The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 02, 1896, Image 7

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fllowly tha ieli In ths gardon ars growing?
Glad homllir! '
Tides, sot la motion by wind briskly blow
ing, rails sre they tine;
The nestling snail rise and aspire to Heaven's
And the buttorSy, though In a shroud he
tnurt wait
In dim f irpriii
For all thing shall tUo.
Gently kind spring bu awakened the flow
era. ;
Bweot mystoric!
Swiftly the grub on the wir.jr, with new row
en, To bapplnr flliwi
Ever with refluent ware and strong motion
Landward now march the for of ooenni
Grand nuKurle!;
For all things do rise.
In the world vlslhlo lurks the Invisible,
Milking men wise,
Telling of bliswed truths plainly perceptible
To love-lit oy.
Telling of Heaven and tho happy To-morrow,
Telling of joy with do veitfe of sorrow.
And of hrlirht ,
Wlmro love never dip.
C. V. Wilson, In Now York Sun.
corulinH'!)ts, sir,
atiil vfoulil you
jili'iiso come tiowu
io lior stateroom
iiii nn'.liatojy."
li liuil just shut
M W myself into ruv lit
'C''.7f. ti.. ..ii;.,,. .... .!.,.. t.
jS having run through
r tho sliiji' account
J before turiiiii!? in
tliftt nifrtit. II 5a quite a mistake, ly
tho way, to think Unit wo jiurspr
hiive uo tuoro onoroti ilutie to per
forin when at sea thun to wrtch over
the iasHt'ut,orh' comfort, toiul rayer
on Sunday ami kri'j n store of nauti
cal infortunium r.t our liuer'nul for
the benefit of tvery curious voyni'r.
Kowmlnva tho purser of a crack Amer
ican liner making, jicrhnjis, h record
pa&sag of six tints or so has ilia
work iwetty well cut out for hiiu dur
ing th entiro voyage.
On tho present occasion I had
scarce. j got my account fiiirlv in
Land when I win interrupted by u
ulight tup at tho door. aroso at
once and opened it, and thorn utood
Mrs. Melhurst's Ciiuailiun innid, with
flashed face and iicrvous, agitated
"Is there nnytbinp; wrong?" I HNked,
with some surprise, when who hud de
livered her lnensni;.
"There is, sir," suo replied hastily.
"All 1 kuow "
She wo about to niako ho mo raor
-staterueut, but pulled lursolf up xud
dcDly, and tripped along the deck
without another word.
pitched oft tho electric li;;ht,
' th1- d'" -: I stm I'
ll Mm. uiirst's
t on en thut hiiiiii).
to cause her n-ri-berths,
tho couch
were littered u ith
a trunks and liuul
oi' tho euufusiou
elf, looking deeid
miuoyod. iilur, Mr. Morse,"
o un ouinty jewel
en on tho upper
n 1 oruuiucul uro
1 1" I exclaimed in
o replied sharply,
yourself thut they
tell yon. At
bttppeuod to
ier f'ut 1 hud
crescent shaped
-inent. Klio ex
.e it. When tho
I came in here,
och and left the
tho berth. I was
e cabin door, but
cose was empty."
you absent?"
.iiilf an hour." i
ju had the key in
. tho time?"
lver lot it out of my
a the saloon."
qered. I examined
but there was ab-
show that it had
h. I could bit upon
on than that Mrs.
.tubly huvo mislaid
re. This hud the
.-rating the lady to
it seems that she
jd every nook ami
that I was glad
order to lay the
he head of the sa
il eurd some one
threo or four
id and saw Mr.
ray, had mado
,s on previous
' taking me
a, "you've
1 on board
gone and walked
cigarette case, a
. pair of gold"
noommonly like at
ou rofer to had a
t, for 1 don't see
mortal could get
' toe door bolted
he managed to
hat has hap-
:aa It It's
lelphit law-tateroom
and I remember flinging the cigarette
case, rings and a pair of gold sleeve
links on the ripper berth. Then I put
on my dressing gown, stretched my
self upon the conoh, and had a down
right good snooze. Whetf I got lip,
about five minutes aero, I found my
trinkets had vanished."
Ton my word, things were begin
ning to lopk serious end no mistake I
I lost no time in hunting up the cap
tain and made him acquainted with
the state of affairs. He was just as
much puzzled as I was myself. Tho
first thing next morning he cent t
message to Mrs. Melhurst, requesting
a private interview in his cabin on
deck. He also signified his wish that
I should be present. Wo both ques
tioned the lady closely, but her re
plies did not tend to throw any light
upon the singular occurrence.
Nevertheless, we determined to keep
a close watch upon tho state room in
future. It was prettv evident we had
a "black sheep" on board probably
an old bund at the business. For the
next few days wo bad no further com
plaint. Tho thiof wa evidently
"lying low," waiting until tranquility
wan restore 1 before making a fresh
attempt. Meanwhilo I kept my eyes
open. I obtervod tho little peculiari
ties of tho different passeugers, nnd
took particular note of tho mauuer in
i i ? i.i . t.. ..
wuieniuey occupied vuer time.
On board xliip when yon find n man
who show n marked preference for
hi owu society above that of tin
lounger on deck or habitue of the
Miicike room, one in inclined to jump
nt tho conclusion thatj'hn 1ms some
solid rniHon for hii'XcliiHiveiies. If,
in mlditioii to tin lio happen to be
of an uiicomuiutiiciitivt) disposition,
with black hair Htid swarthy com
plexion, given to weiiriiu? a sloiicho.l
but and lou;; cloak rightly or wrongly,
you put bim down u u decidedly hh
piciou character.
Now, we happened to havo ft pn'scn
ger on board n Brazilian named Do
t'asiro who tallied in every way wil!i
tbi description, Hut for the fact that
1 hud conclusive evidence to Miow be
could not havo been directly con
cerned in tho robberies for inquiries
proved bo had remained on deck the
wholo evening ho certainly votild
havo been treated to a privnto inter
view in tin captniu's cabin. A it
wan, I was forced to concludo that
black hair, swarthy complexion, slouch
hat nnd cloak were quite compatible
with a mau's innocence.
Nothing further occurred to excite
suspicion until tho last day or two of
tho voyage. Then, onu evening after
dinner, word was brought to me that
threo other fctatcrooms had been rilled
in tho Fame lnyt-tcrioits man r.
Watches, jewelry and eveu mone
disappeared, though in nil three
tho pasHctiKcr stoutly declar
badjeft their door locked.
Win u tiio alarm reached me
pi nod to he ' ' 1;ng mi my dec)
i 1 had le y soy
' -V.: .. ,
American iuou .ccomcioduto one
of our passengers. I li lu't want to
lock up tho gold; simply placed it
on my desk, switcliuu oJ tho light nnd
j hurried away. I hail no lear-i tor thu
Mifoty of tho sovereign, my door hav
J ing it particularly intricate lock, iu
which 1 took good euro to turn thu
I key before leaving.
I 1 remained below for an hour or so
! investigating these fiesli complaints,
j but, us in tho other oasec, 1 was utur-
lv unable to mukjheu lor tail of thorn,
j Vexed und bew ildered, 1 went back to
my office, unlocked tiio door, turned
on tho light, and lneciiiimcally
sire'.chel out my hand to take tho
sovereigns from my desk. Mv band
, cloned upon nothing moro solid than
iluu air my little pilo of gold had
vanialiod 1
For a minute or two I stood there
gazing blankly lietoro mo, so utterly
confused and dismayed thnt I could
scarcely bring my wit to boar upon
tho mysterious atl'air. Then I muua-ed
to pull myself toothe r aud took a
look around my littlo cabin. Iu tho
oourso of my observations my eye
happened to rest upon tha porthole,
which stood wide open, the weather
boing opprossively hot.
I regarded the innocent looking
porthole with tho air of a veritable
Sherlock Holmes. 1 went outside and
thrust my arm in through tho open
ing, but my baud did not reach within
fully two yards of the dusk. HUH, it
struck me as being the only way by
which tho thiof could have got at tho
money, and I determined to put my
theory to a practical test.
I hurried down into the saloon.
wbero most of tho passeugers were
congregated. As yet few of them were
awaro of the robberies, for wo had
kept the matter a secret as possible.
I went straight up to a young Ameri
cau gentleman, who I knew had a
great many trinkets in his stateroom,
and was rather careless, too, iu the
way bo left them lying about.
"Don't show any surprise," I nhis
pored, glancing around at tho other
occupants of tho saloon, "but might I
ask whether your stateroom is
looked?" ,
"It is."
"And Is the porthole open?"
"I should say sol I don't want to
find the place as stuffy as the engine
room when I go to turn in."
"pVell, just pass me your key? I
want to try a little experiment. Wait
till I'm gom?, and then stroll up on
deok. Let yourself le aeon on the
lower deck particularly but don't pay
too close attention to any one you
may notice loitering there."
lie fell in readily with my scheme.
I went and shut myself in his state
room, crouching down so that I could
just keep an eyo on the porthole over
the top of the lower berth. I re
mained in that cramped position no
til my limbs fairly ached, and I was
ball inclined to give it np as a bad
Bat tuddtalj, as I glanoel ap at
tho porthole, my blood ran cold, and
in all my life I never had snoh diffi
culty to keep down a yell. In the
dim light I saw a long, thin hairy arm
thrust in through tho opening. Tho
next moment a small black hand had
fastened upon a lenUier cao lying
close to the window and withdrew it
ss quick as thought almost.
1 sprang to my feet and boltod cut
into the passage. I dashed up tho
saloon stsirs and made for tho lower
deck. There, jut about tho spot
where I judged the stateroom to bo
situatod, I como faco to face with tho
Brazilian, Do (.'astro. In spite of tho
heat ho wa wearing hi long cloaK
with (he deep cape, aud had hi eter
nal cignrctto between hi teeth. Ho
looked at me with an air of frank sur
prise ; and 1 looked nt htm with nu nir
of profound suspicion.
Suddenly a happy thought Unshed
through my mind. I turned round
and spraug down tho saloon stairx,
running lull tilt ngniust tho chic."
steward, who wa stun ling nt thb lf
"( let mc n handful of nuts quick 1"
I cried.
When ho brought them I hurried
back on deck. Tun 1'raziHati I'll
moved away it little towards tiio stervi
I went, close up, stood right iu front
of him, and then Kvran deliberately
to rra?k the unt.
Ho r.',:ar li d me with a pitying srt
of look, but I paid little ntt ntion to
him. I'resi ntly I saw u corner of thu
ca;i" dr i vti usid" and beheld a pair of
unall, pieanim; eyes licd 't'enlily
upon me.
It was eiio'ii;!). My suspicion ivi v.i
conf.rmed. 1 lino; the rot of tho
lints into the sea, nh 1 walking straight
up to I )e ( 'nit ro, said :
"t must m'i 'you i.i accompany mo
to 111" captain's enbin."
'Vol you menu?" he iv ked, iira-r-in
-r back.
I was det'-rtiiine 1 to --I m I no !ii:i
seme, nud t-traiulit u ay took him by
tho 'shoulder, 'I'lie moment I laid
my hands upon him I heard n iei..iH
snarl under In cape; it was pulled
suddenly aside nud out llew a monkey.
The little brute went nt me, to itli
and liuil. I saw the ;:leam of a l.inle,
too, in the Mnttliuti'.s hand, but I lei.
bim have my lKt straight between tho
eyes before ho colli I use it, an I he
measured bis length uiioti the die!..
The quartermaster came ruiiiiiii- hp,
and t he rasivil w as di a ge 1 oil' to tho
captain's cabin. When searched thero
Mrs. Mclhur-t's diamonds, Mr. Car
ter's cigarette cine n:t I l in rs nnd it
miscellaneous collection of other vain
abfea were found upon him. In his
stateroom wo discovered it perforate I
box, apparently iut- ti 1-1 for tho us"
of the monkey, who was evileiitly
quite as accomplished as biw master.
(.'usu'W Sat nr. lay Journal.
I'ust Chit" lor ( i l is.
The bin reliliing room attached to
lio tins Works, at Jackson and Wash
ngton st reets, makes a quei""
nil. ..Hi. i. i jii itii.i u..t, .,t
a few parent can testify. ... this
schmhi of tho year, wlo-n whooping
Cough an I diphtheria are ragihe-, tho
room is much frequented. Indeed,
many of the In st hysiciaiisof the city
recommend the f.-ashoiisn treatment
for whoupiiig c.'oth.
The children 'uaiiu two or three
visits with their parents, ai. 1 finally
u'o n way cured. 'I he manner of liein;
treated is quito niter the littlo foilis'
hearts. The floor of the big build n-
i covered with a black inass of liio ly
powdered earth, iron tilling it u I
other ingredients, w hich is being on
stautly turned over by a line nt men
with shovel. The ga pasnes through
this mixture, an I is relieved of tho
sulphur which it had taken up early
ill it process of manufacture. tho
men turn over tho black muss, pun
gent fumes of sulphur escape. It is
this gas which acts so beneficially on
the whooping cough. Tho chil hen
who are taken to the gashouse by their
mother am allowed to play and romp
in tho banks of eartli to th-ir hearts'
content. They sooti begiu to sneeze
and cough, which show thut thu
fume have 1 vun to cut loose thu
mucous in tho throat. Tho children
shout aud. scream and throw tho dust
at each other, und wonder why it is
that thoir mother object when they
throw mud at each other in tho street.
During the last weuk each day aver
sgod about five children. TIioho who
havo tho reflning-houso in charge iiro
cry courteous, and welcouiu parent
with their children. They havo never
,knowu the 'Must cure," a it i called,
to fail when the caso was taken in it
early or middle stages. It i very
beuolicial in cases of catarrh. Noono
about the house ha tho least suspi
cion of catarrh. Louisville Courier
Jourual. tilow Worm.
Special attention i being given by
tie French military authorities, says a
Puns correspondent, to the question
of succoring the wounded ou battle
fields when nigat comes on after a
grent battle, Experimout havo bi;en
mado with powerful electric nro lights,
but iio aypitrnfus bus conditions. At
length, it ha been practically deter
mined that the ambulance corps men
shall wear littlo incaudescent glow
lamps iu their hats, just liko tho laJics
of the ballet in a spectacular extrava
ganza. Each man is to carry a littlo
primary battery in his pocket for the
productlonof tlie current. The wound
ed in need of succor will look out for
the little moving lights, and if possible
drag tliemselvea toward them.
The Oven Jllrd.
One of the most wonderful of tha
feather inhabitants of South America
is the oven bird, which mixes hair
with mud and builds its nest in the
form of a baker's oven. In its struc
ture there are two compartments, one
of which where the eggs are laid
is high np, so that tha birds may batoh
thai young ia tha dry. i
Wild oats thrive in all climate.
Better nev:r than not late enough.
A rough road is always a long one.
As ye soWgiio shall somebody else
A clond with a silver lininz i still a
Every man lias hi own road to hap
piness. Do nat bridgo until it comes
to yon.
" No man i a hero to hi finnco's
small brother.
j Art i long, and a good deal of mod
- ern art is nlso thin.
Conceit is a fault coutlncd exclu
sively to other people.
The great opportunity of your lifo
j in tho ono you overlooked.
I A woman always think it take at
least two to keep it secret.
Tho "melancholy days" como wbn
tho poet begin to write about them.
It i pleasant to reflect that Iho new
woman will always bo in an insignifi
cant minority.
Too many wive Ii-ive imbibe 1 tho
bb-'tthiitn parlor is intended for ex
hibition purp )se solely.
History continue to repeat itself in
spite of the feet that, a good ileal oj
history is not worth repeat: v .
Do no', jii.l 'n other peop'e; you
run make t hem feel much amr- r.'i
coinfort ibl.) s-rno!y by cr.' i i-i:i;'
tbeiu. New York l're-.
In (Vjlon.
Half an hour before th- l'.r-t rr.iv
light of da.vil had be ,:i'i to t, i
rou M' I the i! ; -:t nil I'r-'.iii o. t h - K and
an Mountain we had started, in nr :. :
to reach til" ( 1 ;e o" til ''ive-.t, bel'oro
si i n rise. Our no id.' ha ' ti-n I u i well.
Tho col-l i.;r iv ii :'it ot m iruiii' wai
tdlll round us wii. ii w. re e,:;,.l tiro
river, rushing uud gurglin,-; vith a
liquid nrisi-- over the sandy shallows
an I liet wi i n the seatlerel niasse' of
rock that strewed it t bed. Tiieeu-t-em
sky was llushing from a silv- ry
pink to violet as we nr ir. d the lir-t
outlying mtiii-wood In i s that rose,
vast pinnacle ol shining frrien,
strangely tinted by th eolme l light.
And just us we reached th" fore-t it
self we halted involuntarily to see tl o
ri-o lowlv from the e.t.t.
ocean, tho tloo I ot i;.d I above and
around him tlasliing .biek in a tho '.
sand corus'-alioiM from the jjlitleriug
plai'i below .
As we j'liin.'e i iito the jim le pith,
the lust b. k it I bat w-r l!ipp:ug
their way hoi.ien od. an I givin ; pinci
to the liM bn U of the day, iho crow,
w'iiom' joyous t-n- s already made tho
dim re:-, s- s of the torost Mart into
life, Th'- lloo I of morning suii'-hiim
which liable I up the put li, tlmu ,'h it
could hardly In- i-aid to ilo lis muci; for
tho depths of the s .1 rounding jiih de,
was the signal for Iho awakening '
ho teeming life o' 'orest. From
every branch on ell ln r sulo our path
was poured it sudden onsli of music.
Tho rich song of tho dial bird was
mingled with tho moro distant ll'it -liko
notes of the oriole ; and from th
far rec skim ot t ho forest t he i eep in, !
low calof tho jungle-cock filled Iho
air with a luMiry of wnml Then tho
Insect life awoke, ilugo dragon llies,
ftartlitig in their bright metallm col
oring, ilush'.'d past u-i ; '.o l.;ht inol h a
mid eail ly butterilies lloate 1 fill, I
lianeed iu tho streams of suuli. ht that
hero and thero pern t rated tho over
arching canopy of leaves, like lingo
painted in des dancing iu the mi!. leu
tide. Our littlo party moved silently
along tho forest path, even tho horse
treading softly, im if uuwilllli to dis
turb the universal jubilee f tippiucutt.
The Sal' in the On-an.
Tho nulls of tho set hiv. f.l.
! throughout nil tim, countless
things which l.uve thronged it water
an I whoso remain no,v form tho
rock of continents or lio soreal in
bed of unknown thickness over t!d,
(ll)it,0:)() squ ire mile of tho 1 4 !, OOP,
01)11 square miles of the ocean's floor;
they havo lent tho Mibdunco to buil t
tho fringing reefs of the land and all
tho coral island of tho sea, aud thero
aro at present, on tho basis of an aver
ugo salinity of th.-eo and one-half per
ceut. in tho 2!i,70O,0i)i) cubic mile
of water which mako up tho imeani,
WV)(,)l)l,0i)(),l)0i),(ir)it tons, or 10,.
17:!,')i)i) cubio mile of salt. Tei i
Mifliciont to cover tho area of all thu
lauds of tho earth with it uniform lay
er of salt to a depth of 1001) feet'.
it seem that tho feu wa inudo salt
in tho beginning us a part of the fraud
liesign of tho Creator to provide for
tho syatom o." evolution which bn
been, going ou since tho creation.
Many distiuct species of living
isnis exist in Uo sea us a reMiK of it
salinity, and their rem in.s h.ivo con
tributed largely to tho growth of con
tinents. Tho threo great factors in
accoutring for tho systom of current
in tho ocean, by which it become tho
groat heat distributor of thu globe,
oro changes of temperature, the wind-',
and salinity. Tun last mentioned bo
comes an important factor throu.-h
the itnmoduuo nud essential difference!
of specitlo gravity and consequent dif
ferences of level that it produces in
different parts of the ocean throiigu
the action of evaporation and rainfall.
i'opnlar Soiouoo Monthly.
Killed a Masking Shark.
"A curious th ng," writes a West,
minoicr Oazetta correspondent, "oc
curred on the list homeward voyage
from Australia of the P. and O. Koyul
Mail steamer Himalaya, when the ship
while steaming up tue lted Sea, rau
into and killoi an enormous shark.
The sea was d d calm at the time,
and the brute st have been basking
in tho sun nt the surface. Th
ship's Prow en is shark almost it
two. Th fish about twenty-flvt
feet long-
A t'lh inn w-ll i 1 ' 1.
A tltt'" wiv wsi irit'i"'-
Their i- i.i.l pTo-1'. linn nil tx !
l'.y a liltl" corn il-a,iie l,
now to srrr uni Nstnns inrit.
Thern I hardly nnv ilotilit that th" r.n li
nes of ninny foolish pcrti. to lauirli over
tli il-iinkrnniv or mlii-rs, l i Ir -at lnoxi.-ii-tlon
ns a suliji'i't ninl oc-asion for tun. Is
raleiilafivl to eti -nurni?" rattier ilian to re
form or nvi'rt taieme runei., 'rii..r, )
a little il.uilit (itn'thK liaMf nf rl'lienliiiL',
ftluisluiT or ilenrnillng an ' p"rnni
who happen o fn'l lietwoti Ms imi;u ....-s
nultn m much In tho sn I work of m i'. ing
and ciaillrinlng 'lriiiriirilH. I.tiln News.
lr.TKlirri. in vr::w' my.
Cvernor Hng'i-. Ar;-.-ia, In Ms
Snininl me- io'" I i V s -sn-inrv nf pie tn.
ti-rlor, nn.-es t'v I. ... .i'i.,, -mi i.r 't'n.
tr.lfl1e from fla! '1'errio.iv. On" of llm
n-.tsnns he I'iviM i", ; -, j Me I . . ,vepi
went more i )i in Hi.-i-i v -leie ,. ive I :r.i,i If.
What Is iMinr poli.-- r,.r m Territory is nhi
poor ii'.i-v f .r :t Sinle. Tl'."i!...f i rT . . x -Punls
is ih-tri-i to welle., I.ln ' i ,,'l I
Indians, met in inc - a it-is ot mi . ry to
von animals.
Ti't.P of .t.Mt tl. MltHR.
Hie Clii. -ago 1" , -long P - ..;u a ii'
rit eli.ira. terisli - Ktnri-'s i0..nit i lie lai . j , , ,
H. lral:e, for s many years iro.nelor nt
til" llrnil I I'aeille II .tel.' lii - Oi, ,,,,H
iM-e-ii,iti a Iravelinif tiuMi -aw tilia go ir., n
llttll reolll I etlilnl III" l.'-y lilt fl'a'l-e ik.,.
ilrlnk s.en" viit.'r, ii . mm . iij, halnt. nn I Ik.
nee.e.e liv 1 1 -1 1 nan: 's iv. .lolin, wliv
lon't Yen p ilr iai -e Hi . I at' 'liin., ,.:..,.,
wnler, el .-r .T -. i:n- "T-'i ta n". in '.. i I ..f
tint plain' I. I . vn. I iiM.. , . p (
hav th" 1' -1, v. ii .-in '- r. i ,,
I re 1 1, I ' i "( a" 1 1 . .1 .,. , ,. , ,..
morion . IO..I -e I il I i i-.-l a ei.a ,, '
pli-l'lr. Inn:..-, "wh'-i I v, a a I...'.. - I
soi" !. in -t plain, . i ir v ..- ,. ,. , p.t-il-T 'I' ', Hi" in'-' . I,''
Tt-Ml I ". s i: a . : it - , . r a.
A pii'u.'i aph In lae i m C i -. (,.
of An Iralia i!i- e.v. 1 . . -; 1 1 , H ,,s,:. f
the .-ni,..r-tt.... r f i r . a I 'lit : v. ; w .t;
tl-e st'i'ly of .ivi y I ri,. t r . I lot e.nirv
Hil l his rn--.-. It ir, in l'i.- aiooi il r . .rt
nf tie- A i : a nt I io ,-, a in:, m s; it. . in. ai tli-
Vital St.-iii .ti---i ' I. r.- ,i. r M-! .101 -. re
eenllv pill'll- la I. I 1 1 , n ; ,Ul t In-,e -r. i '
In Hie .I. mil late... Hi :r..'h ,.ai it
I us l e -n .lai in-,- i a- . i a t. w vai .
the statist saw "Il li.-iial i I , .-n mil i. i, -.-.I
by til" .n tie- i.i
In ill li of . 1 1 1 1 1 1 in-, a -. n i .iu.-v a,. I
ill. -i.-a-. . I s-il.raly a- I I . j .. t n o . -. -, ri . . e
.l.-.'i I l.y lln' un i, f,,r t't'iiit'.'-i' a' . in
tin y lo . . i , 1 1 1 '. i I : a . ti fa ' I ai . II i,s tl.irw
per e,-nt. Ml,, a Is.K, ni,, ti... r,. , .
.-pinlieais h.i"i-. . . "pt . n t'.- new it
"S"'I I'VI I, (v.. n I'.-i-ri r ,ni t-..nn ,.
ls'.H 1 to iaTi'.t. il la 1- , ,.r ,f ih.t.v
three -r , (., n -I t i' I. t a. i.i in; nn' i:. i,-
in II," rale, ,.f .1 alv." IV. n m.-i'...- i.
tins Kim,. iei,.rt. il is fioi :,, r et . 1 nt t lu.i
Willi I'l - Io -. of .Irink I l.'lnii thep. I,,,.
heeti a to -a i.f -i.-kie- - an. I o, .1 vi'h.
j ''f.-ieii oi" "i a a 1 i . a i in.
N'.-w York Cil I, a ..vr -a si -al . m l
th" i ll y n f 11 r i it "t r I i' l 1 1. ai . . a t
(ieor-e li. S"'.; iii ti, S Wi
The two eities n ..n-i, I i,t a I . , . 1
j Whi.-ll is i. ne ..f tie' ,, ..-. .,, I I. l .''..
; The lat'-Jt news r- .ar.l ., 1 1 1 . - t . r . . I . fiat
I Mr. John II. o l'-ien !i i m i ! ."i"' la r ap.
I pli.-alion In the I ri. 1 1 1 r -i ". Io li.n t'i"
j ''pri vile,' ol pl.t -ii. r. I, . Iria-nt - a
Hie pronieniele ,,f th" l-n-l-e at h.-tli I" -tv
i York nil I llrooMtn I et "t .. . ,r ; in- pi, r,. , -
if ili."."ti' in lii-v i I , e'i i'.i'-t--
I to the tliuualeU ".' i -I . ai- '.' 't , It i;s
j lliis tlion.iiL;!il.-ire, mi I tv i . e "I Hi ia -
..IV nf Sliell tl ) 1 "oil- "III"!! " ''Ir.
i i llrlen Is witanu-1" pernal I a - t-itii- "f i In
. "!! U to he IUe.1 I.f t' - I" , ' Ill -.a's.
Nrt-ir the New York mi l
; to th" l'ri,i;e there nr ,. . .n ..
hut Mr. UT.iaen llun'.s t ,i. ,,. ,. p,
iee, nf K-' 1 1 .Iroil. w.iv o"r.
II" .I'-inaii'l- a hearin-, a il i;,, 1 i .!
i-"t one. lint that the . -,r ,n'. I-, n I. ,l.-i
-lll.lii'l lie tlirne'l il:o a .: I. ,..n i a a ., i,.,
i i'i"n.;lit nr. ami it i-i to i n, .- d,..
1 "I'TS Will li -I Til nt In . .!.;! i .-.i ( - .ii.
I'v-r ttt. lv t '".a i I s on . in t e- i a-o
, I'll .ni-ii p. i. . j ., , ah l he
h'-ll-'lre tlmt tl .,- ; (,.-
pn-a.ait, at h '.4.-:.
V !l
an I"
'.V ..
' I ,
v i ':
, r t . ' i at.
' i.. I ii - i -.1
w ' ! .'.ipv
r '- all'.
.J-l-l -r. S.:J
..a I h. an,., .-t
a ' i ii- iiy i- ,n
. I u . . li ( a
rn i - Ii I Hal
a I r ; t. II di
ll' ea I t'.'.ll'
i -irn'-l- a I
in -a
I n. i l
.l; . ., tho.err.
I--- I t-i Iru.'i
: nf Hear.
- .lire. all
111.' V"lt
' a pn-on
, i ihe ii, -m :
:. ai r-
nf t he t
the I s-t kn
I'liU'lainl, ! il in I a,. .,'H.
he he -ami a ; ,; ,1 a .-I ie a
from all sp. '- : ,n!..u. ..,
the Iii-aii!
' hollt l"'l i a a 'o or
total n'ist lima ' , v.n,,. I
t in -e,I that 1 1 ... ,,f al
Il ssity. a'il a . , at ,,. ,
I saw, for ia t i , dmi w-i
in. t only lit" i ,t ah, ,in it
l-hi .l wilh at 1 1 I .-aiv il
hat tli'Ti- w.-r ia -ja.ll.. i
I Hi I, ih . Hi . aah inan'v
themsi l' r , I f,.,.. I
most of i ; I i I ,..,.,i .
from their , 1, 1 1.1 ' i. .,.., th ,n
tin I Ii ti ' . i,,n:-li to I r -
or iinllre I U-. u,r nerh
I IV ttiat t in'-y enl.-re I tl
nil .Irink '.t-.m entirely i.i
yet there was not a sin
or.l III 'vlll'-ll lilt v nf th
ronseiii .nei. (In (V
lilivn e'atnn-il prison
liavn In en nia ln ..mi
of 1'url lament, nn.l .at
prison Iut lit un I s: i t
tfiitnim who liii"n h, n
feetly 'aorrihln mi l In i
omejiess ami .ei- a i i
oi ff. ri, I ia
. tie-1 -.i ip.
I hhrhlel
iher hv ll"l
lllolilhs left
a le-nriv; iiuH
pal ' 1 i pn- ,u per.
I I i their I a.'ltll.
,. .1, ll'I'T II -hurl
tl.' li tin h-nlree nl
'P Il tllil hlo mi nl
I i ill V- Ml tli-s-r
eonviuee I me v rt
pnriml of tlepriv.ah a
tln-i'- ruin, lelt p... ,
liai'th ami : iilui'v-t ,,
proofs an I many
S)e.,ily that it v. i i
i .1 M'"i'-iiry fur in" Ii
:r iv urn nf nleoliol.
' ilinuo to tun. :
l wii t ho iin-ut
I. .nl '-rapist an I polei
"ally wisn li -iijuniin '.'lankliii who u--.l lh(
Vnrits, 'Temper.. i puts woo I mi llm lire
Ufal li tho iiare!, It n-ir in the tn'i. rn vi-y
In thu purso, eenl.-ntti nit In t he limit", mi I
elntheson tlei l.iini.s ' Well, tn n, i- inin;
t ') I hi. ml l,lllilhwi, in, I h li .v-.n,, (lull i..e,l ,.t..
'ii.onen won' I i Mi.i t lmph"ii nl life, ti
I I' llth. to stren .11. .' ) elearness ill to len-ih el 'la ys, I then saw that for
ne, at any rate, it !. a n a ilehi-aMe th al
io rlvi up ill-oil"! ah ,,' -her, an I 1 .hi si.
i'or, wm h p rfeet (jhi'lii', an I
a It limit over liavini- in ooiiseipiene.'
Of V.xo fact so mu n. i , Hv.-n it Mlnitln Uav."
Tr.m'F.n.iMi'i7 si-- anii Mirr.
in lay tinnr for ;i ir it. rkltn'inan, rieiiarkt
Rseranton (I'enn .) la tex, means mi iu
4 lilt s of Wtlllllll f"I the iimver.
,rr ja utiitml that, if -I i I I p-rs in wh wsrn
Jtvi'-tod of flrlnm In r.i ia la I.Lst y-ur, only
ii ty worn in t ii'i'M-.i of iiitoxieutini.; li'iu-jr
lilr or liws free'y .
J- Tim cliureh peonln fan ilown us wlnnj
t" ' try i w" 1 -I'"' it," suiil a Sew York
ho; vi-r. ' iur In pe Is In workin uhertliny
hru-tiroil a iu Ron tiuuin,; to work HO j .lays Iu
e your. "
'i tiers la a ecivnmont on foot to illtninlsli
lurj'uly the tno-r.ious nuinher of saloons in
Netr Vorli City, t nany of whieh, Il Is suel, ilo
not pay sinee i it i HmnUy o'. ism- lutv hu.;uu
to t euforoe.l.
T io Tompersi n rauss says that In llauVs
UsDor hill Is a 4(1,000,(10) a your, an I ti l ls;
"la silver del In r plttee.l flat, eUuru to o.Ik,
It 1-ouhl covet tho ntlrn boundary Iluu of
the titato, tiielu illntf Us tortuous river luun."
lbs MlKtlsslnpi local option law has sn
our xl prohlhit luu (u all h'it flvu nuuuti". It
pr i.lestluU no llctasr ' Krautu.l fora
sal Q within tour nil a school tiouso,
not i any wiml of irporatuJ town,
un a DiaJ ority i n ain a pott-
w f1" IT
Kot Qi'ii eser., bct Ai-(ji-ir.rrr.cs.
Tbmn Is a trm im I n ful nitstlelsni, tha
fnrnier very pi-rtn. -t ins. It l tmt -nrn-t of
wh ile,,ii,i to ii.iiil Unit all htimnu activity l
to bfl for-woril. that llnthlllK Is le-e....t I-, it
rmilcmpliitloii ami inti nj I'-in.n, that our
wilN, ri-.i-nii-. mnl persna i'it nr" to t.ii al-s.irhi-1
or u ulhiwcit lip in the ilivlne. II
mi v liavn liellet-oil in this suit nf ipin-llsn,
which Is perilously n.-nr. if ii.e. praetlenlly
ei.lnel If-iit with, lii'lllT-ii-ntU li. iln-r wti
ci rt.nnlv In erf r. We are oaite rtin; that
try lew eti-r .1, I, nii'l uUotliu' there Is no
piial ihili-er Iu tlmt illr.eln.u just now lit
this liu-t Iiiii ii.- in, a Ian I.
Hut there Is (jri-at ihin-"r, never ne r
mat than now, of net i-nli. valine en mttlt
that I i-lier k n i'vli-.tir" nn I 'i-ltintsliiri win 11
the Holy Spirit ttive, oti-1 l.y wlileli inert-helii'M-r
heeon im lll'.t.llt", i nto m vt -rl -s of
mere than ninthly itnith. It is tin) Holy
Spirit who opens nu n to un ler-
111111.1 Hi- Sei ipt uri s. ami wiio cn-rtfi -s all
uur laaull t I al " hel'l e'T . tha y on tin
I tvnrl.l a-etii I n I 'e-re U a .it 'lehirlltnl
li'i'l H'teiait- 'nii'i.e. e lv t!iepirlt whi'-h
'ihi viii 't i, nt- lio at" fullv siirreii..-! .-. J
I to In-si::.-" t an I have iihuuilum 'I th
pert.-l-IIP- nl Will. (l ,,e,l llll I l!'l"
, ."intiaiai'iile 1 1 1 : i - - i ' iOr-'-Mv In tho-." tt ho
I Ma'' h Iv lor l-!s vaiilP---a' en- atel no
, i.i'. r;''"i.-h u ,t I la to h". r 1 1 is i."-ni ,c v, ,i,-.
I II" Io . in ! s',ri" -i r .-ti al eel . hut II l.a::
hi. -e, !"! I hut I I" ,t hi pi" lo I hi, -e Mini
j Malt ii 'a Ilea with ir, ' . i.i '! "a llil. IJli'-
' ' Ir e, p!, m, ii, a t ': .'I It h t ' -U'-ll i: I
M ol I, I - I t i I , ,1 t . n..i.. .-r-.llil t t "
tti.-iar: l-'. a Pan i .- ,:--i, iiu-urj ! i nn. I
a ' ' a -' : ".I, ai-l ,;. :.' a p.i r. i ri
all ' v. nl nl . 'I it, a,:-!i. ai' I in- t a' nl
1 ' a ' 1 ' . . i 1 . a t i . is p.. , a 1 It V
. e..,.;i ,. ii .,; , ... ; p.- , , I 111- 111-.! pi
'I I ! I . ' .' a ' ' . .' .
s ' '
' . a ' .1 i i ' It
, v. a ! t O '. I IS
. . : I ' 1 "I t'l-t
,1 " a. p. an II
- . i i -. ' t a j a i - I
i . , a a 1 1 ' a , j !
I. , i nf tii.l
a ' ' . " .11 ' 'l
, - ... - I- : I' H
A : ' t - . , i
l i.,' a .".a P I
I li- n v .. I .. I. ,1. .
no.' 1 . .- . .
hi -h . , " i ,
'I'l l ' '.
. .' ,
a V. v.
,',,'' 1 '. , ' .
I a
a ' a. 'aa t
.-i.i ;
..ii...- a v
I a . t" i h i.",
ri.t " a I.I .' I
li '.' a la a i
' I t'i 'la . i'.-t.-
:i i.. ' m-t
.: t I
II ' - V :'. I t ' I a t ;.
I ; i ; :.'. : . . i
it- ' a it I ..
I .. I,- ia II' t.r-
- 'upi, -., i- - . ... '. I, i i; .- I a - a I i- -.
' - ! a : -. I ,, ; -a a a t aiii.r a- na r--l
a I-,- I j a ,li .: hi hi "' 'li i-: ' s
t ll ' I'-' ' ." , a I ,P ! - I I
I II I - I . - . I I. I a .- -.. .! ..
1 1 ' 1 i , . : i a aia- .1... I -ai-''; ii ai
. I r
I Iti , Ii .... i, e to t -t: a tv i ' li
' I. ' ta . . 1,1 a.r' I a- ,h, i ' 1 i .
; Hon.' . t I' .. i I I - a ' i! . t . t oa" .-an '
' t ia el . . I. it a ! . , i.t ' I"' - '-I a. I '
.' I ' , ' a , ai l l , ' I ,i-i! I . l n
; 1,1." I,, r" . n l I I'll . I ; -if- I
I - I , 1 a 1 1 ' a i . . - t 1 , '. 1 1 a ' 1 ' i ' ' i i ' i , 'a
, ll li.e : tn- i a f ,t l !.:.' I a' i
'I. a i ' i h i il ii it i . i' . I.t ill. I "t .
h.-.:at .1 I . a'l.-" l,,,-.p, a- . not ip l I'. .1 w .
l-a a . , " . a. it I, i f... ii one. mnl 'a '
tv-i- ie..'.ii.,,P. ait i , ,:i,.-.4 ha- p'"l tui 'i
int. i. a a . a r. . ,'.!. P:.a' i n t -t il -. ' .
II I 'I I il ' II Ilia t t !!.,! I. 1 1 I - li ' t "t V eh
-ell lilt 1-. Ile I ' ' . ' I t Ik" - I - It "' I-
Tle-I" I' J -1 Pi T lot Wa! 1,'" -. (
"i.i. i -! i a,r i.o "1 P i , I- -. v . -1 1 1 -p
nl. I ii! le.i il I " -ra lu.ilit eli. i! g.-l
. ii.' t m 1. torn 1 ill ' ' i I it.: tt a .;.
In Im' I'.i'tv lilt ( li i -ii V."t
!.'! -I I . : . ' i i x'ta t ir."i. .a '
M ,11 "
I... ia r una -a
' n -. ' h i . . -a i i.i" .lli,
c ar n- . aii'l t. f .l t h"r I a.
j I" t' I I. a ' I. 'I.. I . 'I',!" T . t
I 1 1 1. at ."..",t , ii.:... in .aia. It
; lle.t l-it '" ll. V I:'',',' -." I -i
I 1 s" ! i a tai'.'il , !. . ';-. '.,' v :u .1 , a
! v, a : -it la.i h is aa aha
I "h. .:. I r aa I i- ' . a I t .
! I'-l.t 'l -n II : -a: I, - - tt"
I I P iiil v ... la ' I'm: ; t : ,;!-. V. .- h,
' t, " a. a ... a i j- , 1 1 , , n-a i !,.-
I ia - -' I .-.,t. -a. h r-h a a ha
j In I I i'" I ! t v. .1'. .. a i, a a, ,. !. : .- !,
! ill 'I ..!. I", - I a . '; la I a 1 1 l
1 r:i'!i . I a I ... ., -1 In., :,!.,
' t ' " - , -,, i.ll-- ! !! ! ai Hi ' ;
! ; -:tt .-.'.'. o ale "., P.- ,laii , i a 1 , 1 1 I . it
I i ii 1 1 1 , i ! " a - ' a." -iii it i r s mi -
"a i" a , ; . , i ' "l I - , 'A lit' a . r-a'
! 'll-.i :!! .--. hi., ,. . .a. Iiii- I i
: il-i U al, I r. a , - lo i,. a t ! i-
! I'M "A ll !: ai:'!l. 11 1! 1 li.'t th" I
i -v." to l-.i '0-1' K'a " !-r II." I -' I
I th" ,;i i'.a .'
tt II 1 1 I II I l l " I ll : I I-. :a. so p, i i
nil ia. -a.
I i-npl" . ""!, o p. ., . .... it
in.'. I : is a .-i at an 1 1 1. ,a hi,.
Is a .1 al 'a r . . i. I ......
I'M ir. im- I a -k lino l i i i . Paul I i i-
IP-: . i : i t J I -a - oat.- nt -1 tt a. .1
i ' t ' aa , ; i..rt . th" ii a.npii.i .; ,,i ii..- -ih
,aa lo 1 1 a ; i.'-ii' , a- "io -. .1 ; i
r. ..I an I Pu ,ie- u ... I I , s-.- la, .. Ii
I ..It I- "'r.o I all t "! I.'i. i.l'e a
I'.'ii'liee' i i our I. a I s r p ri t , in: .,
lis p, I,- ii -i . I -.. i aal IL ..i.i " t .
co le s In.- j . Uni'-at. Vi - - a .a aa . -.
tip into i air l.oi 'I - hi -e, a., I i a, lir
iv., liavn ipni'i wpn His p "lin t. Ok -'ii"i'ei
lo O'turii our trust, n it on
I ut niiliaiicci In v.i.a.' .1. K. II.
look rou tub. r tor ii wti-a in;-, -n n i,
l!u.iir'iii- of l".as l-p.-mls invn
Intle- nnsei-n, In n tieniih is swept i
-e illi- lli't; v.ho s invi-il.le ii " in- .s
irr-'i.l-',- I,. 'ii,.s tie... iiri-s t i.'iu
Wlltlll i-iiiliily hull ,rs lire o.', --nil , tl,
th.ilil" lin-uus upi'.a a higher
"( power. tVle 11 iril. l Mnl. Ill Us Ilo
II--UI . -a- a,- tii-i int i- 'l la keep-Ihoii-Jila
a'-niMfli" p-rn''i" hul.ti"
I aillho'.f i hri'lll'.' nil tl'' 111. ,
o llm stmun".t iiepr an ! - aoa-e n. ,
nr l.eirl.s or s p,.,iv il lit- In
r " f s. S l!n Hi a aiio is
'hi- li:- is not en,).' I Py I. itli. S .
'iiiii.'-r : no uiorii pain." All tear i i
Wipe, I m.aV. No more ll"' .1 o! -II
li "I Is I a- , III l O. M'-ll'-, l. I '., .
-I'llDil 'i lnoiif;h Sun'.-rliu-."
i "
TtiF. w.iw.n is so k.iipnp To oi: ten.
O, that wi ilhl In .' ll to h.-.trt thai thrt
lay will never cuiue m 'ilii. h iin-r- will uot
nn siaietliiiii to m .nl w airy ! Tin)
lay will nev-.-r eume in in, tiorl l Unit will
malic Hie w "ii huppt an, I c u l.-i,-, ull
ihls pl.t lii cilllse lio, ,,,e, i . lupni l
ueh u .lay iilnuil'l evi'r eiana. li hecuisu
this tvorhl was imver iu nu' .' ; .u.r rest,
ml whenever I. is Ii ".iinn.u.; I, row loo
like our r.--t (i nl will sen l us -i -t I: littc
to r.-iuiiil us in it it Is u t. All (in. i ui-o
lle-e i .'iiiiioriul Noiil. tt .ii.iti lis are tint i o bo
put olT With any wrl, l.y inn "r enjoym at,
nut will ever re eh nu I hlnnliy ( .(tji a
"lll"llllil( a liuiuorljl a tliaiuielvv
"a Mts or mail's ami .tiwi'MNrEii w
All llm other In ti ls t'ail lei. I f.isr
ilowil Ihespir t of the UUiverseto our III
1'niiuii ol eurth were a- tiothin- iue. :nsi
to tin) K "hi U clililu of s'.illeiai,- i-e
rill if W'lllcli st i, lieo rltelc I the In
uuiu to Cue who.liko liimsiaf, itus ueipi,
With Brief. I'lOll It tho lh . pa-t I' ll
liavu In our buturo, suit imh ii tluou
has always scorned mum nuil an.
Ihau an otbtw. Arthur IL Hull
-t i