The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 13, 1896, Image 1

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    I 1 I
It wide fki
ppr.nvpr on tVi' irrl
on all uneMlorvtJ' -Mlnf
the vital ln(rhT oC ll
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Hill IIIIIX Pf WNfffc Ac) A I Vi--.-.1 I X- 7 " VKr
X)L. 33.
ilMSof LO(
NO. 7.
ato, j
Vims of loo al interest
Lime political matter can bo
bid on last page.
E. IiouBt of Shamokin Dam was
fuuty seat visitor on Tuesday.
atkau Schanibach of Tort Trev
n was a county scat visitor Mon-
licaJore Walter last Thursday
irued to bis home in Akrou,
liner Bashonr of McAlisterville
tod bis brother, Amnion, on
nmuel Witfenmyer, Jr. of Buck-
h University visited his parents
Irs. A. II. Smith of Elizabctbville
iditing her sister, Mis. A. S.
aver, oi mis piace.
In T i .
Ylioi uejo emeu uu luuiui vi
LiDHgrove were attracted to the
intv seat on Mondar.
i:x-Sheriff Wolf of Union Town
ip was a MidJleburgh visiter the
tly part of the week.
IiHi Gillmcver of Wushini?-
f ivillo is enjoying the hospitality
Miss Lillian btotler.
rirs. E. C. Stahl, who had been
f-itiug relatives in Swiueford, has
ne to her homo in Kouding.
I. W. Swartz, Commissioners' Bickhart are con
lied to the house with sickness,
f I Another c Hange was made in
wlTktt at the Drufir Store on Tuoa-
rank Dawson is the now clerk.
t Bear of Williamsport en
hf'L'ohpiiiiy'o'AduIlrtJifow. jimily a few days recently.
can't please everybody in u
1 campaign even if you do
to vote for all the candidates.
o will be a Congregational
in the Lutheran church on
lay evening, at which every
r is urged to be present.
W. C. T. U. will meet at the
f the Pres., Mrs. M. I. Potter,
afternoon, at 3 o'clock. All
Msted in the work are cordially
ted to come.
tie United Evangelical church of
It Treverton was dedicated on
Jay free of dbt. The structure
about $2000 of which John D.
:ta paid $C50.
puck fob Sale. Brick of the best
ity for building and paving can
ocured at reasonable rates by
lyiugto Carbon Seobold, Mid-
urgh, Pa. tf.
Hterday was Union Defender's
, so named because it is Lin-
'j I Cl1. V... Ti 1
I a uutuui), it nun cciuuiuw
iore especially by Sons of Vet
s and Soldiers,
ate Superintendent Schaefl'or ap
ted C. L. Wetzel, Beavertown,
VSchrojer, Seliusgrove, and I.
Vniau of this place as a com
mon permanent certificates.
" te seems to be a bright pros
r the building of the Southern
' ll Railroad yet. A new coui
)as beon formed with a capital
(300,000 and they propose to go
at once.
ton Post. Will you kindly say
voters of Penn Township that
an legally elect a man who is
nchool director to the office of
Mo. The same man can hold
flices at tho same time. They
. .. , I incompatible offices. Lawvuu.
tmooth, easy ehave, genteel
it, or other tonsori&l work, is
i obtained at Soles' Barber
in Wittenmyer's Building, op-
Post office. Qo to Soles and
will make no mistake, Shaving
; face cream, hair oil and egg
poo for sale. A. K. Solks.
W. Long, attorney of Selins
, a few days ago got an increase
nsion for Simon Harinan raised
8. per month, and oa February
pt an original and back pay for
ge B. Bastion or Sunbury, l'a.
' last pension was .started Octo-
An Interesting Relic.
II. II. Grimm, Ksq., has in hit
possession a copy of The Union
Timet, published at New Berlin,
April 1, 1829 by Geo. A. Snyder.
The copy bears the name of Daniel
Pannebaker, the grand-father of
Mr. Grimm. Among tho interesting
things we note from the copy are
Wheat $1.50, whiskey 21 certs a
gallon. The paper contains an after
dinner speech of Henry Clay and
the following interesting notico :
"Cautio. Whereas my wife
Sarah hath, not as unual, left my
bed and board, but hath taken my
bed aud almost everything olso with
her and left me without cause.
Without a bod, do I therefore here
by wain any person of crediting her
on my account. If sho returns
again with bed and board, I am still
willing to live with her in future as
heretofore. John Klzckner.
Hartley Township, April 1."
To create au appetite, and give
tone to tho digestive apparatus, use
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
J. Howard Nooly and J. N. Keller
ot Miflliutown were Middleburgh
visitors on Monday.
Tho Union county commissioners
have fixed a tax rate for this year at
3 mills. Last year it was 31 mills. A
roduction iu Snyder county would
suit our farmers.
Mr. Gibbony, tho druggiut, has
resigued and gone to Belluvilio to
serve as station agent at that place.
Walter C. Dunn, of Massachusetts
is the sue.eeKHor iu tho drutf to'
The Republican Standing Com
mittee met on Saturday in tho
Court House and arranged an of
ficial ticket to bu voted for next
Saturday. Tho tickets aro to bo
printed by tho four republican
newspaper as originally planned.
P. P. Brouse of Miftliuburg in the
Spring will move back to Snyder
county, 2 miles south o New Berlin
between Snyder's school houso und
Erdluy's church. He will coutiuue
his trade as carpet weaver aud he
can make large pieces containing
125 yards.
Tho following totters remain un
called for in tho Middleburgh post
office: Mrs. A. Maud Bowcrsox,
Mr. Reudolf Brugar, Mr. L. K.
Birely, Mr. R. N. Bixlor, Mr. John
Column, Mr. Adam S. Gauszmore,
Mr. Daniel J. Hassinger.
J. W. Kl'LKLE, P. M.
"Mistake Socls Who Dream of
Buss." Tho following marriage li
censes have been granted siuco our
last publication :
S Dauiel O. Moser, Mt. Carmel,
( Mary Brosius, Mt. Pleasant Mills.
iAdam Thomas, McClure,
Annie R. Knepp, Crossgrove.
S Amon E. Whitmer, Union Twp.,
( Mertie M. Knouso, Juniata Co.
S Thomas Rathfon, Franklin Twp.,
Willamiua Slutman, " "
Benjamin Shollor and wife, who
reside near Schoch's Mill, Monroe
township, were on Friday after
noon lodged iu tho county jail for
surety of tho poaco. They are
charged with threatening tho lifo of
Albert Snyder, u neighbor. Tho
most unfortuuate connection is the
fact that an iunouuut little daugh
ter, aged about 9 years, is incarcer
ated with its mother aud step fath
A New Lire ov Grant. For up
wards of two years the publishers
of McClcre's Magazine have been
quietly gathering material and pio
tures for a new life of General Grant.
They believe that they have made u
larger collloction of portraits of
Grant (many of them rare) and oth
er pictures relating to his lifo, than
has ever beon made before. This
biography will bring 'out the real
Grant in the same vivid, thorough.
and interesting manner as Lincoln
is presented in the "Life" now run
ning in McCmjre's. They havf
beon fortunate in securing the co
operation of Col F. D. Grant, who
' r.i Affile
The new school building at Freo
burg has beon dedicated and it af
fords us pleasure to present a like
ness of the structure in this issue.
We copy the following from the
Courier :
"We are iudobted to the architect,
Mr. John F. Stetler, of Mi ldleburg.
for the cut herewith presented, and
he has kindly given us tho following
dencription of the building: The
building is admirably planned and
designed, aud presents a good sr'o
stantial appeal auco. Tho underpin
ing is built of rock-faced uaiidstoue.
The superstructure n built of brick,
roof covered with slate dimensions
SSxfiOfoot. Th ere are f uir entrances
to the building, two in tower open-
) ito vestibule, in which a hand
some Btaircsse Rtarts, leading to the
soeond floor, through an arch vesti
bule which opens to a largo and
spacious corridor 12 foot wide by 27
feet (5 inches long. From this corri
dor leads a hall H feet wide to rear
staircase. The first floor has three
school rooms ; tho second two school
rooms, recitation room, principal's
l om, directors' room, and a room
used as a library. It has also a largo
oorridor from which access is had to
all the rooms. The basoment is 8
foot high, tho first aud second stories j
13 feot cloar. Tho rooms and corri
dors are well lighted. Tho build
ing is heatod with hot air, from two
furnaces in tho basement. Tho
building has a lino system for foul
air ventilation. To each room is at
tached a large closet. Tho interior
of the building is finished with
Southern pine. All the rooms und
corridors aro neatly wainscotted.
The building is located on southwest
corner of East and New Streets.
The location is admirable, James P.
Moyer, Reuben Mittorliug, Simon
Lenker, Jefferson Arbogast, Benja
min L. Stefl'eu and John H. Bickel
were the School Directors, and Hon.
Geo. C. Moyer, Hon. Geo. C. Glass
and John J. Gundrum, Esq., the
Building Committee, aud J. F. Stet
lor, Middleburg, architect and con
tractor. Tho building reflects a
great deal of crodit upon the direc
tors and building committee, as it is
without question tho finest public
school houso in this suction of the
State, beiug complete iu all its ap
Solve it, Please.
Tho following problem is going
the rounds : "A man purchased
groceries to tho amount of 31 cents.
When ho camo to pay for the goods
he found he had only a $1, a 3 cent
piece and a 2 cent piece. The grocer
on Lis side had a CO cent piece and a
quarter, They appealed to a by
stander for chauge, but be, al
though willing to oblige them, had
only two dimes, a 2 cent piece and a
1 cent piece. After some perplexity,
however, change was made to the
satisfaction of all parties. What
was the simplest way of accomplish'
ing thist"
The political matter published in
this paper is all paid matter and the
editor ia not responsible for opinions
Everybody Talking About It.
Everybody is talking about the
great free offer of Dr. Groono's, the
most successful specialist in curing
nervo is aud clirouic diseases, and
who discovered that wonderful med
icine, Dr. Greene's Nervura blood
aud nerve remedy. He makes a
specialty of t real ing pat ients through
li-tter coi rospoiidoiice, and nil who
accept his offer aro astonished nt
the marvelous success of this meth
od. His office is at X West Hth
St., X; v. York City, where he ro
ceives and carefully examines every
letlet sent to him by persons de
scribing their cases and telling him
their symptoms. After thoroughly
studying each case he answers the
letter, explaining the cause of each
symptom and telling n sure way to
got well uiil! !foiig.'' He makes 'tile
patients understand exactly what
ails them and tells them all about
their complaints, and all this is en
tirely freo of charge. They savo the
expense of a trip to thtt city, havo
no fee to pay, and have the benefit
of tho best medical advice and con
sultation. Here is uu opportunity
for you to get well, reader, you can
either accept or reject it. Which
will you do?
- - -THE
Tried tit Xtio JtltHMitld J decided,
in Junior of tic J'ltiitUljJs,
There is considerable uneasiness
iu Williamsport amongst tho mem
bers of the West Branch Lumber
man's Exchaugu ami other lumber
men, by reuHou of tho suits just
tried this week iu Now Bloom field.
Perry county, iu which tho log
catchers uioug the Perry county
side of tho liver were tho plaintiffs
aud tho exchange the defendant
Tho catchers of the logs cla'ined
fifty conts a log, while the exchange
only agreed to pay them fifty cents
a thousand feot. There cau bo no
doubt the Act of Assembly provides
clearly that for all Ioks caught above
tho mouth of the North Brunch, at
Northumberland, there shall bepuid
but fifty cents a thousand feet, and
it is quite as clear that for all loga
caught below that point the owners
must pay fifty cents a log, or about
$.'1.50 per thousand feet, and this
was the view udoptud by Judge
Lyons iu tho case just tried, and
the jury found accordingly ; and for
the reason these cases are the only
ones thus far tried, tho commotion
iu lumber circles exists. Hon.
Charles Hower, of Seliusgrove, and
ex-Judge Baructt, of New Bloom
field, represented the log catchers,
while the exchango was represented
by Attorney General McCormick,
ex-Judge Bucher and ex Judge
Junkin, and the cases were the most
hotly contested of any before this
court for years, with a victory for
the people. Of course, the case wil!
be carried to the courts of last re
sort, but there can be but little or
any doubt of the the final con
elusion, the law being clear on the
All sufferers from blood disorders
can use Ayer's Sarsaparill with as-
To the Republican Voters of Snyder
In justice to myself and the party
I will say there is no truth in the
rumor that Mr. Bolouder induced
me, or is in any way responsible for
my being a candidate. I am for my
self only and can say what no other
candidate for, sheriff can say, viz. I
do not drink jr treat, nor would not
if so doing'would securo my nomi
nation and election, am tho only
soldier candidate and most respect
fully ask for your support. "Let us
uso the same canteen boys." Short
ness of timer prevents a personal
call. t Yours Rcsp'y,
Card o Withdrawal.
Hotel MitVopolb,
Philadelphia, Feb. 10, 1HM.
Editor Post Owiug to my as
sociation with the Pennsylvania
Lexow Committee, I havo deter
mined not to enter the canvass for
State Delegate. My timo is fully
occupied and I do not care to sub
mit my name without full oppor
tunity of conducting the usual can
vass. I desire to convey to my
friends my sincere appreciation of
tho mauy expressions of friendship
aud of tho voluutary assurance of
support, coming from all sources;
but I am disposed cheerf v.i? to snp
I'Oitihose o my friends in o!i.!'i
sections of tho Comity, who in the
past have endorsed mo for tlm hain
honor. Yours respect fu II v,
Wm. li. .M.i.i ku.
F7iir, .' Alliance Meetinc.
Franklin F. A. & I. U. No. 55, will
hold nu open session in Hassinger's
School Houso on Friday evening,
February 21, to which nil persons
aro cordially invited to attend.
Opening Address, J. S. Kauffman.
Recitation, Farmer feeds them all,
Miss Lizzio Walter,
Why should young people join tho
AlliancoT H. M. Amig.
Select Reading, Good Congressmen,
Miss Louisa Walter.
Why should wo organi.o,
J. S. Hassinger.
Recitation, Judgo's Pass,
W. A. Keller.
Essay, Farm Deprossiou,
M. K. Hassinger.
Why do farmers not cooperate in
buying and selliug T G. S. Snyder.
Republican Voters.
Iu answer to accusations iu the
Adaiusburg Herald, I offer tho fol-
owing letter.
In connection with tho above I
would say, that iu WX I purchased
tho logs from Shamokiu Dam to
llerndou with tho agreement that I
pay all salvugo and damagvs, which
I did to tho satisfaction of all parties
concerned. In 18J1 the conditions
of tho Halo were that the Wost
Branch Lumberman's Exchuugo pay
all salvage and damages.
Respectfully Yours,
Edwin M. Hummel.
West di.ancu lumbeumas'h exciiaxoe,
Williamsport, Pa., Feb. Hth,
Mr. Albert Gemberling,
Selinsgrove, Pa.
Dear Sib : This is to certify that
Mr. Edwin M. Hummel is not, nor
never was a member of the West
Branch Lumberman's Exchange and
is in no way connected with said
Exchange. Very respectfullr,
Wm. Randall Piuoh, Sec.
The Post, published at Middle
burg, Snyder county, is one of our
new exchanges. It is published by
Geo. W. WagenBoller, whose Re
publicanism is undoubted, but who
is all wrong matrimonially as he
heads "the list of those happy parties
who have secured marriage licenses
with, "Mistaken souls who dream
Nominate Dr. B. P. Wagen
I am it son of "Old Mother Nor
thumberland," am proud to bo class
ed a stiff, ardent, uncompromising
Republican, und just as proud to
wear tho buttons of the Grand
Army of tho Republic and Union
Veteran Legion of tho Nation.
Heiico, I uoto with no lit tie s.itisfac
tion and pleasure that my comrado
inthnbattlo to throttlo Rebellion
and tho Freo Trade Democracy. Dr.
B. F. Wngoriseller, is making a gal
laut fight for tho Senatorial nomi
nation in your county. He ought to
win. Ho is a graud good man a
humanitarian, iu hospital, on the
tented tiold, yea in tho thick of the
battle, oven on tho skirmish line, as
well as in tho Hick chamber of the
poor and distressed in your own
county. I could consume columns
of space iu commendation of his
grand deeds nnd gallantry when en
gaged at tho front, but it is scarcely
necessary to do this in order to in
cito his many comrades and their
many friends to support him, they
know it nil, and their admiration
and appreciation of his services will
unquestionably impel them to give
hiiu their hearty, generous support.
Their loyalty aud friendship to him,
I doqbt not, will bo made manifest
in einpl'" , " maimer on Sst m 1 n- ol
this iiur
H in it lvuters, ,
up t I III
qualities Hr("f in
south ' k, thai, u n 1 .
lpr , ;shii of tlm
' ' U iuay
V. i::
Ii M ' i of
Mlnni rr.A moan to wm ki., t r h,
utest prilil ical battles since tin
kormation of our party. l'nin mIxt,
men of Snyder, the Doctor had the
forlorn hope senatoriillv vems
ngo, making a gallant determined
fight, but ho went down undi-r the
avaluncho of l'ouilxm Ilriii.uMutie
votes in Northumheilaud county:
and now, that tho skies are luight
for victory, and your county being
generally conceded as entitle, 1 to
the nomination, it is only but fair
and proper that you name him us
your choice. I trust you will do
this, for hundreds like myself are
anxious to viudicato him, attest our
confidence in him as a Republican,
our loyalty to him us a soldier and
our admiration of his large hearted
noss. A Rei'I'iiijcan Yktkuan.
Northumberland, Feb. M, Isitij.
Tho ground hog lias been making
his word good for tho past week or
so.... At this writing ( Monday I tho
diphtheria cases at this end are all
improving aud able to be around. . . .
Dr. Tool spent a day at .McClure last
week. On account ot bad weather
he could go no fui ther ... II. Raum
gardiier made a trip to Km pp C .'s
stave mill last week aud reports t In
roads too rough for him to try it
again F. C. S. Peter l as accented
a position at Wagner's null aud ex
pects to io employed for PI or 12
years if tho job lasts so long. . . .The
wind took out part of the front of
lohu Gross's house last week at
Crossgrove Isaac Shiery's im
ported pug dog committed suicide
last week by drowning. ... Levi
Treaster visited iu Mitllin county
recon tly. . . .Mrs. Wm. Hook is home
again after spending a few weeks in
Jiillliu county naturdav will de-
cido who is who and who is not who.
Select tho man you think the proper
one aud stick to him. No doubt
they are all lit for the position thev
are after, but theie aro to man v. All
cau not be elected. Bon.
The little daughter of Mr. Fred
Webber, Holland. Muni., had a very
bad cold and cough which h had not
bepu able to cure with any thing. 1
gave him a 25 cent bottle of Cham
berlain's t ough Remedy, say W. I.
lloUleu, merchant and potmatter at
West Hrlmfleld, und the next time 1
saw liiiu he said it worked like a
charm. This remedy is intended es
pecially for acute throat and lung
diieaie nucli as colds, croup aud
whooping cough, and it U fauioua fur
iU cures. There is no danger in giv
ing it to children for itooutaliu noth
ing lujurious. For sale by nit druggists.
j. 1st, 1895.
has moat of bia father! papers.
uxance of cure.
of bUn. J ulton Jlepubucan.