or u mist. nmlntf to the truth of the I'dhle. very .ttilf on our M)lnt of view. Tho id.- student of mi! ii re linn first of All lm hnw to obcrvet h bus not onlv to a PVi'X nlieu, mil l" iimim-i iii n. in t" (wo. II must 'l tne enrrei't or lit" grout hnok of nature will full to to him. On vleWm? tin' w htte lliiw we hill II Ifreill nesire in in" Mini of the Mountain." As th wa iwnr our lintel. W" visited It .the ten hour. but to our ptirprls" w no "Old Mini" tiotlilnit but n mass . nnd nik'K"'t rock. On r-portiiiLj ,1! success, one or rn Kuesis kuvp un ,iir 'ctlnn as to tln MiiKie piaee wnere arvd roiiM res'ii: Imt even tlu'n we ilcd no better. The f"lliw-iru".t then .mmled lis. Indlcntinir Hi" Tim-Im pt must Maud to nLtuhi n view, when ,.,.t!c prpinioiH nf th" Kront t-tntie Till' IlllO till' I J 1 of Vl-loll. '1 he f''t- wi-ro "II thuro l fn. Imt our t, Iwviiu.io not phi I t tin' ritflit ,rc there phnre f divine truth which ,. iinili'ixtooil onlv when viewed at r. -t iinirlp. Hy 'ii little variation ur . -f it ti llw wludp N I"-i. nr" indeed, Kom illvlii" truth til.) tlui Lfri'iit inouut.iln ran;".-. vr (.iro iik nnd ''mi be i"1''!! from nil fid , m l far : but they Imvn phases wiii-ii, ,r t'e" eve of the artist. Ami even the i t's i')" It In vain without tin- -kill ill Ml'-llt. Nollie K''t timre "ut of the 1 t 1 I'i. r-. not Iioi'iiiim- they l.nv l-tt r 4 it l:,;.iwi'lu'". '"it better udju due'iit. I, ;.i - In th" t'in "T nn.l mental in viiieh nloii" tt i p.islhh' to real . . x .! 1 " i;"' beauty "f oil's truth. s ,i 1 1 is tak iT th" iMMik, and wo :, i the LTH'iit thin; of Und. '. -1UBHI SCHOOL iffiNL IATHATj liKSJ 3I.V-CI! 8. D.V roi: n Tftf. 'True l,ov o One' ilalibor." Luke x., 5.l?-. (olden Trxt: I.uko .,.7 Comiiipiitur-. "I rh on th th th nt In w hf hi ne w ril u Ii Ii l Vl tv i th II T Iv 22 Anil, Iw'ioli', n roi-lHiu 'nVror irtool 'I limiptoit Him, mivinir, lintor, whut lo to tnhi-rit I'trriuil llfi-V" ThrniiKh. wholi liilile wo on tho on.) hntul nnil sni". of (o,l. nii.l on th othi-r rviwn nnd lnfulni of ninn. In itiTfulnif viwma hftwiiMi thin Irntoii i lnt omi w ni Ji-us. Oorl nmnlfost f!h, vn.t.Uiv'ly f.-ttinc llln for to. I'rusiil.'m to dif, pM-iHliiLf mHMmifn Hot to )ir'.i 'h thn klni;Iofn n to i nick, n'Joioini; in tirtt that hiilwn mt wln mn OHiinot, Hint rvor Ix'aiinif hn re f lift tluit ri-mninia i-vn in Hin W on thi otiiM- Innd, tlm h rffllMinir Him nnd tho nuvixt follow. n to lntiirf"tiy, And ti iw rr huve hiwvi r n Kimilo of th wi ami r.ru i'id In Mury n FifiipiM of tli huht-n of !1. ;r said mito Mm. Whnt lx wtilton in w? fiow n-nd.Mt tliou'r'1 On of tlm t p-fordn.l utti'r:uii' of rhrtM I thnt old "it I writt-n 'of Mulli. Ir.. 4. 7, '.'i Mn.K ft. mi th llftlt honk of tlm law. .f no lliht on tiiinu mdrituul, lifnren (mill ninrt from (tlm whoNthn fOod.nn.l th wrlitfii won! whlfh of Hi.n (Ui. ill., K. V. ; I.ukn x., MURDER AT MT. PLEASANT. And Ho ntiiworinv il I, Thou nlmlt a Lord thy (rot with nil thy hnnrt." u. did not rule'-wti.it thlnko-it thonV iw do ymi ux..niii.'" Imt filinnly iwk",! uointion from Horlj turo, nnd tlm Inw vi' Him promptly h porroot (Miotiitlon )"iit. vi .1, nnd I.ov. xlx.. 1m, nnd in. ni.i.t-nn.iriTUinll I'.irifi.Hii urnninrv Inw, for l.ivo u tin. fulllllinof lhlnV Mil. , 10). Thh must monn it wholo d lovo to (iod nnd to miin mioh an w:w fully soon mi oiirth pxoi.pt In tho I,ord hrMt llimwlr. Ho I.i the flid of tlio r rluhti oiismwd to i-vorv Im-IIpvit. ('ouinii'tn. trillion Odo" or I 2 'nd !t" Mild unto him. Thou hnxt nil- hiioli n riiiniiiH'i-r ui our I wt 1 rli'ht ; this do, nnd thon xhnlt IIvp." i II" iitud to do somptbinu to mliorlt Ptr nnl , , nnd horo in hi tnk, this mi l noth I Int; i rt of It, jiorr.-ot IovpIo (5od nnd to his I uoin r. Thi'r must ho no fnlluro in nnv piln tn! nnytliiio, for "whosopvor sliull kwp n vholii law nnd vot offond In onn point ols Kullly of nil" (Jus. II., 10). ft must (rod llrst nnd wholn hoiirto.lly In ovor -tnil of llfp, nnd your noiirhbor lis I your ' nil tho timp, or pIsp nil Is milnro. ai. hit hp, willing to justifv himspir. snld unto in. And who is my nidKhnor?" Vfa ; nro iiior JustlfyiiiK f'lf nnd onndomninir i Oo It justltyiii It 1 nnd Pondcnnlnif -lf nil t. timp. , Most ppopl.i nro willing to do I th Inipr, I).' insp to do tlm Inttor is vpry j huirinlin t'. solf, nnd solf is npt to h vpry prou Soe chnptpr xvi., 15. ;il). And Jsus atwworini; Mild, A cortnin man nt down from Joriisnlotn to Jurloho, lo ti or ill' ii r MilNoi, ihiitii sonir. woim. (r, . ...i ... .... ... .. . .... i ,(-isi n HI ... 11 III Willi I' .I" 1 "II in, n:io inalvi's him lnrcor. Th" lium- fn t',U'iv s dhruiry to Hip Wnrkor who , th .1 luiiif'lf Inoi I'.' riiirh mi iir.'hiti-i't ; of u'p'al Kl' liai'dsiiii of our own timp (1! I. in" i It this piiluwd si'lfli'iinl. lis ho hf ,.- I.li us ft.iirim; fk wnnl, IIKp I Irds on ! n ifstoiiK. rlii' h i p'M't as imroivii 1 Je .in. .t lutvi fpttliisptil:iri;pt rofh I. i lav A-r-to tho ( atlnilral. oiwtlioi no must Imvp f'dt this mmjiil- wr il liiinK''lf us 1ip pn iitrd Hip lul ls. It s's'iiis to m that this Issniii" i h'p i!io,..r?i:K' of tlw w.'rds wrilt' ii nt iv iK'L'iniiii.U "' 'ho I'.il !p. in whl' h It i i'. "lind ,-nw V" rt!ilnC thnt Hp ad", nnd. I'hnhl'! It was vrv ' TliH d'U-.-nll.-fin'ti"!! "f ' with w i work ln'IpH to jirov" how K""l '""I ip llinisi'lf was. 'I ho iii'ri'ssity ol nrrios iil.'iiuwlth ilwir tihiriiPitip'tit of id. And thlsi'iilnrni'd si'lfh I tnoiitis r humanity, nnd If a hiror liumiuiity, r and stronciT oiip. Work iiiauiilll-s. iii -p iiitiiimi.ot. Tin' isTson of tho r Iipooiiips so cri'ut that his own J 'T- IV B'lOH out llltoiithorM'rsolialltiPH. Ho isthi'iu hy his own PiilarKln H'lf rv. Work Is thu.i Imtli a piiuso and a in this si If-mii-t'Tv of man. ( my thank (iod that you nro put in a J 'ror lu city of ponoo to tho pit y of p.ilin II I work. Thank llod that you aro put .i :" that onus lor wotk. . you mvi o.vn t.olf and w ish to hnvo for yours1 rtfii-t solfhood. pvot and pvprj wlipro ho ki r. iJpv. ( has. 1'. Thwitijf.' . T'ltNOS wonK loiTr.THKIl l oB HOOD. lis h"ttor tt hnvo lovod und lost. 'i'liun novor to huvo lovod at all." i doi'H not fool thly Wo must lio and Impplor for liavlnn Ijppii IovpiI, il run woultli of iiiun is in Hip liPiirt. wp liavo Piijoypd alroudv mnv Ih dis- i and intPrruiitpd, vt nothing onn roh lAofitsjoy. Nothing pan nuikn im tho nappy K' "' yoars. wiu-ii w J bilo by bldo witV'thosn who nro now i. Jm ir.. roiim wo hnvo rpfuspil o r ) rlipouiiso lu tho poursn t wo T 1 ho tukpii nil I tho olln trfy I hnvo pn'forrod to ,n.I J it phildh'SS, l)"pailso t jrj ij I I 1,'invo may for u mom' til 'hAhu vtillnpss of an p:ii i t"1 v'" havo no joys in lift-. H-j f ni'Mii . riuiii i- i"niso in lm" f Mu trout of lis Is tbo toiii'i'.' No, no; t n:iys no. J no ronsoii savs no. 1 lo op says n If wo aro Tin U- ' shall tak ' lifo as (iod ordains It, "up as ilo n.lx 's It. t-isto Ji.v wiii-ii ns it. uivi'pi sorrow w.ipii ilo or- trp... I. ill vli O. ).... ww.i n r .i... i ., , ."-in, aa.mv., ui, iroill llio fit) i ruolllxioc (I5nv. xl.. H) to tlm Pity of wirtl oomrort nnd roholliun ncnlnst Ood, issuy a splriiunl down urnd nnd will brlntne'a soul into tho hands of HiIpvps, who thpy do not -timlly toko onrt's llfp, will uly tnko nwnv miion thnt ought to bo give our rightful King nnd Itpdppmer. 31. nd by olmnon tlnr enmn down a rH'rti prii-st thnt wny. nnd whwn hn saw him. iswd by on thoothuraldp." Apply I Job ., Jrt, 17. to this prlost nnd Minn to youn f nciiw,ry und nnswr to Ood tlm qit"st Hoe also Mat. il., 7, nud oomtldor what rnngn inrsengar of tho Lord of Hortta pritwt wai. Am you a bottpr onn? Mora the Lord'a own heart' It ieater .-.- -, v I Man by on thn oti.. . . u. t U not loving your np.igb.bor no yourwdf. i 3'i. "And likewlsoa Invito pnwwd by on I tho othor side." The Luvltos wore sepnrfpil i to Htnnd bnforo the Lord, minUtnr unto Him I nnd blivn in His name (Dout. x., H). Con I sldor this Invito in thn light of tbnt Inct. In I 1un. il., 6, the Lord says of LpvI, "He wnllo'd i with Mo." If this Invito hnd I'opd walking with God thnt day be would have hnd com passion upon tbo poor man in trouble. 3J. lint a eortaln Mnmarltau, as lm journpynl, came wIipm he was, nud whpn he saw him he had pom passion." Thn prlost nnd I.ovite worn on the downwnril ron.i, like lllU OHM U)llA fill I kllllllll, lll.llSl.kl.lU If.. Wtl. and, roiii 'iiihoriug tluit h. r.. w naif ilen.l ai to hin Uidv, but tlmy 'npppiir to iililllolllii..'Ol' llli.lllllt,.li..tl . . .. . . ' . ' . ' ' . .' ...... . i. . rill Villi IV iliul.l ui 1.1 nnv h.nS r ii.imi.a,. togi tln-r : i,)n. TIiIj Siiriiiirltnn mnv have bpon on his way up to Jorusalom, for hit cotiduot por talnly Inilk'iites nn upward tendpnoy. How like Christ iu His coming to the one iu trouhlo nod having ooinpasslon upon him. 84. "Brought him to an inn nud to k pan) of him." Hon bow ho gave his time, skill, oil nn l win", boast, euro, monpy und his (irumiso. Well has huh said, "What a spvpu iiii'l ruinlxiw of inorpy." Josu 1 surely showing to this lawyer tho love of (iod as uiauifpsti'd in His own life, that the lawyor may see what roal love is nnd how and to wllinn tt is to lie limnlfpstl. HIpmo I rli. k Vou look on tbo g lsed Oiip! Oh, to know Time letter und bo "Sou how his pliopk ' more like TIiop. o liloom again; dour little ono, what, 85. "Take euro of him, and whalsoi-vpr doi-tor ilone to you '( Has ho paliiti-d thou spomltut more, whoa I come again I k with a tondpr vormlilou y Is this I will repay tlipp." If Hn would have people ''' "No," saitli the little one: "tho i take cure of upohIp. how muoli more will He 'i's not touoi'd my pho k." "Thou 1 take care of His own. (Jfe t'tul hpnrt. do bi'lliive thnt "Hocuroth for you" (I I'nt. v., 7.) If He by you would care for others, cheerfully let Him use you, und your time and your skill. If 1I bus givoii you nny. and your money nnd be oonteut to wait till He cornea attain for your full reward, of whlnii all tiresoiit joy is but a forutosle (Luku xiv.( 14; Itov. xxii., U). 3i. "Whioh now of these three, thlukest thou, was neighbor unto htm that full among the ttilpvosy" Tho lawypr asked where he might tlnd bis ceighbors, but Jesus who read bis hoart and would hold lilm to bis tlrst question, taught hi in how to be a neighbor, as well in where to tlnd bis neighbors. Notice bow Josus always mukes him answer bis own (juosllon. What a bklllful tenoher! 87. "And be said, fle that snpwed mer-y on him. Then said Jeus unto him, Oo, nnd do thou likewise." Tb'i only way to obtain eternal lite la to receive J 1 1 m who is The Life (John i., '22; ltoiu. vi., 23; I John v., 12). All commands to do, or lo keep the law, aro intended to humble us, to shut out mouths, to make us see that all our righteous. nesej are only us filthy raga (ltoin. ill., l'J; Isn. Ixiv., 6); that so we nmy pease our vniu doings to obtain life, acoept Him who walbt to beoome our life and our righteousness, and then let Him live out i His life through us to the glory of Uod (II Cor. Iv , 10, 11; l'hll. 11.. 13: Qal. II.. 80). Lessou Helper. wait for our "gatln'riii'. fa." Uislioi" Thorald. nivErn liF.si us to oru hih i.s. will give us rest "to our souls " nnost life, our immortality; a Sal- i.. thut spreads over the whole wi-ek, n'tilles every Intprvpulng mouiPiit: 'he gift of (rod. WIipji (iod gives is not a gas-jot, or a candlo-lluine, -ii r-lamp, but a light thut tills tho nl with blushing 'glory. Ho wh"ii 's pi uop, it is not nn opiate, It is a lion of soul. How i loos the doctor ii 1 1 1) to th oh hild and sav he uiade It bloom 'i "Uy touching "prlugs, by touching the blood, by .'the heart, ly toic-liiiig Uiu inner f things ; toil' iiin Unit. thU liloom It is so Christ gives rest: not ' outside, not by a roa liustmont of (nii"i s, but bv a purillcatioii of soul, h 1'nrkpr, Ii. 'l). . "MODV K !Hl!IKi.i, 'ale drinking 'or a Ion,' period hits, lit to the t. stl iiony of noted solcn- same Uelertoio'is effect upon tint system as lutein pnriiu! during a time. Thus even iiio'ieratn tippling 'inlitluns that rarely exis; at the 'lay) be-ynn's nn evil, yet how dau it is aui how mu ;U iiuitur it U to nu ll ly. A1V TOfll IIiol, IMTO THE rinE. "ii r idol Into the fnrnn -o, molt your a down, coin hint up, makp liod'H "f him, and solid him coursing. him cutis to onrry th" gifl of (iod, r of life, throiu'li the World- Iu istlpp to tho oppressed, iu healthful tl'Pin whom no man hutli hired, in !io weary who have Imriio the Imr 1 heat Of the day, in Joy to the "iirted, lu laughter to the ilull . . . What into gifts might not ui of unrighteousness, changed he money of (iod, give to men hone of our bone, uuJ Uosll of iuorgu Maodot.ald. "l 11 i Villi: "Aitl f i. n tt bo edge of the hUorlonl Clirlst is if which the revelation of the the divine ln. wiling k'rows. Christ of History the Christ of one tlm Hun ColllO id pcroi,uiuoiiuuiu- u nun, no is more totliom than icfore. Jumoij M. Campbell. . "Vi , . V oisoovered, when the i l'l . - -'he ''"'in i fouiid In. I men have learu-d to onll i 0 ;1 of Chrl.-t, when they have c , K'" is relation a;id ior.soi.alueiiui f tho face of Jesus Is, I think, ut by but glorious up pouring, mo us a coiis'MUPUco of Ida Th.) ;mro in heart will eo (iod. linn will he the clgn that wo cuu we sou 11 nn us Ho b. 'oliald. "'hty uu Instrument that no (lily iniisierud ult it kuvs. 'v (r me luilultu scale of muu's Kouuuubb. uuga Jiuiur. k SrABlLlMll lilKC LOt JIB. There is nn ancient inyim; tint thn sins of the lather aro vlsitud upou the ohlldreu;of course, In thn way oi natural law only. Koleuoe lenda its auppoit to this declaration and presents many sad fact in corrobratlou of It. Thus Dr. I'aul Unruler. of l'aris, who has. been making a special aludy of the chil dren of habitual drunkards, comes to thla conclusion: "There la a Daw In the very na ture of these young wretches thnt the psycho logist seea clearly and notea with apprehen sionthe absence of affoctlouata emotion; aud wheu they do not become lunatics, he uys, they show "insemtlbilit y and pitiless liess." Iloio is a temperance lesson ut start ling power. Wjikmau's Meiauugor. PEitmNKNT DAsnrn." Tho scientists of France have been tnvnstU fating the rapid iucrense of alcoholism in that land, the historic- bonis of wine. Asa result, the French. Aadsmy of Me lioine, ono of the most Illustrious aoi-ntitla bodies in the world, has udopte 1 a series of resolu tions, not only dailarili? that tfv drink evil haa become a norurinout danger," nttaok lng "th very Ufa and foroe 4 toe oountry," but laying atresa on the fact that aven tba purust alcohol U "alwny und fuulamuu tally poison. M I 0n Teung Negro From Virginia Bhoota Another From There. Bnrton Colemnn's bonrding house nt the Monrewood coke works, near Mt. 1'lpasant, was Hip sopn of n col l-bloodiil murder Hnt urdny night. Knvld Jot and John Nussh loth young colored liu'ii, wlio enme hem nlsiut n ypnr ngo from Staunton, Yn.. got into nn argument, during which Jet said he In tended to hnvo NiU'sle nrresie I for threaten ing to shoot Mm. At these words Nnsslo pulleij bis gun and put n I ullet through Jot s lus'k, the victim dying Is-fnrp a doctor could hetakpn down from Mt. I'leastuit. The inurdeior dlsappi iirci hooii nftor the shooting, and Is still nt largo, ulthoiich the nuthorltios pxpoi't to ciiptiiro him before hi. can got out of the r"i:l I'.oth the victim nnd bis shiver npcar to enjoy th" repu tation of Itoing rough, tough nud hard to bundle. OI..S of t;:r.ll H-:n M it if ; I. Jollll lllloSllled lit Kellii'li lli lii from I....L Jaw, tin- result i.f a I low on tlio bond with n I" f Wood. Illllieted I v Jollll llegalll. a lew nights ago. I.pgani is ut biro,.. II. struok Voln ml an- tl.c latter uperod Mis. ISegnnl agia-s of I r. The woman has surrendered b"i-sef to the p.,!..p. n,,. partl-s nrp Hungarian", and Vuln s eaes a wife and family in the old poiiiitry. Within Hip pa-t f.-w davs Judge il-.,,ti. , Ii"aor. has ha the b . lei- of the p,,' ,.. pa,1'in nts of tti.. various towns of the li' iu. f valley before bitu tn private, and t", tlii'tii that liereiifter tliey inn-t us" more igilauee iu'hiiuting ui. pi itv erln;li:als. Ion ulars, sneiiK uiieves, k-ll.diti'i--, pnp-lii;bl"r, etc w bo have mil.' ; nvor mv th ur lll'lii llf Opi'lll'.iolis. He .1,1,1' ",.l lip pi re- I lleiidtheseiieol.li'. Iron il: m and 1 will see taat thev get t!mr ju-t .i.-' sorts." " ' At Jennti' tte Trim. ps I v the t :- n have Im-pii lodgpd almost night'lv. A new order of things went Into etlis't mi Saturday. Now when the men npplv for lo.lk'ing nt th" poll. p station tin y nn- told that to pnv for the same they will ls obliged to w. rk ii Imlf-dav on the streets, a br "ill. fast mid ilinncrto he fur lilshed by the town. On Saturdiiv lin n did n gieiil biilf-. lay's work nud ' afterward they were told to get out of town und spread the news among t ln-ir fraternity. Six youthful car robbers were arreted nt I'.llwoo.l by liotpotiv.'s Cook" and render, of Hip llaltimori' and Ohio railroad. I'h" buys uro all under 15 jours of ag.., ami had be.'u making sisteinailo raids into freight ear standing in the Pittsburg and WpsIitu ard.s. They appear to have I n urganied into ii regular gang, mid coifiss.-il baviiig liiddi'i' their HtlllT UlldiT the tubp works. Win. Kirby, a tinner ut the institution f..r the fis.ble inltid.'d at I'olk. was found dead alongside th" Lake Mioro tra ks near I'rank II n early on Saturday nioriiing. Trainmen report no body Is-ing lilt, nud as there are marks of I'lows on the bead, it Is thought Kirliy may bavo.l n murdered. Th" ease Is iH'lng Investigated. William II lams. lio gamed notorieiv ns n memlsT uf the l'l-iuisj I v i la Miltin during the Homestead riots iu l;i.!,,i,., in tl,., arv hind Hospital at llaltliiioro, from th" "lloe'n of the pistol wound liilU.'led by cbarles Arndt. several days ago. At the annual un-ptlng of the Iilair County AgrlonlmnU s.m1. ty.l'rof. V. H. llri.b nl.nugii was elected president; Hon. J. . Illeks, vice-president; C. H. Tortpr. tif Hollidays-'-mtury; IL M. lluushoy.ol liavsis.rt A gang of tramps have tak Jti poseesslon of the deserted eok" ovens at Now Castle, and bold high revel there at night. The iilleo have imt interfereil lieeause no ilepn'dations have li'i'ii I'ommitt 'il. David Kis'fo, a ganger in the employ of the National Transit i oiupany, was louinl dea l lu n small tank of ml at i'etrolia. Wiiether his death was aoe.eital or a case of suioid" is not known. Judge Henderson, ,,f Crawford eoiintv.hin granted -Ji lloi ii-.s in Meadvllle, Tl in I itiis vlile and 2 iu spartausbuig. Two aipli. niits from Meadvllle luid one from Tittisville were refused. The bottom llilors at the Iioiiglas furnU'-e, In sharpsvllio, who siruek for th" help ( two pMru ineii, resin I work, the manage ment having decided to grant them tlo ir tiiands. Tlie I.nbur World. Bricklayers are on strike In Ciuclnunfl. Upholsterers wont on strike In Chicago. Business Is good for members of tho Mill wrights' Unions. Machinists nnd moldora oontlaue on strike In Easton, IVnn. A big strike of building trndos' unions oc curred iu Duffalo. United Garment Workers liavo 128 unions In New York City. Union upholsterers were rcqucfted to keep way from Chicago. A geucrnl strike of union clothing cutters In Chicago took place. Granite cutters ore preparing to demand an eight-hour worn day. Mn In Japanese cotton fnctorlc.i get about eighteen cunts a day, aud women about twelve ccuta. The Co-Operntivo Society, of London. Eng laud, employs 240 clerks nud its annual sales are upwards of t50,U00,(J0U. A Cincinnati concern which manufactures office furniture exclusively Is ruuuing night and day on orders from Mexico. The differences between tho Brotherhood st Locomotive Engineers und the "i'litut System" huvo been amicably adjusted. A bill providing for a permanent Board of Labor Arbitration In Lnglaud pushed its sec ond reading In the House of Commons. The Allied I'rintiiig Trades of New Jersey adopted resolutions protesting nguiust the establishment of a Htuto printing oflice. Thn National Association of Commissioner of Labor Bureaus will meet In Albany, N. V., June 23, and discuss municipal questions. The use of school buildings for one night each mouth In order to discuss luborques Hons will bo asked of tho Board of Educa tion of New York City. The various trades unions engagod In the manufacture of glass have formed an alliance and will raise a fuud, said to be f 2,000,000, for use in contests with the manufacturers. Charles W. Mowbray, tho English anarchist who came to America some time ngo, has be soms naturalized nnd Is now the President of Journeymen Tailors' Union No. 12, Bos ton. Mass. Three Generals Die on One Pay. Otmarat Ocorjro W. Olio dio J to bis home in Philadelphia. Ilo wus sixty-seven years old. He was born In Bethlehem, N. U. Gen eral Lewis Morrill, sixty-two yeurs old, died la Philadelphia of an affection of the kid neys. General Morrill was a native of Penn sylvania and a grad'into of West Point. General Madison Miller was found dad lu his residence In St. Louis. Ilia faithful dog was keeping watch over his remuius. Madi son Miller was born In Mercer, I'cuu,, and wus elgUty-flvo yenm old. Two Hundred lersona Killed. Toe Annul troop nt Kiang-YIn, ninety flV miles front 8nnnghal, China, mutlned reoenUy. Tha magazine was blown up. Two nundrwl persons were killed and many wounded. The troops killed a captain and death00-'4 wUoUuqw, awaiting N-WSY C'.EANINCS. Nearly 1.250,000 people die every fortnight. Asia contains more than half tho people of the world. Hevnntnn per cent, of Orcat Britain's do?, torn live in London. Thin vnr thn Gregorian pnlendnr tins boen Introduced Into Korea by order ol the King. All thn telegraph messngor bovs In Lex ington, Ry., are to be equipped with bicycles. A hog weighing a trifle nnr thnn 1000 pounds w.is killed nt Bye, N. If., n fow dnvs ago. A frsn silver resolution Wis n lo'ite bvt'l" Mississippi House of llcpreetitatives by inj to 1. Losses to shipping on th Croat L'ikes bv disasters for the past season amounted to 2.ntir,r,!i7. Hwniitilng horiM on tiiestree'.sln KoniuoLv Is prohibited lu n bill now before tlm St.iti'i Legislature. The snniial meting wn held of tltn A'uori "nn N'ow4pnper l'lililislvrs' AsiocinM m at New York Clt v. Tho Michi.'in I'i'h Oi-niiis-;,iii is busy planting Its takes and streams with trout ,-in I other game fish. A In ly of piirhtv-throK vpnr ha just .Im. lingtiishoil her-olf in Wo-t Stoneham, Mp., by killing a b"ar. A mm In a eoonskin coat nnd enp ci ite 1 n sensation nu the it reels of n K n-.n town roei'ntlv. Su'h gam w.H once c ):n non lu hostoti, Mrs. Itiwninn (mn, of Ulanohn-d, M"., has shot n Inrg deer nn I tr itiio. Hyn f itei near her li nn" this wiu'er without aid Ir nnv ono. Five g 'tier iHons n' one famllv am liviir.: nn a homestead n' II ir Islown. G.i. I'li li -.i I of the family, W. O. (.'berry, h:n I I'', living descendants. A now .( of natural tooth or pu -.il?i .; J throiigii the long-onooth gums of pigiitv-four-ycnr-obl Unci" Jaku Lawr 'iice, id ; I'nloiitowu, Kv. J A. W. l'att"rson,a wenlthvim l hlghlvoo'i ti'ftn 1 citizen "f Mtdisoti. Wis., after th. ' family had retired, shot his wile tnr nigh l no ! be.i I and then killed I'ims 'lf. Ther am l,v ; children. No rp.nou for th" mur I 'rand sin- ' clde Is known. The Co-Operative Gas Compimv, drilling i aouth of loin, Knn., stni"k th" largo-t lbw J of natural gas ever ilisoovem t in that Held. ( The How mo.isurps about lH.n:i,n o mMo feetnilay. The gas will be piped over the city, and used for lights ami fuel. At thn time f his death, a f"W day- ago, Othnt' l Gnyer, of Nor-.v,.'h. Conn., was the oldest town ph rk in the I'liite I Stales in imint of iMntiiiuoin service, and pe: liapsals i in point of age. H" w.ts mnoty-slx years old, nnd ha 1 held oflice continuously for a little more than llity years. TheCocopn volcnnoee, dp ir Yiiiiui. Anonn nn-again very ii 'tivo. Those on the plains am throwing out hot water, steam an 1 mud. while the dry ones pour forth smoke by day nnd flam" by night, plainly soon II 'teen miles away. There am more than ln.DOO of these Volcanoes in the plain. John I'. Swoope, of Huntington Cnuntv, Pennsylvania, made a n rl as a trapper during hist year that has never l u equalled In the Stat". II" collected ril7.5() m boun ties fjr scalps of nnlmals killed inthecouuty during the year. This sum represents not fnr from n thou-und uiiimais of all sorts. Ho received more than half of the bounties paid by the county. Indiana's oldest residents am Alex ander Ferguson and his sister, of Franktoii. Alex- i under is 10H years old and his sister Is inT. I Alexander worked on bis farm every day, doing the ordinary chores ol the place m, i ii bo hnd passed his hundredth birthday, and j Is still in excellent health. Ho take n dnliv walk of a little mom than two miles. His wife is over uiuety and la lu good huattu. j Kll.v..uy Au.ritus i Nicholas and Arsene Conslgny, bmtbors, J both experienced machinists lu electrical ate ' purines, with experimenting nt yuotiee, Canada, on the m mufa 'tuni of acetylene gas In order to reduce its cost ns a luminary, when nn explosion occurred. Arsene wiu killed ami Nicholas was seriously injured, Venezuela's ThniiU. Both Houses of Congress ut Caracas, Veil- P7.uelu, piw-sed a resolutiou thanking tho j Government and people of the United States lor their attitude on the boundary dispute . between Great Britain and Vcucxuolu as t j ' tho limits of British Uuiauit. : Cured Diabetes. March lth, 1895. Tit Dr. J. H. McLtan Mcdicint, Co., SI. Louin, Mo, Gontlemrn : I desire to eper.s my heartfelt thanks to you for my marvelous restoration to health. I was sick for many years with a bid c.isc of diabetes which made me very thin and weak. I also suffered much Ion of sleep, having to t;?t up so many t,m"S nt nii?ht to pass urine", and also jrrc.it annoy mce fiom (host that water would not satisfy A few months aro I bemn to follow your instructions in repaid to diet Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm. wc ll?' J V.lrdJh.",fi bo.tlf-s, and, thank, be to God, am n hn oUri tn 7l , i V ii " PUUIISn """' " y " OeSlfC, 3S WOuld .k . 'T ' th" "Wo'Oi of victim, of diabetes to a remedy that will give them a blessed relief. LOUIS PHILLIPS. Columbu:., Neb. r-i-fm Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Avay! 7 a &imu mnkoR tho norvoH atruiiir. nml brlnirn hack tho fooliniM of youth to tho nrn. nilLtiiridv rvt.l mo lt rOBtOroa lout, viirnr Yoil nine tniin tun pounda in ten di-.ya. GUARANTEED TOBACCO HABIT CURE. QO hlV nnd trw n Imr ln.,l,, r - " " r a iiiyitu v, x Ij will uiiiLriLii r,.. ....... lUlldOd. Hnnlrliit. wrttf rn .t,,,.... - . . -t ......Ml 1II11U,I.I1I I I IJ J ond eamplo froo. Addrosa ncurcEt oillco. THE STrol IUC Druenv r CHICAGO. MONTREAL. CAM. NFWVn. fifi AfiRliPTQ rindy mtbnrttc rnrc const Inni Ion. 1'iindv vetrit able, xtmmiti nnr. MMrlMHIIU I 3 c-uiV, Hold bv flnn:i;l.,t.i ov r ywlu ri', jpmriuili td to tuic Unly l II TEMPERANCE TOPICS. A i.irri.K Ki'inrn. IVwarnof a little ipid 'r. Whine web tut i Ii . ymiti l ipiiU; lie la known by tl." na'tic i,f Cider, And with care ii'.i w.irk ia dene, lie tenipti witii apple Julce-i, And ol course appears an tiweet, Veil Hcarcesuii i the imei Of a llipild h 'villi.''.'. Tina jllii'fM)f-tle-!lpple .spider, Will p ilitely liitrndiice To a web that Is xprend much wider. Tor p ii"a.striiM use. . a 'r.-i T' thnnd i. ,. .i ifatmva Mis kii'iwn as ni'iileri. -.rl n k i n ur. And lbs ifiurscs iliiu nward tend. As pruved by the thou-nnds r-lnkiiur linwn to a drunkard's end. -T. Ii. Tliompi' ti, iu Yuiith'.s 'reiiippr.'ince llaniier. MAKKHTS. I'll I'sHI Kli. (.ralu. I lour ului I eed. WIIKAT-Nu 1 roil . 4 '.'l Nu. it re.l .1 ' tuii.v-.N.. ii i'lli. var, " Nu 1! Ti'llow hlielle l .' -1 tliii"l cur, '' ' (IA'1 No. I Vlllite ' -I'lli Nn H ulilte U it, I IfM.t IIIUH'J ..' I.v Itltr-.Nii 1 ' Nn. 2 weslern , ' II H.ol U mil l piitenta l.leu ls. : ' 1 'I r" Kniie)' pru.it 1'iili'iit.i .1 l'.i Kiiiier mrniKlil h inter - ' '' hye Hour '-' l ' '! IIA i - Nix 1 liiiii.iny I" ".i p. .'i Mixed clever. .Nu 1 1 I .'.'. lli' New ila) , fr.iiii waK"iis.... I-u.i ,'u mj Pkr.liNn. lUi.ne.Uii., inii 1 : ') 1 1 'i llri'Vili Ml l'lUl.as Il oi I! ' Kritii. bulk. i: "i r.' gTUAW'-Wbval -Vj n '. "i Ual r. ;, j ) liaiijr 1'rusluiia, Bl"11 K1C--Llfll) i loitiuriy .'I ,j '.';. I'h in) i renin. I f i-i J.i rule:) louxiiiy i.uU. K P'i ( liM.r. Diiin, nu i to .New mk, new In II tfuilaaia Voaetablea. AI I'I.O Ilia nl , iii liJiA.Ns lluud-iucfcai, nr IjU..,. 1 ..'t 1 lu H.'l.lHu. run', m ,i. ti i i ,'i (. AblLkux.- liiijijw uruH ii, bin 1 mi i .'.', UN lo.i.i - i I'.iim , u.i ... i.i r, i t'uullry, tin, ( UK Kl::, pmr 41 14 liil 'I I liKi. i , in ... lu It a.iiijb-1'u. una Ulilu. iresii Il .M Ihi eiluueuua. fcKKDM I lixer ui ll.n 4 4 '.b 14 j nu iiumiliy, I'liiuu 1.11 -i .') lllUO tilunn I i) I 0J MAI'l.h Mull', new ,11 hi CliJfcU Couull J , miiiil, Lbi i Ui 3 'M UUMtt 4 i ll.Nll.N.N All Fixirit W iltA 1 Nu. lieu inn No. it COU.N .Ulxod. OA la tuu.i Iil 1 i t.n oiite 1 leiiiii'iiy iinn m is iwar HM'tM. "t i. 1 When li ! lias a ereat wnri. f r nnv mie tn do ill th" world, lie usually uie- linn a ).eenliar trainuiu' l"r it : nn l tluit traiuini.' 1-11-t what 110 'irthly Inend would I -" for bun, and si-iiietiini s it is s.i . ni; con tinued tllllt there seell -' to II- t 1 I"' lillt little time h it for him to work. Wo -liould not bine led Mo-. - into Mi'lian I" pr-pnr- hii'i to tulde a miti'iii, and 1 1 ; . 1 . 1 1 w- .-1 1 . .nil not have left I in, tie r'- forty yenis. I'.ut ll.'d klll'W tll.lt the life of tile' llUllll'l' .-.l 'p- herd, und iii th" .1 -t. to.., would l"'-t lit him lo lead hi" I I !' like a lloek. and tliat he n di d to l e in thai s 'liool Ii" I" than fort l"hi years to be the truly meek Mi-' -. II" must bine loin; year- of ipii"t, under th" sbadow ..f Sinai, for uu .111 it; i' 11 on !b" ' liar- f li'i.l I ..f ire I l' l 1 1 tllllt. Ii "I 11 the t.,p i f the 1:1. unit, and there 1 I" llM'lvor.I' lestil ltle (.1 11-. Mlil.V I.Vi'll purest LESS THAN HALF THE: PRICE" Or OTHER BRANDS -i- POUNDS,20 HALV&S.IDQUARTRS.5 SniDIM CANS HNLY : net'' II, nut little pint-. of Hruok'i und then lmr.-t into tllline. und replied: "Of ciursn nut: it ih 1 41 41 il 'J .0 it iui.i.ut.LruiA, ruiiK 4 ti ka 1 WlirvAl-Nu. K ile.l T'i COHN Nu. i Mixed . lil OAi5 Nib 'd White. ISI tl bL 1 1 tit Cluulnery, exiiu VU XUU9-IH. Illl 11 NtW lUilli, FUUlt I'aleuu it ".i jit 11 VWitAT Nu. ii ilea 77 COliN Nu. V Jo UAl Ubllo VVi sti.ru li Hi bLi I til I ii'iiiiiiu y IV IkVilih tte unit rmiil It IK LIVi; MOtK, IKNl'lUL HTuiU lAIUo, I.A..I UfcLUTV, IX. cxrrui. r I line, 1,:00 to I.-IUUI,. 4 1.-, 14 4 3,) do, u, i.-.uo lu I...IXI iu 4 uu 4 l'l 'll.lv, l,ie 1.1 l.l.'iUil. j 60 4)l full tlt'Ll lu..n. ) lu llXW lb.... Sill) H4I Vuuiiuuii, 7uu lu xixiii) n ; j i 4J MUU4 Miiliuin,... luavy liuiiUk uud blaija MllKC. Xxtra.lUMolUlba (jcsmI. Hi tu V) j Ilia air.ru toau lua. coutuiou 1 1 MIUIIM .,. m 4 15 4 '.') .... i IU 4 IJ . H WJ tl Oil ... S 41 S M a tyj a e-i 9 uu a ) I Hi It V W 4 7i HolV Al.iollol. H Alt MS. The Titiiperance Cuiise relnte.-i an ancdote nbmit the oft repented argument of the wanning elTi'i'ts nt ale iliul, as follows: "llui, duetor, I must have s unn kin I of a Htiiuulant," pried the invalid earnestly. "1 uin cold, and it warms nt"." Precisely," cam.) tne doelnr's crusty an-HV-'l-r. "rlen here; this stii'K is I'oVl," takliii; iii a sti.'W nf won i Imiii tli" box beside th" hearth and tossiin; it int 1 the lire. "N iiv it b warm, but is th" Mtek beucllted.'" 'I'h" Hi.'k 111:111 watched the Wood tlrst Mind buriiiii'-r itself." "And .aro you when ymi warm ynur.self Willi ileohol; yuu are literally burniui' up the dell'-ate tissues i f your stomach and brain." oh, yes, iil'.'.diol will warm you up, but whu Hilda the fuel, When you take food, that is tii.'l, 1111 I as it burns nut yuu keep warm. Hut when you take nlcohnl tu warm you, you are Ilk" 11 man who sets Ins hnusu on lire iu)d vvarin.s bis IUii;er.s by it as il burat. TKUI'dlANCK NEW AND NoTK. Owini; tu the .strini,'cney nf recently enii' t id laws eluveiiuiit nf the twenty-six saloons In Kukuiuu, In I., do I I" 1 t 1 clo-e. Tweuty-one temp "ranee nss i.'iations have been funne l iu India during the past win ter, with an enrollment nf now mem bers. The Chbinri) Intcr-Occim iia.-i"rls thn'. whisky caused the greater iiumher n( tire llrt linmlcidea that toot place lu its city UuriiiK' the past year. The American Kt'a.inship I ine has it as an invariable rule thai nn captain or other ! fleer, (tailor ur oilier employu, shall u-se iu tuxicatlnK lbunr ua a drink. The reason mine men can't make ixdh ends meet la be jauso they are ton busily enua' id inaklnir ono und drink, Ih the way one facetious udVOiMite of the cause atateg It. The farmers arotin 1 Havered Heart, Mum., recently allowed th"lr tloslru b-r no-llceuse In that town by pledKinK th"insel ires not In Hell Kraln nnr buy Bupflius tin'ro it the vil Iuku went license. There In one privnte railway car inside of Which there never la any liquor. Tha: is tlm car of General Manager Stoyeus, ot the Chcs Hpcnke and (Jtilo. Mr. Htevens U not what is usually called a temperance man, but lie is o opposed to drinklii',' that be will not approve a bill tor supplies purchased ut a atura that handles Ibpior lu any form. When Kentuoky dnea dnivv the linn on whisky it la drawn tlk'ht. A youun man iu Crittenden County was held to answer iu ihe Circuit Gourt on it eharua of KivluK Ibpior to minor, because be rtave a Klusa of nuoii to bla awutttheurt. Hoinubody, nmyba a ro Jeotud aultor, aaw the ouuurruuov ku 1 lifort t it ; ti ; ita. K I l'-A N-S The modern stand ard l;amily Mcdi cinc : Cures the common every-d.iy ills of humanity. , AN All I'l l. SMUT. I was speaking mi" iiU'ht In Park Avcrrt'i Misjioii, In UrooUvu. said Mr. s.. .tt in the New Vork Wiiii. s-, when rill ot a su Men a Woman whu was partly na'" l and ""er."l with blood, and almo.t s. n-, from thn effects nf a'eoliol, appeared mi the plat ...1 :n, Hhe n.td u'ol ther 1 tr im th" rear ol tic l.ii ld lint. I sball u.'ver for 't th" awiul -U'lit as loni; ih I live. I never e uild uav. invnte l Mich an nw'ul e ruple of tic t"rnlie "Il 'ets of tin. drink habit. W enen and children shriek" I and men I.. .:." I on uii'ijifoiin le 1. 1 Mr. l''er linan I .Scluvetia, tli" pastor in cliarue, was eipial to ih" ..m.-win'V nnd ma Ina speech that I shall ivvr f'.ro-t. As for mvseif. if niin ha I risen n- en 1 1 1 - .e 1 1 I cnnl. I not have b"":i inor a-i 'insiie I. I'li.i awful realities of the ll.pl u-"Ui -" Ii ::t nny. thlliy that can be even dr inued Till! nlTTCYIME IIP A lilll'Ni:KN yCARiiri, A very mil rt .ry n-s fr e.n Muskolci, Ontario, Hf n druni; ui nuarrel in win Ii a ynunir man nf twentv-.lx I -l Ins life. It seems that a lunir-sianuiir,' f.-u l exist" I P" tweeii two ni"li uii n-d S 'oit and M 'K.w.ie. Last week both men met at lite S"verii iirldr.'" nuiiUHl lair and r"ii"W'd their ipiar rel. In the liitht which eiisun ! y iuiik' ") ' tl w.is stubbed ny M"K"ii.iii in th rfrotii mi l died a lew hours u'.t"' ills removal to til" I Toronto ll isplul. Thus it was that ono bour's drinkiiist nruiiht a y.utn, lif.-toa ' terrible end. and iitmther nl morn a. Ivan 1 ) yean tn a prison and tlm sha hnv nt the 1 itallowri. And what shall bo sail ni the : yuunit wlduw and her little Im'i.', whn must ' take up life's battle nl"U , an I i t'a Ii rr-r-, atrieken frieuda ol him wludi 1 til') dejo.' CbrUtiau Work. IIKAIt THE OOVtllNOli Ol- AnlZOJA, ! Oovcrnor L. ('. Hui;hi, nf Arizona, In hli I annual report to the Heeretury nf the Inter! 1 f.r, myu that the cost o' tlie l.iunr trafflo to j tha Tnrrilnry l ao irrnat that total ubstlneneu la u bs es-nty, and he prays Cmufn'ss luraiiiilt a 'irv.lill.ltory law. Govern. vr lluk'he aayai 1 "lluriiii; tint last thirty yeajs, thure baa uot I tmeu u aiutfle Apauha Ladiau outbreak In 1 Ariaona which vu not bn Ulpj'H tWUH dt lntyxlcatiutf driuka." .UJ 1