! i of 5 I fli ' it '' ic! Li c 1. i e c o 1 c i Chf3KbWtbntgSJst. PubliHhed every Thursday. Geo. VV. Wagcnsellcr, Editor and Proprietor. Subscription $1.50 per year. Mrli mint lx' M In wlvnnrp wliru Bent out-h.i- tli county.) MATtS Of AOVIRTISINO. All rr'itiM.'M n !vrtli'iiii'iit n.it otln'rwl1"' emir n ti-il ('ir will ! rlmtydl nt t li fiiti-of j.i .nts it llinMriciiitiil' I iw-rtwiri'i fur llrM iiiht 'tun Hti-1 lociils 't r line lor cvi ry utM"iifiit Inwrtlon. r rthu'ra of irtpfft. !., thrtt flira 11 linr. Thursday, August 2!, 181)."). Unity I. Wlmr. I'll li i 'i l il i'iirronoiiii,n' i'. IIaiiiiisiu'tki, l'u., Aiiff. 27th. Tho Quay mucus to-ninht hiul 1V. tlolouates prcHont who will Bupport him nt tlio convention tomorrow, Six of fhiHO mo contests! whicli leaves (Juny 1-V Holitl orciht more thtui h neeils. Tho probabilities m e t list others will Hop over to (Jnny before tho convention meets. Gilkc son had 1'7 delegates. Tlifi Democratic Willt. LaHt week wo publiHhod as a. bit of news the call of T. J. Smith for the Democratio primary election to take placo on Saturday. We were then not nwnre that any feud utill remain ed in tl" ranks of our friends, the en- em v. Tho Lcsherites have issued the following call signed by A'. V Aucker, chairman, and Win. Keller, secretary : "Tte members of the Democratic Standing Committee, of Snyder county, will meet in MuUUeburgli, Tu . J-Vidav. Aucust HO. at 2 o'clock p. m to elect two delegates to the Statfl Convention, which meets in Williamsport, September 1L, oud to transact such other business as may come before the committee. These developments ineau that two conventions will bo heli by the different factions. Tho Losherites hold that thoir committeo has juris diction while the auti-Lesherites proposo to securo and maintain con trol by tho election of delegates to the county convention. Evident ly each sido will elect two delegates to represent tho Snyder County Democracy in the Stato Convention that meets at Williamsport, Sept. 11 This manner of proceedure will bring tho Democratic feud to a final, if not a permanent test. The state convention will be the tribunal to decide which faction of delegates ated. ' t . ' ill decide tho question that has so long been disputed by Sny der county Democrats as to who really has tho recognition of tho state organization. Tho deciding of this question, however, will not heal all tho sores of the democracy in Snyder county because the Auti-Lesherites will probably endorse Kx-Judgo Bucher for a nomination for tho Superior Court lteuch and tho Losherites will endorse our townsman, F. E. Bower, Esq., for tho snmo position. While Mr. Bower would grace tho Supe rior Court Bench ho is no candidate for judicial honors. It is, however, fully understood that Mr. Bucher is willing to accept tho position and is leaving no stono unturned iu order to capture the prize. Tho traces of this feud will likely be noticeable for some time. Aimtlirr Kir. Ou Saturday another lire was dis covered at Allen Moyer's chanty and by timely discovery and promyt work a most destructive conflagra tion was averted. Mr. Moyer's property is located at tho West End of town. .Tho wind was high and a long phalanx of houses is located on tho East side. These houses mo nil built of wood and had tho tiro been undiscovered for 15 minutes more, it would have been beyond control and no power or menus at tho con trol of our citiztus could have stop ped tho lire. With tho high wind raging as it lid on Saturday a tiro once started in a block of frame houses could not be stopped with the means at huid until the entire block is laid iu (ishes. Besides, there can be no ab- goluto certainty that it could bo stopped there. Tho wind would c irrv tho tire and burning material ti tho roofs of other houses and what could bo done? Nothing. The occupants could siinplv escape and stun 1 by to watch tho fierce Humes rob them of their homes nnd every thing that is dear. What is tho town council going to do ? Will they sit idlo and lot the homes of citizens go up in Humes ? Will tho citizens permit their prop erties to remain iu jeopardy? Let us await developments. While we nro awaiting let this idea bo impressed that delays oro dangerous. "Home, Sweet Home." "Home, in one form and another, is the great object of life. It stands at tho end of every day's labor, and beckons us to its bosom.1' Hus band and wife begin tho building up of their home on far more equal ground than formerly. The wife has received just as good education; often ftronger in intellect and cul ture, and when trouble and disaster come, slio is tho one found to pos sess tho courage, strength and en durance. But often, the husband has tho advantagoj he may boar heavy burdens, yet his relation to tho world is stimulating ; ho comes ta contact with men greater than himself, which strengthens him, Tho wife is Tory generous , she takes upon herself nil the cares and respon sibilities of the home, that the hus band may have plenty of timo for improvement. While he reads, she has tho fretting babe in her arms, and a woo lit tle ouo clinging to her skirts every step she takes, and wrestles with her work, which looms up on every hand. At night the husband rests; ho sleeps on, hour after hour, in blissful ignor anco that tho wifo only half sleeps, that the babes aro restless, and the mother is upand ready to wait upon them at the least sound. The morn ing finds tho husbuud refreshed, ready for business ; the wifo, weary aud worn takes up the old cares ft.:uin. Day by day, fahe sees less of her husband and hears less of the affairs that interest him. No man c in accept from a woman the sacri fices that make life easy and pleas ant to himself, robbing hor of all loisuro time, that he may study and grow, without demoralizing him self. Then we have the wife who only boards at home ; her time is given to Women's Clubs and Societies. She hires her work done and she has no interest in the making of ,a home. She is well informed and keeps abreast of the husband in tnontal culture. . The husband drudges on day after day, late and early, that he may make the money to meet her douiands and she ac cepts the fruit of his toil, not rea lizing that "the best trained head, along with a corrupt heart, is like a temple built over a dea of robbers." In such homes we find no com panionship, no congeniality t and when old age comes, it will bring a great sense of loneliness. It is wise for the ' to have an intelligent " nderstanding of hor husbaud's business and affairs t it wouhl lift her above her household ' rut and give her a new interest in the out side world. It is equally as good for the husband to be able to at tend the children and assist and bo interested in other home duties. He will be kinder, a better man ; and no father can deny that the home life needs more of his attention and time. We consider it a great waste of heart, soul and body to give all to the gaining of wealth and make of our houses "waste places.'' How great after all is the poverty of it. Tho debit and credit sides of home life should balanco. Ilusband and wife should together study and enjoy their recreation and amuse ment. The wifo may cook and wash, tho hutibaud sow and reap, but their interests aro one and each should live for the other. "They joyed one joy, one grief they grieved; one love they loved, ono life they lived." Tho influence of your home life roaches out beyond the home circle. A neighbor, or stranger calls at your home, and tho impress left upon her mind is for good or bad. She will see that your homo is well managed, that you conduct tho work and not the work conducting you, bIio will seo your simple, but pret ty and neat house dress ; also your bright flowers that nod and smile and bid her wel cjmo; sho will seo that true kind ness and companionship exists be tween husband nnd wifo ; she notes tho good behavior of tho children and the respect they show ono an other ; your well kept yard will not bo passed unseen. Your surround ings preach a sermon stronger than any delivered from tho pulpit. Your visitor leaves your homo, resolved to mako her homo like yours; over afterwards she will krep her houso neater, her own personal appear auce will receive mr.ro caro,Yiho will spoak luoro kindly to her husband, and tho children will become better, bucause they have abetter mothor. Will not all members of our inter esting circle accept the best in life by becoming hotter men and wo men ; fathers und mothers bettor helpmates ami kind parents; do veloping the good and beautiful and combining their strength and prog ress ; then there will como a natural growth of rennect and affection, aud out of this will come a heavenward structure, a real "Home, Sweet Homo." Word and Worts. Nonet My wife, Mrs. Sadie Bowersox has deserted my habita tion without cause on my part. All persons are warned not to furnish or sell her anything on my account as I will pay no bills of her contract. Geo. A. Bowersox. Penns Creok, Ba., Aug. 2J, 1895. Mr. C. O. htrong, principal of the public ticliooli nt Anderson, Cnl., ay: "I have uaed Chamberlain's Pain Halm ntnl have found it an excellent remedy for luuietiemi nnd slight wounds." Lnineiies-i usually results from a sprain, or other injury, or from rheumatism, for which ( ham berlaln's Pain Ituliu Is especially in tended nnd uncminlled. It afford almost immediate relief and in a short time effects a permanent euro. For sale by J W. bampsell, I'entis Creek Pi. PENNSfLVANIA RAILROAD. Sunbury & Lewistowu Division. In effect May 20, 18i)5. WIBTWARD Did. ST4TIOR. kAITWABD p m l.ti 4. in 4.1U 4.i3 J.S7 1.51 3 4.1 a.ar a.u 3.14 1.01 16T 1.U 2 44 i.37 i.U I ii m lli.ii 1-2.02 13.1X1, 1M MM 11.40 1I..K1 1 1 M 11. W II I'i 11.04 10. 6 10. (HI 10.41 10tf i.s 10.21 10.17 lu.uj' A. I.iwiniown J. MttD straai Lemitown Mltlnd PtlDter NhlOill Watnar m f. 7.3 7.40 7.41 T.M K.IXI S 04 8 14 l. !. S.3-2 M M HM V (li II o.te oo 1.03 lilt 1.14 s 11 u 17 11 Si It 13 to 17 8 43 46 t 1.11 t.'27 1.32 1.41 1.4V 1.64 4.02 4.11 4 14 4.25 4.2V 4.13 4 42 MflOlar JUuD't Mlllt Artsmbarn HcTrtoQ Hcntor MKI.IItborgb Mir Krtiiiif Ptwltnit HellomroT StUnKTOT J Saobarv 4.41 1 90 Solinsgrove Aooommodattoo. (OoODMllDI With tMlDIOOTV.U. Rf.) r SfinnirroT. J a. arrlr t Hellnnsro? .4i f. U. 1.62 P. M Trains Leave Lewlstown Junct ion : 4.M m, 10 40 m. 1 12 p m, 1 7S p m, ll.M p m tor AIUionit,FltUliur ami Hit Went. rur imitiiuorx ami wiiintnn tf.l'ml 01, 1 11. 4 31 p in lor I'hlUdalnhta ami Nw York K in 1 02, 1 3-1, 4 ana 11 10 p iu Philadelphia & Erie R R Division. AMI NORTHERN OENTKAL K41LWAY. Irolnt Ijeara liinlmrjr Ulljr aietpt San.Ujr 1.36a. in. rir Will Wiinimrt ami 1'anaodalnu. 613 am, For Halleloat, Krla.and UanamlalKua . m. ror ijnoa Harm. 1 86 p iu, For Hellofouie, Kne and Caaaadal sua. 6 40p m. Kor Hxnoro and Kin Ira. 36pm fur Wllllanif irt. SiiiKiajr H.Uiii.l.irKrle and t'anandalirua, 9 Main, lor Ixx; Haven, and V26ira lor Will lauirporl. fiVi a m, KorCHt.iwi.. and Miration. 3la iii.looo a in, and 641 m. Fr Wllkbrre. 7 loam, 10 20 am, I M . in, S44p ni, ForSha mnklii ami Mount Carmri. hundujr louoa in, lor Wilkeiibarra. Trnln Lara8aHniicroTS Janctlon a Id . in. H..li.la.i...i.i. . . ui.llM.l.l..kl. 00 p. in. New York 6 63 ti m. lUltlniora 1 In n . i..iiiii,viii . fU p im 4.41 P. M. week dt arriving at Pnlladolphla U.16P.M Naw Tork 811am, Biltlmora 10.40 8 w p m, ditllr arriving at Philadelphia 4 SO a m, Nw York 7 3.1 a in, Tralna lw L.ara Honbarr t ( 62 a m Hultlmura 1 to a. m. ffu blUKton T 40 a.m. new loriinm, IVulrJ... In a& m m u... i.. . a. , . . " nt m im nuuu.ji. a ov m in, Q nil T arrlrltiirat l'hiladelhla lu 0 a m.. New York 1163pmH HaltliooralM m WathlOKton 10- 1 60 I) tn. waek ilava arrlrlnir at Phlla.lnhl. 8 21 u in. Nnar Yark u v.1 ,i m u. ltt,n.. a ta p. m., Waahlnvton 7 60 p m. iiaim aimimav, niiniiury ai v 4 a. m. and 6 311 and 8 17 ll. m. Inp MurHihurir PI, I1..I.I i.l, lu and lialiininre. addmaa Th.n. Wall, I". A. W. 1). 110 Fifth Ava PUtibunr. Pa. .1. H. WT(iril) Do'! Pa.. a...n. rnr ratia. uiana a.. call on Tikt An n. S. M. PREVOST. (lan'l Manauar.. WANTED. Several faithful j'enlleiiieii ami ladies to travel for established 1ioiim. SALARY $780.00 AND EXPENSES- Position jM-riiiaiient if suitetl ; also increase. State reference and en close self-addressed stainjied envel ope. Tl IK NATIONAL, 310 317 lis Omaha niilK., t'HICAliO. 16t JAS. O. UKOUSE, ATTOKXKY AT LAW, MlDIlLKUURU, PA. All LiininesH entrusteJ to liim. will receive prompt attention. s ' ' Ifvou have the remomt Idea of nuraulncy a HIS! NT.SS of Kill IK 1 II A Nil cuane f Mud now or l.ltf. u anoiu.i arai riifiil awav lo, a ncaulifal cloUi-luuu.l . k thai toll, aiui a Schnnl nf Rnclnca v.iii titan any oll-r on ihe rontinrnl. Inve.1 a wtal car l. AMicm" K. U. I." Hhwtiu, N. Y. nrkkui..ug, A nth met ir, 1'l'lllllAllrthipy ml all tht I iMiiiiit'rcial TnthTo4f. III KKS4 t OI.I.KI.K. 1710 i'hMtnot bt., I'hilftduliihift. 1 hfroiirh. lmllTHlUftl Instruct ma. Situation If ram-htm. he mtii imam of knvtrlrdtritfttl hftuiinlmuia of ousV WANTED BV THC CHASE NURSERIES FNFKfil'TIC MKN M M)icit rtra lt our hunt ami salary in tluw lea v in it liuitit. ur cnmtiitHaion to hi cal a ir it n t tt, rriianriit eni tlniiic nt. Tun hiiM.ncaa fnml li-arnrti. AMr lary aii-J cipiih a jiaJri wo k iy from rtarW . pmiiiuii, iiouu rriaiictjlujr fcivaiK't im nL Iwiclualvo l-rtttory. iiaiim. r uirirearinintKuar- tUttlHHl. MllHUtMtitlltlltll in our orOi'rH. tib- TT W oral ouiiititiMtiuii prT .a ran in tolocuj uaxtv II f T fret4 an; Unit) a- 11 ai on nt ram i BM 8k BV 81 B8- ." r 1 ann eiKTiaea. iwni vtmiMfallurwiatlilsorulUtir il ThU bouav im rvlLtbi, Hmuw iUU paptjr. Ka.) Contf tuintal NurxriM. UiMhiiflt9r. NT, PERSONSTO TRAVEL arts CTP- Y '? EXECUTORS' NOTICE.-Notle g hereby irlven that IttM TVatft- mentary on tha e'tnta ol W.J. WnifrnwIliT, de'd lata of HollnHjftnvr. Snydar county. Pa., hmebeen lutl to tlin andarlirnid rc.idln at Hellnstfriita All pcmonii, thaivfnr, Indebtwl to aani vataia win pirtaxa maan unmeoiaia par tnrnt, and thx b uiim rlnlml agalnat It will proMnt them for ntlcmant to .iimi.i r. w ah r..MM,i,i.n, KATK A. WAOKNSKI.I.KK. A'lif . 11, inn. Executor. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE, bet ters nf Adtniniatrntlon In the K.lata ni OMirvn Uavr, Into nl pptin Town- alilp. Snyder ruiintv, l'u., dwM, havlnn brrn itr:int.'il to in iiM'.Tiune.. all ier."na knnwlnir tbnmMdvr indebtiNl ti paid r.-liiln are niUt'd to nuke liniiii'diiita parmant. wblln tho.i linv- inir rlniina will in-futit tliviu duly aulhciillcutod to tlio nn'lcrlL'no.. .lAl'KxoN W. IMW, K. It. (iKMIIKItl.lNtl. July 17, la-r.. AdminlMraior. li. W. 1iNti. Atty. A DMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Let XV teri nf ndtnlnlntrHtioti In entntn of .lulin A. MihuT, lnl uf Frmikdn townihlp, Siiiit rniinty. Pa., ilir'd, Imvlnir xvn Krnnti'd to tlio iitub'rxli.'iH'd, nil piirwuia kimwlnit thi'in ii'lun liMl"'bi'd to anlil rsniti- nro rrqmati to Iniiki liniii'illiiin pivinrnl, vrlillo IIiimo IihvIiiit cliilmt will prcai-iii them duly autlnTutli.'ntcd to iuf unirii;iii.'u. t KVIf.t.A A Xl'SSKIt, K. K. MISS Kit. July SI, Admlnl.it ratorn. UDITOR S NOTICE. In Tint Fjttk ov H..EI 1 Tun tmrtiAK' f'm'KT nllTl(l uk u. i or hnyiikk loI'ntt. Jiotb-o l lnTftiy irlton Hint tin underpinned Amlltnr n P) M nt- I by tha nrptintiV Court, ol Snv. cb r C'ouiiiv, In illHirllmta tlic funda In tbn linmla nf .tuenb Krmnr.admlnl!lrnlor of Mild donili'nt will ait rr tnv purrHwa of lilt amm mtiifiit nt Ilia oftlrc In Mlddloliiirtrli, Pa., on rnlnrdar AiiKUnt BlHl nl o' olm'k A. M lien and wherKull n.irilea In lull-rent or tmvioir anv eliilina on mhM fiui'N mint nppcur and prewnt llir anme or Im forever debarri-d from Coin lug lo on tlio mime. Mlilillebutvll. Pit.. JAY ft. WKIMRK. Auk. , iMtt. Auditor. Notice in Divorce. To Adnm n, nrunner. Into of fr-ntre townshin. Hnvilert'o., Ph. i Wherena flnrn II. Ilninner, your wife luw nir.l a llliel In t lio eourt of com mon Plena of Hnyder county of lMveinber Term, IHiM, No. 11, prnylnif a dlvorre aifnlnut you, now you arr tiereby nol Hied and riiilrel to appear In anld court on or beforo Monday, tlio i.irj nv oi reiii.iiioer ni-xt, to nnnwer the Com pliilnt of the wild Clam II, llruiiner, and In de fault of aui'h HpiX'aninw you will bo liable to have a divorce grunted In your abwnce. AI.KHI DM'KCIIT. Kherllf of Muyder county. Slierinomco, Mlddl-butvli. Pa., Autf. nth. 'is. Adininintrator'H ISalo of in iiiiii-iikiii-i tuiiiiiiiinir-jiTor, ac noma non cum tHtiilneiilo iinnexo of John niuwlnifer, late of HoHVertown. Il. nver lowiiHlilp, Hiuiler Co Pa , dee'd. undernnd by vlrtuo ol the aulhorllv contained In I Im litit will aud tOHUuient ()f Halil dovdent, will expo to public buIu on the pretnlwa lu llonverlowu. Pu., on rr-l.n ....... I ..... i .... . . Ilnirsday, S'pteiiiler Tith, 1S9"). TllO fi1lAv1n(J 4liUfrlhri4 a..I a.. . . . ' a .. . Tit ACT No. 1. Ilelnif a lot of fcrround Hltimto In lenvortowii.nroivalil. iHiundeil on tlio North In. Morlfut W I im I... ..a .. .., .MtMMVK a-v., vii iiiu r-Mi. it) in v, mm ID .... , ....i.r. r.M Hiinilltll AI MS IIIOO) or lena. li Ix-lno; two Iota and a fraction, nnd tium U'red na lot No. 17 In lInHHlnifor'n adilltlon to ii.-nti'iiunn, vii niin-iinni erecieu a two-Htorv HWKl I.IVii tiiii-Mir un,i .T.k.V.i7...7 won rx-t'neiii. wnier, Ac. iiiho twciitMlirce town lota lylnjf North of the Huubiiry and Lew. lufrtuin lillr..a.l u,i...i,. .1 ...... ...... . . ... ""v. uiii iiillllllllKH, ii i , 7 " "." " w in aitm "um",ni .,mii,oii W in-avrrivwn, eaco lot contMiniiiK onii foiirtb acre mure or lesa, ac- ..."H w m u.mu in u t-j williru Will OO OU exhibition on tlio Uuy of anfe. Alao nil that cer- utiu uirnsunKeauu trauiof land ivliik aouth or the 8. 4 L. It. It. at benvertown. Pa., adjolnlnif uiiiibui r. niiiKauiiui, i.ucy huier, and Matilda L .. I I AH .Ka I. .... . ... 1 1 ' .. . . . . ... ... Jon. Mldillcawitrtb on tile Houtli, aud Jon. jtlid- uinin.iuilllllllll "Will, lOll 141111 tll)f MM C (.flU 71 perchea wim the appuruioancea, whlclt haa been lnld out, and will be olTorcd aa Seven HepnrHt iracta. Tract No. 1 to contain 8 acrea aiul 0.1 iumIim. ajn 11 a ... .... ,.. ... m. m nm, inn, a, , a, g acre mu'li. Noa.acioa and 15 iwrcberi, and No. 7. aero and is M'rcliea, aho aa a whole: or aeveral of thotie trncta Urgelher to Hint pun-lma- i.i.i4intbuinnioi iiu vu rAiiiuiiou on oay of Kale, ( acrea of above la timbered.) Halo ti commence at u o'chx-k a . m. of mild duy when due aitenduuce will lie Klven and terma of aulu M.OUU M.IU, U . . . V V 1 1 V. . 1 1 ." 1 1 1 f . 1 1 , AdurrU. b. u. c. l a- 1 KtiltTBK'H MlTICKH. Notice la hereby irlv. ven Hint the followliiir named penioiiH have filed Ihclr AdinlnlHirnlorH', (uiirdliin, and Kx ecutora' nccouiilx In the IteirlHier'a tmice of Hny. der county, nnd the Mime will Imi prewnieil for coiitlriniit ion nnd nllowuuce at the Court Uouae III .niuiiivuuiK'i .luiiuiiy, nejil, Tfj, ly.ia, 1 . Arc omit ol Wlllliini J. and Lovlna Hockon- luirrv .-dillliirii nt 1 lit mm! i.l.. ... a.... t i...... ... j . - --- - w. v v, Aiuua 1.. unta-- enlM'rry, dec d. t. The llrst. and riiml account of Uabrlel PLsen. h.irl uml M Arlml.l k-u.. ... .1." .. : . ot AlbrlKbt Hwlnefurd, lute of I'nlou townaliln diseased. 1 - i u..---iiii , rvilllu- ler in in'r. of Joel Kllniler. iui. or li. ..." ft Vlruf. imrt tlniil niwoitit r.r T..u..n,. Uocca-ioil. ' .. ....... ... niiiii in .uiiiuei llllllCK Kxecuuir or the entnto of Surali Klncnduu, deed' 5. Thotlini and 11 ii u I account of Annlo ' I.oiiK:u're, Kxocutrlx or tlio cnUilo of Jacob Uinirl mrai llia)'f A A Vlrat nt,.l H.ml ...,...., ... o . ...... . of I. In MiyUtT, iiiluor chUti of Jacob Huydur dt'cea.Ht.'il. ' A. Tlirt tin nl Aivnnnt nf t lan V uiitoaa t.. aa a. a w ..-o- -r.a.i a, --a .1iniiU 1T'1,UI, AUlHTOf tht'osiHtt of Kuiriu M. Wcut'l, lute of Jaokiou 7 Tlia mriiiint if Vut.kn f, ..... a A 1' f.a UCVVIirrVUi t. Vat aa HWnilll III r.llllH OJIU Iltnrv UV Hurt itintk .Mih ihj ,.f i..t... n . ft. Thn Hitpfiiiil anil fln il ns,. fn ..- ... ... ..l-ii4inio,ui uunu iiurLiimn, tltrt'UHtttl. 1 . HrMtiin.liin.il Hivount of LowU und Iuvld Wonicr, Kxtt'titorn of tlio tMat o" Mlflmui III. AfPflllUr til f aWl lffll.tr 4. !..,- a. . ... . . dun i, mini r ui n.iruii Enlley. law of Mlddlecrcek Twp., Pa., dw d. 1. M. rilllNDKI.. MlddleMirif, IM., Kupt !M, 'lis. Helster. Court Praclamatiau. 1HERKA8 the Hon. Hiindd M. McOlure - i ivbhii;ih juiiku ui iho oniciai loatrlot coiniuiaed of the vuuntlua o Nnyilur, 1'nlon and Mitt'ln, and Jereuiliili t'ruu'u and Z. T (icm- ueiiiiiK, i ji., nrKtK-iuio juiikui in and furSny iler county, h ive auui tlmlr precept, bttiirliiif duto -the -.'7111 d;iv ol .May A.l., IvM. t; m din-clod lor tlir IioI.iiiik ulan t rplmiia' t;OUri. a ....... . . .., , i,rr jur, uilnrnnd Heiieriil t 'ourt nHtuurtor SomUuii u tlivl'iaco, at Middleburtrh, lor Ihe county ol Snydur, on the 4ili Minidity, (belnif tha tf ird diiv ol Slept. and to ronllnuo one wuok. Notice In tliercliire liuioby lven to the Comn er, .luKilcaaottUePeiioaaud CoiiBUibloa In and lor the comity ol Snyder, to nppeiirln their roper pvraon wlih thoir roll, ruenrda, Inqulal Iiuns ixainlniiMona. and i.tluir rHiiieinliriini-ei tod itloiutlilii'H wli'oh ol tiudr oltlcet aud In their bi.liull partuln to be dono and with. area and pe ii priwei'Utlnv In buliull of tlia i;om uiiinweiilih iixiiln.il any pvnonor pornoin) are rt liilri'd to bo thon und there attcndlnit and dn. purtiiik without leave ut thulr peril, .luntloea i iiuri'i to no piiDi-iuiii mi ii e r at tondauce ul llin ii , .. .1 nt ...1 1 1 .... 1. 1 .. .... m. ..r,.v. ...... .,,v oHivutiiiijr iu llollt'e. tllvon under my bund and neiiliit the ShcrllTi ......v. iiihii) iiiu j . n ii oiiy ol AUK, A. 1)., onu thoiuand eliftit hundred and ninety Al.PMEHSPKCHT, Shuritt. Accounts. i ne iiiiiowiiii; Ac iiuni.s nave neon lllod, exam ined nnd piuised In the I'Mthonolury'H onice and will be presM-nied to tho next court of Common I lit It J f l a 8 a"l 111 I a.1.1 I,,,. a II ... m u hi i ii Lu ii, it i.. iiTsoiia luierualud 1. The flint und II mil account of Duvld H. Hhol Iy. 1 rilNlee, etc.. In Ihe nst.il.. of laancM. Wenlz. el. lute or lleaver Twp., tlecuaaed. U. Tim flrvr iuiiniirit nt l.... -,u n i n, .l U' i r .. , i.iini iitTAier, l nmuw an I li ' .'1, JJ 1 rHxl,'ri "'lcr lllO lust will ol Altl llOAICIi UlWL'UBUUi J. V. 8C1KK.-1I, Protiionotarr Valnal)l6 Real Estat! Special Reduction ai CLOSING J I desire to reduce my stock ancV will offer a special reduction of 1( ju, ana au per cent, on all CLOTH I NG bought of me. A line of Clothing is always kept on hand. Gents' Furnishing Goods. Don't fail to see the best bargains in the county. B.C mm, Holer. FURNITURE Cknto aralor Fmita. We offer the best goods at Phe- nominal Prices, lties the Finest, Latest. Couches, Lounges, Mirrors, Baby Carriages, Window Shades etc., offered at prices to suit the times. We aro catering to the! Snyder County trade, and AN INVITATION is extended to business. Respectfully, MILTON FURNITURE GO. Front Street, Milton, Pa. State Norma School, BLoOMSBURG, PA. Prepares for Teaching, For College, For ne$$, For Social Duties.' Eight Departments 5aaaaMaaaaaaaaaaHaMaBaja) Professional Department, Art Department, Academic Department,Manual Training Depart ment, Preparatory Collegiate Department, Phys ical Culture Department, Music Department, StenograpLy anil Typewriting. The members of tho faculty aro Christian men and women of broad scholarship and successful experience They represent tho culture and train ing of eight of the best colleges and universities, and several of the leading Normal and Training schools ot tho United States. No school can give more for tho money. Pew give so much. Pall term opens September address YOU CAN'T LIVE WIVLf I'M IV A I llCDT HOW'S YOUR LIVER? ... . i.ww . w - DOES YOUR BACK ACHE? ARE YOU WEAK AND THIN? Try Dr. J. I iifErrt iirtivir-w r a i P( Liu Sin and All who use It say it la The Peerless Remedy for curinja"'1! OF THE LIVER, KIDNEYS A HQ RHEUMATISM AMD The Dr. J. H. McLean Medicine Co., St. Louis, OUT SALi full and coirmW guaranteeing'qual - and Styles the visit our place of Thoroughly equipped 2, 1895. Por information" J- . P. VELSII, PKIXCUM ra.AREYouRKON.vsALtRisrl DOES YOUR SLEEP REST VOUj ARE YOU DULL AND BILIOUS? II McLEAN'S mU DALH BLADDER, FEMALE TROUBLE BRIGHT' S DISEASE. nil tul Jlyare f.Ctlii: letticj; M Rivi laont, Air Iportet llin tl and i h.F. Nay. nesa ai Na Si i thoir Uttfl iJay. !- Loi-il Luth s liirf I Miildl, ittLis Unto; Mifla F. Ilo 'a at j slot o I. J lioriiic' i.tburg i The u in Rafter ri. i-Tiipjuijn.-ir... lo, rMT .w i warn. "iimri"