The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 05, 1896, Image 4

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- '
6hf iWt&utjIj Host.
Published, every Thuraday.
Geo. W. Wagenseller,
Editor and Proprietor
Sabscription 1.50 per year.
bloh mint N pn11 In fidvnri when lent out
aide i in county.)
All transient mlvertliementa not other!
Contr.ieted tor III ! r-huriffrt nt the rate of
pent 'f line (tionpiirlcl measure) fir first Inwr
turn ntil iucciiM per lino for every mibeiui nt
9trltnth twlirft pultuhrt frm nhituary pnfty,
tnbutm of rMfin-f, iff., thrrt ftnlt a tin.
Republican Oommitteemen.
Ad lint.-.1. K. Ketlemlf. Tobias Mitchell.
Heaver,-Nai linn Freed. Irvln Klhtiov.
Denver W. Win. Il'i-lcr. . V. Il'iush.
Centre,- .f. W. Stunpsol, II. '. !ntnp'l.
Chapman. -Ii. A. I'.irtllho, T. .1. Nichols.
Vruuklln.-C. II. I kollTi-r. J. W . r.lscn-
Ju-kmti. Wta. Martin. .1. Yeartck.
Mill llciiiirith, urttti llowersnx. W. K. Fees.
MiiMlecrerk. .1 .1. Mli-lii'l. r. I,. How.
Mouroe.-H. II inrlmt, I K. Ilonst.
l,-r, . -1 i ii . Knouse. C. K. W iiithiT.
I'crn. - Irwin II ivr. Ilctirv ll iMlnif .
I'crrv V.,-Iiiil'l M ui" II. K. rster.
Sprlmr. Dr. A. M sinlili. D K.stmld.
Hlls.jroVe. K. U. H-uiherliiiir. c. W. Covert,
r ,i ,, )..,! ki iimI'Ti .1. il. stahl.
v,i!iiiiftii',,- in. c. llilhlMi. Jerry Charles.
Thursday, Mar. 5, 189(1.
A MjiIcI County.
The ifu'Ml if Kclnimty term of tlm
i-.n t of Suyil'T fi inl v li",nti ut
Mi l llcliiir on M!iliy. It is h noto
wor.Iiy fit t tint thro was no crimi
nal Im-tini'ss for llio grand jury to not
upon. Jti'lgo .fvChiro ho informod
tin' r: iin-l j.ny. icui iikin thit since
them were no in.lii't tut nts in tlm
hands ot tin' district attorney ho hud
nolhin to charge, and that nil that
was left for him to do was to din
fh:ii':;i' them with thanks.
A n tic similar to the ubovo last
week went the rounds of the press
of tho entire state. It is an occur
rence no i are that universal comment
wascalh'l forth. If the record of
lust week can be kept up, our coun
ty will hold the proudest position of
any and nil counties in the Commonwealth.
give free consultation by mail in all !
canes of children's complaints. Fa-
rents bate the privilege of connult-:
' ing Dr. Greene by letter, describing!
their children's diseases and he will,
after carefully considering the symp
toms, write a letter fully explaining
the trouble, telling erery thing about j
their complaint so plainly that you'
will understand exactly what ails
your children. He will alBO give his
advice, founded upon his vast ex
perience and wonderful success in
treating such caies. as to iust what
to do to effect a cure. All this will
cont you nothing and you can thus
have consultation with tho best-
known physician and acknowledged
most successful specialist in the
world without Ienving home and at j
no expense whatever. Tho doctor,
is the discoverer of that greatest
of medicines, Dr. Ureenes xservura
blood and nerve remedy and has dis
covered many other most valuable
remedies. Write to him now about
your child, for this is a chance of
cure which you may never have
Ritter Explains.
Shamokis Dam, March 2,
Mit. Geo. V.,
Deau Sin : Allow mo
through thoci'lums of your paper
to detipu my position in the vote be
tween Mr. G. V. How and myself.
I usiiro tho voters in the Republican
Party that I shall use every honor
able means in my power to amicably
adjust the mutter with Mr Row that
it will be satisfactory to his and my
friends at till times keeping in view
tho harmony and success of the
Republican Tarty.
Thanking all for tho support and
encouragement they io cordially
gave me during the canvass. I hope
to merit the good will of the party
in the future uud beg to remain faith
ful for the good of the Tarty.
T. Scott RiTTtit.
Thi Big Silver Dollar.
Some editor, whilo musing over
the "Old Oaken Jiucket," and the
scant amount f provisions in his
larder, put together the following
pathetic lines: "How dear to my
heart is tho face of the dollar, when
sotno kind subscriber presents it to
view. It mav ' ' " ''
r r o w
mm tiers or it may con
from you. The big silver dollar,
the round silver dollar ; dear delin
quent subn.'riber. present it to view.
A round silver dollar I hail us a
trciMiic, f r often expenses over
whelm mo with woe ; I count it the
source of an exquisite pleasure and
yearn for it fondly wherever I go.
How ardently I sie i' - tliat lovely
round dollar the root of all til 'tis
commonly named. Lr-ving money
is sinful, some good ptupli- tell us,
but the poor penniless printer can
hardly bo blamed. The penniless
printer, the hud working printer,
keeps sending out paper that in
terest you ; so hand in your dollar,
tho big dandv dollar: dear reader,
now will you present it to view."
K.'od Tins in Mind.
Hi Discoveries of Gold
A daily newspaper is intended to
record tho happenings of the day. A
local newspaper is naturally of more
interest to a town than a city pa
per. 15ut e very reader should keep
this in nun I. A newspaper cannot
publish local news when there is
none to publish. When there is
: nn. thing going on then the peo
ple have a light to expect it publish
ed, but when there is not even a
breath of air moving in a town the
people should not expect accounts of
murders, suicides, robberies, etc,
when there are none to publish.
Give the devil his due every time,
but stop and think fust whether he
deserves it.
At Cripple Creek, Colo., and else
where, are being made dully, uud the
production for IH'.mj wilt be the lurx
est ever known, estimated at Two
Hundred Million Dollars. Cripple
Creek alone is producing ovvr One
Million Dollars a month, and steadily
increasing. Mining (Stocks are ad
vauuing in price more rapidly thau
any other Stocks, pud muuy pay div-
' of :w t Tun if-
lane a
a sum ent.
... y N Si , 'road
way. New i. a and tinaneiul agents
for the I'ruiU'iitial Gold Mining Co..
and ot tiers in the fatuous Cripple
Creek district. They will send you
tree, interesting particulars of the
Mining Companies they represent
also their book on speculation in
Stocks, (train and Cotton, containing
many new and important features.
rv'iul for these books at once if you
are interested in any form of specu-
atioii or in vestments. I hey may
The Senior with knowledge just
bursting his head,
With a turkey-cock strut for his
color took
it v. n
The Junior not sure that his marks
Willi. 1 t.A !(Tlll
In his terror of failure said his color
The Sonhomore aware that ho had
to go through,
With a long drawn sigh, said his
color was
15 hUE.
But the poor little Freshman j has
only, I ween,
Nothing left for his color but
what is
Tho three lending classes have chos
en the best.
In these colors our Nation's emblem
is drest.
But the color of Freshio is smeared
nn ua I tiifilf
It must bo a "dirty and mean Irish
Twinkle I Twinkle little star,
Riding on a trolly ear,
Trolly cur rnn off thn track,
Wish I had in v nickel Ivick.
On Feb. Itth. ImW, at Middled tirg,
Daniel O. Mosser of Mt. runnel,
and May E. Rrosius of Mt. I'h asunt
Mills, were married by Rev. 1). K
piove profitable to you.
The Montgomery Count v Court
uccuieu uiai justices 01 the I'eace
have no i ight to hold inquests unless
lelegated to do so by tho Corouer.
On Feb. 21, 1 '.!, near Oriental,
Elizabeth, wile of the late John
Klingcr, aged 2 years and '2 iluys.
In Jackson township. Februarv
I'.'th, lS'.iti (.'hristi urn, wife of Jacob
Maui el , aged ti years t mos. 1
duys. $1,000 IN PRIZES
To lie Dlntrihulal AlmulitUlu Irvt.
P.hp tlic letters eoiitjilne.l In Hie li'Xt: "Mono
Skkiw 1how,"hihI lerin iih iinmy wonls lis yon
rnn. ii'lnir letfrs i'IiIht t-aekwuM or forwnnl.
Iltll iloli'l !!' lili.V letter more times llniti It iM'
peurH In "Monks skijw okiiw.1' Ker xitmplp
the wonls: see, on, none, uei-.K ete. The x'r
sot formtir,' the (,'ie:itet t.iiinl-r of wonW, us
IliK tho Irttrrx III the text, will reivlvo One Kortlie tint liirni-st
lt wMMIlKUe:Mlirasli,forlhe lifXt lri;est
lint iii In e -Ii, fur tle nest -i rash, mill f"r
pch of thf next ten lur'eit ltts we ltl 1,'Ivp
110 In if I I. Ifyon are i- .it word making oii
ran serine u valnalile prl.e, The M i:ioti S-ed
Co. Intend KlvliiK many hundred mktIuI pi les
lo rrsotis wndlnif llieni lists rniitatnlnx ovrr
twenty-Hire words. Write your name on list of
words (hiuntiered) nnd enrlose Iho s.nno ixist
paid with hU two-rent stamp lor a law com
hlnallon iiarkuL'e of Ma'ioti hredn That (irow,
whlrli Inrlmlrs the Intent nnd most popular
lloweni of rndli'KH viirletles, ulso partli'iilars and
rules of dlstrlliutlonol prlwu. This word con-
U'ntwllllio currfully nnd coimrlrn.lously con
ducteiL, and J nolrly lot the iunxs of further
lirtm.HK liy r - . -vu.'liles J-V
will rerclvt tho Illefcnt value In flower cecrs
ever offered, and lesldrs If j ou are aide to ninl-e
a ifood list of words uud uimwer promptly you
will stand an iipiHl opportunity lo H"-ure a
valuable prize. Wn Intend tpendli.i; a large
amount ol money In th" illstrll iclou ol l.ries In
this contest. We a-sur" ou that your trial
order w It Inn will le ni'St unitlfv Ituf. W'tlte
your iiuiiip plainly nnd send I'.rl a - rnrly as p .
slide. Address.
Monou Bldg , (.'hictigo. 111.
And Enrich
Your Blood
By Taking
LrJ Sarsaparilla
It was the Only
Sarsaparilla admitted
At World's Fair.
AVER'S PILLS for the Llvr.
ternof Adniinlstrnt ion I n t h e
(luln nt .laeoli Mln'ler lata ut Jarknm Tivp.,
nnynrr rmiuty, i-m., in-c u, bnvnm nveu vrmiim!
to th tilnl'Tinp.l. iiKfonn kli'iwlnic thm.
lna Inilelited lo axld tatiite r riiiFite4 to
imoin iinmeiiiaie ptiriiii'iit. white ihnae linvinn
rlnlni' will pri'K ui Ilium duly mithmiUeateil Ui
tlm iinn'riuii'i.
Fell. 17. A'tmlrUtrator.
It You Have a Sick ClnlJ Tins is Surely
a Message of Hope.
T.i s i- t l.o 1 est of news for pa
rents of weakly or sickly children.
1 1 is a fact that our people have
heretofore not had the same opnor
tunity ft r having their children who
suffer from chronic or lingering
complaints treated and cured bj
eminent specialists in children's dis
cases as do tho residents of tho great
cities win re such skilled physieiauB
reside. In other words our people
huvo been debarred from seeking a
cure for their children by tho great
physicians, owing to tho cost of
truvel to tho large city uud tho high
fees charged by such physicians.
lit re, therefore, is u chance for
the cure of the children of our com
munity w hich should not bo lost.
Dr. (ireeue of 35 West llth.St., Now
York City, who in beyond doubt
the most successful specialist in cur
ing diseases of children, offers to
Susquehanna University.
l-'nuu Su-ipi' haiilia Jot uso.
"The Ui-h School Arjiiis," o
I lai risbtiro; contains several work
ol lift it in, which are original and re
licet ;ivat credit mi the authors.
. I . i ... ,
ne tii tiie most iieasuijr ot our
exchanges is the ''Ihicknell Mirror,"
ol Jaiiiiarv, w hich was published by
yoiinj' ladies ot the eollejt' and con
tained :t cut ot the ;irl,' basket bull
team. Its literary articles are very
interesting and ol a iiih character
(Ircat interest has been taken by
the students ol" Yale in the course
o modern novels triveii under the
direction ot lr. l'lieljis.
I he sinallest and also the laiyest
universities in the world are Isjth in
Africa. The lbrincr has five stu
dents ami fifteen instructors, the
other, in Cairo, Kjjyjit, has ten thous
and students.
Of all sad words of touguo or
The Huddcst are these: "It might
Jiave been,"
V as written in days when maids
were true,
aim love us puro as morning
dew j
Hut times uro now changed unf
those words three,
Are ever as sad: "She jilted mo."
Throw your dirt into the hulls.
Throw your water out the win
Strike voiir matches on the walls
Copy all your mathematics.
Horse your Intiii uud
(Jru k,
"It snowed last week and
the sleighing is out of bight."
i r. . t-
nc Proof, ii
Sale Register.
Nottfei of r lie will lie Inierfed freo under
this lirii'llllj Wlien tlic .ile hills ltr prltlteil nt
hH onice. When the MIM nre not crllileil at
tlili ollli r .VI rents will lie rliui'ired. Ivrsonn m-
perlliii; to have nale tiniiM srlrct. n date nnd
have II nortci In this roMinn.
Krld.iy. Mar. nih, vm:. S' mil' s lvit of Troxel-
ltle. .I ilm Si idle will .'ll i llnrnes, 4 COWS
iiinl t ui iniiin lini'li in. lilt.
Saturday. M.ircli T, ', I Si miles South of Kre
li t . N,ii"l" hi llniHlutiiii'l I'erclval Wil
low will M il Horses, C owi mid Knrmlng
SatunlHv, Mar. "Mi. lNM. two mllet soutli-e.iHt of
lltreHl", .laeK'vill lliihe.l. will sell two
mules, four Inn .. : rows ntnl f iriultiK
Tlles.:i. Alar, lll'il. '."'.'II. el.v tulle south of
hisUerHlle, I'eler lleisi'r. H'llu'r of John
llei-.-r. l - I wl I sell tunning implements
mid hoiiMi hold x'hhIs.
Tiles Imv, War. lilt h. Itl, threfl tnllrs Kast of
I lovlville on t lie ma I le.iillnit to Mulille-
1'iirv'li. ehas. I'. Kits will cell one Man',
'I mo Mules and KnrmliiK Implements,
Wi'diir-May, Miir. llth.S mllei West of Tnixel-
Mile. 1 liihe K.e-I ol Ml'l'lleereek ami 8
tulles Norih ol A'lainsliiiig ut the res).
deiieeot Henry linns, I'. 1'. Keltfrl will
sell .i iirwM, :i Cows, Voillik' I'altle, Uoh's,
and Kalinliit; luiplemeuts.
Monday. Mar. IA. one mile Kast of MlildlehiirKli,
.1. I. Pletrli li will si-ll. one Horse, .1 Cows
iiinl Knrinlnif linplelneiits.
Tnesilay. Mar. irih. one mile soutli of Kant?
I. A.l'lsher will M'll 1 male, 'i rows uud
tanning linplements.
Tuesiliv. Mat. 1 T I II. In fetilre Tow hshlp, 8v
nnles N.iii n ol Miilill' iiiii-.ti. Sam. Ilrun
tier, will Hi ll tour Hoi -" ;i eotva mid
I ill llillig 1 lliellieilts,' ilm . Man h Isili. one mile West of Mid
llliljlllgll. ,lei,4e Mover Will -ell live hoi sen.
Irons, s In-.i.l of jun.' ralile and funning
Tlmt'dny. Mar in. ll. 1 mil" east, of Mid
ill. Imih. .lames i;tilli y w ill si ll x horses.
A rows ami terming luiplrments,
Satunl ay. Mar. lilst. the trsldener of
Waldo Sun k, one mile south of .Mlildle
liiirifh. W. W. Wlttenmyer will Hell Two
.Mines, a Caws und lannliig liiipleini nts.
Tuemlay, Mar. 4, tliroo miles Wnst of Cen
trevllic, (.'hint. Kuhnswlll nell a hoiser, t
rows and furinliiK luiplrmonl.
i 0tl Tiding. "
The irrnnd s,.. nc for thn prevaltt . mnrddy
of tin. iiKr, llyspnpslu, I.lver Complaint. Ulieil
liialisui, C'osilveiieMS, (ieuerul IK-hllltv, elr , Is
Itac.'H's Ci lery Klnir for the Nerves. Thm (frCKt 1 1 iiiln 'iliiinl.iles the digestive organs,
ii'gulaie, the I.lver iiinl restores tlm system to
Humous heal) h luid energies. Salnplil Iree.
l ar-e pai l a - or aiidl.V!. Sold one, ny . 11.
Walt 'rs, I'i i. ns Creek, I'n.
Yiss i
All Brass, Nickel Plated and il
V Burns Kerosene Oil. 0
R-rr- irt. 4 tin
I he ratn.agnt
A beautiful, thoroughly 1
q made and finely finished if
Bicycle Lamp. d
W They who ride must see tf
jn the road. '"ThePathlight" o
jf, makes bright the way. p
45 Sent to Buy purl of the country (ox- ji
yi pre.. .1,I1 Il'l of prlee. $4 f' JM
"JjJ niMylH.)i.m un hu lu.f yuui'l'irulilruler
ft 247CenlrSt.. Now York. f$
nre pruQutblelf rlbtly (rows. .
niuki iiieiu ruw n iliey a
h"tiiilKrow ; inukisiCorii, '
heat nml other cnua
It mw iM'tirr man any ht
lllurrkn.m il. rs-nd fur
lit I'rusi UaL
i;ts:eb3 ass rzujtuxo
TliObf "onieciif And nrcl T.ys
n.f, I niUu oili.'r I . U l la ir
u mm I" .l r Hi. I l'i.l.d la .nil
with 1.11..A jl'li. Ill, li.s (uui'i.m
an. al flr I" " .Will
liaikMtlio bt ii-rrniiiM II.MS.p
In mlliulist wllhunl holllnr.
I Is II" !' f.T. liMiUi.g ,
i lia's, illtiil.s tlnii (duha. clwHi
WoililiiH IwltlMS llnt, irons, NC, "
Uu. AguH 1'lilUv, I's.
r ...... ...............
Sclontmo American
Aflency for
rortnrnrmalionanil rrre Hiui.Umi.iIc writ to
MUNN It IU. m liKiui.w.r. Nbw YoKir.
fUilevt bureau t,r aertirtnii iauinu In Anirrtcc
Bvcr7 ratnl taken out ly n. 1. l.roiiKhl brfora
the puliUo by a uutloo glrcn frro u( chargo la U
Jfc f Mf if ic uwrtfiw
larreiit ctrcnlnwon of any IrnUfl'' ,,,' In
worlil. Solaniinlly Illu.tratO'l. N luirltlfi-iil
man hoiill ho wlliioul It. Weeklr. MJ.tMla
i.aritl.fWalxmonlhi. A'I.Iiwm, MUNIT CO
'tausuiuw. nut Uruwlway.vw XuJkC'liy.
M UUHvUurg 3 a. v li v i
iairn-rU'ii weekly liy our im iclnilits.
Hnttt'i- 1H
Ku'o;h Vi
1'iIIimI rheri U'S 'J
L'ni.ittfit " 2
Hntbnt "-'i"M (5
ltUKberrloit H
Onions 40
CMiiukeuti per lb
J nrkeys
old V limit
Urnti per 1U0 lbs
MillilllDS "
Flour por libl..
Xliiifreby clven ttuit liettem TeHtn
meiitury In the estuln of II. M.Kearli k. dec d Into
01 Krku Tovviiiiii, Siiyilercouiit), pi iin'u have
hern Insuud lo tint undersigned. All lsirsons.
therefore. Imli'lted lo said Dilute will please
iiiakn Imuiedluio pi.yiiient, und Hiomi UuHiik
elunus uuulubl II will present, tor sett lenient to
5Jar,4,Ht. Executors
. n
.. 7
.. II
, an
" " " w but toH (Uroet U tho
consumer at wholesale
price. Hhlpunyw here lor
exuiiilnntluu before aale.
Kverytliiutf wurrununl.
1 IMI M y ( of CHrrluvea,
UOslyleHot llurnr..,ll
ilvle. It I.I lit w Muddle
W rito f"r eiitiiloKtio.
CirriaBD A Hamuli Mid. Co.
W. 0. PiiATT. Socy. Elkhart, Ind.
To all iitrenra of ItltOltH OP VOI'TIf,
I.O-T VMilMt mi.! llr.:.Vs.l.S OV MKpI
A Nil HO.MKV. 2u pmtv i ololli buundia
ourtMy aralnl and malledrc. Tratmntlir mall
airlolly couttilriitlal, ami uahlv, nulek our
uarauus-.. No uiutler linw lung atandlog, I
wUlputUlyely curayou. Wrltaoroall
OR inRR 329N.I5thSt.Phl!a.Pa.
will sell all
They aro also
ind OID
ir Ladies', Misses and
Coats and Oapcs at
to $6.00.
nhif! out nil Overcoats nt
eduction of
:o:.2D-Cent nn-the-Onllar.:
and Woolem
luctions on all
c worth looking after.
New erlin, Pa.
bkf mms in
Fall ana filer ! tits From $10 Upwarl
He.ivy wcijilits ii rrousers, ,i;.50. Tho good
made to order, Ou;in tteed all wool, Trimmings
class,. Workmanship taranteed.
Opposite Post Oflice. Selinsgrove,
outlcrf ully SuciM- ful in nil Chronic Disonsos ami
All Kye Operation Success fully Performed.
Examination and C sulfation Freo to
A w Tt'Ht imouialti
ItOfliS : III A M. TIM. 4:00.
Ho Cvxx'053 After Otliora H7,,ll.
Tho .Most SuccoHsful nml tti-k'titilii! 'IVfiitinoiit ui All Diseiisos ami '
tics-is if Mankind.
The iiiohI whlelv nt f.ivotutii.' kuiv.vii h:h InlNt In the I'nlt.'il Statin. HtH tir exl
rcin.irhiilile skill, ami uiiim.i iI s ii.'-ens In I in-lnr:;esl hoplliiiM in the world emmle-i
trenl nil llltuMC, NKIiVul's. SMN, :t , I lU.ciull illseuses upon Hie latest Mlelitllle p:
nml entitle him lo the lull e.iulnl.'iiee ol III" atllleti'il ever whi le.
I.MI'iiUTANT T( I.AIMIC-t-Hr. s t Mn. ufier vivirnot exiM-i ivni e, linn diseovered the
rure known for nil illseasen peeullar to the sex." Feimilo (llseaM'S positively cured In
met hod. The cine is etiivi,.i ii,uii. trcitmuut, Kutlruly liarml..'a uud easily upplie Kreu iiinl Milcll I'olilldentlul.
Dr. Satin operates hu mhTiiIIv und pntnlessly
forMllllit i')es. pler.VKl'llil. Illileclolnv, tllillllu'
In or out of ewdaslies or lld , closuro of tear
duet uud all otliercyouneratlotm.
chronic wire eyes und ifranulated lids nulcijlv
A certain an. I Kislilve cure for tlm nwful ft
feels of early lie nml the numerous t vlls fiat
follow In Us train.
1'rlVHto Mood and skin dlsea.s.'r, hii.iJlly,
completely und H'rmaneiilly citreil.
NenoiiMlelillllv und Hivvual dlsoid'T vleld
I'lipldly to his skillful treatment.
Syphilis, Khonorrhoii, Kleef , w pcriii iturrhea,
Kemlmil weakness, lost man In mil, i i.M euils
Hlons, ileea.e. fai'iiliicH, remain . ,Ai -, and
ul; ilelleale itlsorders peculiar to ellh'-r sex,
piwlllvely cure.!, as well fiiielual iltsonlers I hat
result from youthful follies ot t II.) excess ol
null uro years.
SM'clultles-'iitarrli. nkln diseases, sores,
pimples, scrofula Itlood Huts, eiveinn, eitieer,
piles, uud disease of women quickly nml per
manently cured li.v thn latest approved Ileal
luent us purHiied hy leading specialists of Amer
ca und Kuropu
DeafnesK-I cure Id) per cent, of i.
cure 1 lu one treatment.
l)lsi'liarn'ln' ears cured In every case.
Catarrh of the nose, liroln'lillls a
ti. mules, cailseil lioiu catuirh, pontllw l
To the Young and Middle-Aged
A Wnr 'nrr. The nwful elTects .
vice, w hich lu nik's orcanle weakness id
Uiih mind and Is'ily Willi all Us Una
'rmaneiitly cun d.
Dr. S aim mldresm's thosn wlin have I
thehisolWs tiv linproper IllitllUelurs .
tin v halills, w hli'h ruin Ih.IU mind ar
no fit M ii if llu'iu lor business, study, se
Jlai rlcil ini-n nre those entering on t:
pv lite, aw are ot physical debility qu:
We ifiiar.uilee to euro nervous fhllti'
inauliiKid. Hvphllls, vmieiK-ele, Mrlet'i ui M-hurtres, weak parts, uud
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Kplletisyor Ills positively cured I'
i.ietliiHl. 'Testimonials furnished.
Tin Mi'iliisiil Ailvisttr, coiituiiiiiio; uuariy W
a nlmrl lili-i .iry of private iliseiises, n.lvice to yoiini una old, o
tlione 'oiit'iiipliittii(; tniirrliij,'!', fully illtiHtrnteil. Do not fail to m
tho opportunity to olituiti "no of lli inuht viilualilo bookn which liu
come within yotir reueli. Tlilo liook will hu nent to anyone free on
ontion. Aililri'Ms lr. Sa in. . I). Iior 7110. Co titiiliilH. ( I O.
iit-rfccteil In olil cani'H
linvu hiM-n nejlfctud or n
fullv tri'att'il. No ex per
or laiiurt'H. 1'urtios treat oil lv inuil or f.xpri'HS, but wliere pOKiui
Hoiiat coiisuitiuion is pr.-ri'trt'il. CiirnlilH ruses iiiurunleeil.
CiT'CaFHd nml corri"-iti.letiei coiill l"titll. Trent inent unnt C,
any part of the l. tS. List of i;;u (jueMi ns itei-. AiMroaa Dr. Salit
UO ll)U, V OHlllllillS, w. ."
I' I't"! V P IWV A VI I sl'PII 1 1 III .V I I IV I, I I Ih II A l'
oniion. Aiiuri'Ms nr. Nalin, I. ( . liox 7111
Lewihtov, ii.
Hutil) n y.
Day. Deo, .Inn. l'Vh. Mar, Apr.
Mon. :it. '.'7. S4. !J:l. '-'i).
July. At'itf. Sept. Oct. Nov. Difl.
i::. It). 7. 5 2 tiO. 'is.
Dnv, D c. .Inn. lYIi. Slur. Apr.
.li. Ti'um. ill. 5M. 2.T 21. 21.
July. Ait";, epi. (let. Iior. Deo.
li tl. M. . a. I-2H.
Duv. .Ian. l'V'. M. r. A' r. May
Wt-'it. 1-2D. 2ft, 25. 22. 23
Anif. Kept. (e. N"V. 1
1). U. 7. 4. 2 au.
Why priy 00 to UOo.aroil for tone whenvou can)
Horo high, bull tron. pl
and chicken tight. A man
nd boy can mua from 40 to
eorodaadar. oraoatvia.
Illuatrated Catnlonu rraa.
RldKeviii. I inaiann.