The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 27, 1896, Image 5

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i . '
, t, chunk iwrnoimu.
Pennsylvania Deitsch.
ScblifT.Uown, Fibuwr Wt, 1fl
. XT ... in i ti il
(ister LnooKF.n: i
sichder en, es eo mmmy
l. bib bis ' wuaer n.mi K.v.
t un donn uamis iiwuuin ... .
loan w?rd ftw in rale am-it
L lit K'gbussa. De wolirai i i.
tfl uu airliclia leit Kenna u .-.
hoifcreia on ue ipciuh
iimln, un ilawrum nni. ... .
Mora for rrpiluii. ui-.
snowBlawa odder nei, ho up
Jl, Cl'HbtcT Wlddcr OBUlhHIl. n
dt-r aiiiHU'h indt-ppnin'm i-. .
Jidawt for cooutibtawcllfr, un v
.iM mm oil do Bbtiuima b'Hln
iu-cpt yunbt ainy, un Bell war n
py t.Mi.t......
u wo war arunua in r.iinj .
biu o uw my cooler on
u 1 ..... loniinn (.'ill Hit
bVhc iM'ii i, un vrann h ni.ioin
i ;.,U iiiinl
COOIll 11 OH llll'l nil
irlii'bi lection rrlU(syni,
. : f.... L ,liiti,.r
htl Mil HUT "l "
wusilikaita un coiioim, i"i
Luit uf lialtu. ui '"'" -
i ieh HawB, e -ou iiiinmy 1
L, r p;u bin mer wulvW-r touwi i
ii, un don wu i a aw u uui-i
L Jiih druf.
uiht mohl os U'h widd.-r i
town bio will ich ntnobl tier S
intuitu dcrwenirn un wcil ur i ..
lnwt war bin icli B'mUiflied o .r
lYori fuu dor freilieit un ie
Tit SriiwEKt elduenneh
Vtonally-CoutUeted 7 ours a
J'cnnsylvatua Jttiroaa. t
Lere in do doubt but tbat e y
his bud f om time a aeHU o
"of Flow "
.f i jeou aetemd
doing by tbe tbougbt of a
i Ad tireaomo rlad journey,
i"it., ..u tbousaud ami
lller objections. TUene liuvu
nvlrMmnliv the inauguration
'f;r . ... t .:l 1
Imlil euuHyivaniu luuuwim v.m-
liw.runtinllv l-OUiluctcd toill s
itlHonvUlo. A special train of
'lied equipment make tin
i Ini Now York to JackHonvillo
ty bourn ; a tourist ugont and
rou uccoiupany cirn lour io
iftor thu comfort of pasHom,"'i H
in route ; and tbo low rate
a brim,' tbe tours witbin me
i of almost every one.
touiH. ullowiuB two weeks
u Florida, will leave New York
l'Lihidelpbia on February
Iiueli I?, il'o 'llt, ,n-
truiif-portution, meals en
nii.l V.lllllUlll bertli OU Hpeeml
is 50.00 from New York and
' from Tbiladelpbia : propor
o rates from otber points,
furtber information apply to
t Aeeuts, or Address TouriKt
. 119i Broadway, New York,
oui 411, Broad Street Station,
lelpbia, to wbom application
ace sbould also bo made.
il I
; I..
ill)' !
la 1
1 m
1 t
iam Beaver, an aged and re-
blo citizen of this town, who
d sixteon weeks close conline
breatbed bis last on Tuesday,
iry 18. 18i)(). Tbe funeral took
ho following Thursday. Ho
rn March fi, 1S10, in Dry Val-
iiou county, l'a. Ho was a
... . i i i.
r ol tuo jjumerau vuuieu.
bo death of bis wifo which
1 five years ago, ho was well
r by George Spaid, his wifo's
, whom they adopted wheu a
.ving had no children them
One cause for upecial recog
ue the departed is the fact
isked his life in defonco of
- - . l 1 v . 1 nu
on. lie enronou uciouer
as discharged July 31, I8M
vl nine months as corporal
l7Uud Jiegt, ra., uraueu
Last Friday as J. M. Kline
to enter A. B. Spocht's
Ut foot hold on the stone
hurt bis knee bo badly as
him unable to walk....
imber of the O. A. It. and
.' A. members of this place
he Washington birthday
leld in tho Lutheran
Adumsburg on Friday
l Middleswarth and wife
j L
iont spent a few days in town
....Mr. and Mr. Yutzy of
own visited Al. Smith's on
ay. ...Irvin StefTVn and fam
.'allas vis. ted at John Heiro
. . . .Oliver Ilarboson and wife
Ilinburg were entertained by
L. Wetzol and family over
ay. . . .Mrs. Ft linger of Mifflin
has come to thin place to tnako
omo with her son, Dr. J. T.
Threw Awitjr III t'anr.
r. 1). Wiley, x potlllater, Hlack
k, N. Y., wan ko badly afllicted
li rlit'iiin iIikiii that be wrnt only
e to liotjlile around with caneitund
311 then tt cauxed liim grrut pain.
vr uoing Cliiiiiiberliilii' Piilti Uiilm
wua no ui licit Improved that he
rew away bin eauen. lie nays IiIk
linen) did liim inor good than all
tir uifilioliK'K mid t rintniiit put
ttetlier. For Mile at .10 eeiit per
title by all dmgt:it.
Lip Gone!
There Is not a more familiar figure
on the MivelM f Atlanta than th man
whose picture is lu re shown. Kvery
hody knows liim liy hiht and it will be
reinenilHToil that years ngo he began
to wear on his iipjicr li, just under
his nose, a small piece uf court plas
ter, not larger than a silver half dime;
this )1 aster ho has worn constantly,
though it gradually increased in size,
ns everybody knows, until it was a
large as a silver dollar. This man is
M. M. NiehoKon, who resides nt the
corner of Anderson and tiirran Sts.
It was thirty years ago. that he lirst
noticed a ti.iy scale, like a piece of
wheat bran, "on his li. lie at lirst
thought it only a fever blister, but it
was not Ion if before his checks became
diseased mirl p.',jnft to the touch, and
he 80011 realized that lie had fallen a
Victim to that most dreadful disease
Cancer. It rapidly ..creased in size
and nevcrity, and remembering that
his father had cancer when JiC died,
and that his uncle also lost his fA by
this terrible disease, which destroyed
his tongue, throat and left eye, Mr.
Nicholson became thoroughly alarmed,
and realized that hi condition was
more than serious.
Gravel Cured
(riillnilclphtii, ppiin., Item.)
A lifMlthler. IiPiirtier, happier man
thnn John .1. Nelll, of XM:t7 North
Klul.lli utreet, l'liilaibdpliin, eould not
be found In a day's Koircli. The fact
Hint In- is still nliVM i n constant won
der to his Mend. ,
III tbe full of ISSO he begnti to KlltTer
In.leperlbalilt' iniferlex from stone In
the bliidder, CommiIi nu eminent
phyidcian in 1 li i In I l i , 1 was told
that a Hiirglenl opcrutioii was neee
fu ry. Ho inueli did Iih dreml tbe re
("iilt.for if lllisneeesful it ineniil deiit i.
that be put olT the evil day ns long its
possible. While In this IriuiiM of mind,
he heard of
Although disheartened, on. Inly I, lSDl),
he bought a bottle of it, and within a
month bud xperi'iif il bencOchtl re
mits, nnd before be bud HnMied the
third bottle, til" gruvel wii eomptete.
ly dissolved and IiIsmi eiings nt it ti
Mr. Nt'ill feels flmt li- owe n la-ting
debt of' to I r. Kennedy'
Favorite Keuiedy and for disorders of
the bladder iiinl urinary organs, says
"if will elTeef II cure if one he possible."
Favorite l. K pri'-crilied with
unfailing siieei lor t in uiiiiit inn,
dyspepsia mid iierv e troubles in which
it lias cured tunny ilml wer nsi.l
ered beyond l be aid of medicine. All
druggists, ijl.
To Ml nlT.T"rs of MtlfOKm l)K VOfTIf,
l.oT vi;i' una fii-i; tM - or Mi;?i
AM WlHII.N. s i'i- m ; .:..iii i...iintlt e
ciiri'iy .1 1 1,, ft.,. r. Il n I I .v l.i.Tl
irh'iiv i-.i'iii.l. nn 1 i. i : i , . u it k furs
iiiiiiiii.h' I. N.iiiu.i . r Imw Ini: t, 1
will poMl,..v mrv v.. a. Wni- or n
RR I nP?l 323 H.I5nSt.Fhl!a.Pa.
The Salem rii'l-rinkTr- r.t l.-.'nii' :.l. I it. ;
i'i.IiiIiii f. .1 liy S il i . r. I I j . , ! -i- . v ;;; .
Iiiaiiiiii il in Mi., f 1 1 1 1 1. .v , i.-ti c. a.
cori.MS c
aluiiys mi :n .n,, ,.;,
.renii iMl f. , I, n i .1 n ,,, , , i . i , . . ,, ,
INti A M'lVI ;t . ! ,. .. s-...-:.i . : i . ., . .
In stiH-k. I;, p. , 'lulu Vfi'it .
ter of dmlnlctratlon In eotnte f
aimon P. Kotilerof Jrtolcinl.wn.hl, Nny.lor ( o.
dro'il, hvln hiHn Kmnlp.l In tho iinilnr
lljlllfil, nil .pn...ii, knowlnir thriimrlvMi Imlelif.
. to mH eili.te srs rnnn-nUil to iiink Immr.
dime pRynirot. trlilln t li.. hovlriK rlslins will
prosrnt them duly sut hrnllcn t', t th unilor.
Hit. 19,'m. Ailministriitorii
Ealuni, I'd
Coicntir.o American
Agency top
f llfpovn
. to
i ill . ' r . i
flivinix up entirely his business, he
went to Cincinnati and remained for
several months under treatment of a
celebrated specialist. He was after
ward treated in Klinira, Xew .York,
win. re. the- cancer v. as twice removed,
but la; dcelaivii Ili;.t death was prefer
able to such treatment. It returned,
however, and thetliiavse seemed to be
(f a i.iot viniK lit type; the doctors af
absolutely no relief, the cancer
i Ihi. all the time, eating out en
tirely tho partition in the no.-e, as well
as tin; upper lip and gumu.
"S )iue. mouths ago," he Rays, "I be
gan to use S. S. S., though I admit with
lil'.hj faith that it could cure nie.but to
my surprise, a few bottles afforded
soinr. relief. Thus encouraged, I de
termined to give the medicine a thor
ough trial, and it was not long before
the progress of the disease seemed
cheeked. I continued the medicine,
ami remarkable as it may seem, I am
cured and f.eel like I have new life. I tallt more distinctly, for the llei-h
has begun to grow back around my
teeth, where it lui.s been literally eaten
away. S. S. S. is the most wonderful
remedy in the world, nnd as my condi
tion is pretty generally known, every
body will agree that the cure is Indeed
a most remarkable one. S. S. S. has
given me a new hold on life, and I
shall certainly sing its praises the re
mainder of my days."
The above is but one of many re
markable cures being daily made by
S. S. Cancer is becoming alarm
ingly prevalent, and manifests itself
in such a varit ty of forms, that any
sore or scab, it matters not how KinaM,
which does not readily heal up atid
disappear, may well be regarded with
suspicion. We will gladly neiid to any
address, full accounts of several other
cures fully as remarkable as this one.
For real blood trouble.!, S. H. H. has
no eipial. It wipes out completely tlte
most obstinate cases of blood diseases,
which other remedies do not seem to
touch, ri. S. S. gets at the root of the
disease, and forces it out permanently.
S. St. S. is guaranteed purely vegeta
ble, and is a positive and permanent
cure for Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer,
Khctimatism and ell- trace3 of bad
iilood. Our valuable books will bo
mailed free to any address, tswift
Specific Co., Atlanta, Go.
thing to imtuutf Protnct yuurlilciw ; tliry nmy
liriuw ou wcultli. Will JOHN WKlillKlt
JJUitX & CO., 1'stunt Attorney, WasUlutfUiu,
1). C, fur tuulr 1,muu pruw oilut.
Tor Information anil five llaiiillxxk wr..
Mt'NN CO.. .VI liHiuKHtr. Mtr V
Ol.ttt bnrrtu fur ci'.irin n mi in Amri.t taken out l.jr tti U lrm:ht brforn
tl. pubUe b notion given frt o uf vUwko lu Ih
World. r lllinlrU1. No InH-lllu-tit
Dlll rhnl.lil Iki It. wroiiv M INI
rnr: munCn. ,t,in"i. mi'NN a CO.,
tsuuiiru. -ioi iinwawitv. Aw lull cur.
4 I)MINl.STUTlVix;SNf7fi0K. Let
r tern of iiilmliilsi milon In pstnte of
Tlios. .1. SMI I II. I ilr nl ,M I.I.I l. tmrifh. Nny.ler
l'.r.,itrrM, Inn nrrn nr.inl.'.l to Hi ninlrr
rlnnr.l, nil ht..ii Kinir.ii g lln.n.,.vr lii.lvl.teil
to mi. I i-niiilo nrr ri qie Mnl imika In iiir.llnto
I'liyinrtit, wliiir. t h. -n Inivlim rlnlinii Kill i.r.'.rlit
l hi'. n duly iiiitlii'iitliMtril in tl.n iiiiili-r-lulioil.
i.i..i r. it. ii 1 1 ii,
Mlilillchiilvli. rn.
JHii.3H.tM. A.liiiliilMrnirli.
A H M I N I S I' U A T I 1 X 'S N ( ) T I ( ' K, I at
x ter of iidmiiiistrntion iii estate of
IIAYIII II. Wll T l..l. I'l... ,,,,. ..... ...i....
Mnwler eniuilv. IM.,ili ci, Imv ii. Ih-.-ii grutitcii
In llio iiiiiliTviiriiril. nil piTHuim kiinwliiK lli. in-hi'Ivi-h
linl.M. il t.i Kulil esini.. nn reiiucBteil fn
iiiiikc Ilnnii illiile piyinciil. lilli. w(. ImvliiK
. it. in eii-rm i neiii uu :y ilimiclitlnitt'il U
tin' lllnlrrstglii'd
Jan. .Hi, . A.liiiliilslrntrtx.
fy Popular Mjshibes!
Cont.iln'i cnc'l : .
I r..iii..;.i c -; ' .. : v
MmUcI 1 le: V v i...
tiuns : Mn: J I. -ne
t'.u.u t'-. IC'VII
; I iu-irn-
i.i Ai.'trKi;
i J t'-J. ; C-J 3 i cur.
ir t (' 5 PJ ' f
li;-. i t.:ijti;J b nittJGItl llbUii
l-O.J CC .'C A7JO CtRLS.
A l!i!,'.l:t. W!:i.l' .:-.. n, Jnrnill.i
r.iiiv I : i ti -I r n t . -1 1 . 'i!i,.,..-t wrln r f..r j.iiiiik
liou;.lo c i.t: liiut i l.i it. II) Hi. ; ii a ycur.
Geo. V. Waucnsollcr.
f!AVn'f tn FVat.l- f.ttUa lnhUhiny J.'nuj, .V. V,
Piano to Bo Given Away.
Tin. iii!!lnlicrs nlTiii: II ti-i-Y 1 1 . m K will glvn
un i l.'WIil Inn- l.ine.l I'jii i.rlil I'l.iliu. alueii ul ulMiluli l li. o l i Un pt-rs..r m-iiiIIiii
I Ii.-iii il lnr,'.-l IN' i f m.ii-iN ..iiili-.ii li-. In. in
the IcIlii'H . ..iilaliii'il In I I.i- inline nf tlielr Ml'll
kiiuun 'iii li. itilmi.
"I'll K ll ll-l'V lliiMK ''
Aililll'.nliiil iiesiniN, emiKinliiig nf lia-M-ln,
(iulil Wiilcl'i-. SHOT W'l.lrlii'-i. Sou'liii; M.iclilni.
Miimc llnx, Silk l'ii:si', ( I. Ina IMnin r s. i. mnl
ninny valuul.l.. hii. I -ml iuIhIch, will o I - i I
uwiifili il Iii iinli-r nf im-rli, mnl , v. t.v ti..iii
mmiiIiiii; i.ot li'sllitiii leu woitls win leech. a
prcKciit (if value. I Vc ell In r plural or rlnu'iilar
wnrilH, lint nut Imtli, un. I mi Idler mum times
thnn lli.' ears In llio li xl. "'I'iik IIai-i-v IIiihk "
'I'lits In ii niiiilar plan .f InliMil.icliiK lulu new
In. in. h tlil i . i . 1 1 . . r piiiilliiitlun, lilili li ui In U
three yeais' eslslence rncrheil u happy Wclcnini'
lu many thiiimalnlsiif Innues.
As Hie nlijecl lu iflvlnif ii way I litst valualiln
prcHctiiH Is in ail wine mnl attract nilciiiioii to
Tiik HaI'I'V Ilium, which Inn Iciiiilsoiucly lllus ilevotnl In I.llcia
lure, Kiishli.ii. Slnrli'H mi. I All, every lint, ur
wnrilH iun.-.t l.o ucci.inpiiiilcil Willi three iwii
cent rtiiinps (xlx eenih) lur u liial cnpy of Hi I.t
fuVii'lly lu in" Journal euiilHlniiiir lull purlieu.
lurs, U.-.I nf preMUils, mnl rules lct:arillhj: enii
teHt. Vim may in .He u vnliiai lii nwar.l fur
your Irnulilo. Aitilress TIIK HAI'I'V lIo.Ml-;,
U.-N lleiilliiil'li Slreel, ChlrilK.i, 111
Jacnli I". llerTlllllll ef Pull Tlelnrlnii I'.i ....
tin-1 rin ..f I ee. iiii..-r pun. nwietieil tu the iiniier-
"Vneii nil hw piu.'Mj, i. .ii, pi 1 1... mil mnl mixed
..r tin- l.rneill uf lN ercilitur. All tlii w lin
Hl.iw lllrllisehe Imli llle.l III the . I . .I n uli K.
lli.lTinii.i. In muni, n.iie lik, n .lint ..r In miv
i llicr Na. Will p!i ne cull upuli Hie unil. rHltieil
.1-rlKlK'i' and pay the Mill e II I., lit dcl.iv.
H. W,'li, AslVliee.
nt : H iiT.nan.
Ilii'jn.i.. I'i, , pee. :i', tS'C..
-X .v I 1,1 . (. ti,,.., ,,r l.,,n,M l'..
tr .! tin I'i iiimi i ml i tur i . .ii.h'.. icli. il..
l'ine. Sm! ii (,sn .iIhI i'Xii im'-i, Me. nil p.i .l.
,l ,n- I:'" 1 "f i I. i, ... e mi. I sell uilii setl.
-IllliP'd i nt. 1,. i.e. i'lie l.'iin.'ll I i llii.l Ii V,
I I I uini'ii.t Itl'l,-.. I lilcai;.., III.
( nr people nip Krowini; n.ore utnl
lliol-e ill the limit of Itiokiiie; to nil
.!l ilu-L'iU f'U t lie mnl best of
very 1 1. in,' in i!i,. ili nr In,.' Tliev
M'll 'lliillit'. l lull, - I '..ii-Ii le ini-.l v, for its e-ti-e i. lunl eoltl'.,
t i on p a In I uli... .pin,; e.nij.-i. When
in tieeil of Mich it ineilieii... (.'ive Ibis n rial mnl oiiwill j... n,, Li
llian pleii-eil wild Hi,. i',.u!(.
(aiHl Ti In npli.
I:':-l relief eX'ei 'let I II-1 a p. III! .1 lii'tlt
"II"' la I lie llllll s , .. f,. ,,... felueip III
I lie I I - I III., - I in,, lul I in..- ,ii,, I'hi,,.,! ','
-'- Win X III " I leliMlill,. I,, lull. I',, x,,,,,
.Iii.m' .ih. I Inn:;- Mi luii t r Ii.ei.n
: - It li.ii II Helium. Tiuviwiie, p., ,
-"I "'I. I "Ml I'lllll-ll ... .1 Ire.' V..ii' I'I III.'
"t I hi- u'l'e II L' lilt. . .1 l.'lli. 'h '- U ..l,ee
K -I III ' 'I ' IV. .li. lei nil. .... ui'ir ii.. .l i: I,.
"il" - i un' ! i".n -"1.1 In... i. t.m n utnl
MlllL'.'.'a ' I.t- I Hit III. I.' . n i,.,. I.n.'e
I... 1 1 1. . Mie utnl J.'h'.
iti xi ini: r nu x ri'in i itii.
'I lie . Ml ixlt Jll'l llv.ui . lr llrllrf
fnr I u.l. -. At-t-t'i't in. Weill !' ami tliui-
fferoini liull.itli.ini. Havi. ik. t...v tj.i.l irin.r.1
li.llllll t y IliKllnr Ili.tlil.'K I'llt 11 r t lil K"till
In" mnl i..lnul Wile.. i , . in) . t.ii.l 1 ur
in in nieii.1 iMiv.. iia.-i'i iiwh
lnrlt. prlrrt f.'.nti. 'l tlrtiKK I . Irn.l 4 Ml,
lur w i,(,xta -.'.-utriy iihuuhI.
XV I.i O XL MI'Kt'lt ' ..
3H fiuull, t.lKhlli Mirrrl, I'lillat., !
m m
Ki l'lti MTM' .11 HS
.'"lieii r( r f.-r n:r iiiri
Surm'-ry htock. KM"t't
ml ttalnry lu t)ioN Ii'tui;t
Jin IH I', lr l'lIHIllrXll,l tl 111'
01 KKi't'trt. J'- riiiai.i-iil itni
pllljrllll'nl. Till' llttit i.s
vhmy lrnnid. (Mr -
TUv U.(.. riAri:( 'il.
Itiu ba. Pima bii., i'blla
f o n
rt . -
eclo un if liy limbic, Alter iihine; it
once you will hlioiit r.ureku, for nil
trouble vniiiflii'M iiiiuiediittely nml you
are it iniiii ni;ain. It tlonlile Sexual
I ower mnl inereii!.eH i.e of t In. pnrtn.
If Im not it drii:' or vm-uuni pump, but
n wonderful ami M-ienl ill.' uppliiviiee
ili-eovcreil by n physician, biun-i-ll u
lllTerer, Utnl ill ter lie bud I it'll I'I V r II ill -id
bimrelf with poisonous ilmx.
Avoid Drills if . li ever i xp. ct to re
ei. ver II l 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 '. ' - - nml lit oliee re
lieves the tlisensi".
Money ret in-lit. d In re cure i not
illeeteil. 'lie p i -I. ,t v. n rr.i 'i ' . i to
flirt1 ,'IIIV I'll-,'. Selil in pi. .in, ell
-eiileil paeUne wil li fiill int t net ;
I'l let" .v.'i.iiii. A I 1 1- -v
cr,niia citJj. C!::c:cc. ILL.
W o luivo ii small lino of LudiiV iiii.l Mi.sscs Coals yet
niiothe latest stvles, and sonic very lino quality
We Mill sell them now for one-tliinl less,
than regular price.
VJZ: HKOULAU l'JJll'i:, $-2.w ov ,:i.(K)
" " sfiooii 7.ik)
'..oo ' .,;.ihi
" " .r,.oo " si on
Excellent opportunity to hny a line mat fur a wry
small amount of juoney.
Wo also have a few tine capes left, which wen ill sell at
the same reduction. ,w is the time to luy.
S. WEIS, Selinsgrove, Pa.
The Canadian Government re
cently sent an appraiser to the
principal bicycle factories in this
country, to determine the exact
valus of various makes for im
port into Canada. After an ex
haustive investigation, his re
port to his Government rated
7! per cent, high
er than any other
make and they k
pay duty accord
ingly. This but
confirms the pop
ular verdict. Col-
umbias are.
Unequalled, Unapproached.
Hcantiful Art Catalogue of Colnr.itila and Hurt.
ford Hicyclca is free if you cull upon any Colum
bia nuent j by mail from us for two a-ccnt
Factoriesand Gincral Offices, Hartford, Conn.
Branch Stores and Agencies In alinoet every
city and town. If Columbia are not nroDerlv
rcrecitcd ill your vicinity let ui kuow.
The Post SI.50 a yr.
Untie! liisitriiiii'i. t II, hi, .-I
Tin. ISi'M timiiN for tin- l.i'nl l y,
I'nlv tin' Clili.t,;. st un
Stroiipst ('AMI Ciiini'.nii, ..
No Assessments
Siiiiml Mill, an. I Ti iil In. I.. mint v. l;. .r.-. nt rvi i rln-siif
TiiHiiriin it!i..r I. if.., Kir,., A i I . 1 1 1 . .f .run, I, .
"l.. I.i it vi m
Artua Iliiiir.iril
Ilonm XcwViirlx
Firo Association IMiilaili lpliia
Fidelity mnl Casualty Xew York
Kijuiti'hlo Li To Ins. Soc. Xinv York
All fiit ni-ti'il tu our .. kin.ii i,..,. .... i .... .i..
utJ; ' N'litlon. Dntir.' Huticfiictiiiii -iianuif..,.i. Vi.
Boll - nut roiinu'...
"EY S0HOCII, Selinsgrove, Pa.
" "'iiiiif I'm iiii iitM.
Ho Pi milium Notes.
!,:t7o,i; i).im
1. '(!,!! IS, niS.IJS
Prices Col iiml islei
v iiitciul to nialxti our Nt-wSlock of
Fall & Winter Goods
Movi' uioro raj iilh if low ju ifi s v. ill ilo il.
Of o Nt iy ilrsi riptioii of ."Mm, oy's ainl (Mililrrn, Dvci
coats :ui.t ( li-iit's l-'iirniliini; ( io'iiN. 1" v i t!:it! of 1 1 it
X't'ry Hi'st. Not a jioor art iclr in tin- .-'lure! li..!il up in
(Quality. Uilit up in Style. i;ilit up in A .-!'.. lun-nt.
.1 list A. 'Iiiit will please you. Come and see, No iroiilil.
to slioy ( i oods.
Xew an k HuiKliiitf,
3IIl)l)LKmJK(Sll, IA
Great Reduction Sale
I am closing out tlie lialauee o' tlie
wiss1 mm and cipBs
at tho following ndiiced rates: Cloaks worth sl
now(10; worth !sl2. now ts.."o ; wortli .10. now 7.;
worth S". in w 5.75 ; worth 7. now si. ; worth 1.
now 32.75; worth now 2. Don't inis the.-e .Meat
IJurg lins. Also
forSIKX. HOYS nu.l ('HILDKEX will In ol id h Kn-iit
Itciluction. Boys' biuIm from HH. up. JIi'h'h units from
$2.G0ui. Groat Uurtriiiiis in 1JOOTS AND JSIIOKS, Dry
Goods, NotioiiH au.l GrocoriPH. Como uml hpo for yoiii'Hi;li".
Tho Hi'clioHt TiicpH TiiiJ Tor Produce.
Cash paid for Butter and Egrjs-
F. H. MAURER, New Berlin, Pa.