CHESTNUT RIDGE." Trunk IIi K '.n!) M ritii-n of Win Viiioii m-ity, ;u 1 nu itiv.di 1 ' v iii.iu v y'Mis die I i.n tlio 1th iiihl. :in1 v i i-ri'il n;i l!ti- I'.t'i on Wiiiii-1 I nvne't ry, n .'.- l ,vn, ; v. n vi nu'.f (r.'-!utc.!. O.i Hi.' !.iv f ; v . ! i i i i rr 1 1 Mi. Anii'C llc.s-i. s'.-i : :'i 'ir. . t ic 1 an 1 w :n b i' i 1 PAULINE HAI. sale. OF OUR Furniture Deuartment 1.11 t!lr J: i, I, 1 i:lf i 1 VCl! ... nii' , ;i .ui": l:ii: of r.'i;' hit, In 1 In- l-fi hm J l.i.-r- uttil in a hy li irilu' ci.lrr i rcs. ):.( tinu'i'i' li.i'l to l)c iiiiiiiiiliili'd. Mr. I'tuii.VM :i s-ih ' 1 teiu-lier and h. -'l'M'l Will lie delayed IV ft;V v.itm . . . lVicr 1'it iu.v, an old man ,' Lear Wiufit I I, wliilu currying hi horses in hoiiio way not known by Mr. J5i' iry runif under one of 1 lie Loi'Hi'H mid was Imlly truoiled on one arm uinl leg. I IU daughter eame to liis ivhi'iic mill by her ai l he l:.nnag"d to wall; to the house when Lo b iviiih' tineiuneim for nearly n:i v Mr. lit my cw talk again, but i-H not on a f.tir way of recovery lit tlii-i writing Samuel lach- u m an I Jolin Fuliriiiaii of near Miuiinluirg culled on 1'. 11. Lenig last week Vlldlcw Lailihntdager of 1'elin Twnlii, wlio hns t n ailing for in my year... i.- said In bo vt ry ill ut this writing J)r. ller- i. iUii ha t.ikeii th' cement oiVof his I rii'k house ami is giving it two couts of brick mmt und ftiipings Mis. Simon Ocise of I'eiiny'rt store is Miiil to lie very low with tv- flloiil fever loel Leit.el, wife h ii 1 hoii. Allen, iaid a visit to Eman uel Bnifcr last Sunday, near Krca l'rK. Our Entire Stock of Furni ture and Hcdding will bo mil n g --l I nivalin i tun I ii 1 i 1 to Mm Hail Says flr. Sreoiie si zTawmolu8 ftervura - Surely Cures. She Recommends Dr. Greene's Ner vura for the Weak. Tired, Nerv ous and Debilitated. Say8 it is the Best of All Medicines. BKAVKKTOWX. Mrs. Will Komig. neo Miss Sullie Iteiglc has returned from Harrisburu where !ier enjoys a lucrative position us rdiortdiund writer. She is now making rciiratiins to begin housekeeping in the capital city. Our best, wishes iiccoinpany her Aaron Hassinirer, a retired fanner and i no of lieaver Twp.'u honest citizens, last week bid adieu to his country homo, Miveral miles north from here, and moved to town into the house he recently purchased fiom Dr. W. M. Uaker. . . .Tho house on Samuel Keiuieh's farm, situate nbout 1 luih Houth west of town, vhieh has been rebuilt, is noarinu conipleiion Frank Kern, (Jhnrles L. Wetzel and 1$. 1. Holl'man nrc building feuccu ai ound their lots re rently purchascil from the Elizabeth Hassintjer t'stnto. ... Millard Kern Hold a house and small tract of land to James Wiand, Consideration :jiM) ... .A line assortment of hats are on display at Mrs. A. to. Specht's trim med by Middlcburpb's well known milliner Miss Libbie Dunklebersror .is ivotiier, A. 11. Uower . und Wiuey Dio'm. are all home ( rum thn oiistern cities with a well selected supply of Wm. E. Dreeso is at present employ ed as ni:ht operator at SelinHin"O70 .. Tvplioid fever has invaded the home of Wm. II. UiufMinaii John l' Middleswaith is a victim of dys entery Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Freed and Marv Fees attended the funeral of Mrs. Zero Fees at Lewistown on Friday Miss Edith Ilarner of Puxtonvillrt is the guest of her sister, Mrs. F. J. Middleswaith. . . .Thomas Kohler, wife and daughter, Lizzie, on Saturday evening enjoyed the festivities oeeassione.l by a birthday held in honor of Mr. K's mother of New Ueiliii....Mrs. 11. Middles v.arth and daughter, Carrie, of Ad imsburg spent Monday a in town. . . . Misses Sallio and Hettic Hartley of Mct'lure were very pleasantly enter tained by Miss Nettie Shirk on Sun day. Cina. Trvnliui nt ir Ki iriuu uml Halt lllirum. Tliese two complaints are ho tunac niiis that the readers of The Post houM know of the success obtained by using Dr. David Kennedy's Fa vorite Remedy. Where all other treatments have failed, it has made a complete cure. Perhaps no more horrible ease of Sivlt Hh'i'iiui was ever reported than that of Wilbur L. Ilale, iiuartermaster I'ruttlW. H. A. K.. Uondout, N. V. Several physicin utterly failed to render him any relief; tlnally one of the physicians hii'gested that Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy be anil steady iinprovement fob J.. wed its um', and a permanent cure rfllltell. It i- ne.l with bimilar success In ciiM s if scrofula, nervousness, kidney n,d livereoiiipaints. and in all diseases t roiigiit about by bad blood and shattered nerves. MARUIED. Oct. l'i. at Selinsgrovc, by Rev. S. K. Oehseuford, Jleiirv J, Herman iiid Orpha I. Kratzer, both of Kratz Vivi!!e, Pa. Oct. -i by tho same, John Urouso ai. l Mmm.i K. Kliugler, both of Kratzerville, Pu. On Thursday evening, Oct. 17, at the Lutheran parsonage, Roavertowu by Rev. O. S. Scheirer. John P. Has singer of Reaver Township and Miss Si-.ruh R. Gill of Franklin Township. At the Lutheran parsonage, Oct. 17, by Rev. I). E. McLain, Elmer lJuufer, Dry Valley X Roads aud Mary A. Kreisher of Shamokin Dam. D1KD. tn West Heaver Townnhin. near Ht. John's church, Oct. 11, Henry Treaster, aea 70 years, months tud H days. i v UlftS FACLISB HALL. i'J; wop copy.ziCHTtarzHOToBY wnnofifiLSOft. ChiCA'G'O 89Sj k a WW M imMHOiBsiiiri. CliMinU'r Suits, S l'iei'es, nuirkcil tlown I'roni H).UO to 2.").U0. i'nrlor Suits marked down from ?1U to.'2.". Siilelxiards ninrkeil lovn from G to 815. ( 'oiirlies inark(sl ilown troin 85 to 81". liiiiinp-.s marked down iron 82 to?S. Fine lTiliolstered KiK'kers iu:irkcsl down from 8: to 8. I'ed-b'MMs marked down from 8'- to 8t. Cane suul Wood S'ated t'liairs marked down li'oni 81 to 8. Hall Ris kers iniirked down from 8i 8H. Ladies' I'm lor Desks marked down from 8:' to 8H. Parlor Tallies marked down from 81 to 8". liookinjj (ilasses, Easels, l'ietiircs ami Picture Frames, Statuary, llus-six-ks, Rattan, Cane S at and Rack and WimmI S'at Rockers, Extension Tal)les,Cuplo:irds,l'ml)fella Stands, Tea Tallies, Commodes, (Jliilloiiiers, Riireaus, Doiijhtravs, Wardroln-s, Stands, Mattresses, Iks I Sjirinns, A. Our htH-k of Carju ts, Rus, Art Stiares, Matting ami Cocoa DiHir Mats is the largest of any house in the county, and all price on these goods arc marked down in plain ilgurcs, nnd will le sold at a lig reduction during the Closing Out Furniture Sale. I nni deter mined to close out the Furniture DcjKirtmcnt of my lmsincss, and terms on the uliove goods are prices named will lie cash or noto with ap proved hceunty. " W. II. FELIX, Lewistown, l'a. P. S. All goods packed and de livered in good order F. O. R. PERSONSTO TRAVEL LI WANTED. Paulino Hail, thecmpit bs of song, is celebrated tho world over as the Representative American Beauty, who has in the picscuttitku of her new operatic comedy, "Dorcas," achieved tho success of her event ful life. In a conversiitiv n with the repi CKUtative of this paper ahe stattd : "I have in my professional expeii eiife essayed a number of roles that Lave been more or less trying upon the physical and iiervou.s sys tem, but in uoiio that I have, at tempted have I ever experienced tho terrific strain that tho various char acters which I assume in my low operatic comedy, 'Dorcas,' have sub jected me to. The assumption of one character in a presentation is generally conceded to bo a sufficient undertaking for any one person, but in 'Dorcas' I assuruo three, all different, audi might nay diaiuitri cully opposite to each ether. "The terrific strain naturally re sulting from such difficult work, which is a new and direct departure from anything I have ever present ed to tic public before, naturally had a very distressing effect upon me, and I was constrained to seek some relief from the meutal and physical exhaustion from my la I bora. After trying several remedies that were commended to mo as be iug exceptionally good for tho ner vous exhaustion which I was sub jected to, I was eventually induced to mako a trial of Dr. Greene's cele brated Xvrvjia, and tho great ro licf '.thich it nffvide.l mo was almost instantaneous in its effect, and I have no hesitation in unqualifiedly inloi siiig Dr. Greene's Nervura as tho best tonic and restorer of a nerv ous and debilitated system of any remedy that I have ever tested. It is remarkable for the rapidity with which its restorative qualities assert themselves. It is absolutely harm less, and tho instantaneous relief which it affords to the nervous and tired system is grateful in the ex treme. I can readily understand why it is that so many hearty rec ommendations are given by peoplo of prominence, especially thoso in our profession, for Dr. Greene'B Nervura blood and uervo remedy, and my own experieuco justifies me in recommending it as absolutely tho best remedy w Inch I have ever used." Several faithful gentlemen and ladies to travel for established house. YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT A LIVER! HOW'S YOUR LIVER? Arc Your kidneys all rights DOES YOUR BACK ACHE? DOES YOUR SLEEP REST YOU? ARE YOU WEAK AND THIN? ARE YOU DULL AND BILIOUS? Tiy Dr. J. II. McLEAN'S LIVER KIDNEY BALM. All who use It say it is The Peerless Remedy for curing all ailments OF THE LIVER, KIDNEYS AND BLADDER, FEMALE TROUBLES, RHEUMATISM AMD BRIGHT' S DISEASE. The Dr. J. II. UcLetn Uedlclne Co., st. Louis, Mo. SALARY 8730.00 AND EXPENSES. Position permanent if suited ; also increase. State reference and en close self-addressed stamped envel op... THE NATIONAL, 16t 3I-317-31S Omnhu Ulil , CHICAGO. BAYARDS d s u w is c tJ w i?; kuu DYSPPSi aud INDIGESTION. will Imiurfllatrly klmiullirn Hm uluin- nrlie ml Itrattir Aii iil. For hiiIk liy HriarKWt8 r win pruiiijmy uy mull uu ivccipi Of .ViC. U I'll. BAYARD DRUG CO.. Caltlmorc. Md. lo-3-3m. HENCH & DROHGOLD'S SAVrilLLiMEriGKIES A wonderful Improvement In l-'rlrllnn Ferda Knd (ilM-llnrk. Idu k lunlloiiof t arrmnej liinraHiifuHt lu uny nun rln llieumrni l. rrlrouil I lulrn rrcn, CltUMlUK ul I tilt fi-! KeurlnK tuhUuiil HtlU wlillo liui'k- uitc: arral iinvlns In Dowrr nod wrnr rn'mi 4f'ntuiHtHinMi for turiH' Cwialiiu will iirlitu Alno Hiirlns llarrowa, llnr liabra, 4'ulilva.lorat Corn rinnli'ra.Hliflli'ra, He. Mtnllun (AUpu;n 1IKNC11 it, 1UO.MUOU, MfV., York, Ym, VAHTED BV THC chase: nurseries Honest Insurance at Honest Rntes. The Best Oooils for th Least Money. GENERAL INSURANCF flCENCY, Only the OMent. I.nrfvot nnil Wtrongept CASH t'oiupautes. NoAs3es3ments, No,Prcmium ljoffta Moiiml eoliil ami True ImltMiinlty. Itcrerntln every clas.t of liiHiirunce-elllier Llfo, Kire, Accident, or Tornado. 1 SEE LTR CDMPilNIES i KAMR UK atwi Aetna 1 1 art ford Homo New York Firo Association Philadelphia Fidelity and Casualty Xcw York Knuitablo Life Ins. Soc.Xcw York ..1... II - I ... . . . . ' . ...-c v 1. 1 1 i v um .u'inj riimi hi ways recfivo tim Utmoflt care nml attention. Kntlro satisfaction guaranteed. We solicit a share of your patronage. H. HARVEY S0HO0H, Sollnsgrove, pa Liberal Adjustments. Prompt Payments.' A.KTi 10,G5(J,i:9.o3 0,370,010.00 5,007,831.71 l,5S7,O07.40 10,198,518.3 KM IMil-TIC MEN " l H3 it nf ii lrt f.if our hnrdy Nnrtti-ry Sitti'k. I'.ipetiMt'i ml halfery l ttmt-t t inf t. ...... ,.w l.l.ii.uinll t,k i... cnl ri,ii(t. I' ntioiii'tit em- r.'.hily l'rni'"(. Ait'lr--. Tti.' it.;. 4 M AM'Oi r Hvoti If vow have the remotest Idea of Durauintr a ilt'SIN'l SSui SIlDk ill AND luurw uf Hudy uow of Uicr. m tluiiilit fcendi rikf'U ftway fr ft beautiful itotlidiuuudl ' K 111.11 ICIl KI'UUI tii ie Cm i out from t run ( j.v.i.n tltdU Ai.y itli-r on the rontinmt. Invent a tal canl. AJJfe"K. U. I'." KuCllttol UK, N. V. DR. LOBB'S BOOK FREE ro all iiifTerr of EHR OHB OP VOITTIf. LOST VKJOIt and UlnUAMM OK MKN ANII WOMEN. luucvai clolU bound I curvlr (valwl aod mailed . TrnlioDlby mall trlcllf oouUdomlal, and a poalilva, quick our Huaraulaod. Mo uwlwr bow long atiunMng, X will poattWaljr our you. Wrltaoioau. I1R I nRR 329N.I5thSt.Phl!a.Pa. NEJW GOODS ! Look Out for f :S;pnee Wgxt "Wqq, HOCH & OLDT, New Berlin, h nml THIS WM! I have in stock a full and com! pleto line of Furniture .all Kinds At all times you can' sco the latest styles of Parlor and Bed-Roam Suits SIDE-BOARDS, SOFAS, MATTltfiSSE chains, srmxes, ktc. In short everything usually found in a lirst class For- iuiu oniiu. a tii njictuiin ui i u;iuui, upilOlsit ing and painting furniture. UNDERTAKING In All Its Branches, niado u Hptvialty at lowest pr'uvH. Xo cliaros 1'or Kinlmliniiij:. You will savo nninoy ly nilliiifr on mc In'forc purchasing rlsoivl.' JACOB HAUPT, K KK LEYS' UUILDIXC;, Market St., Si-liiiHgrovo, Pa. iOPPEMHEIMER'Slf Clothing and Shoe Bazaa SELINSCROVE, PEIMIMA. Our Fall and Winter Clothing, Hoots. Shoes, Etc., coining in lively, in fact wo aro now ready with a st that exceeds anything before presented to tho poonlt this county, either in style, quality or quantity. Well at your service what no other Ulothing and Shoe ll in this part of the State can offer. OVERCOATS lor Dress, Uusincss and Storm for Men, Youths anil I A Full Outfit, from head to foot FOR 5.00. Children's Suits tit 1)0 CENTS and upward. Hats Caps in all tho latest styles, and tho latest styles in wear. CELT'S FURNISHING CO OH A stock of Lup Robos, Horso Blankets, Trunks, Satchels, Uuilrl Biggest Bargains ui Boys', louthr, Men's, Misses' and Ladies i In this lino wo can eavo you money. H. OPPENHEIMER, Clothier & Shoe Dea Market Street, SELINSQItOVE, PA. W7IC0X COMPOUND. ANSYOmLS iii wihk or rovKTKBrr.iTM. Tin only ar and ajwajr. rvlluble K"'" jrcniut linllatl..ii. Bate nionxf aiiu nuara bxallli by laklna iiotlilim but ilia m gi'im Iiib and orlRlnal Wllcux !iiiiinuiiil Tainjr 'Ilia, lu nuilal boxo UrlnK aliluld lrl mark, liriea fl.00, alldruKXl.U. ii4oia. w 1 1.4 ox ni'KC-iri) ro, M ftull KIkUi mnti, raUa, Pa I 3 I I f 7 I R-I-P-A-N-S ONE GIVES It LIEF. o I n Ii S be Ptu 10