The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 25, 1895, Image 3

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W(t would ora Accurate urn
fSnpiM)pr now mode Is false to
unnif, tor it lias no nana noour. it.
place of that material bring now
Lkl.n usually ty powdered Klaus, which
JV it work with vastly greater effect.
ino or tlx most iiuponaui upcruuous
the fabrication or sandpaper is t lie
Ivrrlzatlou of tho glass Into powder
the different (trades of fineness. Com
,.ilv an Iron mortar Is lined for this
;rlie, a heavy Iron pestle being tho
,tilng Instrument. Htatnplng; ma-
ll( ry Is better. It constats or a stout
t whose Iron side walls serve us a
L for the stamping machinery. In
box. which can be closed ty a wood
j,Hr to prevent waste of material
,1 nlso Injury to the workman, are
,o Irou cylinders In which play tho
..!. These crush the class, turning
I their own axles as they work.
rr grading the powder several shlrt-
. cylinders nr noifssnry, covered
tb gauze of different mesh, llcgln
U with the coarsest the workman
rtil gradually to the finest, re-
Ins each time tnat wuicu passes
ttjftk the network,
he paper to lx used In the manu
uire must be (food, strong nnd rather
ifihred; It must also be free from
,t and Irregularities, and If there
my such they must be planed off.
thry should be overlooked, they
,1,1 interfere with the proper use of
unndpaper; the knots would pro
le through the glue, ami little ridges
! channels would result, making It
..sible to smooth off a surface
rily with the paper.
paper In cut Into large sheets,
:ul on work tables, fastened down,
then painted, by means of a largo
-ti, with a thin, even coat of hot
. If the glue Is too thin and the
r of bad quality, the glue soaks
the paper, so that which re
k Is not of sufficient consistency to
the gl;ns. Thus results a sand
r from which the glass easily rubs
r which, In places, has no glass
I, or not enough. This Is notably
;ie with the coarser varieties. Id
h the layer of glue must be put on
exceeding care that the relatively
fragments of glass, which can In
anner be soaked with the bludlng
rial, may be held fast In It. On
tlicr hand, If the layer of glue Is
iilek or the consistence too viscous,
liter part hardens too quickly, so
the class powder cannot embed
'In It.
I, en the glue has been spread on
aper the powdered glass must be
I on through nn appropriate sieve.
operation also requires consldera
kill, through not so much as the
!ling of the glue. Tor the glass
not be sifted merely In such a
-r ns to use a given quantity to
t. hut so that each sheet may be
ej evenly. Kven then all tho
r will not stick, and some of the
leslle upon others without touch
ic glue; these can be shaken off
sngiii movement or the paier.
the superfluous glass powder
vn removed a wooden roller Is
1 lightly over the vper to press
trtlcles of glass as firmly ns pos
nto the glue and to form a per-
even surface.
Revolution in Men's Dress.
re Is one thing about the blcyelt
' said a tailor to a New York
reporter. "I believe It Is going te
tlonlze men's attire, which hai
o somber for so many years,
reformers have done much foi
i. hut men's clothing Is practical
same year In and year out.
ill' 1
in i
leaflets of fashion are not as e
bust, nn d the chaps who lead
lave small legs. If the wheel
their calves, as It will, I be
io nge of short clothea will re-
..111 1
u'.t :r
li." 1'f
and kuee-breeches for evenlnu
ay he seen again In drawing
Hloomcrs are popular, for a
w au likes folks to know It
ceil men have a chance to build
hit '
. in I
,.i hv
,,1 tli'
r calves lu summer for tho win-
aU 11
torla Cross for a Xrgro.
oal-blaek negro who recent It
hi i
h" ; "
fen-o(l on ,m tho Victoria cross
first of his race to receive thla
Tlie man s a coinoriil In one
. t. i
West Indian reiritni'iilii ix-blol,
II Hi"1
iUlte 1
n doing such Hplendid service
"t coast of Africa. He saved
"f Ids commanding ofllcer by
- himself In rrnt of the latter
"vui In his own body the bul
' would have otherwise found
i lu that of his captnlu.
tin- K"
t ii li-1-
,.t or'
Mr. Ill'1
'"'iiiiiy conditloa of thofcystera
.Mr. k
v tli"
f iii-'
i it Bhows that thu Htoiua!h
:v organs aro wenlc nad debili
'oJ" 'iraiiiiarllla hiu wonderful
an.l Htruugtheo theso organs
'''mppiitlte. By doing this It
'' wly to health uud pruvoats at
iHai". Humumber
te II
,1 ."I
form 61 '
d in
. i. ii
P's Sarsaparilla
mi... - .v
...i tli 1
i i ...iilS;
iwu punuar prominently
PUblio iy8 today.
be r
8 Pills 'b f KT-.lluni-r pill n4
1 U"l
lilr "
u." ,.u M
" 0NS. New York.
It Sweeps Through him and PindUy
nnd Does Ores! Damage.
A terriflo cyclono swept throush Tlndlse
and the adjoining country about 4 o'clock
I rldny afternoon doing stent damage. The
storm crime from the northwent and was en
tirely unheralded. It Inxted not over Ave
mlautes, but swept everything before it la
ttmt time.
One of the Fplres of the First M. E. Cbnrch
wai blown down. The hoo tower of the city
Urn depiir.meut was torn to pieces and the
building wruvked.
MiadM tre were torn up by their roots and
burled aeruM th streets, while signs of all
kinds were dnxlid through the expensive
piaie gins windows of the stores. A number
otexprefi nud ml!k wagons were ovortumed
and torn te piece.
In the oil fields, west, north snd east of the
city, an immense amount of damage was
done. I)errlck, tnnktjind rigs were blown
to plncei and thousands of dollars worth of
property destroyed. The Huber school build
ing had its roof torn olT, as did the factory of
the Olobe chimney works.
A special from Lima says: A hurricane
J issued over the northern part of this county
ate this afternoon, doing great damage In
the country. The wind wn accompanied by
hail. TeloKrapb and telephone connections
between Lima and Fiudlay are all down.
Wrecks Trains and Drives Out Families
In Their Might Clothes.
Tour and one-halt Inches of water from a
cloudburst north ot Iowa City, Thursday
night, caused grent dnmngo to crops. Five
hundred feet of the Uurllngton, Cednr Ilapids
ami Northern Knllroad tracks were washed
out. linlston creek went out nf Its banks and
carried oil bridges, sidewalks and fen?e.
Heveral families lu their night clothes waded
out ot their houses In four feet of water.
Ihe Kooky Mosutaln llyer from tbe West,
on the Hock Islnud Itnllread, was ditched
three blocks went ot Iowa river. The tlreman
had a leg broken and the pnosengnrs were
enmy snnsen up. lue rails are waslieJ out
between Iowa City and Downey.
Opening of the International Convention
of the Union.
Tbe fifth international convention ot tbe
baptist Young 1'eoprVs I'nion of America
commcuced io Ilnltlmore, Friday, la the big
tent erected for tbe meetings, which was
Jecorntod In colors ot tbe union, red, wbltei
and blue and yellow, and nmerous flngs
1'rentdent John 11. Chapman, ot CbicagOt
called the oonveutlon to order nt 10 a. in.
The choir ot MM) voices sang several hymns.
Eugene Levering made an address ot welcome,
on behalf of the baptists ot Maryland, and
Mayor I.ntrobe welcomed the delegates to
bnitlmore. lr. Wharton also made au ad
dress of welcome.
The response on behalf of the boars of
managers of the international union aud dele
gates was made by llev. L. M. F. llnlnes, of
lroy, N. V.
The aunual report of tho Hoard of Mana
gers was presented by llev. Frauk L. Wil
klus, 1. 1,, general secretary. Addresses
were made by Itev. O. H C. Wallace, of Tor
onto, on "Culture for Hurvlce," aud by Iter.
Kolaud 1). Urant, D.D., of l'ortlaud, Ore., on
"The Junior Hociuty, the Hope of lue Move
ment, The report ot General Treasurer Fronk
Moody, showed receipts and disbursements
lor tbe year t&7,610; arsets of the union,.
'24,103; liabilities 24,!Z30; deficit, tlii,
agalust a dellolt of a year ago of 3,8 Ji.
Committees were appointed aud adjournment
made untti afternoon.
At the ntternoon session there was an ad
dress by ltev. F. L. Andnrson, and then an
open parliament was held, couduotod by Hot.
1.. . Chlverr, of New York. The theme was
"Sysiematio and Proportionate Giving"
What Is Your Hoviety Doing to Promote It?
Peumtylvauia, MasMiubussels. Maine, Ml 111
gau, Connecticut, liltuols, Nnbrueka, Indi
ana, Kentucky, luwa, Wetit Virginia, Mis
souri, Ohio, Virginia and New Jersey, told of
their methods foe rulsiug money lor the
cause of Christ.
ltv. Jobukou Myers, D, U, formerly ol
Ciucluiiittl, now of Chicago, made an address
on the "Ihe liiule method ot Wiuuiug Houls."
liov. l'ne Wliburn, ot ltultiiuore, brought to
tbe youug people's union thu greetings of the
F.pworib loguu convention, reeeutly held at
Cliattuuooga, Another open parliament wa
theu bold, conducted by lluv. is. A. Northrop,
1. IK, of Fort Wayne, lu.l, 'Ihe sutijecl wu.
"Whut Has Your hociety ltoue to Promote a
ltevival lu tbe Church V" Churches all over
the country reportudtholr metbods ot tuaklug
At the eveuiug mooting preeutation was
made of Christian culture banuers for juuior
work, 'i he banuer lor sacred literature course
was won by the Ausllu association, ot Illinois;
that for bilile readers' course by the Jackson
HMOdHtiou, of Mk-Iiiuhii. '1 lie Cnutou society,
of Ohio, won the conquest inUmuuitry course
banner. Four addrries on ltiiptlst uuiun
were mede, uud the revt or the evening wus
devoted to Ihu Chrlntlan culture coursu.
Formosan Rebel ion Was the Shortest
Lived on Hecord.
The State Department at Washington bus
received from Miuistcr l'euby, at Teklng, a
dispatch duted June 13, concerning the Into
Ilopublio ot Formosa. He gives the transla
tion of the orik'iaul declaration of Independ
ence of Formosa, and says that the "re
public'' will go into history us the moit short
lived gover umeut that ever existed.
The Jupuuusu have already takeu Keating,
which Is only in miles from tho capital,
Tarpelfu. ami order there will soon be re
stored. Kx-iiovornor Tang was inaugurat
ed on tho Wth of May, aud ho and bis cabi
net have already left the Island, nud Mlunt
ter Deuby says It is questionable whether
thu people are at all concerned at tbe ulianne
ot the Koveruuient of the islaud and that the
movement fur ludepeudeuco was orguuized
by the olllululs.
-I Here wore 60,000 Chinese troops In For
mosa," says Mr. Deuby. They are ail arm
ed, but will uot lljjht. Many of these braves
are now in Amoy llhtlug foreigners. Tbe
forts at Kealiug wore, as Is usually the case
with Chinese forts, Indefensible lu the rear
though they were very strong on the sea
side, and were provided with Armstrong,
Krupp uud machine guns."
The Formosuu declaration recites that tho
Japanese have afronted China by annexlug
Formosa that the people are resolved to dlo
before tbey will serve (he enemy and have
dutvrmiued in Couucll to convert Furmosa
Into republican state, It is stated that fre
quent coulrreuoes have been held wltU for
elgu powers, who hold that the proplo of
Formosa must estnbllsn their independence
before the powers will ussist them.
Big Steamer Bunk.
A telegram from D. 8. McDonald,
master of the large Iron steamer Nyauza.snys
she whs struck by the steamer Northern King
in the Hoo river and sunk.
The Nyaura was owned by Messrs. James
Mciirier, II. I). Carter aud Louis Htrouber ot
Krle, and wits valued at UA0,000. Hhe was
coal laden from buffalo to Dulutb. Tbe cap
talu s guests were President William Upenoer
and son aud two or three other Erie boys and
two ladles from Chicago. Tbe crew and
guests were ull saved. Tbe Nysnx was
fully insured.
Quean Victoria Is worth tl75.00O,0V.
Clmuneey M. D 'pew Is said to bo lnured
for .V)0,000.
F.x-Oovernor Osreelon, of Maine, Is eighty
years old, nnd a vigorous man.
t'tilike moot (ther boys at his age, the tier
man Crowu 1'ritire is allowed no pocket
The King of Italy hai ma li Crispi a prince
by way f vindicating him niralu.M th nttin.-k
Of his enemies.
The H uvallin Government proirei to
give l'ri!i'"is K ilnlaiil a H"nslou of lOjtl to
ijnh't pn"teusini.
John Il.-iyter, of F.ugland, hn JuM paed
nxvny at tho w n( tilm ty-ilve. He wit-t
litiiioiis nn a port rn It painter.
Governor Atkinn. of fleorgin, l rapidly
recovering from the operation recently per
formed ou him for npiiendirltls.
Gladstone in nn nddrewi t'i the t.iheraU of
I.onilon ndvoentes tlie granting of "thejiixt
ConHtltutionnl claim of Ireland."
U. W. Yents, the young lilh poet, i a
eeond Joniiiln Miller. He wenni n scarlet
wh and a sombrero In the streets of Dublin.
Lord Iloseliery, the resigned Prime Minis
ter of F.hglnnd, hnx numerou luti-reMs in
this country, including u cotton mill in tho
At the Trlnee of Wnle's nle of hncknev.,
at Hnndringhnm, William Waldorf .Vtr paid
the highest price, .VHM, torn pair of harm's
William Winter, th" well-known litter
nteur ami dramatic critic of the New York
Tribune, h;w been inndo a I.L.D. by llrowu
Lord Chief Justice P.nwell, of F.nglnnd,
has gone lia'k to tho old custom of "rlillng
eln'uit" on horseback from one town
to another.
Thomas M'Kenn ha made n second ilonn
tln of sriO.tKHl to the endowm-nt fund for
broadening tho soopo of the University of
l'"'iiti Ivaiila.
The King of On'ece spends the m-tpt of M
summer on the farm, where he works us lmnl
ns any laborer there. He in said to he ex
pert at nil kind" of farm work.
General H-hollebl says that the buttery
now being constructed on the pitcitle Cmm't
and the two near thl.t city are the threo
llnext in thu world for const 'dofiuce,
Mark Twain's lecture tour, which leKan st
New York July 13, will be, It is sill. I, the most
"xtonslvo one ever planned. It will end In
i.on. Ion, May TJ, ls-.s;, after tie) humorist
shall have circumnavigated the earth.
Kaiser Wilholm is the most ent""iisively
"Ip'sced man In F.uropo. Hi- has 12 naval
ami military uniforms alone, ItcsbloM his gold
uniforms, royal toggery and an extensive
wardrobe of civilian's nuitsof nil kinds.
Cnptnln' Mahnn, United States Navy,
values the degn-- of 1!. A. just eonfern'sl
li poll him by Harvard, biit prizes more highly
th praise of Kals--r Wilhelm, who a I vised
his oftlwrs to not only rend the captain's
Istok, but to sleep with it under their
Kir William Hnreotirt. his wife mid Sir
Thomas Hoe. wliile returning in a carriage
from n political meeting In Dorhv. F.nglaiul,
where iHdh Sir William and Kir Tin Minis are
seeking re-election to Parliament, were at
tacked by a crowd of Unionists, who pelted
them with eloils and refuse. I.ndy Hiircotirt
was hurt, though not s"riously.
Americans are very popular in Mexico,
The highwayman hits taken to the bicycle.
The Drltlsh grain crops promise to lie very
1'orto Iiico has un epidemic of yeilow
Present nuthrnclte coal pricoH are tho low
est in years.
Harvard grudunted C78 student this year
and Yale GTS.
Flour Is now shipped from Tucomn, Wash,
to China or Jnpuu for H a ton.
Missouri's apple crop this year will be tho
largest the State has ever produced.
Tho United States Navy Department hxs
adopted the Lee gun for the use of the navy.
New York City him 24,12:1 gas lumps nnd
2?'J5 cloetrio lights. These cost n million u
Auollier big gob) lln. I hns been made near
Dutte, Montana, and the citizens are rtmiiiiii;
to the place.
There nre Hi',, 000 exhibitors nt the great ex
position at Kioto, Japan, with 2o,0fU article
on exhibition.
The plague is raging at Foo-('how, ,;nri.
It is the same disca-e that devastate 1 11 ng
Kong lust year.
Snow nnd frost visited the famed liana nil
licit of Minnesota an I Wisconsin tie- List
Saturday In June.
The Government's fine new harbor "f ref
uge at Point Judith, it. I., which will c st
1 210,000. is half completed.
New York firemen have been officially noti
fied that their organizations formed to in.
lluenee legislation must disband.
The Inst hob-tailed horse car has been laid
on the shelf lu Omaha, Nob. It was photo
graphed at the en 1 of its last trip.
l'ostmaster-Gein nil Wilson has issued nn
order forbidding Postmasters to draw money
orders payable at their own ofll "e.
This Is n great year for apricots In South
urn California. The crop in Pomouii Ytilii y
alono will amount to about UiO J tuns.
Mrs. Ringer, an age.l woman, of Newark,
N. J., was butted by a goat. whl"li broke her
urin, nud in a week the shock killed her.
The disputed district in French (luliina
will, according to an agreement Ix'tweeu
Frauce uud lira.ll, be governed by dual rub".
The Interior Department decides that t lie
father of a deceased soldier has no pension
able status during thu lifetime of bucli sol
dier's mother.
Consul Savage, al Dundee. Scotland, re
port that the sblioiieiit of potatoes from that
country to tho t'nited States fell olT more
than 27,000 tons last year.
A report comes from Prince I'd ward Is!,
nnd that a parasite has appeared there with
tin overpowering and insatiable appetite (ot
potato bugs, wliii'U speedily disappear be
fore it.
The Chinese residents of Tombstone, Ari
zona, subscribed lib.. rally to the fun. Is for
celebrating tho Fourth of July, and also
contributed a good share of thu uproar ul
that evening.
Accu Atopic, an Africnn from the G irinnn
colony of Togoliiud, Is one of the best stu
deuts In the sclentillc college in Cnsscl, (ior
miiny. Emperor William was once u .rtudcui
in the gymnasium there.
Cambridge College, Fnglaud, having ac.
Copied the challenge of Yale for an nth let lo
contest, arrangements are now being miido to
have it occur on Oi-tolsr 5, lit New York, to
follow the contest between tho New York
and London Athletic Ciulw,
Thu activity in iron nud steel continues,
nnd cotton goods nud wool, pautieularly tho
latter staple, have advanced very rapidly.
A decided change lor the belter is reported
In -the Eastern cities, and nt the South the
outlook Is most encouraging.
Ihe municipal council at Apia, Samoa,
niw passed an ordiuuiice which is tho sub.
jeet of universal ridicule. Owing to the
absence of proper tire-extinguishing Appli
ances, every householder Is now required t
hang up outsl'li) his house threo buckets and
nbrongnxo. Koosouo tins may ho used an
Organising Against Thieves.
Pottawatomie couutv. Oklu. la overrun
with horse thluvea, aud !10 law and order
leagues, consisting ot uearlv 1.00 J uood eltl.
khss of the county have beeu loruied to assist
(c omours Inexlermluatmg the thieves ami
luug. l'ottawotomle couutry is surrounded
by the Indlun territory, aud the robbers have
good hidlUft places for ibelr booty.
Orcat Disaster to an Italian Steamer In
the Oulf of Oenoa.
- - -
Tho Italian stenmers Ortlgln and Marin P.
collided oft IMa Del l'mto, at the entrance ot
the Gulf of Genoa Sunday. Tho latter sunk
nud 14t people were drowned.
Tho .Maria P. was bound from Naples to La
Plata. There ws a crew of 17, hii.i the pass
engers numbered 17:1. Sbo called at Genoa
cu route to her destitution, she was enter
ing the Gulf ol Genoa nt IM o'clock Sunday
morning, when she met the Ortlgln, outbound.
They noticed encb other only when n eolllsl.
on was Inevitable. 'Hie bow ot the Ortlgbt
crashed into the starboard side of the Maria
P., penetrating six yards nud ripping up the
Maria P. like match wood. The water rush
ed lu through the hole and the Marin P. sank
In three minutes. The majority ot thu pass
cngers were asleep nt the tune of the nccblent,
sod had no time to escape after the alarm
wssglveu. Ibey were engulfed with tho
1 be Ortlgla remained on the spot until 4
o'clock lu order to pick up tho survivors.
She rescued fourteen ot the crew andtweuty
eight of the passeuges of the Maria P.
Other steamers have been dispatched to
the scene of tho disaster aud are now search
ing for further survivors.
1 he Ortigia's bow was smashed for a space
of twelve teet along the water line. 1 here Is
some comment up.iu the fact that brought to
niluit by the disaster that the Ortlgln once
collide. 1 en tho same spot with thu I'retich
steamer Oncie Joseph.
At tho conclusion of tbe sitting of tho
chamber at Home the minister ot Murine an
nounced the news of Ihe disaster In tho i-.idst
of a profo'jud seusation, adding that an oHl-
I cer, a seaman, a stoker, aud 141 paweugers
ui mo .nana i . uaii perisneii.
The Ortlgln bad tweuty-llvo passenger en
board, 1 he Maria P's. captain was named
l'errars. '1 lie chamber has ordered nn in
quiry Into the disaster.
i'liu sky was overcast at the time nt the ac
cident nud there was little sea. II. .tli cap
tains were asleep and '1 bird Olllcer Itevollo
was on watch ou the Ortlgln and Sccoud
Olllcer D'Angelo was on wal di on the Maria
P. 'Die orlixbi was going nt the rate of
eleven miles an hour nnd tbe Maria P. nt tlm
rate of eight miles, i'.uth vessels saw the
llghtsof the other nnd continued on their
proper roads until the mistake was made,
it Is not established by whom, which brought
the Marin P. broadside towards the Orllgla.
Unrd Olllcer Itevollo of the Ortlgln saw the
danger and ordered the engines reversed. Iitr.
tlm order enme too late. 'Ihe Ortlgln struck
the Maria P., mnkltg an enormous gap in
her side.
All tlie fioats os the Ortlgla were lowered,
and the crews rescued all they could of the
survivors. The latter, for tho most part, re
main In such a state of terror since the res
cue that they are Hunblo to glvu a singiu de
tail ot the disaster.
("apt. l'errara. who was saved, said that he
was sleeping m his cabin, when ho was awak
ened by cries and shouts and a great noise,
lb" rushed upon deck aud saw tbe Ortlgln
backing oil, while his own ship was sinking.
Seeing that nil was lost, he jumped into the
sea, where ho was picked up by the Ortlgln s
A patisenger named Ilalenn, a Jeweler, win
on board with his wife and three young child
ren. He said that he bail nut turned In wlo'ii
the collision occurred. Unseized two ot the
children and his wife caught up the third,
nnd they ran upon deck uud jumped Into the
The children weighed Mm down, and ha
soon s.iuk after a hard struggle. When he
came to the surface, his children had disap
peared. His wifu had managed to cling to a
piece of wreckage till the Ortigls's boat sav
ed her. Tbey lost everything. Secoud ofll
cer D'Angelo of the Marin P., who was on
watch at that ship when she wa struck bf
OrtlglH, was drowned.
Among the saved Is a child R years old, who
is the only survivor of n family of seveu who
went down with the Id-fated ship. Two of
the Maria P's. seamen were luiured.
The Kniichte Not Likely to Hofuss Nati
onal bank Notes,
General Master Workman Sovereign is out
with un order to Knights of Labor demand
ing that tbey boycott all national bank notes.
'1 he dee'iiratloli Is addressed to the K. of L.
Fanners' Alliance aud kludred bodies, and
holds that "1 lie national banks are respon
sible lor the destruction of tho greenbacks,
aud payment of tho bonds lu coin, thu land
ing sets, the dcuiuui-liutlou of suver, aud all
corrupt llinincial legislation lu this couutry
for the past JO ears. They have boycotted
aud discriminated against every kind of
money thai promised relief to the debtor
class and prosperity to Ihe Industrial class.
'1 hey are boy cotters ol the most cruel kind.
A boycott of this kind will agitate the
money question uud test tho sincerity of some
Uoubllui free sliver advocates.
'I bis I ovcott will precipitate the gn at con
flict, with tbe people on 111") one side and thu
banks ou tho other, and the Issue will be as
sharply drawn as lu the struggle of Andrew
Jncksou with the old l ulled State lluuk 00
years ago. It will force u plutocrat press and
a forelgu money owi r to reveal tbe hidden
baud of American politics, nud "stabllh au
Impassible barrier between the tolllug masses
of America uud tho Sbylocks nud pensioned
lords ol the world. And If an attempt Is madu
to force uatlonal bauk uotes upon tho public
through such chauuul as they are by law
made legal louder, we will estubllsh a re
demption bureau, aud, through existing laws,
force the secretary ot the treasury to unload
the locked-up greenbacks for thu beunlll of
the people,
"i'ii anil after September 1, IWi, lot every
Knight of Labor nud every persou whose lovo
of justice Is above tbe sordid interests ol thu
tyrauts, retusn to accept national bank notes
lu payment of any debt or obligation not
DiaJu nece-sury by the limited lok-ul tcudut
qualities of tho notes."
One Anxiety About the Pres. dent's Uiby
Is Eudsd.
Marlon, a French rondillou of tho musical
name Mary, has been decided upou by Prel
bli'i.t uud Mrs. Cievuluui as the nnrno f jr the
baby burn to them about two weeks ago.
The fact wn4 olllciiilly annoiiucHd k.y private
Secretary Thuruir. When It became known
thai the inline Marlou had been Selected the
peoplu of Ituz.znrdi Hay at 0:100 Impure.! for
whom the child was named. To mis there
could be obtained no other answer than that
the name was suggested by that of the beau,
tlful spot ou the shores ol lluzzsrds Day, in
whlcu Ihe president and his wife passed sev
eral mouths previous to their selection ot
Gray Gables as the site of Ihoir summer borne
Murlou, Mass.
Heavy Eisibjund Tr utile.
The enslboiiud Irntliu ou the I'euusylvsuls
lines Is very heavy. All thu i'auhaudlu
trough iriuus lire now hauling iroiu live to
seven Pulimnu cars. Train No. U came Into
Pittsburg ou huinUy eveuiug lu two sections,
with u total ol IS cars. No, UU continue to
huul extru sleepers 10 accommodule the In
crease of travel. The limited No. J, ou the
Ft. Wayne, is also a bouvy irmu, aud all
other through trams out ol Lulvugo are huul
lu;i extra curs.
Tbe Tawablo Mining Company, IronMouut
alu, Mich., has auuouuood tt 10 per ceut iu
ureuso of wage.
Itnins have assured good Nebraska crops.
tn the Production nf Metals the United
(Mate (Manila First.
In 1800 tho Tutted States produced
one-third of the Tvorld'a pig Iron.
In 1SV0 the Vnlted States produced
over ouo-thlrd of the world's steel.
(Mir I'opjH-r production Is more than
two fifths that of nil other countries.
F.vory inlncrnl and metal of value In
the arts or Industries I found within
the limits of the I lilted States.
Tho United States produced, In 1SS0,
over oiic-foiirtli i f the entire amount
of Iron mined on tlie globe.
In 1S'J3 the ('tilted States liecatne
prominent ns n h ad producer, nud has
since euoriuously Increased the world's
In the production of steel the ( tilted
States stands lltst, largely exceeding
the output of til-cut ltr Haiti, and lu-lng
nearly doutde that of t ieniintiy.
The I'nlted States proilu I In Isim
over two-flftha of all tlie sliver mined In
the- world, tlie next silver pioilm-lng
country In-lng Mexico, with 11 product
of $.-.0,IHKl,(HS.
The I'ulted States produced almost
one-third of the total product of run I
mined during the year 1WM. The total
amount produced ly all the coal minim:
nations was over half 11 Mllloti short
The Cnlted States furnished In 1Vi
-S per cent, or nearly one third of tin
total amount nf obl produced l y the
world. Its leading competitors are Aus
tria and Hussla. the former In the suntc
year producing admit $:im.ihi,isi .mo!
the latter producing nliout ?.'l.Ki,iiri
Accltionliil t'lilsonlng.
Many articles of food decnuie poison
ous tinder certain condition. The po
tato should Ilt be eatt-ti when It hns
commenced to germinate, or whi n It U
green from having deen partly e posed
to the air while growing. The given
parts and the "eyes" contain an un
doubted Kilson, which hns n sharp
taste, nnd Is capnldo of producing par
alysis or even death. M ushrooum
should always I nrefully veiitled dy
it pet-sou thoroughly nctialiit-il with
their peculiarities. All utiliiial f I in
1111 advanced sta'e of decomposition Is
more or less pol-otiotts; for this reason
tinned fish Is never to de triftoil, ns
the fish nre often stale when tinned.
Mussels, again, arc always poisonous,
although the seat and nature of thu
poison lias never deen discovered.
Highest of all in Leavening row. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Absolutely pure
Hoes lie Chew orsmoUe?
If so. It Is only u MU'Vl'Vi'a "f time when
bright eyes rrow dim. ra.uiy stew his' J"i ,
lies, and the vigor ami vitality so onjoyiihh?
How will be destroyed forever. Got a Ismk,
titled "Don't i'ohneco Np't or Hinoke Vmir
l.lf" Away," mid b-nrn how No-To-ll:ie. with
out physical or llnaiielal risk, cures tbe to
bacco habit, brings back the vigorous vital
ity that will make you both happy. No-'lo-pno
sold and guarauttssl to euro hv Drug
gists everywhere. Hook free. Ad. Morlihtf
lb-incdy Co., New York City or Chicago.
The I. a.lles.
The pli ft nnt I ITei t and perfect safety w ith
w liii h hull, s may lire tbe I'aliforiiin lliuid lax
ative, Sirup of Kigs. under nil comlil ions it their Invoiiic n ini dy. To get tho
true nud e. i.illnc nrl n le, lisik for t be name nf
tin 1 abb. r 11 !a Fig ) nip l o., pi inlc 1 in ar tho
but to:u of the 1 aeksc".
One Gives It. lli f.
Tt Is in okvIciI ini-laken almut Indlires.
linn, and Honk there I- s me other troubl,.
Tli- cure is K ins 'rubnli s. One tubule giuvs
relief. A -k any druggist.
Krupp bus made over -jo.aiul guns of large
caliber for the armies ot 1 .11 rope.
t r. Kilmer's Iswahp.IIoot rnres
nil KiiliK')- nnd Plailder iroubles.
1'nmpiilet nnil eoiisultut ion free.
Laboratory i'.lligl allii'toli. N. V.
Street refuse lit Italy Is sold by public
Abs-rl llurcli, West Toledo. Ohio, snysi
" Hull's Caurrh Cui-e saved 111 llle." Writ!
hint tor parlicuinr.i. hold by linugists, 7..c.
Mr. Wlnslow's Soothing Sruti for children
teet bihu'. hi! 11 ns I he gum-, reduces minima
t.un. nllii) s pain, c ures wind iollc..'c a bottle
I cniinot speak to nighly i f l'lso's l nre fur' 11 Mrs, iKivi, Moiuis. St.", I
Mre.'t, N. , el k, Ili-tiil el W. IS'.H.
If sfflleted with soieeyrs us Hr. Tboinn
HjIiV hi u-w ntir. llruiiglsisM-U at jc oc I' but tin
A brown coloring matter is now extneted
from the b-nvvs ot 11 vine,
The stenuishlp Paris keeps up Steam with
he aid of M furnaca llres.
Old Rip Van Winkle went up into the
Cat skill mountains to take a little nap of
twenty years or so, nnd w hen he wakened,
he found that the "cruel war was i.vir,"
the monthly magazines had "fought it
over" the second time and "Mown up"
all the olhi't-rn that had puitii iputcd in it.
This much is history, and it is also an Am
loriial ii I that, it took the same length of
time, for Ir. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery to become the most ci-U-hratid, as
it is the most ciTcctivc, Liver, lllood and
I.uug Remedy of the age. In purifying the
Mood nud 111 all manner of pimples,
blotches, eruptions, aud other skin unci
sculp diseases, scrofulous sores nnd swell
ings, nud kindred ailments, the "Golden
Medical Discovery" manifests the most
fusilh t curative properties.
"The More You Say ihe Less People Remember." One
Word With You.
He Uill Xot Drown lllmirlf.
(from tin TVpu, A'. '., Timr$.)
It. W.-Kdwards, of I.snsln-;burgh, was pros
trated by snn-troko during the and It
lias entailed on hl:n peculiar nnd serious"",'.ii'"ice. At the prc-i nt wrltiiiu Mr. E.
Is n prominent officer of p,.t I.jeti, 1 1. A. It.,
Cob. rs, and a a-t aid d" camp en the staff
of the Coiniliiilnler-ln-chii-f of Albany Co. In
the Interview with a rc erler be i-.ii.;
"I v. in wounded and sent to tlie hospital
nt W ihi h.ter. Tin y scut n.c, too ther wltii
ethers, to Washington -a rhb of about 191
liiilc. Ilaviug no room In the box cars wa
wore pin -d face up on the bottom of fist
cap", l'h. . in bent down upon our unpro
tected hen ;-". W hen I readied Washington
I w.e lii"-i-nil le mi l as un. o!i"ei. u for ten
days while In the hospital. An ab -' s gath
ered in 11. y em- nnd br f ; It has been tnth
criug and breaking e.-r since , Th " re-mlt
of this 100 mile rule nud Miiilr- k- wa- heart
di-ea'e, in nous prostrate r. iiimcmhii and
rheiimittk:n; a completely shuttered suslcin
wlii li gave me no ret nik'lit "-r "lav. Asa
InM re-ort I took some P. nl; Pills an I tliey
liel 4-d me to a won.b 1 Till il. LT" "'. Mv rhen
tuntlsm is gi lie, my heart hiilure, dv-"pea
niel are lit lit g lie, an. I the ab-sce-t
In my ear I. as to pe.t ili-ehargliig and
II v b.-ad feels a cl ar n- a bell, v hen U'fore
It ti lt ns though it would burst, and my oii.v
shuttered iicroti syti in l n. nearly
sound, i.ook at those fingers," Mr. F.d ward's
wild, "do they look as If there wa- any rbeu-mnti-m
tln-re," He muted lo lingers rsiild
ly and freely and stro.b' about the room like
n young boy. "A year ago tin - fingers were
gnarled nt the joint nud so -tifT that I could
let hold a pen. My kii. e- would swell up
and 1 could 11.. t straight" 11 mv legs out. My
loli ts would s"iueak when 1 inoe, them.
Hint Is the living truth.
"When I . ntiie to think Hint I was going
to be crippled with rheumatism, together
with the i. t of luy ailment, 1 tell oii life
seemed le t Worth liwng. 1 suffered trom
di'kl 1 nd.-l.ey. I ei.liti" t begin t" tell yon "
said Mr. Mdwards. as he drew a b ug breath,
"what m n eling is at 1. -i-nt. I think if
y.iu lilted ten ytars ni!bt olT 11 y Hie nnd left
Inn prime and lgoioiis at foitx-seven, I
ci-uld feel no b.-tter. I was mi old man nud
Coiilil 1 lily drag tijisclf 1 amfiilly about the
hoiisi'. S..w I i-nti walk ".(T without any
tr -uble. li nt in it-i'lf. ' continued Mr.
F.ilnnrds, "would I "' "iitln-l" nt to gite me
cans"' b r np icihg', but when you come to
eoiisbb-r that 1 am no longer what you
Inlsht . all iier 11-. ami that my heart Is iip
pnrently nearly In iilthy, and that 1 can sleep
night, Vou may n aiie why I imiv appear to
speak in eMravngiilit praise ot Pink Pills.
'J lo se pills ijuiet 111 nerve-, take that nwful
ite 1. ss..n from my bead nnd nt the same
tune enrich mv Id I. There seemed to I si
no eireiilntiiin lii my lower limbs a year ago,
tii y legs being cold nud lummy nt tlnn-s.
Now the clreuliition there is as full uinl as
brisk ns at any other part of my body. 1
Used !! he so light-headed ami di 'y fruu
my nervous disoiiler that I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v (ell
' While 1 nisslllK III"" Hour of mv house Sia.ilg
Is coming mill 1 never felt letter i n. u:e,
nnd 1 am looking forward t a bi . m .l-111
lf work."
I he Greatest fledlcal Discovery
ol the Ap".
Medical Jiscovery,
Has dlscnyered In ona of our eommo
past 11 re weeds a remedv that cures evsry
liudrl Humor, from the worst fckrofui
own to a common plmpK
lie has tried It 111 over eleven hundred
rnses, and never failoil eieept In twocasns
(both thunder humor). Il has now Is
his possession over two hundred cortln
catos of Its value, all within tw-ntv mllss
Of Hostoii. Seud postal card for book.
A ts'hetlt Is always eipuriuiicsd fromths
Irst buttle, nud a perfect cure Is warranted
When the right iiiuntlty is taksn.
When the lungs are affected it cansat
hooting pains, ilkn needle parsing
through thstn ; the tame with tha I.lvar
r llowela. This Is cause I by tbs ducts
swing stoipd,anl always disappears In
week after tuking it. head tlm label.
If tlie stoma-ih Is foul or bilious It will
M ne iuea i.lsh fevllngs at 11 rat.
No cluing" of dlt ever neceaiary. Est
the best you can get, and enough of It
liose, one tiiblespoiinful in wntsr at bai
tltnd. bold bv ull ltruL'.-1-.t
r i' ;to
EW1S' 98 X LYE
Powderod and Perfnmsd.
J It fr.isifr' mi l purf I.VB
mtvli. Chi in oili. T ii t-rluf
rti.t (Mtwil.T tnl i-a tttl to a ca
Klib riniiv; I d, itir roiiictita r
alwi-yi niily f.r uf. M ill msh
tut bft iM iunil Huril Nftt tn Su
inlnutt'tt wtthnut httihutf ( lit lb
hent fir t-tfrfntntj MHNtt iHt, 1 ts
luft .Miiitr miikM. cloMi, wiMhlutf
U'tfti'M, I lllllU. Iltws, ( If
Vk. A. J A I.T III-13. i'ii..
I Kill 1 ' I !'' tttllH'lllM, ,lisi'li t Mir Ni.
IriilH.K 1 1 1 'i in l, t'li'iMliii uiit ( fi'Mi.l lu 'tin
i i'kl 1111 rit'r-.lou 1 ttul n t"'tn: ilniiMt
l'l-iini. 1 alt'- Nw iiH.i-i llt'iirt uiiiriMi ia
tlm r.litnr. I'rlic.1 11 win-. It..- WI KKI.V
( ( Kl. If-.l"l I ( N A I . in-A--- viy lil. itil t.'Mh
tn iiu ul Sniiiplt' c tj'lfh 'l tin- 'H ' t 'Hi pr-
II 1 1 It II I Slli'lfllH'MI ht'llt I I In it 1 1 V ttl -Irt-Mst
Writ., tt. MM 1(1 1 It. IOI ICNAI. MM I AW,
.iiii1m III, Ivy,
ims-tliiril siers tuttvi- ssl ut SicSsr
(jiisllly II. n b oihsr kms uilm
s.i from I lu 1,0.4 Cnwi. Psasklsl
Miulad Prsa, A(nts Wanted
Pavis iiASKis hi. on. ash aro.
CU., Bul Msiiuftcturvf t, I'tiicstfo, 111.
s s anti sil ic sm 1.1 psieuisuju or
tiWDiun. .-M-iitl Inr invvuii.rM ifui.W, or liuw lutfsis
lliul. Ulllilk ' AlihUlL. Washisutus 1.J
tlhlS WHtHl ALL tlbt I
Dost I oi.mb trun. Tsytes I
iails. ir
L.ood. CsrP I
in luna s..i.i e iiriiinr im mm