INSTITUTE PROCEEDINGS. ('minded.) Wo went lopreMlist WeJnosilny noon and having given the full pro cee ling up to that timo, we begin tbU week to record the events from that time. Music. "Come, Come Away." Prof. Albert thou g:iTe a talk on "fleosrrnphy." Music. "liojoico nnlbe Gliul." Miss Anuie IJuckboo then spoke on "Ivlucation in Cuba" and showed bow much their education was nog lected. Music "Our ILippy School." Prof. Albert then gave his closiug talk on Heating, Ventilating, etc. Dr. Hulley followed with his clos ing talk and was welcomed by a hearty applause from the teachers. Ha spoke of Local institutions as topics for teaching history. Adjourned at 4:05. WEDNESDAY EVtNINO. Music Orchestra. Hon. M. V. Howard of Alabama was introduced and doliverod his Lecture, "Lights and Shadows of Real Life." The populist congress Ban was well received and introduc ..J his lecturo by telling n few good stories of southern life- He depict- lin vivid terms the southern school i thirty years ago. The Lights of Roiil Life ho claimed could bo made briffbter if only wo would live in hope rather than m despair. t tin not expect to live without find ing the Shadows of Life and it is dicso that keep us from following he devices of the world. Tor nearly Wo hours Mr. Howard held his au- lienco at his command. TIIUUSDAY MOUSING. Music. IVvotionul Exercises. Music "Itojoiee and be Olad." Miss Annie Uuckboc then occupied jpeiiodon "Busy work for Little Folks." Music "Help it On." Supt. J. M. Hotkey of Somerset county was introduced and told the teachers about the value of "Writ ten Work." Music "Columbia the Gem of ;Lc Ocean." Roll Call. C. L. Wetzel then read a paper on "The Relatiou of Natural Sciences to :he Publio Schools." Profs. Wal- born and Schroyer made remarks on :he subject. Music "Who Was it t" Vm. A. Moyer introduced tho sub- j net, 'Advantages and Disadvan tages of the Compulsory Act from a Teacher's Standpoint." Remarks were made by Profs. Walborn, Claries, Rollback, Schroyer, Miller ind Moyer. Music-"Teaching Public School." Miss Buckbee then showed how to sanageand educate "Dull Children." Music "Coronation."' Adjourned at 11:1. THUJtSDAY AFTKUXOOX. The Directors' Meeting opened at Music. "Rejoico and be CJlad." Thi ro were 4') Directors present. A. Lumbard was called upon to trotluce tho subject, "Tho Compiil sry Educational Law from a Di- edor's Standpoint." The speaker poled it. Dr. Tool then took the wnudsaid ho disapproved tho iw and called it Un-American. r, lVrcival Herman said he was i opposed to tho law but ho bo- hed it impossible to enforce it. M. Hussinger considered tho law on- balfway measure. Hon. C. W. Icrmnn was called upon at tho re- pst of some of the directors. He 'Sued his position by saying that (Lile he did not vote for tho bill ho 1 (licved it was our duty to abide by illustrated by forcible example thai the possession of wealth was hi guarantee of happiness. The poor in the humblest stations of life nri happier than th millionare. Th court house was crowded from wall to wall and from the door to the ban The audience felt highly pleased with tho lecture and every one fell better for having been there. FRIDAY MORXIXO. Institute convened at 8:10. De votional Exercises by Rev. McLih. Music "Stirs of Light." j J. S. Kern read u paper on "Tl'.e Essential Elomouts of Good Reeit.v tion Work." M. I. Potter explained "How a Teacher Can Most Emily Wiu the Consideration and Respect of tho Community in which iie Teaches.,' Profs. Fisher and SchaotTer ma 1 helpful remarks on the question. Music "Help it on," "Annie Lau rie," "Teaching Publio School." Supt. Borkey spoke on "Benefit! of a Teacher's Preparation." Music "Songs of Praiso." The report of the Burrowes Memo. rial Committoo was adopted. The roll was callod and those present paid 15 cents each to the fund. Music "Come, Come Away." E. E. Wetzel read a paper on "The Elements of Growth in School Life." Orders of !?.-. 00 each were granted to M. I. Potter for the conunittoo on permanent certificates and to the secretary. Tli'i committee on dis trict institutes m.idij their lvpoil which w.n alopted. A lj ir ned n! IKIIVVY AKTi:i!MOX. Music I. L. Herman rea I a paper, "Tl;. Olijecl of Nature Study."' .Music. "America." I. N. Brosius introduced the sul ject, "Teachiiig by Showing." C. W. Smith, spoke concerning Tho Primary Teacher, His Aim-. His Work." E. P. Rjlibaek explain ed his "Reasons Why a Teacher ban no Right to Punish a Child, or the Government of Love." Remarks on tho subject wen- made by J. V, Kul ler, and G. W. Walborn. Music "Coronation." Jeronm Krdley read a paper u the Professional Preparation of the Teacher." Music "Tho Voice Within Us." Tho report of tho Resolution com mittee was adopted. Supt. Berkey aud Bowersox made their closing talks and the instituto adjourned sine dio at 2:50 p. M iff mm - - - mm. MnMiMmMtnaBBBiaMBBBaMaalaMHHM TKE CHANCE OF YOUR LIFE. We received to-day 460 Men's BLACK AND BLUE KERSEY . j.A.S, WHICH WE ARE SELLING AT 5 DOLLARvS their real Value is S8.00. 974 MEN'S and BOYS' unfinished WORSTED SUITS, which we are selling at 5.00. THEY ARE WORTH FULLY : a 0 U ELEI the mdn e y, : As this is no every day oiler it will pay over;, body to take ad van tage of getting their Winter Cloth ing for less money, than other deal ers are able to buy them at. Positively no In. ids misrepresented ;it the old reliable Ol!E PRICE RTORE. L OPPENHEIMER, - - - SUNBURY, PA UT P. S. Hy puioli1t(.iii.t TEN DOLLARS worth of a.nU, we will puy one liHir of I lie CAU I'AHK. Cotton States and lnteitninoila Exposition, ATLANTA, OA., VIA TIIR SEABOARD AIR LINE. rrrrvrrmnnr Vnliliiloi, !). V ., il.illy. ill K : III I'. M.. uimu ui I !ir fotiLrr.-H.sloiml 1 .1 m 1 1 I' imiii Niiv Vurk, uiul ru.u li Atliiiitu m 4 nw . M t ! i lii'Vt May. A i' Htil f r.iin, Midi llirii'i-'Ii hIitiiIii' r,ir fl'nlll Ir ill'K, Irn'.i'it .1 .l 1 11 'l I ill .il 1 : M A .M.. in l iving ill All. Hit. i j : .'.) A. M. I In- ni'l ilm. Until trains Iimw tiulu t.i" ivnrin Iwml.i mil rmiil rl.ll lull llllil I i in I i.l-i'li .'"IS III I In' I nlltit ll'IKll u' 1 1 1 1 1 ' . I II I.'.. I' III" l."ll lllll ;;rillllls .1-. llil.ili,,! j .. t, ' .. It ;l'i H!i; nr. I.lllltl 'I. M PiirlsiiiouOi mu.1 .NiiifnlL, u . tin Si'iiIhiiiI Air I. iim li.iHutlirr ciiiiinviiiiiirf riiiullv Its ll'll'1illlt III IllUM'IIS iisiimiuiimi, liiiiiu'ly I ruin ,M'v rn inri i niii'.'ii iiiiu.i, int cai C'liai I's Kntiti-; iruln V aslilni;ioii. tin- Nmfulk atnl U sii-.nui rs . Imiii .-iv urk. Ilii nl. I Ii.iiiiiiiUiii sti'arisilis an I 1 1 . mi I'. liiu anil I'rovlili iirr, I Hi- iK-r: Hauls uinl Jllni rs sti Min Ships. ( l.isi' I ' HI l. 'i I lull IS 11 Hill III I l' stiM'Ui-r HHIi'S ll II I III i "r-ii i I u :i.-. ill. 1 1 rill nun il it IV 111 Ku.iin, liiil!'-l l' ' 'iiii; i ars j"i'.tt-tl ilirciiirli In. iii I'urisiiiii'iiii in AM. ii. la wiiiunii rl.nim.. K.n li ui llii'si' muli ' il.i s tin' lUssciiKi-r M l UliI I'iiIIiI 1 null II aint lln..'i;Mi llalnptiiii Ii'mihIs, Kol II mi nt. Tlirsr trains nrc rulllliiiM'il nf tin- ll.ll..l-(ilni'Pt riillinaii Diawlii Uiiiiin. IHil'i l Nlri-pln rnrs anil I i.i v iiai'iH's. i ui' i : in r. .il. n. uii ("Tiic Atliiiitu MH'iinl") Is M'sllliiiii'il Iruiii nut in i-nil unit Is t'trati ii .lidrum Hiiiiri.riu t .dtmta U ltltUUl tVi'lll'li'. I'lllVIH UK INTIMIKSF AIIISlI THK LINK. The lu. il.' Hum iisiiinniuii Is lliruiin Kivil- I'l li'l.siiurK'. Hli iiiiiuii'i ami ri'tcrstiiiiif, iriiuin. Wi'liluii, llal.'lk'li nil! Niiiillii'rii I'liii'H, Nurlli Curnlliiii, ( Iii sIit. ( lliiluii uiul Alilii'villii huiiili I aluluia. uinl l-.ID'TU'll uii'l Alui'li' t.i Allanla, ii.'orariu. IlATM. Kxi urslnn lli'ki'ts will In- hiii ri'turn. V a til.- Ki'ui.oaril Air i.ini', as riiiiutih : lui Tin sdas uiul I iiui'siiays, ni-iiK'hiImt ItIIi I lliTi'llllwr Villi. Ilirluslvii. at Hum Kit ll- liurv ami i.i.wi (i. .in Lvwlstuwii. llnilii.. to in lilaVH Iruiii ilal u( siili'. Iiallv fruiu M'H.. Hi. to Ihs;. i.v Inclusivn at f.T. iruiu htiiuiury anil fjl.wl Irulil Lrwisuiwii. iiiiini'ii in vii ila rrulii ilnit- ut Mali-; ami at l.'.'a (nun Hiiiiliury uiul ."J.'.il li'uiii U' I.H'iwit kuihI iiiiill Jan. nu iswi. THK KXIIWITION siiriasscs, In snaii' ri'sjii'i'ls, nny Kxp iNil lull K lit'lil In AiniTlru. lli"u you tlnil, Hlili- liy Blili-, exhibits rrom Klurlda ami Aliiskn. Ciilirnriila uiul Maine, tin' I lilli'il SlatcH of Alm-rli-a uiul I In' I iiIumI stall's ui llr.iH, Mi'vlru Binlriinaila, uiul hi i mi uiilll iii'.iily I'M'ry clvlll.t'il initliiii mi iim l-liiiiii is ri'i'i't'si'iiti'il. m tlm ti'mircK iin- nuinil nun. ni: many uilii'r ntirartlnns, Aran, I'IiIiu-ko anil Mi'XIi'.ui Vlllai.'i's, hIiowIiik Inst liuiv Hius h'u..' liavi I lii-lr "iiallv walk unit runt I'rsailuii." Ask tur Iluki-IH via "lht .vul.on Mr J.m." riillinaii sli'1'pliij; t'nr ri'mTvuiiuns will lx nimli aiul furl Iiit Informal lun turulsliHil iimn iippllralluii lo any Aui'lil ut tlm hiulioiiril Air l.lnii, or loiiio iiiuli'i-.sldiii'il. . W. It. (il.i i:il. T. J. ANIUniSDN, TraMiL- M ilia ;i.r. (ii'iirial I'ass. Aj,'t, i: sr. juiiN. Vli'i' 1'ri'nlilflit. TRlBB'S BOOK FREE" To Ml iifTi'roni of EKROItfl OP VOI'TIf, l.llsT VltJOIt wnt lklKAM OV MHti AMI Wnill.'N. i8 .n-; rlotli umnil; curuly enli'il hiiiI mnllislive. Trunttnvnt dy umtl trloily coullil. iillnl, .nii poalilvo, quu k cur giiiiniiilisil. No iimlli'r linw lonu .timaisg, 1 will ponUlTKly cur yuu. Write or ralL nR I nQR 329N.l5thSt.Phlla.Pa. Ull. lw UU io year i' tvntlnucnu practice. I. I. ... l 1111 I II law auu uo nil m our power 10 rt8 ,1,,.1.,11i.r!(4ii,, mi insivi.. m mi.mi hhih Mm rie benefit from its passage. Music. "America." Miss Cuckleo thon gavo licr elos- talk. Dr. W. Tool spoko on tho sub- t, What Our Country Soboolu oulj bo." Dr. I'trcival Herman cavo bis HeasoiiH why tbo Primary Grailes tJEi tter Teachers t ban tho Ail- M Graaos." MuBic.-"Help it On." supt. J. M. Uorkey, of Somerset UDty, gavo somo wholesomo ail 's to tbo directors. MuHic.-"Teaching Tublic School." Bull Cull Adjourned at i P. M. TUtlllSDAY tVtNINll. Music. Orcbostra. Col. Georiie W. Bain of Lexinf?- I8. Kentucky, pave bis most excel- Pl l'cturo on "13ovs and Girls. Nice dKaUL'btv. nr thn l'onduluill of fe." Silver Tongued Orator of wna hftra ninn rears a CO tJwon for himself a reputatiou upon this occasion was uot on- ""antained but also enhancoil. ffipeaker showed that tho Boys Girl, must goriRhtif the m'0 M women are to be correct He UNDERTAKING ! Tlio Suli'iM riiili rtnkliiK' I'NtulillhliiuPiit, luti'ly coiiilucti'it by Haniuol l.ui'k, di'ot'iiiM'il, will bo tiiuiiairi'il In llio future by tho unrterslifiiril. CORNS AND CASKETS atipplli'd on sli'irt notice at low jirloi'. I'urpses pri'puri'd fur burlnl freo of chaw. KMI1ALMINO A hl'IX'l ALTV. KeHpectfiilly Your, W. H. LUOK, Salem, Pa. The Philadelphia Press For 1896. Pennsylvania's KU-atust Republican f.nnilv newspaper, The Philadelphia Press, will miiT upon the new year under the most !.i conditions of its history. A powerful aent in the nation. il munity, it is now more than ever a leader in news and able comment. Its various departments have dining the past year been greatly strengthened. Pennsylvania is covered county by n-unty, city by city, town by town. ,Nu other news paper covers the State so well. The Woman's Pae of The Pre-. h.i be come one of its most prominent featurr mj is eagerly sought by ladies. In the matter of Amateur Sports I he l'rrs Is also far in the lead and publishes more news on that subject than any other paper in the country. The subscription price of The I'n f j,r year, is: Daily, six dollars; Daily and Sim day, eight dollars; Weekly, one dollar. The Press is the greatest want medium in Philadelphia and fciv-cs the lowest rMe on that class of advertising. .table 1 SLXSU A Kki.iaiii r Woman Wavirii. WV wiiih 11 ro lal.lo woiinin In ovrry County to cstalilMi a eui- lw.'t parlor for tlm aln of Dr. Nli'liulVi tVli'lji ati d Spinal SiiiKirtlnif Corsi'tM unit "Duiililu froui KliU lu hliU '( liiNH, Willi Aslit'htor Mlii'il IIUHk Muiintalii Mirvi'VH, IHi.hiIi i l.ainl I.lmv., Train rruti otur. Kvi'iv iiair uanaiil.'.l nut to l.ri'uk "".". .". "'r'UMinr, S. T- MOORIO, Civil Engineer and Surveyor. riiiim tur WntiT siipiily. l'ai'hiry IiiiIIi'Iiiiim, or nist, i.bsuluti ly imiKTvluiiH to iimlhturi) or pt'nilriitlon. A now pair jflvi-n for every pair Uiul IiR'hUh. (luiiraiiti'M printi il .111 cai li rursrl. Itii'omini'iiili'd by ovrr ln.ihiil I'liyslrlutiH. 1 tur nlli('oiiipli'to KtiH k on ruiiilnini'iit uiul n iv a iialary of H0 to fa pt'r inuntli uinl ixmiiihh. f.'UHi sample 0111 lit frro. Seii'l liloeniH postaije for Kaliiple and ti rniH. MCUOI.S MANt KAiTI KINd l ).. ht. Ill, illil. BlSt'uiial Street. New York Thl lauioM-; V UllU'U, gJusI'k i.m:i iio.n'. MILROY. PA. icc 01 the rcace AND OONV'KYANORR- ' M- Z. STEININCER. Middlobtirgti, Pa. jU. A. (-rril'ANtii.KlTi DKNT1HT. Siletullil Inil'iecineiit to lli'lit parly. Nontpllal OllH Alllllilllstercil liii'ileil. lleleri'lii'H ri'ilillieil. O1n.1l pay. Ail- .... ..... . dri'H olotifl nitiie I'liiiiihiiiiij: Co., ra eiiesiimt thrown uinl Hi hte, wiiiui- one uoi,. luM tii or Yvelb' tStore. J i'i 31. 'tin out. bt'lincyrove, J'u GOING TO OHUROH. An ai'llvn, liitelllL'eiil cliiircli ini' 11111I11 or leinuiH. wiinieii 111 ri'ire.,eui iim n.r kmt,i work. bllLut, t'hllaiii'lplila, t'a. WEI' SELINSQROVE, PA. Just arrived an eloirant tensive assortment of WINTER GOODS Come and see them. Ladi fin' nnri Children's Coats and latest styles. Fine lino of Novelty o-rxcoo uuuuia, jriaias, oiiKs, etc. Ooinplcto lino of irnderwour for Ladies. l,. ,,,,.1 ChiKlrcn. Our lino of woolen yarn is now' compile. r mo iiiic oi jress uin.ains rw. a yard. Yv have a nu o lino of Kid (Hovcs in black and colored willi I large pearl batfons, lino ijnality 75e. a pair. A ?all to our will repay you. Respectfully, S. WEIS, Selinsgrove, Pa. fllJ.! 9 Pll js mmmg mm mm iiezear, SLI3SGROVE, PEWiVIA. Our Fall and Winter ( hinir, Mnols, Shoes, ICl.-., are nnniiijf in lively, in faet we are now readv with a Mock that exeeeds anything liefoiv presented to tlie penple of this county, either in style, quality or tpiaiitifv. 'e have at your serviee what no other (Mtt'lhin and Shoe Mimim in this part of tho State ean oiler. OVERCOATB, lor Dress, business and Storm for Men, Vouthsand P.ovs. A Full Outfit, from head to foot FOR 500 Children's Suits at !! OF NTS and upward. Hat's and Caps in all the latest styles, and the latest stvles in Xeek wear. CENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. Ahtoi'k.ifLnpRolioH, llowlUankcts. TrunkH, Suteli. ls, I'n.brelliis JiikWHt UarffniiiH in 15oys', YoutliH. .-,''K, IUhhoh' urn! L.ulieH" SIio.-h. Iu tins lino wo cim hhvo yuu money. H. OPPENHEIMER, Clothier & Shoe Dealer, ., , M iW Street. SKLlNSaHQVE-.VV 1 I will imy tho fare for all perHons who come from a dintnnci ntnl worth of GOODS at mv Btorc. Prices Cit i il abed. 1 (Ul Wo intend t make tiur N'ewSloek ot Movo more rapidlv if low priees will do it. CLOTHING Of every deseription of Men, y's and Chsldren, Ovei eoats ami (1 cut's Furuishiii.i; (Soo.N. Fverythiu d' the Very llest. Not a pottr article in the store. Kiht up in Quality, itiht tip in Style. tiht tip in Asfortment. .lust what will please you. Come anil see. No trouble to show ( loods. R. GUNSBURbEI V Xcw Hank Uuildini,', MlDDI.FlHJHCir, PA A Large Assortment of At the Great BARGAIN COUNTER F. H. MRURER, New Berlin, - - - - Fmina. Here's a Pointer. Comoto see our latest Fall and Winter styles of Ladies' Cloaks and Capes. We sell Cloaks cheaper and have a larger stock than any dealer in the county. Don't miss tho great bar gains and low prices in Men's Boys' and Children's Clothing and OverCOatS. Low Prkcson HOOTS aud sir OFS THE HIGHEST PRICES AREIPAIDIFOR PRODUCE. CASH PAID FOR BUT- TER'AND EGGS.