Peculiar L fAftl'Inntlon, proportion and proem, C.j'i arsnpirill p wuM peculiar ciirn- powcri unicnown to any otuer prepitra- Tl. la Id It linn n nnl . . I .. . . - Ljitiillf'l In tlio history of meilieine. It .lirctiy iiKin me t.iaovi, nun ny tiinkitiff w-e. rioh nnil lien'.tby it cure disease L g",ve K'iod hoaltli. Jrtofl's inrsnnnrilln in" 1 I n tnm tlooj purillcr promlncutly L ,), piilillu eyo today. ! ; nix for $3. W8 Pills enre. linlil tit1 nnstli Uon. I'riee Hi cent. Gitrtrra and Matrimony. it oil times garters have lu-en con- Uri"l wry Important details of worn- i Jitss, nuil always nssoi'latitl In mo ma M nor Willi iiintilniuiiv. Down roiijli liiilf n docn couttirlc coiiim , n tlif? riiftom practiced to-day of rlnz tlx. garters . ihiUliIng touch i iirMc's toilet. The particular plrl kiii who Is permitted to slip them oil;ii i' I conceded to stand the lest cliatU'o nf weildititc happily he re twelve months are out. A pros- tuf near and Misnfitl matrimony Is (ushnivil ly the friend who heenres privilege of making n Pride' car- , tlie proper pal tern fur which Is it ,1 1 ircle of white bilk clastic cover- n it!i ciiihroitleied while mitln and hjkiI I y a s'liall cold Piu-klt? ciiam- ,,l in white tiow knots. The garters M.i;ie Antoinette were pretty pink ; lumN elalmraifly etnhroiilereil on upper half In tiny Jewels and piM -..,.). la an AiiHTiean family are rvi -.1 tin- Pridal garters of a titled iiiieeitress. These are of white . ii'Mti.v iivo inciics in'oaii. ami dec- I Willi round buttons inndc of Need :!, fi'"tn which mn pein! pearl cords J U-eN two Inches lutj:. Leaves' I. tints. fine nf the prettiest ii.lcrosconl-'.nl i.Ii.h I ihe examination of the lungs 1 ii!;iiit. Most prople do not know at a I' has hints. Put it lias, and , lmi" are In Its leaves. Kxainliiod i wush a hlx'h power nilcroMcone. ,iv leaf will show thousands uuon iiiainls f openings, Infinitely small, oi;:im', Put each provided with llpi ,-h. la many upeclcs, re contlnu- npriittiK ami ciosiiiK. I iiese open- had to tiny cavities In the lnnlv the leaf, and lV the opening and uf the cuvlty nir Is continunllv noiuc la ami out, no that the kit of tr.itPiti Is constantly iroliic on. The :n,f Hie plant Is thus 1 Drilled. Just tb bl uiil of an unliaal Is clenreS of 1 rmritlcs h.v liasslnir through the liinc. llmi averase-siyid tree will therefore tin- course of a day do as uiucb I'Llag as a man. rrI more Cslnrrh In tlit-i section of th .'itrji 1 11:111 nil nt iter diiettxes put together, . mill tlin lust few venrs wiw nutnm-.l Ut I m ir''!f. Fur uirrHt niRliv ye re din-tor pro irr:l itA lot-nl flttin.-.e nml prtsxrribpit local nun iy O'UiNiniiiiy iiiinit in ciirr i!i.o n iP'Mtiiii-ui, proniiaili ril 11 llirurrtl.le. I n elm provt'ii culnrrti to Imi 11 coiiHiltu. i iMi-o.i nnil tlicrvloro ivqiurr cirititu lur-iimrni. n.iiin 1 ninirn urr, himii. I lurrd by F.J. f'liemy Sir l'o.,Tu!ili, Olilo, I I u-iljr ciin'.ttlltliMiil cine n lh iimrkrt, L ultfii Iniernntlr iii4l'iw-i frorii-lOilriiiHi In l ii'inliil. It act! itiri'i llv eu tiio blnod r. 'iiticnu itiirfm'M of the ytm. 1'lier ilTrr b'l'i'iri'il M"lliirs for any inn it tinl 10 M-ii'l fin' vlrculnrs una tttiiminmK AJilre V. J. Cnrxrr A Co.. Tuladn. O. " Jv'.J by UrufKiu, 70c. " i-onil llower,i oiili),l.iire nnlmnla. A .ir-I ri'tumuliit n Led of uuenioni's. Jr. K!linr' Swamp-IIoot rurn ii Kiiim v hl.'l i'la.l'li r Iro'.il.lfH. J i.iiipn 1. 1 11 ntl l uiiMiltiiliiiii Irvo. iLi,n,u,iv llitiuliuinptuii. N.V. 1 rr. p;m na tbo peiich tree, si-nd forth "i7 LHoro ths leitves nuvo kturteil. W ii.klnw'p SipdM.inii rlp fur rlillilrnn I ,'. flrlll tl.o j;tlit. TI'llUITH ufhtlll; I'lim. furi-s wind lollt.iic. u iulllu To Ki rn liMiiii 1 1" 1:0 m.i:;lr rlixir. Itiinlv riwm irn litll i.f (li,. hlMllh. I'll, 1. 1.. T. til'iclDiiiiK to lis luwet cuai. . m uiiiuuu the lloinim was the em- . uim-vTui'v, heiioo tho phruso nub ro9. b!i!i'll frir lv Tlir U" I I v ru I : t tt . I u:, NolilhuftiTllr-'t iln V tin.. 'I" " uri'i.. 1 1 rut ihi 11K1I :.Mi li'ial hi.!- l'r. Klin.-. Kil Art li St.. Vliilu., Pa. uI Ip flowers lire ccnerHllv the remjlt ol 'uii.u nml always uu sUULruiul growth. -Ij . um' KUtTeriiiir. I uk cure I tj 1 a , utri'U iv. 'm. . M"lil I, of KdkIhuJ, was the IJarefoot, l Lit liHMflut. I.. I ' JNOTES OP THE DAY ASSIST NATURE a little now ami then in removinjr offintl inir uiutter from the etotnach and bowels and you tlurehv avoid a tmiltituilo of distiessinu tic ranKctni iits mid dis. tases, ami will have less friqtunt need M, C ....... .1 ..-I . f all known I IHSi l.iacnts for tins pur. A feltr- l,r- lV lr :I licasant Pellets urc 111c u-ht. Unci; us d, they nre nl wnvs In lnvor. 'I'he Pellets cure bilious nctis, eick and bilious head ache, dizincss, cos tiveucss, or consti. :"H of I'auon, sour Mom. nf a .poute, coatl.d toiipue, imli .'bum f!'sHPs'a. windy bcli-hings, J"J Limf . 1 ?nJ d,s,rts nftT eat- 1 1 nttist fSK Y0L'R DRLCiaiST FOR"" BEST rfAW.E4S0NS.NwYo,k. Tn Ohio odo lu every ten voters Is A soldier. The school children of Delnwnra have, by vote, selected the peach Idos 10111 as the floral emlilem of tho State. Chief of 1'ollce Jatissen, of Milwau kee, has Dentin n crusade naalnst diincn halls lu his city. He says that they re among the worst of evils. A gaine protective law Just passed In Missouri provides severe punishment for any one convicted of killing u doe deer lu tlie next five years. I .os Angeles Is havhi;; a new Pooin. The superintendent of liuildliigs there reports $1 as 1,1 11 10 put Into buildings dur ing the month of July, following $.'13iS, IK si In June. lied tape Is driving shipping front the new Hal tic canal. It causes so much unnecensiiry delay that the old way around Peiimark Is preferred, and be. sides the pilols and officials aro Impo lite. A dog belonging to (icorge Wilcox of Canton. Conn., met a porcupine In bis wanderings it few days ago, and came home so full of ipillls that It took a long time to pii-k them out. mid two men to hold Mm dining tin- process. Hrussels, where Ihe vilest books 111 the world tile openly published and sold. Is appropriately silectcl as the meeting place fn- n 11 International eon gress fur the suppression nf Immoral llleratfle III M Hi tolier, i.f Which .Inlet Mlliotl will lie president. The Tai ls rigaro cells attention to the fact that three of the principal Inter preters of "Tatiiibaeiiser" at the l'aiix opera house were b 111 In IMil, the very year when Wagner's work was produc ed for (he first lime In the l're'iiii cap ital wlih Mich disastrous results. lu the Itlver Tay, opposite Krrol, tin ancient Caledonian caimc was recently ('i-cil and Is now in tu,. Inindee museum. It Is formed from a single oak trunk, hollowed out. hv lire, Is L'!i n-i-t long nml feet wide at 1 "t "I'mie S Hie stern, narrow Iiil' to '' fed at ihe! Willi a MMi.v bow. A woman named Hutler Is the ilrst of ller sex to Vote at a general election In Kiiglaml. ller name was put Py mis lake on the voting list at Harrow, and the presiding olllier at the polls held that he had no authority to iint:i!re Inti. her sex when the Iiaine was nin e oil tin list. A census of centenarians recently taken In Trance gives I'l l persons of pit or over. Hi of them women and tli. men. The oldest was n woman who had Just died at I.-.11, In a village of the de partment of Haute (iaronne. Nearly nil the centenarians belonged to tht lowest ranks In life. There Is said to he only one settlement In Massachusetts located more t In: 11 a dozen miles from n railroad. 'uinmlng- toll is thirteen li Hes n 1 t tie nearest line, but Is only u 1 1 1 1 further away from three other railroads, being maf the center of a sipiaro formed Py four roads. The blue Jay Is proving a decided pest In California by eating the eggs of othet birds, particularly ijuall and game birds. So the Olympic CluP of San 1'rancisco has apmlutci a St. Hartholo. mew's day on which every one who eitu buy'or beg or borrow a shotgun i. to join in the slaughter. A Yorkshire plasterer, who was up for bigamy before ihe West Hiding as ize court, explained that he had sold his llrst wife to another man smiii years In-fore for .'! shillings and ! pe:u e. mid as she had gone off willingly In- hao 'loi ided to have nothing more to do w lih her. HeVas found guilty, however. Whon tl- iiialnll died, reports Matin Pasha, he . ppoluied three Khalifas win were to sin-reed him In turn. The pn s ut Khalifa was the first to Inherit tin power, and though the other two an still living he is intriguing to pass it i-n to bis son. He has ,'100 wives. Among his female slaves many an nearly w Lite. Slatln Pasha has Just recovered the sword that was taken from him when he was captured. It was the ope In had when he first entered the Austrlai. army. Five years nuo Mr. Cook of tin tourist agency bought the sword of at; Arab at I. uxor, ami when Slatln attend ed the geographical congress in I.oiidoi, he restored it to him. A new solar physics observatory Is tc be erected in India at Kodaikaiial. li. the Palanl hills, Him miles south ol Madras. It will photogiaph the sun daily and will undertake a t-ysiemailc spectroscopic examination ;f ti,,. sun 1 lie leinperaiure or Hie station Is verj even, and the number of cloudless hour each day unusually great. Paris proposes to put 1111 end to the complaint that a policeman can iu-m-i be found, by establishing seventy po lice kiosks in different parts of tin city. A policeman will be always on duty there, who will communicate wltl. the nearest station by telephone, and al night will have another policeman with HI 111 to send out at once lu ease of peed Moltke's strategy at iiravelotte ami St. Prlvat is severely criticised by a person called l'lif. Hoelilg. He Peg lectcd to recoiuiolter the ground per sunnily before the battle: he was Inju dicious lu his choice of headquarter! ami consequently lost control of his sub ordinate commanders. The mistake! were due probably to his extreme age nud the excessive' deference paid tc li 1 111. The old man got there all the va me. HolK-rt Hoss, i:il I.nens, Lucia n Ad Mm and John Albright, members of prominent and respected Cabell County families, have been lodged In Jail at lluutlugtoiiW. Ya., charged with dis turblng public Worship. The charge Is that they went to the country church on Madison creek on Sunday iiioi'iilnii and pro ctkally took possession of the place. Huring prayer, It Is alleged, they yuracd thu pfcachoiv und during tin lid I H I V . progress of the sermon produced a pack of cards nnd played poker on on of the benches till the pervlce was over. The preacher and members of the con gregation tried to Induce the youna men to leave, but they defied them, and went on with the gnuie. There was great excitement after services, nnd some members of the church wanted tu visit summary punishment upon the offenders, but the piciuher prevnlleO upon the hot headed onus to let the law takes Its course. A sect calling Iiself "The Peculiar People" Is attracting attention In Kng bind from the number of deaths anions Its children, due to Its trusting entirely to the Lord and refusing to call In doc tors, tine mother ti stilled before the coroner's Jury that she had allowed live children out of six to die of linuii hills In this way. They call In the doctor when an aiilnial is sick, for the Libit' says nothing against that. A LADY ELGIN SURVIVOR. He la I.IvIiik the Life of o Hermit In iKcotixin. 'in the north end of Mud Lake, one of the tributaries of Lake Cheiek. and n short distance fnitn the village of I'helek, there lives ipiite a historic being, eiio whoye modi' of living Is somewhat peculiar. Ill Palmer, one of the survivors of t'm Lady I'.Ilti dis aster In Lake Michigan is the name of the iinthpie Individual. I'or twenty live years Ihe Hermit ,f ilu Lake, :im the villagei-'i call hiin. has made this loi,ly place l.!s home. Living In a one story lo hut built by himself twi n ty-ll ve yea I s 111:0, with one w i 10 low aid oil" door, a home made bedstead and 11 In Hi h for chairs, he lives the life of 11 hermit, llshii.- In the summer and hunting In the u inter. When he vlsiis Chetek be Is dressed In blue drilling ovtrath reaching only to his knees; bis ve: Is ope of his own make, as well as the moccasins which he wears, lie ha 4 ilie fin e and llgure .1." lli-i 10 l U Is covered 1'i owth of t hiskers, and it goittec, silvery while, grows straight out from a well rounded and character istic chin. Win never he pays (iu-tel; II visit the children i.ll treat him with much respect. The younger genera tion look upon him 11s a being. When speaking of the loss of the Lady Llin bis t yes till with tears and his voice falls in a low nioiioione. Ills description of the shrieks of the drowning and frenzied seauuti ami helpless olliceis brings tears lo the eyes of the listener. He was saved by the aid of a life presi ru-r, and a'vr Hunting for bourn he was picked up by a searching par ty, void of all clothing and about ileml. He remembered nothing until after be awoke in a hospital. Pal mer cans very Utile for bis fi How be. Ings, mid jine-h less for the genih-t sex. It is said t Iiit t pi.terty is not ilm cause for bis mod,, of living, but that lu his younger days the girl he loved jilted him, ami since he has had an 1 it- tcuse 1 -lM-id f : f. Ill -lis. .'line livl.ig III this lonely place he has never visit ed any other place except I'lielek. and never Iii h'.s life did he ride on a rail, road train.-St. Paul Pioneer Pro.-.?.. DEATH IN A CYCLONE. Stat of Michigan 8rept by Disastrous Storms. A cyclone which cams from thcwut struck Port Austin, Mich., at mldnklit Tuesday. iilm&e)' were blown from homo-, gtwu trees a foot In dlam-tr wre torn off at the roots ai If Ihry w-re dry Mocks, and tho of Iho point i f l-inos hotel was blown to atom. West of town Ihe wind tors down buildinc ami blew them away. J'no i1n:nns-o lu Unit direction lias not yet tcn a-i-rlniucd. 'i nn storm niovs I south tvsrd, lrciin,jtrM. and grain In It picli. lino imlB from the village of l'uinebig ttis farm hoii of I. Oils wai completely d... ntollshi-tl, and three of tlio farmer's children who i-rerliM'piui( In Ihe upper atory wers iD-tstalr killed. One of the worst wind stnrtn evrrv exper ienced lu Unit locality swept over i'etofkey Tuendyr tiinlit. 'J he heavy smoke stack on tlin elei-lrlc litrht works was Mown down, nnd the top of the Ornml llsplus ,t Indiana rall rond water tank wns carri"d away. Nnm bsrler trees were uprooted. but tho rculdi-nco section psciiped iiijuiy. A number of sail bonis were upset au 1 wnshvd nahore, causing serious losses. A terrible hnrrlcana from ths northeast struck Siind peai h nt 12 S'J o"clock Wedni-s-day inornunr. Ileuses, bar us and sheds were I, lim it down, buildings were unroofed aijd trees lorn up. Ibe lluo new residence, ol I'.otin.son Weiloek was coiiiplnlely d-strcy od. Mi l the north end of tint railroad itntlon wns blown in. hev.-rsl other iUti-IIiiik and barns were ileinoiisheil. bat no lives wero lest, hi verul bouls luihe harbor worn cap Hred. Ihe water In Ihe bay at Alpena receded udd!ily WHIn. sday ne rnlui;, lowerlnit the level iil.otit ttiree P ot, end leaving several vefs on t!. bottom, it came back Krndti iilly. J l.e smite pt.enomouuu occurred last nt.i.ut this lime. Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U.S. Gov't Report wii ot 2,000 MINEKSOUT. They Ask 1-or a Tartial Hetor.tion ForniT Wtiites. Advices nro Hint 2,(HK) miners employed In the mines of Pell, ..-wis and Vats nt I'll bols, Pa., nro on a strike. The trouble duti s biiik to the liurd timos of is;i, when Iho inu asked f,.f a reduction of :i'l cents per ton In or-ler that l,y so doing tln-v inulit be kept t.i work. When buines begun to rmlso the nieii usked lor Iheold scalo 01 wii.-s an I Were rlie-ei!. n Jliiitibiy n muss meeting was held. Ileiolillloiis wern iidoptej reipiesting Iht adoptmn of a new al of w.igiis by the coin puny. rori cents pr ton is u-ked to October I, nml Iroin thui o on 40 eeuts is nsked, the cenln for tinicliiii" mined coal lo remain unchanged until tictyher 1, When n unv ecnle n lo go Inio elTei't. Jh" mini ntle.-ied by the Mriki- are th lyiioldvbli-, London nnd iMibois uu I two ttlier nililes not eperuted so ejletislvely. As yet tho mining cotupeny bus uiude no 'jITer of Bi-ttlement. M Alv'K IC'PtS. riiTia llir SIIOIS-.AIR I lll KS AUK I.IN'N lOLoW.) .. ... - -rin. I lour anil sl. nnrfll .u 1 Mil... H l I llill.N- ,S.. a y,.,, ,r, N--. '.' Hi. ,.,1 Allied 1(ir, t'A'ls- .No 1 una,. No a wnite . .So. I Mbitv .... l.lela II1H1 ,J i. 1.- 1 ....v.; v;;;;;;;;;; Ne wi-ptem 1 l.Ol It --Winter I Hti ntH I li'll,! 1 10. 1) spriiii: put. nt, 1 11 in-)- -1 1 11 1 k' 1 1 1 inter Mi.-ii lit X.. l.iikers .'. t I -n 1 inti r hje Ilinir . llAi -Nil. 1 linii.lhy .N...V V Ut I .1, . r. N. ' Ni-H llf,. Iriini ttnguiiM .... 1 t.l-!-.... 1 Whit.. i, 1 , . W hit,. .Mi,l.ln.,B llriiun Mi.iiiii Ill 1.11, 1 M KAW - Wheal (lit loll THEY LOVE ANIMALS, Kcunrd The JupniKhc lor tl.i The love of pl;i n n il lu tht IIiivi 11 Ten ler Unite t n ation .nil. oil . m-,-iiis to be im Leans of the .l.ipain se. nuil is an en ci..n.'y amiable trail of their character. Tin-re is a wonderful Miiypnthy iUt:ii.- b.-tnien tln-m and Ihe lower :iii:i:i:;I-'. whieii a stranger . in. 1. 1 li.e ,b!y tl. lllliblii and ailmirc. 1 l .wei- order 1 loMlll of the I, w ho lntiih cannot tail tddcratioii t itlgS Is pl'oli ly lellets of lesson of divine humanity his followers; but It may that the belicvoli lice of Japanese owe.-, its origin to on- r bi-kiml-1 11. e iniu I HI till! fcilf Iilr I'roiluila, 1 K'e,, .r, I l.l.i t 1 ton.-! 1 .in. ) 1. 1. i.u ) i..,a , l.e" Silo-' .oi l 1 "i.nllig I t 111 1 M. o, in a . i.r. in ; W th- 1 limn e- 1 Cl. ' II e..t , tl. I rult nud Unrliiljltt. AI'I'I ! ):- . I'.'. 1.1 -. .. . I I. I.-. ... 1.I.A.V-- II1.1 II. l"i.Mii.- tu., 1 II Ml htl.M', l., tA..I.A'.. ilea.. iMk.n 1 . a, 1, . i 1,1. 1.; It I'l II I.' .' ' ','1 '.s in '.". '.''-U .'I li.ij :i VI '. is -I'i ,1. 1 :ii ;'i 1..1 " 11 :i i.'i '.' '..1 .; m a '! . . .1 1 n 1 in in en pi :.o 1 1 1.0 ;.'i 1.1 I'l II INI I'i 0.1 1; 00 Is 00 l" ... I. i.'l 1. .Ml I i I) In (I I II I'l 1 1 I " '. .- 'I '. ;.e .. tl I VI , S-, I.' i'l 1-1 1. k. .1. 1 1 r in iii .'i.M I., I l l iis well as love, sime they are believers lu transmigration and Hinl.lha -as: "Tby futur,- birih will be unhappy U thou doest cruel things." The education of the Japanese child Is derived in most cases from his moth er, who teaches him morality and li 11 deriiess while yt-t an Infant. To 1I1I1 beautiful fclllilill.e Inllllelice may be traced the loi- of the Utile ones for flowers, birds imd beams. They are fond of playing with toads, snails and butterflies, but handle them so gently that they escape unharmed: even the tiniest toddler will go out t,f his way to avoid crushing the meanest worm that "rawis. Their parents and nurses tell I'-ein all sorts of quaint tales about animals, and the '.,!!; lore of the coui. try teems with Merles of birds and beasts and llshes. The little ones grow up with many pretty conceits about birds and insects: ;:uinng others they have 11 rhythmical charm which they believe will infallibly make the great Iduck ami yellow Mialls put forth their horns. . Mas Onto Clums. In .Vorth Carolina the Judges of th Mipei'lur court "rotate," I. e., ride each circuit of the w hole State In regular sue cession. When Judge Shipp, of one of the mountain circuits, In regular rota tion came to ride u circuit uu the wa coast, he was much pleased with clams, which w ere new to him. He had a ciaic supper, with the result that he had n most violent illness, and could not lurid court for tw o or three days. When ablt to sit on the bend' tho first case tried w as an affray in which one man used a pistol and the other knocked hlui dowu with n flam (In the fcliell). Manly, np pearlng for tho State, Introduced a witucss to prove that one tin in, so used, was a deadly weapon. "Stop there. Manly," said tho Judge, earnestly; "tht court will hear evidence whether or no' ft pistol Is a deadly weapon, Lut th court knows withuut further evldcuci tlvat a clam U.' I'llllllJ, Live ( I,,- ki-i.s, r ..r Live In., kr. r iniu ,..'" il.eli I hi. a. lit., .1. , I in- I urhi ii.. ,-i. ii. J-i.i.s I'll una m,!,,. it, n "". I I. A 1 lll.ll.s. I.klii, iim t,,.,.M. rl., .Ni. 1 r.k. Live I,, i .i no, 'lltill v no J., -i 1 1 IJ pi 1 1 to I.'l -M im I'lluneoiis M l.I'.s-( ,,i,.r 1 u.i.ilhy, . im.- i- i.iiip 11AI..S i Mmii y n.ti. a lii'.M.V-Wnn.. i ii,., M.M'l.h Si it( t: H.- i IPl'.ii uiiiitri . ii..'t t 'l.M.l.uW H. I' It W..1.AI It I .'. ,i l v....- A . .- l.l.t.S I'l 1 I Ml -lit,, tl.Ml.NNAll .No. M.Xi .1 I I"! It We ..U-.V 11'. .. .N.j. . I 'A . .N... J II . il l. I I . ii iii.-t y I lllLAUI.l.l-lil.t. I' V l!""l . . : Miki i : Ni I.u. I . uu.. m i : 1 1. hi-1" 1- I'll I.IHl NfcW lOUU. H. ufi: I'ltn-tiiM V Oi-.l l -.No. -J ... I ... IU ! - --lull. v to -.No. .' 'A I - -W loi.. W i-sterii lL 1 i i.ll--1 i i iiiiM l y I. iji..- Mnin in, i l i nn J n r. mock I Al l LU, i'rlii.e, j.iisi in i .cm ;t, Ouii'J, 1 Oou III 1 .till lli lo.U buti'liers, I tu lu 1 'HiJIlik 1 III)', l.oiu to ,r,oit. I uir litem steers. 'AU lu liuu lbs . ' outUiun, Tuo to wma. noon Lhrl.t wi letit Mellllllll Heavy Itlll.k'll unit suit's mkkr. Kxtra. PS tolliTi IPs I.O..J. s:. tu im li.a air. Tj lo si iii. Common spi lug Lain On i lili nk'n. t utile i ciiiii.uii io itra I ..SUiut..i; .m ki rs anil lei'iler. $ '. leS Itlllt bulls, l .')., I I ililli.a, n ii"i: ueavy. Il.i'nili; .' lo . Illik.'ll, 4 I it 4 lit; I h.lh'M hHlnrteil, tlio Ilfhl. I.'.'"...; l.lirs, '-'illKsl M Nieel I. .. I', mi i f o v. V . 'i V -.ii 1 J 1 til 44 1 1 1 p. ol 0 i hi a w 1 4 liiSl M i,;, ,i 4.' .i i ;i ..I 1- ir. i.. .. J : a 4 i 'i i.i, 4i IV '.' '. :o vl r. 1.. ... $ V ir, 1 l.i I.'l I,'. r.. ; X VI v.'. U vii LlllLKiT, I'A, 1 in r. :.; i '.: 'i n,i .. 4 m 4 ;i .. 4 il vil - .1 ll II '.! ... 1 O J (SJ I 'tl 4 Si i . 4 ;:. 4 s.i t io 4 :i i '. i 4 'jo a on s i' 'si so I '! s .' .. 1 il 1 !u i oj 4 ifci steers I'l... 1 '.M .:..i'. .VI holuu ml.tili; .-in- " I'm w mono, ... u., i. ju; ia tubs, ..00.1. t'linilinnli lluirj select Khlipers. I fit. 1 .".it I'Uti'lii is l. I'liil t.,: (an- t Kj ,a.'kers il.V.'i lut il"! nor 1.1 iik-lit l lut.o. i.',; ii.inini.ti UIl,J runirh.l ii;,ii4.v'ft 1 ntii.. 4,hi hinierhL; ituo.1 toihi.ii o 4..'mt..l (A ; inir iu im-dinni ti)iu l.f.n; coniiiioii $i4.itoa,-5 Lamb --extruil.AH oi.a to i.'hu.-hu 1'0 lo4.iJcomiuou to fair lo I'i iD. Money lit Old I'ostage Mtampa. In philately ninny htrtnless personi till find recreatlou and some denlen profit. Huring the tntir. for the sale Py uuctlon of rare pnstngs tamps, which seeuis to le Just now flrnwiiKt to a tioae, one firm ntotie hn. disposal of upeclinous of the nggregritc falue of I.(KS). Messrs. Vent'om , Lull & t-OOlier. W ilt hah! Itin eef.e,1 I took 11.2M at their last sale, and thi ' lots Included a collection (,f ;t. ton vn-lc ties, whleli fetched fnpi; n j,aP f ,-, Zealand, watermark "N. .," Id. Prown W hich sold for .".L': a Hula ml. j r.j. and lop., for which i:: t. oi.tnin I fd. ami a Iriock of four Ureal ltrlta!n I ls-".l. (id. violet, unused, which realized .'i. MoRrjultors Not Hn;inclous. i!osiUltoe9 materially differ from their prey, man. Herein they set a lio Mo example. They, too, are politically Round ou the race and si x iiuestiiei.i. i'liev ninke nn distinction In color or gender, rrnfesslotially. they resemlrie their sclent, lie allies of the meill. al fra ternity. They never let blood without putting In their I'liil The Newest Advertising Dodge, v If .Volt (In, I n K-ttHf p, ynr !,.tf,.r tx, or lying Pi the hatUny nny of theM tine days that Is addressed, lint ntt td you, don't follow the course that, ao fording to popular tradition, Is usually taken Py women, and open It over la meam kettle, for ten chanivs to oua II ts a linsiness circular. The ruse Is one of tho neatest y adopted. A business card Is plnei'd In plain i-liTeloie, which Is nealod nud addressed In u feinltiine hand to l mythical lady In aome f.nhiotiahlt loi'allty. M"',senncrs distribute fhs4 enteloii'S iiiletly In th,. letter holei and hallways of Hats and prlvata houses, nml the adtenlser counw on Woman's curiosity to ilo the rest. Hit Idea Is that the Ilrst Impulse of th liuiler of one of tlmso letter win Ik to stamp on It and mad it, th.. seeumS In look iltotitiil stispliiou-ily to a.-e II aiiyl Is looking, and then take t)i lirst ojii.oi'tuiii; y to open it over til wli'.im of a kettle. B K . 1 rl Pi mm Hotli tlio tiirtluivl rciilla wlicn sSvrup nf lea ij takm; it i-i jilcasatit nml 11 ffct-liiii'' to tho taMc. nml acts Setiilyjct ir;iiiptly mi the Kidney., " -ivcf hii J JJowtl.i, clcam-cs the eys- , '. icm c-aoctuaiiy, (lh-'pe, -,.!tis, hcnil ntlies nnd leven ami rinrs lialiittial cotiFtijiution. iyriij) f l'i.s ij tlio only ronicily cf iu l;iml tver rro (lucoil, jilcnsiio; to the taLto mid ac ccptalilo to tho ilntuacli, jiromtit in its action nml truly!! :ti In t fleets, prepared only f'rotn the tuo-t Lcaltliy imd nenralile Ftilniaticrs, it-4) many cstillcnt ijiiulities commend it to all nud have made it tho most popular romciiv known. Hyrnp of Jmit-i jj f"r raV in TA) cent but tlc-K by all h'i'diti,: dnit: gists. Any rcliaLlo dnnist who iiiay not liavo it .n liaml will pro cure it pronijitly lor uny one vim whento try 1:.. 1) Lot'uctcpt any Bubstitute. CALIFORNIA FfO SYIIUP CO. lOUfJVlLU. t... ,.v U.K,HY. Some people luiagin that as soon j they g. t iieii-iied, they mii-.t ,im m Mllilii'. 3'JffTX-:lf1iri ' "'" "S. Tsise Tie "I.IM'SK" sr.tle lli-xt n, Most rimnii fnl ii lir nn. I i'iifl ..rn , II. ey -e lim lr i.l rss ei.illi, I..II1 1. .In. 111. ml nt e 1 1 k an.l I- rrrnnk "' .'"llnr l eiisl li. nny iilior I. m l Ihr; tl utll, t,ttr V.', I all I l,mk '."' A IvlS Tn I'lUuriiir fisIusol L'uBs fur 1 vratf I'm Cenln A Hanit'le TnlUr Deri r(r ef Cm!S . tusll tm Ita OuLS. h .in., mi l. unj m.t. A4.1itM KRVKKHllil.rt OuLLAIl I'uKI'tJiT, " IWiha Rl . Ka Vork. tl KUtur Bt. IVa. I'ROI'ITAIJI.I- i)llY Vt)UK run niiiy Im accomi'lis-liel With tlio Very best r ftB .1 1 I' 1 1 -wii-es. tV" fr.-ain s,.,,. of tools a-ut Witlintiavll ta'.or ua tlin s ire ot tnnro 1'Htli-r. wlilla 11. ilk I a t ill I .trim-rs wltl t.i'.n to :' I a Ul 1. strut".! Illed KHKB r. V.X t:' 'kiin fun. 1 nii art tier iinmed eeiL In ik iiomla I'.'ii.i. Nel, catali.u intnl CAVI3 St RANKIN KLDQ. & KKO. OO. Cor. Rsniiotsli a OtjOa-i S'l , Chn so l "?i 1 EtASTXO fjv ' asRIIPTIIBFflnrpil T Tt rr c s V' rorri t. .A.-? fJLJZs -!- it 1 i-i 1 u Kji.vis ,'r Wmii iii.tii .uni ,i,ir 1 -.- . '-1 .Jtf-H im .i.i 11, 1.. 1 1. 1'iu.iika inrTvii. 'itl'll liV 1 . V. ivill In' iii.i-i.. l.irii.T or s lonl lor In - nil .-hni-t. 1114 Illl. II ef I T'Tt K lllli- I III. I.. Ill .c.-lir.'ly Mflt.C... .nliri.iiiliMi,N.v.'ii y 'Cu.Ti.VMiiV.'.iti nit " v fro OQti 1 hi. ,11 hvr.tu. 'I i-u-s uii... . LJ Iii i.i. .. 1. i. .Ti-nr-ir. ifj2El :EWSloiuv.?..v.::.v,.,:.,,: yuores!ifnllv ProsT-utes Clnims. VJSNTYOUR SERVICES )! i-iHi'f. ,1 il 1,1411 I t Httmr i:::-'-"'"" The easiest cleaning is with Pcarlir.c. Vi-s, r.-it st fur cvery- uouy. iictlu r ymi n-t urn " A tin- h ml wurk nf h msc-t Iran- yntirsc.'f, or having it ilniif, j-'ft Pcarlinc ami M-t through with it. It'll !i innr'.' work, better wnrk, iiiiker work, than anything cl,e. 'nll nti-ht t look nut for the wear and tear in It nse-r li-n ni n r n o ..II vashin.c Somo nf your delicate thin-s won't stand niuch'nili Imifr. 1 hey re meant, esin be t leaned with Pearline. CTi-- r1 l'Ct!lt!tT ILIlll M1!1W ini.i-riMtli.iit n.e.,s. 'I t ... .. n t jcuu or -the ae :.; .; . iv v :. . .."-v lit-ve- Fili!eit, Mipllii''!'" I I "I :: Q ii ililiiiiiiiililiMM 1 v st Back Lie Mine, nv. I I S 1 AI.M' IVai i;,r n:nl if your gnwer scads y. 11 nt-thin i-i : !.'in:-,t-.jfli.n,'Aii(1 ' 'J " :.M!., f I'l iriine. te l'VI !'., .cw ork. Yft?.. it's ppnrlu I - 1 bV. WS J a rE-rT A ,.1.,. --.,1. i., 1. r. V nn circuit lJuu iur x your tiiijlf ami constant rofcronce. Send for it NOW. It's NYw and Nice. . ' . '. 0UK gijjScnt by mail on receipt uf iu cents in postage stamp or money. M:V CATALOG Ul: brimming full of illustration1?, and show ing how the thousand-and-one things really look. You'll like that. There aro Guns, Rifles, Pistols from all over the world, and somo of our own make Fishing Tackle, Dog Collars and Chains, Tennis Sets, etc., etc, You can see our LOVELL DIAMOND BICYCLE The Finest Wheel on Earih the Williams Typewriter you ought to have one. There's lots of other things too. JOHN P. LOVELL ARMS CO., Kola U. H. Alien lr " sT.tu" Al TOM.ll H' I'.tl'FIt I :m: i:iiiiin, M A -si. LA IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED TRY OL O