r THE CITY A J) 0,1 . 1 1 1 ii tc.r 1 I'.i-t. K. i nu: 1'iisr: - S. ;it. 21, K' 1'vrrv AiiK'riiNin school lifiv wlio rcn Hip d'tilv nn1 weekly lu-wsp ipi'i s wuli'licH with a profound intercut tlm dt tu.ls oftlie An-tic cx- in his li.iyish excitement iipou the irolalilitics of his organizing nn expedition to the jxl:ir Hens, in t he time t-i cmnc In Dr. Klidiu Kent Kmie, an eminent riiilmlel pliia pli.vnici.in hii-1 HiiiKeon entered tiio t'nited States Nnvy, anil nubse- plelitlf when our ( lilNcl llllll'ht HCllt I.itiiel Wcleder to I'hiiia on his tnis mou to anamjo diplomatic lelati'iis lct ween that country and our own, Dr. Kane accoinp oiied the dis-tili-juislir I utatcHiiiau and wliile en roll to disclosed to Webster his theo ries of nn open, passable sea in the North and also iirued upon liim the importance of having the Unit ed States Government Bcid an ex pedition there, in the interest of scientific and commercial advance ment. Ir. Kano undertook his polar trip and incidentally searched fur Sir .John Franklin, an a lventuroiiB Hinjlishiniui, who lost his life in tho f ritfid countries of the North. Kano returned tut Frankliu was ui ver found, and Lieut. Greley'n Arctic trip, undertaken in 17'. at the in stance of the Federal Government, was likewise unproductive of re- huIU except that it proved tho ab- Holute futility and perhaps, folly of Heudin expeditions to the North Pule for either scientinc or mercan tile purposes. When Grech-y re lumed to the United States in July issl, bringing back in metallic cas kets, tho emaciated remains ofihis brave companions who succumbed to the untold rigors of that fateful journey, the Philadelphia Tjetlgei told in several columns of graphic recital that Congress had up to that time appropriated $ 70, 000, (XM). for polar explorations with a net result at I' mi g. :ih ia the face of all uxponunco Hud uusatittiiictory in formation, men are indomitable and restlessly ambitious and our own l'eary is to day trying to do that which dozens of his stirring but misguided predecessors undertook lit tlie p.'i il of their lives. Dr. Kane, tho explorer, was a gen tleman of high cultivation, having studied in Paris and Loudon. His brother, General Thomas L. Kane, located at Kano, Pennsylvania, and tho veterans of the late war remem ber him as the commander of that famous military organization known n'Th" Ihiektails," tho most uui quo and daring company of soldiers which fought throughout the war When he returned Ironi tuc army, General Kauo invited a corps of surveyors to his mountain homo ou the very crest of tho Allegheuios and poiuted out to them how a rail road could bo built to commuuicato with tho lake regions. The road came, with it camo Kane, a thriving, permanent town, with Kane came the discovery of oil and with oil came that wonderful illumiuant of which we have read since wo were babies, natural gas, and with natur al g.is came a network of constant and dependent communications with all surrounding towns uud Kane to-day is tho best lighted town in America, say its inhabitants; while Jamestown, Buffalo, Sala manca and other cities iu New York state and many adjaceut ones in Pennsylvania, receive through pipes, tho natural gay from Kano for light, heat and fuel. l'ennsvlvania is tho greatest stato in the world. That is a very gener al and bold declaration to mak. It might be termed reckless and uu calculating but who would be ft lechuical hairsplitter with reference to our vast natural and undevelop ed wealth when gas nu 1 oil and coal und iron and timber have multiplied millionaires in Pennsylvania until yon grow tired keeping track of them. Some years prior to the out break of the Rebellion, about 1856 Col. Drake, a residout of Crawford county dug an oil well across the line in Venango county. It was tho first aulhonticatod oil well put down iu Pennsylvania, aud then camo the oil tide with its many ec c entric money kings beggars sud denly made rich, and th poor revel ling in dazzling wealth. The best specimen, the most pronounced type of " millionaire in a day with out work" was the famous Coal Oil Johnny. Ho wai one of the mush rooms of unstable growth who sprung up in n night, startled the world with hi smnzingly extrava gant manners and then extinguished himself with one faint flicker, as we Honie'i'ncs ee n brilliant, star pluck c 1 from tii liivii, it light lost in tin ilood telo of greater planets. !(' ial')il Jolmiiy. thirty years ago was a real living fact in esse. To livlieiia i'i.i:n:rv. It.' was mo lirst, feeblj pro cursor of a couimer cial and financial storm which was Ij hail into cxlotouco tho greatest and most powerful corporation ou ou tho f.ico of tho earth, namely the Standard Oil Company. If you start on tho map of Penn sylvania aud trace a line from tho noilh-oaslein corner of M'Kcun county, diagonally across the State lowu to tho West Virginia border, you describe between that and tho thoimand barrels. It costs ordi narily, in the northern oil fields, about two thousand dollars to put down n well r.-adv to How, while in tho Roiulieru iieM. in Went n g:u in, mid the southern counties of. Petinsvlvii'ii i, eueii well costs from three th. 'usua l to Koven tli'UMaud; dollars. The ddV'i ence in cost is at- j tributabli! to a caving rock or quick-, sncd, in tho souther. i Ji!.ls, i i ii.1 i ing immediate casing when I he di ili j reaches the il st rut i, hil tho pro I dlll't is neither fi-i..'..r nor H'tlev than that of northern rcunvyh hni.a. For the month of July just put, rC4uc.wwiIi were drilled in this state, while there were in the same timo 1 W ri?s an 1 diillinr wells in a state of prospective formation ; for the month of June, Hit new wells were completed and 1505 rigs and drilling wells were in the prospective condition. All wells are not pro ductive of oil and tho failures are called "dry holes"'. The shooting of ii new well in u good district is watched with great interest as its vield iiiav sei iouslv affect the mar ket. Large wells, with u thousand bfiiTcls a day, rally in the operative TH E best investment in real estate U to keep build ir.f-s vcll painted. Paint protects tl..: !iott3eand saves repairs. You so v 'times war! to sellmany a ! r.'vl house has remained unsold i vy.it cf paint. The ride should :- t'louvji, "the bc-:t paint or :. : That CVUM Ohio State lino on tho west, and the stage, take the bottom out of the New York boundary on the north, the territory in Pennsylvania, known a tho oil district, comprising about twenty counties. Until tho Stand ard Oil Company invaded France and Iiiissia, this territory furnished the oil for tho world and started many millions of capital into tho track of commerce. In the Brad ford district alone, over fourteen thousan 1 wells have been dug with in the past ten years at an averago depth of twenty-two hundred feet representing a yield of about tcu barrels per well per day the first year of their How and now flowing two or three barrels per day. This district is known as a "tor market and holders of oil go mad in their frantic efforts to unload their thousands of barrels when a giant well conies in. Fortunes have been made and lost in tho twinkling of an eye, as a man s goiiien oppoi tunny many times hangs upon the narrow ami hazardous margin of receiving luick telegraphic returns, wnen a new well is exploited. The stock speculator, equipped ..with nil the readiness wuich skill, experience and wealth can sii;;g.-t, f en Is his trusty lieutenants into the oil fields to keep unreiui' .ting ami vigi lant watch of every move made by the prospectors, and in (lie old days, when wells were shot, flowing n vol ume that could not be confined, men went mad in their etforts to rush to the nearest telegraph station, to herald the news liisl to t.io o l ecu hen a large broker sold pedo territory, that is explosives .(,,. fii.T ni;, and of the most terrific. character must otlli nidd r..lliin be employed to dislodge tho oil ith tLp tasa of bicnkiu an egg from its rocky caverns even after B,lfi ftlul mitl ftv :.. ;nf.i,i,.ntB being found by the industrious and fin the life of thi oil hunter and the persistent driller. I saw a well shot i... :t.i . .-" ,.t i, i, recently in tho heart of a. hemlock I WPrk.(, hi(, in npr()iHtont n'nil B. forest, at a depth of twenty-hundred -reM.iTe cn,ie lvor to fina we dth in yuBuuuiumquun.u the bowels of the earth. The most ..;icdy Pure White Lead You cannot afford to use chca itnis. To be sure of getting Strict- I'ure White Lead, ooK at the bidiid ; any of these art '-afc: " Armstrong Is McKlvy," " Beymer-BfiTijnan," "Davis-Chambers," "rahnestock." Fon Colors. National Load Co.'s t'ure White Lead Tinting Colon. Tlicnc colon nr told In onc-pmind cnn, tnt-H nil titmir iiflicictil to lint j lounrit ol bltK.l v f'lro While Lead he doirol nhldc; llirv ore in i;it teady-mmed paint, but a comliinntinn .(r"ifccllvpure color in th handiral f-.mn ia li'ii jfi liy I'ure White l.id. Rood many thoiand dnllm tuvw htm ived priipertyHwiicr liy hivlnic our IkioIc orj i niiiin and rolor-card. f.:i(l tii puital taid jA bvll NATIONAL LtAD CO., New York. l'ittlnir I'ram h, r.trn-.an National llai.W lluilding, rillr.burc CLOSING OUT SALE OF OUR Furniture BeDartmen t. Our Kntiro Stock of Furni ture aud llcddingwill bo closed out in the following months at feet. glycerine, the most powerful expio- n(,tnWo iI)Htaneo of "wildcatting sive Known, were careiuuy pourea hM t flira ,y rnntit)g your .lowu to the bottom of the well and ,n -i,.,,,, u ,m.l.l in ino lanirua.e oi ouo oi mo wuu. i i :.. i .:. t ,i. i ! ...i . ii . ' cuuiuiituii, in luuii iifiuuuo ui iuu rougu on men, ion iue expiuuins fam0U8 l'hillipa Brothers, who be mi ii'iu liiiiiiia.l Ivv n iiiAitnat Anil I . j .. o.aiiia beeears atul outcasts in co uposou y,unR , . Fre?en.1 searchins for oil. For tueiewasaiivii.gueu ai ine uot- they roaued about the oil cmiiitry, oui of that well, half a mile beneath 8mUg their rhaft to nnd three tho surface of tho earth The deton- thoU9na f t. beueath the surface of ation could bo distinctly heard the earth, every v.uu and luckless and tlm earth trembled while the fltt.mnt in anihca i expenditure of on, set iree, came rusuing out ai ,.hn l,.nil WnY.r until lua top like h Kreuh gurgling ioun- ihl.5rmor ir.fftith.Rnd credit were shuttered t) mthipg. They dug tain and shot over a hundred feet into the air. mature accompanies the discovery ol oil with gas, which latter agent drives the fluid out of the earth ana when it rails to ao so vei? puran it out. Oil is not found in streams or in strata like coal, iron and the minerals. No man has ever been to tho bottom of an oil well. but a quarter of a century of daily sixty wells that were dry holes and the n xt w is a b ninza, which yielded them a fortune at a single pound. One day they were beggars u a'ilo t boirow a pnnyi the next, they wiro millionaires receiving the p aist s c f their fel lows. Their Bixty-hrt well ttowed three thousand barrels per day for - . - , i three thousand Darrein per uav ior experience, with all possible mfor- thirty days aud 'Vild catting" was tnation ami knowledge. which I i. ii , 11 o ver Willi ilium. x ciPt'tt'iuuw :jim science and hard work have brought I i, ..?... to bear upon the problem, have as 'lrs an miugs. conclusively as these means can n An it li-r uuite str.k.ng incid.ut i i ;u the ou history ih that of Mr. rinum confined in irregular belts between Armutro')g a neighbor of the 1 bil- o ... ..r I . (nun, n liurrn IITIH Jit Ol 116 H. I U1U U IU IUU l)V I Mr. Q lodw'.ti, M. Armstrong had uui 1 1 1 1 1 ii cl-ln. 'When the driU-r nothing iii tho world except his one n - . i 1 i 1 ' l 1 i . i pierces the rocky covering ho has Jim , wen. non h was snoi, u u,...r.,i wi.it., ni ;t flowed tho enormous yield of six I hui.dred ba reli por hour, the hrst iu China for it, if you send the drill hours, and then settled down to ... n,.. i,,,tt. .,.,,1 !, ,,.,., the rata of urn1? tliousand barrels tu (.in; out iriu uuu iumo wuvii---ui , . (Vi. 0 ii , f ,,, i 1 ,m,i,u tor every iwenty-iour nours, uniu m Odiss, lom fouudatadepthle?s ita fl)rlutlftte cvner was a multi- mn.,Vu? "u "u iu.V'..uri millionaire. These are isolated lucre in h h luniiiuu m-i-ureu hi h or ..... t wnii.lorfnl nr. trXlti Sff" of h JwweaUh aro gained in i of a spurious character, unht lor h.'.m rn.. i ..v x,.i.. Ml -i ni. . lUBUll 1UUU1U V. 1UOU1VBUI IOII). luuminaung purposes, ine averago n- nra nni4t - , . ftrn ..willl annual product of it has Btoadily in-1 ftf;, , ' in tha iH1,nBVivrillil. oii helds, but men with a tireless ac oreimed wince first discovered and iireiess ac- wells are to da being put down in tivity'wiU c on pnviching the world, active oil districts , at . tbo rate o fi ve b , ' . hol(l of Nllture inexh.mst- i iiii.irod per uionui, n mi tu r o, L, utU The t ,luve ui iiiuii; u;im ui'uu bii'uiiiij uiuiuiniu been prosperous but the future is tho age iu which wo must live. W. K. M. MARRIED. ii i i en during ion years past, says ou per mtt iideiit Charles l'J. Uoodwin, a practical oil man of M'Kean couuty, Tho amount of capital invested in tho oil business in Pennsylvania is almost beyond rational belief, but two years ago tho bureau oi in- spt 22, by Rev. S. E. Ochenford dustrial statistics at Harneburc epl- at the residence of the bride's par lated, under the supervision of the cuts, Harry P. liolig and E. Catlier oiuiu oiunniiviuu, latin wuuiumK ino Arbogast, both ol Solinsgrove, tlm nrnilnetinn nf nil. irnn. ia Rml I tinilu.fin nnr Stnto nml thn returns On the 10th inst. by Rev. W. A exhibit on arrav of licures almost Haas, Myron K. Laudenslager of incredible Sehnsgrove to Mrs. Isora . Ulnch m it...:.. i,., tt.i i I of oalom mi . vjiuuu niu uao iiivt uic uu if iruu enterprise alone in which be is con cerned has invested the sum of $.170,000.00 in getting the enterprise into a productive condition. This field now has eighty throa wells in operation, but the sum invested does nob represent salaries paid for DIET). ClianilsT .Suits, H l'iircj-, marked down from $10.00 to $2.".O0. arlor Suits marked down from 5 10 to $2"). Sidclioards marked down frtm $G to 15. ('ouches marked down from ?5 to 10. Ijoiingvrt marked down fron2 to 8. Fine Upholstered Koekers marked down from :) to S. lietlsteads marked down from $2 to 0. Cane nnd Wood Seated Chairs mnrkitl down from 1 to 0. Hall 1 lockers marked down from 1 to 10. Ladies' Parlor Desks marked down from :J to 10. I'nrlor Tables marked down from 1 to .". Looking ( ! hisses, Kasels, Pictures und Picture l'nunes, .Statuary, Has socks, UattiHi, Cane Seat und Hack and Wood Seat Hookers, ICxtensioii TuUes,CiiplNKirds,lJmbrellii Stands, Tea Tables, ( 'oiiiiiukIcs, Chitloniers, Bureaus, Doiiglitrnys, WardroU's, Stands, Mattresses, l?od Springs, tL-e. Our stix-k of Carpets, Hugs, Art Squares, Matting und Cocoa Dtsir Mats is the largest of imy house in tlie county, and all price on these goods arc mat ked down in plain figures, und will lie sold at a big reduction during the Closing Out Furniture Sale. I tun deter mined to close out the Furniture Department of my business, aiu terms on thealsive goods are prices named will lie cash or note with a proved security. W. II. FELIX, Ix'wistown, Pa. ftfl All 1 11 11 i . .u giMMis pacKcd mid de livered in good order F. O. 11. Ffonest iDturanoe at Honest Rates. The tlegt Goods for the Leant Money. GENERAL NSURAflCF flCENCY No Assessment?! Only the Oldest, Lnrgeot and Strongest t AMIl Companies. No Preminm No Sound solid nn J True Iirtlenmlty. Itepreseutlug every cUaToi iiifiumricp ruiirr i.ih', rirn, Aronit'ni, or l ornano. set: DUR CUMFANIES i KAMR LOCATION Aotna J I art ford H6iiio Xew York Tiro Association Philadelphia Fidelity nnd Casualty Xcw York Equitable Life Ins. Soc.Ncvr York All business entrutded to our Agency shall always reoi-Ive the utmost care and attention. Entire satisfaction guaranteed. We BUiiuib a mure oi your pniromiKe. H. HARVEY S0HO0H, Solincgrove Liber! Adjustments. Prompt PayuiPtiti, y;i7o,c4 5,007,85 1,587.01! 130,198,511 On Sent. 15. noar Freobure. Chas, S. Kissinger, ugod OJyears G months and days. r.. ( i,Tr"i'uii. ;ui ;.. '.,.,...,.,11.. services, taxos upon stoek and real Galen Kftri inflint chiij of T v property, msurauce, repairs, etc. ttnd C- v Klockner. acod 10 months. n. . 111 I'"- This concern is constantly open- ... i . mtf now on territory, anaior iweniy l-vni'in wci'Tiii' nrT ti. tnn i' venrs nast thev have nut down wells I W . m ' I , -. 1 I fl.l I. 1 . T TV. .1 1 - at an average 01 mree uunured nm gruut imu mur, uuvm iven nor mouth, tho work coins forward I nmlv's FavoriteClleiuedr In curliiL' at all periods of the year, unhaltod aiseases of the blood, particularly ;l . 1. l a t i,,, , i., the Ills of women, has again been active business pursuits. Conver- demonstrated. Mrs. W. J. Anderson nation with a practical oil man Boon of Bruyn St., Kingston, N. Y In gets a "tenderfoot" into a condition epeitktug of her exporlenoe, says : "I of mental frenzy. Tor it soems to be 1 WH8 an awful eufTerer from troubles a mighty speculation irom begin- non to Iliy 8ex Wft8 ;reducej to ning to end, in which millions have .. . ' . , , ' , ftin. and lost. In the whirl. .; our physicians prescribed nool of this Bpeculation, John D. for ine, but I kept growing worse. Rockefeller stopped forth, unknown Until I began the use of Dr. David to wealth and lame, ana now he Kennedy's FavoriteJHeiuedy I never u uv ry - rr hnew a Weu uay, ay iu use i gruw ..tin b.,t thT are toonumerous "tronger the palu less frequent, until to cite in detail. In what is known It entirely disappeared. I now weigh .a the white sands, an unvarying 125 lbs. and am a well woman. yield ot two thousand barrels to the mQti know a dozen women who suf- aore, can oe reueu upon, wuu tuf fered similarly and have been toured tire territorj, from three to four I b lt UM PERSONSTO TRAVEL WANTKD.- -Sevcral faithful gentlemen nnd ladies to travel for established house. SALARY $780.00 AND EXPENSES. l'ositioii permanent if suited ; also increase. ntnu rclerencc and en- lose self-add resscd stanijs'd cnvcl- riMtl. ' k rntT 1 r OIK. 1 J 1 V4 x A J 11 A 1 4t 16C 310-317-319 limn ha lllilg., CHICAGO. H&Ury and crtpenaMi paid week ijr from start uvaiKi'Dinib b.1 Exrltialvmt ttrritipw. CitNaa, brdr Mock, try to riuuiku. rurireaiiueniifuarv aiiUwd. ho BuUntkutiun . in our oroena, lu 1 nu oomnaMiDD to local MUV wiue mr tOMl UVT M. ruit mm- 1 mndtiiuenav. Xn tlMltal Imokum olljt I innrlliirMlntlllaor mint rrw aui, TTkls kollM Im rlUbl. Sam UiU PMW.-M-I I THREEJ)ONTS DON'T wait to buy your boots a shoes for Winter wear until v must pay advanced prices, v are selling ours at the (HMD flpn6IIB. DON'T forget that we a DON'T miss the reduced prices an Dress Cioods, Clothing, etc., 30 days only. HOCH & OLDT. New Berlin, mm nn Go m 'U II SWAT I have in stock a full and cc pieio tine 01 Furniture of all Kinds At all tilling van ran sha 41m laa- ..w AUbOOh 01 ICS vi Parlor and Bed-Roam Sui SIDE-BOARDS, SOFAS, MATTRES CHAIHS. SPKIXGS, ETC. In short everything usually found in a first class turo Store. I make a specialty of repairing, uplid ing ana panning iurniiure. 1 UNDERTAKING In All Its Branch made a specialty at lowest prices. No charges for Embalm! You will save money ly calling 011 me liefore purchasing el-l JACOB HAUP KEKI.KYS" IUJllJ)IN(i, Market St., Srliiwgiwc, l'a. Y01I SEE TI NEW GOODS. LOW FRIGES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTION IN GOODS, FITS, WORKMANSHIP AND PKI0ES. I ask but a trial Kespcctfully, H. L. PHILLIPS MERCHANT TAILOll. Sclinsgrove, l'a YOU CAWT LIVE WITHOUT A LIVER! HOW'S YOUR LIVC arc Your kidneys all DOCS YOUR BACK ACHE? DOES YOUR SLEEP REST ARE YOU WEAK AND THIN? ARE YOU DULL AND BILK Try Dr. J. 11. MEAN'S LIVER mid KIDNEY BAI au who oie it uy it is The Peerless Remedy lor eviaf i OF THE UViB, KIDWt MUD BLADDER, FEMALE TKOU RHEUMATttB AMD BRIQHT9 DISEASE. Tb Cr. J. U. C:Len C:i!:!3 Co., si I I