The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 23, 1896, Image 7

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oo Much Rctleenc Among Chriatitnt B-
gtrding Religion.
Trxtr "LMtfior-.lppmci nf tlieLorl it;
to." I'snlms evil., 2.
An overture, nn Kntljilinn. n tnxo!..-irr l
1hl chntiti-r. nnd in my tet Ibivll onlln" for
n outspoki'n religion nml rn iftrt nil w jo
h ln r.. nil nnl liV-neii no mitirer to
htcln th ilendbl (net-, hut to reelio the n,
publish them nml n fnr p ts-ibie nt nil the
world know it. ".-t thn rp.miil of
th Lonl Mym." Tlier U n xlr.ful retiei-nen
which ho liwn nlmot rnnontrej. fho
.tnll nnl nil 1 f u m ..,,....'. .i . .
t i .... inj'.iHi'u m 11117 tiuirni
to ho on Mil mihjeot-iof f.litKcnn.l urn fluent
anil roliiM on th Vpin7:ulnn question
nnrl blmctnllum nnl tnrifT high nai low
nml remodeled nnd fern-ile u (Inure, nnd you
bv to skilfully wnt'-h your dianeo if you
wnut to put Into the n-tivn conversation
modort nt2i:etbn of your own, hut
on th mbjeet of ttlrinn RiMiilniiw, reli
gion Mperlenen nml eteriijil hli-s'dnP'x
they nre not onlv ("Il-nt. hut ImiKful of their
retleiinee. Now, if yon hivo been rnjernieil
of the Lord, why do you riot rnv n-i? If -.n
have in your lienrt th" pearl of grent i'ti-
worth mor t linn thn Kohlmvir nniotiif Vlel
tnrlnn Jewel", why not let ether, it? if
you (fotoff tho wro.-k In the 1'renker-. why
not tell of tht- erv nu I tn Kt'iiit IIMiruit
thiit Mfmy landed )m. It from tho fourth
story you m re-cu.., In time .f ponflnpr.v
tlon, why nut toil of th flr-rnnn nn 1 the In I
dor down whleh Im rnrne I you' If ymi
htvu a timnomi In heaven iiw.iitirnr you,
why not Mmw the ilee 1 to tho,! who may by
thepamn r.vw( t.,t nn e-nernl I erntle in
tho MrtiB Imiileviirii.' llv tli lift two words
of my text K.ivld cuit upon nil of u who
havn reri-lvnil nny iner-y at tho hand of
OodtOHt ip tTTipprmnntlim- tho asylum fur
the duinh nnd liitheiieM-neeof aWi. woiiumi,
nniHx, ilevils nml nil w,r;il- uy ."
In tli"o Jiwiuiiry di.v. thi ii-iirU of mln
istora nnd private Christian ar wondi-rinir
nl ut the best way of Miirtnit; a revival of
rpllirloii. I pan toll yon a wav "f starting a
revival, continental, lie.nlspheri and world
wide. You ay a revival utarte in heaven.
Well, it itiirt in hnuvioi jn- i nn it propirou
hnrvput Htuns In Iuvivpii. Thp ii ri mint shimi
nud tint rains must il"i'piid, Lut unl-ss you
plow nnd sow nnd PtiHivnto tint parth you
will not ralo a hushed ol win at or a pppfe of
rorn hidwi'pn now nnd the en I of the world.
How, then, shall n uiuv"rnl r'vival stnrtV
Hy nil (.'hristlnn peoplu telling the story of
th tlr own cqdvphIoii, Let ten 'nennud wo
men RPt up next week In your. r.tyir niei-t-Inu
and. not In n conentio"iia! p.intlm; or
doleful way, hut in tha s:'ne l - thy em
ploy in the family or pliieiP of hu.lne.4s,
tell how they eroid tl line, unt
the revivnl will hejjlu then 1 1 there, It
tho prayer meeting has not . een so dull
as to drive out nil rxeept tf. .o eonenrn
lni whom it was foreorU tied from nl
ernlty that thev should h- Jiere. There
are so many different wavs lniii) con
vertod that we want to hear .t Jdnds.sothnt
our own case may m helped. ?t alwavs puts
nvfc'bU'li t" hearyi-u'.Tt'nekll.J.lf.expvrl.i-;;,.,.,
s'i :h as a man rives when he tells nf hu
Taullne conversion how he was knoi-ked
senseless, and then had a vision and heard
vole s, and after a certain number of dnvs
of horror got up and shouted for joy. All J
nun niscouriigcs me.ior i was never Kiiocke.l i
senseless, nnd I never had Mich a sudden
burst of religious rapture that I lost mv
sxpillibrium. Hut after nwhlle a Christian
man got up in some meeting and told us how
ho wius brought up by a devout parentage,
and had always been thoughtful about re
ligious things, nu 1 gradually the peace of
the gospel pnme Into his soul like the dawn
of the morning no perceptible dilTerenee
between moment and moment but after
awhile all perturbation settled down Into a
hope thnt had consoled nn l strengthened
him during all the vicissitudes of a lifetime.
I said, "That Is exhilarating; that was my
experience." And so I was strengthened.
In another prayer meeting a tnau got up
and told us how he once hated Ood an I
went through nil theroun I of inlouit until
wn.werenllon nettles lest he should go too
much Into the particulars, but one nay he
was by some religious power hurle I flat and
then got up a Christian ami hal ever since
been going a round with a x or UiMe with
large tla s under his arm. a limiting evange
list. Well, under this story many are not
helped nt all, for they know they never bated
Ood, and they were never ilKs dote, lint ni
ter uwiille some Christian woman arises and
savs. "I have nothing extraordinary to
tell, yet I think the earcsuf life.tlie anxieties
about m children, nml two graves
opeuc 1 in our family plot tan I me feci the
Hee l of O id. mi l weak and h'dt'b'ss and
heart' Token 1 Hung myself u;ioii His un rev,
nnd I feel what the lilble calls the 'peace of
iod which piissi.fii all understanding.' and
I iial: your prayers that I may live nearer to
the Chrit who li is d ine so ' much for me.''
I declare that before that woman got through
wo were all crving, not bitter tears, ru:
tears of joyful emotion, nnd in three days in
that neighborhood all the ice ha I g .ic out
vf the rlv t jn a snriugtiuie freshet of salva
tion. "Let the redeemed of the Lord say so."
I have but little interest lu what j.eyplo
say about religion as nu ahst ration, bur I
have illl nitaUc interest In what people siy
about what they have personally felt of re
ligion. It was an expression of his own
gratitude for personal salvation which led
Charles Wesley, after a season of great do.
ttpondency about his soul mi l Christ bad
spoken pardon, to write that Immortal 1
Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing
My great liedeemer's praise!
It was after Abraham Lincoln lia 1 been
comforted In the loss of Til l, the bright boy
of tho White House, that hosal I, "I now see
as never before the preelousnes of God's
love In Jesus Christ nnd how we are brought
near to Ood as our Father by Him."
What a thrill went througu the meeting in
Portland, Or., when an ex-Attorney-Ueiieritl
of the Unite 1 States rose nnd wild: "Last
lilglit I got upuhd n.-ked the prayers of Uod'
people. I feel now perfeely satistled. The
burden is rolled off nud all gone, and I feel
that I could run or My into the units of Jesus
What A record for nil tlmo and eternity
was made by (leilaenis, the play a 'tor. iu
the theatre at Hellopolis. A burlcsono of
Christluulty was put upon the stage. Iu de.
rision of of baptism a bath
tub tilled with water' was put upon the stage,
and lino! her actor, in awful blasphemy,
dipped Oellaclus, pronoiu.ciiig over lntn the
words, "1 baptize thee in the name of the
Father, of the Hon nml of the Holy Ghost."
Hut coming forth from the burlesque bap
tism he looked changed and was change I,
and hu cried out, "I am a Christian. I will
die as a Christian." Though he was draggu I
out and stoned to death, they could not
ilrowu hu testimony mndo under such awful
ciraumstniiPi's: "i am a Christian. 1 will
die as a C'liirstinn." "Let thu redeemed of
the Lord say so."
What continuation would come if all who
bad answers to prayers would sueak; if
ll merchants in tight placet because of liar 1
times would tell how lu response to supplt
catiou they got the money to pay the note;
If all farmers in time of drought would tell
how lu answer to prayer the ram came just
lu time to save the crop; If all parents wuo
prayed for a wandering sou to come home
would tell how uot long after they heard
the boy's bauu on thu latch o( the Iruut
bsmuol Hlek, au English Methodist
preacher, solicited, aid for West India mis
sion from a rich miser and failed. Then
the minister dropped on his knees, and the
miser said, "I will give thuu a guinea it
thou wilt give over." Hut the miuisDr con
tlnued to pray, until the miner said, "I will
give thee two guineas it thou wilt
giv over." Theu the money was
taken to tha missionary meeting, on,
tha power ot braver! Jlelaaohthou.
Utterly discouraged, was passiug along
laoe wuer children were heard praying.
i and pe eame back-, snyine. Brethren, tska
eonraitei the ehtldren ire praying for ."
Nothlna can stan i before prayur. An ln.1 lol
fiimelnto a Hilda elnss to ak pjMltng qne
ttons. Many of th nelffhhors eame iu to
hear the dumisslou. The Infidel aro.e
an I said to tha- leader of the llih'e
"""l .. hff,r vml "l,0,r q'ltlms
aed. Oh, yes," said tho leader.
.nut at the start let us kneel down
' nnd ask Ood to iruide us." "Oh, no " said
' the Infidel. "I did not Pome to prayj 'l eamn
nisi-iiivi. iiur. snio inu lealer, roil
will, of course, submit to our rule, and that
Is always to hein with praver." The lender
knelt lu prayer, and then n'ro-e and sild to
theinlldel, "Now you prav." Tho Infidel r.
plied, "I cannot pray. I have no OoJ to
pray to Let me Ko Let me gn" The
spectators, who expected fun, fnd noth
Uig but overpowering solemnity, and a re.
vival started, and amon the first who were
hrouitht in was the infidel. That prayer did
It. In all our lives there have been' times
when we felt that prayer was auswera I. Then
let us say so.
Thero'lliiRers on this side of the river Hint
divides earth and heaven, ready at nny time
to eross over, the apo.tle of praver for this
peiitury, Jeremiah Calvin Liinphler. the
founder of the Kulton street prayer meeting,
and if he should put on his spectacles and'
read this I salute him as more iiualinVd than
any man since Mide times in demonstrating
what prayer pan do. Iienr llrother Lan
phler! The lilrfU heavens are full of his
fame, llavini; aiimmnced a meeting for li
o'clock. September W. lsS7, be sat In tin
upper room on Fulton street. New York,
waiting for people to conn. He waited for
a half hour, nnd then a footfall was heard
on the step., mid after nwhlle m all six nor-
sons arrived, hut the next day tw. nty, ami
the next dav forty ami from that time to this,
for over thirty-eiirht years, everv day, H'ib
hatli excepted, that Kulton street praver
meeting has been a place where people , ivc
hsked prayer an I answers to prayer have
been niitioum-o , nml the throb of that jrn-at
heart of supplication has thrilled not only
Into the heavens, but clear around the World,
more than any spot on earth. That has beet!
the place whore the role mod of the I, r I
said so!
Let til" same outspokenness he einnloved
toward those by whom we haveb en person
ally advantaged. We wait uiitii they are
di-ad before wo say s i. Your parents 'have
planned f r your levt Interests nil these
years. They may sometimes, their nervous
system up by the cares, the josses, ihc
disappointments, the worrine-nts of life, be
more irritable than they ought to be, an I
they probably have faults which have be.
pome oppressive as the years go by. Hut
those eyes, long before "they took on spec,
fades, were watching for your welfare, and
their hands, not as smooth ami much more
i" 'ply line. thnu ouch, have done for
you many n good clay's work. Life has been
totlietnmore of a struggle than you will
ever know about, and much of the struggle
has been for you, ami how much they are
wrapped up iu your welfare you will 'never
Have you by word or gift or behavior ex
pressed your thanks? Or If you cannot quite
get up tosay It face to face, have you written
it in some holiday salutation.' The time will
soon pass, and they will be gone out of your
sight, and their ears will not hear, ami their
eyes will not see. If you owe them any
Von.e-'S of deed or any words of apprecia
tion, way do 'jilt, niif.o say so? How much,
we might all of us save ot.-sclve (n n
nintter of regrets If we did not lielaytlitt'
to bit e nn iirtir.aiori of ..l.llir itl..t,
would have made the last years of arthlv
f tnf)rrt attract Ivc. The grave Is deaf, an 1
epitaphs on col 1 marble cannot make
In conjugal life the honeymoon Is .vn
past, and the twain take It for granted that
each Is thoroughly understood. How depen
dent on rnch other they become, ami the
years go by, and perhaps nothing Is said to
make tb.e other fully understand that sense
of dp 'ndeucs. Inpatient words sotn-times
come forth, nml motives are misinterpreted,
nml It Is taken as a matterof course that the
two will walk the path of life side by side
until about the same time their journey shall
be ended, but some sudden nml appalling III
n "s unloosens the right hands that were
clasped years at before tho altar of orange
blossoms, the parting takes place, an 1 among
the worst of all the sorrows is that vou did
not oftener, if you ever did nt all, tell Iit or
tell him how indispensable she was or how
indispensable he was to your happiness, and
that In s mio plain, square talk long ngo you
did not ask for forgiveness for infirmities
and neglects, nu I by some iiullmite 1 utter
ance make It understood that you fully ap
preciated the Ibbdity and re-enforcement of
many years, Alas, how many u h have to
lament the rest of their llves.'ooii, if 1 had
olilv said so'"
My subject takes a wider range. TlieL rd
lias liuii'ire Is of thousands of people among
thoe who have never Joined His 'army be.
c iii-ii oi some high bb al of what a Christian
should boor because of a fen that they may
not hold out or he .-an so of n spirit of pro
crastiiuttioii, Thev have never publicly
professed Christ. Tin y have as much right
to tliesacrameiits and as much right to all
tho privileges of the church as thousands
who have for years been enrolled In church
membership, and yet they pave made no
positive utterance by which ;tho world may
Know they love Go 1 ami are on the road to
heaven. They are redeemed of tho Lord and
yet do md say so. oil. what an augmenta
tion it woul I ho If by s line divine impulse
all those outsiders slioul I become Insiders. I
tell you what would bring theiu to tln-lr
right places, and perhaps nothing else will
days of persecution. I: they were compelled
to take chics as between('hrist nn 1 His cue.
tines, they wouH take the pie of Christ, and
the fagots nn l the instruments of torture
mil the anathemas of nil earth and hell
would not make them blanch. Martyrs are
ma le out of such stuff as they are. Hut let
them not wait for such days as I pray to God
mny uevercotue. lirnwii by the sense of
fairness nml justice ami obligation, let them
show their colors. Let tho redeemed of the
Lord say so.
Tnls chapter from which I take my text
mentions several classes ot persons who
ought to be outspoken, amoug them all those
who go on a journey. What au opportunity
you have, you who spend so much of your
time on rail trains or on shipboard, whether
ou lake or river or seu! Kprea 1 tin glory of
God's goo dues and your own redemption
wherever you go. You will have many a
long ride beside some one whom you will
never see again, some one who is wailing for
one word of rescue or consolation. Make
every rail tralnand steamer a moving palace
of sa veil souls. ' Casual c nver-atlou have
harvested a great host for God.
'I here are many Christian workers In put
pits, in mission stations, sabbath schools, in
unliear I of places who are doing their best
for God and without any recognition. They
go and come, ami uo one cheers them. Per
haps all the reward they get Is harsh critic
ism, or rep llse, or their own fatigue. If you
have ever heard ol any good they have done,
let them know about it. If you tin I some
one betiellted by their alms, or their prayers,
or their cheering Word, go nu t tell them.
They may be almost ready to give up their
mission. They may be a l most in despair be
cause of the seeming lack of resists. One
word from you may le nn ordination that
will start them on the chief work of ibeir
lifetime. A Christian womau raid to her
paston "My usefulness is done, I tin uot
know why my life is spared any longer, be
cause I can do no good." Then the pastor
replied: "You do me great good every Sab.
hull)." Khensked: "How do I do you any
good?" and he replied: "Iu the llrsi place,
you are always in your seat lu the church,
and that help n,e, nnd in the secou! plu 'u
Vou are always wide awake and alert, look
ing right up into my face, and that helps me,
and lu the third place I o.'teu see :enrs run
ning down your cheeks, nml that helps nic."
What a good thing he did not wait until she
was dead before hu said so!
There are hundreds of ministers who have
hard Work to make (-urinous hecut no one
expresses any appreciation. Thry are afraid
of making him vain. The tnoiueni tha
benedlctlou U pronounced ibey turn on their
heels aud go out. l'erhaps it was a subject
on which b.9 hal put especial pain, lis
ioitgnt for tha rlchf lexf. and then dbl hit
best to put the old thought into some new
Shane. Ha had pravM that It might go to
the heart -, of tha people. He had added to
tho argument the most vivid Illustration he
could think ot. He had de'lrored nil with
a power that left him nervously exhausted.
Five hundred ponle mav have been blessed
by It ami resolved upon a higher life and
nobler purposes. Yet ail he hears 1 the
clank of the pew door, or the shuffling of
feet In the aisle, or some re-nark about the
weather, tho last resort of inanity. Why
did not that man come up and sav frankly.
"You have done me good?" Whv dbl not
some woman come tip and say, "I' shall go
home to Inks no I be bur. tan nt ll'.i iiu
cheerfully'" Why did not some professional j
man come up and sav: "Thank vou, dominie, f
ft thnt good advice I will take It. Ood
bless you." Why dbl they not tell him so'
l have known ministers. In the nervnis reac.
tlon that pomes to some after the delivery of
a sermon with no seeming result, to go homo
and roll on the floor In agon v.
Hut to ninke up for this lack of ou'spoljpn
religion there needs to he and will he a
great day when, amid the solemnities ami
grandeur of a listening universe. Oil will
"sav o." No statistics pan state how many
mothers have ricke cradles nn I hovere'l
over lufnntlle slcsnesse. and brought un
their families to manhood and womanhood
and launchel thtn upon useful and success,
ful lives, and yet never received one "Thank
vou" that Binoiiuted to nnvthtng. Tho
itailgllters became quenns in social life or
went affiance I in highest realms of pros,
perlty; the sins took the llrst h mo.-s .if
the university and became ra llatit In mono,
tirv or professional splvres. Now the secret
of all that uplifted mat-mal influence most
ecme out. toeety did md sav so. the
church did not av so. the world .lid not say
so.but on thnt day of all other davs. the iast
dav, Ood will say o.
There are men to wl.nm life Is a eri'id
an I a eonlllet. hereditary tendencies to be
overcome, accidental environments to b.
endnn-d. appalling opposition to be m.-t ami
conquered, and they never so much as had
a r sc piiine to their coat hip. I in a Imlra
flon. They never had a song dedicated to
tlieir name. Thev nevr had a hook pre.
ntcd to them with a complimentary word
on the tlv-leaf. All thev have to ah.'.w for
tlielr liietlMi" battle Is sears, f tut In the I i-t
iavthe storv will come out, and that life
will he put in holy and transcendent
rhythm, and tln lr eo ira.;. and persist. mo
and '.nth mid victory will not onlv be nti
tioimeel but rewar le I. " These nr.. tli-y
that out of great tribulation and h id
tlndr robes washed nml made white In the
blond of th Lamb." Go will s.iv so
We miss on" f tln ehb.f ...;n of a last
judgment. We (Mlt into the picture the lire,
and the smoke, and the earthquake, nnd the
iles ending angels, nn I the imrisiiig dead,
but we omit to put Into the 'bicture that
which makes the last judgment a magnlllc.-nt
opportunity. We omit the f ct that it is to
be a dav of glorious explanation and com
meiidatlon. The llrst justice that millions
of unrewarded and unrecognized nn I un ip-pre-lntel
men nnd women get will he on
that day, when s -rvieos that never eallel
forth so much ns a newspaicr line of llnest
pearler diamond type, ns the printers term
it. shall tie culled up for coronation. 'That
will be the dav of enthronement for those
whom the world cillo nobodies." Joshua,
who coaiinande I the sun nn I moon to stand
still, nee Is no last judgment to get justice
done him. but those men do need a last
i i Igment who at time In all (irmles, under
ti ;a.os.vlolent iissiult. In obcllenctocom.
ui'S lthonseVos ' I still. leborah, who
encouraged Itarak to hnverv In battle against
the oppressors of Israel, iee Is no last judg
ment to get Jiisllee done V, . pr thou
sands of years havec'appe l her noi'aii-e.
Hut the wives who In all ages have encir-
nged their husband In the buttle of life,
women whose names were hardly known b.t
yond the next street or the next farmhouse,
must liaveGo I say to ti.em: "Vou did wdl.
Y'oii did gloriously. I s iw you down In that
dairy. I watched' vou In the old f.ireih nis.i
tnetnllng those chilore'i's cloth. -s. I heard
what you said In tln way of cheer wlnm the
breadwinner of the household was in des
pair. I remember all the sick 'cradle vmi
have sung to. I remember tho backaches,
the neailaeiies. the heartache,
storyof your knitting nee II.. a
know til" story of a quern's see
castle on the heavenly hill Is nl
vou. Go up and take it." Ami
know the
w dl a I
ider. Your
I ready for
turning to
th" surprised multitu l"s of heaven lie will
say. "She did what she count." Got will
say so.
And now I close with giving my own per
sorialtestlmonv, for I inii-t n d enjoin upon
other that winch 1 de-lino mv-.l' to do.
Horn at Hound Unok, N. J., of a parentage
as idoiis as the wor'.l I'V.-r saw, I atte-t be
fore earth an I In-iveii that I have always
felt the elevating an I restraining liilliienee
of having luil a good father and a good
motln r, and if I n'ii u' le to do ba'f as well
f .r my children n the old folks .ltd for iu I
will be thankful forever. The years of my
life pass..,! on until, at about eighteen year
of age. I fe t the pressure of eternal r.-a Hie
nnd after t raver nu I religious c.nius..i I
passe I into what I took to bo a
saved state nn I joined the church,
and I attest before e.irth nnd heaven
that 1 have found It a most helpful and
inspiring association. I like tin. com
panionship so well that I caumd bo sat
istled if I have a day less of it than nil eter
nity. After gral iatliig nt c .db-glate and
theological Institutions I ha I the hands of
ten or twelve goo I men put upon my hen t
In solemn ordination, at llelevill, N. J.,
an I I attest before can h and heaven that tho
vrk of the gospel ministry ho been .b
lighttul, and I expect to preach until my
last hour. Many times I have passed
through deep water of b-'reavemeiit and but
for the divine promise of heavenly reunion I
would have gone under, but I attest before
earth and heaven that the comfort of the
gospel Is high, d-ep, glorious, eternal. .Many
time have I been niallgu I ami my work
misrepresented, but all such falsehood nnd
persecution have turned out for my advan
tage and enlarge I mv work, and I attest be
fore earth nnd heaven that G 1 has fullllle l
to me the promises, "Lo! I a n with you al
ways," and "Tne gales of hell shall not pre
vail ugnlust you."
For the cheer of younger men iu nil de
partment lot me say you will come out nil
right if yon miml your owu business ami are
patient. The assault of the world Is only be
ing rubbed down by a rough Turkish towel,
and It improves the circulation nml makes
one more vigorous. While the future holds
for me nintiy mysteries which I do not pre.
ten I to solve, 1 aai living in expectation that
when my poor work Is clone, 1 shall go
through the gates and meet mv Lord uud ull
my kinJred who have preceded tu .
Knbl It Urn llullet I'riiiir, and Faith
II U llltillier'. Idle.
TawneB llill, vvlio lin etunied to I'-rry,
Okliili'imn, from the fuiir l-nnd.-i of the l'uvv
nee tribe. itriULT. vvurd Unit tlin lndlnus liuvn
nil left tli"ir l inns nu I in ivel lnt- le.e.-i
o:i lllitok il-iir t'ret-k uu I hiive (juuu to
dmieitlK Hild Inasll.K' in lieine,
Cruiiv lltjrm elnlined t" liuve urn l-n medl
elne that Will tillllet irmf. but. when tried 111
HU ex-riiient nil Ills brother 111 frcut i f the
eoiinoil of elilefs, th , bullet penetrate I bU
tieiirt Wild Cllll-ed lllstllllt dentil. All of Criizy
If ir-e'ii cittbt mid iiunieii vver.i tnkeu from
llllll iu it (leirilty by the eliiefs, mid there U
tHlli llllliilllt the I'd b-ral nilb'i-rs of ludK-tiiiij
him ou the eliui'n'n ol murder.
NVvv irrliuet tnr lUirimtu Kobllpr..
F.rr.peror Williimi, ii-sisted by Hie Mlnistei
of vNur, (l.-iieral vmi heliellend'orf, nnd Hided
by it body ( military experts, b eousitloriliij
the intro lui'li'iii id ii new helmet fur thu
lie-iniiii iinnv, lu view of the fuot tluu tlm
iiu't ii lin rna : ii i'ii t h of iliii nrui'out hvliut't uru
Vloiblli lit a Kfi'lt'. diatllUee,
M 111 iln K-l'iiat for Ifr-llenteri.
Th Gruud Jury of lliiltiiiiure, JId., Iui ror;.
omiiieudHi thnt the wlilppliivr-puHt for wlfu
beater lu the city Jutl tin ouoo more put iu
thf rowrn or a onr.AT i.trtr.
In tho ceonomv of Idvlno I'rovldenco
great lives serve the most various and Im
portant purpose. Great men are the seer
and guliles of humanity. In a peeiilmr sense
they are Inspired men. They have Is-en
lifted nbove their g. In latloii ; thev haveopeu
vision ; they survey the world n iVotn a loftv
eminence and are thus able to iinderstand
ninny matters which remain ol.s mrc to their
fellow. '1 hey usually under! and not only
what to do. but how to do It. practical sen".,
being joined to ibs p Insight and extended
for sight. In some ins'nne,- n single man
H em to embody the ws,..w of a generation
orniiiitl. ii ( oiiluelti menu l hltm, and
Mahomet s;nmp"d his own Image on n hun
dred generation. Lome llrst l.
came incarnate in the man Julius Ciesar.who
knew hi time and loreeist nil time.
The F.ngil-h race lived in Alfred the ireat.
a did iiioilerii republicanism in George
Washington. Hut great men are limited bv
both time nml space : their fame and power
decrease with the square of the distance. It
Is with the utmost dillleulty that men are
ileo to .o ni.xihliig nflor their burial. The
co'iimonnity disappear under the next ud
vanemg wave. Fortunate I the man able
h build a monument high enough nud strong
etioiich to outlast the II .in I. Whiltewr most
men do thev must do while living and within
n limited cir.'.e. Cn -ar's genius mad.' Koine,
but was unknown in tin. iiridit C .tifu.'iu
was the man ..f n race ; I,.. ... nipm-ted China,
though a m.-ie bam. nti.l shadow bemud.
Million, et ieii down like a thinnl'Th .It on the
earth, but bis p..w,.r , as t.. n narrowing
nn I 1 1 i i n i -1. 1 1 1 wi'ti i-verv n Ivan 'ing e.-n-tur.
in,. I tin- day I- ti t fnr di-ta'it when Hi"
cimomiioii ,e . , ,i;.., w ill hao le. pla
limoflg the lillltol'S. 'I h-element of Weak.
ICS .III, I ,e. nv WIT" U. the w .rk ol ad
these tr;en.
H it. unlike tie 'ii. ic great life has up-
pei- d III li II M . II II ll-t..r. Slbe.-t to .it,e..f
(he-.. Ii-n'.t hi. in-. Ii 'is t,,.,t ,.f , World
Man, wh r h .iillne I to n . lat'.itu b
or race, 'lie- light . f Untruth mb.
lie-fir I'.i t n- int. i tin- far U st, nnd His
llli-s.,-,g.. ;:is bc-n b-. li fro il the t.-t,. ,i
the Al l ir.-i r.'gi-.ns ...-r n;i tie- iiit.-rv-.oi.g
line-. An I what s m. .-t ...ngiil ir of all. the
i'v-Mimi of II. s po-.v.-r iin,..iig men ha Is-i-ii
exclusively p,tbu i .. .. lb- oigaiile. ho
Institution t . t.ik- Hi- i,.-.... down to p.-t.-r-
ItV; II" provided !..rth er.'.-.l C ..f no II. ib.
iitiie-.t .,; lens, ,,r -1 im pillar ..r
pv r.iudd. to e . 'ii-n. -a... rate His d Is and
virtu.-.. Ills in o, .nic lit vvas a Cro-s,
Ills . -ling in.-.. n b.-tr ,w.-. t. llib.
Ills dl-clpes were few snd ib-plei, l II-aid-d
bv position. W'-itith or learning. J I . . w
tilolkelv that su -li men tcl aid tb.-lr crib
ellcd Ma-ier ' It-it th- iu- s'lip.-ndous
tnlM -le of lu-torv s found III this great life,
i'ln-ugli dead.J. su- ( hn-t still live and
vork- miracles in ev.-rv part of the earth,
f.edmgthe hungry, clothing the nuked, nml
brihglhg lie-lllhg to tile sick. Mll IIUIVW.-ll
et lei. rale ill lldM-nt; for - i the w-.rld
was create I has tlfe I n f mud no other
silfll entitle of ntie -e and b.-helleenc,. ns
thet great life. Ills fame tills tin- world.
II" has transcended tie- lives ,,f His own
n , re.lgi.-n. age a'-d 1-itilude ; lb' ha b.-.
colne the universal r..-ii.-fa,-t-ir. N- part of
the vv- let i UM. nch.-d by Hi- gr.i in
llijeti .. breathes on ti.l-.-s, nati- n-.
ta-'es, and tie v live again.
tfyoti w.-uld .. e what Christ ii to the
w.-rld, take 1- vmi the map ai d obs,.rv timt
ti e gr- ell spots ar - those touched bv the .
llU.-le-es ot the ( .i... Ill, Wold s thick iltld
..-werful. to'i.-hiiur individuals an I na
tion to higher i-stes and n.-bl- r endeavor.
At Hi comii'i: supeisiiiio,;, v. mis!,, old fable
are .li-.-re.jit- I. i.hus nr. .-a-t n av. and "tl..
knowledge o) ibid .-..vers the earth a the
Wat.-r-Cover til- great de. p." I'hri-t lol
, nnught to (he iiatb-ns the most iu.porl.t-it
I tuatrr- it correct knowledge of tl har.-ic-
! ler, attribute and Work of God ;
j it trii- vi.-ir of i.ian m b,. ,,rl.
origin, hisi.rv and de-iiiu tloii . ntid a revo
lution of tin Intel volition ., God l-,r
the re-cue of m-i, from l,i fail.-u e-uidition.
'The Gospel hu J n promise ol the life that
j How- Is lis .veil ,.s .(. but o collie. The
highest civilization today nret'io-e created
.v tin-teachings ol Christ. Liiti-rpri", ln
- yeti'iou, niii-ti-rv of ii.ui. rial resonr--. com
' iii.-r.-e. aid siibstimi ml political -over f.diovv
tli.- o .. (I. .. hiistiau iiali. iM at tl.H
V.-IV 11. oil. "lit. lis ln-v.-r b.-l'le. e.-l'ro I II"
lb -til le- o tl:e World. I tills-, a b ill speak-..
nnd tie- w . .r I I tern,
tare b.-tb
rui.-r -it- ti.
s nu I
t a, I
M- ll.-IM.III,' I Illl .III title
llii.-alele-.l ! i-aj
VVe.t; 1-tllV lis t.,
III" I- Ill
tb- Il --li ,r'i-. w li II i n In- -,
t In i-l im I' - .v -ts t . ui v biei a
It'll f III". ( Illl-'. b-.Ms 111- Lev tu Hie
Kit 'i it l i n ; II" -el - 1 1 and n,!s ,1-e.vli. His
VV Td Mill-! be t It- Illl I'll. it- la V. II- ll.t'l-HI
tll!t VV ill lit l.bev llllll -ball I- d ..-be I I
lee. s 111,.- a .,. Iter's V 1 b I Il :.t.i
IraL'M-.ei.ts i.ev.-r l-i be re j ,ll"d 111,1 lit t-lllV
f-'T I lie dnl l. .l.. It eaoll.'ll. 'I le r" t
but ..le- Na'i.e ; It I. tie- Na-i." lib .v. i ev.-M-Iiiiii.
e, .11 vvl,i.-!i ev.-rv Line shall b-.-.v and
every t--ii-ue, le-v.eM-r r -ln.'laiil i y, nl.all In
tile I'l, 1 e, llb -s lillli I... id of Illl.
We tl-
r lt.isii
ris'.im t r 1 1 r r i in Iti
.-.-nl. a l,i -I -r e and
bin i-t vvtei w as b. ,ru
VV leil-le-ss iih' ll
iiii la.'iiai.' i't i .ul-t
111 llt't..!'-!.. M. illld sll'l
I'd ate i,., i l I bri-t lei
inn -n.r men. In tie-
', I un b-r I '.Hit in i
ml llv s and r.'iuiiH
-nny i -f i;ra -e I - e li
I n-," la un I liii".rt.iii"e
Vneille Hie . " t i Hie ex -.'l
'1 l.e I '!! l-tllill l athers vter
t.-iidiii lb" 1 1 inn nl-, .at ti.i
II, s b.rtli. III". e,i."lkt-.
" tnay n-it n l
I 'll ,.t liif etli.-r.
le.l VVI.ill III I '- Christ in
laivt'l-.iis vv..r,.s,
Oil this evl-
ileriii.,s. .b-iitli and iri-n-.i.-1
bt-se are Iiiteliiinentnl f,i"N.
lien the bistorie if- el
hln.w tlin iiitrnli.-e t-f the
the li 1 1 tu it 1 1 . We nr.- let .(,;
tile 11 Ivellt id t e JllV Hie Mall
r 1 h.-v
lllVIII'l lilt)
iii I'.'ieiti a' im;
w lei-e Iry iiiin
birlh murks u n.-iv ntn.'
Ill" ra-e. II dlV Hie f. tree
III tin- ,.i-r. ss tlf
111 til- ev,i.;.ll"ii nf
1 1 II III II II H. ieel V, lilll K'" Tloili lis III- Ill-Mil
liist rie trnllis ot the Inn unit v. tln-v malm
bllt I'llf liellll-plli-le o , '- -ri -,Hs r.'V.'l.l
tloll to lllllll. I lie lllV.I.e s s.'l ..V-r llltlllllst
the biiiimii. Von may vv- ll b. li- ve .l.-.-u-i
t'linie, und thai He will t-ene ii .iiiii III ihe
l.lsl.lliy; llllt Voll I, live the vvll tie truth tilllv
Whi'll Villi lu'lli-ve III Illl nil mire'lil I'll risl
ho r.-iniuiis ii pervn lin; S,,ir.t and l -n-e
Uiie.lih' In "li.
liieiii ii-I the hlstori- t'hri-t vvh i win
Imiiii nnd die I and r...- ii.-nin. nr. lifer H tint
i;e.rilb-. I'hris'. vv Im r.-ainiiis in ..i-i-tv nnd
In the iiidivid ia; --.ill t-i nliiuiiii iie nn I t-
eoiivii't of mil, rii-di eoiisi.e-s and j I'Lineiit tii
e hie. Christ Weill rt way. but In- I lllo here.
Th.MII.-ll l.ll-e. II, Hi- porter Is ever) Where felt
llkut lit ol iCrilVIIV lllell'leet eilv. Ueli stl
to r. -it'll iii the heavenly l.i '--, but II- IH "1
lio le- in II, e s uls i, I I,, li ol, e.irlh. Til l
C iniorler Is the iu.inale lit Cbr.-t. Ileeiriie
to abide Hhd to I III U-. II- Is ever with the
two or three in with tl e ure.-it lusembiy. IIm
Is here t eornlort. to purify ntb! ediiy.
(in-iiti-r h tlin iiiiin, un id than thn lilstori'i
( hrisi. It win I drill Ill l' lie should fo
I. whv from the visible ttmt His o ver nbkint
be relllizi'tl III l li llivl-i-le ; ill. ll lie Mil ell I
il,-ii. ear from the ll.-r.ii tu at II nn -lit
live Illl I illl kell Illl tllllU's bv the Spirit. I'll. I
biirpo-o of the ,ord'n eon Im; in the ib-sh i-un
be lullv reiilize.l only by ll eo iiiii into I hi
roiil. V i . 1 1 mny tlniik mu.'h of lll-i commit
into .til, l--a. VVltboOt b.-IIIJ HJVe l i but Ilia
eoiniiiK' into the 'nil In iitteii-l- d with siiv .n-i
l-Mleiiey. To U4 t'hrint Oil the Cms Is b'sl
linpor nut tlimi Chn-t eo-iiii, into our liven
lib I evperieliee, ' IlllVe, IIH I'. Were, If it
.11 -t the Id-tot le Christ, win R" L'l.-nt r rd
m storetl up iii thu iirelilv. i I hi-b.ry un-l
stands proof nirnin-t nil iloubteriniinl n-vilers ;
hilt lol' llil Will ll' t) 111 til- later dlivil (i el;
priivid.-d no'iiii better thniK in the iild linn
pre-fliee of JeilUS ill lllllllllll .i"ley. Jen, Is
Hot obl.V eulhe, und Will llls'lllll enllie ; He Ik
In r- uremiiiii. ".o! 1 uui with y,,u nil thu
iluvs. lvcu unto thu eoiisumuiiitiuu ol tha
I If sotjit iiooplo would think twleo W
foro tbey Miiculi, tlicy would kui'ii mllj
most ot tUo time.
Fa t-aoies irom a
g county testify to its marvelous success in curing them.
For al (rvarywhar. Price, tl.00 par bottle.
fsmvtff4HsHsmvvmmvvvvmHvmv I
Don't Tobacco
Spit and Smoke
Your Life
mndy r-ittvirll.' ctim
-I- P0UNDS,2Qt
Wh.-it Nerve r:rrit'J
have done forothcM
they iii do
tr you.
jir i ay.
OF -'-'v
M E ti Ecsif. Quickly Vltij!aJ
and rormanently Hestorea. u'
A p iMtive ciiii. fnr ail WV.ikii-'i-.i.'s
N.tvi diiiit'ss, LJcNlity, .ni-1 lii-jir
tr.tin -if evils rc'sullinji't'in early ernns
ai;.l Liter excesses the re ult i-t over, sickness, vi.iriy.e!e. I rl-p.s
rial -ivestotie an.l ;tivni;i!i t tliesex
u;il" Stt-ps lusvsur
iiii;!i;lv emisii.ns e.uis .1 by youthful
e r i " r y i -i excessive u -e of tobaceo.t ipitim
.tr.vl lujiKd', which le.ut tocuiisuiiipiinii
nti.l 'Mianity. Their use shtrvs imnieiii
ate improvement. Insist tipcn Invin
the genuine NERVE BERRIES, no ilier.
Convenient to cany in vest pticket.
I 'rice, 81.00 per box, six boxes, one tin!
tieatinent, 85.(X. Guaranteed to cure
any ense. If not kept by your dnikj
jiKt wo will send them by mail, upon
receipt of price, in plain wrapper.
Pamphlet free. Address mail orders to
The modern stanil
ard l'.imily Medi
cine : Cures the
common e very-day
ills of lvjmanity.
1 J
Female Troubles.
Many of the disorders peculiar to
women are caused by diseased condi
tions of the Liver. Kidnev anil Rowl
Restore these organs to a healthy state
liy using
Dr. J. H. McLEAN s
And the fe male oranswill perform
their regular functions, and the suf
ferer be strengthened and cured.
i-aaies trom an pans ot tne
m norvi'rt
W I lirlllL'H 11 II r. Ir
tho lt illnu-B of
youth t,i t lit) nro-
miitttrclv old unit.
It ronton iu lflf. vltmp
You muv i'.-ii,i t im
pounds ia ton vltiya.
GO btlT ntlrl trr n. n-- t.".,! T
OrUv SI. Yrine
iriLIRintec rt ..i.s .
, ,1 v.ii.. wi IMttlll-V II'
lUnilOU. Bonltlet. wrlMnn ini-i en ,.w .iv......
and sample free. Adilrtta npin-wt olllco.
THE KTrDI IMr. Dcurnv rn
rnti-itiimtlivii. I'un-lv v. -.-.- ibte. vi.n.iti r.
!Stt 'll'lte I tin. illfetite , r,,.
tl'leert ret--, -tllllli; ee;i
t'liee).-! VVIinti-l.r d;-l--.l"-l .tf-ipH
ii'ut't m .. ar. i. i:e-i;-ieiit
I'L'll.-tlllipt I 11
In. reiim-s . ii,-!- r-nd .'!; "i!'.
MAKES l.ri), I.SCil 1 ,
rrnmiili H In litby In ;; t::,
Will ivo tlio j.iil.. ui.d .i
,,TJns' r che-kti ol '.th
RIS ALL Ft.r n . ' . :..ti; ..
nktsn ntreiiB in j.i .u.ii v
Core alt Vastinij Discr.n'i nml
tlici!" erqut ncrr.,
Tbr y ii-" ii' it In"- til vi't if ti i- i t it n,l
1e. " le i i uifcr' lilt in- . Meet . - ii : I... . . .t. , ril l
id tMi. ..It. in :, h "l Ms 111. tie-, . ii-::!. -e i . 1 1 V
-li Lot b - i:- l ..r tt-.-t 1 1 i.i- i mis-.. ,-, ,t,...f , j,,it nu,
it i. ii.ei ini-ii hi. ib Hie u." i ri I b iritis nl I i-.ii.
lllibivi I rriil un nl ful... iiiiiit. dil. t iiii,. 1
1. I i t I y yuur ni'ii.', iiddi , : .)
V.'l i". v- -i .-- .i-..ii: i..t i!vii.-vvir.- M i l.inu
il ' i 1 - 1 t ' .i., it .in: .i ' vt i .... iii-i
HI i t b I ' ' I. fi'lll. II ! t I..C In -t Ul.lli-J,
1. 1.- -! lei. li- d .ti. 1
Most Popular co.-
I -r :i nr rr '.on.;, i.e.-1.. -i -V,s
'.- 'i leiv ii-.:ii it ' ib i . --.-i. f-nv y
I . "ft lit' . I: .ve l nil- .1 :i '
.-i,i v.-.. .1.;. t -., frr;i
.I. o !.;, - l vv-ll 11 .- ll A I i-rj
.- vi ,1 .: M i. im,.. i ..- -s i . - ' ft
t'.e vv.,:: I r b r Ft -.V '. ,
b '.:. V-ll '-. -11',. t. ..t rtj4-sl
i-t . ,u-,i i :..; : . "
'A LitflU Running
- (fl' Tti-r.- I . t. : H' w. t: ! . '.I
j f-fj .-' ;. -J I .el i lu !; ! i I. I 1-1-
T iSlJ - .'. -' i-.-'v-rv.-l. m,
! .IVA.A t " ', '
if -A III -!!' ' '-.!! -i n-.itiy
; j&i " -'!-
Ni: v mic
1 H hit Atem-'.c Tenslnn H-nible I ii J. il :te
ml ! . i . "!''i
II ; -.. sv.-s- . .-. . ' !..- I !m:. il
CII u-l "I-' ..' I - v . I ....... I. loll, il.K II let liil. Lu
tbe lliil.i:...ol'..
THE HEW HOHE SEVi'ISG MACHINE CO. lli-i It,.- r... M .i. 'M - , i-r.N.V
, Il I.. . b". I- l-i . : .s
r.m c.i l" iiv
1. S. r.witi- C-;, '1 AKetlt,
I 1IJ7 fhi-h-iuiii'. St., rUila.,!'!
ion 'lnlul liy llnir.
TlK'fi' Is a tauu alu-n' tuvvn who las
ll iiiiirkt'il iiill.t'iiv I -: 1 1 : i , :i ii J a wutiil
I'll -tt. I Wi.U't su.V wlii tli. I' lie iih In
the artn.v or imvy, f.if it I di.l j-uii'J
Know riylit aia wlm it Is fun lie pive
t that U-iS tliat I'tirle Sam initht nave a
stliilii-r ntiv to stainl mi lie went niit
to Hn-lnl toll I Vt-llill tint lull); lll'n at
tin' lbitist' of Milne t.i'u,,i he iliilu t
know vi-t'j well. 'l'!uy l.n a ilever
little t'.. tenii'i- wlm Is tiallieil to Jilin)
oyer ;li'Us toll! .Mill nut aibl ti
inTlonii n.r.- uuiuLm r cl' utljiT I'titvi's
taitiint (vats.
M i II 1'rt Krr v i ii.
'llil tlio iiitain of tlio football team
k.'t' liU lu a IV
"Vt-8, liU lii-ail nml tlio npitr porUvt)
cf Liu truuk."-L'tli-olt Trlbuuvj