: PublisliRil every Thursday. Ceo- W. Wagenseller, Editor and Proprietor MT. PLEASANT MILLS. Mihs Alice Lenich or.' this place, and Iter. E. (Jilbert. of Port Trevor ton were unitel in marriage on the 2:id int. We join with their many frit-nd in wishing thorn smooth Bail ing acroHS the sea of life. .. . A teach er' dintrii't institute, comprininj? ( lin ilinlrirln of IVrrv. Went lVnv i,lch muM tw p;;M in "rtvnnr-o when rvnt out. nud EveU(ialrt win be held at Fre RATfSor AovfRTitiNO. """''ton Fiilfiv evvtiinff Jan. 3lHt tint nMwrwiw" aut r ri. jhi. iiiuti'miiiik iiu- rroi. ikiw- Spohn will Hivak on Friday evening. . . .Our Subscript ion 1.50 per year. .... .. ... .......... I.,..,.,...... .,, ntl..rwl.. HUtl T I'll. ini. All 1 1 nil 1 1 1 '' 'i '' n' ........... ... i it vritrivtc'l fur 111 1 rluirirwl nt tin1 rit- of 1 eriiiu will be reiuiereil. wiit rT Urn' (ii"iipiirl"l tiiMiir') fur nrl 1Hr. : qj (lIRj PVi l'l Hl' III ll'lll I 'I I II III" I'll IMIJ " ' 1 ''.' InHiTtliii. 10-ll'H'h n..r.Vr jm''U,h' trer ; Minn ni pntrty, (rt'w.V. 1 riii -(. if'.. firiv mil 11 inf. Thursday, .Ian. 30, 18!H'. Tho Issue. "V decry the erowins nso of money in politics, find tlio corpontto cotitrol ff leKinlaturex, municipal counciK political primarieH and elec tion, nnd favor tho enactment of legislation and enforcement of Ihwh to correct hiicIi alniseH. "We earnestly insist upon a form of civil service which will prevent the rTi-d.ivc incnt of public officers nndem pl'iyees and th- eompillintf of those appointed to preserve the peace to eonlino themselves to their duties; which will injure absolute freedom ut:d fairnessin bestowinirstate.eoun tj nnd municipal contracts, and will punish anv fuiiii.of favoritism in irant im; t!n'iu : which will forbid tlie (rant of echi"ivi franchises to deal in ii iblic necessities, eomforts, con vi v.:nees ,ci 1 s'initary reiuirements, mi 'i will . .lire the recognition of ii in It v and li'lt lit y in ! he public ser-1 vice, l.eej.'sy; si i vice to the country evi l- loiviim -.1, when acofii patlie 1 by ability and fitness. "Wo demand that public office Mi.i;il I be f r public lunrlit, and its term in subordinate positions should be ibiriii"; y.i.id behavior. No public employee or officer should be permit 1e 1 ! in Hence primaries or elect ions 1 omiiiiiiiitv wiin nhockcd on Sunday i afternoon by tho announcement of tho death of Mrs. Henry Harding. ()n Friday kIio Hiiddenly becamo ill, and her midden death in Ri ioved ind mourned bv all who know tier.... Miss Alice Teats of Uelton, Virginia who was sojourning in our commun ity for several weeks went homo on Tuesday .. .An auction was held at Lewis Minium's hardwaro store on Saturday evening. .. .Peter Meiser's! sale was largely attended on .Satur day ...1). (1. Hovies of Colon, Mich, a former townsman, is visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity ....Mrs. Ellon Naco of Selinsgrovc was homo over Sunday. . . .A number of our farmers expect to take in the fanners' institute at Freeburg on Thursday evening. This shows that farmers are taking n morn activo interest in their welfare ... Dr. E. W. Tool was called to our town on protessional business on Sunday. TllKAfiOItK. DR. GREENE'S NERVURA, Physicians Urgently Advice Use of Dr. Greene's Nervura. JiWell Known Physicians Enthusi astic in Their Statements of the Wonderful Curative Powers of Dr. Greene's Nervura. . if; lior lipoll 11!. V pretense be lissessi upon his salary, nnd all uncecssary posiliuiis and salaries should be abol ished, and expenditures and salaries reduced. There should be uniform valuation of property for public pur poses, corporal inns enjoying public privileges should pay for them, and schools should be divorced from poli tics and kept absolutely free from po litical iulltieiice and control.'' . ' a. I ia Patronize Republican Newspapers. En. Post : Is there any excuse for a republican candidate to use a vile democratic sheet to get informa tion to republican voters ? Would not tho republican newspapers of Snyder county furnish legitimate in formation to the republican voters if candidates pay for the space used as they do in Union county. Tni'i: l!i.n: I.k.itiu.ii'.vn ! In reply to 'True Line Republi can" will say that we can not speak for tho other republican newspapers, but us for the Post we will say that editorially it can not consistently take any stand and will not in a primary campaign. If. however, a candidate lias any special announce ments t,i make, any special claims to 1'ii siiit or Hey information to be ed '.i tmblie if iwi hIiikii iu indiil t the expi nseof ot her candidates, eoluuis of tho Post can be used .inn puiiiic, n ii in ii. ill! 'i'l.: i i.iocrnt ! i !, dl!l itlg the 1"1 ', ! Led the same 1!. Kcpublicau" ular rates. No i iubhcau can ) has aity xcuse to patrotiie a Several times ig I lie l"i :, v. eei; we nave been ions that "T. ind for tho in- ADAMSHUIiO. The I.einiblican primary election was held last Saturday and all the nominees are capable and well quali fied t till the different offices which thev w.re nominated for...... The festival held by the A. C H. on Sat urday eve- ing was welt attended and was a financial success . . . . M iss Wetel of iieir Kratzc. villi?, is pay ing a visit to friends at this pluce. . . . I. II. Kline is canvassing part of t'nion and Norlh'd counties m tho interest of mi advertising ni 'dium gotten up by the A. ('. P. of this place ... A. .M. Auraiid iii'ile a trip New York list week n:.d (:i Satur day to llaviislnirg Ir. A. M. Smith mid" a business Irp to l'lnla. li.t we"!.;....i:ii;:s. I l-lil v and Annie lirowu were j linte I to gether as man and wile mi last Tuesday evening. ... Miss hthc and Mrs. Jennie Aurand visited in .iMid dleburgh on Sunday. Not a few who rend what Dr. Uolierf lt'iwb, of llolliituls, Y.i., lias to say hi'low, will reiiicmlier their own ex perience under like circumstances : "hast winter 1 had I l grippe which left uii in ii low state of health. I tried numerous remedies, none of which did me any good, until I was induced to try ii bottle of Chamber Iain's Hough ki'iii'dy. The 11 rst bot tle of it so fur relieved me that I was enabled to attend to my work, and file second bottle effect ml a cure." For sale at '.'"i and Tt) cents per lint tie by, J. V. Sump-ell, 1'eiinn Oreek, l'.i. .11 iririt v. l ii t'zM a r Kc I Correct ed weekly l y our merchants. I?utter 'JU F.g's V Pitted cherries I'lil.itted " S lmu.;.l "-"-s I Raspberries H Onions .to I .a I'd Tallow 4 ( thieUens per lb li Turkeys !l Siile Shoulder ! II. III! 1 ( Mil Wheat IS"! Kvc :s Corn no Oats L'o I Iran per K" His so .Miiliiiiugs "' "''I nip " I.nii Flour ner libl . . il.Tiii m 7i .: v ;y-. : -s: !'-. i-iic '."; :' s. .', - , . . s.N -C . '. - ..'..''Wf.-: :--' f; :vr. qlli"-- asks formation of the public we answer it in these columns. In view of this demand we have this week opened a dc 1 arltneiit entitled, "Political Com-munications." AIJXK. yivi timrs at the Grace, church ni c still in progress. Five penitents an still seeking God's love to know. . . . Some of our young people attended iledicational se rvices at tho Hall's cuuicii on nuniiay. . . .inivni .ieiser s w( re the guests of George D. Good- ling s on Sunday Quito a number ot our people attended tho salo of Peter Mciscr at l remoiit on Satur day. NKW 15KHLIN. Swarming in New Pu rlin Candi dates. .. .Mrs. Jacob Mauror is very ill at this writing. . . .New J'erlin ougni to navo a ponce iorco amt a lockup to prevent a gang of ruffs from disturbing the pcaeo at night Jesso t'oriulius who was mi tier ing from inllammatiou of the bowels was under tho euro of Dr. II. M. Wilson U now uhlu to bo out again ...Frank Sanders and family of Oeiitreville and Miss Elsio Klose .mil brother of Milllinburg were the guests of Jacob Sanders on Sunday . . Mr. Valentino Walter of Centre villo was tho guest of J). P. Koth- i ock on Sunday Snyder County's jolly Supt., F. 0. Powersox passed through town Friday evening.... The fi ii;nds and neighbors of Goo. Yenger of near town gavo him a lively surprise last Wednesday even ing. All spent a gala evening. Po frehhuienta were borvod. Tho games were engaged in till nearly eleven o'clock, when all went home feeling happy. Mr. Yeager recoived, many presents. Quickens The Appetite Makes the Weak Strong. r v'v;;ssVl - ": One of tho most noted physicians and surgeons is Dr. Job Sweet, of New Pedford, Mass. He makes tho public statement that ho has often recommended tho use of Dr. Greene s Nervura blood and m rvo remedy to his patients who have been sufU ring from nervous troubles and ho h is learned that -in a largo number of those cases it has proven otlicacio is. Dr. Willard II. Morse, F. li. H. S. of West field, N. J., the great ex p i t oil medicines, says of this gran 1 dis covery of Dr. Greene : "Tho true remeny for nervous dis cases is Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nervo remedy. It nets by a!f cl ing tho organs of nut l it ion, and en tering into tho formation of new nervo tissue, which general n nerve force. This means the m iking of new nerves." Tho well-known Dr. Ihnil N uiu superintending physicians of the N. Y. Lodge and Association Hospital says : "We are using Dr. Greene's Nerv ura blood ami uorvo remedy ut this hospital for our pat icnt s with good success." Dr. 15. D. Jhckford, of Woleott, Vt., says :- "I have used Dr. Greene's Nerv ura blood and nerve remedy for some time, first trying it on myself, nnd I found it did mo so much good that I now recommend it to my patients. nil. Jon swr.bT. Ihe fact that I liuvo iiscil it in my own case shows that I know what am talking about. As a tonic am invigorant it is tho best of all to build up a person." Dr. Kobort W. Lance, of So. Wood bury, Vt., says : "I have known about Dr. Groeuo' Nervura blood and nerve remedy and t lie good results in cases, as a tunic, after hard sickness, and the euro of nervous females. They hav r ci ive 1 (.Meat good from its use. do not hesilate to recommend it." h.C. W. Conk, of Cdrmel, Jnd. sa.v s: "1 ii. . . used Dr. Greene's Nerv nr. i bloo.l and nerve remedy for my pat leiits i.n.l have found the remedy all that wu -1 ! limed for it. The re suits have b. i n entirely satisfactory I think it i- v.orthv and I rccommotii S : ,, iilinisi,i(.tic i nd'..-eiucnt by . .cians i tai.ips this i-iaarkab! uiedieal discovery as the greatest r r i .in! .f health ami strength cures more cases of ilisea sb I cert thai' any other l.n makes all who taki Well, ft is the pre: a n remedy. 1 it ri strong am lion and dis physician CoVel.N of 11 Well known Dr. Greene, of West 1 Ith St New York City, who can I.c consult ed without charg: personally or by letter. GREAT BARGAINS AT BH. CUSTER'S STORE, SWINEFORD, Vl rrom December to January 31t 1890. RUBBERS. Women's Sandals, 40 rtn " Storm. 45 Felt Hoot. 2 15 Ouiu Itootn, '!.,() len s I.eiither liorifv. 1.7.1 2 fill I.ailies' I'lne Itutiiiii Sin hu. .7.1 1 .00 2 00 Men's Fine Shoes 1-50 2.00 S.fiO DR GOODS. Lancaster Uinuham, .00 cts mm lress Woods, p, 12, 20, 4't Appleton A. Miilin, .nit Hill's Muslin. Kleached. .OS Chevoits, ,os ( allco. hett, .01 ftnd .00 I ntileaclipil cotton flannel, 0, 7, H llrown us MEN'S UNDERWEAR SUITS, J50 cts GROCERIES. 1 lb. Hcst Making Sods, 1 " Chpwlng Tobaoeo, Corn Sturch, Soft A. Sugur, qUeeNsvVare. Gold Hand fet of 100 Pleccfi, 4-5 Whiti Wr.ro set, 40 " (Jold Hand set Cups and Saucers, White Wenr " " " Urinal and Hiisln Gi anile Var. TIN WARE WAY DOWN IN l'RICl WASH HOILERS, 1.01 pJICE CHRISTMAS GOOD ON HAND. Ul.lli 0.1 c 20 .07 .05 12. 8. 2 The above named ArticlcB arc only a few of tho Uargainn wo Lave. w 0 navo a lino stock to Belect from. Como and see and you will find it just as we say. Como nt an early date so you can se lect from a full stock. Thene prices arc for cash and produce. B. H. OUSTER, : : : Swineford, Pai It THE OJaY O0LD MEDAL Sarsaparilla lias Cured Others And X Cure You. Ajt r'H lii'i ry I'l l Ininl fur CiiiikIh. Cilml TIiIIiik. Tin' (,'rarel jn-rlilo f.ir tln prmallln'r iimlaily I 1 101 ak'i'. i.vsii'iiu, i.imt t uiiilallil, lilli 11 unit litn, t'usi ivi'Ih'ks, Oi'iHTiil lii'lillltv, ele., Is llai'iin'H Ci'lery Klnif l'ir I In- Nitvi'm. Tills trroal lnTli.il tulilo stliiiui. Hi s tlm iIIji'sIIvi' nivalis. ri'Kiilaii'n Hit' l.lvi'i-aii'l roMnri's llm HyuUun in vlk'nruiiH lir.illli nii'l I'liiTtfli'H. Satnili) rrii'. I.uru'i' purkau'i'H .Mir uiiila.V, MiM only hy it. 11. Waller, i'l'inuil'rt't'k, I 'a. Honest Insurance at. Il.nie.-t Kate.". Tlie lii'ht (iuoilrt for the heiist Money. ENERAL INSURAMOF AGENCY. Only tho Oldest, Largest and Stronewt t'ASIl CoinpiudeH. No Assessments No Premium Notes. fc. fl -f ian f 1 ft ITrftHjnl.fi Hound Holid and True Indemnity. KepreHeiitintr every claiss of liiHiirance either Life, Fire, Accident, or Tornado. SEE DUR COMPANIES i AMF. Aetna Homo Firo As-socialum Fidelity ami Casualty I.( li'ATIO llarttonl Xew York riiiladelphia Xow York Cancer I Catcer I Caiirrr I'liri il 1111 tlio ;iirenst, lioial, faoo, lip liaml nr uiij hIhto nn tint extern. 1 Kiirfai'e nf tin' lioily (lu elulil layn) wltliout tho lo-w of u ilrnp n! Iilnnil. Nn knlfu usi'il. Terms very n il tdiiaiili". Cull ut my onicu or uittlri-Hs 1). it. UuTlIlfiM'K. M. n New llcrllii, l'u. 1'. H. Klnilly usk ynur (Ii iikkIsI or merchant w'.ii'tliiT lio km'ps Dr. 1). It. Kiithnn'k'H ri'iiui ilh'S U : Tw o-ilay C'onuli Curt', ltlieiiiuullo Mill, ini'iit, Kleetrlc Nt'iiralifla Cure, Liver l'llln, Iloud iirlm I'ow'litrs, Vi'i,'i'talilu I'onilltlim Powdnr for all iIiiiiii'hUc aiilniul.i, Kss, Peppermint, (lolilen 'I'lneturi'. I'erfeeti) Vuulllii, I.auilamiai, l'urv gnrle uiiiJ ( iiHtor oil. if not, tell lilm to order tlieia ut mice uh they are .old aud used every wliere. U. it. KOTUltoi K. XI. U J'byblelan and Pharmacist, New lierlln, l'a. amskts 10,050,139.03 0,370,0 10.00 5,007,851.74 1,587,007.40 Equitable. Life 1 ns. Soc. Xew York 130,1!)8,518.3S All biiMlness entrusted to our Agency hhall alwayx receive the utinoHt care ami attention. Kntire Hatihfactlon guaranteed. Wo bo) io 1 1 u nhare of your patronage.. H. HARVEY S0HO0H, Seliusgrovo, Pa. Liberal AdJiiHtinents. l'rompt Payment. imcox COMPOUND. ANSYOPILLS nrwinn or roi'STi:nri:iTl. Tliiiimlv aufa uuil .Iwuviiri'llul'le Mrllrf fur l.mlfi'H. Aic. l'l mi win! hli .i .ml ilan? ff.T"in li i ill nt l -I m. Hhvo iimiii'y .ml Kimel lll'Ullll l IHklllU nntlilnu llllt lllll i nil K' l'U- I in, .ml iirlulnul Wile "i ( . iiiih.iiiiiI Tam-r etlliL In til Imivm. lu-.rlnu klili'lil tl'lbiltl nini If. lirlfM DTI. al I ilruiirlmil. 8lnil 4 CUI lur Wi'iiiun'DMiifiil'iiti'l. Mi uri-ly ni.llml. HIM'IIX KI'Kf'l ' ... lift Hon ll KlKktb klrvrl, I'll I la., ! 1 1 I J r i 1 J yAriTED BV THC CHASE wnlirit urlr f.r our imnif Niintory htoek. i:m-iifci IU ttAlHry to thOMW It-MVII'tT hotui', or ciiiniiiiMion to In on I at'iitM. 1'- rutaiifrtt t-m. pluytutnt. Tho hunttit't i-iHiiy It-itrnfil. Aiti r.s Tin U.ii. I'll sM'(). IU) tid. I't nn hn. rialii. ' If vou have the rcmotent ld of purtuinir tlllNliSSoCHOKTHANM cmn. ul .luily nun ut l.ilrt, HKlU awiky fiif a betutiful cluth-lxiuml tS School of Business j . u klioultl Mint wa - - lima kiii iuuui m ii ir? f.inHtui frunoce4n to u.n than any other on the cimttnent. Invent (xtital caH. koCUttaVMK, N. Y. EWIS' 98 in (FAT.MTBO) TM llmiiiMl anil partial I t. truvt. I'lillko oiluir I.ya, 11 ull'J . (Ilia p'Wdiir nud ickij u . nj wlcta nmiovalilti UiL tlie ouuuiii .r alway. nailr tnt urn, yv m make tho KrruiiiN llar1 H.u lu l Oilnudia wllliuul bullluir. It I. ilia hrmt furclmtiudiiM ii& Ul'Jlif". llllg klllk clfHHKa, Wiulilng Ixiiulua, i-aluu, Uoua, tuo, riRSA. IAIT MTQ CO. FOR CASH OR PRODUCE H0CH and 01,011 will sell nil their Ladies', Misses' ami CliiMrens' Coats and Capes at HALF-PRICE, SI. 50 to $6.00. are also closing out all Overcoats at, ll'HI Thev a Ueduetion of : :2 H-U e nts-a n-th e-Q 1 1 a r. : The reductions on all Clothing, Underwear and Woolens are worth looking after. New Berlin, Pa. Kj BARGAINS IN LOTHING! Fall aM Winter Suits Froi $10 Upwarfls ! iriiifM. .w.! ,-1.4.. ! m . r rii, . J""'J nviuis iu trousers, i.j.iju. J.110 goods are made to order, Utiaranteed all wool, Triininin's iirst clas. Workmanship guaranteed. JNo. A. M liFFELFINGER, Tailor, Upliosito I'ost Olliee. Selinsgrovc, Tj. m I FOR RASH ! ! 3 XXlKBUXCBSKSa TIM v C4 1 y t 1 juicrsew More at liiono lUiiis lias ai large suiinl v of Xew Cioods and tho pro prietors are selling them down lower than! ever, liroeenes. .Dry uoods. 'Notions. filar FAST.Y GOODS in l ware, ..nware, Ureat isargams inj Fa 1 1 and Winter (loods, Hoys' Suits from! (5 to 12 years, J T8 hM SH0ES,J jlluliber (ioods. All goods 7 per cent, to 20 per cent, lower. All kinds ot produce jbought at market price. Globe Mills, Pa. BUY FOR CASH. A6K FOR Tf 1 BKLET 0NlIGHTnAND If f' (VTsr 11M 1 pert lltTO iuin run IT n nn riv on hoti' my f oi !0" M' fll llltfl lllll ll KIT li'f t 1 1 I'll rrlr Hi islll l 1)111 in- f li rlil 4)111 "III s l ir r v III I Oil Hi ll. I irinl IIIIV lll'l iirl nn :lll' 111' 111' IMI till I'll ki :i'li r t li- !l) ' Ills Hl'l i r ri it t .ii ir' lllKl III GIVKBE5Tl!GBTINTnEV.AK9MtaVt I i&c ir