V I Werves pTml upon the blood for ..usl enane. Ther lore If the blood In Impure they arfj linprop riy fed and nervnin prostration result. To bake pnro blood, take IHloodl Sarsaparilla The Oni True Blood Purifier. II; 8 fnr tl UawP Dill r"ri hnbitunl rnnstipa 110911 5 rJIIS lion, i'r.ue ai ceut. A Inte official report shows th.it. con rnry to cuminon belief, onse of re llfilouH ninnla nre mr In the Rrltlsli Isles. It also illsi'lmen tin' stiaiiRe fnct hnt more mental alienation in (level ppxl nmong tlx tribe of peddlers thnn Among nny other rliis. physicians ami Idnisirlsts coming next. Melancholia retails mod In Irolnnd. 1 HT . I- I - tu.,t ... If., ..M 41. A 11 13 Bl " (1,1 I ..- , r , 1- , i 1 1 - I I K I il" itr ' rninnrkiiil the Httmiti uiticiLnf hen hi' heard of the election of t tic guan lie bail been mirocntliif . Drawn Out. The pnin of i pmull burn nn he rnly f. 1 1 net i'J by j.livliii; it near heat, which draws It out. Cno feel the iiitt Koinir ut ns it Were, mid this illuvlrnt l n explains n broinl frlneipln of cure of ninny think'. For In tnni'f. In n sprain, rvcr or mil. I. warmth ly Irieiimi begins a trn operation. Itnt. first and foremost, use St. Jamd s Oil. The Heeded wnrnilh mi l friction comes Irotn nil -bin it it 011, Th sUn and injured nmsel Krow soft mid hinted nnd tnk un tin curative properties of lln remedy, and it Is tint long before one fools tlu piiin drawn mit. Other r. 1 1 ertios lire nt work t ft r-iii;t ln-n and rc-luii.', uud n jio.-iliu cure follows like ning!,. Sinn In t'r;r on Onta mid Turn. LnM your w? off.-re I $200 for th hig; yield on oats. 20. hushils SIW t Mine Oih won. This yer offer JO') mnr. on eat, 11'lOoti Hilvt-r King B'irley, a Ilarby yielding In isy.'i 11C bushel p-r iv're.ntid f 10) n Hold, n Triumph, Yelln Dent Curu, tlnj corn of your dream! What's T'-otiiiito nod Sand Vettri nn 1 Sv. lino an I I.nthyrus at; 1 Count Spurry and Cluut Inllrnl( Clover nil I lot of oi ,h tbiiiK"? 'J'l oy'll inakt- you ri.'h If you plant A plenty. CutHlojjuK tell' ymi. Ir Yoti will err tmim lit avo rr It "Wit li Pie. pnitairotn Hie Jolm A. S t f .- r Si I Co., I.a Cn-we, Win., you will fre P) gmw and iriiiii, lii'-iioliint ntiovn otM, tiarley, eurn and their aiatiimotli cutalou'ue. Cnluloitue ulojiu ' T he generAl belief among doctors is that consump tion itself is very rarely inherited. But the belief is becoming stronger that the tendency to consump tion is very generally transmitted from parent to child. If there has been consumption in the family, each member should take special care to prepare the system against it. Live oui doors ; keep the body well nour ished ; and treat the first indication of failing health !cctlSmufsiciv of Cod-liver Oil, with. Hypophosphites. is a fat -producing food and nerve tonic. Its use is followed by improved nutrition, richer blood, stronger nerves and a more healtny action of all the organs. It strengthens the power of the body to resist dis ease. If you have in- herited a tendency to weak j lungs, shake it off. JUST AS GOOD IS NOT 1 SCOTT'S EMULSION. I'N V 4 Pill -J lj; Ut v Bottlebinding. You can't judge of the quality of a book by the binding, nor tell the contents by the title. You look for the name of the author before you buy the book. The name of Robert Louis Stevenson (for instance) on the back guar antees the inside of the book, whatever the outside may be. There's a parallel between books and bottles. The binding, or wrapper, of a bottle is no guide to the quality of the medicine the bottle contains. The title on the bot tle is no warrant for confidence in the contents. It all depends on the author's name. Never mind w ho made the bottle. Who made the medicine ? That's ihe question. Think of this when buying .Sarsaparilla. It isn't the binding of the bottle or the name of the medicine that you're to go by. That's only printer's ink and paper I The question is, who made the medicine? What's the author's name ? When you see Ayer's name on a Sarsaparilla bot tle, that's enough. The name Ayer guarantees the best, and has done so for 50 years. tnfftUow'a "Hiawatha." The Indian epic of Ulawatha" took the world by aurpriae, writes Ileceklnb Iluttrrworta In an article "How lAg fellow Wrote Ills Heat-Known rooms" In Ladlps' Home Journct. Ita form and Its matter were for s long time ni.va terloa. How rould a Cnmbrldire liter ary recluse iirodiioe such an rjilc? Cer tain crltlca claimed thnt the Idea, form nnd tnnglc treatment of the poem had been Ixirroweil from a Scandinavian Aflee, and the Implication greittly dis turlicd his niMlnhcrs. ntnl nitint havo cnuiM lilx ftcnaltlve aplrlt great pain. It partly eclipsed for a time the new Mar In the literary horizon on which nil eyes were Oxod. The criticism wns dis armed; the wonder grew; n fixed star had appeared. Hut the mystery of the poem Is simply solved. Longfellow desired to produce an CpIc that should lie In sympathy with all that wns most beautiful and noble In the. vanishing Indian nice. Abraham Ia Fort, an On ondaga chieftain, had furnished School craft, the historian, much Indian lure and many mystic traditions, with cer tain Indlnn vocabularies. In which the musical and uiittuislcnl sounds of many words Indicated their meaning. Tbes traditions and vocabularies made tin work of the poet cosy. One only needs to read Schoolcraft, to whom the poet nokllowli'iU'eil his Indebtedness, to sen how this monument to the Indian r.-iii, tlielr only great literary memorial, was buildeiL In a Hot Hoc "1 f't Into a hot pluco once." re marked ex-Sheriff Ibaly, of Marin County. "In fact. It was the hottest plan' ever got Into In my life. When I was ruuuliu si ii endue on the narrow gam: road 1 noticed a leak nt the soft plug In the crown sheet of my engine. It kept getting Worse, ' 1 decided to 1 lug I. "That night 1 raked the lire. and. When the lire box cooled otT a little, crawled In and examined the leak. I l,i' a-"ire.l tin- hole carefully, ami. afti r trviiig the calipers on a rat tall tile. I had coticlmlod that It "as Jift tie thit.g. 1 wt nld drive It In ami break It off. "I put the cad of the tile ill the hole, bit it a crack with the hammer, an. I. Instead of sticking. It went clear thi'oiuli. The next minute b liling tio water was pouring duvtii on me fioia the li.iiler. "The lire box was only about four feet square and the sott plug was right In tli liter over my head, s. I o.uld "tint get close eVi" it'll '"to any of the colliers without gettii"..mv, legs sen Id cd. the I am pretty large, and the door i.r lire box w as Mnall. but I had to g- t ollt o v get scalded. 1 tinned my bad. to U i the hot water, nod by the time I rgletl .nit tin door 1 was the hottest HI! oil the coast. Win n I Milled "II' 1 ' my clothes 1 took about eight sipiarc I Inches of skill with them. Since tie n 1 dra w the wilt r before I do any plug I glng."- .an I'mncisc,-'' )!. j i He Impressed Ilia Opinion. j One of the most prominent physicians In Washington ow ns u farm somewhere in New Kngland. and whenever he gets 1 unbearably tired of his fashionable path Ills In town he goes there, puts on his eldest clothes, lays In a stock of corn-coll pipes and rusticates. ( ino day list summer he was jogging lazily along a country road In a rickety old cart drawn by a horse almost ,.ls rick ety. A countryman walking mi the Ktr.io road asked for a lift ami the two !' II Into conversation. "Who an- you working forV" asked tli" countryman. tih, I'm working for Or. .1., down there." answered the physician. "What doiii"r" "tih." went on the doctor, "I do ev erything for him. I take care of him, ymi kimw. 1 dress him and I feed hiiii, ; nnd 1 even wash his face ami put him toboil. I do every t hlng he needs done." "Mow much d ye get for If." usked ' tin- native. "My board and clothes." "An' you do all that for hlm-wash him. sn' dress him, un' feed him, un' ' all that V ' "Yes." i The countryman looked at the doctor a moment In stlence. Then he leu over the wheel and spat solemnly, j "Well, of all the dern. fools I ever 1 pee"' was ull he said. Wushlugton ; I'OSL ! Viours and Wages. ; PInce fifty years ugo there has been here, as well as In Kngland, a great re duction In the hours of labor. Hut Uils wns not accomplished for the pleasure I of the wage earners; It was accomplish . I d L'ucause experience proved thut uf let ft) 0) INDUSTRIAL ITEMS. InUrtiting Rewi for Workmta Mtgnttt for Lifting Pnrpoiei. An Interesting use of magnetism I being ninde nt the Nimd vcroft foundry In KnglHud, At these works fleetrle ersnes nre epi-ruted from theeleetrfe power and lighting cireiiits. together with eloet ro-mniriicts. which pi'riiiit the ri ndy lifting of pieces of iron or sti-cl weighing up to tons. The magnets eon strueteil f,,r lifting purMM's nn n'tii lied to H eriine. One iniigiiet takes 5',' a npcr'n at 110 volts to excite it. nt which cn-rgy It will supNrt the weight of two tons of inn or steel. A switch controls tliesupply f cur rent delivered to the magnet. Ilv th - use of this magnet or crane, tliree nu n .i.. tiie u..rk In one ipmrter of nn hour whi h r- i . u -ly tis.ik six uieii one hour nnd u hall to ji!..nii. LABOR VOTES. Electricity hns li.weli ,1 the larm. In Halle I Til IK 1 1 .11 11 ei I trie v lill bet tl iliW lited 'I lie cnl ie to the motor i euri n il en a i.uMits I of stmiil trolleys r.uiiiii.g iiiidi r the gn and. Operations commenced Mot.dav in tie- nut nnd bolt fie tory of Plumb, llerdi t .V liar liard, nt I oi iiwiiiida, N. . YWi n in (nil operatiou they employ from .Mm to son men. It is stated that the I Ii1i. mii g.. . riinienl has ie,.e. to .tut I is- tl mi i le til. nl i.iti..i. ruulnl v it h t lie el je. t i '( tiiiiiiii.o i 1 1 1 r ii.imii engineers with the principles ot i i. .-in in en- giliecriug. The new V I ii t -iiim mill. I.. -ate I nt New lleilford. Mn ., Hill soon l ei iii "ratioiis. I he engiti" is nearly ready an nn in . . of Cottoll till- been i-lilpe, to the ll.lli fr.eil I'.ostoli, t A redie tloii ha- I n made in the wnges i t lll'olll I. 0 eiliployes i.f Die .V 1 1 , .-r t -II H I 11. I'l.lH oi ks a! I I w I. I ml lima. 1 1 r l . . 1 1 . . 1 1, 1-c In m I ii to ;:i i.t- a du in uiinealing ' and du-tiiig depart a. eiits. I It i reported that nn Aun rl nn eiigim i r i I installing a ti l- j le ic line I lo n le l.jaik mid Ak or. v n e. laud, at an t united o.-l j of Iimi.ikh kr. I If b-elandi n. r-;iti.ui I o er t ne line will, it i- tn, i.iglit, l.e .,n . i lung truly lovely, c- laliy tin- pm t ti.it i-nl I In eu. j It I utile .in I that the e rre II, Hit.' till I Works i onipaay. line H int.'. In. I., will j start up tic ir ..rks about ei u.t I. at j lienrly Hid ea pa ny. I he plant, w . ii hi- Ii pl.'l tl.n.L l lie f. r t lie a-: t . year., I lia- in tn.ii tin. I n it la ... in i ... I, 1 Had It I- e .-. led t li.it IM.T. t ii.. i . I I J a., ti Mill I en. i , ,..!,. I lie hifier l ,u, n Mul, . ,-at ! , i. tie hat bill. . . !; I: net . l in 1 1. ; . , .iii.l.l. -!.. I. ii- I" ii - t in ..f t.n i .n. .'.I II . liitle r. . : l.., Ii. ip,.... pn -i.i ii,t tl, oiepnny, pr- ! an Inn I i.ti. . and put tl." spin. in-, iii op.'r.i!i..ii... i... ..j. ,i, lie i in lu.-l I v I. I i rgla and j -1 in.' , : , I y u.. nt 1 l"l ,. n .on in, .1 lei .... i I :.e :. till! tl' II : I 11'' ! ill-. ;,- ' ;, u .I -I .p , L- I ii ' I'.lal -JHi, i no. p. inn. nun - ii, . Ilt , i: ,. .... , i ti,,. i . t i 1 1 ; p I pi n t - in I ,i . . .,!. Clue igo Won. I he 1 1, 1 1 1 . . '-.ill National I ' .1 n II, It . t. , ( In ,. I n.- nan. nnl n . ,,tn.n at i I, i i . , on ,1 i ly 7. tin ag" u n I v ni v two . t.--. tli" bull t o -a. line, ! icigo. in. M. I HI-. Jl, ninl 1 lie Oilia'l. I, tile ,,e ,,r tile li,. ! ' being I v s. ,at..r pt n . t I am an llan'v anion:.' tin-. .,, , .(! .. I lllellgo in ii' "b'''1 ''if ' - X' at n in. the i ... . . .. . . ...i ... . .XI il eil-l" ,11 .!! II I " t- ' when i lie .'iit'-t i..c r. i. d . .' :i, X I.-. '.,' r M. I.oiii-. Blew Up His Own House Ii. W. Meii ker, a briekiiiakef. i ...hii. j 11 We-t bUMl -f eel. I k.'ll, -Mile, llld.. b,e Up 111- I - lib In ' II Ii I ovs 'ier, wlinh be I:. 1, 1 pill, I'd III II I r k' '. I 111 l.eilllll.'ly alter l.e went to hi. -table ami eollilllttted suicide by -hootuii; hiin-elf lu tli" lea l. M, ii,,'. k. r was 11 prominent ami weiiitlu eit i.-en. No I one Wlls III til'' hol.-e wlii'li the 1 l, 1, 1 took I'lllee. r,iMiii.i t.i iiret ,i ii i v ::. The I'opilll .ts la i'X Itive ses.lnti nt St. I... in-. Mo., ag-". t i hold the National Convention on July Tl next. - .MMWMMMWMHtWMHmMMi i i 1 1 -i i in.. I.ritin, I lour ami I .!. W 111- .X I - .Nl 1 i ... .Sc. .' Ie, lld.N .No . . I , ,,i, .. Ne. it ), lb .. , ii ,, . . V ,M 1 ear, , I'.CIS .Ne. ille .X V I 1 ll'l.l llli.el I.M-: No i ; .No .' Ui'Kleril t 1.1 1 1 H W .lllel I 111. Ill, 1 t 11 K. 1 1 II 111 htiK V i nt... i ,i :i , . ' ' "- rain') hlllll.'lit Hllit'T -1 b ii rami i . ll.W -.Nn 1 tuiioll.y p, ; Ne , . I Muni clioel, No 1 ;i : .N Ibiy, freiu wnK 'Hn ... 1-i FKKll-.Ne. 1 Willie it, U,i II , llr.,i, MeMiii,K u i Hum, l, i. Ik . 1J i m haw --w be ut si Ulll s I'. I II r. i.i '.II lJ n m ii , i . ''ry I'rudiuu, Bin Hi- hnii I ruiuii, i v V iiey I reiiinei v . ii ani y luuiitry K..1L ... )., t liKhsh u,ii,, ut'w ! kvm tork.unw "'.".'.'.2 lii is 111 II Irullaud rgutnUleg. A I ' I f L'u I.t. I bKASb lliiiiil.pH'ktid, ,rr bu..,.. I'd A iur.s- t un., hi Ulr. bii nun itrt bu I AltHAUh-lioinu g-runn, LLI UNlU.Na I'eiiuw, i-.i , l'oullry, 1.1c, I IIICKKNS, ,Hir I I llllM,J It, tdl.S-pH. ninl Olilo, Ireiili r tA nihil. Kiiriliveii..e.),iu '0 1 in i a:. 411 10 10 lb 11 i.i MUcellaueoui. bEKPS.-rii.viT fin Ilia I A Ml 1 hi 1 llliutn), 1. 1 lino k ;s K so llluu lirn.it j 4u j jj MAP1.K PilUP, un ',o so ' IPtU -1 nunll jr, .seul, Ltl .... S U0 )(U lAl.l.oW 4 4 ll.NLl.NMA Jl. KI.OPH WlltAl .No. 4 KnJ hit .No. S! cOK.N-MurJ JA1S tUl.S UL "1 1 EK-Oliiii 1 rnmiiKry it ?DI M I H tl'J S 10 .-J lb :i nl f UlLAUk.Ll'lllA. rwi K a & u4 WlitAl -.No. K Ilea " IOU.N Na t Jlllea IM lO-Nu It Wbim Zi bi l l tit crnuinvry, t-iirs tous-in ui.u MtW tUHK. FLOITt ratmiU I 11 ;rj 15 WIlKAT .Nu KlleU ;j COKN-Nu. V ,'i:, ; OA Is -W bile W-ntvru Zi -U bl 1 1 tit ere nun y gf, ; kiiOa- btntu ttiel I'i'uu vil Wl LIVK STOCK. llKTkAi. fcns.k Yivkiis, JUnr Uhihtt, I'k. IATTUI, I'rime, l.KiO 10 l.inu lb $ 4 ,111 ,4 4 4- OooU, l.'.uu to 1..1HI lb 4111 4, 'J lily, I.ih.u 10 i.iiott, ami 4ii nr liubt Diura. uuu to luuo ib ... J .: a 1. Common, 'iiM to veuiti a ti) 311 Uooa. l.ls'lit Wl'lltllt M eii. u 111 iny iluuflin nnd stuta .. 4 SI 4 4 111 41 4 n.'. 4 ... KM ii , HUkkP. I Iitra.l 1 to l-.T. iba.. I Ooua. i lo v i Iba j 1-air. To to no loa. S 70 un 1 !) t Ml A Great Whistle. Warden Huge, of King King prison, ts having constructed an Immense and powerful steam whistle to w used to alarm officers and cltlsens In case of an escape, an uprising In the prison or Are. It will also signal the beginning of work In the shops In the morning and the shutting down at night. The whis tle Is known as a Fills patent twelve Inch three burnil steam gong, and Is the largest In use. It Is composed of three cylindrical bells or barrets plac ed one above the other. These barrels are fastened to the sle.'llil conductor, which piiscs through them. The entire Whistle Is eight feet In height, and, contrary to ordinary whistles, the bar rels or resonators are Inverted. Fnch barrel has a different tone, thus produc ing a blended sound, without ear split ting effects. It Is asserted that tinder favorable atmospheric conditions the whistle can be heard at a distance of thirty tulles. I'.veii under unfavorable circumstances the alarm should bo heard seven to ten miles a way. COULD ONLY EAT rE?T0i01D3 1H I PINK I'll I. s XI ll. IT IMISsI tll.U Til t T AN V I IIIMt. Ciel Vmir ltlrllt.n ttlalil mill Vinir ll.-iillti Will lalipl'itri- of 1 1 .elf. fYo'ti r'e .'.V.tr. 11 ii.'iiu ifnii, ll. c, "ir. tt'ilhuun' r.nk 1'ills mlraeiilouslt eiir".l me of t wo di i-e nnd hiivo ntherwiso done me viwt nmoii'it of uo id," mid Mrs. V. A. Meeker, nf 'joT Third street. South east Washington, 1. (',, to a reporter t o. ,v. "I'or m.inv yi"i-- I w is a oulT -rer fr en nius.nilar rhoii m.it 1-011 in its w' Tst tor n, an, I la ad titioii ha! s,en;i,'h trouble to sich nn xtetii 1 lint f,,r a lom;tiiin' I ou'.d eat n .th- 111): stronger tlllll 1 f pnptoll, l l-i. The rheumatism naiiu-i lia my ba'k and not etilv evieti , mto niv left firm, ahu -t par. nly7.uu; It fr cn til" s'l Mil Ier to the elli.e.v, tail ,'i'ta k" I mv lilps and limbs with sueli Velieinein'" t ll.lt it is Initio -noble for III" to l'ooul oil Die .irei'l Willioul bellii; supported by an attendant. "I wis attend I bv four ,1 IT p.-nt .hv. si. ; ins - in, 1 all hi tin,,, , I, ,', l,., .,. lot' t i.t.- and h en"' pallii ' s,-h ,ol-, an I tin re . retire, wlnm I :. e..virel from my lie.'l to mv feel Mttll (..roil- .. sou." ttle'r kind ..f pin-.. r, lor I trie I .'ve-vilun.'of il,.. ' ' 1 that ' ' - r -in 'il l" I bv mv lien .. ' Inirinu' ta-' I'r.-ate. p iri ,,f tin-time niv liu-i'in I an I - mi w-.-e urnn nn' to ta',,. I- Woii en-' Pink 1Mb. but I M -.i liiv re-Pi-I p. .I., so. " u ,11! t no ears ,,r tw and a half vears ii. r. the 1, in j,. -,au win. was then att.iiiin; " . and I ln:v lia I 11 'lie -ii -ji 1 . 1 b, tne, Mi-. Meeker, th. r- 1 . ii., 11 f. r I e ninl v. 'U an more . 1 have inus-'ulat rl""cna'i-m. a 1 1 - n-e in 'nlent to .11 a..'". lll-t 'OI e.lll II' 't I, ,'U re I. I ,l ;'le i , - ne 11 ..ii for y.-ur I, I.. . I. ami wln-n tins I r ri te n runs oat v.ni .-an 11 relief. ,,. I oii i-'ei min-a iveri.y.,i .'.in -eml f.,r me. but I "sill let aitaiu .'all 1.11I1I 1 am -11 u- lln'ln'd.' "Ilf 'olir-e I WHS lull, 'Ii diseoilni';!' I, b it lill I tried a note I in i.-ir;,' I r.'at ni.ii th r i i:;illv, but willioiit til" slightest elb.-'t. At I11-1 mi hu-baiet pi i-uaded me o trv tie' Pink Poi.. "I want to sn that when I l.eiin la'.nn; Hi" Pink IMI. 11 was without th- least f.inh II their etll.'.l.'V for l I or belief thai l,ey uld t ti.-lit me, bin .imply to pleu-e my 11 band and son l. tnkiiii; soinethiiu;, Ibov 10 x 1 tool; tin in as directed by th-makers. ami. " Hi'' "Ii I "I tl e .nlli I found 1. 1 mv i;i'eiii -1 7 1 1 1 1 ' 't'.v.ii '.., 1 ,', ,'.' .' ,- - s'V mu.'li betterili.il I had n loner to Hnbsist ell beef .epl..,u.., but Could be;ui to In dU'lte III II ore .oil, I food. "So I to'.d mi hu-band that as the Pjnlc Till- were elidelitly d une; ui" go.j.l, I WollI I try t neiii for another m.Mit h. "I eol.l lllU.'d to ll-' tl 1 as dire.'l.'d an I dll-lllk' tl id I llll III ,' eve ,,;lil , v I lie II bad 1 1 verv b id f..r a loic; ini.e, be.ran to I'n; 1 'V". ami it wa- mueh more plea.- ml I -I ii,.-!., , th" street, tin lieu I -till ha I P l e ,1'tell I" I oil iC'eolHll ( m . Weak illllbs I "Mow Mlllliv boe. ,, , e pink Plil- p. I. in :. 1 I e ..uld H"l bi v',11 t-. fl . 11- th. 10 w. i, p. '.-e. I- u Inn, I 11 -uld I . p u- nu- then, bu .1 ee at .1 llll.e P.Ut Iroin th" tl I I'ollj- '! I Ulllll I loll I Id -.llelv cell-" tal,- II,:' ' 'I M.I- about lille.'li m ,, h-. "s an. 'time alter nn i'ji".n;iii l.eu.iu to I'fo.i h.-lier. 111 v in.ry,' wlin-li In,, I been ; l.le.tive iilnl eau-ed me muell trouble I, , 11 . . n,' tri.e. r'-turued and I am" a.- u la. ' wli na-i ,,ii man v leiirs vouiii r. Iiiirine ( th" p"i i , to wlm h 1 relei ln.. n iii , 1 , til cully in reiiieiul.erinu' ii lu re I laid put ani- t h I IIL', I all IL- I -aid before, thlf iruible eii ! tirely di-appi nre.l an I ha. neu r returned, Hull,, n.y I'ji'Mi'li1 also ci, mimic. c, 'client, "My loin." eontiiiue i nines, had redu I IliV weight trolll beliveell I MU nu I 110 pounds I to 1)2 pounds, but while 1 was takini; th" ; I'liiu Tills 1 .'ainei thirty pounds, ami 1 in iv ' Welltll i:)s .1111 Is I ".some of my friends freely asserted thut . my llesh, ils they iiolieisl'inv lucreusinu weU'ht, was not solid nnd pre.ln te.i that 1 Would speedily lose It. Htleh, however, llll- Hot been the case, ulthouk'li I nave not taken nny of tin pills slni'M last liceember. All w rheuiiiiitisui h'lVlliK by that time dl-Hp-peared, since which time 1 have had no re turn of the dread complaint. 1 have been toll t tlllt tllll disease will visit nu us'uiu, hut ll it lines, 1 shall a uuu n resort lo the use ul lr. Williuin.s Pink 1'ills. "With mv expiTieueii with ir. Williams' 1'lllk Tills I have nut hesitated tn re.'oinlnell I tliem lo others whoweru nflli.'leil. My niece, who lives near llillshoro, Loudoun County, Va. , HUlTcrwd for it loiin tunn with a peculiar disease of the hips and limbs. 1 Isillcvod the medicine which did me ho much ood would cure her also, ninl 1 houk'tit three bo-t ol them uud sent to Ier. Klu took llnuii and was cured uon.pletely of her oomp aiut." l'r. Williams' Pink Til's eoiilain ull the nlo nienlM in-, t-ssiirv to Hive uew life ninl rich liess to the l loo I uud restore shuttered nerve. They nre sold in boxes (never lu loose form, by the dozen or hundred; at 50 cenlH ii box, orsix Ihumm for ti.bi, mid may bu hud of ull driiKUists or illrnetly by mall frmn I)r. Williams' MndKlln' Co.. Sclieuec tudy, N. V. Catarrh Cannot !) Cured With Input iiiiillctiiiii, as llii-y rannnt roarTl tlmsnaliif ilia ilieJB. CiitnrrU is a blunder ciiustiluliimad disease, ami in order to cure It you in list tnke iiilurmtl Irinriiiea. Hall'a ( atari h l ure la taken internally, nnd acln di rectly mi the blond and luuisiiiaaurtai e. llall'a ( alarrh Curw ia mil a quack mriiicinn. ll nnl pirsnrined by-oho uf tin) best pliyaiciana in tin i uuillry fur ) ears, and la a rrunlur iirracriplioli. It is com iiiseil of the Is-st tunica known, cum IiiicmI Willi the Ih-hI bltssl iiuritlrrs, acttliK ill rfi tlyoa the inilnuu. aurlucra. The perlcct I'liinhluatlnn of Hie two inurediriita ia what produces such wouilfriiil re-ulla lu curing ta larrli. ShuiI fur li-Ntlniiiniala, Iree. F. J. i Hum Co., I'roi.i., Toledo, Ou Bold by UruKgiaU, price lie There is a power that le ts within u with out consiiltiiiK us. Some floatfnar ao. tnrm yellow an 4 raacia. Pel'liiu.' H.isiiiik Perm Heap d,e nritlivr. The Berui in it bl.as lies It with aire, ami the islnr la ilrliL.-hlful. Try it nuce, ue It alwuyn. Older trial let of Vuux muutt. Iu.iat ou rd rar. .Man spends a piod deal of time scarchlnc, lor w hat he Impi s he won I Mini, "Hnowfi'allnoNoiiMr.TiiociiKii'areaalmph and iiinvtuiiimt remedy fur llinnnh nl Aflec tiiiim and C'ouKha. Carry them in your Docket. Fun is of two kinds- tint kind you pay fur unit tho kind huiiicouo viae paja for. F.arlleet Kadl.hi an1 Teae. Thn editor unm all ituvlera to (trow th arlliMt vaffrtablM. Thy pay. Wrll.flalrxr'i Rrsvbi ara bmd td arlln, thfjr Rrow an'l prodnua every time). Honi ao early, no Mn an Ralrr'. Try hid radlahiw, eatihie, ea., heetn, cuaumbera, lnttno, corn, etc.! Money In It for you. Palmr Is ths largest grower of vonolahlna, farm aeedn, irras, eloTern, potntoea, rtf", Ir tot) wim rcr rnia orr An hfmp to thn John A. Kalr.er Hon l Co., Lx Crow, VN., with 10.. postntfis, you will got sain pi" pack aire of T.arly Illrd lUdl-h (ma ly In 1ft lay.) and their groat catalog. Cataloi; nlooe St iotiix. (A.) I'l Uk'nllty Is fiiliiided on the priin'lple that ail ricliea have limits. Tke Meal IMcnannl Va t)f prevent lim the trlpr. mlds, lu a dnrhi-aantl fevi ra la to the llipnd laxative lemidy, yrulof Fltrv whenever the system ms ds a Ri'ntle, yet effertivr cli niiin Tn U 1 1 tn llti d eiic mii-t p't tin true reiiu di iti.iuufai tnmd l y Ihs California Kin .s rap i ' mil). I'm ,-a.e by all ilrimiiiata in :i . and fl l...t:l,a. Hood netions 1'iihol le us, and we are some Of our OWIl lleedp. l'.M ry man Is a vidume if you km w In w to read hltn. P.e I'nro tt.r I 'oil -II 111 t It fl felt t't Ihf inettt ..I miiint nitlis. I(f 1 1. Pi i ii hi Ki 1 1 ii. I t Xilllltell Me , 1 1 1', il 1- M l.ieryone lias or mn nn In v , but n, m ri . ic Is able to show it. Vr. Wttmliiw'a Sect hi in; , rut for eh'idrn'i t.l ll ll li. efli-lis tin- i'IIiik, ri illb i'S mflnliin. ta ii.alin) a t ain, curi a ind i nlu . in', n t t c i pbilosttpher I- II man W In. I- nl e to e tract ci'ii-i'lalioh from a e,., Ui tin le ad. I r. Kllitirr'a Swamp-IIoot rare, all Kiiini'i and I .iel.1, r ti, tables. I'lilnphli't ntnl i oli-uitat urn fr.-.i. l.hbettiliuv Piitutitimpb.ti, N.. Win. cin . a trille ineiniiv I- ii . r thnn tlll'tlille. A -High llj e...T :7 Xll"! v tvc - F , r : r1 7vT""M The largest Piece of D TOBACCO EVER SOLD FOR i3 g '7Vi pure Cocoa, and not made by the so-called "Dutch Process" aer Baler & Co.'s Break fast Cocoa is absolutely pare ?o chemicals. WW. 11.1' IIAKIK.'. i ii ,1.1,1 , i,,r. Iic.tn, Ma.. ''vivivlrVnftVlTrlrntvr SALZER'S artfocui-oi ..ci,..,, fr.r all North ur s., uli. l. . c,tt Sprout Quickly, Gruw That l O.'ir r r -1 -In w i-'. I Ui.arliM'... 'lii'ts I. I ,t. ,,f IPS tiur t., iu ,1. a 1". -I ti..'u i.l It.r. Iti.t lu. ..rli.at. .Iii'..t r.ff.ul'l. In Hi. s .r. I as .r.. be ..I lr.,111 s.lur IhJi On r C'.l.l'. i- . .11. j,.n am. .., 11 y.n e. no,,,,.. iu 11., -: , ti. 0.ii,il.. In 1 iein.rk,.i In 1 . i . ,i.,i na i l . f .'ir l. ti.U.-. 1 I,.,,! H.o.r a b.-.Jl h.ua I.'. I t nn.rl.1 f4r. J..i... ,.1, .i,..ii,.i. a-h.ihiainj i'.bl,r u l,.i'rh..,i t i.t,..- B,.uy el'li. u . ,i,i,i r aiir. iiaii'ieavit I'ki , I 1 1.1 , ii w : i, i, . 1.' uo, W . Hi., ., f .f., r;,' f (,rt,,K p.til.n4IUul S-.tl. I.H' (or IIIB,1' lil.-r . li,rl c .I'liiiittsr ruin, 1 1,. .I, I'ki . 111.' : o. . -.ic I. lb . V. Ilnr inn. Hi I'linl at. 4 H I I ...I..,,,., ai,aiiiniii a no. bil.ui arr of th ih i,','.t ....-.l.i.i. ah f.ri.'.tlirt rti..,, 1. M,il.t lo fnu uffii rf.irt tl 6g, pu.tl. , , r 1 in.., nun .uj I'. b. ! tirly 11 nl ll.a.ili up. a fnu.l m. JOHN A. "Better Work Vis3!y Than Wsrk Hard." Great Efforts are Unnecessary In (huse Cle:ning if you Us9 MTS Mopped frre by Dn. Kl.init' flniAT Ninvr Hrj'Toiikn. No r)l after firt day's use. Miitvrlnns rupra. Tr Ati.c ani. Ji.oo trial bot t let ne. Mr. Kline Kil rr? Hi.. I'hlla., ra. If iifHli'tnl e ltli sori eea u.e fir. lar Thorn p n l ie. e ater Prin;irlt'a ndl at Kfs-per bolt e Titr Arnxtoiort ci. iw hut ne wirre in,iinlll InMitifwi, li sise ll hat re-iurerl theenet of wine power In I ll what ll It li. n arif branrk a . hmiaaa, ana .upt'ii.'. It virrslt and r.B.Ira KZT ai four nisir u na ana nne luriiim -liPTTe -Tlttsf ailirie fer Im. moneithaa JifN. ;eJ ethfir.. It mahM I'unielne and liRarstl. HMsU, ii.i.aniaed attar. iniartlttn Wlnrttnlna. Tilllna ljXT an1 rit'- l si, T.wrrs, stsel Rati Haw I .,,, u.mi i. ...t f.,.M ... I lomitsr. on ari'in-.tlon It wilt name or i.f iii" unit in mm it will furni.n until trnarj tn at I X the n-iini pr'rs It tiv makat lank, anil inmuaof ail mini, arnd fir rataio-rna, fevlarTi I2UX, Rxkeill toi FUIbsu SUMla, tSltie iWlltLi-.J.Mrr.awMaiiwBT-wCTa 25 fZ 1 EARS Dili II TDV VADfl is ma r u u l i ii i iMnu I tfi"! I0X ii. ail l il. XX rltirn niol aelil III h a fiirm.r ami l.,ulirf- 1 I ''k mtiI.X imr.fi on irnrr 'If . S laUl. irai Ileal fst.irm I J ' 'y J r.lh li'nrnril, Itrart lbra IV t-rV'iy" llielrnlaraaea. lion liimilkr -yarj7 it,-i .,.. . nnirr., i,.tm - nitiiormgnrrniinnilir r lrtc.'4.X.iaiam. A tVree A. XI. I X Mi. Hot II M.I III, an. Ill ASTHMA - POPHArrl'S ASTHMA SPECIFIC niTM re'irf In mpnilaa.-a.ni1 lert rKIKIrlll lliknil. Sol.l l,r ipiifim. on. IV. i .. i,t eo.ttasr on r .11,1 nf tl ao. luki. ii Ai it. .Xra nu me, fuu I , ra. fl D I M U m 1 W H I S K Y t . i i ir, rtni.k aort wrlUni nr. a mini i ii. iri.il. it. Cprc III. . r a i ... k. II Ili I.T. 1 11 tt -f . in. r ,r II I X II XI II Ii, Allr.-.. ll.Xli I.T III,, sa n.nafi. V V. nnif 191 xtnrphlne ll.hll In rod la 14 llfB ll M ' " "1"' v ear llll rureit. W 1 I Will ON. leHlMt. Ltbanon.Oaie. I NI I M " ' "M.'ll S)l , t. I sc Feir b in r e VEGETABLE SEEDS nili auj tlici'i, eticthir I HI or Wm, Vigarouily, Produce Enormoutl)! i, llultif N ,ril,.m.ur,,.ii. Oi.t , I,,, j iu.io.v iumi. 1. ..riv ...MI.I..M. .,,1 m. If ' I aim 1 11 Jw all Jl W jlm 15 SALZER SEED CO., La Crct , Wit. v 1 1 a 1 APOLSO Couiwou bpriUK Laiuba 7