.1 1 t 0( JOB WOKK neatly m eut4 at the POST Print log Offlce. tif vol. ; 3. FOR ALL THE LATEST NEWS, REA :HE MIDDLEBURGH POST. IT CONTAINS ITEMS of LOCAL INTEREST And now it is 18'JG. F. IL Maurcr, Now Berlin, has a large buffalo robe for Bale. Joseph Long, Solinsgrove, baa been granted an increaso of pensiou. If it's not too late, we wish all our readers a harmv and prosperous i x- v Nelson App of Solinsgrove and bis young wife were noticed on our Streets Sunday. Mrs. Eycr and several children of Nescopeck nre visiting Adam Show ers' family. A Happy and prosperous New Year is the wish the Post enteuds to its vast army of readers. On Sunday morning a week ago Mrs. Harriet Smith fell on tho icy pavement and broke her right arm. Miss Alice Smith, who had entc'V ed the Woman's Hospital, Phil A trained nurso bus relinquish . uer purpose and returnod borne. jadies' Coats are offered at ex dingly low prices at F. H. Maur 4, New Berlin. Read the offer in new Advertisement iu this paper. ICR fob Sale. Brick of tho best '.y for building and paving can urod at reasonable rates by g to Carbon Soebold, Mid- i, Pa. MIDI BURGH, SNYDER CO., PA., JANURAY John Runklo is on the sick Harrison Moyerlost several by death. The bank statement appt this issje. t)r. Saltn of Columbus, Oh' in town Tuesday. Grandmother Snyder at the end of town is quito ill. tes in as t Oeo. Slahlneckcr of Mich'' , visiting his parents here. Florence Anita is the name new boarder at A. E. Cooper's. Charles Middleswarth and : of Ohio, visited in town last Mrs. U. M. Shindel has beei fined for some timo with inflai rheumatism. She is improvit Job Hartmau's burn was destroyed by fire several tunes J west of this place. Noiusurur James Diomor, foreman of t pair gang, won a prize of $3 having tho best division on tl ',' road. Hon. C. W. Herman and fami and I. L. Herman and family attou cd a family reuuiou at Kratzorvil oil Christmas. A. F. Gilbert, tho accomplish ladies' man of Franklin and Marshi College, Lancaster, is spending h Christum vacation at home. A. O " ' " 1 uurooca W.f Hon, T. J. Smith, Esq., is Dead. On Monday morning nt 4 o'clock T. J. Smith, Esq., the next to the old8t lawyer in Snyder county, breathed bis last. Mr. Smith was born in Middh burg, July 20th, 1W7 nnd spent bis entire life in this ,lace. He was educated at Dickin son Seminary, Willianisport, having raduatcd in I sill. Ho was admitt ed to the Snyder county bar in Feb rmirv 1Si'i." nnd has been one of tho leading lights in the profession. On Feb. llth, 17'2 ho was married to Lizzie 15. Shindel, who now with three children, two girls and ft boy, mourn tho loss of a faithful bus band and a dutiful father. Tho fath er of the deceased was Henry A. Smith. T. J. Smith was ft leader in demo cratic politics and a firm believer in the merits of democratic principles. As ft lawyer, ho was a conscientious, paiustaking employee and did every thing in his power to meet tho de mand? of justice and equity. His iri r,H veui-H. 5 months and 10 i-i - - - M . funeral will tako liliico on rsdur afternoon at one o'clock. nth bis duith Middleburgh loses valuable citizcu and tho bar ithful lawyer. Jaudidalos are unusually busy for I this season of the year, owing to lh duty for the primary election being " ;cd for Feb. 13. One good thing jout Uepubtican politics in Snyder nty is, that there are no cngi , no coal heavers, no oilers to machinery, but every candi- up at ! tuir" young in theory. TRIP TO ATLANTA i ; V A Visit in tlm Most Historic Plk to the 1st toes in flu tot meiit of tlie Country In our last issuo wo left off tho ac count of our southern trip iu tho c'ty of Washington and decidedly tho most interesting portion yet re mains. Before leaving Washington wo visitod tho House of Represent a- tiro and found Congressmen Mil lion and Kulp at their posts of dutv. Ou Mi lay Doe. 10th at 3: 15 p. m. wo bo ed the train for Richmond. A few . unites rido brings us to Alexandria, Va., which w.is a com morcial metropolis with a I irg for eign trade when Washington had not boon droamod of. The citv is rieli iu history and tradition. It was strongly fortified during th'j civil war. Wo reach Fredericksburg just as night is sott ing in but we could se Maryo's Heights where n bloody battlo was fought and p isso l across tlio vorv ground over which tho Fo.lci;il Army charged so cour.ige.ii'Iy again a-i 1 - f -it'll 1'" Deeemb ; 1 p;i'"o 1 U" Ih spent several ila.vs oii ' re. 1 lo preaelu'il a v i y n on Sunday evening t " congregation. RuniH, Ivlitor of the wii Thin it and his family lion of the holidays with parents in this place. Wash, paid a pleasant id visit to this office. ie Flouring Miils will run i to Middleburgh every ThoS. H. Yod-r Estate 'or in every wav possible hoir customers. They aro .,ig millers and put out sat ry goods. Wesley Hiiinan of Knit zei ville, tho coustablo of Jackson township, called at this office on Monday. lie A isl es our readers to know that he v ill auctioneer sales for any persons desiring his services. If you need home one, write or call uuon him. tf A smooth, easy shave, genteel hair cut, or other tonsorial work, is always obtained at Soles' Barber Shop, iu Wittenmycr's Building, op posite Post office. Go to Solos and you will make no mistake, Shaving soap, face cream, hair oil and egg shampoo for sale. A. E. Soi.es. L. Kepler of Swineford, left on Monday for Pennsburg, Montgom ery couuty, where ho has been en gaged by tho Pennsylvania Manu facturing Company. Ho has been a carpenter for i52 years and before he left ho ordered tho Post seut to his tddress in order that ho may havo ill tho news from Snyder county. A full page advertisement in tho jadies' Home Journal of Philadel phia costs $1,000 for one insertion, hilo tho back cover costs from ;5,000 to $i,00(). Considering the torvice rendered, those who object ,o giving 23 cents for a five line no tice will faint under the prossure of tho above figures. Congressman Mahou has intro duced a bill establishing a buroau f pubjio health in the treasury de vrtmeut to provide measures of bo rity against the introduction, of atagious and epidomio diseases, so a bill making a ponsion a Test J right And Authorizing the sus pension of pensions obtained by fraud, aocident or mis--tio V 2, ALL Soil" la Dovefe a Maneldns Growtli. Sherman mtered Goldsboro on the tdof Mlfch. 1803. Subsequently moving tAjoin Grant, Sherman "en gaged Jbstou at Rileigh. which city ho entered April 13th. At this timo General Johnston heard of Leo's s vrronder." Knowing that further resistance was now hn- less, ha opened a oorresponde with Sherman, which resulted iu l surrend of Johnstou's army, u Durban:, N. 0. (aear Rileigh) April 20th, lb). Thus Rileigh bocmno tho scouj. Of tho closing conflicts be tween the groat armies which huJ so long and courageously contended for tho Jrstory. As Hip traiu spjd on its Sjuthor journey wo couM not help but fe that th( warmth of Spriugtimo w bursting in upou us. Tho bir were iingiug and tho sun sho brightly and wo were focibly inind4 that tho day wo left Mid burgh tho thermomoter registe ib gro.- below Zero. Wo nex l.iroi i tho Southern Tine iVrnoiiM indebted to the Est ,1. A. Smith nto requested to P i.vin nt prior to January 13th as mi that day all unpaid ucc ill lie lulu I id ot v f r collect J o not expect, days nf grai your nolo at bank if it is discoi after January 1, ism;. Tlie been changed and no days of will bu alloweil. Several Dutch letters ami material that collected during Week is crowded out of this i Matter that docs not get stale bo published as soon as our t permits. Miss Miimo Stetler, tho ac plished, efficient and faithful oi ist of tho Lutheran church, S. S. V. P. S. C. E., was presented w he iiitiful oxford bihlo us a C'li m is gift, by the Y. P. S. C. E. which sl.o is a member. While Harry Spocht was blah with il.vni'iuito in u well at Pi Spuid's on Monday, the charge not go oil' as soon as was cxpc and Harry looked down and charge exploded then before he pected mid pieces of stone flow hitting linn at several laces al tho face and head and cutting se id deep gashes. Ho is getting ol us well as can be expected. McCluio's Magazine for Janv will contain n selection of Euj Field's best-known child poeim lustrated with portiaits, from Field's own collection, of the children to whom tho poems re' There will ulso bo an articlo on Fi friendships among children, i: trated with portraits of Field, eluding tho last taken before death. The Sunbury Koening Iten speaking of their County Iusti says: Tho next period was takoi Superintendent Boworsox, of Snj county. His subjoct was "D Peas." Comparing fossilized ter crs (so to speak) to dried pods, the five dried "peas" which they not get rid of are prejudico, pov (in the way of furniture, appara etc.,) pride, foolish pleasure, paralysis. He advised turning a new leaf and en1''