The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 19, 1895, Image 7

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C fell
; A;"1
1 w
gat Clnada of Oiant Moaqnttoe Keep
Treasure Reekera at Bay. '
Gold In plenty may be found In Che
Kinds of tne Volndor Rlrer, a stream
tf moderate volume that comes rum
Ulnc from the snow line of the Sierra
It st Martha, In South America, but,
though the lowland region and the. rlT
ft bod where the previous metal
iboiinds In fabulous quantities are ens
fjy awMlblt?, the m'mcjultoes are so
thick and terrible there thnt all at
tempts to rifle the sands of the gold
bave so far failed.
Ellsee llcclus, the celebrated French
j,icraj1ier, was the dlHoovcrer of this
mti'lerful stronm, whose waters sweep
over anruls that are literally jrolden.
He told the news to the French Vice
Consul at Itlo Ilnrfin, and this oflU'lal
obtained the concession of this Lido
He took with him when ho set out
id Ingeniously constructed gauze tent
of large dimensions. For two days he
tried to llro under Its shelter and watch
th operations of his workmen, who
tf.llixl Ifi tho stifling hent, clothed In
thick garments and protected by heavy
boot'", gloves and veil. At the end of
the second day, however, both employ
er and employe with one accord gave
op the struggle and retreated.
Tli next to try to wring fortune
from thcsi" auriferous sands was an
j Italian who obtained permission from
tie Vice O'twnl referred to alove.
Tio Italian started out with a party
of fix. who shared with him his belief,
i:). they took along no spivlal pro
tivti.'ti against the Insects. They en
(!;r 1 for less than half an hour the
if il torture ami then tied.
Yet there are human beings who can
TdiMire with Impunity Into this hell
i"e guardian demons are nusiul-
t.'. and tiiese are some of tho sav
ijc natives of the mountains frni
w'.ii. rocky steeps tlio river comes
ft:;.! ! : n ir down. These savages, who
tansiiulto proof, nre rendered so
1; t ! . -! l bodies being Covered with the
of that awful disease, leprosy.
!:.' !::'""Mltoes will not touch them.
Hut neither gold nor the gamls of
Ic:i;.;.i:iMti win tempt them to atr,
is 1 t!iere Is no hiimtin power, nppar-
;!y. which will drag them out from
!r rude eaves on the mountain Hide
Ii:A make them labor for thu white
tan. New Vork World.
t'lKleslrulile Horse,
'Tatrlck, why didn't you tell mo
I Farmer Laurie had a pony to sell, when
It'a knew I wished to buy one for
K:!i' IV" asked Mrs. James, with cousld-
hnl lc .severity.
"'Mi. mum," replied her man-of-all-
I rk. with a beaming smile. "OI'll not
t Mjin' that the eraychure didn't
n'lillp me molnd, Jlst for tho tolme
I Ma", inuni; but anyway, he was no
ta for Miss Ethel, mum."
"And why not?" demauded Mrs.
"Why, mum, said Tatrlck, shifting
p weight carelessly from one foot to
lie other, "Farmer Laurie made a
pat p'lut of the craychure's beln'
fwtll broke' It was mesllf beard him
ifakea' a- r a.a' as fer you, mum,
in towld me more than wanst that
tothln" but a sound anlmlle would yez
(w. mum, an' that s the Uvin
imth:-' -
itevernlnn the Axiom.
The mother of the nineteenth eent'jry
hi hruiight up her daughters to match
i me utlier mother's sons. The mother
the twentieth century will have tc
1:1ns up her sons to match some other
"man's (laughters. This Is contrary
(l.'.ir.. Kliot's oft-quoted theory that
'l'l Almighty made, the women tc
Lite- the men."
Hounds Hotter. I
Re You reject me because I am poor
Heiress Say rather that you are pool
cause I reject you. Boston Trans
lMr. W, .!,,, HonthlDR Syrnp for children
" t. Minus ine gum, rcmiccs inrlaini
't.w.ttj. pmu, cures wind colic. c. it buttle
'"tri nny's uurvest prospects are unusually
iui, j ear.
-1 ITS -in;. i,,, fren .v 1 Hi k'uvr'aCiiriT
U'K Hi -Thiikii. N'n ills after tlrst due's us..
, iir, . T reunite ami y:.'.ii trial but-
'' it. nunc, mi Arch M.. I'lillii.. I'll.
It is a Fact
It n.m,r.
-. '..(.',,,u una uu uueijuiuieiu
1 "1 of eurnfi, tho largest wiles In tho
I'M n.,.1 .. . .. .. . ..
i cures wuou nil others mil.
ood's Sarsaparilla
Is tho Only
rue Blood Purifier
In-hCv i the, puldiu eyn today. 1
r '. I: uro to gi-t Ilium's.
od's Pilis
act liariuiiiiioiisly with
Hood's SarAii:i.mlliu
rewdtrsd and Psrfumsd.
'Annul. I'nlike other, it twUi.
.1 111 H.MM.I .... . WBf
lwdrr sii.l packnil In a out
ftllh r.mA..I.U . I .
j .mv w.hiviim mrw
S4w)Ti tor um. Will make
Hie 6. iwrfiuiiwl Hard Hoap In M
tmnntm tnlluui buiUtm. It la la
best for olranHiug waie plpf a. ill.
Iiiln'ilug inlis, cIihmms, wutalul
U.iUi, i sinu. twii, etr.
Uou. AU.. 1'biltt., 1'a.
I S S Glvttafstllkf 4. bfVW . au j
!V t3-"Ul" n foliJlU
Election of Officer Nt Encampment
to bo at St. Paul.
Tbs metropolis of Kentucky was tMnie
with patriotic, enthusiasm this morning.
Tbrotiirb her wide streets nod over her boule
Tards marched as her guest 30,000 of those
who came- once to conquer. Ihelr pathway
banked t'jr over a tnlrjof million peo
ple, who ksts the boys In blue a reception
tbnt will never be foruotteD.
M-n ol louthern tiirtb and iiehtlment vied
wltij;tlieir brnthren from the north In their de
monstrations ot greeting, and whlto-hnlred
women, who thirty years ngo this week, heard
of the approach ot the blue coats with fear
orrr"h''0lon, petted and pelted tbera to-day
with flowers. It was n gliinntlo and sincere
tribute to the sentiment thnt was head ot the
frocession and which was worn to-day on
(nines inuuraernbio, "Uue Rng, one coun
try." Owlos: to tho railroad blockade sod tho
consequent delay in tho arrival of many of
the pouts that were to llifitro In the line. It
was not until nearly day lltit this morning
that Co!. Colin and his 'uMtxtants bad com
pleted the order of the divisions. At half
poet live flte slKiial guns were tired to awaken
the vetenabs in the outdoor camps and cbool
bouse, but the detonation I a I the effect ot
startling the whole city and ntillng the china
in mnuy closets. An hour later all vehicle
trnllln la the district covered by tho line ot
march wns stopped, tho pollco roped of! tho
roadways from the sidewalks, and the de
partment dclivntlons and Individual posts
Iciiiin to form at the locations designated.
In the meantime the sllitscers had com
menced to turu cut in a torrent, and side
walks, windows mi 1 tho putillo and prlvato
standi tlilcd up liko mimic, owing to tho
complaints ot veterans at ptevinus encamp
ments, that tliey were, compelled to ro over
morn k'""" 1 tlmii their . r liyi-loul con
dition justitled, the llr.e ot were lim
ited to two mid n half miles, niei the cliaiitf"
was a wise one, for the heat was Intense uud
the sun boat dnwn with remorseless fury.
Six moml'ers ot thel.niiisviiM l.eglou wero
Instantly killed this morning l.y the explo
sion ol iiiiiiiiiinitlon in the caisson of a nun
which was betnu driven to phoenix bill tor
service in connection with thu tl. A. It.
'1 ho soldiers killed weru members ol lot
tery A mid beiungeil to n sectu ii ol elx in
ehri; of one full. ( at turn David Castle
man was lu ,1'oinmnt.d. Hie six unfortuu
iites were seated on the cai-s. u.
Tho accident lia) pened ut'.mt 5 o'clock.
Tho battery scetlmi was proceeding to 1'boo
nlx bill to lire forty mliites in lumor ot thn
i. A. It., mid bud reached a point between
Avery and Hull residences i n I r.judway. l e.
tweu Third uud l'uiirtli streets, when the
accident occurred. 1 lie I.euioti hospl til
ci. rps was notified at t'ico uud bimtenud to
the bcclu.
lluslness and pleustiro was combined by
tho (irutid Army folks to-day. While tho
delegates to the national encampment settled
dowu to legislate for the K"od of the order
and to select olllcers for another year, tho
rank and tile Indulged in the reunions thut of
lute years have become one ot the most in
terestihir features of tho encampment week.
Out at ( amp Caldwell and iu the tents over
at JelTursonvllle, as well as in the school
bouses and other post headquarters, the sur
vivors of Mate regiments and companies now
scattered throughout tho country, met to-day
to say "Ood bless you," onco mora aud to
rehearse uevor-to-b-foruottcn Incidents ou
the battletleld. There wore many affecting
scenes as comrades who had not met iluoo
the war recognized each other. Their joy
could not flud expression la words and tbey
full upon each other's necks, while the tears,
streamed down their wrinkled faces. There
were many ex-Confederates, loo, wbo hunted
up the reunion quarters of regiments with
which tbey engaged in battle and made
themselves at borne with their former foes.
Thus lu scores of place throughout the city
the blue and gray spent tbs day and evening
In federation that came from the heart and
the lU'fisrss SESSION,
For the meeting tlio national music ball
bad been liaudouiely decorated with national
?olors, and tbeotllciul tlugof the organization.
Promptly at 10 o'clock Commaudcr-iii-l hiof
I.awler called tho eucumpment to order.
Stale Commander Kelly was present and
greeted the delegates lu behulf ol the city and
(..rand Army of Kentucky. The response
whs delivered by ex-Congressman Warner, of
Kausus City. Then, amid a scene of wild en
thuMusm and Waving lints, Henry Watterson,
whose oration at Pittsburgh taut year I rought
the eueampment to Louisville, was cie'ortod
to the footlights and addressed the lirand
Encampment 1:1 a speech full of tatriutlsm
uud good liule.
Immcdlatoly after the excitement and p
plauso bad subsided, the annual addresses ot
the commander-in-cliiiif and the other gen
eral clllerm were delivered.
V. A. Kutclium of Indiana then prcscrted
tbo name of Co), lven A. Walker, of luildau
opolis for comuiHiider-ln-cbief as a represent
ative of tbat peerless and sturdy loyalty that
rescued the uatiou. Ho wss a man who stood
llriuly wben unmerciful disaster seemed to
follow and fnsten sr ou tbe armies. 11 bad
fought at liichmond, l'errysvillo uud suilored
in prison.
T. H. Lisrkson, of Nebraska, said bis de
partment bad presented his name as a can
didate for commuiider-iu-chief. Ho would,
however, decline to be a candidate against
Comrade Walker and moved tbat the rules be
suspended and tbat the adjutuut-getierul bo
directed to cast the unanimous vole of the en
campment for Comrade Walker. Mr. Clark
on's action produced a thunder of applause,
'ibe motion prevailed with a hurncaue
of cheers. When order was at
length restored Commander Lawler formally
declared Col Walker elected. Ho dirouted
some comrades to escort tbe new comiaund
er to the plutlorm, which wss done umldst
enthuslustl s shouts aud cheers of tbe old vet
erans on all sides.
llegurding the location of next year's en
campment i'liomus Anderson said be was au
thorized by all the railroads west of Missouri
to oiler for Denver, a rtn of 1 cent a mile.
W. II. Powell reported that Illinois win in
favor of St. I'uul. Edgar Allen did tlio same
for Virginia The Maryland comrudes were
anxious to have the encampment for 1U,J7 nt
ltaltlmore, and they felt that if it went to
llulTulo they would bavo no show two years
hence. Nearly all tbs suut hern and eastern
states felt the same way uud a combination
was formed for Ht. Paul. New Vork voted
solidly for llulTulo, while Pennsylvania. Ohio
and Illinois gavotheir strength to Ht. Paul.
Tbe llrst ballot resulted: Nashville 33 votes;
Denver, 103; llulTulo, 226: Ht. Paul l)'J3.
While 100,000 people were watching tbe Are
works along tbe river front at ten o'clock to-
Bight a portion ol tbs grand stand on wblcb
were seated at least 10,000 people, gave way
and many were injured. No fatalities bave
been reported.
Tbo portion of the grand stand which fall
was about 400 feot long and tiO foetwtdo. II
whs the lower part, uud only elevated about
two foet. Immediately behind this part were
seats elevated 8 to 20 feet Ou tbo entire
stuud there were 60,000 people.
Tho delegates to tho encampment found It
dlllloult to get dowu to business after tbe
emotion created by the welcoming exercises.
The scene that followed the closing words
of tbe fervid oration ol lleary Watterson
was thrilling. ' Tbo speaker was over
come with emotion, and left the front of the
stage. Men rose lu their scats uud not only
cheered but yelled. Tbey cried and cheered
by turns, bugged each othor uud themselves,
aud threw hats, fans aud handkerchiefs Into
the air. Hut they were not prepured for the
touching Incident which followed UsecouJi
Mrs. John A.Logan was seated short dis
tance back of the commander-ln-chlei's stand
nd as Mr. Watterson walked away from tbe
footlights wltb the tears coursing down his
cheeks. General I.awler took bis hand and
presented htm to Mrs. Logan. Neither eould
speak tor a moment, and then thn white
haired, motherly-looking women took bis
band In both of hers, and. when she found
her voice, said tremblingly: "I am glad 1
bave been permitted to live to bear yout
Tbat was all she could say. Then she sat
dowu and wept.
Bo far as the veteran aro concerned, the
twenty-ninth annual encampment closed to
night with as many i.t:racllnna as on any
other night In tbe week. To-day there were
over 70.000 at tbe old Kentucky barbecue.and
to-night tbe campflres wero largely attended,
with the prlneipal events at Music hall,
Pboenlx Hill garden aud National park.
Among the speakers were Uens. (lordon,
lluckner, J. W. Ilurke. Casslus M. Clay, Hen
ator burrows. Cols. W. D. Wlckersham. Ham
uol McKoe. II. C. llussell, John II. Leathers
and others.
At Wilder park tbe entire day was devoted
to tbe most mammoth "old Kentucsy barb,
cue" that was ever spread. Early In the
morning the stroet ears wore overtaxed by the
multitude en route to tuo great frolic of the
blue and gray, at which the former were
special guests nod to wblcb tbe gates were
open free to tho public. At 10 a. m. the per
formence began.
Over 100 blue grass cattle, 300 lambs and
21i hhoats were barbecued In lull view of nil
the visitors. El.'teen kettles, holiiiug 7,,"00
gallons of burgoo, were made on thn grounds
from which thn guosts wero served, and tbe
best nrauiis oi liourbnn, lnjcr mid cigars I
wore as plenty and as free as the leaves on i
tbo trees In thut beautiful forest. A grand '
chorus of over .100 voices, including me n- i
bers of all the Louisville colored choirs an. I I
musical associations, made the groves ring
as the llrst term les of i.esce and inv f r ml. 1
A genuine old plantation cake walk, with
southern melodies by colored cilUn fr"in i
nil pnrts of the smith, was tho lending leu. !
ture of the many entertainments that were '
given In connection with ttio "go. id tilings to '
eat and drink."
The social event of the ilrand Armv en- '
caiiipnieiit eiunn oil this evening, t a j
reception and bail given l.y the l...uisvliU
ladies to tho tirnii I Army visitors. It v,t.
held at tho Auditorium, liver I, nun invita
tions wcr Issued, nil I to judge by the crowd
that attended, every unit responded In or .n.
i lie licautllul hall was ttit"tuliy di-cnrated
with silk flags uud t r I Mil plants wcr ar
tlstn ally arranged at'. mt tlio pl ice. Every
one who attended it pronounced it n limit
ei;j ijul.le succe.--.
Dig Conspiracy to Lund Chinese as Al ters
for the Atluiitu Exposition.
Collector Wise, ,,f San Eratieise.., has di.
sovered au Ingenious fraud by which shrewd
San l'raticlsco speculators iu thn t him so
tnitll'3 uro seeklug to evu In tho (ie.iry law
slid Introduce about :iiu) ( hlnese into tt
Lulled States under the pretext that they are
skilled actors, arid thut they are coming to
America to give tho visitors at thn Atlanta
exposition an opportunity to some of the
renowned mum mid feinuln bltrlonlsts of
Hong Kong. A band ot more thuu 2WI men
and 31 women bave already I n lan. I", I ut
Victoria, aud they are head". I by Llttm Pete
and tho notorious I.eoiig Num. have Ingeni
ously dudged Sun I runclseo and ill plied for
their admission into the Culled stales at tig
deushurg, N. V. It the applicants should get
a temporury entrance ou tho ground that
they are legitimate actors, Inspectors will bo
sent to Atlanta to see bow thev deport them
selves aud to watch their movements.
Tbo.colloctor has evidence, however, that
thu men are seeking u permanent borne as la
borers, aud thut they know nothing
acting. There is also evidence In tbo hands
ol tbe ooilectors that the women were pur
chased In Hong Kong at c,oo eaoh, and tbat
the projectors of tbo scheme have contracts
by which they are to be sold at Atlanta for
1,800 each. If they can be safely landed
tbe two or tbree men wbo engineered tbe
plan bere will eurn about tiO.000. The wo
men would, of course, remain 'Ni slaves of
their purchasers for a long period of years,
If not for their eutire lives, thu design being'
to quietly ship them to the lower quarters of
Cbiuatowu ut the conclusion of thu exposi
tion. The projectors of the plan got their clew
from the federal law relating to thn World
fair ut Chicago. Lnder u special act (hlnese
and other foreigners wero nllowed to laud for
the purpose of givlug exhibitions aud acting,
A similar provision exists lu tho coso ut tbo
Atlanta exposition.
Oldest Minister in the Methodist Episco
pal Church.
llfv. Dr. Samuel Wakefield, the veteran
methodist minister, died ut 1 o'clock Erlduy
at tho residence ef J. ti. Drown, West New
ton, Pa., aged W yo.irs, 0 months and H days.
Only three of his ten children wero present
when ho died, .Mrs. J. i. Drown. Dr. Jumes
li. Wukelleld, of Urapcvllln, aud Mrs. Kate
Coulson, of Pawnee city, Neb.
Dr. Wukelleld was said to bn tlio oldest
Mason and tho oldest preacher of thn Metho
dist Episcopal church, and likely tho oldest of
liny denomination m the world, lie hud
been a member of tbe Musonic fraternity for
almost 75 years.
Dr. Waketluld's career as u Methodist min
ister is a part of the history of Western l'enn-''
sylvnnia. He preached occasionally iu luter
years, and onj yed fulrlv good health until
recently, though he broke down somewhat
after the death ol his wife some months ago.
His grandiuothor, Mary Wade, was a preach,
er, having been ordained lu tho ministry by
John Calvert. Dr. Wukelleld was ordained
In 1H17. Ho published several books ou the
ology and music wheu he us comparatively
young, whl"h made him widely known. II is
principal theological work, Wakellnld s The
ology, ' has becoino a einsslo In tho lifetime
ol tbe .Methodist Episcopal church.
ISrika'kLi i
Lord Dunruven Refused to Contest the
Third Cup Race.
Tbo America's cup raaes ended Thursday
In a flusco. Lord Dunruven withdrew tbo
Valkyrie immediately after the start, uud the
Defender sailed over tbe course alone. Tho
America's cup committee notilled C. Oliver
Uelln that three races aud thn cup were
awarded to the gallant 1'efender, aud the
crowds atloat and ashore cheered the ship
tbat sustained L'uclu Ham's supremacy ou the
seas, aud the skipper aud crew that sailed
her. Eor at least another year tbe Interna
tional trophy Is ours, and iu all probability
It will be many years before a Uritlsb yacht
again challenges for the cup..
Ths Pennsylvania Stats Convention Met
At Willlamsport.
Tbe Iismocrajlo State Convention In session
at Willlamsport, fa., Wednesday, placed la
nomination the following ticket.
For State Treasurer
' 11ENJAMIN F. MEYERS, of I'aupblu.
For Judges of the Nuperlur Court
JA.MKrt t MOhlHl'AK, of Westmoreland
CUAItI.EH ii. NOEH, of Warren.
HAItMUN YKltKKS, of JJueks.
li. K SMITH, of Lackawanna.
O. I'. UKCHTEL, of Schuylkill.
tUKJtiTUl'UEJ; MAUEE. of Allegheny.
Belisved That Cholera and Yellow Fever
Can Be Kept Out.
Dr. Wymun, surgeon general of tho marine
hospital service, feels assured that all pos
sible precautions have been taken to secure
tbe V lilted States from au epidemic of eholera
or yellow lever. He says the cool weather
will do a great deal to keep out the yel
low fever, and probably, the country hav
Ing escaped so fur, there need bo no fear of
nu invasion nt this mt time in thn year. Thu
doctor says thut the cold weather will not in
terfere materially to prevent the spread of
cholera, and that u clo watch will hnvn to
be kept upon all ports where there Is a possi
bility of cholera being introduced. He thinks
that it will take a long tlii; for Jupnn to re
cover, as thn disease seems to have found a
rich si II, and got a footing that will be diuT
cult to unseat, l'or a long :imn to come It Is
expected that a closn watch will havo to tie
inHintalned over vessels coming from Japan,
This Is also true of other oriental countries
WUcro there havo been outbreaks ol cholera.
Ecsss of Imports.
A bulletin t y the bureau of statistics of thn
treasury depur'tusnt shows an excess in n.
ports of merchandise over exports for thn
month of Algut ol t.),.'l.".,TJ'.i, and for the
eight months en ling August ill of t.l' .'.
js. 1 he ami) periods lat year showed thn
exports t b in excess by .j'.i.OTs.oTj all 1
liold to the value of j li;.ii;7.jr.l wasexpo-t-el
during August, musing .M., J17 lot thn
eight months of the year, I he excess of e-
p 'rts over import' is place ! at 1 "i. t ."'.. 7 -
1 " 1 '
2. ..''.'. Ill a- opt I to jl. 'M. I :t and
i.- ii.j-l t. r c rn-i on, img periods In t'i.
1 le immigration-. .1 irm t!o month nu u
ri'd M7,l'".', iin-l lor the to d ite. y I .
t. as i pp, ej to 17. Il.i and ir..,l d.iring
Thn Old Wages Ht.nul.
At a meeting between Secretary ,lohn ,t,.,r
rett. ol the A--ociuti..ri of Iron and steel
sheet Manufacturer-, and President M. M.
loirialid, of thn Amalgamated Association, ,
hd ust tbe wages o xl t steel mill workers
fi r September mi l o- t. was decided
ut.ou the sworn returns of the mauufacturcr
thut wages shall remain us at present tor the
next two mon'ha. The average selling r.c,
f- r the j a-t i'O days Ui teen ,(,t H small
fraction above i.j ,m ,,MI1, t, .,,.
m ini. I n b r tho agreement the workers nr.
le t entitled to an advance ! j i ,.r c m. uii
til tlie advance has been at least i, ton ,.v
lints bed sin ets
Cuban lii-urgciits ar still burning pluntv
Hon bun li-igs ind iisinK ilynainlto t bluiv
up rai.r- ui bridges.
I'l I I s lit n,.
iiiiK mioii-ui. mills hik i.iti.s lno
t.ritin, I lour mnl I i-txl
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Mlit-d i lover. No. 1
New Hay, frnlll Kyolis
f Nn. j W hue i,l, ton
No. :MN till.- Mi, I, llii, ,(
brosii Midillmirs
bran, bulk
Hairjr I'loiliula,
ll'TTF.H- I Ifin t rrniiii rv
run,-)- i n nu. i i) ...
I ille ) mill) lol
I I gill ie HI, I Li okllii:
t HKI.M-. a. I,,,,. i , ... .
Ni w "i i rk. new '
1.1 III llll I gi I' . , ,i,ke ""
Al l ! I - lll l
Id. n l. i ,
I I l: on
lliANS - lland.J l, ki ,, i lai
1. Ill, n. II.
I HI A ld s I in,., ,r, nil. 1,1 I
r nan n, re. i.,i
AUHAl.K li. n.e gfU 111 "
CNiU.N-. i i a,. i .
1'oultry, l it,
Live i ro, k i s, r pair
1 ie inn tt. e pair
1'reesed be s, i,. lb
1 ie I urKt - r lb
till. -I'll 1,1.1 ll,o. , sU
rt.'l IIKIis. I xti-i ii
' irt '
.'ii hi
J.i I V
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I iiin tl.) , 1 1 in. i
Hi Ul: liriISS
ll.t.s-l n,ie,l
lli'NKY - VS nn,. i i.a. r
.MAI l.t lit p. i.
- ll'tlt - I niilitry ssi-i t, l.i j
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WllhAi-No i It
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toKN-Mijed ....
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t'A'l n V. lot,. t
HI 1 I l.U -l ii um.
r,i.t..v Niaii in, I
livi: HIKK.
(rsuiAi. Hoik iAiibs, i.Ai,
J rime, 1 -li e to I i i n Irs, 1...ISI to l.iUO .
tieoil Imi, lo rs. gisi iu J ;ioo Il.i .
'1 nty, l.nio to i.l.'sii.
Kuir light steers. '.' to Ms) II, .
tvuiluuu, iHI t SSSlfti
(l INI
4 n
a '.'o
tt is
I .'s
4 Ii
4 Mi
4 s'.
4 :i
4 10
1 Ight Weight
II. aiy
lUlllgllB llllll -lllt'S .
4 ;u
s ;
t in
LI 50
Jtitra. I'S to m lbs
(moil. SI, to '.si lbs ....
frail . 75 to sji li s
.'i n
a ti
g 41
i ;r.
4 tii
C om nu 'ii
1 .Ml
spriuii I.hiiiIi a nu.
bli iigo. . attle l oiiiiiinii lo extra steers
1,111.11.11; slii n is and leeilers, y 1 41), 1 -.',i
eiiWH lllld bulls, if I .VI ia calves, i4.VA,s,li..'ill
Hogs bey, l.'i,'s I .v.. ci, iiiiiiou to cIioilo
llilleil. .l .'iul Ml; cliulce nssi,re,, l, n, is,.
1. ght. '.. '.'ii .. i 'C: purs, s.' .ii ,., I in. Hheep iu
leiior to choice, ti .' i'. ". ."s i; lambs, t'l.uni, ! 7 j.
t iiicliiiiati Hogs- select sliiipers, I 1.1 1 1 Ml
1 ut.'lieis SI Kail 1.,; tuir to good pneker l.'i; tuir tu light l I'lii I.',; ,i, mm, ,
loughs I sMol I stile gi,.,, il,perl..lot,) i i n
irisul tocliolce SI .Mitn.'i m ; lair to iiieitium SLwHo
" : common ti .'nito'Vifi l.sinim extiai..rsi;
vood fo cho he SI (U to 4,WK'oiumou tu fair J.IW
lu 'ib.
i i i
Vmbrrllas for Dog.
"TM," said a dog's, outfitter, "fashion
In cnulne elothlug change pretty fre
quently. There n not, ns yet, any Jour
nal devoted to the drossj if dogs: that
I am aware of, but In the I'ulnls Koynl
fnshlon plates, pulillsliiil In Earls, tho
latest modes of 'dogs of luttiry' may
be siren.
"And thl remind me of nn Incident.
A month or ro ago I uv In the publi
cation above men tinned the picture of
n dog'a umbrella! Thn nrtlcle Is small,
and made of silk. When open the
framo Is attached by rlblmtis to tho
dog's collar, and, according to the ml
Vcrtlscments. the animal Is trained to
hold tho handle In Its mouth.
"In addition to providing clnthlmj
for dogs. I retain the service f u den
tist to fit dog Willi false teeth: and
the extent to which this branch of
my business Is patr. n'zod Is surpris
ing. The cost of A set of teeth vnrlce
from $S to J 15.
He Knew Ills Mother.
Mrs. Williams Is n widow with three
boys, whom elm has brought up with
great firmness. It Is on,, of her rules
that obedience? to her cnmm.'itiiN nnit
come immediately, mnl explanation, if
nt all, at her leisure.
"Freddy," sho said, a short
to her youngest boy, ugoii -,
Ing to do KiMiiotliltig In a f.
nbotit which I want to talk
time ngo,
'I um g.-
W tliiys
t" you a
"Vcs'in." responded rn.,i,iv. ty.
"i am 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 4.- tn
Morse tiet week mi M
mother, end then she i
"Ycs'm," said I'roililv
lie added. r Ith a loo,
small face: "I s'pose
marry poitnr
'ti l.'lV," sal. I Til:"
tu-eil fur a i, in.
again, and then
of awe nu liis
Iblltof M,.
won't know anj tiling nlmui
time conies, will he, tnutln fV
It till the
Hhlicstof aU in I.c-ivcnin'T
ABorairJEv:v pure
Mlsn Mlblttitiy "I ;mi stiro (lint there
Is is'innl In Mr. Spniitier. Ilo i-i'ti.'iiiiiy
Is very teinler lieiirteil." Mi-S 'i-uni
"Yes, lie li:is il he itt tint bus lieeli ten
ilercil to n 1 m ui I every iiiiiihiitIoiI wninati
111 tnwil, if thllt Is Wliilt ymi ineiili."
Itiislon 1 rntiscrlpt.
Deafness Cannot be 'ure,l
by Inoal applications, as they eantint reach the
diseased portion nf I lie em . ' hi re is onli oi.e
sv tn cum dvufness, mid Unit is l,y l oiclliu.
IIoiihI reined ii. Deaf ness Is ,. I, v an in.
Mnincd condition of the nnn-inis lining Hf the
Kustaidiluu Tube. When tins lube ets in
tin i ne' I you have u riuubli ng sound or Imis.r
fcel hearing, and wliOU it, Is entirely closed
lienfnessis tlm result, and unless tin. Inttsm
liiiillim can lie taken out slid this lulu, re
stored tolls normal condition. benrliiK will be
destroyed forvver Kl....k.. ..r au
raused by cstarrh, which Is iioVA'ing'but au iu-
us'"!-'! i-iiiiuiiniii or irie mucous surtaiss.
We will give One Iliindred Kolhir- for an
rase of Deafness lesu-ed bv calsn hi that so
Uot Imi cured l.y Hull's Catarrh Cure, ."send for
circulars, free.
a ... y. .1. Citrvrv 4 Co., Toledo. 0.
lT" Sold by Druggists, lie.
In lsiiO gold was nlim limes more vuluuhle
than silver, now it is 1 j limes.
The True I.nstillve I'rlm Iple
Of the plants used In maiiufuct in ing thP plena,
snt remedy. Sirup of Pigs, ,s a permanently
bein (!i nil i'ITi 1 1 on the human stem, w I, lis
tin i heap vegetable cxt i iii r and n.lin-ial ,.i.
tloiis, usually sold as na ,n ine-, are ima.
lent ly Injurious, lleing well intorni. d, ymj
will i se the true retui , only. Manutai tuii ,1
b) the Cullfol I. la I Ig N i up ( ',,.
Nearly 10 per cent of the recipients of the
Victoria Cross arc military doctors.
I r. Kilmer's t-w 'ami'-Kihit cures
nil Knlney and, hi troiiM.s.
I'amphii ami i, nsiiiiat i,,n Ii.-,-.
l.sloiulnrv lliiighiimptoii, N.Y.
To clothe pritlsh soldiers and sailor" co-ts
the I'ountrv between li million nn t 11 o.lilioi.
and a 'inurter of money i im.y.
'ftninl NiirUs."
Tbs wnH' bnve iliflereni meaning fn s plr-I'uiili-l.a
Kenlui Isiiin. and nn average man.
K'ir the average loan u I spirits depend on
grssl ilurestion. Mow to in-ure n I iiieiionr
A P.ii'iins Tsbule after mi Ii mi ni, that's all.
Inl'-sOSIr Humphrey liiivy pruduend the
first electric light with carbon.
Jf afflicted with sore eyes use lir, Isaac Thomp
Mjh't Lie-water. Iirutgi"'" sell ut V'ic per isittiu
Mr. Kelr Hurdle's expi uses at tlm recent
election in Huuthwist Hum uro returned as
Ull.ountlUK to X2M ron, 4 1.
l is, s t'ure Is Hie ineilli iiie t., I n
ill'i li s I ouglm in,, I l old. Mils,
t-j iio' ie, W ash , March - l .:..
l.ii'.ra Annln ( ol e I J'.i i u single
Kei'sington, J'nglun l. bus died
l uii-i- l by llybluliig.
Up ' III'.
lady, lute of
from fright
like flowir-. f.nlc
ntul w it In-r with tutu ;
tlie l'loolil i i tin- tior
is only know n to tin-
lii allliy s
lllftks. Tlie ni tv
mis .strain i air nl l v
the iiilim nt-. niul
jiains in-tiiliar t" the
sex, uud ll.e hila r
niul worry id iiarnuf
u family can i.tti n
!,e triicecl by the lines in the woman's (,uc.
liiill eves, the sallow or wrinkled fact ami
those feelings of weakness " h.ivt tin ti
rise in tbe derangements and irn gtilaritii s
peculiar to women. The ilc
raiigementH, painful disordrrs. imd lin inc
wiaknesRts of women, can be curnl with
Jir. J'itrce's l:nvorite prescription. J;nr tlie
yoimif Rirl just entering womunhiioil. p.r
the mother ami those nliout to lii-coin-miithers,
ami lute r in " the change if life.''
Hie " Prescription " is just what they m cil;
it uiils nature in preparing- the system for 1
these events. It's a iiuiliiiiie prescribed i
for thirty years, by Dr. K. V. J'ii rcc, chief
consulting physician to the Invalids' Jlolil
and burnical lustitute, at Putlulu, N. V.
4 ; m i "J"-
"Cleanliness Is Nae Pride, Dirl's flie Honesty." Com-
' mon Sense Dictates the Use of
Pjsprpsls, Insomnia.
From fh Hirattt, lkiltimort, Md.
Mr. Isaan Hamburger Is a wll-knowsj
elgar manufacturer and tohacco denier at
14W K. Hultlmnre street. Dsltlmore, Md. lis
is a hale, robust man now, but a few months
ago be thought bn wss about to become a
living skeleton If not a dead man. Jin no
Weighs about a0 pounds an I steps about his
factory as actively as do Ins "stripper" boys.
Ills i. reseat condition Is dim to the use' of
J'r. Williams' Pink Pills, which hn considers
the best mn llelne In the w orl 1 for rtyspnp
sin, is nf appetite, Indigestion and Insom
nia. When a m-im reporter recentlveaisf
en Mr. Hamburger I u'ne jauntily' tn the
store from his factory nrnl lu speaking of
thn pills, said: "Yes, 1 have n.e I r. Will
inms- P. nlc IMIi and can cheerfully p-c .;n.
tlierid t ic'ii. Some ilimit lis Mli-e."' hn .-on-tinned,
"owing to conilnem. iit to bu-in.-s, I
bad an attack of dyspepsia accompanied ,y
terrible and almost inc. .sunt heart burn and
torpid liver. I tried doctors and many nop.
dies that friends advl-e, me t., tRkV, but
found no relief nut II 1 hour I of an 1 use I t r.
Williams' Pink Pills. I secured live b .xes
ninl began t Improv,. per -eptibiv after Ink
ing a few doses, and when the five b -,e
Were gone I was completely cure . If o
bad seen me when J wus s -k and compare,!
my eon litiori then witli what it U iww
would join me in a ,,f prui f the 'I'lar-
vcloiis merits i f Pmk Pills. ain a Ining
motiument to their eltl .-a-'y In curing the
inaludteH from which I suffered. I weitrh riosr
nearly Jiiil pounds, sleep well, eat heartily
an I digest my fond without any incoiivenj.
ne'e und sleep as well lui I illd wheri a tmy
utter a romp before lm. tiin. I unhesltut
mglv mi l Willi confidence m their curative
and liivigorallng ipiuiltles recommend the
Pin1, Pills to all sutTcrers and should 1 be so
unfortunate as to be sick again 1 shall got
llll .thcr supply, "
Dr. Willlu ns' Pink Pills contain, lu n run
dense.! I oral, all the elements ti ssarv to
give IH'W life Mill rl'll IH'-S t o t h hi Inn. I
I -tor shuitci i d lo rves. They arc al-o
s i'l. for tr-ul'les peculiar to females
S'icli s sii-pr-ss.,iis, irregularities an t all
lorms of weakness. i,,.v I n 1 1 ', up the 1 . 1 1
and re-tore the glow of health t. sic an!
snll nv clicks. In m,-n ttiey e(T" -t a r.idi Ml
'nre In ad -m i an fr no i.tal w.-rrv.
lA'-rw. r . r i .
Pink Puis an- in b
I ah. i id .' i t- a b,. .
Mid !i a'. ! ha I .d all d
1'iail fr "ii Dr. Wil'.l.i:!. .
b-'helie M 1 . . Y.
i f whatever i.iiicie,
i-s i ne cr In I . -sj
r -ix I. vos t r ti.' .'nt,
nifs-i-ls. or duct by
ll ano Coin an v,
rower. - U.S. llnv't Kqiort
I'lie Greatest fleJIcnl Discovery
ol the Age.
Medical Discovery,
I I.I iii-ro i , d III nee ol our
t Ul'c Weed a I'l llll'ih t hilt i II
ol Humor, tlolll the Wol'.t N
ointiion pas.
s ru n kind
loltlla ilonii
to a i oinnioii pimple.
lie ha- tried It In oyer eleven hundred
cases, and never tailed except lu two cnn'S
(Isiih thunder humor.) He has now In bis
possession over two hundred certificates
nf J vn!'ie, t' wih- n,.s f
't.-osloli. Si rid post life, U".' "
A Is lu llt Isulwuys espi rlenceil trotn the
tn-l Is.ttli , ami u M-rfei 1 1 lire Is wurianted
win ii i In- right iinuntlly Is token.
When the lungs are iillY. ted it causes
-I ting pain-, like needles pus-in
thncndi tin in; tie -.nnc ith t J i - l.iwr or
Jtoui'l- Tin- I- i a Ilo the duel- bi-llnj
Moppi d. and ala. .Ii-ii;,pi als in a week
niter takii, a it. Head I!,,' .,be.
It I be tomai h 1- io'il ,ii bilious it will
raii-e -iti. ami -h fi i In g, al lir-t.
III'. i
.1 I. 'I,,
bi -l
ol diet e 'l I
i all ' I and
Ii -I nlu! In
all ll 'l,'.;l-t .
I'N I :ih
iry. lait
!i of It.
at li ..
'Id I.
Waller Baker s Co. Limited,
1 I trgr.t Mttinfi tur i nf
Cocoas ami chocolates
fr.nn tt." (ret
Industrial and Food
Caution: J",
' f II, r lll .lt Sll'1 '
r -' l, t i..i ii r. !
Ill i.f IhS
ii-ii ..n esr
ii. 1 t' sk. .uis
thst mif ..' - i i nun' ' I,, ,
iisit'tls. Mitri'hrtli'r, Mbss
! (inult'l mi 4, :. i. k.t.
fan only be
ol tools it 1 1 it
Willi n Davis
tutor on tho
sure of morn
tiuitcr. w hlln
in iK; Is a v.'il
I'.iriiicrs will
t.lse bl ;e! a
mailed 1'lll'K
llil 111" Very l,eil
:i p p I lancet,
fr. ;iiii .'ei.v
farm "ii urs
mid U' lei
tins si' in.inej
Ul!'! 1 e ed.
Inalie no tn',
D.iMs. Neat,
Ci la 1 1- -nil
A:;enl anted
Cor. Randolph Dcirtmrn SK . 1'1,1'ir-,,
n-1 i itt pro.
r 1111. ) hr r! ft 'iTi ftst ! e tvinrfomv .i 1'y .)i 'r,
" 1 i'i ..i I- t to tiiif-1 i jI ' rrpt :nv rm !.
BOOK " " ' FRKI.
tUU. IL IL l-kLL.N a 50S. biK.-v.uiUW. Aliuu,
Orrni u) i'ltrkvr, flnkrrit'1othr
urt-tch i..iir. rutv wttvitnwii.
Mtisti' ( Ui ft'l. I4.il1, itnilMf, $ .V't
mr nllsi-,; r'., Miiiu , $i.vt rvilv.r, :.;
n'i.. huil priVi; k'tak, Ihhihk iiPvrri,il1
1 '! ! fur. Svti ituMiif li.r '"iiftrff ili-iriiii
i-uiuliui', II. A i I -tun Arm t i., IT Hav, .N.Y',
i urll
i le IM universal ,1,.niii,., Kllliar
J s, l'. I.AKI.IM.I.K, .S. Ilillslrtlst.,('liliia,