The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 12, 1895, Image 6

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Editor and Proprietor.
MirnLtDrBu, Pa., Dpc. 12, 1895.
Australia lifts a jiopnlntion of less
tban C.000,000, but economists tie
claro it could support 100,000,000 with
ensg. "
1 In England they claim that tho to
Lacco ruined in India is equal to any
thing grown in Cuba, and great efforts
tiro made to push Indian cigars.
Illinois utnnds at tho bead among
tho States in tho estimated value of
its farm products. According to tho
figures of tbo eleventh census it pro
duces $184,75,013 worth. New York
rtands second with 8161, 503,000, and
Iowa third with $159,317,841.
- Paris boulcvar Js will soon bo as dull
us down-town streets at night. Tho
book stores have now apjreod to close
nt ten instca 1 of midnight ; tho other
retail storos havo long been closing
early ; tho only lights to bo socn when
tho theatres let out wilt bo in restaur
nuts. Tho Society of tho Army of tho Ten
ncsseo decided to ask Cof ress for an
impropriation with which to erect n
Ktatno to Ocni nil (trnnt, in Washing
ton. Strangely enough, neither (Srant,
Sherman nor Sheridan havo been re
membered by monuments at tho Capi
tal. Moro gold was produced in 1801 in
tho United States than in South Africa,
but no great fuss was mado over it,
totes the St. Lorn Star-Savings. The
fioutu African fields yielded 830,555,
worth, and tbo United States pro
tluced about 8200,000 worth moro thac
that. Old miners predict that Alaska
will bo tho next Eldorado.
William E. Gladstone receives more
requests for his autograph than any
other man in the world. In ono doj
recently twcuty-fivo letters reached
Ilawurden from various parts of tbt
World politely asking for specimens o!
tho Grand Old Man's chirogiaphr,
Mr. Gladstone is too busy to gratifj
tho wishes of autograph collectors, and
bis secretary so informs correspond'
Bared fron? a horrible death by
praver alone.' Tom Dsrr. . TPjrcrosa,
iarned from evil ways to
.como a prcpcher of the gospel.
Darr, says the Atlanta Constitution,
is supervisor of a wreck manhino,
which capsized a month ago. lie was
under 5000 pounds of machinery foi
thirty minutos, whilo scalding watci
poured on his body. IIo prayed for
help. God saved him from death,
lie repented and was converted. Darr
was a wicked man before his conver
eion. IIo says his cscapo was a direct
answer to prayer. He is now preach
ing to enormous crowds every even
At tho time of tho great distress in
Franco in the year after tho Franco
Prussian. War a citizen of Bourgcs,
Dolorme by name, vowed that he would
never wear on his back any other gar
ment thou the blouso ho was then
wearing. Although twenty-five years
Lave elapsed ho still adheres to his
resolutions, but the famous blouse has
been patched and rej atched so oftet
that but little of the original material
remain.i. The wearer's futuo has goue
en increaing. Tho Town Council ol
Bourgcs recently oilVred him ?21 for
he garment with tho idea of exhibit
ing it in the museum, but Delorruc re
Jused tho olVi-r. IIo means to wear
the blouse till lie dies.
The million canceled postage btamp
collection which some ono is always
trying to make, notwithstanding tho
vehement protest of Uncle Sam that
they are worth no moro than any other
waste paper, has led to a very cmbar
raising international postal complica
tion in Illinois. Borne ono started a
collection of canceled postage stamps
by means of that philanthropic black
mail scheme known as the "chain sys
tem." It worked so successfully that
the house, the barn, the corn crib of
the crippled girl they were to benefit
were soon tilled with canceled Ameri
can stumps. Then tho "chain" spread
to Europe, and the letters continue to
conio in by tho thousands. So many
of theso letters havo not tho full pout
ego paid that it is estimated it codts
the Government $10 a day in losses,
as tho girl simply refuses tc take such
Ivttvrs as were not fully prepaid out of
the office, and tho Postottico Depart
ment can do nothing but return them
to tho Dead-letter Oilier, Already
25,000,000 stamps havo been received,
and still they come, and nobody knows
Jiow to stop them.
That is the. Chars; Likely to Be Brought
Against Judd.
M. ('. Judd. the Pittsburg Bnl Lake Erto
telegraph t)-rntir Jnil-l nt New Castle Fri
day fur tli murder if Henry Huff, Ht Ma-tiiiilnirt-wn.
mny y-t have to answer for a
hi-I murder. Kurlv 1'rMay morning. lw
f.r Judd 1m l (Mt-ii HulT, he had a quarrel
with ll'-iiiuiiilii I'lti-r, tit Mahoniugtown.
l' hud a hammer In his pocket, iiikI dur
ing iiunrrt-l Judd seized It ami struck
I'it.'-r a blow on tin ht'Bil. It staggered lilm,
and hi- fell on his hands and knees. Judd
then threw tin liiminuT down and wiilkHil
away. I'ltzi-r wan compelled to tiiki- lib bed,
und ho li reimrted In a rritl'-al conilitloti. It
In feared his skull I fractured, or thut there
l. a blood eli it forming inside.
Notwithstanding that the Pennsylvania
Railroad company has ordered a large num
ber of freight cars during the present year,
tlii- demand has lici-n so great that there has
always I ! a scarcity, ami on thin account
it lui-t l't-!i ili-ilili-il to ilm-i' an order for
2.000 more box ear, which an1 to be Ilnlshed
ax soon iih po-ihlo. Including tlw order
l -l--. by tin- rcunsylvnnla oompony for tin'
1 west of Pittsburg, this now order will
make 7.1)00 curs thut hsvo Iw-s ordered this
A wreck on tin; Pittsburg A Lake Krl rall
niiiil at Newport station, m-nr New fBsth".
P Miilti'-l In the fatal Injury of Kiitflni-i-r Frank
A-Iioiik. Kiri-muii Julia l'nulit and M ill 1 l rk
W. V. lil.-h'ip. all liviii In or li'-ar I'lttfluiri.
'J h luu-sviiKer truln ran into th r'iir of a
In urlit train which wa Mng swltclu-il. The
"iik'hic. mull car. Nmokitiiji car and rlulit
car- were ilcstrcyt-d In the' Uto which fallow
ed tin- i-rio-ti. (inly one I'as-ie-uKcr was hurt,
ntcl he l-ut slightly.
Th- l.mly of Al'ti'-r ItlttliiK, a wealthy mine
tiuil.i r dcali r, wa.' foetid on tho t'nt.iwal. n
ruilrninl, fc-ar tjiinkiiko, Friday. It I I""-Ih-vt-d
that Mr. Hitting was murdered f-r his
in-mi-y and hii hody I'laced ou the railroad
to avoid iiis'I--I' n.
F-liia Hiiiikin was convh-t-d nt I'niontown.
on tic- chariji- of ieault nnd hatti-rv. F.dna
und hall- Mull. lotli of l ine Knot, Fayi tte
coiinty, tliroe montlis nu'o had a llitht to d".
i-ldi- whi"h was to marry a certain man hoth
were In lov.- w ith. 1-diia wmi hoth l-nttle
and yoiiiik' man. hut sii-lle claimed that one
of In-r earrings was cliewed out of her ear,
and also that Kdna hit chunks out of n-r
clicks. Hence the arrest and conviction.
.Mrs. ('. Atiil-crif.a rcs(M-ctiHl and iw la ly
of ('ollln.-l'iirir. was htruck hy a fn luht train
on the P. M. K. V. railroad' nt Went Newton.
Me-had stepped from one track to avoid an
a r"ii. hiiik' tr.iln, when another came l.
hind her, whl h -lie failed to hear.and struck
her with the al'ove r-'siilt. This iniikcn two
I'cr-ons kill"d.ln nearly thesaino li'-,wlth-Iji
throe week.
A had freight wreck orcurn-d on the Itiiltl
more ,V ihlo railroad at Demmh r station,
two miles west of M c K-i s rt. a few minutes
lictore midiiit'lit Monday. It was caused l y
the lireakinif of an axle on one of the cars o
fa-t tp-lK'lit No: '."i. eastlHund. As a result
1" cars were derailed, several of them tele
scoped and overturned and doth tracks were
torn up for a eoiuiiiral'e distance. Tralllc
was continued ly iislutr the l'ilt.-iliiiru A I.uko
l'.rle road, whi'-li parallels the lliilumore A
Ohio at that pla-e. No one was hurt.
l!'-v. W. A. MeClymonds. past'-r of the
Peter Cri-ck I'nlted 'l'ri-sbyti-rlan I'hurch In
Wiistiintfon county, has reHijfned, then-by
cikIIiik a loiiK-stiindlng Ulsscntion lu thu
Hiram M. Umbel, of Markleysliurif. was
found unconsolous in a t'ulontown hotel,
bavlnit blown out the gas. Hot-tors think h
may rwover.. ,r ,
The death warrant of Robert Miw'l'V was
rei-elvcd at Washlittrton ou the 3d. Ho will
I haiupol on Feb. 20 next, instead of Feb.
27, oh tlrxt announced.
ICdwnrd I.eli,'hton, an 8-yoar-ohl lioy of
Ilcaver Falls, crippled himself for life ay fall
in); on a douMt-liittiul ax.
Joe Dalkoka and John H. Htanton were ar-ri-sted
at Johnstown for swindling various
James S. Wallace 1ms been elected steward
and UotK-rt Artman ennlnix-r by the .M'-rcer
county poor directors.
Washington county sheep damagu fund
having been exhausted, payments for sheep
killed by dogs have been Slli-Jicnded.
The thirty-third annual session of thr
Teachers institute of I.ycuinlng countv, will
be held in M illicit-, Ii-c. HI.
The Ti-acln rs' in-titutc of Center county
wili meet at l;clleIoiit"-. Monday, In-c. Hi.
l'eter YarUimis, a Slav, was crushed to
tleatli under a car of coal at Sharon.
The llotid Main, at Wifhintrton. has been
piir.-lia.-cil for t4.miu by (it-orgt W. Huberts,
lie may Imild a theater on the site, but ran
liot do so until the expiration oi the h-ases,
which have two years to run.
Tobla- IIviiriT-. a (armer. was a -' ldciitally
and perhap- fatally shot m ar Wi-.-t Newton,
by iNivid .-lu lkey while they were iirepaiing
to K" mi a hunt.
Ver-tine Klini 'c lumber mill, at lirook
iile. togi t lo r with a large ipiantlty of lath
aii'l !-hliigl'-, wii- tle-troyt'd by lire. I,o-.s,
. JII.IHMI; lio lllsliraiice.
iMiiah Whitby tlii-d at l alontown from
lockjaw, t-au-ed by wounds received from the
it -i-i-l-'iitut di charge ol his gun while he w
hiiiitiiu a few .lay- ago.
A mad dog at l airhavi n. 1 it Ml-s lmwon
on tin-ariM" and I it two other dogs and a
hor.-t. before it was kill
Youngstown will be irade a llrst-chi- post
otllcc on .liiiuiarv J, and tin- olic--s al llazt-l-t
- i j an I liriar Hill will be ma h.- Hiillations.
The U- aver Falls t'ouucll iippointed four
nioit- polii'emeii, making six in the tow n, be-eaiir.i-
of the iucrt'it-u of iawlc-.Mnii and rolt
berics. The H. ('. 1'riek Coke company has bought
from Samuel Hunter l'.K) ucn-s of coal liuid in
I'nlty township, Westmoreland county fur
Opera House Destroyed,
The l'arkersburg, W. Ya., opera lunistt
burned at an early hour Mmi luymorning.caiis
ing a lost of tI.I.OOO, with ItiMiir.iu for about
out-half of the amount. Tic Humes had got
ten gond headway before discovered, and the
building was destroyed, though the side
walls are intact. The Mountain State gas
company, lloardman's plumbing shop and an
oople storage company, o'-eupyliig the
ground floor, are loecrs, although must of
the goods were saved.
Currant Matt Haug.
Judgn Murnhy denied tho motion for a
new trial in the case of Theodoru Durra'it
convicted of the murder of Jllancht' Lamoiit,
nnd ordered that he be turned over to tho
warden of San Quentlu iieiilti-iitlary until tho
date fur pusslng thu death sentence upon
Cowboy Robbers.
Itolly Harvey and Joe and Fred I'dekert.-ii
cowhovs, living eight miles in the country,
rohlicil the grocery store of Frank Vogi-r, lu part of Jwuvcnwortli. They
pounded Volg-T on tho h-ad with plstoU,
nnd terrorled every one iu the jila-'n until
they w-cured tint cash drawer. Afterwards
they mounted their h irsin uud rode to thu
oountry, but not In forj they had fired scv
erul shots into the place.
Ata has nineteen paper mills,
Arizona's ealf crop is reportod to be very
Th Chinese Oovernment wants to bnlld
its own railroads.
Montana hns a petroleum belt In the new
comity of Carlton.
Australia Imported 10,1,000 worth of
bicycles from Kagland in W.H.
The Spanish authorities in Cuba are get
ting ready for a selge of Havana.
The nmtigullng scandals In Newfoundland
are assuming most serious dimensions.
Johannisberg, Smith Africa, prupsts to
have a big International exposition in 1S3A.
Tho Bisters of Charity voliialoered to take
charge of the lepers' home in New Orlenns.
Horace Munvllle. who was 100 years old
on March 19 last, died in Woodbury, Conn.,
Tim sale of wt diamonds during the last
three months in London Issildto have been
The New Englander of Colorado have
Just organized a New England Aseoci-ttton
or that State.
Tho tomato crop in Oregon this season
was enormoiin. Ouo factory alone cannod
five tons a day
Flour milling Is an important Industry in
Jerusalem. The wheat is obtained from the
Valley of tho Jordan and Samaria.
A law has bei-n unearthed in Now York
City which impost's a linn of fl on every
body who buys u drink on fiunday.
Five Mormon missionaries left Halt Lake
City, Utah, a few tlays ago, bound for New
Zealand, to establish a mission among tho
Threo wild buffaloe.s are said to havo been
discovered by Indians in tho country be
tween the Judith River and Armoli's Crook,
In Montana.
Wasco County, Oregon, will pay one dol
lar I" hi nt y on wildcats, cougars nnd Coyotes,
the Stockmen's Union supplementing It with
another dollar In each esse.
C. O. Iselin says that tho change of ballast
In tho Defender, charged by Lord Punraven,
Was a practical Impossibility, as evory
yachtsman ought to know.
Tho Japanese in San FrauelKflo hnvo
driven tho Chinese out of the curio trade,
and their stores for the sale of bamboo fur
niture nro Hcnttcred all over tho city.
rreeldent Crespo. of Venezuela, learns
from provincial Governors that tho R tpult
lle can supply l'O.uOO well arrne I men with
whom to nvtist Invasion from tbo frontier of
British Guiana.
Natural gas for hentlng purposes has
been reduced to thirty-live cents s-r 1000
nt Halt Lake City. Utah. Tho price where
used for cooking U fifty cents per 1000. Sep
arate meters are placed whero gas b, used
for both purtoHs.
An experiment is to bo made this winter
in the stn-ets of Paris in providing warmth
and shelter for the poor. In al! but the
richer quarters there are to bo awnings, un
der which enormous braziers are to bo kept
constantly burning.
The California Supremo Court rendered a
final decision In the celebrated lilytho coso
nt San Francisco, dismissing all tho out
standing npieals. This glves Florence
lilytho, the ilcnd capitalist's daughter, tho
estate valued nt t.OOO.OO:).
Carl Hrowne, tho erstwhile commander
of General C'oxcy's "Commonweal" nrmy, Is
living In tho mountains of Yirgiula. Ho has
distributed handbills exhorting the moun
taineers to Join nn army of industrial re
form. A number havo responded, mil
Hrowuo is drilling thorn daily.
One Thousand Pounds of Nltro-Olyoerlns
Let Go.
Ono thousand pounds of nltro-glycerlno ex
ploded at thu magazine of the Humes Tor
ido Company, two ntllee south of Sutler.
Fa,, at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning, and
George Ih-stcr and Louis lllack lost their
Uvea. There were two maga.ines, 100 feet
apart, but nothing is left to mark the spot
but two great hohiH.
IJoNtor evidently was in ono of Uio inaga-tlnt.-s,
ns not a shred of his body can l
found. Illuck was evidently in or near tho
factory, part of his body being found in tho
wreck of the buildings. His legs are miss
ing, and his mangled left arm was found UO0
yards away lu the woods. Their mangled
horse was lying Is'tweeii the spot where thu
two magazine stood, and the buggy was
scattered through the woods, shn-ds of tho
blanket being found in the treos.
black was 'M years of age, whllo Hester
w as 2'), and lcvc4 a wife and child.
The Bad Results of a Powder Can Explo
sion, At West Ilellcveriion, Fa., an explosion tie.
curre.l by which three children lost their
lives. A I'olish family of miners live in a
telli'llHJUt hollse near tic- mines where the
father works, lie was absent nt work, and
the mother was away when the explosion
occurred. The children were killed by the.
a.-e.eiital Igiillloii of a can of powder) just
how nobody knows. The father neither
speaks or understand- l'.ugllsh. and can onlv
make known tin- fact that it was powder ami
that the ehildreu were fatally hurt bv the
terillic explosion, which brought tin- mother
to the seem-, Where she discovered til" muti
lated hoi tier of her dying, lien. Two ol
the children died Saturday night und the
third early Sunday morning. Tin y were
burled at Moiioiigahela.
Fastt-d Forty-Seven Days.
William J. Many, father of r. S. II. Mur
ray, a leading physician of Toledo, O.. died
i'ii the 1th after lasting f,,r 47 dnys. -i i. ,,,
gentleman he was lour score year took it
Into his head seven w.t ks ago not to t at any
mop-. Ills relatives did not take Ids doc.,,n
seriously, but wh'-n four tlays and 11 week
passed, they I nine ulunnc'l. ,r. Murrav
stoutly persisted in his determination and all
ellorts to give him food were iu vain. Ht
b'-euiiie greatly emaciated toward the last,
t'Ut did not sutler any paiu und his end wo
tjuitu peaceful.
The Next 0. A. R. Encampment.
The next eiieumpinoiit of the Grand Army
of the licpubllc was ll.xcd by the administra
tive, e,, uu. -II to ho held 111 St. l'uul, September
1 to 1, of next year. Tho nuvul parade will
occur on the opening day; the regular grand
parade of veterui und societies on Septem
ber 2, ami on the last two duys the regular
essh ns for business will tuke' place. Min
tienpi lis, liulitth uud other cities In Minue
otu will ul. I ht. l'aul In raising the necessury fuiid for the expense of the encuiiip
mem. Fresh Troops in Cubs.
The steamer Leon Treee has arrived nt
Guantannmo, with the bataliou of l'rluclpe
tht Toledo and SatruhU-gul, ami the steanit-t
Dui-nos Ayres bus arrived at Cuyo France
with the Scargo.a, Kabcya, l'a via and Cat o
liuie balallons, numU-ring H,(XK) soldiers.
Captain-General Campos has arrived hero,
unu reports a good lmpniou of the condi
tion of affairs In Santa Claru, Tho Manzen
111. 1 pliuitatloiis are iilantiug with grain, and
several of til one in Mutuuzns are ilulng like
Wlou. Relief for the Starving.
Tho ManpiU of Salisbury has written to
the treasurer of thu Armenian relief fund
that the consul at Moush, through the lirltlsh
ambassador, Hlr l'hlllp Currlc, reports that
the Armenians of the liitlts district uro In
danger of starving. The treasurer lias for
warded for Hltlls, Khurpoot, Eme
roum, Murdiu and TrebUond.
Summary of Important Measures Befors
Both Houtel.
Among the Mils liitroilnce,! In tho Senate
wen-the following: Ily Mr. Voorhts, Indi
ana Penning contempt of the United States
courts and llxlng the inaxmlum punishment
therefor at n line not exceeding .W0 and
Imprisonment foj not more than three
months. It also gives, under certain con
ditions, the right of trial by jury and nn ap
peal to the Supremo court. Making the
minimum pension for disability (or to widow
nf soldiers) under the law of IS'.O tVl per
month. Mr. Hipilre. of Washington Appro
priating x7.O(M),0O0 for coast defense. Mr.
I'efft-r, of Kansas For the estnbllshnieut of
postal savings depositories. Mr. I'erkins, of
California For tne appointment of a non
partisan commission to collect Information
mid to recommend legislation on problems of
labor, agriculture ami capital. Mr. Lodge,
of Massachusetts To prohibit the immigra
tion of persons between 14 and CO years, who
can not read and write the tugllsh or some
other language.
Mr. Allen, tho Topullst Henntor from Ne
braska, made a speech in favor of recognis
ing the Cuban revolutionists as belligerents,
ami aiding them "in all lawful ways" to se
cure the Independence of the Island and to
establish a republic there. No action was
taken 011 Mr. Allen's resolution to carry out
his views, nnd It went on the calendar, where
I it will remain unless taken up by a vote of
wie Mcnaie. i ciiiions ior ine ri-cogni!on 01
the independence of Cuba were presented
from the states of Ohio and Florida and
wen- referred to tho committee on foreign
and stone ami Walrath left Chicago. Later
Stone returned and was Implicated In the
murder of n father and son mimed l'ninty.
Three men are now serving life sentences at
Juliet for the crime, but Stone was not ar
rested. II" tolls of a murder at iHinklrk, N. Y,
when- Puffey Muhli-d a pall, lluffnlo Jack,
four times, mid buried him in the woods. An
other murder was commllteii at Union City,
l'a., tie- victim ti'lng an old man named Hor
ton or Norton. Another murder was com
mltted by the trio near Yoiingstown, O., ttu
victim It-ing a resident of Ashtabula.
'l'lit- hiat ttiurilt-r t-ottifiiitti-fl bv Ktona
Puffy and Walrath was on April itf). 1HU5, on
a l't-nnsylvaiiia freight train. At this time
Stom-was shot mid did not get medical aid
until South llt-nd was reached. The next
ilesperite not of the trio was the robbery of a
Grand Trunk train iu Michigan, where live
watch' s and soim- money were secured. Two
of these watches have been Identified since
their arrest hen-.
During tin- morning Hour in the KennU
many .bills were liitroduce,l and referred to
the committees, among them one by Mr.
Mills. Texas, to provide for the coinage oj
the silver lii the tn-asury, and one by Mi,
Chandler, (N II.), to provide. In couney
lion with other nations, fur the unlimite.t
coinage of gold and silver nt the ratio of 1 to
1.1.' a- Mr. Galllnger, N. H. ). offered a reso
lution declaring It to 1st "the sense of Ue
Senate that it is unwise nnd inexpedient .0
retire tlie greenback." ami it was referred lo
the committee on llnaiice. The rvsolutiin
otTcp-d last Tuesday by Mr. Cull. Florhli,
for the ; recognition of a state of public wt
between the government of Spain and "Uie
government proclaimed, and for u long tine
inaintaiiittl by force of arms," by the peoilt
of Cuba, protesting against "tho barbarcus
manner" in which that war is eeiug conduct
ed, tantl authorizing tho 1 'resident to "tike
such steps as may 1st expedient, in his Julg
nient, to sts-ure the observance of the lawr ol
war," was taken up. and Mr. Call atldrenied
tho Senate. At the conclusion of Mr. Cil,l
remarks, tho resolution was referred to the
committee on foreign relutlons. ami the Sen
nte iiroceeded to executive business. I
At 1 :.V1 p. m. the Senate adjourned until, -Monday.
Tht new tirintimr Inur u-nii tho swwnafon ntl
a rtH-enslun by tlie house today of its action
on Tuesduy with regard to tho president's
message. Mr. l'ayiio, republican. New York,
stated that when tint message was read ht
had moved that 3.000 copies lie printed fot
the use of the house. He had since learned
that the new printing luw provided for the
printing of 10. 000 copies for the house. His
motion, therefore, was not necessary, and he
moved that the Vote by which it was adopted
bo reconsidered. Agreed to. Messrs Verry
(democrat. Arkansas) and lloatncr (demo
crat, Louisiana 1 appeared at tho bar and
took the oath of ulllco. Speaker Heed an
nounced the appointment of the following
committee on mileage: Messrs. A. B. Wright,
of Massachusetts, chairman; J. A. Hurhum.
of California: Orluud llurrell, of Illinois, anil
George C. l'cnill'ton (democrat j of Yexus.
Various executive documents nnd reports
were laid before the house by Speaker Hoed
and appropriately referred. Delegate
Murphy, of Arizona, Introduced a bill grant
ing statehood to the territory he represents,
't he measure Is similar to that passed by the
lust house. At 12:;I0 the house adjourned
until Monday next.
Tin- most important incident in the Senate
today was the speeeh of r. Morgan, chair
man of tin-committee on foreign relations,
In support of his resolution referring to the
committee that part ul the President's lues
sage which recommended the payment to
Great Uritain ol ij l.'.j.OiH) In satisfaction for
the seizure ol llritish sailing vessels lu the
North 1'aciiic ocean and llerlng sen. He
contended that tin- iiuction of the liability
of th" I'liited States for such seizures was
not settled by tie- Paris tribunal. Mr. Mor
gan read Sir Julian I'liiinet-fote's statement
ol the Itritlsh claims for tint seizures, which
showed the actual nmoiint due to Is' only
ir'.it;, lnj, instead ol lJ.ri.0iSi, as proposed by
.Mr. levcland. Mr. .Morgan's resolution
was adopted. Mr. Quay offered 11 hill in the
Senate to establish postal savings banks. It
provides for deposits of from ill cents to vlO
ut all money order postoitiees and for Inter
ests 011 deposits which do not exceed fiOO.
Mr. Vourhees Introduced a bill In the Senate
to pay u pension of J00 per month to the
widow of the late Seer' tarv Grcsham. Mr.
Cameron oiTeretl a bill in the St-nute placing
enlisted men on the retired list after they
shall hiive servetl thirty years In tbo army,
uavy or murine corps.
Fostmuster-Geiicjal Wilson summarily dis
charged W. W. Hill. Samuel Flight and Wli.
Hum A. Sullivan, employes of tho postoftlco
tlejiartnient, fur improperly divulging olllclui
Information with thu purpose of bringing
tho department into disrepute. They fur
nished fuels to Congressmen on which to
base n demand for uu investigation of tho
dismissal of letter carriers throughout the
Fresident Cleveland's message, suggesting
retaliation ou Germany for excluding Ameri
can meats and American Insurance com
panies, has c routed a stir among tho Teutons.
Congress having established tho Road In
nulry olUce, of tint Department of Auric ul-
turo, tho new bureau bus entered into the
work of promoting good roads in tho United
States by publishing practical directions! for
building improved roads, compilation of
roini laws, iiiiormuiiou unoui goon materials,
etc. This should servo toward stirring up
tho phlegm and apathy of tho farmers, who
have been the solo obstacle fur tho attain
ment of so valuable uu improvement as st-rv-
Iceuuic roans.
Hon Cameron has formally announced thut
he would not, under any circumstances, be a
candidate for re-election us senator of the
I ulted htutcs from 1'cnnsylvuulu.
The Rational Wool Growers association
wants a heavy Increase In the tariff on wool,
t John W. Mackar wilt have a 230.000 niau-
Jdeum built in Orcenwood cemetery, New
JflSnh fmi, mmt Unti.l. k n hi I.I.iDd
younded by a boiler explosion at New
fuii-un. Ail,
fir.l Uatl..l.,. ..r.l .. A naAa..tnM.nnl..-a
. .......,l7 n '-l" i'"''J w
last noto in VenpKiiflift wu dtllvinH! to tho
tcretary Saturday.
The London "Hjtcaker" estimates the num
ber of deaths of Armenians by sword and
starvation at &00,000.
The Itritlsh steamer Madura, which sailed
from Hamburg Nov. H.for Fort Royal, H. C,
has Iwii lost in mid-wean.
It is said that Chief Justice Fuller has Iteen
offered 1 50.000 a year for 10 years, to act as
counsel fur tbo new railroad pool.
!fhe supreme court of New York decided
the Goulds, being residents of New
nt.l have to pay taxes in New York city.
A. J. Carroll, Democrat, was re-eloeten to
tlw legislature of Kentucky, he having r
lned. This leaves the legislature a tie.
tlreat Britain's ultimatum to Vcneru'-la
his lioen delivered to that country. It dt
n amis 00,000 damages for the I'fuan inci
dent Oovernor dough, of Minnesota, signed
tfie death warrant of Harry Hayward. Tho
dieeutlonls fixed for Wednesday of this
..The European powers havo decided to
s.ipport Said i'sslm. who took refuge in the
K.ugllsh mbnssv. If he will agree to become
irand vizier of Turkey.
!! The Cuban Insurgent armies under Gomes
Hid .Ma-eo are advancing in the province of
r.niitn Clara, ibteplte their reported defeut and
f)Ut bjr the Spanish.
11 The Cleveland (O.) coroner has divided
lie viaduct accident was caused bv the neg.
.Igt-nce of the Coluluctorof thctrold y ear.who
?'rish'-tl with the 16 others.
A mass meeting at Trenton. N. J., Friday
night memorialized Congress to recognize
tho Cubans us lielligereiits, and criticized
the attitude of Fresident Cleveland In the
A new secret political S'H h-tv. to be known
as the "Patriots of America." is being form
oil. with h"ii.iuarters at Chicago, t,, n,Vo.
cate free, and liuleiM-udeiit coinage of sllvci
at Id to 1.
rhe Finest Eleotrieal Exhibit Ever Been is
The Swiss National F.xpositlon, which be
gins on May 1 next and terminates OctoU-r
15, bids fair in the matter of Interesting
novelties to surpass any national display
mude since our centennial. A full account
of Its scope is given by United States Consul
llldglcy ut Genoa in a report to the State De
partment, and he says that Swiss residents
111 America are Invited to make exhibits,
l' because Theordore Tun-ttlnl, mayor
of Geneva, and the most distinguished t-iee-tricul
engineer In Euroie, bt president of the
exposition, thu electrical exhibit will tie the
II niwt ever seen. The River Rhone supplies
11000 horse-power to be electrically trans
mitted six miles to the grounds.
There will bo a traveling footpath operated
by electricity, traversing tho great machinery
ball, borseleiw cal drawn by electricity; aj
pllauces fur aerial navigation, a multiplying
valve pump, processes for making fabrics and
paor, tests of strength of metals by electri
city and many other electrical appliances;
1'rof. Fictet will display his Inventions for
producing intt-nso cold; showing a temper
ature of 416 degrees below sero, and will ex
hibit the uses of tills low temsrnture, such
lu the purification of perfumes and chemi
cals, the cure of dyspensia by a Cold Turkish
bath prooens, disinfecting and tho production
of au illuminating gas so times mure power
ful tnan ordinary eoui gas, other features
will be a Swiss village, an aquarium where
the spectator is beneath the watt-rand a Him
alaya railroad, wherein the travelers climb
to tho top of a great tower by means of a cur
running upon a cable.
John Stons Confeisei to a Most Bloodthlnty
John O. Stone, alias "Vinson," has made a
confession to Sheriff Clausmaier, al Fort
Wayne, Intl., detailing a life of horrible
crime. Ho was arrested with John HulTy
and William Walrath for killing Deputy
Sheriff Harold.
Ktuuo is under a ten years' sentence ami
Duffy's case went to the Jury Tuesday night,
Stone states that he and Walrath w-re nn ru
bers of the Kill Palton gang of western bank
and train roli'icrs. He says he, Duffy and
Walrath killed a man at Kansas City iu lssii,
robbed him, and later guvu the money to
Henry Donnelly, a policeman, for protection.
He also tells of u murder committed by
himself, 11 Mrs. Stewart and her sou i liircneo
in Cleveland, Ohio. The next morning
Stone killed a bov ill the Dig Four yards at
Iu lluffnlo Stone. Walrath and one Hums,
a suloonkcepcr, killed a wealthy western
farmer, who was looking for a good time.
The money was divided and Stoiio and Wal
rath returned to Chicago und with their
share started a restaurant. H'-re Walr.ith
inarrletl Stone's sister. Mrs. Walrath died
and Stono and Walrath left Chicago. Lut"r
Stone returned and was implicated In th"
murder of a father and sou name. I l'runty.
Three men are now serving life sentences ut
Jollet for tho crime, but Stone was not ur
rest etl.
He tells of a murder at Dunkirk, N. Y'.,
where Pulley stubbed 11 pall, ItulTalo Jack,
four times, and buried him lu tin- woods. An
other murder was committed at Union City,
Fa., the victim being uu old man named Hor
tou or Nortou. Another murder was com
mitted by the trio near Youngstown, O., tho
victim Is-ing a rest lent of Ashtabula.
The last murder cotnmttfi d by Stone,
Duffy and Walrath w is uu April 'JO, IH',15, on
u 1'euusylvanlu freight train. At this time
Stono wits shot and did not get uiedical aid
until South llend was reached. The next
desperate act of the trio was tho robbery of a
Grand Trunk train In Michigan, where live
wntchos and some money wore secured. Two
of theso watches have been idcutltled sluoo
their arrcbt here.
Scandinavians Go Home.
Ufttwts-n 000 and '100 Seandlnavlan-Amcri-can
farmers, principally from tho great
northwest, with a sprinkling of merchants,
sailed on the Thingvalla steamship com
pany's steamer island. 'J hey ute 011 11 Christ
mas excursion to their old homes. The
Christmas holidays 011 tho Scandinnvtau
JH-utusula begin Doc, IS and last till Jan. Id,
u tho past few weeks 6,01)0 Scandinavian
farmers sailed from New York to oujoy their
holiday fotUval iu thu futhorluud.
Throe Men Killed.
Three men were killed and two moro wero
njurutl iu a railroad wreck Sunday 011 tho
New Y'ork and New Haven railway In Har
lem. The killed lire: Thomas Fitzgerald,
engineer, 2S. years old; Frederick Maples, 40
yours old, brukt mini; Thomus C. Mc.Nally, 40
years old, brakeuiau. Tho Injured uro:
Thomas Hannon, conductor, cut uud scalded;
Thomas McKuou, II reman, eut mid scalded.
It. W. Traeoy, a telegraph operator from
F.lmira, N. Y., Is under arrt-Ht at Cleveland,
Ohio, cuargt'd with obtaining money by fal.-ui
Iiretensu. Ho duped pruinluout puople with
uke telegrams
Th Burning Principia Strikes a Rock an
Gott Sown.
The British steamer Trinelpla, Captain
Htannard, from Shields, November la, y,
Dundee, Novemls-r Irt. for Now York, took
fire In tho. fore-hold when about 40 milt
north of Cape Wrath, off thejnorthwesterlv
extremity of Scotland.
She rati for. one of the Faroe Islainl.
struck a rock, ami went down with 37 of hr
crew, only one. Henry Anders, of Itosto-k
Is-Ing saved. He was taken from tho wnb-r
after having ien clinging to wmekage f,,r p,
hours. A passenger named Jackson v
also drowned.
Tho Frinclpla was a brlgsntlno rlgf,
screw steamer, built at Newcastle, England '
In 11. She was owned by the Arrow Ship!
ping Company and registered 1.7'JO net nin
2,74'J gross tons. Simpson, HM'iice A Yuuijg
are the Now York agents of tho line.
Storms In Europe.
Tlie sever storms which havo provnllfti
over Switzerland during tho past few tan
and throughout Europe In general, hn
caused great damage, esteclally III the yji
ages in the mountain districts of Switzerland
Jiumerous wrecss nave (x-t-urreii tiuring th,
great storms which have swept over lt,iiy
Much damage hits been done, especially
along the coasts.
Storms In Europe are doing great damuf.
A steamer run Into n pilot Isiat tiff p,
Lyiius, England, nnd 111 pilots were drown)
Much damage has tieen done ut Atwcrp, lr
lln and ioieunug'-u.
The steamship Gorzdd, given up as l.,.f
arrived at Fort Townst-tid. 4S tlays out fr,,j
Slngapure. lli steamer stratlnc-vl-,
long overdue, win spoken P10 miles north..
Cape Fliitterv, with her main shaft Ir k t
She had drifted l.WK) miles having n,,
power. Yesscls will bo sent to her a..-i.
The Kebel Leader Breaks Campos' Stratrg-.:
A special cable dispatch from Havana niv
Official reports received from Santa t lur
confirm the statement thatMaceo had I r k.
t ampo s strategic line. .Ma--co has ?ln
Joim-il Gomes! and their combined for.- .iir
now marching iu toward Mnntnuas. ( ,-,: !
os Is hurrying fresh reinforcements biNi;:.
Card'-iias and oth'-r points on the Mat. in;;
frontier to block Mueu's way.
Santa Clara alvl's-s further j.n.lit
Serious I'llgagemi-Ilt soon. Til"' Incut trcl- lr
received 41.000,000 yesterday from Spain :
ray ine troops, in tne very out-kin-Havana,
Tuesday night, rails 'were n-tii..
from the La Funtii and Lnchoc lu-ru Inc. 7
net Is a mystery. No Insurgents ar- U n
to have Its-n anywhere near the city.
The Herald"' Is authorized to contra-!
all statements which represent li.-h.-:
Campi s as ready to tn-at with rebels or w
lug to grant autonomy to tint IsIiui.Ij. -the
contrary, he says: "1 will ii"cr tr
wlth P.-bels while they remain In arms n.-u
tho crown, though, oneu the triuinpli
Spanish arms be assured. I would give (
all the llbertl'-s possible under the Spin.
i-oiisiiiuiion, nui uoi nomeruie.
The Havana papers print a Mu lrl-I 1I-;
to the effect that Campos has reiu-stii
ministry to relieve mm ol tho civil pe.1
governor general of '.'unu, under the pn-ij
in in mniiary operations aemaml tils utiJi.
ed attention.
Chlavtt laf a Clcnr Ctstpirtj" U Ctf,
The City of Canton.
Mall advices received by reliable yntjn :
Boston from Canton, China, give tli t&iU
au attempt to capture the city of Caiit"B bv
secret organization for tho purpose uf t'J
lishing nn Independent government. la
writer says:
"The plot ripened Oct. 17, when the att.
Hon of tho United States i.-ul i
called to a suspicious telegram fr -m
Hong Kong linn to its branch in uu'
ConiH-rulug the shipment of certain u
ages. The authorities wero iuiti;!i-l
the packages, which proved to I " live I
n-ls of pistols und ammuiiltli 11 li
"ct meitt, wero seized on tln-lr urn
Ou the same Bteamer from Hong K"i.-'
400 men, who expected to aid liitli-r.v
The ofllcials, however, captured 7"i f tli
The revolutionists had no weapon.. V
was learned that they were to be si; -ii -J
friends entirely. This seizure of am..-...
the capture of those implicated thwart-ii
attempt, and the nuthoritii s an- ic-w n.ak
diligent search for the leader, a-" H "
more weapons, it is sum in-ii i'',rv
thousands in sympathy with the n. v :!
'1 he Hong Koiig papers speak of it - 0 '
triotlc movement." and worthy "1 " 1 -I - !
"The plan of tlie organialion. v. ui 'b
Iglnutod in Hong Kong, was II t -i t
the i-ilv treasury, next to tiemo.i-li th-'
erov's i.alace. and then storm Hi u . 1
tie.t expect. -d to proclaim an ii. l -'.
government and to take measures t.. liH
'Tic- movement has Involved lie ''
Inns to a coiisl -It-ruble extent, and g..!
itemi-nt prevails, csj hilly in-i-i- t!'-
near .1 eliapt I, which had b-.-n
known to missionaries 11s a sort ol r :. I-'-for
some of the conspirators.
Moro Armenians Butchond.
A special to the London Daily N 1
Constantinople says that illO Arm--niaii-
killcd in Kaisai iyeh. A mus-a r
at Haasiiu Kahl'-h lu the uiwy-'
ri-ycroiiiii. 1 he Armt iiiaii men -i--t- 0 '
sacked and burned, and the bi-ln I , tin
iiml other Inmates were kill'-d. ;-lt)'-:
Armenians wero butehureit at i -.
at llaa.-au Kahleh, with every a ii i,J-;
of Ingenious cruelty.
The Powers Disagree.
A dispatch to the Full Mall Ca'. tt-
Homo mivs that much exclteinci.t l&
,11, IMC, 1 then, I.V til, I Utlltelliellt f 11 ' I ', j
(lliilomatlc clrcleo that ltussia ul
havo withdrawn from the concert
tint 'I'lirLisll illl' -'I 'M
that ellorts uro being made to h-'i-l i-l
pcuu vuufvreuuu, probubly ut linu
.H.Jifl.g U1UI .II1UU iUU vv.
dents in London.
A terrific galo prevailed throng'1 "'"
laud and off tho coast Friday inoriii:"!-
Wurd-bolind vessels wero driven I-' !"1
ports from which they hud sail d, "''' '
sailings went postponed until tl'1' v'
should become more favorable.
dour Work iu tho shipyards at hr -' ''
Buspt-uueu owing 10 lie; violence -Tne
steamer .Mui.-stl,-. u-hl.-h sail 1
l iver 1 fop V..u.- V..rL - .'
detain -d ut Queenstowu owing t
ti. Ill,, clou 1 ...III. tli.i lliHi.-.
v ..... . .a....... . 'u n-.. no.. . .
MlLliV ii.,.l,.,i,d ......iirre.l III 1-
tliv I, fnlll I.I iiiI:T
iwiiitix luiuiili in, '
ulinttera i.t 'II... ,..l...,r..i.)i uif'Tl-l
uoriu of Lngluud uro all proeirul-
Poisoned the WegroeJ.
A BtiMcdil fpAin -Tuvn-lrMrol MI1VS St A -
',- r.r
iS.l .
fA.kri Wllllt 111 lloa.)u,roio.)l Phi''', 11" 1
bis lliii nnitruMi lit. nt flicfi biUi I'l-' 1
ortlon of a hog that haa b'"n "
04 owiior nn strychnine, und 1-
10 l
i hi
id exi
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uie ot
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