EllS ftltfbU llUVnll BOSh tbetrated iIwffylMhS oifr , I own Primary Caropafjra arid Eleo- Published every ThtiTuday. I lions nnj ftre we not t8 to iackoowledgo that that which we ! Gjo W. Wagcnscllcr, Editor and Proprietor ire and oppose in the one can, is eiiually desirable in A similar casef Subscription 1.50 per year. That is, if fair dcalintr, and honest Well miwt la rM In urtTnnre when eont out- remum, are our uesire. o ucliove our Manump; Lommu- too has done a just and wine act, in vi'.-it tr win (m cii:iwi Hi iiioriitpnf is1 posing tliat law at its last meeting. ner ll'n (ii'iiiimrlrl ini'icnr! fur flrnt Iiihit- - , . ,"io.Vv'isVrii.oior.-vrry Ki..i.-nt ' 1 lien-are party laws Kovernins sMf Ma' county.) SATIS Of AOVISTISINO. All irnl-nl flrtvi-rtlHrmont not nthorwlw: (otitra ttitn ntu' inwrn"- . ... ... 'cuiiilidatoB, election officers, and ro- trilmif uf trtyri-t, ,fr.. thrrr rmtt a ln. 1 111)1 llldgOg j and DOW COIINIS tUlS i , ni jUHti(.p. favorable to all Thursday, Pec.!'.), l&J.). vundidutes providing 'or their pro tect ion and fair play. . A I flit. ... uur annu.ii uiirisunaa way. f .ilim)K jjot uiese laws as Next Wf.lticsdiiy, the 12" tb. of Do- ;Hoon ns possible, publish them in reml.fr. i ('hrUtiuiH tho day on ! vonr naner. and by so doinsr, meet which Ihe nativity of the Savior is . the earnest wish f many liepubli observed. The institution ol tliis'cllt,H. That issue will bo very in- festival is attributed by the spurious Decretals to Telesphorus, in the rcinof Antoninus I'ius . i. Y K.I i, b it the first certain traces of it are f md about tho time of Ktuper or Couiniodiis (lsii-p.ij). In the reiu'iiof Diocletian ( Js:jo:,(, while that ruler was keepintr court at Nico li i. lie le li ned that a multitude tercstiug, and in great demand, It is time that every Republican, especially the younger members of our tmrtr. bIiouM know by what laws he and his party aro governed Without law, there is confusion j and with law unobserved and de spised there must be dissatisfaction and ruin. The time has come, when of Christians were assembled in the 'cvt,ry (.ndidatu claiinim? a nomiua city to celebrate the birthday of .Ics- U,m j th Republican party, must and having ordere.l the -liiiifi- !Htp,.ur before tho Return Judge with clean hands, and uuviolated nartvlawH. e're ho can hope, for us. do i s to be closed, he set lire to the buildini?. ui 1 a-1 h" worshippers perished in t lie li nn --". It. does not j t.jr npDntval in placing liim upon nnni'ir. rnvevei' uniformity in the period int? tho nativity uinMi! churches; some held tli tint, tlnre win any of observ tlio early festival in Mayor April, others in January. There is no reason t suppose that December '! was tint day of Christ's nativity : indeed it is ii.tt evident that it could have been : for it is then I lie height of the r.iiuv se'ison in Judei, when shepherds could hardly Iiavo been watching their :loc Uv night in the plains. In a fitting iiianner the churches and S inday Schools of this place and of almost every place in tho county will ctdebrate the day. Tho children of the rising genera tion need such festivals to iustill in their voung minis a lovo for the Maker and Doer of all things grand and beautiful. REPUBLICAN LAWS. For MMUlfimrKb I'uht. Tl Republican I v 'y of Snyder, .-d every othar good organ- .itioii, is governed bv certain lawp, which, Iioiu timo to time, havo been enacted by our Standing Commit tee ; an 1 which aro to bo found, or should bo found, recorded upon the minute book of said organization. What these laws are, every man in tho Republican party of Snyder county should know; and has a right to know, in order that what ever he does for his party, may be done with intelligence and under standing. The ie laws, us rules of action, un less repealed by the power enacting them, provide for at least three ob jects, vi. : "The manner of making nominations, the conducting of elec tions, und determining the result of tho election." Of the fust it is not 'iir iitiriio-io to speak s but by the recent action of our Standing Com mittee, our attention has been call e 1 to the conducting of our Primary Kli ctions and the determining of the result. The recent action to which we re. for, us near'as wo uro able to recall it, was as follows : "Wiikukas, At our (teneral Klec tions, it is deoniod wiso and proper that ballots should not be counted until nfter the closo of tho p ills, und also that watchers uro permitted at said electious, there fore. Rt:soi.vEr, Ry the Standing Com mittee of tho Repulican party of Snyder county, that at our Primary Elections, no votes shall be counted until the polls havo closed ; and also' that all cannidates for nomination, shall havo tho right and privilege to place watchers at any or all the elec tion places, if they deem proper; said watchers to bo compensated by tho candidate placing them there." We havo spoken with a number of cindidutcs for nomination, and other.-', sinco being informed of tho above action, and their expressed opinions havo invariably been that of approval ; they at the hhiuo time admitting that this action would prote ct every candidate against any grotiwd for complaint, should ho bo unsuccessful in obtaining n nomina tion. On account of tho heated rivalry between the political parties at general elections, tho State law, providing for tho manner of count ing, and the placing of watchers, has been found advantageous ; and wo all havo realized that it is a good position, grown out of experience the ticket, as the choico of his party This is as it t-bouM bo : ami wo aro satisfied that our Standing Commit tees have bt en working to this end. for Homo time, Tho day of the trickster is past ; and the Repnbli can nartv of Snvdcr county haR no use or place for him. Let all our primaries bo conduct- , .. i i e in i.uriioss, u'M in nccorouiico with the honest and just laws of our party, and we will continuo to grow in numbers and strength. Then will there bo no one to complain. and a candidate thus placod in liom ination, will receive the hearty sup port of all The Republican party of Ponnsyl vania. to-dav stands pledged in fa vor of intelligent and honest poli tics, and has so declared. Whether ever recognized with a party nonii nation or not, that is tho platform on which wo havo taken our stand and that is where wo always want to find tho Republican party of Snyder county. Therefore, lot us have all thr lisht. tbcre is. -L every man know our party laws. Let our Re publican Editors publish them, and let Snyder county be known as keep- ing pace with the intelligent ad vancement of tho Grand Old Party. Wo look at our Republican papers for great aid in all that is desirable. Their issues aro tho vehicles of in telligence. Let us havo tho intelli gence. II. Allemas. Dec. 11. IK'.Ij. IiiXECUTOItS' NOTICE. Notice Is thereby given that Letter Teta nenury onth Mint ol nnnlol Zloher, Ut ol Spin Townnlilp, Snyder Oonnty, Penn'a hr, neon tuned to tlia umlerlKtiA1 rlitln In mid totnnlilp. All perw.n,, threlore. Indebted to unld etit will .lca Dink ImmedlnU pay ment, und tl.o hnvlnif elnlini gainst It will preteot Ultra for ttlmnant to JACOB ZIKDEH. LINCOLN Z1KHEIL KxoClltOTAi El Is hereby given that Letters T-sta tiiiTlurr nn ilia "tto e.l Miwm Bnccnl. d.-oM luie ot lli'iivrrtown, Sny.lar county. harp licen ImuvI to til" amlerKlunrd rel ling nt ll"vcrtiiwii. All pprnn.i, Hier.-fuM. IndoMwl in ...... e.tntn will til.:tt iitkke lintnedtiito lnv- innt. ni tlii.-r Ii.ivltitr rliilnil uif.i'l.'t It will .rv;.t Hum for rf.llc.nont t i a. KitKKorn. J. II. 11INOAMAN. Nov. 11. I sr. Kxuciilur?, liVMX'LTOKS OTH'K. J.Jiiereby itivn that Let I to Etfcro SubscriV.n? for a Uagazia9 b-EE THE BEST. DEFORESTS AN UNPARALLELED OFFER. turnorcfifsciit IMpiT P.itt'Tns nn- tin most pr.ictlnul on tii liiurkt t. Tlify urn 'f miy "I" Dml iny m.'li.'HT i.( lir.ti-li..lil could req'ilrp. Ill fiu'ii ooi.v ot lite ".linr iinn in rrir.i.'H n rou- lnoiitltllncf llip mii.si rll'r. or pi.rr.i iwr, to a pntiiTii (worn nml rif ul:trly x-M I l i'1 .')'.) er miy iiumtHT of p.itirn n.r 1 1 ir ri-.it vt u lo .over piftiiii?" .Hid p..-U','.'. ! i : i tii.i'i" of in." p.iM. r.it i" Kisti.!-i i i i.' 'i ... a.i ..il ly K'"l.s Dcmorcst'rt Mit;tiiic Ficj And wlint n in iiizln" 11 Is ! F.;r isim. It. will ,e Miori- lirllliui.l I linn pu r liffort'. N.'w tiLiin.i' li.i'lit. new Ini'tlieiN. lie Mvm. K .rli " y contain nn cxipilMt ri-priMlurtl in In hum i.f ....... I I ...I .It.tl Ill- I..II11.IIU III I 1... Wnrlliv In li. .urn llm iv .ll, ol tho liln-t n-llm-1 I II.'MMHr, Ml l.l'r.i.nr m mini. ho:no. It I Hlllriiiid lli.it I.KMolfKMrS n., ' TowiiHlilp, l.lllv rol.l;ii'li' Kmilllv M:ii?alin' illlli . ro.li- I '"'Cn ixxlli-ll hli.hiK all ol tin iih.1,1 -. li. nl polnlM ot Mm . I ' . .... . .. : : . . I ..l ,. II u il. iimwhi. f.iii ..Itli.mnnt. In tiirivt in lis own. iM.MUii.i m ui'viuiiyi .: '" I v..:..;., .. . . . .. Xii n .MutMzlimili.oi.i.. . "'.? It lualilni Hi oteurri'iit KvntnuiJ I li'ii i..r ',)V- m " Ati.Nfcit. hnitzi rvuie. en- liUHV lui'ii or wi.n. i n . ii Id'vli'W .mil ii hinr-;-liunm-of InU'D'tl lor nil. Win s, inoiln ri. i tir iiinl it.i.iilil.Ti i'hii lln. I i-n.ii'i ly wna: lin y ik'iii to i i i .mil nisi r.H'l t ii".ii, i vi . iii'iu ii hrlps III every (liiiiirtiwiit of il ilin-sll all i nn rl.il Hie, Iiii'IUiIIIi the I'lrrSMnif orn.i ll.i'l.ll.iK'iil I In- home, ci.j I it i .1 li i . in '.ii-lMi!, urtlsllr hum (.itiey noik ol .ill Kin.H. i te., ct .. in.. I uk'i"'li.s . i lid n il l e rerf.ildil. Hi . n i, Im'Iiik ii in I ilp'i'.liitf ot llnlroK .. ....i Tlie io- i.f the ;.nr!..,'m lKi nliM lV-t will covit I ne l.oi unit i y .lli'l lis varied no- ., a. id til" iiii.i'I-s lie lr.l'l,.'l lll'l-' . ili ! wiillll.et il ' 1 1 v: r 1 1 v 1 1 s. und, in i.iiiii.i II will pulillsli till- I l'f an t Mllis; l.,lli..,. Il m ats lit leii :li (i it-m-lio ir .ii.ls. Il.itue Atnia'lieiits iii.d Iliiu rlaliiii.i'i.K : II ln - a Kreal ih'il! lit a III-, 1 1 lull to till' I l hll en '"l I inenf , mi. 'I "(1'ir tiirls. ' a'.u 1 . t - it Mi m l.iy M,. in Nisi.lin li fril l r.tli'd I'i'iiMli'. in ii 1 1 1,-1 1 art' mi -I'lls.cil Iiiimi lain i'ii I"... ni lire .I'll i i i.f ti'resl to I '! niiliT ri'.el":-. U'l us I. ii" .r.r --'I .isrrl'iiji.ii n" i" ." . V' l If el tin .f. val.ii' iiiryi.ur inoury lii.ii. .1 Is n'- 7.Hl' t' M' .! t 1.1 AU "'.H'C i.l.i-T .....ti" TI.l .'.I'M-i'iii' nn.- jr.ri r f I .. . nii,li,.r . . Jli'i I' (llvrr li"-.. iilTi-ri'i.t i' iHi.i't.l i .it ! ti r:.. ;i i' 1 te J eiir. i i l.-r.is Ili III ill Win- t . 1 : ' I il ( ,i ,1 ,. . . i -'lil" s.ilisri Huts at I', i'. i. a. S i n;i iji, (A, 1. 1 lei ii i mi . .in M. iii ,,r i: . tttrs letito K..II.1V. dec rt lute, hiivilercininty, I'enn a have tno itiiilerslL'tie'l. All person, then-eire. Indet.ti d to mild estate will plensp make lintneillate payment, nfd tliosn linvlntf A DM INI.STIUTOK'rt NOTICE. It X ters of mltuliilst rut Ion In estate of l.r.'i. r. Mil I. Kit, lute ol MlililU'lmrvli, Snyder I n rn.,ilcc'il, ':ivlli I'i'rn Krnnted to tli under . I mil-. I. all iirmonK kni.wlnii theinnelveii indelded tu .nn I i i no are rTii.niril to make In mediate I'syn.ent. while tlume hnylnir elaltin will prenent tliiiii nniy .inini'iitii'iiien iu me tiniicr.iKueu. VM. K. VI I.I KH. I' Ci lloxsil, All.ldleliurifli. 1'a. (i.-t. j.i Ailuilnltratiir, A DMIMSTHATOIfS NOTICE, Let 2 tern if ailtiiiiiistrotion in eotate of Hi. li. v 'I ri'iisiiT. l it" of West IliMiver tow nship S'imI"! inly, I'll., iler'd. Laving Iss-n rimled tn t he undersiune I, nil parsons klmn lmr Ihetn- Mi'lvi' liiili liti'd to ..i i-stnle nre reipirsteil to :n;.Ki. Inn I in' p i ineiil. ivlill" Hi. s. lialK r.ii;ni HI im .i'iit i ni iii duly nullii'iiili aied lo tl." tn.,1 r1 ;'n'i. I'AAf f.TKEASTKH. (.i i. :i i, (:.. Adiniiiisirnior. D.v,o;icr puai.snu; :.. . HO Fiftli Avontie, fijw Voi'k A LIBERAL OFFER ONLY f: i FOR T II K V ( K k S T . :i rsysss:! - tauil? ha:::::: S"tid yi.iirsiii.MTlpih.iis to ililn i;iii- II.MSTKA IMIfS NoTltT.. Let r "I A'liiiinist rntioti I u t h " I .In. i i li"is-r. lata l .1 n iii Twp. i"f ly. I' ... d"i''il, tai h.i; Ii' iti urn. Hi: mid r-ijii.. , .ill it . .:. - ktiiiHli.ic tl.am in i. -i. ii I t.i u.it i'.i.iH' an' ri'iini'.-t-d mi"", i, Hi' iia viii'iil. linn ' 'i;i I"'' lit lh .li.li. -.j- rd. .U IIKIs Kit A . I .. . I Ijirnliir. tn tliiiii" hiivinu la il.lly Hlltlii'l lieati d to I'KT V DM i ten my n7i in rim il,n rrr r V1 !..-( rr.ii yi:aw. r.vr DMIMSTUATOlJ-s' NOTICE. Let ' f iiiliiiiniMmlion in estnte if M'noa r. iM.iiii'i i.i .in ksoti 1 1 w n -1 1 1 1 , Snydi r Co. i.avi.or ne".. uninii'i in iih iiii'Iit "..in'. I, all ii.t.iiii, kri"lnc tlR'inmdvi' Inihlil I i I e l ili- ari- ri"ii."li'd to nnikii llilln limn . p.iynii-i.t, while tliimn luivltiu claims will I r.-lit I'ii'I.i nniy iiiitiii'iiticnti'il tn the Under Itn.il. Tlh i't AS Kulll.KU. A'l'll A KINK MII.I.KK, I' M Adinlnis'.ratoni IK, MOIUTZ BAIM, Wonderfullv S.k Hsful jn nil Clironic Diseases ami EYE, EAR, NOSE, TEROAT, LUNGS, AND NASAL CATARRH- AUKyoOpemtioiiM Success fully Performed. Examination uiul Cmsnlt.ttiou Frco-to Everybody. A l''i.v.' 'I c ftiiniiiiials- THE ACCIDENTS OF LIFE Write to T. S. Qcikcey, Drawer ICO, Chicago, Secre tary of the Star. Accidi.nt Company, for Information regard! ti if Accident Iuvir nncc. Mention this pnpir. liy no doing yuu can rave Has pmJ over fU00.UUU.C0 (or acciiKiitnt injuries. Bo your own Agent. NO Ml-DICAI, i:X.VMINATION KEQUIRED. rrcmhership fee. Cancer I Caucer I t'aiii er euri'd .n the l.n ant. head, f.iee, lip hand nr nnwvliem on tlm extertikl Hurfnru of lite Imdv (Imdu'lit (Inys) wlilinut tlm loss of u dn.p of l.lmiil. No knife u' d. Terms very reu siitiiilih'. I'allnt my ollleo i. r address I). It. Itu'l'llliOCK, M. I)., Now II Tllll, Tit. P. S.-Kindly iisk your dniuKlst or inerohaiit wliet her lie keeps Dr. 1). It, Kothrm'k's reme. dies vl. : Tw o-day t'olltfll Cdre. Khf iimiltlc I.lnl met.t, i:ii'i"t rie Nituralirla Cure, Liver Pills. Head- indie Powders, Vetfetublo I'undltlon Powder for all dniuestli' niilmitls, Kss. IVpiH.rmlnt. tiolden Tliii'ture, I'erfecto Vanlll i, l.iiiidiiniiin, Pari Bnrle und fast or oil. If nut, tell Dm to order them at onee usthey nro ild and tnteil every when!. D.lf. UoTllltOt'K. M.I)., Pliyslelnn and IMiiirinaclst, New llirlln, l a. GREAT BARGAINS AT & H CUSTER P STORE. SWINEFORD, PA, From December to January 31st 189G, RUBBERS. Woineu's Sandalo, Ktorm. Felt Hootn. Otitn Hoot, Men Leather H m In. 40 ets 2.r.o 1.75-2 fill LftdleV Fine Ititi tun siu,.. .t.'i 1 00 i 00 Men's Fine Slmm, 1-50 2 00 2.50 DRY GOODS. Lancaster Oinaliain, .OH ctn Fine Dress Oooils, 0, Vi, 20, 4') Appleton A. MiiMin. .0(1 Hill's Mnitlln. Dlenchetl. .M Chevolts, ,os Calico, best. .OH and .0(1 Unbleached eolton flannel, 0, 7, 8 Drown .03 M EN'S UNDERWEAR SUITS, 60 cts GROCERIES. 05 cts 20 .07 .05 1 lb. Heiit Haklnir Sodn, 1 " Chewing Tobacco. Corn Hturch, Not: A. S:it,-ar, qUeeNsvare. OoU Hand net of 100 Piece, .. ,i White Wr.ro spr 40 worn ininn ei unu and Saucers, .To White Wear " " " .40 Urinal and Hasln Oianite M'r. .73 TIN WARE WAY DOWN IN TRICE, WASH BOILERS, 1.05 Nice cHristmas goods oN HAND. t12.no 8. CO 2 TLe above named Articles are only a few of Ihe Bargain? wo havo. Wo Lave a fine stock to select from. Come and nee and you will find it just as we say. Come at nn early date bo you cau se lect from a full stock. These prices are for cash and produce. B. H. CUSTER, : : : Swineford, Pa Cut Prices on SPECIAL SALE of Ladies' Coals and Gapes Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Lap Robes and Blankets Mens and Boys' Boots LURING NOVEMBER. HOCH I 0LDT, New Berlin, Pa. Tin mints : IDA v. Ho Curc ilfto - Most, Successful and Scii'iitilie T t tll'SKCH (if M; The 11 en ulili'ly and f;ini,ili!, Ki.ii.vn hiie.-l . 1 . reiiiMi k aMe -kill, anil iinlvrx il Hiie.-tHt In 1 u.. 1,1 ... It". it il I ( HltiiMC M:k(i s. si I....I 111 1. . ' u' 1110 1 nun 1 in n ii' nun in 1 nn mill' inn, 1 ..-. Ml 1 .,; I.MI'dKTANT '1(1 I.MMKsi-. s inn, :.ri.-i- I'llre Ktl I'M II IT llll iIIm'.im B ll l ll;u 1,1 I l,' M'V ' " I Hie IS l'!Ii'l'ti', liv ( , . . i hllit.lttiill 1'll f iil.ll Strli lh l iilillili'lillal. Dr. Saliu iiM.-iiu.s hu vtfitllv aiel iiaittl -hIv lor Miitnt i'Vi h, iiii'Oitiiii. Irlili'i tiiiii'. , turiiinr In or out n! ielalii or Mil..., cliiMiif i,t iiMfi duel and all ol licr eye oiienn inns. , chroiile sure eyes and k'niniiLited II.M iimIi k'.- euied. A eertatli und (vislle cure fur (lie a. .''il i . ! feel n en fly uiv and tint iiiiiiiitoii.i in,, ( ,,,t . follow In tin train. ; I I I.I- otliors JPcti.1. u ii'nt uf All Diso ises and Weak- :i'.llhl. hi "I l ull '.I Statin. II Ih lotik' exlietlnre, ' ; i-)ill.i,s In tin world en.ioli'4 lillu tu ;i . tn iipuii tln l.id'st si'li'iiiille prlnelplcs, I I !.'. ll .. ' !ivioii"", has illseovereil the greatest in il" iiivusi'M his Ivi'ly I'tireil liy u new i.n.lr.'iy li.irititi'ss and e.islly aiil;ed. t'ou- lie niiiMH -I I'tirn Ifi per eent, of nil casei l ine t I i o't" tti Mitni'til. tu i-'i.irln:; enin etired 111 every ease. Catarrh of the nose, lirulu'lill Is and lull,' tronl'lc i, oaitsi'd liom ealiiiTli, Hisltlvely cured. To the Young and Middle-Aged Men. :'v.llly, fid FOR WEAK MEN- THE MECITANICAIj CURE. Til K OUKATKST 1!U(IN ever given tnstilTc rliic man. It cures Impotoncy Drains, or Emissions and Varico celo as if by tiiaj,'io, Atter using it once you will shout Eureka, for all trouble vauislieH immediately and you are a man iiiraiii. It doubles Sexual Fowor and increases sie of the parts. It Is not a drug or viietiutu pump, but a wonderful and seientitle appliance discovered by a ptivsiciun, himself u stilTerer, and lifter he had nearly ruin ed himself with poisonous drugs. Avoid Drugs If you ever expect to re cover. It is liarinleM and at onue re lieves the di lease. Money returned where cure is not eiTected. One package warranted to cure nny ease. Heut In plain, well sealed package with full instructions. I'riee fi.00. Address MECHANICAL CURE C0.? Omaha Bldg. , CHICAGO, ILL. ll-lKlaui. W 1 VTl'li several t rust wort liy 1 A- l l.l i Ki.uHeinen or ladles to travel in l'ennsylviinl for estulillslied. rellahlo liniiHe. Salary ITsi and exlienu.'. hteaily posl. Iloti. Ktii'lone ri'lerenre mul Helf uildrt'BBi'd. Hiitinpeil euvcloiw. Tlie lsiuiliiluu Coinpauy, Hence it lias received our Leooiy .u-ik-'mu. l'rlvate Idood and skin ill-cuscs eotnili'ti'ly and permanently cured. Nervous delillltv and sexual illsordi'r rapidly to hU skillful lieutincut. Syphilis, irhoniirrhcn, (fleet, hepcrtiintorr'iieii, tlieinsi'lvcs liy iM'iiiiiiiu nrnniii-K-, nmi. luaillllHllI, a 1 1 V I i r t'llll.s. slons, decayed lacull ion, feimile weakness ni.il alt delicate disorders necullar to I'tther sex positively cured, as well tunclaal illHurderstliiii result truin out lilul follies ot I lie excess of mil tire years. Specialties -Catarrh, skill illi-oascs, sores. lllilS, IM'iii,l IIIIHM I 111 M, I'Cl'lll.i, CttU'iT jilles, and diseases ol women ipucklv mi l p, I Inaiienllv eiired liv tlm latest approved lie.il. Itient us nursueil liy lcmlliik' spi'ciallsls of Amer- cu anil i.tirope. 1 A Kin ('mi'. Tho awful elTeclK of early vice, which In Ink's ork'iildc weukness ilesUiy lli Imth inlinl and Issly will! all Its drcatlfvt Ills, pi'iinani'iitly cun d. Dr. Sahu uddresses those who have tinpalreit Indulgences and soil. Imorotie tary h.tiilis, tvlilrli ruin liotU inlinl ami ImhI.. iiuiii ( inif ihctii for Luistnt'ss, study, society, or inairla'i'. Mai rleil men are those enterliiir on that ha py llie, uwar ol physical UehUlty ipilckly us. Hlsted. Weu'iinratilee to cure nervous tiehlllty, falllli: luiihhooil. KV 1 1 1 1 1 H, varleiH'ele, strict m o. k'lifi, iinniii iir.il al-clmrt'en. weak purls, and till kid ney and hlailder diseases,' Kpllepsy or tils ponltively cttreil liy a new tui'i nisi, i csi iiuouiais nit nisni'ii. .nio iwoii met,, lie .'teitic.il Ailvlsef. euiitiLiii nir Dearie lull iiii.ruu a short history of private disi-usHs, advitiH lo young and old, especlullv those eoiitemplatlng iiiarriagf, fiillv illustrated. Do not fail to iuiprov'.j the opportunity to obruiii one of tlm most viilimblu books which has ever come within your reach. Tnis book will be sent, to anyone free on appli cation. Address Dr. Saliu. 1'. O li ix ?li'), t'lilutnbus, Ohio. niKH EXAMINATUIN Ol'TIIK l ltlNK. Kaeh person applying for medical treatment should m-ihI ic , .,-., ' 2 In 4 ounces i.t nrini (tlnit ttsk. ed lirst in the iiioriiiiiirprt'lVrri'il) whieli will reeelve a careful chemical and microscopical examination, m d il reipiested a written niialysU will tm given. lVt cous ruined in hwi'ili ii, uhIc-.h ned preteuders, who keep trltl ing with them uionth after iiioiitli, giving poisonous and injurious coiu- poitnus. stioiitci nptuv iiiitin'iii ite'y . n- WONDERFUL CURES l.iv-i are dangerous. iicrleeted lu old eases which Iiavo tii'cu neglected or unsklll fullv treated. No exiieriinents oriiiiiures. riirm-H treated liv ninil or express, out where possible per Konal consultation Is preferred. ( .'u ruble cuses guaranteed. t j! Cases and correspoiideiiee (miiINc-m . Treatment sent (J. O. I), to any part of the I'. tS. List of lUO ipi-st ions free. Address Dr. HxUu, I', t). box 700, Coltiinl us, O. CONSLLTATIOX FKKR AM) NTIUDTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Town. Hotel. Da v. Lowistov .ii. National. .Mon. July. ia. Town. Hotel. Day. Middleburgh Washington. Tues July. Town Sunlury. Hotel. Ceti tral. 14 Dav. We'd. Aug. ri. Dec, .bin. ot). 'J7. Allg. Sept 10. Dee. . :Jt. Aug. 11. .Inn. 1 21). Sept. 0. Jan, W. pie pi H. Fell 21!. Oc'. 7. Feb. 24. Oct. 5 Feb. 2.') Oct. (I. Mar. 25. Nov, 4. Mar. 21. Nov. 2 i)0. Mar. 24. Nov. !). Apr. 2i. Deo 3-U0. Apr. 20. Dec. 20. Apr. 21. Dec. 1-21). May 20 Ma v. June. 18. May ID. 13. June 10. June 17. July 15. BARGAINS IN CLOTHING! Fall aii Winter Sits From $10 Hpirt Heavy weights in Trousers, 3.50. Tho goods ai made to order, Guaranteed all wool, Trimmings fin clas.. Workmanship guaranteed. JNo. A. HEFRELFINGER, Tailor, Opposite Tost Oilico. Selinsgrovo, 1 SELL FOR CASK ! I MHIHimiMII II II M'j.Lnmianm'1 P TheXew Storo at Globe Mills has nS large supply of Xew Goods and tho pro prietors aro selling them down lower than! ever. Groceries, Dry Goods, Votions, FANCY GOODS, Hardware, Tinware, Great liargains in Fall and Winter-Goods, Hoys' Suits from i) to 12 years, BOOT SIND SHOESJ q n IKuhber Goods. All goods 7 per cent. t(S 20 per cent. lower. All kinds ot nrodaei'J bouglit at market price. Globe Mills, Pa. Ml Ml DASH. CALKS ABSOLUTELY PREVENT SLIPPING ONE TRIAL WILL CONVINCE tOU. Tour bona being always sharp - Id good couaitloD.aud be Uaolouui(n'''n the lilaclciautb'a beiug barieueil, nilmhla feat, canglnir irreateinonietDi1 i of tlina to you. Kumumlisr, ODCt0,rT1j Neanilliii" jroncan eully put to of" tJ when needed wilhoat rcuioriag TJ trifut timtiv etUtuU lixurmuimt Midi-1" Feter E. Back & Sons, Mlt ASHLAND, rA J Df(l kr 11 laid ol it 1 grai 'her I :;wL lew. a er re Pbili IS.J vers Ira fiLdu' I hoi, ....5 ered fumat Mrs Mr ver n F.Ka lcheti cbiirc tilling ney rt Og llll iiitcn t to h amen: MT. 'Irs. Sii line 0 P on (li lict B. .Mill D on Mlord Jlouiln V1 L( i JOSfl llie. w :ethcr Mils ; none be of istlnim I in tht ms of iuinil ting re tck fort nn ( of bis J....1 !rcb... bst... V....W fiff WU3 iota I10V y( W t() j; "ictlii, I11 SOU bi wprest 11 MiiJ u time, tu