The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 02, 1896, Image 3

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Red Blood
In tha foundation of henllh. Th way to
have Rich, Wed, Ilenltby lilood In to taka
Hood's Pills car all Liver III. 85 rent.
Ornrlty to Men but Not Animal.'.
Citrloua feature, at tho Danbury
(Conn.) fnlr Included a monkey who
dodged rubber ball thrown nt him. An
Kent of the Humane Mix loty Interfered
In behalf of the monkey, ami n colored
youth tok his lihii-e.
Tim ami Title.
"Tima no I tlda wait for uo man" nnltli tha
a lng, but there lire many other thing of
tli non.walllnif kind wbioli will not ba put
off nnd oiixTneu3t to b. Half th mlery of
the world I enue.d by dehiv, and llhouma
tiem I on of thoe Insidious ill which
demnud.a prompt attention, esnerlnlly In
mlilwin'er. when tho oold le-celeritfe it uc.
tlou and inte-nllle pain. If nllewi-l to have
It wiiy. tt will wait for no man in Its rnplil
development ol iho chronic. tii':o. When
thi'. in n-c lcd. then oo-no troiiliUw. not only
In tl miery lint In many wny vher n h-'l-los
coiiliiton throw thn sniTerer out of
wri nj money, whether in it nente,
ehronlci i)r Infl.itnMiV.ory eta,o, it ,n't w lit.
The tlitu of r-iiti will (jo on nnd so ivill lo
of time. At tlio snim tltno wo nil know thu:
1st. .Jir'iIm Oil nnd mii for til" ex.
pre pnrpnait nf enrln- tlii worst ea' in
tlu-lr w.irt form at any Man". It tin cured
and will cure In niuo eue out of ten.
Uow'i TIil.T
We offer On Hundred Dollar Toward tnt
any rase of Catarrh that cauuol b cmed by
Hail's Catarrh Cure.
K. J. t.Hrwrr ft Co.. TeVdo, O.
We, th TwderkMi"l, have known K. .1. Che.
tiey for the ia-l lu year, and lirlleve him ht
fectly Imntirrtlile in all liii-Unci. tratneo-tiena
and nominally utile to curry out any obliga
tion inn 10 ly their firm.
Wiwr Tub AX, Whu.iW.e Drumtisla, Toledo,
Waliumi, Kimia .tr. Muivtx, Whohsala
lrn'l", Toledo, Ohio.
Hull' Catnrrii Care i tnkt-n Inte-'nii'ly, art.
'tiff directly moii tin iilooil mill iiiiii-aiii-i ur
aei of III M'itm. TeMotioniiil nnt free,
'riue. Tjc. i.r Lotiiu. told by all
Alter pliyhi'ifiiiH tint irly-n mo up t wim .-ivi-d
l'l i Hirf IIaitii Ktili.ii, Mlli:uiiNirt,
.Niivriiilii-r IM.I.
oinlon Iiiim 1.000 llremnn.
tr. Wlinlow' Sooth ln Syrnp for rhlldntn
:liim:, 'oficiis the KUnin, reduces lnCninii
n.uliapiii.cure wind collo.iio. a botttct
eru wns mimed from the river 1'nro.
'ITS fUnjipcil tree liy Dll. K t.INK' ( ItK AT
:nvr itKNToHMt. No tit nlicr tlrit dnyV ne.
trvclnu t lire. 'I n ntiw and f.'M'Hrinl IhiI-
tree. Dr. Kline. Kil Arch ht.. I'blla.. I'u.
lullwuy lnborer In Ilollmid uverne from
o 10: per iluy.
"nfoit, Cot.D on Hour Tiihoat roqutrei
iliiite attention. "Jtinicn'i i'l u.kViki!
." will invarluhlv irive rellcr.
Iih t makers la i'loieiV'o r""'elve 48i; to
r dny.
r. KUirer'e hWAMP-Rorr" enre
i . ..i i.t ...
....iphlct and coimullation free.
Laboratory biughamptoD. N.Y.
. .Tordiin'ii hint nppwiruncu wo as Lady
le lu 1H1 1.
tlio tnctliod and results wteE
p of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
rt freshing to tho ta?to, and acta
y yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
r and Bowels, cleanses the eys
effectually, dispels colds, head
s and fevers and cures habitual
ipation. f?yrup of Figs is tho
y remedy of its hind ever pro
ved, pleasing to tho tasto and ac
table to tho fctornneh, prompt ia
action end truly beneficial in ita
?ts, prepared only from tho moat
Ithy and ngrecablo eubstances, ita
it excclleut qualities commend it
all end havo tnado it tho most
vular remeily known.
Jyrup of Figs is for 6alo in BO
it bottles by oil leading drug
& Any reliablo druggist who
f cot have it on hand will pro
e it promptly fur any one who
hes to try it. Lo not accept any
WUHiVtiLi, Kt. II tw YOttK. N-V.
Httlilikrl, Antfriu, Uubrlit, Thm
"I.1NKNE" ire the Beat and Moot Keonomfc
o:Ur uJ C'ufT worn. tlj ra mad ol tilt
u, both tilt 0DibtMt alllii and twiii rrvvifr
one rulUr U iv two ol my otiier Llixl.
to Jit tnxlL, tame tll aiwi loot im'I. A boxol
i CoLUroi rivePausot Cun fur Taty-'iv
a K-nrl RoPr and P1r of Cuff hr mail let Ota
aox liuiM,eaaduM. aadrnea
TMmUla St.. ( lork. K klUa BL
,aa jvur
itlil Wy Vlll iluiw vail ln.w in
i'iyi i. oiu.riy mip i mm lur
nua lu w-k and tra.-ti yuu Iri tua
wui k in Oi lwlliy lt.-r .u livvt
ui luruur NddrHA ni wv ill rxcialu
tit1 buulnt-M fully; rvromiiiii'r w iuui
t.-3V:l i
m mm
Many Sailor Go Sown en Stranded Ships
Laihed to the HaU.
The tlritish l lp Murvl.y, Cnpt. Coomtx r,
Wa ctninded Wedii' sdny off tho llnllina
courty ll;;litlioiifo, pfar DunKnrven, nbout
mile and n hnlf from the shore. Her crew,
numbering tlilrty-lx men, were limbed to
her rl.;;itii; throuuhotit the nlKht.
l.nti'r In the lny ft llfeliout uoeedivl In
fP'ttlux the MorcMiv and ri 'iiel wv-rnl of
lererew. The other. huw'er, ri'inalnoii
Imhiil to the rltfulnK. The Mnriwliy, nt tho
time th" UP'lxmt wn drivt'u away from her,
wn lirenkiiiK ni.
lnpiteot nil the effort mnda to ovo
them, iilni ti'i n if Mon-by' en-w prlhel.
Ini'luilliiK the rnptnln. hi wife and n, and
nil the olllrer. the rnptnhi, with hi oti
Mrnpped to hi buck, mitde a (.iillnnt nt
tetnpt to wim nhor', while the mute nwnm
with tho enptntii wlto trnp'd to bia
A liirue thriK-nui'di'd voiwl wu e'n fly
hiir elniil of dintri'H In Kinrtwn buy. A
lifi'l'oiit wblfh w"M to h -r nMiistmieij wiut
rrtpni.i'd and In r crew of xUti'en nieu Were
A Mioonor lm lni'n atrnndi-d on the
Tvne and wrei kcd, the rrw of idxtoen nieu
The iriiwh-r Hutirle tind: rrfuKo nt Afier
liii'n in a iTin' li ilitmiiiri-d condition, live of
Ih" men on 1'iiiird li'ivlnu 1'i-cn drowned,
l ilcnil of the cr'W of tho ilitr'Hei vck1
Kiithcn-d on th nhirc, und there were ln'iirt
n'lidiiitr . en iimoti the ln lpi lookers
on nt the b:nii' wrought by thex"ii.
Farms are Flooded and Much Property
To thi'furmer who live nlnni? the bank of
the o-nye river In MlH-mrl t h'
inn brought only wo ntid k1o.i;ii. 'J't
pr-eedi'iited rl-ie In tho rUer of Il.'i a
thr bus Hpn nd nil ..ver thl.i wv n-id
mnny fnr.ners luive I0..1 evet..t'l:i mev pi n
eeed. olll,,r them Irni floir euro lu
"hoeU, i.lhei in crib. The II I Iiim taken
nil that l'iv in the low land. Not only biive
ninny o the tiirni"r lust their crop, but
their Htoi k nnd I u i 1 1 1 i 1 1 l." as well.
At ll.iiMi' ll. tl ml of the l.el.rmoii brain h
of the .Missouri l'li.-ltie, the river I three
miles wide nnd lei train hi:: lns'ii ubl to k-,'t
within a iiiile nail a half id the town for four
ibn. 'Hi -town m shut i IT entirely from
leleuiapPi iimiiiii -ntions from tho out-
n.le world.
At I'liseii'iil In. the county ent of filler,
It terril.le i oielition el-s,' nei.rly the entire
town I partinlly under water. Only tho
roofs of mnny of the bnllditi;:, the' imst
nfliiv 11 Mil ill tlieill. can be seen, A lurije
lloimiiu' mill, the ri l t 1 1 vT ulllee of the local
pap'-r. ami fi vral small stores nnd resi
eenei lire entirely hiil inere,.
Twenty curs load".! with railroad tie uro
stiimliiitj on side tue ks nt Hamuli, ntnl
then1 sire thousands of tie ihmtii'. nhont on
the river and Imek water. 'J he loss of proi-
rtv ii this immediate section s estimated at
1,(MHI.(KIII. Hi,, ihcr Is- blu-her eve, thliu
iliirim; the famous Hood of ls. ''he s'llTer
liiK of the people whose land nnd property
have been devastated will uiidoilbtedly bo
turrit In this winter.
Twenty-four Crushed to Dcyth During
Panic in a Baltimore 1 heater.
In a aenwlew puui , caused by n dofectlv
fi l'.i-T,r e,l a t , l ,. -.f flo
old Front Htrect t it Idiltlmore, 21
K-opb were kill. d. Injured mid ten
inure -rlously bun
Almost all tho vl tuns are of Polish na
tivity und Hebri w truction. nnd many of
the Injured were t: t,, their limm by
frl Is. renderini,' i t almost inipossilde to Ket
a complete li-t at tho time.
The theater, u Id. ! i robatilv tho oldet
in the i lly, was till. , fp,,,, ,, t.i dome U,
lieople. who had lis; , Mil. I' d to listen to iu
1'iew opera, whi. Ii lias I n Klven in the old
house t Ah e a week fr the month. Tim
Heki t olllce reei'll't , shew -I tl. lit over S,i00
tickets hil l been si Id,
Ten minute uf!"r the urtuhi rose one of
the uit mdmits won ; up ti the si ml tier to
liKbt uirii jet. which iippi-un d l.j hiivu been
exlimf'iished. As ! tur I t k and up-
pil" I h match the Ii , ,r,j p, and it wn
seen that th -re wn no tip to tic burner. The
Jet was welldowu toward tin- ht.iu'e. on tin
leit side of the houi..., ! plain vimv of thu
.'renter part of tin- audience. Put ii tho Kluro
from it showed UKiiinst tlie wall. ttonns.ini! in
the Kiillery shouted "l'lre! lire! Kiif!"
lu mi liistniit thet e was u mad cr.imble for
the docT, 111 Which thu whole uudielice took
BOTH TO One company.
Newport Nowi Win Get Both the New
Secretary H-rls'il li.i pra tl ally conclud
ed to award thu eunti'uct for tho const ructiou
of battbuhlp 5 and 6 to tho Newport New
dry dock and idiip building company, of Vir
ginia, ut their bid of 1 2.0,10,0(10 for Mich idilp.
It wo found upon euiuful iii.spis.tion ol tho
law nuthorWiiK tho const ruction t ships
that tho depiirtment f,uild not o beblnd tho
face of the bid, so It vus( Uot possilile tii al
low the other bidder to scale dowu iholr
bid to mift the low bl, f the Newport Newt
com I any nave with tlcir oouHcnt.
Whllo It was the inti-ntiou of CoiiKre to
have one of the flop built on tho Pm-biu
coiut if tho terms wer. r''u:ion:ilie, in order
to carry out thl Inti-nt Secretary Herbert
WU obll;nd to declare tnnt thodilTcrence luw
tween thu Newport New bid cf 2.3.'.(l,0;io for
one ship, and the I'ulni, Iron wotks. of Han
l''rnuclco, bid of r-'.7(),K)0 for on ibip whs
only a riaonable diiler,.,,,., which he could
acurccly do, iu the fm-., f the decision uuido
by hi predecessor, rii-r.-tary Trucv.that that
ditTereiico Hhould uot iu tiny cutu i-xouud
throe per veut.
Moonihlaors Make Desperate Fight
Against Revenue Otlioers.
New of aterrlblu bikt:lo lHitwcui revenue
official aud niooiihliioi u tl(, l'uuib.'jland
tnountniii ha just beei, ri j'iviul. A num
ber of revenue, men tinder charso of tho
fiimoti "Kid" (Ireer In vd Letcher oounty
In iu t of illicit HtlllH. . hi y were Hiirprlstnl
by the 'uhlnent," who were U hlnd a h' (h
Ons r reeelvetla bull t in hlblpiuid
other In hi ahoulder. .llm WliUleld, om
tlio 'ahiuora, wiw killed, und David and r
Collier uud Marlon llrowu wcn taken prl
ere. Tho revenue, in "n arrived ut i'n A
burn, In Floyd county, wh to the
their experience. Urei't- is not b
Hovciul si 1 11 were out ly pices, i
3,000 Kutlouaof braudy u;d w hlsKy
Opera House boatroye
The rarUorsbur&, W. Va.,
burned ut iui eurly hour M mduvtn
In if a los of 15,000, with Insura
i amount The (Jr
ffiiy before ,nj-d'-troyod.
k-t. Tho Mount
.rdman s pluuibi
0 couipun.y, ot
'., aith
... PTEADY! .. ,
' ' '
Blue smilln' through the rtorm,
(Steady now, believer!)
Fires where all our hearts may warm,
(Steady now, believer!)
flplte of all tho prophet say,
Country see a brighter day;
More sweet rose meet the My,
(Steady now, believer!)
ThouRh the lightning flnh nlon
(Steady now. believer!)
llusio' In the thunder' sons.
(Steady new, believer!)
All the storm will soon be past.
From the billow and the blast
Bufo within tho port nt last.
(Steady now, believer.')
F. L, Stanton, in Atlanta Consllf tition.
Tlio best of ns 1o something, now
and then, to retard tlia milleuiutn.
Money talk, and the ninn with tho
deepest chest ha naturally quite
Voice. Philadelphia Time.
A child being asked, "Wiiat i tho
plural of forget-mr-not?" answered,
Forget-us tiot." Household Word.
Benedict "Why m't Kite ninrry
you? Ia there unnther man in thn
CHe?" Sinqlttja--"Yia; bcr father."
'Kodncae i a lny aoamp." "That
ao?" "Yea; Mr. Ko loeko take iu
the wnKhing nnd ho docs tho 'rest.'"
Uoshm Courier.
iithcl "She foravo me." .Tuck
"How divine!" Kthel "And ha re
minded mo of it ever iticc." Jack
"How human I" l uck.
Toucher "How would vott decrioo
ITonryVIir. of I'nlnnd?" Student
"I would describe him as a rolch
aional widower." Ttt-lSil.
"I cp.u'i use tin as a poem, tnin,"
fnid th: editor, "out if vmi'll shorten
it nltttlo I'll ptiMish it a a liuw col
lcu yell." (!liicaoo Trilititic.
Tcaelur "What doe Mite rei'n of
King (Miarlc I. tench us?" Ttnimii!
"I'lcasc, Mr, not to lose our hen I
in momctil of tieile:ii ul, m."
"It didn't KCctii to lue the audience
wa very enthusiastic." "It didn't?
How little 3011 kiin'.v of Wa.tiicrian en
th'tsiasinl Didn't ou nolicc how
they talked at the c;i I of inch net ?"
Chicago Tribune.
H;ateman "J hardly know how to
deal with my people on thi money
question." Hi Seen tnry "That'
easy; when they tackle you don't
ileal, luit eontin vj to ohufll lu
dianapolis Journal.
In tho Crowded Car : "Excuie me,
madntn, but i my foot ho small you
loti't know you ara Ntamliug on it?''
"A thousand p Ions ir! Xo ; it'
Icr-re If it wa my htis-
dace." B.
'.' What's thu matter now?" "I have
jot to 8!'!' by tlireo o'clock to
norrow." "Why do you require pro
MHclySOl)?'' "I have to pay a hnu-ircd-dollur
note in hank, aud I've got
tho other dollar." Texna Sifting.
Bighead "It i nt range how thing
even up in thi world, if you watch,''
Softly "For instance?" liigheud
"I was iu a hurry thi morning and
iti:,l missed the ear I waute ! ; ntid, at
theti'umo inoincut, one going in tho
jppositu direction just missed me."
Clara -"Wliafa the matter, dear?"
Dora "It's too much to hear. Mr.
Faintheart hasn't proposed yet."
Clara "But you told mo you wouldn't
marry hint." Dour "Of coutko I
wouldn't. But after nil the time I've
wasted on liim, i think he mi'lit at
letiHt give tue u cuauce to rcfuso him."
"Here," complained tho aggrieved
father, "I havo Kpeut nearly '$25,1)110
on that girl'a education, and now hIio
goes and married a young fellow with
an income of ouly $1250 u vear."
"Well," aid tho frieud of the family,
"iHn't that live per cent, ou your iu
treatment? What more cau you expuoc
iu these dull times? " Tit-Bita.
The English in Iuilli.
Not 80 very long ago I heard a civil
inrgeon gaily tell at a mess diuuer
bow tho other day bo had felt con
strained to teach a native somowbat
forcibly his respectful duty to the
"ruliug race." The native had his
w Diallers and beard tied up as all na
tives like to have tkcin when traveling
when h met him ou a country road,
Tho doctor pulled him up and demand
ed to know why hu had not undone his
face oloth when he saw a uuhih coming.
Than, suddenly remembering that ho
had a pair of forceps in his pocket, hu
dismounted, and, taking tho poor
man's head under hi powerful arm,
extracted two of his teetb, saying,
"Now tie up your mouth, my man.
You have sotne excuse now." That is
how some of us try to teach the poor
natives to be loyal. A similar lesson
we givo in a slighty different way to
tho wealthy and noble native. It is
""'' e, I believe, that a Governor
ay felt constrained to with
om the membership of the
ub when be found that the
-barred him from inviting as
'it any nativo whatsovcr, no
how distinguished or noble.
tub the Ooveraor's protest
the arrogance of his fellow,
ymen and their supercilious
.ent of the natives, aud the of
world of Bombay never forgave
for it. Contemporary Eaview.
Imall Countries that Malntala'Thelr
The number of email republics that
save stood the test of tluio and pre
wrtod their autonomy lu aplte of the
lealonales of their powerful ncla-hbor
s greater tlmn tuort people imagine.
I'itcnlrn Island, situated In the Pa-
clflc Ocean, hna Umg romalnetl In the
peculiar position of being lndcienripjit
ind free from Interference without
ever having had Ita national existence
formally recognized. Ita first settler,
from whom the present Inhnoitanta
ire exclusively descended, wcrs the
mutinous crew of nu Kngllah manK)f
tvnr, II. M. ft. Bounty, ftunotia in story.'
Lying In the southern scam, in the m
rIod of the Australian continent. Is Oie
Island of Frnncevllle. Ono of tho Not
Hebrides, It Is not far from New Cale
donia. In urea eighty flvu miles, It Is
tnnlnly occupied by alidut WK) natives,
the white inhabitants being- bS9 UutU
a hundred. France, which originally
hod control of this place, rave It, In
1S70, a charter ef Independence, prom
lIng that no other power shoulJ bo
permitted to Interfere with It Tho
people elect a President, who governs
with the aid of an advisory council of
eight member. The Pieslde.nt, lu cidd.
tlou to his administrative functions, ex
ercises Jui'.lcial powers, uud thfro Is no
uppral from his decllons. Although
no otllce can be held by colored clU, universal suffrage prevails, with
out distinction of sex or color. Just
now the President Is an AintTlcnn, It.
n. Polk. 1
To Kuroe. however, we tnttst lok
for the siuallest of nil self governing
people. Sotne doeu miles from tjbs
SardlJilun coast t the northeast, the
long, imrow Island of Tavolara rises
from the sen. l ive mile long and
ft '.out half n mile wide, Ita, soil Is cul
tivated by the unlives, ouly to a lim
ited uMi'iit, Halting being tho staple In
dustry. The republic of Tavolara date
from l'i. The Island luw a popula
tion of but llfty or td.ily soul.
What Victoria r.mbl Ho.
A a mallei- of fact, say London Tit
r.lts. our so eridgiis have rarely taken
liny acllve part iu polities since tJeorgo
lll.'s ilnic, but they could still do Homo
Very ;itoiiishing lldnu' If they rhosr.
''lie ipieeii eotibl dismiss every Tommy
Atkins lu our army , from the command
er iu chh f to the ollUKest (ll'llliiuiet
toy. She could disband the utivy In
the same waj. and sell all our Miips,
stores 11ml iirseunN to the lirst eusto
iner that came ulntig. Acting entirely
on her own ichpiuiHibility. she could
declare war against any foreign coun
try, or make 11 present to any foiel-n
power of nny purl of the empire, she
could make every man, and
child In the country a peer of the
realm, with the riht, In the case of
jiia!es y.j:o are of no, to a m ul in iho
lei so of Intils. Vith a tingle word
sin: coiibl illbinlss any go i.-nimeiit that
lltl ppOiit, IO III.' ill I .'Mil I III', II. .4U, Yi
Is bellev. pardon ami Ii. -ratv nil the
erimliials In our Jails. These tire a
few of the things the iuecn could do If
nbo liked; but It is not tiecoKsnrj- to hay
that her majesty never act in matters
of state, lAi-ept oil the ndvice of iho
govcruiucii' for the time being.
I I ml No I'm for Anotlier I'mttine
A laburer employed In icte uf the li-nt:
mills in Allcghen.i'. earning the tiiun'.fl
cent aalary of Sl.b) 11 day fur w 1 1 -! 1 1 1 j;
ore In a wheelbarrow, received a toll
gram aiitiottnclng that a relative in I n
land had died and left hint ';i,;o. II
left his Jidi. went to Ireland, secured
the cash an 1 started upon a career ol
luxury and hh:h liv'iig. Two years latei
he reappeared in Pittsburg, asked fm
his old position and went back to wheel
ing ore. tine iay ntio'.hyi- telegram
came iiunouncin that a relative in fin
gland had died, leaving him S'JO.ono. II
threw tip his hands In despair. "Hiv
Ins!" cried he. "MtLst (.H trow up in
Job and go over flier and waste nnnUioi
year or two In spending that? -, It's a
shiuue to handicap a le'jnt workln'
man like tlmt. tJi'll bind word to tilui
III enn't do li "
7rosperlty Came Through Tines.
Tho region of U10 Landus, which, fifty
years ago, was ono of thu poorest and
most miserable In FrJuee, has now
been made one of tho most prosperous,
owing to the planting of pines. Tlis
Increased value U estimated at l.fXK),.
110,001) francs. Whero there were, llfty
years it no, only a few thoiwuiu) poor
and unhealthy sbephords, uuvre are
now sawmills, charcoal kilns and tur
pentine worku, lutersjiersed with thriv
ing villages und fertile agricultural
' n o it
in a
A little water and all
ready for the griddle.
Dainty Cakes
Remember, the water must
be cold end the griddle hot.
W. L. Douglas
3. SHOE beoJ.1d!hc
If you pay to Silt lur uliof , ex
amino tlie V. I DonUi Mier, und 9
Wfl h..t a good shoe )ou can buy for
and l.A( F., mmln In all
klnilnof tliclH-tt wlrrted
J2r?f5U leather by iUIIi,! work-
wm. W.
)yjjvl InV ami
pelt mom
ninonr.ii turcr In tho world.
None Ecmilne untf nanw nnd
prii.9 i Mjm'd 011 the btittoin.
Ak vnnr dealer for our StS,
1., t.M. a . aa sin,,
-4.AO, 94 and 1.7n lor boys.
TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. If your dealer
i.uniet "tiiily ymi, neml to Lie
tif v, rn In-ill iiice nnd Vicent
to l'.iy c.ini.iKC. M.ite kuid.Mle
of tea (cap or pl.iini. mr ami
width. Our C'uitcitii Hei.t.mill till
vnnr oi.ler. Send br new llluv
ii.iti ci catalogue to Hon it.
W. L. DOUCLAS, Prockton, Mass.
It's your money nnd your dress
that you want to save, but you
j can't save either by tisin;' cheap
l trashy bindiiij;. I'ay a
I few cents more
and get
which last as lonjj as the .- kirt.
Look for " S. II. A; M." on the
label and take no other.
If your dealer III not supply you, wo
rriil lor Mm.i, r'liw n,;
tu. Iitho .". It. it M Co . I
Vurk Citv
I 'It: I
I'. I 1 1 ' tit
I i
V J." Vl ai,tUal 1.. I Nik lUlHIU, t,, I.
Be sure
J aa ia
and no olher.fonl
1 ww mm
WW St9ld WW
. TDicifricjfAfiil
1' ' -v
IV) T to rvcrv
jTK, Jj'V cleaning
4 .uil.
p "tired to
fused and
f T i -i -ilrt,.
ii --v. 11
null, fiuiic; UUlUl 1UUVU
And then a trial means continued use.
H 1 1 I . 1 1 1 1 n7T,VI lilt
The Homo Itareaii for l)eeaete for
the 81. -k, and Nursf' Itolpt r jr, at IS
Wifit I-'orty-seennd St., N. T., oniler
date of O t. 20, IS'.), write: "pleans
send ono do.on boxen Ilipnnn
Tnbulen tu the NnrxV Club, 104 West
' Fortv-flrst itr-et, Ilxports of ths
1 nlnibn for trotililn rillltiK froia
fllsordered digestion come very
fniqimntly to our ntlentton hers.
This bureau doe not illpetii
medicine, luit ha opportunity fi
hear frequent dliu'imilonsponeernlng
the merit nf retee lien. It KfM-ms to
be eoiu'ede I that the Talutles are a
reliable it 11 xi I Im ry to the hyl -Inn.
Home of our patron un tlu iii to a
eelisidrriiblo sxient, mid pbysiciiuis
assure u tlmt the foriniilu la
- ftl n Tal'titr arp m-tit lr ilniirii'ie. m hw maB
IT ii'-i ri-1-cm rpt , n Im-i) 1 n-iii le rie tl itni
( Ii 110,'iil l i,niimv, So. 111 lrllt-e u. Nr urfc.
baua li il. In ci-nta.
tiif ArnMnton ro. br tt worirr
niMiiiiwi imamr-H, 11 Hipm 11 it.-u r'lin iMl ttw nuti off
f I Ouhnt II It It iit.iiiy Inane
honaw, b.i-i s i t.i-.M Un j; i ftTx) r"lr
ftt four i."'r. it h-mI tn (
f'ftirr rln lm t"t in tiri tlistt
n'tn. It itintct I'ltuii'lt'g a 1 4
'Mri'l. Str-, 1, ,it thiMiil iiftr-
iiM'li'tl"M Wtn-ttiittiit, 1 iltlhf
Tr ani 111-
'I trr lofrrro. st..i ti sa
Of iinitr. mi mm In ntli'M ii ,M nnnittn
lliff at!trit trial ii will fin n.. u'.tii
Jftmiftrr Ht t i.i 1 ni usual I' tinka
Inn, HI'.'1 I'tttMii i'f fill kill'' SfMtfl fit rftlAlft-prti,
Kucoi 2lh, Kuvkcll d4 rillnur Mrett, ChLAf
noLDEN FiGT;,vl;r..r;;'M.7S
JJ HI IKMM1 iiml ilMI'l. Al IS
l,i 10 1 111 i.iir m i k. I nil 1 111 10 ulumrri-o
1111 nil l t nl' lo t.mii. One inntitli'a
lieiiloii nl hi. oil ll:i ss
Colder) Fl ; Co., Snyrc, Pa.
Lock Ho a No. -Ml. A .- -nt W mtn I
I lrfc.B O-llil'Jl -- ,. ;
ui'ren -fiutv Hrounr-iitfi Cbiimfi.
f C. I1 1,, ,).!,, I- n... I I - II - 1,1, lll,, nu.
OCiQSM Moriililna I nreil In 10
i l?CIf !l"';,,,,,"" N" on 1 ill eiirail.
1 I ria OS.J.SI IfHlNS. Latinun.Ohia.
to bring5
Avoinan wash tl:iv nn1 tirM
time with their iM itn atir
acuinir uiilc. " ow stunt
dcadi," "worn out," "out
sorts. Why tln't you u
1 i- i . . j .
- nu 01 tlicstj tlnri's f
Pearline. Then: arc tlii
on each packa-;c tl
vou the latest snlr't n
1 wiua iiewor
I ll
and best ways of washing.
The wondnrfnl
talked of bv mi 11 in
A . . a, . .
t aw
1 1