SELINSOROVE. U)v. F. L. IlorKstri'pf of Tyrone VH'tiiic Iih pai outs D.iuitl Iery i . - -ii ; tin I v, if! ou Vi' alcr fttmt . l' : iy H'uuiu', w!ii wrs injuroit 1 y f;i!''-ii fn::i n '.ri.l near Lviult I i ; i-. Vn . t-o far i teoveroil li' ::i- in i ii i m i u: 1 . t lo bin homo iii ; ! .. .!'!. . n.i'.-!i "f i ' -'. :i i. Si. :.iVliK his Vm'ii i i 1 1 v, ,t I i p.lMMlN ill tl'H J'llU'O . . M . .. J-iincs S.iiitli of th'-- Ivu t J'.n 1 iii. .1 wiv su.l.Uiily on tt'itur ji.iy n i" k from congestion of tlio brain Tli iiiPiiiliem of the 1. O. S of oi'iin of tlii plane npont hist week linliiiitf at tho aquoJuct The S;!iiifnvi hall club played lho Liverpool team lust Wednesday At Liverpool. Score: 7 to 5 in favor of Liverpool The doctors find Li.vyt;Mof town have cnujjlit the tall fever. F.urh profession litis crMiiuc.l a rlub nud they will play 1 train- in the te ar future. .. .licv. Foster Fetterolf lUM'oiupanied by Lis wife ami rhil l are the quests of Mr. .Susan Fisher .. .H. Alliman iud wife aro visiting iu Marietta ... !'; tc- S-r.ith nnl wifo of Jamison City nrc visiting friends in town.... .Miss Lizzie Livingston has return od from an extended visit to l'lnla- delphia Mrs. Shatter of Buffalo, X. Y. it the guest of l Hilbish's fitnil.v ... Misses Delia mid Maude Cliarlr of Philadelphia tiro renew ing friendship in tliU place, their fi. rnier home. .. .Miss Maine Rude of Suiibury and Miss Morgan of iNantieokn spent Sunday nt tho I (m of Kd. Hummel and wifo Mrs. J jlin Helm died at her homo S. Front St., last Tuesday evening after n lingering illness. Sho was buried iu Miftlinburg ou Thursday A largo number of our Republi cans are attending tho State Con vention in Harridburg If the weather permits tho Sunday Bchools of this place, will hold a Union pic nic on l'acker's Island to-day (Wod rosdaj . . . .The F. P. Dilly ball club will play u gaino of ball with tho So linsgrovo nine, next Saturday at this place A number of our base ull enthusiasts attended tho Clove-laud-Sunbiiry game at Suubury last Friday. WEST BEAVER. "It Is tli best patent medicine In th world' U whftt Mr. K.' M. Hurt inai), of Mnrquiiq, Oregon, nays of Cliambeitaiu'n Colic. Cholera and IHnrrhoeft Iteinedy. "VFhnt leiulsmo to make tliU rtMertlon Is from the fart that (hoi-ntery In. It worst form w s prevalent around here last buiii-lut-r and It never took over two or three doses of that retnody to etTert a complete cure." For sale by J. W. Sampstll. Peun'reek, Pi. The i'rrnlriil Bufferer In tho World are women ; their delicate organ!" zatioun being particularly accep table tJ derangement and disease. Dr. David Kennedv'i Favorite Rem edy, of Konilout, N. Y., purifies the blood and cures all the sickness pe enllar to the sox ; it fortifies the sys tem against the disease incident to oldiige. It It the best medicine In the world for women. OF INTEKKST TO I.ADIKS. We otTer no Hooloirv In placing bo fore von "The Ladles' Hafe Protect or," it is absolutely reliable, easily adjusted, does not become mispliinej and insures protection. Can be worn when deoired without observation or knowledge of another and prevents disagreeable annoyauoe under cer tain conditions. If you use it once yon will never he without It. It is a faithful, safe uud reliable friend whenever needed by special circum stance-) requiring Us use. It is an ar ticle every woiunu slioum Ktep ready for immediate use. It Is simple to use and Inspires confidence to the woman uinif it. It Is reliable and scientifically made, limine protection without Injury to lieaitn. a any goon oh vslo.lun. wool 1 sav. We are of the opinion that no article has ever been made which will give a union satis faction to the woman of today us "The Indies' Hufe Protector". The immense sides of this a- tide is a sub stantial Indorsement of our chdm. Do not therefore experiment with any of the numerous unreliable articles as it is both dangtrous to health and expensive to do so. Such experi menting can only result in loss oi time, disappointment and dismal failure. Lad es should remember this befere ordering other goods and not waste their t me nnd money on iuferlor articlec , The bjst is al ways the cheapest. "The La lies' Safe Protector' is sold under a posi tive guarantee for u e for one year, with full directions and is sent seal ed iu plain wrapper upon receipt of exnresx money order for 'i.O0, three for$.i.OO. Do not wait but order at once. Address TllK La Oko.ssk XVKC I A LTV Co., La Crosse, Wis. '"THERE is but one I way in the world to be 6ure of having the best paint, and that is to use only a well-establislicu brand cf strictly pure white lead, pure linr ccd oil, and pure colors. The following brands are stand ard, "Old Dutch" process, and axe always absolutely SHERIFF'S Sale ot Tho picnic at McClur,o ou last Sat urday was well attended and every thing passed off quietly. .. .The liush meeting iu New Lancaster was will attended by West Bearer folks yesterday 'Sunday) One initio '.otevan called to iU.: .'"jg Lome. This time it being our old fiiend and associate. Levi J. liomig, who died on last Friday morning jd'er being confined to his bed for iLo last seven weeks. Ho leaves one "on, three daughters and a host of iends to mourn their loss. W. A. Jinig and wife of llccdsville, Mr. vtttiolf and wifo of Tioxelvilleaud thers from a distance utteuded the I uUeiid. The family of tho deccas-c-.t tenders many thanks to their i: ighbors and friends for their kindness shown It has been noticed in the frtlil (McCluro Items), that Jacob Miller, Abraham Middlcswarth and the McCluro dude Jos. O. Ulsh iuteud going to Uig Valley this fall to husk coru, as far as Miller nnd Middlcswarth are con cerned it is all right, but for Joo I -can not say so much, but will refer you to Ticket Agent Kloso and Ex Sheriff Middleswarth of McCluro. They will express their opinions in Joe's behalf free of charge. . . .Some of our farmers have taken out their potatoes and report a fair crop.... Iieury Ti taster is bt ill confined to Lishouso ...L. C. Wagner of Mif flin county was seen on our streets last week. . . .West Beaver congratu lates A. W. Gill for his success in regards to tho high honor he receiv ed from our worthy Kditor of the Post. JJou. MT. PLEASANT MILLS. 'Thi-'SeVtol Board met on Hutur day last aiid selected tho following teacners jor me ciisuum inui : r re fuont. J. N. Brosius; Heister Valley, -;. V. Sierer: Smitli's, Nelson Meng-1; Troti) Valley, T. O. Arbo .t'ust. liuekwheut Valley, P. (J. IJros i is; P. inker Hill, A. M. Carman; Shatter's. J. W. Hornborger; Fry. i.ioyei's, II. li. Portzline. Schools wiii open Monday, Sept. With.... Frank N'eeter and family from Har j ihburg visited relatives in this place .ntvcud Jays last week J. C. lioy- r vi!l accompany W. A. Basom to J'.lac'iiburg. S. C. on Monday next ...J. A. Shadle and family spent ;Sutiday with Wm. Schuee's near Kant Mrs. P. A. Schnee and Miss Annie Schnee are visiting the latter s brother, near Mill Hun, Vorth'd county this week On Wednesday evening the Middleburg Orchestra had a grand rehearsal .t the Fremont Hotel, Landlord laas shov,ed bis generosity by itrving supper it the members who vere accompanied by their wives jritb a few exceptions .... Miss Cath arine Hile from Suubury is visiting friends in this locality. Tubooobb. YaUk M Estate! Strictly Puie White Lead "Armstronii & McKelvy," ' ' Eeymer-Eauman," " DaTi8-Chambe8,,, "Falmcstock." If you Ti-ant colored paint, tint any cf the above strictly pure leads with National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. Thee color nre old In one-pound cn, rach can being guflicicnt to lint jjpotindi ofStricilf I'ure Whltt Lead the dciired ilinle ; tlicy arc in no tciiM rendy-mixed painli, but combination of perfectly pura colon In the baud lest form to tint Strictly Pure White Lead. Send ui a postal card and get our book on painli and color-card, (rc. NATIONAL LEAD CO., New Yoik. Pittbnre Pr.imh, Cennan Nattunal Iiank lluildniR, rittsburjj. CLOSING OUT SALE OK OUll Furniture Deplment. t Our JMiliro Sloclc of l nnii J lino juul Uoddin will bo closed oat, in llm following liiotit lis at J. V. AM 10, I. I. M. D1CNTIST Treating, tilling, artificial teeth. crown ami orlilge work, leeth ex tracted without pain. Satisfaction guaranteed. Office moved to the new Hunk Huildinir. MIDDI.F.Isl KOH, rx. ChanilKi' Suits, S Pieces, liiatkiil dow n from $10.00 to ?2.".0O. Parlor Suits marked dosvn iVoin 810 to2.. Sidelsiards innrkiil down from $0 to $lf. Couches marked down from to $10. Iinines marked down froii2 t$8. Fine Upholstered I'ockors iniirked tlown from $:1 to S. Ik-ilstiads inarktHl down from 2 to SC. Cniie nnd Wom1 S'liti'd C'liairs inaiktsl down from $1 to $. Ilali l marketl down i'rom $1 t. 8 timtttiil Trade-Mark ebtiliwd. and all patent kutioMt conducted ftr MODERtTB VRE. My offict is i the immtdialt vicinity of tk Patent Office, and try facihliet lor ttcurinf pattatt are uniuroatted Scad aiodal, aketck or photegraph of Inveatien. with description and statement at to advantages claimed. Mftlo thnrgt im mde for mm opinion at to imtentaetitly, and application er-lll ftoS palatal im ullmmA. laining full Information Sent free. All foBimunl calloai CoDtlf rrea m Stricllf CoaDdenllal. FRANKLIN H. HOUGH tSS r N(re)W WA.l(lUTOPf . IK SB. sny fro for prosecutine the 6 ailed for until lh ''IrrvanTosuv Uvidb," con- GET YOUR SHAVING and Hair Cutting done at T. 0. HAKTMAN'S Har bor Shop. Mi DDLEr.uiio ii, Pa. ny virtue of Writ of Fl. Fa. No. M lnuid out ol me court of l onunon Plena ami to lue til- rrvtwd I will rxpme i pulillc aalfl jit Uie Uourt Htrn-tn lc Mlrtdltiburgh uu Sluiivdiiy, ptcni'i.. t'?l, 1S95, at one o'clock' I'. M. Uia Mluwllig- described Ki-al Kst iti to wit : All t nut o-iiuiii iiii-MiMtfH or lot ot Rrottnd slt-tiiin- In tin township nt I'liUm, In tin-county of hnydi-r. SikUi of peiuiMvlvanln. buundt-d n the Norm la Inn, I of lnvl.l U. Slalil. ontbe Eiott ly Ininl of rriinkllii Itlf.-. on (lit- Nouib ly pulillo rond und on ' lie Wi-sl liv land of Hi-warlilH Hit ruld itli'l will), t-ont lining Til It KK (U) AC'KKS, or Iin. wln-rcn nm ensiu-d a TWil MoltV liWKLI.I.Nti llotf t und minor out biilliilnci. Ni-ti-1 tak'-n Int 'x-.-ir ton uud to bo sold ns tin- pp p -ny or John S miiMI. Slit rin'H l (llc. A I.Kit Kit SI'KO IT. Hlii-rlff. MMdli'tmrtfli. l'a , July .',. 1-OJ. SIX O'CLOCK. WORK WANTED limn n. a-nmoh BAI-kflitf I'lTI. nuj iu-,ii-i-iii mi... v.. ........... nloyinont Htid iimblt iou to nmko from fit) to 'IM tiuiniiiiv, eiin wt-urp nitint- ny uuio."'a ilotie lllblo rubllHlilii(f tu, Vi3 cuestnut St.. Iilln., l'a. No riipn in n-(iiipMi. nor nuiinp n.r reply. Youiik ihbh or woman wlslilnif to -aru a low iiuiiurt-uuiiiiarH iu inu ut-xt. iu uiuuiua preferred. UTEARY IVOSTEN WATCII FOR TIIAT t BLESSED HOUR. Help for our Working-Girls and '.v j- 'Women Near at Hand. . (irAL to oca Lanr aiAsaat ) ' .N the stroke of six ends the , day's work at stores, ofllccs, factories, wills, where women are employed, lluttbeir neces sary work at home, sewing, mending, etc., must be dune after that Ume, and "theirwork All women work; some for ambition, some for econ omy in the household, but the great mass of women work for their daily bread. All are subject to the same physical laws J all suffer alike from the same physical disturbances. and the nature of their duties often quickly drifts them into the horrors of all kinds of female complaints, ovarian troubles, in flammation, ulceration, falling and dis placement of the womb, leucorrho-a, and )erhaps irregular or suppressed monthly iriixls," causing severe backache, loss of appctllt.1, nervousness, irri tability and weakness. Lydia J. Pink-ham' Vege table Compound is the unfail ing cure for all thuso troubles. It strengthens tho proper mus cles, and cures diplacenient iiackache, dizziness, faint ing, biaring-down, disordered stomach, moodiness, dislike cf friends and society all symptoms of the one causa will be quickly dispelled. Write Mrs. l'inkham about your trouble. You can tell the story of your pais to a woman, and ttt the belo that only woman ran give. Mrs. rinkham'i address Is Lynn, Mass. n 6 Tin Post, 1.50 A Year m am mured. Trade-Marka. CoprriablS and Ibela reentered. Twenty-Be year. - iMirleucw. We roporl whether patent ean bm aecared or Dot, freer f chares. Our fee Bill dus outll patent leailowwi. u pnne nws r irw. H. B, WILLSON Dpp.u.n.r.1. umee. d. 3 i page Boo It Fret Jk CO.. "--rii..T al La WAftAlNOTONt 0. ill'S ?10. liiitlii-.H' l'arlor Desks niiirkitl ilown from ?:5 t $10. l'ailor TiiMfM tnarki-tl down from 1 to .". IxMikinjr (JlasM-s, lisil.-t, lMftiirin untl Picture Frames, Statuary, Ilas Hockn, Kattan, Cane Scat und 1'ack inui WtKid Si'tit KtM-kcrs, Kxtciision Tallies, (.'uplHiardUnihrcllii Stands, Tea Tallies, diniiiKNles, Cliifloiiiers, llureaiis, Dounlitrays, NVardrolxss, Stands, Mattresses, lied Sjirings, &e. Our stK-k of Carin-ts, Hugs, Art Kiiarcs, Mattinj; ami Cocoa l(Mr Mats is the largest of any house in t lie county, and all riiH! on these giNHls are niarketl down in plain figures, and will lie sold nt n lig reduction during the Closing Out Furniture Sale. I am deter mined to close out the Furniture Department of my business, nnd terms on the aliove goods nre prices named will lie cash or note with ap proved security. W. II. FELIX, Ijcwistown, l'a. I. S. All goods packed and de li vcrcd in good order F. O. 11. eJusticeof the Peace AND CONVEY M- Z. STEININGER. Middleburgh, Pa. BARGAINS IN CLOTHING! Fall wi tiler Suits From 110 Ugvrt ! Heavy weights in Trousers, $3.50. Tho goods are made to order, Guaranteed all wool, Trimmings first class. Workmanship guaranteed. JNo. A. HEFPELFINGER, Tailor, Opposite Tost Office. Selinsgrovo, Pi -!-Firc Life and Arriclenb-!- Ir)surai)ce. Snyder's old, and reliable Gen'l Insurance Agency, SELINSGR0VE, SNYDER COUNTY, PA- Blmor VST. Snydor, Agent, Successor to the late William II. Snyder. Tho Var-Excfllence of Reliable Insurance is represented in tho follow- ing list of Standard Companies, from which to make a selection. None Bettor the World over. ; ; IJI(UTin. amr.' FIRE Royal. Liverpool, Enjr. (including foreign assett.) $13,000,000.00 Hartford, of Hartford, Conn., (oldest American Co.) 8,045,735.(52 l'La'nix. Hartford, Conn. 5.5K8.058.07 Continental, New York, 8,754,008.72 Herman American. New York, 6,240,0!)8.83 LIFE Mutual Life Ins. Co. New York, f204.C38.983.c6 ACCIDENT Employera' Liability Assurance Corporation, AVy Accident Iub. Co. bubsenbed Capital of . 3, 750,000.00 Fire Life and Accident risks accepted at the lowest possible rate, jus tilled by a strict regard to mutual safety. All just claims promptly and BiitiiifactorilY adjusted. Information in relation to all classes of Insur- u. v 0ffic on jjjjjjj street, SelinsgroTe, T Hontftt Inanranee at Honest Rates. The Beet Goods for the Least Money. GENERAL INSURANCF AGENCY Only the OUlest, T.argpot end Hf ronfrprt I'ASH fompnnles. No Assessmcntq No Premium Hf Noutnl polid nnd Trn Iri.l.-iniiit v. Iprpapt,tn); every plus. f IiiKiirnni;i citluT Life, Tiro, Accident, or Tormido. SEE DUR COMPANIES i LOCATION Hartford New York Philadelphia Xew York Kquitablo Life Ins. Soc.Xcw York All biiln entrusted to our Ajrcney shall always receive thl '"biiu niiruuuM. i-.iiiiru pnimiBciion guaranteed W solicit a share of your natronaee. H. HARVEY SOHOOH, Selinsgrovo i,,oerai ivojiisuuentg. l'rouipt rayiuentii WAMK Aetna Homo Fire Association Fidelity and Casualty AM i 10,050,1 0,370.(5 MC7,S 1,087,0 130,193,5 THRFF nHM'Td i i ii u I I I IVJ DON'T wait to buy your boots J shoes for Winter wear until y! must pay advanced prices, v are selling ours at the DON'T forget that 11 fin in ir nil dll DON'T miss the reduced prices au jjress uooas. Clothing, etc., 30 days only. we Onni oauimuiiiu w Go HOCH & OLDT. New Berlin I U In SWAT jl uttvo m oiuun. u, mil ana. cc plete line of Furniture of all Kinds At all times you can see the latest styles of Parlor and Bad-Roam Bui SIDE-BOARDS, SOFA S,MATTKS CIIAlllS. SPHINGS, ETC. In short everything usually found in a first class i turo Store. 1 make a upocialty of repairing, uplJ ing anu panning luiiiuuiu. UNDERTAKING In All Its Branche nuulo a HiKH-mlty at lowest prus's. ISo chargt's lor liilmlini You will save money ly ("ailing on me before piireliasing vU JACOB HAUP: KEKLEYS' liUILDING, Market St., Selinsgrove, l'a. DID YOU S mm uu 1 NEW GOODS. LOW PRICES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTION IN GOODS, FITS, WOROIAKSHIri AND PRICES. I ask but a trial Respectfully, H. L. PHILLIPS, MERCHANT TAILOR. Selinsgrove, l'a 1 PROFITS -ox- Small Investm It ur nil tlinrltlwtt tu $10 eturQluif proftpertty will make many rich, but nowbero can thoy mako so m: nn FOS EACH DCLLAK inv2T0 can to mrao ivv Systematic Plan of Specu originated tiy uu. All iuncemful sptoiiliitlon oiyrute on a rwifinar BVMUiin. it iu h unil-kiiowu fact that tlwra ara HiouhuikIii of ineo In all nurUt oftlieVnlttvlHi nyitleiiiuUo iraillnir lurouKli UhlcaKO brokent, urnke huga auiuuuM evnry yoar, ranJ row iliouxainl ilitllar fur the man wlio lnveHU a bunUrvd or two lmuUrod aullura up sioo.mio or mora uy uuma wuo luvwt a row moumiuu. It Ib aim a lua tlial llioae who mako the larnal pronia from comparatively small on Hilt plan are puraona wuo uve away iroui cuicu auu iuturi. lurounu uruun r 1.. HLiiiMunii ui'uiMinMf.ln triulltiir. ' our plan dK not riak the whirte amount InveaUMl on any trade, but ooven both . whether lbs market rwoa or full it briug-a a ateaoy proiu utat uiiua upenoriuuuwj W"'m rot eoWIXOIlll noon, alsoour Manual on suooeiutMl inoculation and out ket KuprU lull of mouHy-makiui' poiutera. all rua- our m.uuu oxpiuiua lull. IllKntwi nioreuw. iu rvtfaru w vw tauuiuif auu auwwa. yor further luforuiatlon addrew THOMAS & OO., Bankers and Brokers, , 241-242 Ublto BuUding CHICAGO,