wlr ii.l.lri'fs.Ml l.llll.'. 1'IIV. ,.!.( -',, l,,iii!iil,,n i',,ii....i I'liinl l'.i.ir. omali.i 1IM -. fill, 111 I'J-lv-'vri. Simon S. II it- iii.ui. ,,f Tiiiiii.-ltnii. Went Va.. Ii.-mb..,n Milij.'.-f f inttacUs if i'uiii. 11I1, mt ..I v.-iir. mid wi.uld have to en 1 1 11 'tor und tln-n .nlTer for about tw i'lv.. boot--. ,m mn.-li uh noilio do wli.Mi tli..y di.. 1 1 . Ii it .ik i'ii reeently Jnt tb t:iui a at otber tinifn, and coiii'lud".! to try I 'lia.nb.'r Iain's Culii'. Cliob-ra and Diarrlio.'n Ki'ine.ly Me nays : "I t . , o 1 d . of it and it gave in.' relief in tlv min utes. I'll it Is iiii.ie than; imy thing elst has ever iloin- for inc." I'or m,iI by nil druggintn. A f.i nil Ti linnili . Init.iiil r. ll. f i'i.i il.'ii 1 aii I 11 p.'T iii.ui. nf euro l.v Ilic iiiiist ...tv nil, 1 i. ,ii. ,t inn. (v in III., w.'ill - ill,, s fiMv tin- Lin,... Timmi ill,. tif. Mi1viMi1jf.11 1 mult,, 1,. 1,, nrll.iii' v.. ill !H"I I'Mi.rs wim, m il LmtIIiI.' h;i, Idi.i; ,-iii..'Ii II llriiii.ii. In. . hill.', fii .i.l." .ici'lil t'll lll-ll i.l 11 five .in.i, Imlll,. I.t IIHS lO'l'i. t .-..ll .ll. i i r.'l IV 1S Nl MM i s'liu.i . 'i 1, i' ii .1 1 . ii .ir ti ii'"-wi utii 1, .... lllli.M'iii.' Is ii.. ....M Ini ii rv T . . w 11 1111,1 in.;.,.' .'ii 1.1 .illiniu m. .ihiii.' Ins', l.ariri li'.t'l.'s.'Mi.' unit :,; WANTED r the CHASE NURSERIES FNFIMJFTir MFN U 'lu'tt nril-ri f..r wr I. r-1 rfurtrry Httnk hrnaa. and ulitrr to th rM s hmile, nr cmmtiisiiti t" l-i ral ftftt-ntf). li riitiifnt m plupurnt. Til Iiu'miiims mljt Ii-rnt1 A-1.tr. -n Thr U.U.i II h VO. FOK MEN- THE MECHANICAL CUKE. nir, uiir.Aiw 1 jiiiu.n ever given t.iMilTering mini. It curfs Ininotcni isriiiiin, or emissions ami varico- eelO us If by iiliigle, Alter uil it otn-i' yi.n will hli. mt l.iirekn, for all 1 r.. 11 1 lie vaiiihln-M iiinin-iliati'ly ami you are a until iiiiiii. It ilouli,.N Sexual 1 owor nml iiM'i.'Ms.'M Mi. of tin. parts 1 1 Is not 11 ilnur or v. 111 pump, but 11 w..inb-i fii nml srieiit in., iippliunei) ili-i'..ver il by 11 plili'i.in, biiiiselt 11 -ull.-ier, ninl alter 1 1. had m-nrlv ruin- l-l llllllM'ir Willi .: i-.lllll.llis llril.'S. A vot, 1 IJrugs ir y..i .v. r ex p. it to re e h it It is liariiili'ss nml nt . - r lie Vt'M t be ilihi'iis.'. Mon.'V i'1'tiii in'.! v. Ii, r,. cm ,. js M,( i n. .'ii..i. Mi" 1 warn. nt. 11 to .-lliemiy ene. S. in in i.lain. well nleil pnekngi' Willi full iiihli uetions I'rir.. AVOil. Address MECHANICAL CUBE CO.- Omaha Bldq CHICAGO. ILL. 1 .'-ii :i'n... ' SPECIAL SA AT : WEIS'. : SELINSGROVE. We will have a special sale of DRESS GOODS. Saturday, March 14, 1896. As usual wo will allow u discount of 90 npr ppnt from our nrosciit low m-im. mi nil n I..10J 1 .....I . 1. . . 1 4 ........ jHnrnuMni.i (Ml I IICISIMI on 1 ho above mentioned day for cash. This sale includes all our Dress (loods in stock, namelv : HENRIETTAS. CASHMERES, SiUKUKS. CLOTHS, SILKS. Worsted and Cotton DRESS GOODS. S. WEIS, Selinsgrove, Pa. Liberal Adjustments Prompt Payments. REMEMBER H. HRRVEYSCHDCH, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, IS E .Ll INS U J lO V !J , 1 Ap Only I lie Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies, Kire, Life, Accident and Tornado. No Assessments No Premium Notes. The Aetna Founded A. I)., 1S1! Assets ftl,o:.V:i.SS u 1In"1 is. " !,sr:J,i;2S.5i 44 American " 1SI0 44 .0!l.rS 1.5:1 The Standard Accident Insurance 0). MM... t . i u me icw ioi'k J4I1C insurance 'j. riic Fidclitij Mutual Life Association. Your Patronage Solicited. in 'AW MRS. Y. T. BUCK. blood remedy. One esecially wliirli ma lies sucu large claims lor curing dis eases ot t.ieblooil. I drank bv the whole sale, but it did not teem to reach uiy trouble. A celebrated apeciulist said lie could cure uie and I paid him in ud Tance, but he Hlled me full of arsenic and I became bloated and my digestion so bail tuat lite was a misery. 1 then apjlicl to Dr. W. C. Dabncy, an old practitioner and medicine manufacturer, vlio advised ine to take S. S. S., (saying mat one uozcu Dottles would cure me. 1 took four bottles and my body broke out hi hoili nnd eruptions, but the doctor told me that thei.e symptom were vcrr favorable, an this is the. way the medi cine pets rid of the poison mutter perma nently. After I had used Kiz bottles the eruptions bejjan to disappear, tny appe tite improved, my dijjoi.lion became all riht, and having finished the twelve bottle, I am perfectly healthy, my bkin is clear, the capillary circulation in good, and I wouUi not be in my former condition for two thousand dollars." 8. S. S. never fails to cure a blood ti inble. Scrofula, eev.ema, rlieunmtistn, ccutagious blood poison, ami in fact any di. order of the blood is promptly wiped on. ( nd cunM by it. Do not rely noon n sin. le tof'c to cure a deon seated blood disoi ir, but take a real blood remedy. S. S, S. has made some wonderful cui et " cancer, and we would be pleased to Ben 1 fn'.l accounts of game to any ad dress! We will also mail our books ou blood ud skin diseases upon applica tion. Iwift S".l ', .if I'n Atlanta l".a Piano to Bo Given Away Tin. puIMi-Imtm or Tin: 11 U'l'V 1I..vk w, i,: .. mi i'l.'i;jii ii!i.'.i..m. I l'irilii I'ijii.i. . al '..i..i. nl-.iiil.' li.'.. ... Hi.. ii -,iii .....rin, t In in l lit' lar .'.".I INi i,i u nrils i, -.1 rin-1 . n .m tlir l.'il.-is i-.iiil ilm-il la Hi.' iiala.' . 1 iIm Ii' v, . ; known iiiiil"iiii..ii. "TlIK llAI'l'Y 1I.HIK." Allll'tl.iUMl rt ..'llls. l'lr::'lU' l.r 11 ' I'll', til.lll Wllli llI'M. Mlv.'l' U ill. i.f i. S.'tt III:; Ma.'l.ll... MUSIC llnV. Silk lll. si-. I'l.llill l, 1. 1.. - .S. I. h',. IIIHHV V.l.lll..' Illl.l llni'llll ni l ,.1. s. III Hi-, i ... UWlllMI'll III lil'.l.'l' III IIH I II. I.li.l I'M I'V I.TM.l. i..'.i.iin it... i.-i. iiii.ii icii ii i.r.is iviu ii'c.'ii.' a pri'H.'ht of viilu... I s., i iilior pliiinl nr slnu'iilar noi'is. inn ...i im.ui. aim ii. i i. ii.'r in. ir. tun. tllllll II llpl'IMirS III III.' l.'Xl, "TlIK II AI-I'V llllUK Tills I.m a p.. pnlnr plan of IiiIimiIiii'Iul.' Int.. n.'W llnllll'S tlllx p.ipllliil' Jill .llt'.tt II, w III' h li.i-III ll m iiir. i1 jriii's I'MM.Mi. i' r.'.'. IN.M a happy h. I.'. iii. Ill liiiiny Mi.tiisai.ilM o li.iiii.'M. As Hie ol.j.rl la L'tvlmr mvav tlii'si- :. I u.i I .) ri-M'lll 1m lo inllei lNi' :,,il ni';, allriiln,)! u . .... ti M-.-t i...).k, i. iii.-ii i. ii iriLtisoiti.-ii' nills tr il. il in.iMlily p.il.l:. iiiinii il.'..lf.l .i I.IH'lil IMI'.'. l'a"liloli. Mull.'S ..I,, I All, .,..v INI ol .Minis 1 it II -1 I i I..'.. lit ui ii l.'.l wIMi tin,.,. uv,i I'.'lll Mall'ps (MX r.'lils! ,ir ii I l.tl r.ipv ol tills luv niiy i.i i,i.. join iini ri.iiiiiliiin lull piiiiii ii lurs, ll.-.i oi iu'i'mi'Mm, nml i iil.'M 1.1,'ui'illiit,' cim- i.'M. I..' I 1 1 . ; ' v li'.'.'lii' ii "Inai.!.. iiniii'.l I'H your li..nl.... A.l.li.'.M 'I'll :: llAI'l'Y lioMl; xv I), ii ri -imi sir. i'i, ( i.ii':i,M, 111 UNDERTAKING ! Tlie Kali'lii I'liiLTtaUliii; r-taliM.-liui.'iit, 1 itcly coniliK ir.I by Siiimii'l l.ii.-k, ilfcr isnl, . ill in niuiini;i'il In (Ii... tut urc l y tin- iiiiiii'r.si;;iii'.i. COFFINS AiD CASKETS ulwuys on li.iinl al. l.ii,' pur 's c.irp-. s preparril lor liurlul fii'n of I'lmri'. KM HALM INU A Hl'liCIAI.TV. I.lnliik'H, Minimis, llar.lw nr. 111 stock. l.esN Ltfully Vours. W. H. LUCK, Salem, Pa. I Ri:ir.4RK r roi VTi iiii nx I lm i nil' ..rf. u.i.l nlurti N r. Ih.lili. ll.!!.'. Irr l.iiilf.-., A. o. nt in . rllil. .. ami tlaii J .!. m I. nil. II. .in. H.vit 1.'. .ii, y ai .l Kiwnl .liralili li laklim nnllili.ii I. ia llin nil k.'HU- Im mill orlwlnal W IUi.i ', ni. nn.l Ittnty rllli. In in..inl Im.xi.m iM'jirliiu i.lili..l tnwla Itim-h. I.rlrn r. m. bl I flr.tuifl.). ktwl 4 fiuu .ur iT"i.ii'RMrM'i.rl. h...-iii'..y n..lou. wii.ioiiiii'Miiinii., tS MvutU KlKhllt klrvrl, l'liUa Pfi Unanimous Choice Ths New Yot k Mornintr Tour- nal recently offered ten leading makes of bicycles as prizes in a Succsmg contcst.givmg the win ners free choice of any one of the ten machines. Theresult was ALL of the ten winners selected Prices Cut ui Mi intend t make our NYw Stork ol" Fall Sc Winter Good Mnvii inon rapiillv if low pl iers will do it. CLOTHING Ol'ovoiy ilcsnijitioii ofIrn, oy's ami (y'lisldrcn, foatsaml (Ji'iit's I-'ni-iii-iliiiiir (iooils. lv tliiun cry iM-st. .Not a poor article in the store. (Quality. Kit-lit up in Stvle. u'i-rht nn in .lust what Mill please yon. Come and sec, to show ( moils. Ovci I' Hi.' lliht up in Asrortuicnt. No (rouhle R. GUNSBURuEl ew Uank Uuildiiitf, .Aiii)i)Li:iu:i:(iir, ta Cokirnbia Bicycles The Journal ac cordingly bought ten Columbias, c paying $100 each for them, without discount or rebate. On even terms few will choose a bicycle other than the Columbia STANDARD OF THE WORLD Urwqualkd, Unapproaclwd. netuitiful Art Catnlneua nr rnl.imk.n anrf II... forj liicyclea ia ftco if you cull upon any Colum bia Bi'cnt i by mail from ui fur two i.r.m stamps. POPE MANUFACTURING CO. Factories and General Offices, Hartford, Conn. Drench Stores and Agencies In almost avary City and town. If Columbias ara not properly rcprescotcd la your vldaity lot us know. Great Keduction Sale L am closing out. the balance o'the umv cLOMs ftND mm at the t'ollowinir reduced rales: Cloaks worth 11 now 10; worth sV2. now S.r. ; worth 10. now 7.:, 7. now 1. ; worth . worth S. now 5.75 ; worth ; worth now $2. Also now 2.75 Don't miss these great bargains. OVERCOATS AND SUITS for M l'NT, UOYS aud C1IILUHKN will bo nohl nt u Brrut Rciluction. Uoj-ti' uuitH from !Khi. up. Men's niits from U'i.COup. Great Bui'BiiiiiH in BOOTS AND SHOES, Dry Gooild, NolioiiH aiul GrocerifH. Coiuo ami nr for ytiuiHtlf. Tho Hiehool l'ricfH Bui J Eor l'roduef. Cash paid for Butter and Eggs- P. H. MAURER, New Berlin, Pa.